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Comoving frame calculations have been used to compute the spectral lines formed in rapidly expanding spherical media. We have employed the angle-averaged partial frequency redistribution functionR I with a two-level atom model in non-LTE atom approximation. A linear velocity law increasing with radius has been employed with maximum velocity at Τ=0 being set equal to 30 mean thermal units. It is found that one obtains almost symmetric emission line profiles at large velocities similar to those found in quasars.  相似文献   

Elementary events of photon scattering by a chaotically moving monoenergetic electron gas are examined to obtain the redistribution function (RF). It is pointed out that in many problems and, in particular, the interaction of background radiation with the intergalactic plasmas of rich galactic clusters, it is sufficient to have the angle-averaged RF. Expressions are obtained for the averaged RF and its asymptotes which describe the redistribution function for low frequency radiation. The question of determining the frequencydependent absorption coefficient is discussed. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 475–485 (August 2006).  相似文献   

K. N. Nagendra 《Solar physics》1996,164(1-2):67-78
Velocity fields in line formation regions strongly affect the line polarization. The conventionally used observer's frame method of solving the polarized transfer equation becomes expensive and inaccurate for partial redistribution problems, when large amplitude velocity fields have to be considered in the observer's frame. An alternative method of solution is the comoving frame method. Partial redistribution problems are solved using comoving frame formalism for line polarization caused by resonance scattering.  相似文献   

The effects of partial frequency redistribution on the formation of spectral lines have been studied. We considered the angle-averaged RII, RIII andR v types of redistribution with isotropic phase function, Transfer equation with plane-parallel geometry is solved in isothermal atmospheres. For an atmosphere with constant thermal sources, the frequency-dependent source function SL (R v) lies below SL (RIII) but above SL(R III) in the line wings.  相似文献   

J. Staude 《Solar physics》1996,164(1-2):183-190
The concepts of contribution functions (CF) and of mean depths of line formation of unpolarized light as well as of Stokes profiles will be critically discussed. After having outlined the historical development arguments are given in favour of the use of directly observable quantities such as the emergent line intensity or the polarized components seen through polarization optics only. The arguments are provided by a probability interpretation of the CF; the ambiguities of line depression CF as well as some physically strange features in Stokes profiles are avoided if the rules based on this interpretation are observed. Some problems of the interpretation of measurements in chromospheric lines will be discussed as well.  相似文献   

We analyze in detail the statistics of the frequency redistribution of photons during the transfer of gyroresonance radiation under conditions typical of compact stars. The probabilities of photon escape from a scattering atmosphere of arbitrary optical thickness in a single scattering have been found. The effects of gyroresonance photon diffusion in space and in frequency have been simulated. We show that when photons escape from a semi-infinite atmosphere with weak absorption, the frequency redistribution effects lead to a considerable increase in the probability of photon escape from large optical depths and, consequently, modify significantly the dynamics of gyroresonance photon transfer for neutron stars and white dwarfs.  相似文献   

D. E. Rees  G. Geers 《Solar physics》1996,164(1-2):103-116
This paper looks at three aspects of numerical methods for solving polarized radiative transfer problems associated with spectral line formation in the presence of a magnetic field. First we prove Murphy's law for Stokes evolution operators which is the basis of the efficient algorithm used in the SPSR software package to compute the Stokes line depression contribution functions. Then we use a two-stream model to explain the efficacy of the field-free method in which the non-LTE line source function in a uniform magnetic field is approximated by the source function neglecting the magnetic field. Finally we introduce a totally new and computationally efficient approach to solving non-LTE problems based on a method of sparsely representing integral operators using wavelets. As an illustration, the wavelet method is used to solve the source function integral equation for a two-level atomic model in a finite atmosphere with coherent scattering, ignoring polarization.  相似文献   

We probed for radio frequency interference (RFI) at three potential galactic emission mapping experiment (GEM) sites in Portugal using custom made omnidirectional disconic antennas and directional pyramidal horn antennas. For the installation of a 10-m dish dedicated to the mapping of polarized galactic emission foreground planned for 2005–2007 in the 5–10 GHz band, the three sites chosen as suitable to host the antenna were surveyed for local radio pollution in the frequency range 0.01–10 GHz. Tests were done to look for radio broadcasting and mobile phone emission lines in the radio spectrum. The results show one of the sites to be almost entirely RFI clean and showing good conditions to host the experiment.  相似文献   

The partial frequency redistribution function for zero natural line width with dipole scattering (RI) has been considered in obtaining the simultaneous solution of the statistical equilibrium and line transfer equations in the comoving frame of the expanding gas. We have considered a non-LTE two level atom in an expanding spherical medium whose outer radii are 3, 10 and 20 times the stellar radius with a total optical depthT ≃ 2 × 103. In all the cases, we have calculated the population ratio of the two levels N2/N1 and compared these results with those obtained by using different expansion velocities and geometrical extensions. Initially, the upper level population (N2) is set equal to zero. The converged simultaneous solution shows that the upper level population is enhanced considerably from the initial value. Variation in velocity gradients seem to have little effect on the ratio N2/N1 when the geometrical thickness of the medium is 3 or 10 times the stellar radius. However, when the thickness is increased to 20 times the central radius, the velocity gradients change the ratio N2/N1 considerably in the region where log T ≤ 2. The effect of variation of geometrical thickness is to reduce the N2/N1 ratio atτ = 0.  相似文献   

Solar magnetic elements and their dynamical interaction with the convective surface layers of the Sun are numerically simulated. Radiation transfer in the photosphere is taken into account. A simulation run over 18.5 minutes real time shows that the granular flow is capable of moving and bending a magnetic flux sheet (the magnetic element). At times it becomes inclined by up to 30° with respect to the vertical around the level 5000 = 1 and it moves horizontally with a maximal velocity of 4 km/s. Shock waves form outside and within the magnetic flux sheet. The latter cause a distinctive signature in a time series of synthetic Stokes V-profiles. Such shock events occur with a mean frequency of about 2.5 minutes. A time resolution of at least 10 seconds in Stokes V recordings is needed to reveal an individual shock event by observation.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation  相似文献   

Based on spectropolarimetric observations Seyfert 2 (Sy2) galaxies are generally divided into two populations. Some Sy2s show polarized broad emission lines (PBLs) which is an evidence for the hypothesis of the Unified model while others do not. In order to determine the properties of these two apparently different populations we compiled a sample of 66 Sy2 objects with and without detected PBLs. We used a (J − H) − (H − Ks) diagram based on 2MASS J, H, Ks magnitudes in 14 arcsec aperture, the F[OIII] emission line flux and the infrared emission flux FKs using the Ks filter. From the (J − H) − (H − Ks) diagram we determined that one third of the Sy2 objects with PBLs have a power-law infrared component which could be a result of both a non-thermal AGN component scattered by free electrons (or dust) and emission from hot dust near its sublimation temperature. The rest of the objects (with PBLs) are significantly dominated by a dust thermal re-emission. The Sy2s without PBLs show infrared emission dominated by a host galaxy stellar component and also by thermal dust re-emission. The Sy2s with PBLs tend to have a few times larger L[OIII] luminosities than those without. Following the median values of F[OIII]/FKs, it seems that this ratio is sensitive enough to separate our sample of Sy2 galaxies into two types - with and without PBLs. There are no Sy2s with PBLs having Eddington ratio below 10−3 which confirms the results of Nicastro et al. (2003).  相似文献   

Polarization analysis of vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) radiation, especially the analysis of elliptical polarization is of considerable scientific interest in many areas of physics including solar physics. Polarization measurements in the VUV region are much less developed than those in visible and infrared spectral regions. It is due to lack of efficient phase shifting elements and small reflection coefficients of polarizers for VUV radiation. We propose two techniques, to determine the arbitrary polarization of VUV radiation with photon energies in the range 10 – 100 eV, which seem to be more efficient and precise than the known techniques, especially to study the polarization of atomic or molecular spectral lines.  相似文献   

The COsmic Foreground Explorer (COFE) is a balloon-borne microwave polarimeter designed to measure the low-frequency and low-ℓ characteristics of dominant diffuse polarized foregrounds. Short duration balloon flights from the Northern and Southern Hemispheres will allow the telescope to cover up to 80% of the sky with an expected sensitivity per pixel better than 100 μK/deg2 from 10 GHz to 20 GHz. This is an important effort toward characterizing the polarized foregrounds for future CMB experiments, in particular the ones that aim to detect primordial gravity wave signatures in the CMB polarization angular power spectrum.  相似文献   

The in fluence of the different reflective boundaries on the polarized radiation field in a conservative homogeneous plane-parallel atmosphere is studied. The equation of transfer for molecular scattering is solved using the method of discrete ordinates and the results are checked by using the invariant imbedding approach. The results of a long series of numerical experiments have shown that in general a reflecting boundary at the bottom depolarizes the radiation field while the depolarizing effect of an isotropic scatterer is much larger than that of a specular reflector or a perfect absorber.  相似文献   

We present an application of the PALI (Polarized Approximate Lambda Iteration) method to the resonance scattering in spectral lines formed in the presence of weak magnetic fields. The method is based on an operator perturbation approach, and can efficiently give solutions for oriented vector magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

The Huygens descent through Titan's atmosphere in January 2005 will provide invaluable information about Titan's atmospheric composition and aerosol properties. The Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) will perform upward and downward looking radiation observations at various spectral ranges and spatial resolutions. To prepare the DISR data interpretation we have developed a new model for radiation transfer in Titan's atmosphere. The model solves for the full three-dimensional polarized radiation field in spherical geometry. However, the atmosphere itself is assumed to be spherically symmetric. The model is initialized with a fast-to-compute plane–parallel solution based on the doubling and adding algorithm that incorporates a spherical correction for the incoming direct solar beam. The full three-dimensional problem is then solved using the characteristics method combined with the Picard iterative approximation as described in Rozanov et al. (J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 69 (2001) 491). Aerosol scattering properties are calculated with a new microphysical model. In this formulation, aerosols are assumed to be fractal aggregates and include methane gas absorption embedded into the extinction coefficient. The resulting radiance of the model atmosphere's internal field is presented for two prescribed DISR wavelengths.  相似文献   

We have tried to determine the flux of the ultraviolet background radiation field from the column density ratios of various ions in several absorption systems observed in the spectra of QSOs. We find that in most cases the flux is considerably higher than what has been estimated to be contributed by the AGNs. The excess flux could originate locally in hot stars. In a few cases we have been able to show that such galactic flux can only contribute a part of the total required flux. The results suggest that the background gets a significant contribution from an unseen QSO population.  相似文献   

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