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The abundances of U and Th in 19 achondrites and two pallasite olivines have been measured by radiochemical neutron activation analysis. Brecciated eucrites are enriched relative to chondrites in both elements by factors between 10 and 20, perhaps as a result of a magmatic differentiation process. Two unbrecciated eucrites are far less enriched, possibly due to their origin as igneous cumulates. The diogenites Johnstown and Shalka contain approximately chondritic levels of U and Th, but Ellemeet is 10 times lower. The abundances in three howardites are in good agreement with those expected from major element data for a mixing model with eucrite and diogenite end members. The high O18 basaltic achondrites Nakhla, Shergotty and Angra dos Reis have a range of U and Th abundances similar to the brecciated eucrites and howardites, but have systematically higher Th/U ratios. The Bishopville aubrite has U and Th abundances and Th/U ratios similar to those of several enstatite chondrites, suggesting a genetic relationship. The Norton County aubrite has a low Th/U, similar to that observed in recrystallized and metamorphosed terrestrial ultrabasic rocks, indicating a more complex history. Pallasite olivines have low U and Th contents (0.5.4 ppb and 1.4.3 ppb, respectively) similar to those in terrestrial dunites. The Goalpara ureilite has very low U (<0–6 ppb) and Th (2.7 ppb) abundance consistent with an origin from carbonaceous chondrites by partial melting.  相似文献   

李扬  吴黎光  李献华 《地质学报》2024,98(3):862-875
地质年代学为地球与行星科学研究提供时间坐标,以定量解析地质过程先后关系和时间尺度。历经百余年发展,定年技术在研究对象、测试效率、空间分辨率和时间分辨率等维度均得到大幅度提高,地质年代学研究已从仅提供时代约束过渡到更加强调对地质过程时间尺度与节律的研究,进而约束地质事件的驱动机制和互馈机理。然而,基于放射性同位素衰变的绝对定年技术精度存在物理极限,不能无限提高,且其时间分辨率一般随年龄增加而变差,难以满足深时地质研究的高时间分辨率需求,发展时间分辨率不受绝对年龄约束的相对定年技术是地质年代学的重要发展方向。本文围绕扩散年代学这一具有重要发展前景的相对定年技术,在系统回顾其理论模型和测量技术的基础上,重点对制约扩散年代学准确性和精确性的问题,如扩散系数的不确定性、扩散初始条件假设、浓度曲线的测试质量以及误差评估等进行了探讨。本文还对扩散年代学近年来在岩浆储存与运移、成矿时间尺度与节律和变质过程等领域取得的部分重要进展予以评述。精确的扩散系数是开展扩散年代学研究的前提,以石英中的Ti为例,不同实验给出的扩散系数差异超过3个数量级,据此计算的花岗岩岩浆在固相线上的储存时间从几十年变化到百万年尺度,显著影响我们对岩浆储存状态的理解。高质量的元素浓度剖面测量是扩散年代学的关键,因石英Ti含量的高空间分辨率精准测量较为困难,CL灰度常被作为Ti含量的替代指标,但这需要考虑Al等元素对CL灰度的影响,并严格评估Ti含量校正曲线和扩散剖面空间尺度不匹配对定年结果的影响。高温变质过程U Pb定年通常给出较为离散的表观年龄,并被解释为变质过程具有较长的持续时间,这一定程度上可以通过高温下同位素体系因扩散引起的不封闭予以解释。展望未来,进一步完善扩散年代学在高温体系中的研究,拓展在中低温条件下的应用,并与绝对定年深度结合,是扩散年代学的重要发展方向,也是实现深时地质研究高时间分辨率解析的必由之路。  相似文献   

梅清风  杨进辉 《岩石学报》2018,34(1):207-216
~(182)Hf-~(182)W作为短周期放射性衰变体系,可有效约束地球早期演化吸积增生和内部分异过程。本文通过系统总结、归纳太阳系形成初期地球核幔分异过程中Hf-W同位素变化规律、月球与地球硅酸盐的W同位素组成,提出利用~(182)Hf-~(182)W体系测定地球核幔分异时间不确定性的主要原因是地球核幔分异的持续性及开放性,大碰撞时间的~(182)Hf-~(182)W同位素限定主要受控于硅酸盐地球和硅酸盐月球的Hf/W比值,讨论了地幔W同位素不均一性的形成机制,与现代地幔不同的~(182)W/~(184)W组成可能代表了后增生作用之前整体硅酸盐地球的W同位素组成,也可能是~(182)Hf未完全灭绝时形成的区域性Hf/W比值差异经~(182)Hf衰变形成的结果。这些结论为探索类地行星形成与演化提供了重要制约。  相似文献   

We determined Ag, Bi, Cd, Co, Cs, Ga, In, Se, Te, Tl and Zn in the 6 ureilite achondrites by neutron activation analysis. All 11 elements are depleted below Cl levels and their characteristic abundance pattern differs substantially from those of chondritic groups. Thus ureilites do not represent a simple mixture of volatile-rich chondrites with achondritic material but perhaps cosmochemically-fractionated achondritic material and a late ‘distillate’ of mobile elements.  相似文献   

Results are presented from thermal-release argon 40-argon 39 dating experiments on four calcium-rich achondrites. Pasamonte shows an apparent age of 4.1 AE over 70 per cent of its gas release indicating a degassing event at this age. At higher temperatures, the apparent age for Pasamonte rises to 4.51 AE, defining a lower limit gas retention age which is identical to that of the chondrites St. Severin and Guareña. Petersburg has a high-temperature gas retention age of 4.40 ± 0.03AE, 100 million years younger than St. Severin, in agreement with previously reported Pu-Xe and K-Ar gas retention ages and the absence of Xe129from the decay of I129. Stannern has a complicated pattern of apparent age with gas release which cannot be accounted for in detail by simple diffusive loss following a well-defined initiation of gas retention. In broad scale, however, the Stannern pattern is relatively flat and confined to the range 3.5–3.9 AE, indicating that this meteorite was strongly degassed in this interval. The nakhlite Lafayette has an exceedingly young gas-retention age in the range 1.4–1.7 AE. These results indicate that as a group the calcium-rich achondrites have experienced a more diverse and extensive thermal history than have the chondritic meteorites.  相似文献   

Color, polarization and albedo data are summarized for the three known minor planets of optical type E— 44 Nysa, 64 Angelina and 434 Hungaria. The inventory of E asteroids with dimensions > 50 km is shown to be essentially complete.The surfaces of the E objects evidently consist of colorless, translucent, iron-free silicates such as plagioclase, forstefite, or enstatite. Their possible identification as the source of enstatite achondrites is consistent with new laboratory polarimetry of the Norton County aubrite. Both Nysa and Hungaria seem to be rather favorably situated for the production of meteorites.Nysa has a highly non-spherical shape, and is dynamically associated with the metal-rich asteroid 135 Hertha and several small objects also apparently of the metal-depleted E type. The configuration is suggestive of the fragments of a differentiated parent body, in which Hertha originated as the iron core and Nysa as the largest surviving mantle fragment. The relative volumes, however, are not consistent with simple igneous differentiation from a chondritic composition.  相似文献   

U-Th zonation-dependent alpha-ejection in (U-Th)/He chronometry   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Both theoretical and empirical evidence shows that intracrystalline U-Th heterogeneity in zircon can lead to biases in (U-Th)/He ages if not accurately accounted for in α-ejection corrections. We present a model for age correction for U-Th zoned crystals. We apply this to spherical and prismatic grains with bipyramidal terminations. The spherical calculation is simplistic but allows rapid calculation of the approximate effects of a wide variety of U-Th zoning patterns. The bipyramidal calculation is computationally intensive but permits an more complete estimate of the combined effects of crystal morphology and source zoning as relevant to zircon. Our principle findings are: (1) the assumption of U-Th homogeneity can result in errors of up to ∼30% (in rare cases, higher) for ejection-corrected ages for typical grain sizes and realistic zonation. (2) Tetragonal prisms with bipyramidal terminations, which are typical of most zircons, exhibit bulk retentivities that can differ by several percent from models considering crystals with pinacoidal terminations. When extreme cases, such as dipyramids, are considered, the bias can exceed 10% or more. (3) Morphologic effects can be accounted for to better than 1% precision by using new second-order polynomial parameters that describe retentivity as a function of surface-area-to-volume ratio calculated through more complete analysis of crystal dimensions including the height of pyramidal crystal sections. We illustrate application of our model using U-Th concentration profiles determined from single zircons by laser ablation ICP-MS from zoned Tardree Rhyolite zircons.  相似文献   

陈厚彬  纪伟强  张少华 《岩石学报》2022,38(5):1499-1511
扩散年代学是近年来发展极为迅速的一种研究特定过程持续时间的方法,目前已在岩浆体系研究中得到了极大的应用。该方法利用精细的原位测试分析技术研究扩散环带,模拟各种岩浆过程中再平衡的时间尺度。本文对这种方法的原理、发展简史和研究基础做了全面的回顾,重点介绍了其在限定岩浆喷发各个过程时间尺度上的运用,包括岩浆分异和岩浆混合后在岩浆房中的滞留,喷发前岩浆从浅部岩浆房上升至地表过程,以及岩浆同化混染和去气作用。最后,对扩散年代学应用中可能存在的问题进行了讨论,包括如何选择扩散体系,如何区分生长与扩散效应,如何正确认识扩散的边界条件和各向异性等。  相似文献   

The 182Hf-182W systematics of meteoritic and planetary samples provide firm constraints on the chronology of the accretion and earliest evolution of asteroids and terrestrial planets and lead to the following succession and duration of events in the earliest solar system. Formation of Ca,Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) at 4568.3 ± 0.7 Ma was followed by the accretion and differentiation of the parent bodies of some magmatic iron meteorites within less than ∼1 Myr. Chondrules from H chondrites formed 1.7 ± 0.7 Myr after CAIs, about contemporaneously with chondrules from L and LL chondrites as shown by their 26Al-26Mg ages. Some magmatism on the parent bodies of angrites, eucrites, and mesosiderites started as soon as ∼3 Myr after CAI formation and may have continued until ∼10 Myr. A similar timescale is obtained for the high-temperature metamorphic evolution of the H chondrite parent body. Thermal modeling combined with these age constraints reveals that the different thermal histories of meteorite parent bodies primarily reflect their initial abundance of 26Al, which is determined by their accretion age. Impact-related processes were important in the subsequent evolution of asteroids but do not appear to have induced large-scale melting. For instance, Hf-W ages for eucrite metals postdate CAI formation by ∼20 Myr and may reflect impact-triggered thermal metamorphism in the crust of the eucrite parent body. Likewise, the Hf-W systematics of some non-magmatic iron meteorites were modified by impact-related processes but the timing of this event(s) remains poorly constrained.The strong fractionation of lithophile Hf from siderophile W during core formation makes the Hf-W system an ideal chronometer for this major differentiation event. However, for larger planets such as the terrestrial planets the calculated Hf-W ages are particularly sensitive to the occurrence of large impacts, the degree to which impactor cores re-equilibrated with the target mantle during large collisions, and changes in the metal-silicate partition coefficients of W due to changing fO2 in differentiating planetary bodies. Calculated core formation ages for Mars range from 0 to 20 Myr after CAI formation and currently cannot distinguish between scenarios where Mars formed by runaway growth and where its formation was more protracted. Tungsten model ages for core formation in Earth range from ∼30 Myr to >100 Myr after CAIs and hence do not provide a unique age for the formation of Earth. However, the identical 182W/184W ratios of the lunar and terrestrial mantles provide powerful evidence that the Moon-forming giant impact and the final stage of Earth’s core formation occurred after extinction of 182Hf (i.e., more than ∼50 Myr after CAIs), unless the Hf/W ratios of the bulk silicate Moon and Earth are identical to within less than ∼10%. Furthermore, the identical 182W/184W of the lunar and terrestrial mantles is difficult to explain unless either the Moon consists predominantly of terrestrial material or the W in the proto-lunar magma disk isotopically equilibrated with the Earth’s mantle.Hafnium-tungsten chronometry also provides constraints on the duration of magma ocean solidification in terrestrial planets. Variations in the 182W/184W ratios of martian meteorites reflect an early differentiation of the martian mantle during the effective lifetime of 182Hf. In contrast, no 182W variations exist in the lunar mantle, demonstrating magma ocean solidification later than ∼60 Myr, in agreement with 147Sm-143Nd ages for ferroan anorthosites. The Moon-forming giant impact most likely erased any evidence of a prior differentiation of Earth’s mantle, consistent with a 146Sm-142Nd age of 50-200 Myr for the earliest differentiation of Earth’s mantle. However, the Hf-W chronology of the formation of Earth’s core and the Moon-forming impact is difficult to reconcile with the preservation of 146Sm-142Nd evidence for an early (<30 Myr after CAIs) differentiation of a chondritic Earth’s mantle. Instead, the combined 182W-142Nd evidence suggests that bulk Earth may have superchondritic Sm/Nd and Hf/W ratios, in which case formation of its core must have terminated more than ∼42 Myr after formation of CAIs, consistent with the Hf-W age for the formation of the Moon.  相似文献   

青藏高原羌塘中部榴辉岩Ar-Ar定年   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:25  
羌塘榴辉岩产于红脊山-双湖高压变质带中段的片石山地区,是目前青藏高原内部唯一的榴辉岩产地.榴辉岩多硅白云母40 Ar-39 Ar年龄tp=219.3±1.5 Ma;榴辉岩围岩的多硅白云母40 Ar-39 Ar年龄tp=217.2±1.8 Ma,定年结果表明,榴辉岩与围岩经历了相同的高压变质作用,与红脊山-双湖地区蓝闪片岩的高压变质时间是一致的.根据已有高压变质年代学资料,从羌塘的红脊山到双湖、那曲地区的巴青以北、昌都的酉西,直到滇西地区,断续分布长达2000余公里的高压变质带为同一期构造事件的产物,是龙木错-双湖板块缝合带向南延伸到滇西的重要依据.榴辉岩的定年数据进一步揭示,冈瓦纳板块与欧亚(扬子)板块的主体碰撞时间在220 Ma左右,同时也是古特提斯洋消亡的时间记录.  相似文献   

The western Great Basin contains thousands of constructed rock features, including rock rings, cairns, and alignments. Unlike subtractive geoglyphs, such as the Nasca Lines of Peru, that remove desert pavement, these surface features alter the location and positioning of cobble‐ to bouldersized rocks. The chronology of surface rock features has remained unconstrained by numerical ages because no prior chronometric approach has been able to yield age control. We propose a new strategy for studying these features by analyzing anthropogenic modifications to rock coatings, an approach that permits the use of several dating methods, two of which are assessed here: radiocarbon dating of pedogenic carbonate and rock‐varnish microlaminations. Initial results from Searles Valley, eastern California, suggest that constructed rock features may be as old as early Holocene and terminal Pleistocene. Archaeological surveys of desert areas would be greatly enhanced if they noted altered positions of rock coatings. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper, we evaluate the factors that influence the accuracy of lead (Pb)-isotopic ages of meteorites, and may possibly be responsible for inconsistencies between Pb-isotopic and extinct nuclide timescales of the early Solar System: instrumental mass fractionation and other possible analytical sources of error, presence of more than one component of non-radiogenic Pb, migration of ancient radiogenic Pb by diffusion and other mechanisms, possible heterogeneity of the isotopic composition of uranium (U), uncertainties in the decay constants of uranium isotopes, possible presence of “freshly synthesized” actinides with short half-life (e.g. 234U) in the early Solar System, possible initial disequilibrium in the uranium decay chains, and potential fractionation of radiogenic Pb isotopes and U isotopes caused by alpha-recoil and subsequent laboratory treatment. We review the use of 232Th/238U values to assist in making accurate interpretations of the U-Pb ages of meteorite components. We discuss recently published U-Pb dates of calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs), and their apparent disagreement with the extinct nuclide dates, in the context of capability and common pitfalls in modern meteorite chronology. Finally, we discuss the requirements of meteorites that are intended to be used as the reference points in building a consistent time scale of the early Solar System, based on the combined use of the U-Pb system and extinct nuclide chronometers.  相似文献   

The composition (determined by INAA) of the Fe,Ni phase of the Norton County and Pesyanoe enstatite achondrites (aubrites) indicates that the fractionation trends of elements in the metal phase of aubrites are different from those predicted using the purely condensation or magmatic models for the genesis of aubrites. Metal nodules in aubrites with chemical composition similar to that of the metal of enstatite chondrites are relics of the primary condensates of the protoplanetary nebula. The matrix metal, which is depleted in refractory Ir relative to moderately volatile elements, underwent magmatic differentiation. The positive Ni-Au, Ni-As, and Au-As correlations in the metal of the Pesyanoe and Norton County aubrites and the negative Ir-Ni (Au) correlations in the matrix metal and nodules with low Ir concentrations testify to genetic relationship between these metal fractions. The matrix metal was produced by the partial melting of the nodules, which are the primary metal of the parent planetesimal body that had an enstatite chondrite composition. Its melting and differentiation produced the aubrite material. The composition of the aubrite Fe,Ni phase is consistent with the model of aubrite origin in two stages during the early evolution of the Solar System as a result of gravitational agglomeration of fragments that were ejected from different depths of a primary planetesimal with following formation of an asteroidal size body.  相似文献   

This paper presents a two-stage anion-exchange procedure for tungsten extraction, an improved mass spectrometric procedure for tungsten analysis and a simplified chemical separation and TIMS procedure for the determination of Hf concentrations. The chemical separation of tungsten is based on its complexing properties with HF and H2O2. The blank level for a sample size of 300 mg is about 80 pg for tungsten. The procedure is designed for the high sensitivity of negative thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (NTIMS) provided by the use of Mg oxide as an emitter on Ir filaments. Tungsten can be readily measured with a high precision in various meteoritical material and especially in small W-poor silicate fractions. Samples containing as little as a few ng g-1 tungsten can be analysed reliably with this method.  相似文献   

Al-spinels in primitive arc volcanics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Al-rich spinels (100Cr/(Cr + Al) < 5, Al2O3 > 50 wt%) are common in alpine peridotites, both terrestrial and lunar mafic and ultramafic cumulates, and in certain metamorphic rocks, but they are apparently rare in terrestrial volcanic rocks. Here we describe the occurrence of Al-rich spinel inclusions in olivine phenocrysts in island arc volcanic rocks from five new localities: Bukit Mapas (Sumatra) and eastern Bali in the Sunda arc, and Epi, Merelava, and Ambrym islands in the Vanuatu arc. More commonly, relatively Cr-rich spinels also occur as inclusions in the saine olivine phenocrysts, and it appears that the Cr-poor aluminous spinels must be in disequilibrium with the host basaltic melts. In the rocks studied, Al-rich spinels also coexist with trapped silicate glasses and highly aluminous clinopyroxene in melt inclusions in olivine. This paragenesis suggests an origin involving contamination by localized Al-rich melt pockets as opposed to a xenocrystic origin. Two mechanisms to produce this high-Al melt in basaltic magma chambers are suggested: (1) localized high-Al melt production by complete breakdown of assimilated lower crustal gabbroic rocks. In this model the high-Al melt may crystallise Al-rich spinels which are subsequently trapped as solid inclusions by phenocryst phases of the host basaltic melt or may be trapped as melt inclusions in which Al-rich spinels and Al-rich clinopyroxene crystallise as daughter phases, and (2) in congruent breakdown of amphibole in amphibole-rich cumulates in sub-arc, or sub-OIB volcano magma chambers. The latter reaction produces a melt with 20–22% of Al2O3, aluminous clinopyroxene, Al-rich spinel and olivine. Mixing between these amphibole breakdown products and host basaltic melt may occur throughout the evolution of a magmatic system, but particularly during recharge with hot magnesian basalt batches. Aluminous spinels and aluminous clinopyroxene produced during amphibole breakdown, or perhaps crystallised from aluminous melt produced in the saine reaction, are incorporated into the magma during recharge, and subsequently trapped, together with the coexisting Cr-spinels, by crystallising olivine and clinopyroxene.
Al-Spinelle in primitiven Inselbogen-Vulkaniten
Zusammenfassung Al-reiche Spinelle (100Cr/(Cr + Al) < 5, Al2O3 > 50 Gew.%) sind in alpinen Peridotiten, in terrestrischen und lunaren mafischen und ultramafischen Kumulaten und in manchen metamorphen Gesteinen weit verbreitet, aber sie scheinen in terrestrischen, vulkanischen Gesteinen selten zu sein. Wir beschreiben hier das Vorkommen von Al-reichen Spinell-Inklusionen in Olivinkristallen von Inselbogen-Vulkaniten von 5 neuen Lokalitäten: Bukit Mapas (Sumatra) und Ost-Bali im Sunda-Bogen und die Inseln Epi, Merelava und Ambrym im Vanuatu-Bogen. Relativ Cr-reiche Spinelle kommen häufiger auch als Einschlüsse in denselben Olivin-Kristallen vor, und es scheint, daß Chrom-arme Aluminiumspinelle im Ungleichgewicht mit ihren basaltischen Mutterschmelzen stehen. In den untersuchten Gesteinen kommen Al-reiche Spinelle zusammen mit Silikatgläsern und Aluminium-reichen Klinopyroxenen in Schmelzeinschlüssen in Olivinen vor. Diese Assoziation weist auf einen Ursprung hin, der Kontamination durch lokalisierte Al-reiche pockets von Schmelze involviert; dies steht im Gegensatz zu einem Ursprung als Xenokristalle. Wir schlagen zwei Mechanismen vor, die diese Aluminium-reiche Schmelze in basaltischen Magmakammern erzeugen können: (1) lokalisierte Produktion von Aluminium-reicher Schmelze durch vollkommene Auflösung von assimilierten gabbroischen Gesteinen aus der unteren Kruste. In diesem Modell kann die Aluminium-reiche Schmelze Al-reiche Spinelle kristallisieren, die dann anschließend als feste Einschlüsse von Phenokristallen in der basaltischen Mutterschmelze eingefangen werden oder als Schmelzeinschlüsse, in denen Al-reiche Spinelle und Al-reiche Klinopyroxene als Tochterphasen kristallisieren. (2) Inkongruenter Zerfall von Amphibol in Amphibol-reichen Kumulaten in Magmakammern unter Inselbögen oder unter OIB-Vulkanen. Die letztgenannte Reaktion erzeugt eine Schmelze mit ungefähr 20–22% Al2O3, Aluminium-haltigen Klinopyroxen, Al-reichen Spinell und Olivin. Mischung zwischen diesen Produkten des Zerfalls von Amphibol und basaltischer Mutterschmelze kann während der ganzen Evolution eines magmatischen Systems stattfinden, aber besonders während der Zufuhr neuer heißer Magnesium-reicher Basalte. Aluminium-haltige Spinelle und Klinopyroxene, die während des Zerfalls von Amphibol entstanden sind oder vielleicht aus einer Aluminium-haltigen Schmelze in derselben Reaktion produziert wurden, werden während der Neuzufuhr in das Magma inkorporiert und im Anschluß daran, zusammen mit den koexistierenden Cr-Spinellen, von kristallisierendem Olivin und Klinopyroxen eingefangen.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

We present two-feldspar thermometry and diffusion chronometry from sanidine, orthopyroxene and quartz from multiple samples of the Bishop Tuff, California, to constrain the temperature stratification within the pre-eruptive magma body and the timescales of magma mixing prior to its evacuation. Two-feldspar thermometry yields estimates that agree well with previous Fe–Ti oxide thermometry and gives a ~80 °C temperature difference between the earlier- and later-erupted regions of the magma chamber. Using the thermometry results, we model diffusion of Ti in quartz, and Ba and Sr in sanidine as well as Fe–Mg interdiffusion in orthopyroxene to yield timescales for the formation of overgrowth rims on these crystal phases. Diffusion profiles of Ti in quartz and Fe–Mg in orthopyroxene both yield timescales of <150 years for the formation of overgrowth rims. In contrast, both Ba and Sr diffusion in sanidine yield nominal timescales 1–2 orders of magnitude longer than these two methods. The main cause for this discrepancy is inferred to be an incorrect assumption for the initial profile shape for Ba and Sr diffusion modelling (i.e. growth zoning exists). Utilising the divergent diffusion behaviour of Ba and Sr, we place constraints on the initial width of the interface and can refine our initial conditions considerably, bringing Ba and Sr data into alignment, and yielding timescales closer to 500 years, the majority of which are then within uncertainty of timescales modelled from Ti diffusion in quartz. Care must be thus taken when using Ba in sanidine geospeedometry in evolved magmatic systems where no other phases or elements are available for comparative diffusion profiling. Our diffusion modelling reveals piecemeal rejuvenation of the lower parts of the Bishop Tuff magma chamber at least 500 years prior to eruption. Timescales from our mineral profiling imply either that diffusion coefficients currently used are uncertain by 1–2 orders of magnitude, or that the minerals concerned did not experience a common history, despite being extracted from the same single pumice clasts. Introduction of the magma initiating crystallisation of the contrasting rims on sanidine, quartz, orthopyroxene and zircon was prolonged, and may be a marker of other processes that initiated the Bishop Tuff eruption rather than the trigger itself.  相似文献   

The distribution of the major elements between vapor and solid has been calculated for a cooling gas of cosmic composition. The assumption is made that high temperature condensates remain in equilibrium with the vapor, affecting the temperatures of appearance of successively less refractory phases. The model suggests that the major textural features and mineralogical composition of the Ca, Al-rich inclusions in the C3 chondrites were produced during condensation in the nebula characterized by slight departures from chemical equilibrium due to incomplete reaction of high temperature condensates. Fractionation of such a phase assemblage is sufficient to produce part of the lithophile element depletion of the ordinary chondrites relative to the cosmic abundances.  相似文献   

Monazite is a robust geochronometer and occurs in a wide range of rock types. Monazite also records shock deformation from meteorite impact but the effects of impact-related microstructures on the U–Th–Pb systematics remain poorly constrained. We have, therefore, analyzed shock-deformed monazite grains from the central uplift of the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa, and impact melt from the Araguainha impact structure, Brazil, using electron backscatter diffraction, electron microprobe elemental mapping, and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Crystallographic orientation mapping of monazite grains from both impact structures reveals a similar combination of crystal-plastic deformation features, including shock twins, planar deformation bands and neoblasts. Shock twins were documented in up to four different orientations within individual monazite grains, occurring as compound and/or type one twins in (001), (100), \(\left( 10\bar{1} \right)\), \(~\{110\}\), \(\left\{ 212 \right\},\) and type two (irrational) twin planes with rational shear directions in \([0\bar{1}\bar{1}]\) and \([\bar{1}\bar{1}0]\). SIMS U–Th–Pb analyses of the plastically deformed parent domains reveal discordant age arrays, where discordance scales with increasing plastic strain. The correlation between discordance and strain is likely a result of the formation of fast diffusion pathways during the shock event. Neoblasts in granular monazite domains are strain-free, having grown during the impact events via consumption of strained parent grains. Neoblastic monazite from the Inlandsee leucogranofels at Vredefort records a 207Pb/206Pb age of 2010?±?15 Ma (2σ, n?=?9), consistent with previous impact age estimates of 2020 Ma. Neoblastic monazite from Araguainha impact melt yield a Concordia age of 259?±?5 Ma (2σ, n?=?7), which is consistent with previous impact age estimates of 255?±?3 Ma. Our results demonstrate that targeting discrete microstructural domains in shocked monazite, as identified through orientation mapping, for in situ U–Th–Pb analysis can date impact-related deformation. Monazite is, therefore, one of the few high-temperature geochronometers that can be used for accurate and precise dating of meteorite impacts.  相似文献   

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