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Photometry of more than 1000 bright stars of 20 associations and some fields in its vicinity is made, usingUBV plates taken with a 2-m Ritchey-Chrétien telescope of the National Observatory at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences with limited magnitudes of about 20.6 inU andV, 21.6 inB. The colour-magnitudes of about 20.6 inU andV, 21.6 inB. The colour-magnitude and colour-colour diagrams of 12 associations and 8 fields are constructed and the brightest blue and red stars colour excesses, ages, and integrated luminosities of the associations are determined. The composite diagrams for all association and nonassociation measured stars are constructed too. Inside associations bright stars as well as non-stellar objects occur more often than outside. The brightest stars in S5 are withM v7 and do not differ considerably from the brightest ones in the spiral arm S4 of M31. Approximately the same are the absolute magnitudes of the brightest stars in our Galaxy and M33. A small difference between the brightest stars of the latter galaxy with those of M31 is possible because the stars in M33 are younger. This is in agreement with the concept that Sc galaxies (for example M33) are younger than Sb ones (for example M31). The same could be the reason for the smaller ratio of blue to red supergiants in M33 than in M31. The age estimations of the associations in S5 together with those in S4 in M31 show that they are older than the associations in M33 which is in agreement with the above mentioned concept.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of brightness variability in the IR-excess early F supergiant HD 331319, a candidate post-AGB star. Over three years of systematic U BV observations, the star showed low-amplitude (up to in V) quasi-periodic brightness variations on a time scale of ∼45 days. A preliminary analysis of our photometry indicates that HD 331319 and other typical post-AGBF supergiants have a similar pattern of variability. A study of the extinction toward HD 331319 leads us to conclude that the fraction of the circumstellar extinction is small for this star. We present low-resolution spectroscopy for HD 331319 and discuss the spectral classification of post-AGB F supergiants using HD 331319, HD 161796, HD 187885, and HD 56126 as examples.  相似文献   

We present CCD VIC photometry in a field 1.9 − 1.3 square arcmin and positioned about 3 arcmin north-east of the centre of M82. More than 100 stars have been identified and measured above the photometric limits V = 23m.5, I = 22m. Most of the objects fainter than V ≈︁ 20m should be members of M82 as expected from the statistics of foreground stars. Starlike as well as 2–3 somewhat diffuse objects - candidates of globular clusters - preferentially occupy yellow colours in the colour-magnitude diagram; extreme blue and red objects are missing. The colour-magnitude diagram indicates continuing star formation in this part of the disk. The absence of blue stars is caused by reddening; no convincing explanation is found for the missing red supergiants. Young stars are distributed throughout the whole field, the youngest being concentrated in associations at the SW edge of the field. To cope with the very irregular background created by the galaxy' s main body and with the low contrast of many of the stars against this background, a modified photometric method is introduced in which the background is estimated using the intensities in a ring drawn very tightly around the star in the wings of the point spread function.  相似文献   

We apply the MINOS optimization system to the population synthesis of galactic nuclei, using a grid of star cluster equivalent widths as a function of age and metallicity. For some classes of red galaxy nuclei, this observational approach to population synthesis produces results similar to those predicted by the theoretical approach of Arimoto and Yoshii (1987). The synthesis results for blue nuclei tend to scatter more in the age vs metallicity plane, probably because we use only visible and near-infrared spectral data. Additional information at shorter wavelengths will possibly produce better-focused solutions in the plane. However, strong bursts of star formation can easily be identified. We provide in this contribution population synthesis for the central regions of M31 and M32. The bulge and the semi-stellar nucleus of M31 are dominated by the old metal-rich population: the semi-stellar nucleus has reached up [Z/Z ]0.6 and the bulge [Z/Z ]0.3. In the central region of M32, a metallicity up to the solar value has been reached and the synthesis indicates that the intermediate age component is not dominant.  相似文献   

The evolution of a 20M star of extreme Population I (X=0.602,Z=0.044) from the main sequence through the He-exhaustion has been calculated with particular attention to the treatment of the semiconvective zones. Two different relations as convective instability criteria have been adopted R a +(/(4–3)) (d ln /d lnP) or R a ). The He-burning phase is substantially different in the two cases. In the first evolutionary picture the star begins the He-burning phase as red supergiant, while in the second one as blue supergiant. The two evolutions are compared with the observational blue to red supergiants ration B/n R in connection with the problem of the existence of the neutrino processes and taking into account the possible presence of a high percentage of binary systems among supergiants.We draw the conclusion that the massive star evolution seems to be still completely uncertain and also not able to give a decisive test for or against the neutrino emission.  相似文献   

We present BVIc photometry of the brightest stars andcompact star clusters in NGC 2976, a dwarf galaxy in the interacting M81/M82 group. Deep CCD images of the galaxy were obtained with the 6m‐Telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory (Russia) at arcsec resolution. About 290 young stars and concentrated young clusters were measured. Supplementary data in the ultraviolet are taken from the literature. The extinction to the measured objects is comparatively low, E(BV) ∼ 0.15 .. 0.20 mag. We estimate the ages of youngest resolved stars and concentrated star clusters to be ∼5 · 106 years. This population is concentrated in a broad stripe facing M81. In the central disk the population is a bit older, about 8 · 106 years, this may be a hint to an outward spreading star formation process. The metallicity of the disk population is estimatedas solar (z ∼ 0.02) from a fitting to Padova theoretical stellar isochrones.  相似文献   

The 2 m RCC telescope of the Rozhen National Observatory (Bulgaria) was used to obtain the colour-magnitude and colour-colour diagrams of OB110 and OB112 associations which form the largest star grouping in the southern region of M33. The stars withV andU20.4 andB21 were measured. TheV magnitude, the coloursB - V, U - B and the respective identification charts are given. This allowed to construct the luminosity function of OB110+OB112. The group has an integrated magnitudeM VT=–11.8 which is by 0 m .5 fainter than OB78 (M31). The mean absorption and the foreground were examined as well.  相似文献   

The brightest blue stars in the M33 galaxy have peculiar images. A method to resolve them into components was applied. The brightest members stars atV15–16 mag were recognized as multiple ones. Some stars up toV=17 mag have multiple structures, too. The image of the brightest blue stars consist of two or more components and probably some of them, in fact, resemble dense stellar groups such of R 136 in 30 Dor.  相似文献   

General properties of Luminous Blue Variables (LBV) have been reviewed by Lamers(1987). The LBV's are all close to the Humphreys-Davidson luminosity upper limit. The semi periods of the photometric microvariations withV 0.1 m are about twice as large as for normal supergiants of the sameL andT eff, and 4–20 times larger than the fundamental mode for radial pulsations. So, it is likely due to nonradial pulsations. During shell ejections, which accompanied by moderate photometric variations ofV 1 m ,L bol remains constant. This fact has been explained by the quasiperiodic variations ofT eff and the radius of pseudo-photosphere (Lamer 1986). LBV's are less stable than normal supergiants so that any internal instability has more effect on their envelopes. The nature of these instabilities remains unknown. We have found some interesting peculiarities which can throw light to this problem.  相似文献   

We present the results of our stellar photometry and spectroscopy for the new Local Group galaxy VV124 (UGC4879) obtainedwith the 6-m BTAtelescope. The presence of a fewbright supergiants in the galaxy indicates that the current star formation process is weak. The apparent distribution of stars with different ages in VV 124 does not differ from the analogous distributions of stars in irregular galaxies, but the ratio of the numbers of young and old stars indicates that VV 124 belongs to the rare Irr/Sph type of galaxies. The old stars (red giants) form the most extended structure, a thick disk with an exponential decrease in the star number density to the edge. Definitely, the young population unresolvable in images makes a great contribution to the background emission from the central galactic regions. The presence of young stars is also confirmed by the [OIII] emission line visible in the spectra that belongs to extensive diffuse galactic regions. The mean radial velocity of several components (two bright supergiants, the unresolvable stellar population, and the diffuse gas) is υ h = −70 ± 15 km s−1 and the velocity with which VV 124 falls into the Local Group is υ LG = −12 ± 15 km s−1. We confirm the distance to the galaxy (D = 1.1 ± 0.1 Mpc) and the metallicity of red giants ([Fe/H] = −1.37) found by Kopylov et al. (2008). VV 124 is located on the periphery of the Local Group approximately at the same distance from M31 and our Galaxy and is isolated from other galaxies. The galaxy LeoA nearest to it is 0.5 Mpc away.  相似文献   

The stellar population of the blue compact dwarf galaxy SBS 1415+437 is investigated using the archive database of the Hubble space telescope. The color index-magnitude diagram for stars reaches a magnitude of 29 m in the V and I bands. It comprises young main-sequence stars, blue and red supergiants, and the old population of red giant branch and asymptotic giant branch. The tip of the red giant branch αTRGB) was used to calculate the distance modulus, which turned out to be m ? M = 30.65 ± 0.08 m . The corresponding distance to the galaxy is D = 13.5 ± 1.0 Mpc. The youngest stars are distributed irregularly near the bright H II region in the southwest part of SBS 1415+437. The old population occupies a larger area, it is distributed more evenly and forms the galactic halo. The spatial distribution of young stars shows that the star formation in the galaxy spread in the direction from northeast to southwest over the last 5 × 107 yr with an average rate of 60 km/s. The TRGB of SBS 1415+437 was found to be appreciably shifted to the blue range: (V ? I) TRGB ≈ 1.30. The galaxy age turns out to be not smaller than the age of Galactic globular clusters (about 1010 yr), provided that the galaxy originally had a very low metallicity (our photometric estimate is [Fe/H] = ?2.4). If the metallicity of SBS 1415+437 changed almost not at all in the course of evolution and was equal to [Fe/H] = ?1.3 (as estimated from the emission lines of ionized gas), the galaxy age is no more than 2 × 109 yr.  相似文献   

We present the results of our UBV and JHKLM photometry for the semiregular pulsating variable V1027 Cyg, a supergiant with an infrared excess, over the period from 1997 to 2015 (UBV) and in 2009–2015 (JHKLM). Together with the new data, we analyze the photometric observations of V1027 Cyg that we have obtained and published previously. Our search for a periodicity in the UBV brightness variations has led to several periods from P = 212d to 320d in different time intervals. We have found the period P = 237d based on our infrared photometry. The variability amplitude, the lightcurve shape, and themagnitude of V1027 Cyg atmaximum light change noticeably from cycle to cycle. The deepest minimum was observed in 2011, when the amplitudes of brightness variations in the star reached the following values: ΔU = 1 . m 28, ΔB = 1 . m 10, ΔV = 1 . m 05, ΔJ = 0 . m 30, ΔH = 0 . m 35, ΔK = 0 . m 32, ΔL = 0 . m 26, and ΔM = 0 . m 10. An ambiguous correlation of the B ? V and U ? B colors with the brightness has been revealed. For example, a noticeable bluing of the star was observed during the deep 1992, 2008, and 2011 minima, while the variations with smaller amplitudes show an increase in B ? V at the photometric minima. The spectral energy distribution for V1027 Cyg from our photometry in the range 0.36 (U)–5.0 (M) μm corresponds to spectral types from G8I to K3I at different phases of the pulsation cycle. Low-resolution spectra of V1027 Cyg in the range λ4400–9200 ?A were taken during 16 nights over the period 1995–2015. At the 1995 and 2011 photometric minima the star’s spectrum exhibited molecular TiO bands whose intensity corresponded to spectral types M0–M1, while the photometric data point to a considerably earlier spectral type. We hypothesize that the TiO bands are formed in the upper layers of the extended stellar atmosphere. We have measured the equivalent widths of the strongest absorption lines, in particular, the infrared Ca II triplet in the spectrum of V1027 Cyg. The calcium triplet (Ca T) with W λ(Ca T) = 20.3 ± 1.8 ?A as a luminosity indicator for supergiants places V1027 Cyg in the region of the brightest G–K supergiants. V1027 Cyg has been identified with the infrared source IRAS 20004+2955 and is currently believed to be a candidate for post-AGB stars. The evolutionary status of the star and its difference from other post-AGB objects are discussed.  相似文献   

Self-consistent multicomponent models of evolution of the interstellar medium have been computed by extending the scheme of Habeet al. (1981) and adding some processes of star formation in molecular clouds, induced by supersonic collisions. A monochromatic spectrum of the molecular clouds has been adopted with a cloud mass of 104 M . The consequences of these simplifying assumptions have been discussed and moreover the influence of several parameters (efficiency of star formation, photoionization rate, cloud radius, and mass) and of the initial conditions has been analyzed. Emphasis has been put on the following points: (1) there is a strong conditioning of the physical state of the intercloud gas on the star formation rate; (2) depending on the total initial mass of the molecular clouds per unit volume , two different regimes of star formation are possible: one, when is larger than a critical value cr, dominated by collisions between clouds, with a total star formation rate practically constant and a long lifetime for the system, the other, characterized by <cr, in which the dominant process is due to the expansion ofHii regions: the resulting star formation rate causes the system exhaustion in a relatively short lifetime. Some suggestions are derived concerning the evolution of galaxies.  相似文献   

In this study analytic models are used in an attempt to constrain the overshooting parameter in massive stars. It is found that core overshooting up to of order 20% is required to explain the non-existence of red supergiants withM bol<–10. Furthermore, a critical mass of 60M marks the upper mass limit for stars that can undergo a red supergiant phase. The analysis employed clearly demonstrates an important interplay between mass loss and core overhooting-highlighting the difficulty of establishing the uniqueness of a given set of results.  相似文献   

Based on archived images obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope, stellar photometry for 105 irregular galaxies has been conducted. We have shown the red supergiant and giant branches in the obtained Hertzsprung-Russel diagrams. Using the TRGB method, distances to galaxies and metallicity of red giants have been determined. The color index (V ? I) of the supergiant branch at the luminosity level MI = ?7 was chosen as the metallicity index of red supergiants. For the galaxies under study, the diagrams have been built, in which the correlation can be seen between the luminosity of galaxies (MB) and metallicity of red giants and supergiants. The main source of variance of the results in the obtained diagrams is, in our opinion, uncertainty inmeasurements of galaxy luminosities and star-forming outburst. The relation between metallicity of young and old stars shows that main enrichment of galaxies with metals has taken place in the remote past. Deviations of some galaxies in the obtained relation can possibly be explained with the fall of the intergalactic gas on them, although, this inconsiderably affects metallicities of the stellar content.  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate what kind of density perturbations did lead to elliptical galaxies and what kind to spiral galaxies, in the context of a CDM scenario. Previous work by HP (Heavens and Peacock, 1988) is reviewed and extended; more particularly: (i) a theoreticalJM relation is derived for virialized configurations, with a slope increasing with the mass, in the range 5/3<<2, and compared with its counterpart deduced by HP for expanding configurations; (ii) an non-dimensional angular momentum =J/(G 2 M 5 t ff )1/3; witht ff free-fall time at turnaround, is calculated explicitly and compared with the usual spin parameter =J(–E) 1/2/(GM 5/2), in the special case of polytropic spheres and for different peak heights; (iii) a model is built up where the ellipsoidal density perturbations described by HP are approximated as spherical density perturbations with the same mass and the same rate of acquisition of angular momentum, and the contribution of the latter to the expansion is also taken into account. The calculations are limited to the special case of Einstein-de Sitter universes (of dust only), in the whole range of HP distributions of angular momenta. If a massM=1012 m is typical for galaxies, the results are consistent with both an inferred difference roughly in a factor of six times between angular momenta of ellipticals and spirals, and a continuous transition from the former to the latter, for each peak height. It is argued that star formation together with angular momentum, instead of peak height alone, makes the fate of a given proto-object; more specifically, if star formation is high enough and/or angular momentum is low enough, the system will be frozen as an elliptical galaxy; if, on the other hand, the rate of star formation is low enough, and/or angular momentum is high enough, the system will be frozen as a spiral galaxy. In addition, the results lead to an obvious trend: more ellipticals are associated with higher peak heights and more spirals with lower peak heights.  相似文献   

We present some results of the photometric analysis of the stellar population of the irregular dwarf galaxy KK 230 on the basis of the archive database of the Hubble space telescope. The color index-magnitude diagram for KK 230 gets to magnitude 27 m in the V and I bands, and it comprises stellar populations of various ages. The age of the youngest main-sequence stars is 3.2 × 107 yr. These stars are distributed along the north-south direction in the picture plane, and this fact can be linked to the observed kinematics of the neutral gas in the galaxy. Older blue and red supergiants are no less than 1.6 × 108 years old, and such an age implies that the star formation was episodic over the last several hundreds of millions of years. As judged from the position of the tip of the red giant branch, the distance modulus for KK 230 is m ? M = 26.5 m . The corresponding distance is D = 2 Mpc. Based on the average absolute magnitude M I,RC and color index (V ? I)I,RC of the red clump, we conclude that the majority of KK 230 stars have an age of no more than (2–3) × 109 yr, their metallicity being Z ≈ 0.0004.  相似文献   

A new series of neutron star models has been computed. The equation of state used included the effects of nuclear dissolution, nuclear forces, and the presence of hyperons. The nuclear forces were introduced through use of a generalized form of the Levinger-SimmonsV andV potentials. The maximum stable masses obtained were 2.28 and 2.37M , respectively. Details are given of the structure of the outer layers which are expected to be crystalline. Expressions are given for the angular momentum and rotational energy of a neutron star and the relevant moment of inertia is tabulated for the models.  相似文献   

It has been recently established that there exists a maximal red shiftz max for a homogeneous star of given massM. The relationshipz max(M) is obtained for neutron stars in the mass range 0.71M/M 12.06.  相似文献   

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