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本文论述了新经济环境下调整企业经营模式的重要性。从客户群的选择等四个要素对新经营模式的设计展开讨论,并以国内外成功的范例加以论证,得出中国企业必须以客户和利润为中心建立适合自己发展的经营模式,而且能够随着市场的不断变化、价值的不断转移,不断调整和更新的结论,对中国企业经营模式的发展很有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

先进的企业文化是进入世界经济市场的通行证,企业的提升要靠先进的企业文化。企业文化的内容主要包括科学的管理、开拓创新、诚信经营等,使企业内部形成一种强大的精神因素,推动着企业不断向高新发展。  相似文献   

前不久,局工贸总公司被省经贸委等八部门授予江西省2004年度首批“诚信企业”称号。荣誉的获得是对局工贸总公司在市场经济中诚实守信、恪尽职责的肯定。是的,多年来,局工贸总公司就是抱着诚信上路,一步一个脚印,并不断做大规模,做强实力。  相似文献   

上个世纪60年代以来,现代质量管理的理论和方法层出不穷,不断创新,如全面质量管理、ISO9000质量管理族标准、供应链管理、6西格玛管理、业务流程再造、精益企业等等。每一种新的理论和方法,都造就了一批成功的企业。总结这些企业成功的经验,我们发现,虽然这些企业采用的理论  相似文献   

第一部分开展诚信评估创建诚信单位工程勘察与岩土分会于2007年率先组织实施在全国工程勘察与岩土行业开展诚信评估工作,经过近一年时间的共同努力,于2007年底评出全国工程勘察岩土行业第一批诚信单位,圆满完成了诚信评估工作,在全国建设工程勘察设计行业发挥了示范作用,收到了良好的社会效果。  相似文献   

本文通过大量实例,证明了企业文化对企业发展的重要性,并着重从企业家的角度就如何搞好企业文化建设进行了一番探讨。  相似文献   

为了顺应多元化投资的市场需求,找准工程咨询行业的市场定位,本文通过对其他服务业经营模式变革的成功实例剖析,提出了一体化服务与“菜单式”经营相结合的经营理念,并对国有设计院经营模式的转轨与变革提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

2006年11月4日,中国勘察设计行业500多名代表在北京欢聚一堂,建设部党组成员齐骥代表建设部副部长黄卫讲话,对协会工作和行业发展提出了要求。大会还颁发了“协会工作杰出贡献奖”,表彰了“优秀同业协会”、“优秀勘察设计企业(院)”、“优秀企业家(院长)”及“优秀协会工作者”。下面我们将此次会议的部分领导讲话和企业经验交流以专栏的形式刊出。  相似文献   

当前,国有企业的改革与发展正处于关键时期,国有大型勘察设计单位的改革和发展是国有企业改革和发展的重要方面,也正处于关键时期。面对改革和发展的机遇和挑战,作为国有大型勘察设计院的领导,我们应当从理论和战略的高度,用“三个代表”思想认识和指导国有大型勘察设计企业改革和发展实践,正确解决企业改革与发展过程中的实际问题。  相似文献   

新经济时代的竞争是企业核心力的竞争,谁拥有竞争优势谁就拥有市场。铁道第四勘察设计院在多年的改革、发展过程中,总结出一条成功的基本理论:竞争优势源于企业资源和能力的深度开发。而且用实践证明,国有企业深度开发企业的资源和能力,其市场竞争力并不会低于外资、私营企业。  相似文献   

The ecological catastrophe produced by the Prestige oil spill (November 2002) caused severe damage in both North Spanish and French coastal communities. Wild mussel populations of Mytilus galloprovincialis in a zone with marginal introgression of Mytilus edulis were affected at all levels, from high DNA damage to increased polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon content in tissues. In this article, we describe cytological and population genetic changes of wild mussel populations from the northwestern Iberian coast following the catastrophe. The micronucleus test was employed as an indicator of cytological damage, and the Barcoding mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and the nuclear Glu-5′ genes were analyzed for determining the species and assessing population genetic diversity. Immediate increase of micronuclei counts after the oil spill was found, with a further decrease in consecutive months although the counts did not recover pre-Prestige levels. Reduced variation at mitochondrial sequences in the most exposed areas and reduction of M. edulis traces in the regional genetic pool also suggest long-term impact that may result in evolutionary changes. These results highlight the need of adopting more strict measures in order to prevent this type of accidents and avoid long-term effects on wild populations.  相似文献   

本文重点阐述了做好企业文化建设的重要性,及通过建设优秀的企业文化来提升企业核心竞争力的几个途径。  相似文献   

孙文盛 《地质论评》2006,52(3):378-378
各位理事,同志们: 在各位理事和同志们的共同努力下,理事会扩大会议顺利地完成了各项议程,选举产生了新一届理事会。理事会选举我担任理事长,我深感责任重大。中国地质学会于1922年创立,是有着悠久历史的学会,现有近5万名会员,出了不少院士专家和领导人物,是人才荟萃的学会;同时,地质科学强盛的生命力,地质工作的特殊重要性,也决定她将是永远年轻的学会。正如上午宋南平书记、张宏仁主席所说,她是在国内外有重大影响的学术团体。上午毓川同志总结了第37届理事会的成就,新一届理事会要在中国科学技术协会的指导下,在各位理事和同志们的支持下,努力完成各项任务,使中国地质学会在开创地质工作新局面,  相似文献   

名优特农产品品质与产区环地质背景条件密切相关。广州新垦莲藕是国家地理标志产品,探讨其产区地质背景与莲藕品质的关系对于新垦莲藕的规模化种植有重要意义。本文通过系统采集新垦莲藕产地藕塘底泥、地表水、新鲜莲藕样品,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱/发射光谱法(ICP-MS/OES)等多种技术进行测试,开展品质评价研究,初步揭示了新垦莲藕品质与产区环境地球化学条件之间的相关性。研究结果表明:藕塘底泥中营养元素锰、锌、钼、钴、钒、铁均处在一等(丰富)等级,硒以适量和高硒等级为主,重金属铬、铜、汞、镍、铅、锌均低于农用地土壤污染风险筛选值;藕塘地表水中铜、锌、硒、硼、汞、镉、砷、六价铬、铅、镍等指标均满足灌溉水质要求;产出的新垦莲藕淀粉、可溶性糖、钾、磷、钙、镁、铁、锌、硒的含量较高,重金属和粗纤维含量较低;莲藕对底泥中不同元素生物富集系数平均值范围为0.0484~65.67,对磷的富集能力最强,对锗的富集能力最弱。藕塘底泥中硼与莲藕中淀粉显著正相关(p≤0.05),钙与蛋白质显著性正相关,砷与可溶性糖显著负相关。藕塘底泥中硼钴铁镁锰钒钙锗的含量较高,有利于莲藕营养组分的积累,产出高品质的莲藕。本文提出在种植过程中重视有机质、钙、氮和锗等养分的补充,关注镉和砷带来的潜在生态安全风险。  相似文献   

Land sliding is a geotechnical event that includes a wide range of ground movements such as rockfalls, deep failure of slopes and shallow debris flows, and it can cause various problems in varied civil fields such as roads and dams. Since most conventional methods are neither inexpensive nor applicable everywhere, attention has nowadays been drawn to soil bioengineering using vegetation as the environment-friendly method for slope stabilization. Soil bioengineering or using vegetation in civil engineering design is mostly applicable to shallow slope stabilization projects characterized by unstable slopes with surface movement. Vegetation has both a silent effect on soil improvement to predict the landslide and a mechanical role to increase shear and pulling-out stress on the soil. During the last decade, many researches have been carried out to clarify the effect of vegetation on slope stability, but many questions still remain to be answered.  相似文献   

本文针对企业人员流动导致知识产权流失的表现形式,后果,种类,解决措施等问题进行了一系列的探讨.  相似文献   

Haakon Lein 《GeoJournal》2004,61(2):155-162
The furrow irrigation systems of Kilimanjaro were first described by European explorers coming to the area by the end of the 19th century. Although being impressed, the German and later the British colonial powers soon came to see the system as wasteful and in need of improvement. Despite several attempts to control water use among the ‘natives’ in the highlands, the furrow system has remained fairly intact and still plays a key role in the local farming systems. However, the utilisation of available water resources is still a highly controversial political issue and in this paper three major challenges to traditional water use are discussed: (i) hydropower development, (ii) construction of large-scale irrigation projects, and (iii) implementation of economic and institutional reforms. All this has led to renewed and intensified conflicts over the use of water on Kilimanjaro as well as in the Pangani river. At one level, the situation can be described as a conflict over access to a scarce resource. However, beyond this perception, the controversies over water are also based on more fundamental ideological conflicts and competing ways of thinking about both development and water management. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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