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A petrological and mineralogical study, using an electron microprobe, of a blue-amphibole eclogite occurring near Nantes (Massif Armoricain, France) has enabled us to characterize this amphibole as glaucophane resulting from a secondary reaction in the rock. This sodic amphibole was formed at the expense of primary eclogite paragenesis including omphacite, garnet and quartz, according to a sliding reaction which it was possible to study quantitatively: 3.24 omphacite+0.90 SiO2+0.76 garnet+1.08 H2O =1 glaucophane+0.55 grossular (S.S. in the garnet) +0.04 paragonite.This reaction is accompanied by a variation in the distribution of iron and magnesium between the amphibole, the garnet and the omphacite.The appearance of the glaucophane can be explained as the beginning of a retromorphic evolution from the stable physical conditions of the primary eclogite paragenesis (650±100° C; minimum pressure 15 Kb).  相似文献   

The authors describe from the South of Brittany (inverted limb of the “overthrust nappe of Champtoceaux”, near Nantes) an example of a relic massif of “charnockitised” granite, within augen gneisses and blastomylonitic leptynites. The granite is characterised by the presence of coronas of almandite + orthoclase between biotite (ores) and plagioclase, indicating that it was affected by a pre-deformation granulitic phase of metamorphism before its retromorphism in the amphibolite and greenschist facies, a similar history is recorded in associated metabasites. The progressive transformation of granite to augen gneisses and leptynites is a new observation of importance concerning the origin of leptynites.   相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》1986,31(1):69-95
Earlier studies of Stromatolites had permitted the dating of the Atar Formation (Mauritania) as late Riphean by comparing these structures with those of the U.S.S.R. Geochronological data (Rb/Sr) obtained subsequently on illite had given ages ranging between 890 ± 36 and 595 ± 43 Ma for the whole Atar Group, the Atar Formation being dated at 890 ± 36 Ma (late Riphean). The microfossils (Acritarchs) studied here come from black shales cored while drilling for water near Atar. These shales are equivalent to the intercalations between the stromatolitic limestones of the Atar Formation. They have yielded 20 species of Acritarchs, six of which are most important as they provide a diagnostic assemblage of the late Riphean (1000 ± 50–650 ± 10 Ma) of the U.S.S.R. and northern Europe. These are: Chuaria circularis, Kildinosphaera chagrinata, K. verrucata, Leiosphaeridia asperata, Stictosphaeridium cf. sinapticuliferum, Trematosphaeridium holtedahli. The late Riphean age of the Atar Formation is thus confirmed by this microfossil assemblage.  相似文献   

A new section in the Silurian graptolitic ‘phtanites’ (black cherts) of Les Fresnaies at Chalonnes-sur-Loire (SE Armorican Massif) shows for the first time that these rocks (1) succeed conformably to Uppermost Ordovician (Hirnantian) glaciomarine deposits and (2) contain successive graptolite assemblages that characterise the base of the Silurian, the whole Rhuddanian and Aeronian stages and the lower part of the Telychian. To cite this article: J.M. Piçarra et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1177–1183.  相似文献   

In the northwestern Massif Central (France), groundwater chloride concentrations are inversely correlated with elevation, when nitrate-poor. This can be explained by an evolution of the ratio evapotranspiration/rainfall, or of the rainwater composition. Such a relationship may be used for the detection of denitrification phenomena in groundwaters, or nitrate assimilation in surface waters, or for the computation of evapotranspiration, using the chloride mass balance method. However, the main objective will be the selection of groundwaters free of any chloride-bearing contamination, in order to define the natural groundwater quality background. To cite this article: J. Barbier, C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

The Hermitage Granite, situated in the northwest Massif Central (France) is a syntectonic Hercynian leucogranite emplaced along an active transcurrent shear zone. During emplacement and cooling, the progressive deformation is marked by the development of a primary homogeneous foliation gradually affected by ductile shear bands (C-S mylonites). Increase in strain heterogeneity during cooling corresponds to a change of dominant deformation mechanism of the quartz phase from grain growth and migration recrystallization to intracrystalline 〈a〉 slip and rotation recrystallization. Migration recrystallization is characterized by preferred orientations of c axes close to the principal extension direction. We discuss relevant deformation mechanisms and rheological implications for syntectonic plutons. In particular, we argue that the transitions between homogeneous and heterogeneous accumulation of strain cannot generally be correlated with transition between magmatic and solid-state flow.  相似文献   

The author describes a new occurrence of garnet peridotite and garnet pyroxenite interlayered in the biotite-sillimanite-garnet gneisses at the top of the granulitic serie of the Monts du Lyonnais (Massif Central français). Its dimensions are rather significant for a crustal gisement (500×100 m). It is only composed of forsterite, enstatite, chromiferous diopside, pyrope and spinel peridotites with their products of retrograde transformations as kelyphites, amphiboles, chlorites, lizardite, ores, etc. The petrographic studies show the heterogeneity of the massif and the anteriority of the red spinel upon the garnet which always forms a corona around the spinel. The peridotites are intermingled with numerous streched and dislocated layers of garnet websterites with rare centimetric levels. These pyroxenites would be derived of particular magmatic processes (partial anatectic melting followed by cristallisation) developped from an upper mantle level in a primary pyrolitic lherzolitic (s. l) or garnet peridotitic material. The garnet peridotite of “Le Bois des Feuilles” would be, in fact, a “secondary garnet lherzolite” derived: - either from a spinel lherzolite intermingled with garnet websterite layers and their “dunitic” remnants, to form a “pseudo-garnet lherzolite” like this of Beni Bouchera described by Kornprobst; - or from a spinel lherzolite associated with garnet websterites and submitted temporarily, at the time of its diapiric rising movement from the mantle towards the crust to the conditions of the spinel garnet lherzolite facies. The plastic deformations and intense laminations form blastomylonites of mixed rocks recristallised ultimately under granulitic facies conditions. These rocks are, pro parte, not very different from the other crustal garnet peridotites, in spite of the frequency of the spinel inclusions in garnet. In corollary, it seems that numerous crustal garnet peridotites would have the same origin.  相似文献   

Résumé L'essentiel du minerai actuellement exploité dans le district minier des Malines (Gard, France) provient d'amas plombo-zincifères apparamment constitués par le remplissage de cavités paléo-karstiques post-stéphaniennes développées dans la dolomie cambrienne, à proximité de la surface de discordance qui la sépare de sa couverture mésozoïque. L'étude détaillée des minéralisations du substrat carbonaté révèle l'existence de concentrations également plombo-zincifères, mais stratoïdes et syngénétiques de la dolomie qui les supporte. En effet, ces minéralisations ont enregistré tous les phénomènes ayant affecté la dolomie encaissante: figures de sédimentation et de déformation synmétamorphe (orogénie varisque), fracturation post-schisteuse antérieure à la discordance permo-triasique, ... Il est proposé de considérer que ce type de minéralisation alimenta en métaux de base, voire en soufre, les pièges karstiques post-hercyniens: on en trouve notamment remanié à l'état d'éléments brèchiques dans les remplissages paléo-karstiques.
Most of the ores extracted from the Les Malines mining district come from Pb-Zn deposits apparently formed by the in-filling of paleo-karstic caves. These cavities derive from cambrian dolomites solution by meteoric water circulations below the unconformity separating the triassic and/or mesozoic strata from the hercynien basement. Detailed study of the mineralizations located in the carbonate basement reveals besides the karstic in-filling stratoid ore bodies apparently syngenetic of their dolomitic bearing rock. The mineralizations record all the main geological events which affected the dolomitic rock since its deposition i.e. sedimentary features, synmetamorphic deformation, post-schistosity fracturation prior to the permo-triassic unconformity ... It is proposed to consider that these early stratoid mineralizations supplied the post-hercynian karstic traps with base metals and sulfur. It is to be noticed that these cambrian ores are found reworked as breccia elements in the karstic infilling.

Major, trace element, and REE analyses, as well as Sr isotopic ratios, have been obtained on twelve clinopyene megacrysts and phenocrysts and their alkali-basalt hosts from the French Massif Central. Equilibrium between crystals and host was examined based on petrographic and geochemical data.Two types of pyroxenes are recognized: the acmite-bearing clinopyroxenes, rich in incompatible elements and the salitic clinopyroxenes, poor in incompatible elements. 87Sr/ 86Sr isotopic data reveal no significant difference between clinopyroxenes and host lavas: they are in apparent isotopic equilibrium. The Sr isotopic ratios of the two types of pyroxenes are also quite similar. However pyroxene crystals from the first group are not in equilibrium with their host; they have crystallized at high-pressure from differentiated alkali-lavas and have been incorporated in a more primitive magma. Pyroxene crystals from the second group are in apparent equilibrium with their host lava; they have crystallized at various pressures. For the latter, distribution coefficients are proposed for compatible elements, trace elements and REE.  相似文献   

Résumé Le gisement d'Enguialès est situé dans des schistes métamorphiques à proximité du granite de la Margeride et se présente sous la forme de deux systèmes de filons se recoupant l'un l'autre. Le champ filonien et la région avoisinante ont été l'objet d'une étude structurale qui a montré que les filons minéralisés correspondent à des éléments structuraux bien définis. Les filons du premier système sont parallèles à la schistosité S 1 (filons subconcordants) tandis que les filons du deuxième système sont logés dans les diaclases ac.
The Enguialès wolframite deposit (French Massif Central) is located in a metamorphic environment near the Margeride granitic pluton. The deposit is built up of two sets of parallel wolframite-bearing quartz veins crosscutting each other. A structural analysis of the vein system and its environment revealed that the two principal directions of the veins correspond to well-defined structures. The first set of veins is parallel to the schistosity S 1. The second set of veins is an ac-joint filling.

The Carboniferous Morvan Massif, in the northern part of the French Massif Central, consists of granite and some rhyolite. A Triassic erosional unconformity has developed on the massif which is covered by Mesozoic sediments of the Paris Basin. The igneous rocks of the Morvan Massif show a strong alteration with pseudomorphic replacement of the primary plagioclases into albite, pseudomorphic replacement of primary biotite into chlorite and minor precipitation of neogenic minerals like albite, chlorite, apatite, haematite, calcite and titanite. The geometry and arrangement of these alterations give significant constraints about their development. Some of the altered facies develop in a pervasive manner; others are restricted to centimetric to metric-wide joints that imply fluid-flow phenomena. Moreover, the alteration facies are arranged in a clear succession with strongly altered facies at the top and weakly altered facies towards the depth, which point to a genetic relationship with the Triassic unconformity. Regional distribution of the alterations, which affect the Carboniferous igneous and volcanic formations beneath the Jurassic sedimentary cover, also leads to associate these alterations with the Triassic unconformity. Dating of the alterations provides even a further constraint, alterations are of Triassic age, that means the same age as the unconformity. Taking into account all these geological constraints, it is proposed that albitisation of the Morvan Massif was developed under low temperature subsurface conditions in relation to the Triassic palaeosurface.  相似文献   

Résumé Le gisement d'uranium du Bernardan exploité dans le granite à deux micas de la Marche Occidentale appartient au groupe des gisements «d'imprégnation». La minéralisation uranifère (pechblende, coffinite, «produits noirs», autunite, ...) est disseminée dans une roche vacuolaire appelée «épisyénite». Cette dernière résulte d'une altération hydrothermale du granite par des solutions chaudes (370–260°C; 2–5,7% poids équiv. NaCl). Le quartz est dissout; les feldspaths (principalement les plagioclases) et les biotites sont partiellement transformés en phengites. Les muscovites et orthoses granitiques se réequilibrent avec perte de sodium. Cette altération est guidée par un réseau de fractures à différentes échelles. Une altération comparable a été observée dans d'autres gisements du Nord Ouest du Massif Central français, comme Margnac et Fanay dans le massif de St Sylvestre et Hyverneresse dans celui du Millevaches. Les transformations minéralogiques, à l'exception de la quantité de phengites secondaires, les changements chimiques (lessivage de silice et métasomatisme potassique), les conditions P-T et le contrôle tectonique sont les mêmes dans tous ces gisements.
The Bernardan uranium deposit, mined in the Marche Occidentale two-mica granite, is a disseminated type deposit. Similar deposits are known in hercynian belt. Uraniferous mineralizations (pitchblende, coffinite, black minerals, autunite, ...) are disseminated in a vuggy rock called episyenite. It results from an hydrothermal alteration of the granite by hot aqueous solutions (370 to 260°C, 2–5.7 wt% equiv. NaCl). Quartz is dissolved; feldspars (mainly plagioclases) and biotites are partially transformed into phengites. Granitic muscovites and orthoclases are reequilibrated with loss of sodium. This alteration is controlled by fractures at several scales. Such an alteration can be observed in other deposits of the North West part of the French Massif Central, as Margnac and Fanay in the St Sylvestre massif and Hyverneresse in the Millevaches massif. Mineralogical transformations except the content in secondary phengites, chemical changes (SiO2 decrease and potassic metasomatism), P-T conditions and tectonic control are the same in all these deposits.

《Chemical Geology》1992,94(3):173-181
Measurements of cosmogenic 32Si and the U-decay series' nuclides 210Pb and 226Ra in waters and sediments of lake Pavin are reported. Both 210Pb and 226Ra are enriched in the anoxic deep waters compared to the oxic surface waters, respectively by a factor of 4 and 10, whereas 32Si is depleted by a factor of2. Redox conditions in the lake appear to have no marked effect on the 32Si. Using a steady-state box model it is shown that the deep-water 32Si concentration is controlled by the underground lacustrine springs. The residence times of 210Pb, 32Si and 226Ra are1,10 and80 a, respectively. In the case of 32Si, where more data are available, the assessed inventory data from the overhead atmospheric fallout and that measured in the sediments agree very well as expected. The 210Pb- and 32Si-based deposition rates during the past100 a ranged from 0.8 to 1.9 mm a−1, earlier these were a factor of3–5 faster. The geochemistry of 32Si and 210Pb in lake Pavin in many ways resembles that in the ocean, only the time scales of the processes involved are faster.  相似文献   

The Massif du Sud is a large ophiolitic complex that crops out in the southern region of New Caledonia (SW Pacific). It is dominated by harzburgite tectonite that locally shows a transitional gradation to massive dunite up section. Clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and plagioclase progressively appear in dunite up to the transition to layered wehrlite and orthopyroxene–gabbro. The dunite–wehrlite and wehrlite–gabbro contacts are parallel and the latter defines the paleo-Moho.Highly depleted modal, mineral and bulk rock compositions indicate that harzburgites are residues after high degrees (20–30%) of partial melting mainly in the spinel-stability field. Their relative enrichment in HFSE, LREE and MREE is due to re-equilibration of melting residues with percolating melts. Dunite formed in the Moho transition zone by reaction between residual mantle harzburgite and olivine-saturated melts that led to pyroxene dissolution and olivine precipitation. Rare clinopyroxene and plagioclase crystallized in interstitial melt pores of dunite from primitive, low-TiO2, ultra-depleted liquids with a geochemical signature transitional between those of island arc tholeiites and boninites.Ascending batches of relatively high-SiO2, ultra-depleted melts migrated through the Moho transition zone and generated wehrlite by olivine dissolution and crystallization of clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and plagioclase in variable amounts. These liquids were more evolved and were produced by higher degrees of melting or from a more depleted source compared with melts that locally crystallized clinopyroxene in dunite. Ultra-depleted magmas, non-cogenetic with those that formed the Moho transition zone, ascended to the lower crust and generated gabbroic cumulates with subduction-related affinity. Thus, the ultramafic and mafic rocks in the Moho transition zone and lower crust of the Massif du Sud ophiolite are not products of fractional crystallization from a single magma-type but are the result of migration and accumulation of different melts in a multi-stage evolution.The record of high partial melting in the mantle section, and migration and accumulation of ultra-depleted subduction-related melts in the Moho transition zone and lower crust support that the Massif du Sud ophiolite is a portion of forearc lithosphere generated in an extensional regime during the early phases of the subduction zone evolution. Our results show the existence of different types of ultra-depleted melt compositions arriving at the Moho transition zone and lower crust of an infant intraoceanic paleo-arc. Ultra-depleted melts may thus be a significant component of the melt budget generated in oceanic spreading forearcs prior to aggregation and mixing of a large range of melt compositions in the crust.  相似文献   

Résumé Considérée comme syngénétique ou diagénétique précoce, la minéralisation uranifère de la couche 0 de l'Autunien du bassin de Lodève a été étudiée par la méthode U-Pb sur roches totales. Les données U-Pb démontrent l'existence de perte en radon, principalement dans la chaine de désintégration de 238U, et l'intérêt de l'utilisation du couple 207Pb-235U pour la détermination des âges de cristallisation des concentrations uranifères. Pour la couche 0, deux phases de remobilisation de l'uranium et du plomb ont pu être déterminées respectivement à 173±6 Ma et 108±5 Ma. La plus ancienne de ces deux phases est la plus marquée dans les échantillons étudiés, dont les systèmes U-Pb ne montrent pas la mémoire d'une concentration uranifère permienne. La première mobilisation de l'uranium et du plomb s'est faite lors d'une phase de distension à 160–170 Ma, affectant la croûte continentale du Sud du Massif Central. Cette phase a provoqué la circulation de fluides minéralisés et est marquée par une recristallisation des illites des pélites permiennes entre 100 et 200 °C (du fait de l'élévation du gradient géothermique) et par la mise en place d'un volcanisme d'origine mantellique daté à 155±6 Ma. La composition isotopique en plomb d'une galène de l'Autunien du Lodévois, est analogue à celles des feldspaths des granitoïdes du Massif Central français et à celles des galènes des minéralisations stratiformes de Pb-Zn des Causses, ce qui fournit un argument pour faire dériver au moins une partie des métaux en traces dans les pélites autuniennes de l'altération de la croûte continentale hercynienne environnante.
In the Lodeve basin, the uraniferous mineralization associated with the autunian pelitic layer 0 is usually considered as syngenetic or early diagenetic. U-Pb isotopic data performed on U bearing whole rocks demonstrate occurrence of radon losses, mainly in the 238U decay series; the 207Pb-235U geochronometer is particularly suitable to date U-Pb systems disturbed by such radon losses. For the autunian layer 0, two U-Pb mobilization phases have been respectively recognized at 173±6 Ma and 108±5 Ma. The oldest phase is the most clearly expressed in the studied samples, no memory of a permian age could be recognized in the U-Pb systems. The first U-Pb mobilization occurred 170 Ma ago, during a distension phase of the continental crust. This phase induced circulations of mineralized fluids, illite recristallization in the permian pelites at temperatures ranging from 100 to 200 °C and emplacement of a mantellic volcanism recently dated at 155±6 Ma. A galena from the Autunian of the Lodeve basin, the feldspars of the surrounding variscan granitoïds and galenas of mesozoïc stratiform deposits in the Causses, present similar Pb isotopic composition, which is in agreement with the hypothesis that some metals of the autunian pelites originated in the surrounding weathered variscan continental crust.

Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of one trachyte, eight phonolites and five basalts have been measured. The isotopic characteristics of the trachyte can be explained by a combined assimilation–fractional crystallization process within an upper crustal magmatic chamber. Some phonolites display isotopic signatures identical to basalts, suggesting that they have been protected against any crustal assimilation during their formation. Some others have low Sr contents, whereas they are enriched in radiogenic Sr (0.70451<87Sr/86Sri<0.71192), and display basaltic 143Nd/144Nd ratios. Both observations could be explained by very strong alkali feldspar fractionation and by subsequent very low assimilation of surrounding rocks (between 0.3 and 4%) during intrusion. To cite this article: J.-M. Dautria et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

The Salsigne gold deposit contains a complex association of sulphide layers, gold-rich disseminations, quartz-bearing veins and flat reefs, which are hosted by folded and slightly metamorphosed Paleozoic sediments on both sides of a major thrust zone. It is demonstrated that these various Au-As ore types have similar lead-isotope compositions (206Pb/204Pb = 18.22–18.56), which are characteristic of Hercynian ore deposits in the southern Massif Central. The Lower Cambrian to Devonian host rocks and associated Pb-Zn-Ba occurrences display distinctly less radiogenic corrected isotopic signatures (206Pb/204Pb = 17.83–17.98), which are characteristic of Cambrian lead in the Montagne-Noire. Concerning the controversial origin of the Salsigne gold mineralization, these results disagree with the former syngenetic hypothesis and support a new model of Hercynian syntectonic gold concentration.This work was supported by BRGM'S scientific program: Le gisement de Salsigne: caractérisation du modèle et évaluation du potentiel aurifère du district  相似文献   

Atmospheric aerosols (sea salt, crustal dust, and biogenic aerosols) are the primary source of dissolved species in rainwater as well as one of the sources of dissolved species in river water. Chemical weathering studies require quantification of this atmospheric input. The crustal component of atmospheric input can have various origins, both distant and local. The proportions of the various inputs (marine, distant or local) are determined in this study.Strontium isotope ratios and Ca, Na, K, Mg, Al, Cl, SO4, NO3 and Sr concentrations were measured in rainwater samples collected in the Massif Central (France) over a period of one year. Each sample, collected automatically, represents a monthly series of rain events. Chemical composition of the rainwater samples varied considerably and the 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranged between 0.709198 and 0.713143.Using Na as an indicator of marine origin, and Al for the crustal input in rain samples, the proportion of marine and crustal elements was estimated from elemental ratios. A marine origin of 4 to 100% of Cl, of 0.6 to 20% of the SO4, of <1 to 10% of Ca, <1 to 40% of K, 4 to 100% of Mg and 1 to 44% of Sr was determined.Strontium isotopes were used to characterize the crustal sources. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the crustal sources varied considerably from 0.7092 to 0.71625 and indicate the occurrence of multiple sources for the crustal component in the analysed rainwaters.  相似文献   

We describe, date and constrain the P–T conditions of a syntectonic inverted metamorphic sequence associated with continental collision and crustal‐scale thrusting in one of the key regions of the late Palaeozoic Variscan belt of Western Europe – the Champtoceaux Complex (Armorican Massif, France), interpreted as a trace of the Variscan suture zone between Laurussia and Gondwana. The Complex consists of several stacked units, some of them eclogite‐bearing, that are sandwiched between two main pieces of continental crust – the Parautochthon and the Upper Allochthon. Moderately to steeply dipping foliation parallels the main lithological boundaries. From the bottom to the top of the metamorphic rock pile, the following sequence testifies to the syntectonic temperature increase: chlorite–biotite‐bearing metagreywackes (Parautochthon); orthogneisses with eclogite lenses; micaschists with chloritoid–chlorite–garnet; orthogneisses; micaschists with staurolite–biotite–garnet with chloritoid inclusions (Lower Allochthon); and migmatites with boudins of eclogite and kyanite–biotite–garnet‐bearing metapelitic lenses (Upper Allochthon). Mylonitic amphibolites with lenses of serpentinized peridotite mark the boundary between the Lower Allochthon and the overlying Upper Allochthon, suggesting the presence of a major thrust. It is inferred that the latter is responsible for the development of the inverted metamorphic zoning. Multiequilibrium thermobarometry and pseudosections calculated with thermocalc indicate that equilibration temperatures of the syntectonic peak metamorphic assemblages increase upwards in the rock pile from <500 °C in the Parautochthon to >650 °C in the Upper Allochthon. All units equilibrated at similar pressures between 7 and 10 kbar. In the Upper Allochthon, chronological results on muscovite suggest initial cooling from c. 343 Ma (muscovite Rb–Sr) to c. 337 Ma (muscovite 40Ar–39Ar). A subsequent very rapid temperature decrease is suggested by the synchronous closure of the muscovite and biotite K–Ar and biotite Rb–Sr isotopic systems (c. 337–335 Ma). This cooling is also recorded in the Upper Micaschists of the Lower Allochthon and in the Parautochthon with muscovite 40Ar–39Ar ages of c. 336–334 and 332 Ma, respectively. Ages of c. 343 Ma inferred from disturbed muscovite spectra from the Parautochthon are possibly linked to a previous higher pressure metamorphic event in this unit. It is suggested that the development of the inverted metamorphic zoning in the Champtoceaux Complex is due to the emplacement of a hot nappe over colder units and is contemporaneous with major crustal thrusting and associated pervasive ductile deformation. The preservation of this inverted field gradient was possible because of fast cooling, tentatively associated with the syn‐compressional denudation of the tectonic pile, expressed by the detachment at the top of the nappe pile. The efficiency of cooling is best shown by the near‐coincidence of Rb–Sr and 40Ar–39Ar ages, obtained on both sides of the major thrust. Finally, we highlight similarities with other regions of the West‐European Variscan belt (Iberian massif, French Massif Central) and suggest that inverted metamorphic zoning is systematically associated with the contact between the Lower and Upper Allochthons.  相似文献   

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