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Sinkhole collapse is one of the main limitations in the development of karst areas, especially where bedrock is covered by unconsolidated material. Studies of sinkhole formation have shown that sinkholes are likely to develop in cutter (enlarged joint) zones as a result of subterranean erosion by flowing groundwater. Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity imaging or tomography (RESTOM) are well suited to mapping sinkholes because of the ability of these two techniques for detecting voids and discriminating subtle resistivity variations. Nine GPR profiles and two-dimensional electrical resistivity tomography have been applied, with relative success, to locate paleo-collapses and cavities, and to detect and characterize karst at two sinkhole sites near Cheria City where limestone is covered by about 10 m of clayey soils. The survey results suggest that GPR and RESTOM are ideal geophysical tools to aid in the detection and monitoring of sinkholes and other subsurface cavities.  相似文献   

This contribution analyses the processes involved in the generation of sinkholes from the study of paleokarst features exposed in four Spanish Tertiary basins. Bedrock strata are subhorizontal evaporites, and in three of the basins they include halite and glauberite in the subsurface. Our studies suggest that formation of dolines in these areas results from a wider range of subsidence processes than those included in the most recently published sinkhole classifications; a new genetic classification of sinkholes applicable to both carbonate and evaporite karst areas is thus proposed. With the exception of solution dolines, it defines the main sinkhole types by use of two terms that refer to the material affected by downward gravitational movements (cover, bedrock or caprock) and the main type of process involved (collapse, suffosion or sagging). Sinkholes that result from the combination of several subsidence processes and affect more than one type of material are described by combinations of the different terms with the dominant material or process followed by the secondary one (e.g. bedrock sagging and collapse sinkhole). The mechanism of collapse includes any brittle gravitational deformation of cover and bedrock material, such as upward stoping of cavities by roof failure, development of well-defined failure planes and rock brecciation. Suffosion is the downward migration of cover deposits through dissolutional conduits accompanied with ductile settling. Sagging is the ductile flexure of sediments caused by differential corrosional lowering of the rockhead or interstratal karstification of the soluble bedrock. The paleokarsts we analysed suggest that the sagging mechanism (not included in previous genetic classifications) plays an important role in the generation of sinkholes in evaporites. Moreover, collapse processes are more significant in extent and rate in areas underlain by evaporites than in carbonate karst, primarily due to the greater solubility of the evaporites and the lower mechanical strength and ductile rheology of gypsum and salt rocks.  相似文献   

In 1995 a sinkhole suddenly formed at Camaiore (Tuscany, Italy), causing destruction or heavy damages to several houses and resulting in the evacuation of many people. To understand the causes, for the formation and evolution of the collapse, surface and underground geologic features were investigated and reconstructed on the basis of geologic and geognostic surveys. The sinkhole area is underlain by thick alluvial deposits that cover a bedrock consisting of the Calcare cavernoso formation. This formation results from hydration and dissolution of Triassic evaporites and has a characteristic spongy and vacuolate texture. The bedrock contains karst cavities, generally filled by breccia and/or alluvial materials. Thus, the sinkhole disaster could be ascribed to deep collapse of a cave in the bedrock, and might be considered a distant effect of ancient karst phenomena in evaporites.  相似文献   

Kerman city has a semiarid-arid climate with an average annual precipitation of about 158 mm. The area is underlain by soluble subsoil and alluvial deposits, overlying highly fractured Cretaceous limestones. Geo-environmental studies indicate that both paleokarst and active karst features are developed in the area. The paleokarsts were developed in the Upper Cretaceous limestone during the cold, humid periods of Post Cretaceous and probably Early Quaternary time and include honeycombs, solution flutes, rillenkarren, caverns, and solution collapse dolines. Active karst landforms occur by combined piping-induced and limestone solution at depth in subsoils, and alluvial deposits and bajada that overly potent karstic limestones and cover subsidence sinkholes and subjacent alluvial karst collapse dolines. Many factors, such as soluble compounds (salt and gypsum), desiccation cracks, and Qanat (dug water wells), could contribute to the development of karstic landforms. The most immediate cause for active karst landforms is considered to be the drawdown of the water table in the area. There is an increasing demand for groundwater consumption to irrigate pistachio fields. Excessive pumping of the groundwater lowers the water table about 80 cm per year. This rate of drawdown accelerates land subsidence (about 6 cm per year), creates circular patterns of fractures in the ground and in buildings, disrupts agricultural work and urbanization projects, and tilts foundations. These geohazards indicate that ground sinking and karstification are in progress in the alluvial deposits and underlying limestones. The disturbance and expense caused by the geohazards could be mitigated by the application of overhead sprinkler irrigation for pistachio fields or by planting less thirsty plants.  相似文献   

Mapping subsurface karst features with GPR: results and limitations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) has been applied, with relative success, to locate paleo-collapses and cavities and to detect and characterise karst. One of its main advantages is that, while the penetration depth is limited to several tens of meters or even just several meters, the obtained resolution can be in the scale of centimeters. In this paper, we illustrate the applicability of GPR prospecting to the study of alluvial karst and the structures associated with subsidence areas. GPR radargrams obtained with two central frequency antennas (50 and 100 MHz) are balanced against direct observation of geological features of collapse structures in vertical exposures of gravel quarries. GPR-surveys offer the possibility of obtaining nearly continuous vertical cross-sections of the subsoil, and integration of data within a 3D frame. However, the study of the internal structure of the subsoil by means of the GPR-profiles has been usually neglected. In this work, we show that some hints about the evolution of individual dolines can be established from the study of the geometry of the sedimentary filling by means of GPR. The obtained results indicate that GPR allows to characterise the structures associated with karst features and can therefore be useful evaluating hazard susceptibility in doline fields, because: (1) when no surface evidences exists, it permits the detection of karst hazards in the subsoil, and (2) when surficial evidences of karst activity are present, it permits the characterisation of processes associated with subsidence.  相似文献   

Geophysical methods—seismic refraction (SRFR), electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), and microgravity—were applied to the Dead Sea (DS) sinkhole problem in the Ein Gedi area at the earlier stage of the sinkhole development (1998–2002). They allowed determining the sinkhole formation mechanism and localizing the sinkhole hazardous zones. The SRFR method permitted to delineate the underground edge of a salt layer at the depth of 50 m. The salt edge was shaped like the sinkhole line on the surface. It was concluded that the sinkhole development is linked to the salt edge. Geoelectrical quasi-3D mapping based on the ERT technique detected large resistivity anomalies with 250–300 m2 diameter and 25–35 m deep. The Ein Gedi area has been also mapped by the use of Microgravity method. The residual Bouguer gravity anomaly map shows negative anomalies arranged along the edge of the salt layer. Those gravity anomalies overall are very similar in plan to the resistivity distribution in this area. The results of forward modeling indicate that both high resistivity and residual gravity anomalies are associated with a subsurface decompaction of the soil mass and deep cavity at the sinkhole site. Following monitoring of the sinkhole development carried out by the Geological Survey of Israel confirmed our suggestions. The drilling of numerous boreholes verified the location of the salt edge. Geographical Information System (GIS) database testifies that during 2003–2009 new sinkholes are continuing to develop along the salt edge within a narrow 50–100 m wide strip oriented approximately in north–south direction (slightly parallel to the shoreline). No promotion in west–east direction (perpendicularly to the DS shoreline) was observed in Israel. Collapse of sinkholes and their clustering have been occurred within the area of high resistivity anomaly and negative residual gravity anomaly. Similar studies carried out at the Ghor Al-Haditha area (Jordan) have shown that sinkholes there are also arranged along the winding line conforming to the salt edge. In this area sinkholes are slowly moved to the Dead Sea direction. Results of geophysical studies in numerous DS sites indicate similar sinkhole development. It allowed generating of the sinkhole formation model based on ancient (10,000–11,000-year old) salt belt girding the Dead Sea along its shores  相似文献   

A preliminary sinkhole susceptibility analysis has been carried out in a stretch 50 km2 in area of the Ebro valley alluvial evaporite karst (NE Spain). A spatial database consisting of a sinkhole layer and 27 thematic layers related to causal factors was constructed and implemented in a GIS. Three types of sinkholes were differentiated on the basis of their markedly different morphometry and geomorphic distribution: large subsidence depressions (24), large collapse sinkholes (23), and small cover-collapse sinkholes (447). The susceptibility models were produced analysing the statistical relationships between the mapped sinkholes and a set of conditioning factors using the Favourability Functions approach. The statistical analyses indicate that the best models are obtained with 6 conditioning factors out of the 27 available ones and that different factors and processes are involved in the generation of each type of sinkhole. The validation of two models by means of a random-split strategy shows that reasonably good predictions on the spatial distribution of future dolines may be produced with this approach; around 75% of the sinkholes of the validation sample occur on the 10% of the pixels with the highest susceptibility and about 45% of the area can be considered as safe.  相似文献   

The creek Jerstedter Bach is part of the Ringelheimer Mulde along the northern rim of the Harz Mountains in Northern Germany, a trough structure comprising steeply dipping limestones. The limestones are well karstified and drain parts of the region efficiently via sub-surface flow. As the entire region is intensively used by agriculture, contamination of the fast-flowing karst aquifer is a potential problem. During 2006, a small sinkhole (Windmühlenweg) developed alongside the Jerstedter Bach close to the city of Goslar. The sinkhole enlarged rapidly, with a small cave within the gravel cover diverting part of the creek to the subsurface karst catchment. Geophysical methods (gravimetry, geoelectrics) were used around the sinkhole to determine its extent and possible evolution. A negative Bouguer anomaly was found over the sinkhole, indicating more voids further downstream. The geoelectric survey helped to identify the old meandering course of the small river, which was straightened during the cultural land reform in the twentieth century.  相似文献   

Karst topography in Florida is developed on the Tertiary limestones of the Floridan aquifer Post-depositional diagenesis and solution have made these limestones highly permeable, T=ca. 50,000 m2/d. Zones of megaporosity have formed at unconformities, and dissolution has enlarged joints and fractures Erosion of the overlying clastic Miocene Hawthorn group strata on one flank of a structural arch has exposed the limestone The elevated edge of the Hawthorn cover forms the Cody scarp Ubiquitous solution pipes have previously formed at joint intersections and are now filled Downwashing of the fill deeper into solution cavities in the limestone and subsidence of the overlying unconsolidated sediments causes surface collapse a subsidence doline or sinkhole This process may penetrate up to 60 m of the semi-consolidated Hawthorn cover, as occurred when the Winter Park sinkhole developed Dense clusters of solution pipes may have formed cenotes which are now found on the exposed limestone terrain Groundwater moves laterally as diffuse flow except where input or outflow is concentrated. At sinking streams, vertical shafts, and springs, karst caves have formed, but only the major sinking streams form through-flowing conduit systems Shaft recharge dissipates diffusely. Spring discharge is concentrated from diffuse flow In both cases, conduits taper and merge into a zone of megaporosity  相似文献   

从“漏斗”到“天坑”看岩溶学术语的演变   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
KRANJC Andrej 《中国岩溶》2009,28(2):169-174
岩溶学是一门发展变化的科学,岩溶学术语也与时俱进。以术语“漏斗(doline)”为例,它来源于斯洛文尼亚喀斯特地区的方言,在斯洛文尼亚语中,它(dolina,单数)的意思是谷地,主要指河谷。因此,在19世纪以前的斯洛文尼亚语的科学文献中,就是指谷地。随着19世纪上半叶岩溶学的发展,喀斯特高原的漏斗状地形逐渐引起研究者们的注意,德语系的奥地利地质学家们将这种地形定义为“漏斗(dolines,复数)”,相当于德语的Trichter(漏斗),并声明是当地人的说法。因此,在19世纪下半叶奥地利地质学家的出版物中,普遍使用这一概念。如在Cvijic′的DasKarstp¨hanomen(岩溶现象)一书中,其漏斗(dolines)的概念可谓无所不包,除岩溶干谷和坡立谷以外,所有洼地都称为漏斗,不仅包括溶蚀漏斗和塌陷漏斗,也包括竖井、落水洞、天窗,甚至某些岩溶泉和洞穴洞口。同斯洛文尼亚语相似,在塞尔维亚语中,doline也是指一般谷地。因此,Cvijic′在塞尔维亚语文献中不再使用dolina表示漏斗状地形,而是用vrtaca,这是因为vrtaca和我们今天使用的doline的内涵非常相近,而且在法语、德语、意大利语、英语、克罗地亚语均有相似的词汇。在20世纪中期以前,斯洛文尼亚的地理学家们为了避免使用dolina引起歧义,对于漏斗状的地形均用vrtaca表达。在19世纪下半叶,漏斗(dolines)的成因有两派理论,一种持塌陷成因,一种持侵蚀成因,后者包括侵蚀和溶蚀两种作用。前者以Schmidl为代表,后者支持者是Cox,Diener和Mojsisovics。根据漏斗的形态,Cvijic将其分为三种,即碗状漏斗、漏斗状漏斗和井状漏斗。随着对漏斗状地形的深入研究,V.Panos's根据漏斗的不同发育阶段、漏斗的成因、漏斗的覆盖类型、漏斗形成的气候因素、漏斗的沉积类型以及漏斗的形态,将漏斗分为30种。根据最新的岩溶百科全书,按  相似文献   

蒙彦  黄健民  贾龙 《中国岩溶》2018,37(3):408-414
监测预警是岩溶塌陷地质灾害防治领域急需解决的技术难题。文章在总结当前岩溶塌陷监测预警研究现状的基础上,以广州金沙洲地区岩溶塌陷监测为例,通过对不同岩溶塌陷阶段地下水动力条件监测数据分析,发现数据异常值反映了不同工况地下水动态和岩溶塌陷发展阶段的突变关系,以此为基础,通过曲线拟合和残差分析确定了岩溶塌陷预警的置信带。通过对比分析异常值出现最多次数时间,最大及最小异常值出现时间和实际岩溶塌陷发生时间,验证了运用异常数据分析法进行岩溶塌陷预警是可行的,监测数据间隔越密,捕获的异常值越多,预警越准确。   相似文献   

This paper describes seismic velocity tomography applied to the investigation and assessment of karst collapse hazards to facilitate accurate characterization of geological conditions of karst sinkhole formation. In the survey areas of Xiamao, Guangzhou, China, and Huangchi, Foshan, China, seismic velocity tomography was used to explore the structures of rock and soil associated with karst collapse. The results show that sand intercalated with clay or clay intercalated with soft soil dominates the cover of these two areas. The overburden is 20–33 m thick and underlain by Carboniferous limestone. In the limestone, there are well-developed karst caves and cracks as well as highly fluctuating bedrock surfaces. The seismic velocities are less than 2500 m/s in the cover, 2500–4500 m/s in the karst fracture zones and caves of Xiamao, and 1500–2000 m/s in the Huangchi collapse area. The karst fracture zones, relief of bedrock surfaces, and variations of soil thicknesses revealed by seismic velocity tomography are well constrained and in agreement with those in the drilling borehole profiles. This paper demonstrates that seismic velocity tomography can delineate anomalies of rock and soil with the advantages of speed, intuitive images, and high resolution.  相似文献   

Abrupt ground subsidence occurred along FM 442, approximately 3 miles east of Boling, in Wharton County, Texas, in August 1983 The subsidence created a depression of approximately 250 feet in diameter with a maximum depth of about 25 feet. Roadway collapse, pavement breakage, and inundation of the sinkhole by subsurface waters forced the closure of FM 442 to thru-traffic The vicinity of the sinkhole is underlain, by alluvial deposits of the Colorado River drainage basin and unconsolidated Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene sediments to a depth of about 500 feet. The sediments consist largely of sand, silts, clays, and gravels. The Boling Salt Dome and its associated caprock occur directly beneath the section of unconsolidated sediments Major and minor axes of the dome are about 5 miles and 35 miles, respectively, and the sinkhole occurred approximately 1 mile east-northeast of the dome's center An investigation was conducted in the immediate area of the sinkhole to determine the cause of the subsidence and also to determine the feasibility of dewatering the sinkhole Four monitoring wells were installed around the perimeter to evaluate the potential recharge from shallow sand units Two 300-foot holes were drilled and geophysically logged to determine the stratigraphy adjacent to the sinkhole, and two slope indicators were installed in order to evaluate further earth movements A total of six million gallons of saline water were removed and disposed of from the sinkhole Based on information provided by the geologic and dewatering investigation, the Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation elected to fill the existing sinkhole and reconstruct the roadway A total of 3,500 cubic yards of rock borrow and 26,000 cubic yards of soil borrow were placed in the depression Construction began in February 1984, and the roadway was completed in May A monitoring program to evaluate subsequent earth movements will continue into 1985  相似文献   

A geophysical survey routine is proposed to detect underground cavities and dolines; it is based on the sequential application of magnetic, low-frequency ground penetrating radar (GPR) and microgravity techniques. A case study near Zaragoza (Ebro valley, Spain) demonstrates the applicability of these methods. The strong contrast of magnetic and electromagnetic properties (and to a lesser scale, of density) between the doline filling and the surrounding stratified Tertiary and Quaternary rocks allows the shape of filled cavities to be clearly outlined by these methods.  相似文献   

Sinkhole collapse is one of the main limitations on the development of karst areas, especially where bedrock is covered by unconsolidated material. Studies of sinkhole formation have shown that sinkholes are likely to develop in cutter (enlarged joint) zones as a result of subterranean erosion by flowing groundwater. Electrical resistivity imaging or tomography (RESTOM) is well suited to mapping sinkholes because of the ability of the technique for detecting resistive features and discriminating subtle resistivity variations. Two-dimensional electrical resistivity tomography surveys were conducted at two sinkhole sites near Cheria city where limestone is covered by about 10 m of clayey soils. A Wenner transect was conducted between the two sinkholes. The electrode spacing was 2 m. The length of transect is about 80 m. The survey results suggest that RESTOM is an ideal geophysical tool to aid in the detection and monitoring of sinkholes and other subsurface cavities.  相似文献   

In the surroundings of Zaragoza, karstification processes are especially intense in covered karst areas where fluvial terraces lie directly on Tertiary evaporites. Since the beginning of Quaternary, these processes have lead to the development of collapse and subsidence dolines with a wide range of sizes, which have significant economic impacts. To reduce economic impact and increase safety, a regional analysis of this phenomenon is needed for spatial management. Therefore, a probability map of dolines was developed using logistic regression and geographic information system (GIS) techniques. This paper covers the selection of input data, manipulation of data using the GIS technology, and the use of logistic regression to generate a doline probability map. The primary variable in the doline development in this area is geomorphology, represented by the location of endorheic areas and different terrace levels. Secondary variables are the presence of irrigation and the water table gradient.  相似文献   

Evaporitic materials have been studied by means of ground penetrating radar (GPR) in order to evaluate the collapse hazard. The obtained 200 MHz GPR profiles show a low signal-noise ratio over the first 3 m depth, where well-defined and continuous reflectors can be observed. Between 3 and 4.5 m depth, the signal to noise ratio decreases due to attenuation of the electromagnetic (EM) waves. As a result, reflectors located deeper than 3 m become more discontinuous and poorly defined. GPR profiles show trails of continuous and subhorizontal reflectors, with a slightly undulated and irregular geometry. Although some of these reflectors laterally vanish or seem to disappear, sudden interruptions or hyperbolic reflections that could be originated by the occurrence of cavities have not been detected. These reflectors have been interpreted as corresponding to several evaporitic layers (gypsum) that constitute the main lithology in the area. Clear interruptions of reflectors have only been observed in some GPR profiles, and they could be attributed to small (1–2 m long) subvertical faults, with only a few centimetres offset. These faults may be generated by the accommodation of the evaporitic layers to local collapses affecting deeper materials.  相似文献   

More than 4,000 sinkholes have formed since the 1980s within a 60-km-long and 1-km-wide strip along the western coast of the Dead Sea (DS) in Israel. Their formation rate accelerated in recent years to >400 sinkholes per year. They cluster mostly in specific sites up to 1,000 m long and 200 m wide, which align parallel to the general direction of the fault systems associated with the DS Rift. The abrupt appearance of the sinkholes reflects changes to the groundwater regime around the shrinking DS. The eastward retreat of the shoreline and the lake-level drop (1 m/year in recent years) cause an eastward and downward migration of the fresh/saline groundwater interface. Consequently, a subsurface salt layer, which was previously enveloped by saline groundwater, is gradually being invaded and submerged by relatively fresh groundwater, and cavities form due to the rapid dissolution of the salt. Collapse of the overlying sediments into these cavities results in sinkholes at the surface. An association between sinkhole sites and land subsidence is revealed by interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) measurements. On a broad scale (hundreds of meters), subsidence occurs due to compaction of fine-grained sediments as groundwater levels decline along the retreating DS shoreline. At smaller scales (tens of meters), subsidence appears above subsurface cavities in association with the sinkholes, serving in many cases as sinkhole precursors, a few weeks to more than a year before their actual appearance at the surface. This paper overviews the processes of sinkhole formation and their relation to land subsidence.  相似文献   

运用气体示踪进行土洞型岩溶塌陷监测预警是一种比较新的技术方法,其原理是通过气体在不同形状、规模的土体孔隙、裂缝和土洞中的运移规律研究,分析气体特征值与土体变形破坏的关系,进而间接判断土洞的发育情况,实现岩溶塌陷监测预警.本文以广州市金沙洲岩溶塌陷区为例,通过室内物理模型试验再现了土洞发育、形成到地面塌陷的全过程.运用气...  相似文献   

Thermokarst features occur widely in the younger ice-cored moraines and kame terraces in the Dry Valleys region of Victoria Land, Antarctica Common forms are melt dolines, caves, natural bridges, and subsurface. flow. Such features typically develop in stagnant glacial ice with a low material exchange.
The development of a thermokarst cave system near the Taylor Glacier during the southern summer of 1973–74 is described, and the role of the thermokarst process in land-form development in the Dry Valleys area is discussed.  相似文献   

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