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Steady-state element release rates from crystalline basalt dissolution at far-from-equilibrium were measured at pH from 2 to 11 and temperatures from 5 to 75 °C in mixed-flow reactors. Steady-state Si and Ca release rates exhibit a U-shaped variation with pH where rates decrease with increasing pH at acid condition but increase with increasing pH at alkaline conditions. Silicon release rates from crystalline basalt are comparable to Si release rates from basaltic glass of the same chemical composition at low pH and temperatures ?25 °C but slower at alkaline pH and temperatures ?50 °C. In contrast, Mg and Fe release rates decrease continuously with increasing pH at all temperatures. This behaviour is interpreted to stem from the contrasting dissolution behaviours of the three major minerals comprising the basalt: plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine. Calcium is primarily present in plagioclase, which exhibits a U-shaped dissolution rate dependence on pH. In contrast, Mg and Fe are contained in pyroxene and olivine, minerals whose dissolution rates decrease monotonically with pH. As a result, crystalline basalt preferentially releases Mg and Fe relative to Ca at acidic conditions. The injection of acidic CO2-charged fluids into crystalline basaltic terrain may, therefore, favour the formation of Mg and Fe carbonates rather than calcite. Element release rates estimated from the sum of the volume fraction normalized dissolution rates of plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine are within one order of magnitude of those measured in this study.  相似文献   

We dissolved Boulder Creek Granodiorite in a plug flow reactor for 5794 h at pH = 1 and T = 25 °C. The primary purpose of the experiment was to identify controls on dissolved δ44/40Ca, δ44/42Ca, and δ26/24Mg values during granite weathering. Herein, we also examine the origin of Ca and Mg isotopic variability among minerals composing the Boulder Creek Granodiorite, and we constrain fundamental characteristics of granite weathering important for quantifying the elemental and isotopic geochemistry of the reactor output. Nine Ca-bearing minerals display an 8.80‰ range of δ44/40Ca values and a 0.51‰ range of δ44/42Ca values. Three Mg-bearing minerals display a 1.53‰ range of δ26/24Mg values. These ranges expressed at the mineralogical scale are higher than the ranges thus far reported for bulk igneous rocks. Most of the δ44/40Ca variability reflects 40Ca enrichment in K-feldspar, and to a lesser extent, biotite, due to the radioactive decay of 40K over the 1.7 Ga age of the rock, whereas the entire range of δ44/42Ca values reflects mass-dependent isotope fractionation during igneous differentiation and crystallization. The range of δ26/24Mg values may represent either fractionation during the chloritization of biotite or interaction of the Boulder Creek Granodiorite with Mg-rich metamorphic fluids having low δ26/24Mg values.The elemental and isotopic composition of the reactor output varied substantially during the experiment. We synthesize the mineralogical and fluid data using coupled mass-conservation equations solved at non-steady-state. Model calculations reveal an intricate balance between increasing specific surface area and decreasing mineral concentrations. While surface area normalized dissolution rate constants were time-invariant, specific surface area increased as a power-law function of time through positive feedbacks between mechanical disaggregation, chemical dissolution, and mineral depletion. Variations in dissolved δ44/40Ca, δ44/42Ca, and δ26/24Mg values reflect conservative mixing rather than fractionation. Apatite and calcite initially control δ44/40Ca and δ44/42Ca values, followed by biotite, titanite, epidote, hornblende, and plagioclase. The release of radiogenic 40Ca clearly defines the period where biotite dissolution dominates. The brucite layer of chlorite initially controls δ26/24Mg values, followed by biotite, the TOT layer of chlorite, and hornblende. Through direct isotopic tracking, these results demonstrate that trace minerals, such as apatite and calcite in the case of Ca and brucite in the case of Mg, dominate elemental release during the incipient stages of granite weathering. The results further show that biotite dissolution dominates the middle stages of granite weathering and that plagioclase dissolution only becomes important during relatively late stages. The Ca and Mg isotope variations associated with these stages are distinct and potentially resolvable in soil mineral weathering studies.  相似文献   

To understand the aqueous species important for transport of rhenium under supercritical conditions, we conducted a series of solubility experiments on the Re–ReO2 buffer assemblage and ReS2. In these experiments, pH was buffered by the K–feldspar–muscovite–quartz assemblage; in sulfur-free systems was buffered by the Re–ReO2 assemblage; and and in sulfur-containing systems were buffered by the magnetite–pyrite–pyrrhotite assemblage. Our experimental studies indicate that the species ReCl4 0 is dominant at 400°C in slightly acidic to near-neutral, and chloride-rich (total chloride concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 1.0 M) environments, and ReCl3 + may predominate at 500°C in a solution with total chloride concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 M. The results also demonstrate that the solubility of ReS2 is about two orders of magnitude less than that of ReO2. This finding not only suggests that ReS2 (or a ReS2 component in molybdenite) is the solubility-controlling phase in sulfur-containing, reducing environments but also implies that a mixing process involving an oxidized, rhenium-containing solution and a solution with reduced sulfur is one of the most effective mechanisms for deposition of rhenium. In analogy with Re, TcS2 may be the stable Tc-bearing phase in deep geological repositories of radioactive wastes.  相似文献   

The sediments in the Salford Quays, a heavily-modified urban water body, contain high levels of organic matter, Fe, Zn and nutrients as a result of past contaminant inputs. Vivianite [Fe3(PO4)· 8H2O] has been observed to have precipitated within these sediments during early diagenesis as a result of the release of Fe and P to porewaters. These mineral grains are small (<100 μm) and micron-scale analysis techniques (SEM, electron microprobe, μ-EXAFS, μ-XANES and Raman) have been applied in this study to obtain information upon the structure of this vivianite and the nature of Zn uptake in the mineral. Petrographic observations, and elemental, X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopic analysis confirms the presence of vivianite. EXAFS model fitting of the FeK-edge spectra for individual vivianite grains produces Fe–O and Fe–P co-ordination numbers and bond lengths consistent with previous structural studies of vivianite (4O atoms at 1.99–2.05 Å; 2P atoms at 3.17–3.25 Å). One analysed grain displays evidence of a significant Fe3+ component, which is interpreted to have resulted from oxidation during sample handling and/or analysis. EXAFS modelling of the Zn K-edge data, together with linear combination XANES fitting of model compounds, indicates that Zn may be incorporated into the crystal structure of vivianite (4O atoms at 1.97 Å; 2P atoms at 3.17 Å). Low levels of Zn sulphate or Zn-sorbed goethite are also indicated from linear combination XANES fitting and to a limited extent, the EXAFS fitting, the origin of which may either be an oxidation artifact or the inclusion of Zn sulphate into the vivianite grains during precipitation. This study confirms that early diagenetic vivianite may act as a sink for Zn, and potentially other contaminants (e.g. As) during its formation and, therefore, forms an important component of metal cycling in contaminated sediments and waters. Furthermore, for the case of Zn, the EXAFS fits for Zn phosphate suggest this uptake is structural and not via surface adsorption.  相似文献   

Dissociation constants of aqueous ion pairs HCl0 and HBr0 derived in the literature from vapor pressure and supercritical conductance measurements Quist and Marshall 1968b, Frantz and Marshall 1984 were used to calculate the standard partial molal thermodynamic properties of the species at 25°C and 1 bar. Regression of the data with the aid of revised Helgeson-Kirkham-Flowers equations of state Helgeson et al 1981, Tanger 1988, Shock et al 1989 resulted in a set of equations-of-state parameters that permits accurate calculation of the thermodynamic properties of the species at high temperatures and pressures. These properties and parameters reproduce generally within 0.1 log unit (with observed maximum deviation of 0.23 log unit) the log K values for HBr0 and HCl0 given by Quist and Marshall (1968b) and Frantz and Marshall (1984), respectively, at temperatures to 800°C and pressures to 5 kbar.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous fluid equilibria in the second-type H2O-Na2CO3 system in the presence of SiO2 or SiO2 + NaAlSi3O8 were studied experimentally. Phase diagrams of the second-type systems are briefly described. Fluid inclusions in quartz were synthesized by healing of fractures in 1 M Na2CO3 solution at 700°C and under 1, 2, and 3 kbar pressure. Some runs were carried out in the presence of albite gel. The microthermomemtric study of the synthesized inclusions showed that under experimental conditions the fluid was heterogeneous and did not remain inert with respect to quartz and albite. Some inclusions contained a glass-like phase, and liquid released from this phase by heating. Having been heated, some inclusions revealed liquid immiscibility. Comparison of the water-silicate-sodium carbonate system with similar systems containing sodium sulfate and fluoride (Kotel’nikova and Kotel’nikov, 2008, 2010) shows that they have much in common. In all cases, the aqueous salt-bearing fluid did not remain inert relative to the quartz under relatively low PT conditions. The inclusions entrapped in the upper heterogeneous region revealed immiscibility in the presence of vapor within a temperature range of 200 to 400°C. The solutions of various concentrations, including oversaturated solutions in the presence of solid phase, underwent recurrent heterogenization. Near 400°C, vapor is either dissolved in one of immiscible liquids or absorbs this liquid. When heating progresses to higher temperature, inclusions commonly become unsealed.  相似文献   

The 1986 lethal eruption of Lake Nyos (Cameroon) was caused by a sudden inversion between deep, CO2-loaded bottom lake waters and denser, gas-free surface waters. A deep CO2 source has been found in fluid inclusions which occur predominantly in clinopyroxenes from lherzolitic mantle xenoliths, brought to the surface by the last erupted alkali basalts. P–T conditions of CO2 trapping correspond to a gas density equal (or higher) than that of liquid water. It is suggested that this dense CO2, found in many ultrabasic mantle xenoliths worldwide, has accumulated at km depth, below a column of descending lake water. It may remain in a stable state for a long period, as long as the temperature is above the density inversion temperature for pure H2O/CO2 systems. At an estimated depth of about 3 km, cooling by descending waters (to about 30 °C) induces a density inversion for the upper part of the CO2 reservoir. This causes a constant, regular upstream of low-density CO2 which, in its turn, feeds the shallower lake density inversion.  相似文献   

The reaction path in the MgO–CO2–H2O system at ambient temperatures and atmospheric CO2 partial pressure(s), especially in high-ionic-strength brines, is of both geological interest and practical significance. Its practical importance lies mainly in the field of nuclear waste isolation. In the USA, industrial-grade MgO, consisting mainly of the mineral periclase, is the only engineered barrier certified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for emplacement in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) for defense-related transuranic waste. The German Asse repository will employ a Mg(OH)2-based engineered barrier consisting mainly of the mineral brucite. Therefore, the reaction of periclase or brucite with carbonated brines with high-ionic-strength is an important process likely to occur in nuclear waste repositories in salt formations where bulk MgO or Mg(OH)2 will be employed as an engineered barrier. The reaction path in the system MgO–CO2–H2O in solutions with a wide range of ionic strengths was investigated experimentally in this study. The experimental results at ambient laboratory temperature and ambient laboratory atmospheric CO2 partial pressure demonstrate that hydromagnesite (5424) (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2 · 4H2O) forms during the carbonation of brucite in a series of solutions with different ionic strengths. In Na–Mg–Cl-dominated brines such as Generic Weep Brine (GWB), a synthetic WIPP Salado Formation brine, Mg chloride hydroxide hydrate (Mg3(OH)5Cl · 4H2O) also forms in addition to hydromagnesite (5424).  相似文献   

Biachellaite, a new mineral species of the cancrinite group, has been found in a volcanic ejecta in the Biachella Valley, Sacrofano Caldera, Latium region, Italy, as colorless isometric hexagonal bipyramidal-pinacoidal crystals up to 1 cm in size overgrowing the walls of cavities in a rock sample composed of sanidine, diopside, andradite, leucite and hauyne. The mineral is brittle, with perfect cleavage parallel to {10$ \bar 1 $ \bar 1 0} and imperfect cleavage or parting (?) parallel to {0001}. The Mohs hardness is 5. Dmeas = 2.51(1) g/cm3 (by equilibration with heavy liquids). The densities calculated from single-crystal X-ray data and from X-ray powder data are 2.515 g/cm3 and 2.520 g/cm3, respectively. The IR spectrum demonstrates the presence of SO42−, H2O, and absence of CO32−. Biachellaite is uniaxial, positive, ω = 1.512(1), ɛ = 1.514(1). The weight loss on ignition (vacuum, 800°C, 1 h) is 1.6(1)%. The chemical composition determined by electron microprobe is as follows, wt %: 10.06 Na2O, 5.85 K2O, 12.13 CaO, 26.17 Al2O3, 31.46 SiO2, 12.71 SO3, 0.45 Cl, 1.6 H2O (by TG data), −0.10 −O=Cl2, total is 100.33. The empirical formula (Z = 15) is (Na3.76Ca2.50K1.44)Σ7.70(Si6.06Al5.94O24)(SO4)1.84Cl0.15(OH)0.43 · 0.81H2O. The simplified formula is as follows: (Na,Ca,K)8(Si6Al6O24)(SO4)2(OH)0.5 · H2O. Biachellaite is trigonal, space group P3, a =12.913(1), c = 79.605(5) ?; V = 11495(1) ?3. The crystal structure of biachellaite is characterized by the 30-layer stacking sequence (ABCABCACACBACBACBCACBACBACBABC). The tetrahedral framework contains three types of channels composed of cages of four varieties: cancrinite, sodalite, bystrite (losod) and liottite. The strongest lines of the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d, ? (I, %) (hkl)] are as follows: 11.07 (19) (100, 101), 6.45 (18) (110, 111), 3.720 (100) (2.1.10, 300, 301, 2.0.16, 302), 3.576 (18) (1.0.21, 2.0.17, 306), 3.300 (47) (1.0.23, 2.1.15), 3.220 (16) (2.1.16, 222). The type material of biachellaite has been deposited at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, registration number 3642/1.  相似文献   

Enthalpies of formation of ferrihydrite and schwertmannite were measured by acid solution calorimetry in 5 N HCl at 298 K. The published thermodynamic data for these two phases and ε-Fe2O3 were evaluated, and the best thermodynamic data for the studied compounds were selected.Ferrihydrite is metastable in enthalpy with respect to α-Fe2O3 and liquid water by 11.5 to 14.7 kJ•mol−1 at 298.15 K. The less positive enthalpy corresponds to 6-line ferrihydrite, and the higher one, indicating lesser stability, to 2-line ferrihydrite. In other words, ferrihydrite samples become more stable with increasing crystallinity. The best thermodynamic data set for ferrihydrite of composition Fe(OH)3 was selected by using the measured enthalpies and (1) requiring ferrihydrite to be metastable with respect to fine-grained lepidocrocite; (2) requiring ferrihydrite to have entropy higher than the entropy of hypothetical, well-crystalline Fe(OH)3; and (3) considering published estimates of solubility products of ferrihydrite. The ΔG°f for 2-line ferrihydrite is best described by a range of −708.5±2.0 to −705.2±2.0 kJ•mol−1, and ΔG°f for 6-line ferrihydrite by −711.0±2.0 to −708.5±2.0 kJ•mol−1.A published enthalpy measurement by acid calorimetry of ε-Fe2O3 was re-evaluated, arriving at ΔH°f (ε-Fe2O3) = −798.0±6.6 kJ•mol−1. The standard entropy (S°) of ε-Fe2O3 was considered to be equal to S° (γ-Fe2O3) (93.0±0.2 J•K−1•mol−1), giving ΔG°f (ε-Fe2O3) = −717.8±6.6 kJ•mol−1. ε-Fe2O3 thus appears to have no stability field, and it is metastable with respect to most phases in the Fe2O3-H2O system which is probably the reason why this phase is rare in nature.Enthalpies of formation of two schwertmannite samples are: ΔH°f (FeO(OH)0.686(SO4)0.157•0.972H2O) = −884.0±1.3 kJ•mol−1, ΔH°f (FeO(OH)0.664(SO4)0.168•1.226H2O) = −960.7±1.2 kJ•mol−1. When combined with an entropy estimate, these data give Gibbs free energies of formation of −761.3 ± 1.3 and −823.3 ± 1.2 kJ•mol−1 for the two samples, respectively. These ΔGf° values imply that schwertmannite is thermodynamically favored over ferrihydrite over a wide range of pH (2-8) when the system contains even small concentration of sulfate. The stability relations of the two investigated samples can be replicated by schwertmannite of the “ideal” composition FeO(OH)3/4(SO4)1/8 with ΔG°f = −518.0±2.0 kJ•mol−1.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on burovaite-Ca, the first Ti-dominant member of the labuntsovite group with a calcium D-octahedron. The idealized formula of burovaite-Ca is (K,Na)4Ca2(Ti,Nb)8[Si4O12]4(OH,O)8 · 12H2O. The mineral has been found in the hydrothermal zone of aegirine-microcline pegmatite located in khibinite at Mt. Khibinpakhkchorr, the Khibiny pluton, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Radiaxial intergrowths of burovaite-Ca and labuntsovite-Mn associated with lemmleynite-Ba, analcime, and apophyllite have been identified in caverns within microcline. The mean composition of the mineral is as follows, wt %: 3.72 Na2O, 2.76 K2O, 4.22 CaO, 0.47 SrO, 0.23 BaO, 0.01 MnO, 0.30 Fe2O3, 0.14 Al2O3, 42.02 SiO2, 17.30 TiO2, 15.21 Nb2O5, 12.60 H2O (measured); the total is 98.98. Its empirical formula has been calculated on the basis of [(Si,Al)16O48]: {(Na3.10K1.07Ca0.37Sr0.04Ba0.04)4.62}(Ca1.28Zn0.01)1.29(Ti4.97Nb2.56Fe0.08Ta0.02)7.63(Si15.93Al0.07)16O48(OH6.70O0.93)7.63 · 12H2O. The strongest lines in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern of burovaite-Ca (I-d ?] are as follows: 70–7.08, 40–6.39, 40–4.97, 30–3.92, 40–3.57, 100–3.25, 70–3.11, 50–2.61, 70–2.49, 40–2.15, 50–2.05, 70–1.712, 70–1.577, and 70–1.444. The structure of burovaite-Ca was solved by A.A. Zolotarev, Jr. The mineral is monoclinic, space group C2/m. The unit-cell dimensions are a = 14.529(3), b = 14.203(3), c = 7.899(1), β = 117.37(1)°, V = 1447.57 ?3. Burovaite-Ca is an isostructural Ti-dominant analogue of karupm?llerite-Ca and gjerdingenite-Ca. Two stages of mineral formation—pegmatite proper and hydrothermal—have been recognized in the host pegmatite. The hydrothermal stage included K-Ba-Na, Na-K-Ca, and Na-Sr substages. Burovaite-Ca is related to the intermediate Na-K-Ca substage. At the first substage, labuntsovite-Mn and lemmleynite-Ba were formed, and tsepinite-Na, paratsepinite-Nd, and tsepinite-Sr were formed at the final substage. Thus, the sequence of crystallization of labuntsovite-group minerals is characterized by the replacement of the potassium regime by the sodium regime of alkaline solutions in the evolved host pegmatite.  相似文献   

A new mineral fivegite has been identified in a high-potassium hyperalkaline pegmatite at Mt. Rasvumchorr in the Khibiny alkaline complex of the Kola Peninsula in Russia. This mineral is a product of the hydrothermal alteration of delhayelite (homoaxial pseudomorphs after its crystals up to 2 × 3 × 10 cm in size). Hydrodelhayelite, pectolite, and kalborsite are products of fivegite alteration. The associated minerals are aegirine, potassic feldspar, nepheline, sodalite, magnesiumastrophyllite, lamprophyllite, lomonosovite, shcherbakovite, natisite, lovozerite, tisinalite, ershovite, megacyclite, shlykovite, cryptophyllite, etc. Areas of pure unaltered fivegite are up to 2 mm in width. The mineral is transparent and colorless; its luster is vitreous to pearly. Its Cleavage is perfect (100) and distinct (010). Its Mohs hardness is 4, D(meas) = 2.42(2), and D(calc) = 2.449 g/cm3. Fivegite is optically biaxial positive: α 1.540(1), β 1.542(2), γ 1.544(2), and 2V(meas) 60(10)°. Its orientation is X = a, y = c, and Z = b. Its IR spectrum is given. Its chemical composition (wt %; electron microprobe, H2O determined by selective sorption) is as follows: 1.44 Na2O, 19.56 K2O, 14.01 CaO, 0.13 SrO, 0.03 MnO, 0.14 Fe2O3, 6.12 Al2O3, 50.68 SiO2, 0.15 SO3, 0.14 F, 3.52 Cl, 4.59 H2O; −O = −0.85(Cl,F)2; total 99.66. The empirical formula based on (Si + Al + Fe) = 8 is H4.22K3.44Na0.39Ca2.07Sr0.01Fe0.01Al1.00Si6.99O21.15F0.06Cl0.82(SO4)0.02. The simplified formula is K4Ca2[AlSi7O17(O2 − x OH x ][(H2O)2 − x OH x ]Cl (X = 0−2). Fivegite is orthorhombic: Pm21 n, a = 24.335(2), b = 7.0375(5), c = 6.5400(6) ?, V = 1120.0(2) ?3, and Z = 2. The strongest reflections of the X-ray powder pattern are as follows (d, ?, (I, %), [hkl]): 3.517(38) [020], 3.239(28) [102], 3.072(100) [121, 701], 3.040(46) [420, 800, 302], 2.943 (47) [112], 2.983(53) [121], 2.880 (24) [212, 402], 1.759(30) [040, 12.2.0]. The crystal structure was studied using a single crystal: R hkl = 0.0585. The base of fivegite structure is delhayelite-like two-layer terahedral blocks [(Al,Si)4Si12O34(O4 − x OH x )] linked by Ca octahedral chains. K+ and Cl are localized in zeolite-like channels within the terahedral blocks, whereas H2O and OH occur between the blocks. The mineral is named in memory of the Russian geological and mining engineer Mikhail Pavlovich Fiveg (1899–1986), the pioneering explorer of the Khibiny apatite deposits. The type specimen is deposited at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. The series of transformations is discussed: delhayelite K4Na2Ca2[AlSi7O19]F2Cl—fivegite K4Ca2[AlSi7O17(O2 − x OH x ]Cl—hydrodelhayelite KCa2[AlSi7O17(OH)2](H2O)6 − x .  相似文献   

A synthetic, low-melting rhyolite composition containing TiO2 and iron oxide, with further separate additions of MgO, MnO, and MgO + MnO, was used in hydrothermal experiments to crystallize Ilm-Hem and Usp-Mt solid solutions at 800 and 900°C under redox conditions slightly below nickel–nickel oxide (NNO) to $\approx 3\,\log_{10} f_{{{\text{O}}_{2}}}A synthetic, low-melting rhyolite composition containing TiO2 and iron oxide, with further separate additions of MgO, MnO, and MgO + MnO, was used in hydrothermal experiments to crystallize Ilm-Hem and Usp-Mt solid solutions at 800 and 900°C under redox conditions slightly below nickel–nickel oxide (NNO) to units above the NNO oxygen buffer. These experiments provide calibration of the FeTi-oxide thermometer + oxygen barometer at conditions of temperature and oxygen fugacity poorly covered by previous equilibrium experiments. Isotherms for our data in Roozeboom diagrams of projected %usp vs. %ilm show a change in slope at ≈ 60% ilm, consistent with the second-order transition from FeTi-ordered Ilm to FeTi-disordered Ilm-Hem. This feature of the system accounts for some, but not all, of the differences from earlier thermodynamic calibrations of the thermobarometer. In rhyolite containing 1.0 wt.% MgO, 0.8 wt.% MnO, or MgO + MnO, Usp-Mt crystallized with up to 14% of aluminate components, and Ilm-Hem crystallized with up to 13% geikielite component and 17% pyrophanite component. Relative to the FeTiAlO system, these components displace the ferrite components in Usp-Mt, and the hematite component in Ilm-Hem. As a result, projected contents of ulv?spinel and ilmenite are increased. These changes are attributed to increased non-ideality along joins from end-member hematite and magnetite to their respective Mg- and Mn-bearing titanate and aluminate end-members. The compositional shifts are most pronounced in Ilm-Hem in the range Ilm50–80, a solvus region where the chemical potentials of the hematite and ilmenite components are nearly independent of composition. The solvus gap widens with addition of Mg and even further with Mn. The Bacon–Hirschmann correlation of Mg/Mn in Usp-Mt and coexisting Ilm-Hem is displaced toward increasing Mg/Mn in ilmenite with passage from ordered ilmenite to disordered hematite. Orthopyroxene and biotite crystallized in experiments with added MgO and MgO + MnO; their X Fe varies with and T consistent with equilibria among ferrosilite, annite, and ferrite components, and the chemical potentials of SiO2 and orthoclase in the liquid. Experimental equilibration rates increased in the order: Opx < Bt < Ilm-Hem < Usp-Mag.  相似文献   

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