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We used four coronal models to fit ROSAT data of a sample of late-type stars. The merits and demerits of each was discussed. We found a good correlation between the cornoal temperature so derived and the magnetic field strength. This indicates magnetic heating of the corona and provides a possible, indirect means of estimating the photospheric magnetic field.  相似文献   

The improved calibration of absolute magnitude versus spectral type and luminosity class is presented for carbon stars and for K- to M-type giants. It is based on the recent results estimated by applying the maximum-likelihood method and other statistical methods to the homogeneous kinematical data including the proper motions in the AGK3 system.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

Observations of the Sun show that the chromosphere-corona transition region has a complex geometry and dynamic nature. In spite of this, observations of stellar transition regions show common behaviour as well as systematic trends. The basic methods used in making models of the transition region are set out. Observations relating to inhomogeneities in the solar transition region are summarized. The structure and energy balance of stellar transition regions and the trends emerging are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary From the early discovery in 1948 of X-rays from the Solar corona, X-ray spectroscopy has proven to be an invaluable tool in studying hot astrophysical and laboratory plasmas. Because the emission line spectra and continua from optically thin plasmas are fairly well known, high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy has its most obvious application in the measurement of optically thin sources such as the coronae of stars. In particular X-ray observations with theEINSTEIN observatory have demonstrated that soft X-ray emitting coronae are a common feature among stars on the cool side of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, with the probable exception of single very cool giant and supergiant stars and A-type dwarfs. Observations with the spectrometers aboardEINSTEIN andEXOSAT have shown that data of even modest spectral resolution (/ = 10–100) permit the identification of coronal material at different temperatures whose existence may relate to a range of possible magnetic loop structures in the hot outer atmospheres of these stars. The higher spectral resolution of the next generation of spectrometers aboard NASA'sAXAF and ESA'sXMM will allow to fully resolve the coronal temperature structure and to enable velocity diagnostics and the determination of coronal densities, from which the loop geometry (i.e. surface filling factors and loop lengths) can be derived. In this paper various diagnostic techniques are reviewed and the spectral results fromEINSTEIN andEXOSAT are discussed. A number of spectral simulations forAXAF andXMM, especially high-resolution iron K-shell, L-shell, and2s-2p spectra in the wavelength regions around 1.9 Å, 10 Å, and 100 Å, respectively, are shown to demonstrate the capabilities for temperature, density, and velocity diagnostics. Finally, iron K-shell spectra are simulated for various types of detectors such as microcalorimeter, Nb-junction, and CCD.  相似文献   

Period of magnetic activity versus the stellar angular velocity for stars of given spectral type having extended convective shells is estimated within the framework of mean field dynamo theory. The dependence appears to be not monotonous, and can be checked by observations.  相似文献   

Summary Stars of nearly all spectral types and luminosity classes are surrounded by tenuous high-temperature (T106-107K) coronae, which emit most of their radiation in the soft X-ray part of the spectrum. This paper reviews our present observational knowledge and theoretical understanding of stellar coronae, as has emerged from the extensive observations carried out with theEinstein and EXOSAT Observatories. We argue that different physical mechanisms are likely to be responsible for coronal emission in different parts of the HR diagram and we discuss the principal scenarios that have been proposed to account for the data. We show that in spite of the enormous progress made during the past decade, our understanding of stellar coronal emission remains incomplete and largely phenomenological. We outline major unsolved problems to be addressed by future space missions.  相似文献   

New high-resolution echelle spectra of six single late-type Pleiades-like stars(V368 Cep, EP Eri, DX Leo, GJ 211, PW And and V383 Lac) were obtained with the 2.16 meter telescope at Xinglong Station in 2008–2010. Using the spectral subtraction technique, we analyzed our spectroscopic data and calculated the equivalent widths of excess emission from several indicators of chromospheric activity(Na I D1, D2, Hα and Ca II infrared triplet lines). All our results using chromospheric activity indicators confirmed the previous findings. In addition, the maximum amplitudes of chromospheric rotational modulation and the ratio of EW8542/EW8498 were found to rise with increasing v sin i velocity.  相似文献   

A scale transformation is obtained which allows the Hertel and Thirring gravitational phase transition theory to be extended to more generalized astrophysical conditions. It is shown that by means of this transformation the formation of core-halo structures in late type stars can be explained. The effect of the physical conditions peculiar to this type of star are discussed.  相似文献   

Some results from studies of the gas-grain chemistry in oxygen-rich circumstellar envelopes (CSEs) are presented.  相似文献   

We study the sodium D lines (D1: 5895.92 Å; D2: 5889.95 Å) in late-type dwarf stars. The stars have spectral types between F6 and M5.5 ( B − V between 0.457 and 1.807) and metallicity between  [Fe/H]=−0.82  and 0.6. We obtained medium-resolution echelle spectra using the 2.15-m telescope at the Argentinian observatory Complejo Astronómico El Leoncito (CASLEO). The observations have been performed periodically since 1999. The spectra were calibrated in wavelength and in flux. A definition of the pseudo-continuum level is found for all our observations. We also define a continuum level for calibration purposes. The equivalent width of the D lines is computed in detail for all our spectra and related to the colour index ( B − V ) of the stars. When possible, we perform a careful comparison with previous studies. Finally, we construct a spectral index  ( R 'D)  as the ratio between the flux in the D lines and the bolometric flux. We find that, once corrected for the photospheric contribution, this index can be used as a chromospheric activity indicator in stars with a high level of activity. Additionally, we find that combining some of our results, we obtain a method to calibrate in flux stars of unknown colour.  相似文献   

The spectral subtypes and luminosity classes are given for 15 comparatively faint M stars found on plates of the First Byurakan Spectroscopic Survey. Two of them are classified as M dwarfs. Most of the new M stars are probably Mirids.Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 73–82, January–February, 1994.  相似文献   

The importance of partial redistribution (PRD) in the modelling of the Lyman α and Lyman β emission lines of hydrogen in stellar atmospheres is examined using simple atmospheric models of a range of late-type stars. These models represent the subgiant Procyon (F5 IV–V), and the two giants β Gem (K0 III) and α Tau (K5 III). These stars are selected to span a wide range of surface gravities: 1.25< log  g <4.00 . The calculations are performed using the computer code multi with the modifications made by Hubeny & Lites. It is found that PRD effects are highly significant, both in the direct prediction of the Lyman line profiles and in the application of hydrostatic equilibrium to calculate the atmospheric electron density in static atmospheric models.  相似文献   

Late-type stars in general possess complicated magnetic surface fields which makes their detection and in particular their modeling and reconstruction challenging. In this work we present a new Zeeman-Doppler imaging code which is especially designed for the application to late-type stars. This code uses a new multi-line cross-correlation technique by means of a principal component analysis to extract and enhance the quality of individual polarized line profiles. It implements the full polarized radiative transfer equation and uses an inversion strategy that can incorporate prior knowledge based on solar analogies. Moreover, our code utilizes a new regularization scheme which is based on local maximum entropy to allow a more appropriate reproduction of complex surface fields as those expected for late-type stars. In a first application we present Zeeman-Doppler images of II Pegasi which reveal a surprisingly large scale surface structure with one predominant (unipolar) magnetic longitude which is mainly radially oriented. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The results of calculations of graphite grain formation in the atmospheres of R CrB stars are given. The parameters for the models wereM=1M ,M bol=?6 mag. The effective temperature ranged from 5300K to 8300K. The chemical composition corresponded to the hydrogen-deficient carbon rich mixture:X=0,Y=0.9,Z c=0.1. The results obtained show the existence of a critical mass loss rate which is ranged fromM *≈10?6 M yr?1 forT eff=5300 K toM *≈10?5 M yr?1 forT eff=8300 K. As soon as the rate of mass loss exceedsM * by 3–5 times the degree of condensation of carbon changes from 0 to 0.7. The finite radii of grains are about from 0.01 μm to 0.6 μm depending on the density near the condensation point, the velocity of matter outflow, and the stellar effective temperature. The duration of grain growth should amount to some dozens of days. It is supposed that the most probable explanation of dust-shell formation around R CrB stars is graphite condensation behind a shock wave arising from nonlinear stellar pulsation.  相似文献   

We present CCD photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy of low-mass stars in the open cluster NGC 2516, which has an age of about 150 Myr and may have a much lower metallicity than the Pleiades. 24 probable F to early K type, single cluster members have been identified from their photometry and radial velocities, along with three possible spectroscopic binaries. The projected equatorial velocities are measured and compared with younger and older clusters. Several fast rotating late G /early K stars are seen, but all hotter stars have v e sin  i  < 20 km s−1. The data are consistent with angular momentum loss models with spin-down time-scales that increase from tens of Myr for G stars to hundreds of Myr for K stars. The observed X-ray activity is consistent with the currently accepted rotation–activity paradigm. Lithium abundances are derived from the Li  i 6708-Å line. The pattern of Li depletion is indistinguishable from that in the Pleiades, including a spread in the K0 stars, where the most rapid rotators suffer the least Li depletion. The observations argue in favour of either a metallicity in the range −0.1 < [Fe/H]< 0.0 for NGC 2516, or a lower metallicity and extra Li depletion through non-standard mixing modes which occurs on time-scales of only ∼ 50 Myr. Neither our low signal-to-noise ratio spectroscopy nor our photometry can constrain [Fe/H] sufficiently to decide between these possibilities. A detailed spectroscopic chemical abundance analysis is urgently required.  相似文献   

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