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Contemporary debates around the ontological turn have pitted efforts to take indigenous ontologies seriously against demands to make visible the forms of dispossession and environmental suffering that characterize the (post)colonial and capitalist present. Meanwhile, a growing array of governmental projects seeks to identify and protect indigenous ontologies in the face of capitalist development processes, including through forms of collective tenure. How can we make sense of such initiatives, and what kind of territories do they encounter and produce? This paper engages this question ethnographically through an examination of everyday life in a legally recognized Native Community Land in the Bolivian Chaco. Drawing on Bolivian Aymara scholar Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui’s notion of ch’ixi, I argue that indigenous territories are neither ontologically separate from, nor entirely subsumed by, capitalist development processes. Rather, they are subject to multiple land values, ontologies, and investments. A contested indigenous land titling process, capitalist labor relations, hydrocarbon compensation money, and efforts to maintain relations with spirit beings are all interwoven in the fabric of Guaraní everyday life. Such ch’ixi landscapes emerge at the confluence of capitalist efforts at rendering territories investable, governmental efforts at managing dispossession, and Guaraní efforts to maintain life and exercise territorial sovereignty amidst contradictory processes of (post)colonial governmentality.  相似文献   

Excavations at Bonneville Estates Rockshelter, Nevada recovered rodent remains from stratified deposits spanning the past ca. 12,500 14C yr BP (14,800 cal yr BP). Specimens from horizons dating to the late Pleistocene and early Holocene include species adapted to montane and moist and cool habitats, including yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris) and bushy-tailed woodrat (Neotoma cinerea). Shortly after 9000 14C BP (10,200 cal yr BP) these mammals became locally extinct, or nearly so, taxonomic diversity declined, and the region became dominated by desert woodrats (Neotoma lepida) and other species well-adapted to xeric, low-elevation settings. The timing and nature of changes in the Bonneville Estates rodent fauna are similar to records reported from nearby Homestead and Camels Back caves and provide corroborative data on terminal Pleistocene–early Holocene environments and mammalian responses to middle Holocene desertification. Moreover, the presence of northern pocket gopher (Thomomys talpoides) at Bonneville Estates adds to a sparse regional record for that species and, similar to Homestead Cave, it appears that the ca. 9500 14C yr BP (10,800 cal yr BP) replacement of the northern pocket gopher by Botta's pocket gopher in the Great Salt Lake Desert vicinity was also in response to climate change.  相似文献   

Relationships between the communities and environment surrounding these communities can be disclosed by the application of different archeological, geological and environmental historical methods. This includes the deployment of numerous tools in scientific investigation including the application of chronological, sedimentological, geochemical and paleoecological analytical methods on sequences accumulated in historical catchment basins of peat-bog. The Nádas-tó at Nagybárkány is a small peatbog in the northern part of Hungary, on the Sub-Carpathian region. The formation of the lake can be traced back to the Late Glacial period. The sediments deposited in the lakebed provide a record of climatic and hydrologic changes. A higher water level could be demonstrated from the Late Glacial to the Mid-Holocene, when the reed-beds covered a small area only. This was followed by a hiatus spanning ca. 4400 years, caused by the deepening and cleaning of the lakebed during the Late Iron / Imperial Age, between 2100 - 1900 cal BP years. After this change the water level decreased and the water quality was more eutrophic. A reed-bed evolved around the lake. Paludification started with a bulrush floating mat phase at the close of the Middle Age, ca. 1500 cal AD years. The endowments and settlement pattern persisted from the Neolithic onwards until the terminal Modern Age, when measures aimed to ordain the area substantially altered the natural landscape. Although some anthropogenic disturbances can be reconstructed in the development of the peatland, some climatic effects and authogenic processes might be separated by paleoecological analyses.  相似文献   

The concepts of the role of catastrophic breakthroughs of ice- and rock-dammed and thermokarst lakes in West Siberia in the Late Neopleistocene–Holocene are systematized. The Late Neopleistocene glacial maximum in the mountains and on the plain was obviously at the same time, at 90–60 ka. It has been revealed that the basal part of the Late Quaternary cyclic three-stage upper Ob' River terrace is formed by catafluvial sediments including boulder-gravels, which descend from the valley edge beneath the water line. The Early Karginian (Kharsoimian) marine layers are spatially related to the valleys of the rushed waters of ice-dammed Lake Ermakovskoe. Substantiation is given to the concept of catastrophic flows that arrived at the plain from the Pamir and Tien Shan mountains in the Holocene Optimum and carried the Aral microfauna through the Turgai trough into the Lake Chany area. Floods resulted from the breakthrough of thermokarst lakes in the north of the West Siberian plain were typical in Karginian and Holocene time. The breakthroughs of moraine-dammed basins in the Altai Mountains took place mainly in Karginian time, whereas the breakthroughs of rock-dammed lakes, in the Sartan and Holocene epochs.  相似文献   

The climates on the eastern Tibetan Plateau are strongly influenced by direct insolation heating as well as monsoon-derived precipitation change. However, the moisture and temperature influences on regional vegetation and climate have not been well documented in paleoclimate studies. Here we present a well-dated and high-resolution loss-on-ignition, peat property and fossil pollen record over the last 10,000 years from a sedge-dominated fen peatland in the central Zoige Basin on the eastern Tibetan Plateau and discuss its ecological and climatic interpretations. Lithology results indicate that organic matter content is high at 60–80% between 10 and 3 ka (1 ka = 1000 cal yr BP) and shows large-magnitude fluctuations in the last 3000 years. Ash-free bulk density, as a proxy of peat decomposition and peatland surface moisture conditions, oscillates around a mean value of 0.1 g/cm3, with low values at 6.5–4.7 ka, reflecting a wet interval, and an increasing trend from 4.7 to 2 ka, suggesting a drying trend. The time-averaged mean carbon accumulation rates are 30.6 gC/m2/yr for the last 10,000 years, higher than that from many northern peatlands. Tree pollen (mainly from Picea), mostly reflecting temperature change in this alpine meadow-forest ecotonal region, has variable values (from 3 to 34%) during the early Holocene, reaches the peak value during the mid-Holocene at 6.5 ka, and then decreases until 2 ka. The combined peat property and pollen data indicate that a warm and wet climate prevailed in the mid-Holocene (6.5–4.7 ka), representing a monsoon maximum or “optimum climate” for the region. The timing is consistent with recent paleo-monsoon records from southern China and with the idea that the interplays of summer insolation and other extratropical large-scale boundary conditions, including sea-surface temperature and sea-level change, control regional climate. The cooling and drying trend since the mid-Holocene likely reflects the decrease in insolation heating and weakening of summer monsoons. Regional synthesis of five pollen records along a south–north transect indicates that this climate pattern can be recognized all across the eastern Tibetan Plateau. The peatland and vegetation changes in the late Holocene suggest complex and dramatic responses of these lowland and upland ecosystems to changes in temperature and moisture conditions and human activities.  相似文献   

Gras  Rutger  Geluk  Mark 《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1999,78(1):1-19
Analysis of the Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Peel Block reveals the basin development of the block to have been influenced by both the inversion of the Roer Valley Graben and Central Netherlands Basin, and the overall Late Cretaceous transgression. Sediments of Santonian to Danian age were deposited on the block. These sediments are compared with the detailed lithostratigraphy of southern Limburg, where Late Cretaceous strata are exposed. Four successions can be recognised in southern Limburg. The two oldest successions, the Santonian Oploo Formation (new name, proposed in the present contribution) and the mainly Early Campanian Vaals Formation, are restricted to the central and northern parts of the block. These siliciclastic formations were deposited under the influence of inversion of the Roer Valley Graben and the Central Netherlands Basin, as well as under the influence of a rising sea level. Towards the north, sands of the Oploo Formation grade into marls and chalks of the Ommelanden Formation. The two youngest successions comprise the largely Late Campanian to Maastrichtian Gulpen and Maastricht Formations and the Danian Houthem Formation. These chalk formations were deposited under the influence of regional subsidence during a sea-level highstand. Subsequent to deposition of the Houthem Formation, a regional regression triggered a change from shallow-marine carbonate to paralic siliciclastic deposition.  相似文献   

The Late Quaternary history of climate and deposition environments in the western Todzha basin has been reconstructed from the respective lacustrine and fluvial deposits. Data from sedimentary sections have provided clues to the causes and timing of sudden deposition changes, including those associated with Holocene tectonic activity in the Taskyl fault. Especially informative are permafrost, diatom, spore-pollen, and tree-ring data from a section at the Merzly Yar locality where frozen ground has preserved the pristine rhythmic pattern of sediments. The Merzly Yar section stores a record of dramatic consequences of large earthquakes generated by the fault which produced a large damlake. The revealed pattern of discontinuous limnic deposition, with prominent tree markers and syngenetic ice wedges, places exact constraints on the stratigraphy of the section and allows its correlation with Holocene climate events within the intervals of fossil soils and vegetation.  相似文献   

Holocene relative shore-level changes and development of the Ģipka palaeolagoon in the western Gulf of Riga are reconstructed using multiproxy analyses by combining litho-, biostratigraphical and chronological data with remote sensing and geophysical data. The results show the development of the Ģipka basin from the Ancylus Lake/Initial Litorina Sea coastal zone (before c. 9.1 cal. ka BP) to coastal fen (c. 9.1 to 8.4 cal. ka BP) and gradual development of the Litorina Sea lagoon (c. 8.4 to 4.8 cal. ka BP) and its transition to a freshwater coastal lake (c. 4.8 to 4.6 cal. ka BP), fen (c. 4.6 to 4.2 cal. ka BP), and river floodplain (since c. 4.2 cal. ka BP). The highest shorelines of the Ancylus Lake and Litorina Sea were mapped at an elevation of 12–11 and 9 m a.s.l., respectively. A new relative shore level (RSL) curve for the western Gulf of Riga was constructed based on RSL data from the Ģipka area and from nearby Ruhnu Island studied earlier. The reconstruction shows that the beginning of the last marine transgression in the western Gulf of Riga started at c. 8.4 cal. ka BP, and concurred with the 1.9 m RSL rise event recorded from the North Sea basin. Diatom analysis results indicate the existence of the Ģipka lagoon between c. 7.7 and 4.8 cal. ka BP, with the highest salinity c. 6.1 cal. ka BP. During the existence of the brackish lagoon, settlement sites of the Neolithic hunter–gatherer groups existed on the shores of the lagoon in the period c. 6.0 to 5.0 cal. ka BP.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The Central part of the Oka Plateau lying in the East Sayan Mountains is still a poorly studied area of southern Siberia as regards its paleogeography. This gap can be...  相似文献   

This study presents the first multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic history for northern South America based on the palaeolimnological reconstruction of a pond located in a dry paramo at 3570 masl. During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the study area was under glacial conditions, then during global events Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1), Bølling–Allerød (BA), and the Younger Dryas (YD), the pond expanded, accumulation rates and proxies for erosion reached the highest values, indicative of humid conditions, with maxima in humidity during the BA and YD. Dry conditions and pond desiccation occurred in the Greenlandian–Northgrippian and by 6010 cal a bp the area was transformed into the mire of today. Comparisons with records from other sites in South America indicate that changes in humidity are most likely controlled by the Intertropical Convergence Zone, mainly during the glacial and postglacial, and by changes in the Pacific Ocean, more pronounced after the YD.  相似文献   

Fire and vegetation records at the City of Rocks National Reserve (CIRO), south-central Idaho, display the interaction of changing climate, fire and vegetation along the migrating front of single-leaf pinyon (Pinus monophylla) and Utah juniper (Juniperus osteosperma). Radiocarbon dating of alluvial charcoal reconstructed local fire occurrence and geomorphic response, and fossil woodrat (Neotoma) middens revealed pinyon and juniper arrivals. Fire peaks occurred ~ 10,700–9500, 7200–6700, 2400–2000, 850–700, and 550–400 cal yr BP, whereas ~ 9500–7200, 6700–4700 and ~ 1500–1000 cal yr BP are fire-free. Wetter climates and denser vegetation fueled episodic fires and debris flows during the early and late Holocene, whereas drier climates and reduced vegetation caused frequent sheetflooding during the mid-Holocene. Increased fires during the wetter and more variable late Holocene suggest variable climate and adequate fuels augment fires at CIRO. Utah juniper and single-leaf pinyon colonized CIRO by 3800 and 2800 cal yr BP, respectively, though pinyon did not expand broadly until ~ 700 cal yr BP. Increased fire-related deposition coincided with regional droughts and pinyon infilling ~ 850–700 and 550–400 cal yr BP. Early and late Holocene vegetation change probably played a major role in accelerated fire activity, which may be sustained into the future due to pinyon–juniper densification and cheatgrass invasion.  相似文献   

The Late Ordovician Wufengian sediments in western Zhejiang include three facies: 1) graptolite shale facies, composed of two parts--the upper part the Yankou Formation, with the Diplograplus bohemicus(graptolite) zone and Dalmanitina sp.(trilobite), and the lower part the yuqian Formation with four graptolite zones:(4) the Paraorthograptus yuqianensis zone,(3) the Climacograptus venustus zone,(2) the Dicellograptus szechuanensis zone and(1) the Pseudoclimacograptus anhuiensis zone; 2) mixed facies, consisting of the Wenchang Formation in its upper part and the Changwu Formation in its lower; and 3) shelly limestone facies, whose upper and lower parts are separately the Wenchang Formation and Sanjushan Formation, containing Taeniolites, Proheliolites, etc. In this region the Dalmanitina-Hirnantia bed is well exposed,and Da. and H. are associated with Diplograptus bohemicus, belonging to the late Late Ordovician.The Ordovician-Silurian boundary is drawn as follows:(1) for the graptolite facies, it lies between the Diplograptus bohemicus zone and Glyptograptus persculptus zone;(2) for the graptolite-sheny limestone facies(brachiopod fauna), it is placed between the top of the Diplograptus bohemicus zone and the base of the horizon with the Eospirifer fauna; and 3) for the shelly facies(brachiopod fauna), it is drawn between the top of the horizon with the Dalmanitina-Hirnantia fauna and thebase of the horizon with the Eospirifer fauna.  相似文献   

The lagoonal and shallow marine sediments of the Penarth Group in the UK span the Triassic–Jurassic boundary. These sediments contain several disturbed levels with soft sediment deformations (SSDs), such as synsedimentary faults, injective domes, recumbent folds and slumps that are recognised in most basins from SW England and South Wales to NW Northern Ireland. Field observations, notably the close link of the SSDs to active faults, attest an earthquake origin of the SSDs. Fluids, faults, overpressure and lithology guided the style of the SSDs and their distribution in the sedimentary sections. Analysis of the directional data relating to SSDs in each disturbed level shows preferred orientations of deformation, which correspond to the local state of stress at the time. We favour a series of earthquakes, rather than a single mega-event as a trigger of the observed features. The active local extensional tectonic context was driven by the opening of the Permo-Triassic basins in Western Europe. The data from the SSDs in the UK suggest the development of a multi-directional, mosaic-style extensional context to occur during this early phase of the break-up of Pangea. Our integrated tectonic/sedimentary study suggests that directional data from faults, injective domes, recumbent folds and slumps preserved in sediments are reliable to reconstruct past seismic activity and basin geodynamics.  相似文献   

Five cores from the southern Tyrrhenian and Ionian seas were studied for their tephra and cryptotephra content in the 4.4–2.0 ka time interval. The chronological framework for each core was obtained by accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dating, the occurrence of distinct marker tephra and stratigraphic correlation with adjacent records. Tephrochronology allowed us to correlate the analyzed deposits with tephra markers associated with Somma-Vesuvius (79 ad ), Ischia Island (Cretaio), Mt Etna (FG, FL and FS) and Campi Flegrei (Astroni-Agnano Monte Spina) events. For the first time in the marine setting, a large single glass data set is provided for the Late Holocene Etnean marker beds including the FS tephra (ca. 4.3 ka). Moreover, unknown deposits from Lipari (ca. 2.2–2.0 ka) and Vulcano (3.6–3.3 ka) are also recognized at more distal sites than previously reported. These results contribute to improve the high-resolution tephrostratigraphic framework of the central Mediterranean Sea. They also provide new insights into the chemical composition and dispersal pattern of tephras that can be used as inter-archive tools for regional and ‘local’ stratigraphic correlations and for addressing paleoclimate research.  相似文献   

The Rı́mac and Chillón Rivers eroded deep valleys on the Lima coastal plain during the Late Miocene (before ca. 5.3 Ma), due to at least 485 m of uplift produced by the Nazca Ridge, combined with a sea level lowstand of around −50 m. The main paleo-Rı́mac channel along the southeastern boundary of the alluvial cone was apparently deflected by the Lima Anticline and reached the sea in the vicinity of Morro Solar, whereas the paleo-Chillón ran largely parallel to the anticline, breaching it to enter the Pacific at present-day Magdalena. These valleys were filled by fine-grained sediments, possibly during marine transgression at 1.7 Ma, which was followed by uplift and regression to below present sea level. Meltwater surges from the Andean Cordillera during subsequent interglacial stades caused an accumulation of coarse, reworked glacial moraine in the Rı́mac and Chillón fans, forming the Lima Conglomerate and drowning the Lima Anticline. The Rı́mac and Chillón Rivers subsequently migrated north and westward, possibly in response to tectonic tilting of the landscape, causing silt and mud to accumulate in abandoned channels along the southeastern boundary of the fan.  相似文献   

On the basis of a study of the acanthomorphic acritarchs discovered in the Late Proterozoicto Early Cambrian Meishucunian Stage in different regions of China, especially in southernShaanxi and the Yangtze Platform, coupled with a study of the assemblages, morphological cor-relation, microstructure, and evolutional relations of the acanthorphic acritarchs, as well as awide correlation with those found in different regions of the world, the authors discuss the earlyevolutionary stages of the acanthomorphs, features of their assemblages in various stages, theirbiostratigraphical significance, and their evolutionary trend in China.  相似文献   

It is increasingly argued that we are entering into a “biotech century”, in which biotechnology promises major advances in agricultural productivity. The development of biotechnology is not a straightforward affair, however, and the advent of GMOs has led to public protest and consumer resistance. This paper draws upon a comparative Australian-UK project concerned with the role of regulation and governance in mediating the debates and managing the associated risks. Regulatory responses and the mediation of conflicts by the Australian and UK governments have been shaped by the institutional and policy environments in these two countries. The implications of these public debates and regulatory responses for the capture of competitive opportunities are considered. The fact that the two countries have broadly similar systems of governance and regulation reveals how alike the circumstances are in many respects. But at the same time there are important differences in both the style and the content of the policy debates. In both the UK and Australia, the respective central governments remain committed to a ‘biotechnology future’. Against this background, there is little doubt that the choices about biotechnology will play a defining role in shaping the future of rural places.  相似文献   

The geomorphological study by means of remote sensing imagery of the Rio Pastaza Megafan (Ecuador and northern Peru) reveals the traces of numerous avulsions. One hundred and eight avulsion sites have been defined. The location of these sites, the available radiocarbon ages as well as historical maps of the seventeenth century, enable us to propose an evolution history of the migration and avulsions of the Rio Pastaza since the Last Glacial Maximum. The first avulsions of the Río Pastaza occurred after the LGM in a zone close to and roughly parallel to the sudandean front, where the developed avulsion gave a distributive pattern to the ancient stream of the Río Pastaza in an area located between the modern Río Morona and Pastaza, where they caused the Rio Pastaza to develop a fan-like distributary pattern. This is interpreted as a response to thrust-related forelimb tilt, progressively shifting eastward the Rio Pastaza and the apex of the megafan. This sequence of events ended with the Great Diversion of the Rio Pastaza towards the modern Rios Corrientes and Tigre. Avulsions occurred in the Tigre-Corrientes Area between 9200 and 8,500 years Cal BP. Afterwards, the Río Pastaza was diverted to its present-day north–south course. This last significant avulsion occurred before AD 1691. In the area located between the modern Río Morona and Pastaza, avulsion frequency—probably overestimated—ranges between 100 and 200 years. In the Ríos Tigre and Corrientes area, avulsion frequency—probably underestimated—ranges from 300 to 400 years. Regional tectonics is likely to have triggered most of the avulsions in the Morona Pastaza area but its influence is restricted to this area. The factors controlling the avulsions in the Tigre-Corrientes area are less clear because the frequently described “hydrologic”-driven avulsion as observed in areas characterized by contrasted hydrologic cycles are inconsistent with the characteristics of the hydrologic cycles of the Rio Pastaza.  相似文献   

Geotectonics - The geological and sedimentological interpretation of several time and deep seismic profiles within junction zone of the Volga‒Ural area of the East European Platform,...  相似文献   

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