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According to the satellite remote sensing monthly mean sea surface temperature data from 1998 to 2002, it is shown that, the Sulu Sea is dominated by a cold eddy both in summer and winter. A coupled single-layer/two-layer model is employed here to study the summery and wintry characteristics and dynamic mechanism of the upper circulation in the Sulu Sea. According to the numerical experiments, it is found that, due to the local monsoon stress cud, the upper circulation in the Sulu Sea is dominated by a weak anticyclonic eddy in summer and a strong cyclonic eddy in winter. Once there is a large outflow via the Sibutu Passage flowing out of the Sulu Sea in summer, the upper circulation in the Sulu Sea may be dominated by a cyclonic eddy instead of the normal anti- cyclonic one. Moreover, in summer, the water exchange between the Sulu Sea and South China Sea via the Mindoro and Balabac Straits might have some effect on the separation position and strength of the northward western boundary current next to the Indo - China Peninsula in the southern South China Sea.  相似文献   

This study investigates the distribution of macrozoobenthos in relation to meso-scale bedforms in the southern North Sea. Three sites on the Dutch Continental Shelf were sampled that are representative of large areas of the North Sea and show diverse morphological settings. These sites are (i) part of a shoreface-connected ridge, (ii) the lower part of a concave shoreface and (iii) a sandwave area. Within these sites, two or three different morphological units were distinguished. Sampling was undertaken in two seasons for two consecutive years. The species composition was analysed for differences in benthic assemblage within sites, based on the meso-scale morphology, and between sites and seasons. In addition, the benthic assemblage was correlated to water depth, median grain size (D50) and sorting (D60/D10). Results show that significant differences in the benthic assemblage can be found related to meso-scale bedforms, but macro-scale morphological setting and seasonal effects are more important.  相似文献   

The calculation of the circulation in South China Sea by a diagnostic model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A high resolved two - dimensional linear global diagnostic model combining with the dynamical calculation is used to calculate ve- locity field in the South China Sea(SCS). The study of model results shows that eddy diffusion does not change basic structure of circulation in the SCS and does not change the direction of invasive water, but changes the value of transport considerably espe- cially in straits. The velocity field is not changed whether the wind stress is considered or not. This result shows the circulation is largely determined by a density field which well records most of the important contribution of the wind stress effect. Potential vor- ticity is calculated to testify the dynamics of the model results. The result shows that a good conservation of the nonlinear PV. This indicates most effects of the important nonlinear processes are well recorded in density and the nonlinear term is negligible so that the simplified model is reliable. The model results show the water exchanges between the SCS and open ocean or surrounding seas. Cold deep water invades through Luzon Strait and Warm shallow water is pushed out mainly through Karimata Straits. The model results also reveal the structure of the circulation in the SCS basin. In two circulations of upper and middle layers, a cyclon- ic one in the north and an anti-cyclonic one in the south, reflect the climatologic average of the circulation driven by monsoon. In the deep or bottom layer, these two circulations reflect the topography of the basin. Above the middle layer, invasive water enters westward in the north but the way of invasion of Kuroshio is not clear. Below the deep layer, a current goes down south near the east basin , and invasive water enters in the basin from the west Pacific.  相似文献   

Hypotheses concerning the circulation of the northern North Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Using a variational inverse model, a wintertime ocean circulation is obtained in the East Sea of Korea bounded by transects of 34° N, 38° N in latitude and 132° E in longitude and coastlines. The hydrographic data observed by FRDAK (Fisheries Research and Development Agency of Korea) are used for determining the vertical structure and also used as data constraints. In the current study, the model was constrained only by the geostrophic balance and bottom topography. Preliminary model results showed that the vertical distributions of temperature in February 1983 were homogeneous in the coastal region south of 35°30′ N and that the extension of cold water mass along the eastern coast of Korea was noticed in the northern part of the study area. Meandering northward flows with the scale of 150 km are also observed to be dominant in the surface layer (10–100 m).  相似文献   

Transport of warm, nutrient-rich Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) onto Antarctic continental shelves and coastal seas has important effects on physical and biological processes. The present study investigates the locations of this transport and its dynamics in the Ross Sea with a high-resolution three-dimensional numerical model. The model circulation is forced by daily wind stress along with heat and salt fluxes calculated from atmospheric climatologies by bulk formulae. All surface fluxes are modified by an imposed climatological ice cover. Waters under the Ross Ice Shelf are not included explicitly, but their effect on temperature and salinity is imposed in a buffer zone at the southern end of the model domain. A simple nutrient uptake is calculated based on the climatological chlorophyll distribution and Monod uptake kinetics.Model circulation is strongly affected by bottom topography, due to weak stratification, and agrees with schematics of the general flow and long-term current measurements except near the southern boundary. The sea-surface temperature is similar to satellite estimates except that the warmest simulated temperatures are slightly higher than observations. There is a significant correlation between the curvature of the shelf break and the transport across the shelf break. A momentum term balance shows that momentum advection helps to force flow across the shelf break in specific locations due to the curvature of the bathymetry (that is, the isobaths curve in front of the flow). For the model to create a strong intrusion of CDW onto the shelf, it appears two mechanisms are necessary. First, CDW is driven onto the shelf at least partially due to momentum advection and the curvature of the shelf break; then, the general circulation on the shelf takes the CDW into the interior.  相似文献   

渤海夏季环流的高分辨率海浪-潮汐-环流耦合模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Bohai Sea is a shallow semi-enclosed inner sea with an average depth of 18 m and is located at the west of the northern Yellow Sea. The climatological circulation pattern in summer of the Bohai Sea is studied by using a wave-tide-circulation coupled model. The simulated temperature and the circulation agree with the observation well. The result shows that the circulation pattern of the Bohai Sea is jointly influenced by the tidal residual current, wind and baroclinic current. There exists an obvious density current along the temperature front from the west part of the Liaodong Bay to the offshore area of the Huanghe Estuary. In the Liaodong Bay there exists a clockwise gyre in the area north to the 40°N. While in the area south to the 40°N the circulation shows a two-gyre structure, the flow from the offshore area of the Huanghe Estuary to the Liaodong Bay splits into two branches in the area between 39°N and 40°N. The west branch turns into north-west and forms an anti-clockwise gyre with the south-westward density current off the west of the Liaodong Bay. The east branch turns to the east and forms a clockwise gyre with the flow along the east coast of the Liaodong Bay. The forming mechanism of the circulation is also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper describes the water circulation in the Kuril Basin and its role in the formation and seasonal variation in intensity of the large anticyclonic eddies which occur in the basin. Oceanographic data for the period June 1977 through June 1979 suggest that these eddies develop in summer and decay in winter. In summer, the eddy development is associated with a deepening of the isopycnals caused by the surface flow of the Soya Warm Current over the basin, and the deep advection of cold, less saline, oxygen-rich water from Terpenia Bay and the eastern continental shelf of Sakhalin Island. In winter, the eddy decay is caused by surface cooling and convective mixing downward of the warm, saline surface water, which causes the isopycnals to rise and leads to an attenuation of the eddies. This combination of the summer influx of water into the region, and the fall and winter cooling of the eddies leads to the annual variation in eddy intensity.  相似文献   

A discussion of current and potential problems in the North Sea in the light of its ironic lack of environmental protection under international convention. The author argues strongly in favour of a reclamation of its status as a special area.  相似文献   

Features of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation response to periodic, stochastic, and instantaneous forcing are studied using a four-box model. The present-day circulation is shown to be characterized by a stable quasi-periodic oscillatory mode that manifests itself as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. The thermohaline catastrophe is unlikely in the modern climate epoch.  相似文献   

Nadia Ayoub   《Ocean Modelling》2006,12(3-4):319-347
A 1° × 1° resolution version of the MIT-GCM in the North Atlantic is used to test whether open-boundary conditions can be constrained by observations inside the domain using an adjoint method. In this preliminary feasibility study, the model is run during 1993 with a simplified vertical mixing physics. It is constrained by monthly SST fields, monthly climatological θ, S fields and TOPEX/POSEIDON altimetry. The adjoint model is built using automatic differentiation software. The method aims at bringing the model’s trajectory to consistency with data, by adjusting the initial θ, S fields, the time-varying atmospheric forcing fields and the time-varying open-boundary values. An originality of the work is the ‘nested approach’, which uses optimized fields from a global, coarser resolution model for the open-boundary conditions and for the prior estimates of the surface conditions adjustments. A solution is obtained after 75 iterations. This study shows that significant changes can be obtained on the open-boundary values, and that a general improvement in the circulation is achieved in the constrained solution, mainly in the Gulf Stream and equatorial regions. Changes at the open boundaries are characterized by a large temporal variability and small spatial scales. Large local adjustments are found close to the bottom and are likely unrealistic. There, the method tends to compensate for some model’s deficiencies by computing large corrections on the open-boundary values. The analysis of the cost function gradients with respect to the controls allows us to explore the local consistency between the constraints from the different data sets. This study suggests that no fundamental difficulty emerges when constraining open-boundary values. Its extension to a longer run with complete mixing physics can be envisaged.  相似文献   

The surface circulation in the Japan Sea is investigated using a 1.5 layer reduced gravity model. Historical observations suggest strongly that an anti-clockwise circulation is dominant in the subpolar region north of the Polar Front as a general feature. This anti-clockwise circulation as well as the branching of the Tsushima Warm Current was simulated well by incorporating the Naet al. (1992)'s wind stress. The positive curl of the wind stress in the northern and the northwestern Japan Sea was found to play an important role in the formation of the subpolar gyre and the separation of the western boundary current (the East Korean Warm Current) in the Japan Sea.  相似文献   

Within the framework of activities of the EC funded Project ‘Processes of Vertical Exchange in Shelf Seas’ (PROVESS), the seasonal thermal behaviour during 1998 at a station in the North Sea has been investigated using COHERENS, a three-dimensional fully non-linear hydrodynamic model. Extensive hydrographic measurements were carried out at the Northern North Sea (NNS) station, located at (59°20′N, 1°E). The collected data are used to validate the model results, showing an acceptable agreement between modelled temperatures and those obtained from CTDs and moored thermistors. This is valid both for surface and bottom temperatures, while the mixed layer thickness appears to be underestimated. A series of 3-D runs, testing different turbulence schemes, an internal wave mixing (IWM) parameterisation and the sensitivity to an increase of the surface stress, have been performed with the aim of assessing the relative importance of the advective and mixing processes. The model comparisons mostly evidenced differences in the behaviour of the bottom layer temperature during the last part of the year, which may be due to advection processes. The adoption of an internal wave mixing parameterisation, though managing to reproduce a deeper thermocline, overestimates the mixing around the period of the thermocline breakdown. The run adopting a wind stress increased by 50% provides a better agreement between observed and modelled thermocline. This applies also for surface velocities when compared to Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements, while the bottom ones appear slightly underestimated only in the U-component. The Northern North Sea site appears to be located close to a gyre induced by thermal fronts. Comparisons with nearby wind data measured by an oil rig and by the ships operating in the area seem to confirm that the wind forcing values adopted during the integration are underestimated.  相似文献   

In this study, we develop a variable-grid global ocean general circulation model(OGCM) with a fine grid(1/6)°covering the area from 20°S–50°N and from 99°–150°E, and use the model to investigate the isopycnal surface circulation in the South China Sea(SCS). The simulated results show four layer structures in vertical: the surface and subsurface circulation of the SCS are characterized by the monsoon driven circulation, with basin-scaled cyclonic gyre in winter and anti-cyclonic gyre in summer. The intermediate layer circulation is opposite to the upper layer, showing anti-cyclonic gyre in winter but cyclonic gyre in summer. The circulation in the deep layer is much weaker in spring and summer, with the maximum velocity speed below 0.6 cm/s. In fall and winter, the SCS deep layer circulation shows strong east boundary current along the west coast of Philippine with the velocity speed at 1.5 m/s, which flows southward in fall and northward in winter. The results have also revealed a fourlayer vertical structure of water exchange through the Luzon Strait. The dynamics of the intermediate and deep circulation are attributed to the monsoon driving and the Luzon Strait transport forcing.  相似文献   

一个高分辨率太平洋-印度洋海盆环流模式的初步结果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用LASG/IAP发展的一个0.25°×0.25°高分辨率太平洋-印度洋海盆环流模式,初步分析了模式在太平洋区域的模拟结果,并与海洋同化资料以及前人的研究结果作比较,检验此模式对该区域平均气候态、年际变化的模拟能力。分析表明,模式较好地再现了海表温度(SST)分布、赤道温跃层和纬向流结构、赤道流系分布形态、海表高度以及正压流函数空间分布特征;同时,对显著的El Ni?o和La Ni?a事件的模拟等方面与Simple Ocean Data Assimilation(SODA)2.0.2版本结果相近。此外,模式模拟北赤道流(NEC)分叉点位置的季节和年际变化以及吕宋海峡流量的年际变化与已有研究结果基本一致。进一步分析还发现,在年际尺度上,NEC分叉点位置和吕宋海峡流量与ENSO密切相关。  相似文献   

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