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For the last 5 a, the authors have been investigating the transport, fate, natural attenuation and ecosystem impacts of inorganic and organic compounds in releases of produced water and associated hydrocarbons at the Osage-Skiatook Petroleum Environmental Research (OSPER) “A” and “B” sites, located in NE Oklahoma. Approximately 1.0 ha of land at OSPER “B”, located within the active Branstetter lease, is visibly affected by salt scarring, tree kills, soil salinization, and brine and petroleum contamination. Site “B” includes an active production tank battery and adjacent large brine pit, two injection well sites, one with an adjacent small pit, and an abandoned brine pit and tank battery site. Oil production in this lease started in 1938, and currently there are 10 wells that produce 0.2–0.5 m3/d (1–3 bbl/d) oil, and 8–16 m3/d (50–100 bbl/d) brine. Geochemical data from nearby oil wells show that the produced water source is a Na–Ca–Cl brine (∼150,000 mg/L TDS), with high Mg, but low SO4 and dissolved organic concentrations. Groundwater impacts are being investigated by detailed chemical analyses of water from repeated sampling of 41 boreholes, 1–71 m deep. The most important results at OSPER “B” are: (1) significant amounts of produced water from the two active brine pits percolate into the surficial rocks and flow towards the adjacent Skiatook reservoir, but only minor amounts of liquid petroleum leave the brine pits; (2) produced-water brine and minor dissolved organics have penetrated the thick (3–7 m) shale and siltstone units resulting in the formation of three interconnected plumes of high-salinity water (5000–30,000 mg/L TDS) that extend towards the Skiatook reservoir from the two active and one abandoned brine pits; and (3) groundwater from the deep section of only one well, BR-01 located 330 m upslope and west of the site, appear not to be impacted by petroleum operations.  相似文献   

Stalagmites are good archives for paleoecological change, as they are easy to date, and contain multiple environmental proxy records, including climatic records from oxygen isotopes. Lipid biomarkers preserved within stalagmites have recently been used to investigate changes in the overlying soil and vegetation. However, the understanding of lipid records from stalagmites is still at an early stage, and is hindered by the low abundances of lipids preserved and the complexity of the organic matter signal. Here the first results of a sequential extraction procedure are presented, that enables examination of the distribution patterns of “free” (solvent extraction) and “bound” (including physically bound within the calcite matrix and chemically bound to macromolecules) lipids in a stalagmite from southern China. In both groups the dominant compounds are saturated fatty acids, which are an order of magnitude more abundant in the “bound” phase. n-alkanes and n-alcohols chiefly appear in the “free” lipids. In contrast, 3-hydroxy acids are predominantly released under strong acid reflux conditions, suggesting a principal input from bacterial membrane compounds. A direct comparison between the present results and the published data from an Ethiopian stalagmite shows significant differences in the lipid signals from separate sites, with a stronger microbial signal in the Chinese sample. This preliminary investigation of lipid distributions in different modes highlights the importance of microbial geochemical processes in karst systems and supports the use of stalagmites in paleoecological reconstruction.  相似文献   

针对"淹埋深-历时-频率"(S, D, F)阈值研究存在的问题,根据土壤学、植物生态学、系统论、地理系统学说以及反演理论等的相关原理,系统分析了湿地(S, D, F)阈值确定的理论和方法。结果表明:在正常情况下,水饱和至地表的最大地下水埋深、湿地植物主要根系分布层下限和沉水植物分布下界淹水深分别是湿地土壤上界、湿地植被上界和湿地下界的S阈值;D阈值只能通过湿地土壤或湿地植被边界界定在水位过程线上反演,稳定湿地边界的D阈值应取与50%频率值对应的D值或D值的多年平均值,波动湿地边界的D阈值是常数;"非正常情况下"湿地的D阈值应参照湿地水文地貌分类的同一区域子类中"正常情况下"的湿地的D阈值;检验D阈值科学性的标准是利用D阈值确定的湿地水文边界必须与湿地土壤边界或湿地植被边界耦合。  相似文献   

The comparative behaviour of Ni, Cu and Zn in the system “mine tailings–ground water–plants” has been investigated at the Ni–Cu mine site operated by INCO Ltd. Thompson Operations, Thompson, Manitoba. Oxidation of sulphide minerals causes the release of metals from exposed tailings containing Ni ∼2000 ppm, Cu ∼150 ppm and Zn ∼100 ppm to the ground water, which contains 350 mg/L Ni, 0.007 mg/L Cu, and 1.6 mg/L Zn. The metal concentration in the ground water is affected by the relative proportions of sulfide minerals, the rate of oxidation of sulphide minerals (Ni-bearing pyrrhotite > sphalerite > chalcopyrite), and the affinity of the metals for secondary Fe-phases (Ni > Zn > Cu).  相似文献   

Kevin A. Gould 《Geoforum》2010,41(1):15-18
Based on my political opposition to neoliberal policies, I elected to conduct dissertation research on a World Bank-funded land policy in Guatemala. This paper explores emotional aspects of this work. Specifically, I describe my fear that research subjects would accuse me of being a spy. I then describe my efforts to cope with these fears and the ways that fear and coping influenced my meaning-making work.  相似文献   

Jamie Peck  Nik Theodore 《Geoforum》2010,41(2):195-1109
The paper presents a genealogy of the Bloomberg administration’s Opportunity NYC program, launched in 2007 as part of New York City’s explicitly experimental anti-poverty strategy. Opportunity NYC was modeled on “conditional cash transfer” programs, currently operating in more than thirty countries across the Global South, drawing direct inspiration from Mexico’s widely touted Oportunidades program. This striking case of South-North policy emulation calls attention to some distinctive features of what is characterized here as a transnationalizing “fast-policy” regime, based on technocratic forms of program evaluation and development, dense expert networks, and orchestrated communities of practice, within which a range of policy intermediaries—particularly those connected with multilateral agencies—are assuming significant new roles. What appears to be a pragmatic form of policy learning in fact operates in the context of narrow ideological parameters, within which there is a concerted technocratic “push” toward favored solutions.  相似文献   

Christoph Görg 《Geoforum》2007,38(5):954-966
Governance has become an iridescent concept in recent years. The term is widely used in almost all social-science disciplines as well as in the political process. The intention of this paper is not so much to clarify these sometimes vague meanings but to highlight some characteristics of environmental governance connected with the restructuring of the spatial dimensions of politics. It starts from the assumption that the quest for multi-level decision making is particularly pressing for environmental governance. However, multi-level governance raises concern about the constitution of various spatial levels and their relationships with each other, as discussed under the term of “politics of scale”. Moreover, it is argued that for environmental governance the spatial reference is strongly connected with another challenge, which concerns the question of how to deal with the biophysical conditions of particular places. The term landscape governance is introduced to tackle this question without referring to an ontologically given space. Thus, landscape governance deals with the interconnections between socially constructed spaces (the politics of scale) and “natural” conditions of places. For this task, the concept of societal relationships with nature is introduced and applied to the term “landscape” as a bridging concept between social and natural sciences. The paper illustrates the approach of landscape governance with examples of problem-oriented interdisciplinary research at the UFZ-Centre for Environmental research in Leipzig, Germany.  相似文献   

Demand for both primary residences and second homes in high-amenity areas has led to escalating property values and widespread development pressure in coastal New Zealand. We focus on a major development proposal at Ocean Beach, a greenfield coastal site in the Hawke’s Bay region, and seek to explain the opposition it has provoked. In so doing, we address three questions: first, what landscape values are articulated within the planning process; second, what is the anticipated impact of 1000 new dwellings on those values; and third, how does place attachment figure in the ensuing debates. We address these questions though a thematic analysis of data derived from official reports and proposals, planning submissions, and key informant interviews. We find Ocean Beach to be a place that offers a quintessential coastal experience, often linked to youthful memories. Additionally, the site is valued for its accessibility and wilderness qualities - perceptions heightened by awareness that areas of undeveloped coastline relatively close to population centres are increasingly scarce. We contend that such sites are doubly valuable: in a formal sense, as natural landscapes whose processes and forms receive regulatory protection; and in an informal sense, as sites that generate human meaning, including emotions such as nostalgia, freedom and belonging.  相似文献   

Leah S. Horowitz 《Geoforum》2010,41(4):617-626
To date, the scholarly literature has insufficiently investigated the micropolitical ecology of trust, the ways that different interests and expectations within a community can differentially mediate trust relationships between members of that community and an exogenous institution. This study explores the complexities of, and intra-community disagreements about, Kanak villagers’ decisions about whether to trust information provided by, or seemingly in support of, a multinational mining project in southern New Caledonia (South Pacific). An indigenous protest group challenged the company’s claims that the construction and operation of a refinery would have no harmful effects on local ecosystems. The company construed this opposition as stemming from fear based in ignorance, to which the solution lay in the provision of technical information. However, villagers disagreed as to whether this information was reliable. Meanwhile, many project employees joined the protest group. I argue that this seeming irony may be explained by examining the role of affiliation - defined here as a sense of solidarity with a group, and the desire to maintain that relationship - in establishing trust. Culturally-informed expectations of long-term social relationships and the reciprocal power these entailed, and concerns about long-term economic security, played a large role in determining which affiliations people chose to privilege, which in turn influenced which “scientific” information they chose to trust. Ultimately, I argue for the usefulness of a deeper understanding of relationships between trust, affiliation, and expectations of long-term social and economic relations in analyzing lay persons’ evaluations of science.  相似文献   

产现代智人化石的“柳江人洞”遗址现存8m多厚堆积层可分为4个单元,即上部钙板-粘土层;中上部切入下伏地层的楔状角砾堆积体;中部钙质胶结的含化石和角砾粉砂质粘土层;下部河流相砂层。覆盖楔状角砾堆积和含角砾粉砂质粘土层的第2钙板层年代大约为70kaB.P.。中部地层的上部有两个被楔状角砾堆积切断的钙板残层,年代分别约为150kaB.P.和220kaB.P.,表明在大约150kaB.P.之后该地点曾发生冲刷-再沉积事件。据前人报告,“柳江人”化石出土于楔状角砾堆积,其年代大约为150~70kaB.P.。另外,不能排除人类化石埋藏于中部地层的可能性,如是,其年代应早于150kaB.P.。无论上述两种可能性何者成立,“柳江人”化石的年代都不会晚于约70kaB.P.。这大大早于以前的估计,并使“柳江人“成为迄今已知东亚南部最早的具有现代人解剖特征的化石智人。与“柳江人”化石共生的哺乳动物群原先归属晚更新世,现应调整为晚更新世早期至中更新世晚期。  相似文献   

Andrew Boulton 《Geoforum》2010,41(2):329-336
This paper is set against the backdrop of an increasingly pervasive discursive coupling of peace with development, and of extremism with underdevelopment. An evolving knowledge economy discourse casts education as both a key determinant of economic development, and as a crucial tool in the battle for “hearts and minds” in a global war against terrorism and extremism. Education for development, and education as anti-extremism are the twin goals of the Filipino CD for Peace - a contribution to the UN-backed International Power Users of ICT (Information Communication Technology) Symposium. In this paper, I examine the ways in which this youth Symposium feeds into and mobilizes powerful logics around the links between education and development/counterterrorism. My argument is that education for development, and one of its articulations, the CD for Peace, are undergirded by and reproduce neoliberal development logics in several overlapping respects. I illustrate the ways in which the language of connection and collaboration reproduces a distinct rationality related both to the transformative potential of (private investment in) ICT and to the production of particular kinds of subjectivities: youth as connected, informed, economically valuable global citizens beyond the reach of extremists. The Power Users project works to (re)construct teenagers as “gurus”; conflict (and poverty, and terrorism) becomes solvable through education and ICT. I show how knowledge economy discourse powerfully constructs youth as learning subjects who come to imagine their own roles and identities in specifically neoliberal ways: not only as learners, but also as advocates for this nexus of technology, education, development and peace.  相似文献   

Rodent middens from ice-rich loess deposits are important new paleoenvironmental archives for Eastern Beringia. Plant macrofossils recovered from three middens associated with Dawson tephra (ca. 24,000 14C yr B.P.) at two sites in Yukon Territory include diverse graminoids, forbs, and mosses. These data suggest substantial local scale floristic and habitat diversity in valley settings, including steppe-tundra on well-drained soils, moist streamside meadows, and hydric habitats. Fossil arctic ground squirrel burrows and nesting sites indicate that permafrost active layers were thicker during Pleistocene glacial periods than at present on north-facing slopes.  相似文献   

Nari Rhee  Carol Zabin 《Geoforum》2009,(6):969-979
This paper analyzes recent union efforts to organize low-wage workers in the home- and community-based segments of homecare, childcare, and services to people with developmental disabilities in the US. In these sectors, consumer demand has combined with privatization to create an army of “flexible”, part-time, poverty-wage workers, most of them women, people of color, and immigrants. This workforce is profoundly fragmented due to the preponderance of small nonprofit employers, widespread self-employment, and spatially atomized labor performed within myriad private homes. However, service sector unions have adapted creatively to these opportunities and constraints by implementing two interlinked scale-jumping strategies to overcome care workers’ spatial and organizational atomization. One is state-by-state policy advocacy to raise labor (and service) standards industry-wide and to aggregate employment through various organizational and legal interventions. The other is coalition building with consumers and advocates at the local, state, and national level to generate essential political support for these measures. We find that the success of this strategy has been shaped in large part by the political landscape of region and the political economy of distinct care industry segments. Finally, the resulting care industry unionism constitutes a distinct strand of an emergent public services unionism—in which consumers and workers struggle to define care labor as a socially necessary public good, and workers pushed into the nebulous zone between state and market struggle to define themselves as public workers.  相似文献   

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