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In the Indian Himalaya, a 15 km stretch of the North Sikkim Highway that is exceptionally susceptible to landsliding is characterized by fine-grained, low permeability debris material. Lanta Khola is one of the major debris slides in this stretch and is active every year during the monsoons. Although the relationship between rainfall and landsliding in the area is obvious, there is no previous study of precipitation thresholds for landslide initiation. Review of available rainfall and landslide activity data for the area between 1998 and 2006 suggests that sliding cannot be modeled by typical exponential relationships between cumulative rainfall (E) and rainfall duration (D). An alternative rainfall threshold has been proposed that predicts sliding if normalized cumulative rainfall for more than 15 days exceeds 250 mm. It is suggested that when this cumulative rainfall threshold is exceeded, the debris zone in the affected stretch becomes saturated and fails, causing landsliding.  相似文献   

Mechanism of activation of the Lanta Khola landslide in Sikkim Himalayas   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
The Lanta Khola is a major landslide on the North Sikkim Highway in the Indian state of Sikkim. The abnormally low width-to-length ratio and slope instability in spite of the gentle surface slope (24°) make this slide unique. Geological, geophysical, and geotechnical studies reveal that a major Himalayan discontinuity daylights within the slide. At the contact, the schist is weathered to fine sand and silt with lower shear strength and permeability. The overlying gneiss is less weathered and exposed at the contact. Surface runoff enters the contact zone through crevices in the overlying gneiss, and debris material is extruded laterally from within this zone rendering instability, with blocks collapsing and eventually rolling down the slope after cloud bursts. Numerical modeling of the slide confirms this mechanism of instability. Diversion of runoff, plugging of crevices, and construction of pipe piles and horizontal drains are suggested as remedial measures.  相似文献   

Integrated study combining high resolution electrical resistivity tomography and time domain induced polarization was carried out in Betul-Chhindwara belt Madhya Pradesh, Central India in order to evaluate and delineate the polymetallic sulphide mineralization, its nature, type of deposit and depth. On interpretation of the models results clear cut anomalies revealed showing chargeability ~2 to 54 mV/V up to a maximum depth of 131m. This range of chargeability signify signature of metallic conductor. Nevertheless the basement rock is clearly mapped, showing substantial resistivity contrast. In addition detailed analysis of the integrated results from geology, geochemistry and Scanning Electron Microscope–Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy resulted from in situ rock samples shows good correlation with resistivity and IP results. This integrated study confirms the presence of conducting sulphide mineral ore body and the results and findings need test drilling at the geophysical anomalous site(s) to confirm the depth persistence and evaluate the metallic conductor.  相似文献   

A new method for the estimation of groundwater recharge is presented using a surface resistivity method and isotope technique. A linear relationship was obtained between the resistivity of the unsaturated top layer and the recharge estimated using a tritium tagging technique for the piedmont zone in the Himalayan foothill region, India. The relation can be used for the estimation of recharge using surface electrical resistivity measurements for the same geological formation. The data used for the study are 32 vertical electrical resistivity sounding measurements at a station interval of 2 km, tritium tagging studies at six selected sites and pre- and post-monsoon water-level monitoring in the piedmont zone of the Himalayan foothill region (India). The results of this study were mapped using GIS techniques. In the study area, a well-defined empirical relationship between unsaturated zone resistivity and recharge per cent was obtained. The method suggests a new application of surface electrical resistivity data in determining recharge per cent due to infiltration. The technique of estimating groundwater recharge using surface electrical resistivity measurement is efficient, economic, less time consuming and easy to use compared with other methods used for this purpose.
Resumen Se presenta un método nuevo para estimar recarga de agua subterránea utilizando un método superficial de resistividad y una técnica de isótopos. Se ha obtenido una relación linear entre la resistividad de la capa superior no saturada y la recarga estimada utilizando la técnica de tritio marcado etiquetado para la zona de piedemontes en la región de colinas al pie del Himalaya, India. La relación puede utilizarse para estimar recarga usando mediciones superficiales de resistividad eléctrica para la misma formación geológica. Los datos utilizados en el estudio consisten de treinta y dos mediciones de sondeos eléctricos verticales de resistividad en un intervalo de estaciones de dos km, estudios de tritio marcado en seis sitios seleccionados y monitoreo de niveles de agua, pre-monzón y post-monzón, en la zona piedemontes de la región de colinas al pie del Himalaya (India). Se mapearon los resultados de este estudio utilizando técnicas SIG. Se obtuvo para el área una relación empírica bien definida entre la resistividad de la zona no saturada y el porcentaje de recarga. El método sugiere una aplicación nueva de los datos superficiales de resistividad eléctrica en la determinación del porcentaje de recarga ocasionado por infiltración. La técnica de estimar recarga de agua subterránea utilizando mediciones superficiales de resistividad eléctrica es eficiente, económica, demanda poco tiempo, y fácil de utilizar en comparación con otros métodos que se utilizan para este propósito.

Resumé Une nouvelle méthode permettant destimer la recharge des eaux souterraines a été présentée, utilisant une méthode de résistivité de surface et des méthodes isotopiques. Une relation linéaire a été obtenue entre la résistivité de la zone non saturée et la recharge estimée grâce au Tritium dans la zone du Piedmont au pied de lHimalaya, Inde. La relation peut être utilisée pour lestimation de la recharge en utilisant la méthode de résistivité de surface dans la même formation géologique. Les données utilisées pour létude sont vingt-deux sondages électriques réalisés tous les deux kilomètres, létude de la signature du tritium en six endroits sélectionnés, et la comparaison des niveaux piézométriques pré et post moussons. Les résultats de cette étude ont été cartographiés en utilisant les techniques SIG. Dans la zone détude une relation très bien définie entre la recharge (%) et la résistivité de la zone non saturée a été obtenue. La méthode suggère une nouvelle application de la résistivité de surface, pour déterminer le pourcentage de la recharge due à linfiltration. Cette technique est efficace, économique, rapide et facile à mettre en oeuvre, en comparaison dautres techniques utilisées pour atteindre le même objectif.

The geochemistry of the mafic xenoliths from Baspa valley of Himachal Pradesh, India has been investigated to characterize their protoliths on the basis of immobile elements, especially trace elements including REE. The mafic xenoliths occur within the Kinnaur Kailash granite (KKG) and their geochemistry show that they have tholeiitic nature with basaltic composition. Compositionally, they range from ‘depleted’ to ‘enriched’ MORB as observed on the binary diagrams of Ti vs V and Zr vs Ti and on ternary diagrams of Zr-Ti-Y and Th-Zr-N. Likewise, they match with various enriched or ‘transitional’ MORB types as evident from their Zr vs Nb binary plot. Their enriched character when compared with N-MORB, E-MORB and OIB rocks on chondrite and primordial mantle normalized plots reveals that it is intermediate to that of E-MORB and OIB. The geochemistry of the rocks suggest that the enriched components are probably derived by melting of a mantle source with E-MORB or OIB rather than due to the crustal contamination. The study carried out emphasize that the mafic xenoliths have developed in rift environment, and that they are not volcanic rocks of island arc related to subduction tectonics. It is visualized that the mafic xenoliths were formed as cumulate rocks from the tholeiitic magmas that were rising to lower crust levels in a rift environment, which at a later stage got entrapped as restitic material in the host Kinnaur Kailash granite formed in a collision environment, and propose a change of regime from rift related to collision environment prior to Palaeozoic period.  相似文献   

Landslide is considered as one of the most severe threats to human life and property in the hilly areas of the world. The number of landslides and the level of damage across the globe has been increasing over time. Therefore, landslide management is essential to maintain the natural and socio-economic dynamics of the hilly region. Rorachu river basin is one of the most landslide-prone areas of the Sikkim selected for the present study. The prime goal of the study is to prepare landslide susceptibility maps(LSMs) using computer-based advanced machine learning techniques and compare the performance of the models.To properly understand the existing spatial relation with the landslide, twenty factors, including triggering and causative factors, were selected. A deep learning algorithm viz. convolutional neural network model(CNN) and three popular machine learning techniques, i.e., random forest model(RF), artificial neural network model(ANN), and bagging model, were employed to prepare the LSMs. Two separate datasets including training and validation were designed by randomly taken landslide and nonlandslide points. A ratio of 70:30 was considered for the selection of both training and validation points.Multicollinearity was assessed by tolerance and variance inflation factor, and the role of individual conditioning factors was estimated using information gain ratio. The result reveals that there is no severe multicollinearity among the landslide conditioning factors, and the triggering factor rainfall appeared as the leading cause of the landslide. Based on the final prediction values of each model, LSM was constructed and successfully portioned into five distinct classes, like very low, low, moderate, high, and very high susceptibility. The susceptibility class-wise distribution of landslides shows that more than 90% of the landslide area falls under higher landslide susceptibility grades. The precision of models was examined using the area under the curve(AUC) of the receiver operating characteristics(ROC) curve and statistical methods like root mean square error(RMSE) and mean absolute error(MAE). In both datasets(training and validation), the CNN model achieved the maximum AUC value of 0.903 and 0.939, respectively. The lowest value of RMSE and MAE also reveals the better performance of the CNN model. So, it can be concluded that all the models have performed well, but the CNN model has outperformed the other models in terms of precision.  相似文献   

高密度电阻率法在莱芜市泉河地区岩溶地质勘查中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
吴亚楠 《中国岩溶》2018,37(4):617-623
岩溶不仅会导致基岩面起伏很大,而且会产生较多的溶蚀带、溶洞、土洞等岩溶地质特征,灰岩分布区发生的地面塌陷等地质灾害,对建筑物安全及社会经济发展造成了严重的危害,高密度电阻率法是岩溶地质调查的重要物探手段。文章根据高密度电阻率法的基本原理及特点,对莱芜市泉河地区进行了岩溶地质勘查,通过对视电阻率二维成像图异常形态、高低阻等的反演分析,推断了该地区岩溶分布范围、大小和埋深。经钻探验证,推断结果与钻探资料吻合,为该地区岩溶塌陷地质灾害防治提供参考价值。  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - The timely and accurate assessment of casualties is the key for and basis of emergency rescue work after an earthquake. In this paper, through exponential fitting of historical...  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - During the extreme precipitation event of 15th–17th June 2013 in Garhwal Himalaya, glacial lake outburst flooding accompanied by numerous landslides and flash flood events...  相似文献   

The Daguangbao landslide is the largest co-seismic landslide triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake (Ms 8.0) occurred on 12 May 2008. The landslide, which is 4.6 km long and 3.7 km wide, involves a volume of approximately 1.2 × 109 m3. An exposed slip surface, situated at the southern flank of its source area, was observed with a length of 1.8 km along the main sliding direction and an area of 0.3 km2. To study the geological and tectonic characteristics of the source area and their contributions to the landslide formation during the earthquake, detailed geological investigations were firstly conducted. And it is reached that the landslide occurred on the northwestern limb of the Dashuizha anticline with its scarp showing several geological structures, including joint sets, local faults, and folds. These tectonic-related structures potentially influenced the failure of the landslide. Secondly, further investigations were focused on the inclined planar sliding surface using 12 exploratory trenches, nine boreholes, a tunnel, borehole sonic data, and micro-images. These data reveal that the rock mass along the sliding surface was the fragmented rock of a bedding fault. A pulverized zone was observed on the sliding surface, which was the zone of shear localization during the landslide. This suggests that the shear failure of the Daguangbao landslide developed within the bedding fault. The rapid failure of the landslide was associated with the degradation of the rock mass strength of the bedding fault both before and during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. With this study, we propose that a pre-existing large discontinuity within a slope may be the basis for initiating a large landslide during earthquake.  相似文献   

The study reports the age evolution of groundwater as it flows from the recharge area through a regional alluvial aquifer system in North Gujarat-Cambay region in western India. Radiocarbon (14C), 4He and 4He / 222Rn dating methods have been employed. Sediments from a drill core in the Cambay Basin were also analysed for uranium (U) and thorium (Th) concentrations and the measured values have been used to estimate the 4He and 222Rn production rate for groundwater age calculations. Additionally, factors controlling the distribution of 222Rn, 4He and temperature anomalies in groundwater, vis-à-vis their relation to the tectonic framework and lithology of the study area, have also been examined.The multi-isotope study indicated a reasonable correspondence in groundwater age estimates by the three methods employed. The groundwater 14C ages increased, progressively, in the groundwater flow direction: from the foothills of Aravalli Mountains in the east, and reached a value of ∼35 ka towards the region of lowest elevation, linking Little Rann of Kachchh (LRK)-Nalsarovar (NS)-Gulf of Khambhat (GK) in the western part of the study area. In this region, groundwater ages obtained for free flowing thermal wells and springs employing 4He and 4He / 222Rn systematics are in the order of million years. Such anomalous ages are possibly due to enhanced mobilisation and migration of ‘excess helium’ from hydrothermal circulation vents along deep-seated faults. Excluding such anomalous cases and considering all uncertainties, presently estimated 4He and 4He / 222Rn groundwater ages are in reasonable agreement with 14C age estimates in the Cambay Basin for helium release factor (ΛHe) value of 0.4 ± 0.3. The 4He method also indicated west-southwards progression of groundwater ages up to ∼100 ka beyond the Cambay Basin.Large ‘excess helium’ concentrations are also seen to be generally associated with anomalous groundwater temperatures (> 35 °C) and found to overlie some of the basement faults in the study area, particularly along the east and the west flanks of the Cambay Basin. Groundwater 222Rn activities in most of the study area are 800 ± 400 dpm/l. But, a thermal spring at Tuwa on the east flank of the Cambay Basin, having granitic basement at shallow depth, recorded the highest 222Rn activity (∼63,000 dpm/l).  相似文献   

Academic research and media tend to emphasize the strong opposition to hydropower development in Sikkim, India, and position this as resistance to an environmentally-destructive, trans-local development, particularly by the culturally-rooted, ethnic minority Bhutia and Lepcha communities. There are several accounts of contestations of hydropower development projects in India’s Eastern Himalayan States – signifying robust and predictable indigenous people-place connections. Why then, was the implementation of the largest, Teesta Stage III Hydro Electric Project, located in Chungthang Gram Panchayat Unit in North Sikkim, in the heartland of the Bhutia-Lepcha region, not contested? In unraveling this anomaly, our focus is to understand how people-place connections are shaped and differentially experienced. Our findings are that hydropower development has elicited diverse responses locally, ranging from fierce contestation to indifference, to enthusiastic acceptance. The complexity and malleability of “place” and people’s “sense of place” provide evidence that indigeneity does not always indicate resistance to large-scale project interventions. In ethnically and socio-politically fractured communities like Chungthang, trans-local developments can reinforce ethno-social divides and disparities, and re-align traditional place-based ethno-centric solidarities along new politically-motivated lines. We argue that linear, one-dimensional views of local social coalescence around place belie more complex relations, which evolve dynamically in diverse socio-cultural and politico-economic contexts.  相似文献   

Exploration and exploitation of groundwater in sedimentary areas are reasonably simple. However, the problem of salinity in coastal areas makes the job very difficult, especially when the freshwater aquifers are not extensive and are entrapped between saline aquifers. States along the eastern coast of India, particularly Orissa with respect to the Mahanadi basin, have acute problems with groundwater salinity. It has been possible to locate horizons of fresh groundwater entrapped between deep saline aquifers in the southwestern part of Mahanadi delta, with the help of deep resistivity soundings along the Delang-Puri profile. This finding has been validated through boreholes and checked with electrical logs of this region. Three freshwater aquifers have been detected: one at shallow depth between 20 and 60?m, the second in the depth range of 90??60?m, and the third in the fractured/weathered basement. The second freshwater aquifer has the most potential; it has a thickness range of 20??0?m and it could be exploited to overcome problematic salinity issues. In general, the depth to basement is variable and it increases seaward.  相似文献   

受龙门山断裂构造带及“5·12”特大地震震后效应影响,北川县地质环境表现出异常的复杂性及脆弱性,区内每逢汛期地质灾害频发。在野外孕灾地质条件调查的基础上,收集历年地质灾害资料,总结了区内地质灾害发育分布的总体特征。基于GIS平台,对崩塌和滑坡地质灾害进行了孕灾地质条件分析,研究了崩滑地质灾害与地形地貌条件(高程、高差、坡度、平剖面曲率、地势起伏度、沟壑密度、距水系距离)、地层岩性条件(工程地质岩组)、地质构造条件(断层)、地震后效应(地震烈度)、斜坡结构以及人类工程活动(距道路距离)等孕灾因子的相关关系。结果表明: 地质构造、土地利用类型、斜坡结构、坡度及剖面曲率是孕育滑坡最主要的地质条件,给出了各孕灾条件中致使滑坡发育的优势区间; 崩塌则受控于工程地质岩组,与距河流距离以及地震烈度也有一定关系。综合考虑北川县内主要孕灾条件,全县可分为5大孕灾地质条件区,并对每个区内的灾害孕灾特征及发育规律进行了详细阐述。进一步认识北川县崩滑灾害孕灾地质背景条件,能更好地助力于地方防灾减灾体系提升,也可为其他地质灾害风险调查评价项目提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

The metamorphic history of the Himalayas has been constrained mostly through studies of the ubiquitous metapelitic rocks. Non‐eclogitic metabasite rock lenses that occur intercalated with the metapelites have received little attention and it is not clear whether they share a common metamorphic history. This study reports the results of a petrological study of the metabasite lenses (dm3–m3) from the Lesser Himalayan (LH) and the Higher Himalayan (HH) domains in Sikkim. These have similar bulk chemical compositions and chemical affinities (sub‐alkaline tholeiitic basalts), with plagioclase and amphibole as the dominant mineralogical constituents. Garnet and clinopyroxene occur in some samples depending on small variations in bulk chemistry; and orthopyroxene is developed as a retrograde phase in some rocks. Minor phases are ilmenite, chlorite, titanite and rutile. The rocks were metamorphosed at similar conditions (~9–12 kbar, 800 °C). Minor differences in bulk chemical composition lead to different phase assemblages and mineral chemistry in adjacent metabasite lenses, a feature that is used to demonstrate that metamorphic conditions (peak P–T as well as retrograde P–T path) can be reliably retrieved through a combination of pseudosection analysis and kinetically constrained individual thermobarometry. The peak P–T conditions of the metabasites from this region are independent of the present geographic or tectonic (i.e. within the LH or HH) location of the samples and they differ from the conditions at which the regional metapelites (i.e. metapelites not immediately adjacent to the metabasite lenses) were metamorphosed. Metapelites that are immediately adjacent to the metabasite lenses differ in their appearance, phase assemblage and recorded P–T history from those of the regional metapelites, either because they were emplaced as slivers along with the metabasites, or because they were modified when they came in contact with the metabasites. The retrograde P–T paths of the LH and HH metabasites are different: the HH samples underwent steep decompression whereas the LH followed a more gentle exhumation path. The P–T conditions of peak metamorphism (912 kbar, 800 °C) are commensurate with a thermal perturbation at the base of a crust of average thickness and may be the signature of a widespread (samples found across different regions in the Himalaya) and long‐lasting (e.g. homogeneous garnet compositions) crustal underplating event that occurred during the early stages (?subduction) of the Himalayan orogeny, or earlier if the metamorphism was pre‐Himalayan.  相似文献   

Hourly monitoring of electrical conductivity (EC) of groundwater along with groundwater levels in the 210 m deep boreholes (specially drilled for pore pressure/earthquake studies) and soil Rn gas at 60 cm below ground level in real time, in the Koyna-Warna region (characterized by basaltic rocks, >1500 m thick, and dotted with several sets of fault systems), western India, provided strong precursory signatures in response to two earthquakes (M 4.7 on 14/11/09, and M 5.1 on 12/12/09) that occurred in the study region. The EC measured in Govare well water showed precursory perturbations about 40 h prior to the M 5.1 earthquake and continued further for about 20 h after the earthquake. In response to the M 4.7 earthquake, there were EC perturbations 8 days after the earthquake. In another well (Koyna) which is located 4 km north of Govare well, no precursory signatures were found for the M 4.7 earthquake, while for M 5.1 earthquake, post-seismic precursors were found 18 days after the earthquake. Increased porosity and reduced pressure head accompanied by mixing of a freshwater component from the top zone due to earthquakes are the suggested mechanisms responsible for the observed anomalies in EC. Another parameter, soil Rn gas showed relatively proportional strength signals corresponding to these two earthquakes. In both the cases, the pre-seismic increase in Rn concentration started about 20 days in advance. The co-seismic drop in Rn levels was less by 30% from its peak value for the M 4.7 earthquake and 50% for the M 5.1 earthquake. The Rn anomalies are attributed to the opening and closing of micro-fractures before and during the earthquake. On line monitoring of these two parameters may be useful to check the entire chemistry change due to earthquake which may help to forecast impending earthquakes.  相似文献   

Jain  Saloni  Khosa  Rakesh  Gosain  A. K. 《Landslides》2022,19(2):373-385
Landslides - The reliable landslide hazard assessment entails a robust understanding of frequency-magnitude analysis of the landslide inventory. Previous studies proposed that the landslide...  相似文献   

西藏易贡滑坡源区BH01、BH02与BH03斜坡体呈不稳定状, 严重威胁下游工程设施安全。为防控源区坡体再次高位滑动致灾, 亟待开展斜坡赋存的地质结构及变形趋势分析。文章基于2 m精度的Pleiades数字高程模型及地形影像, 厘定了定量地貌学、地质构造与滑坡学3方面证据, 确定易贡滑坡源区具有前缘叠瓦式逆冲断裂区单面山、逆冲断裂区块体、走滑断裂区块体、走滑断裂区北东向拉裂槽4个次级斜坡单元。现场地质调查发现源区坡体内发育倾向南东、南西两组主控结构面, 这两组结构面是滑坡前缘逆冲断裂、后缘走滑断裂渐进活动的结果。与山脊近直交的北东向拉裂槽可能与晚期东西伸展变形背景相关。研究认为在地质构造影响下, 易贡源区斜坡沿着北东向拉裂槽下延结构面呈现多级、多期次深层滑移, 具有岩质滑坡蠕滑-拉裂-剪断型滑动机制。依据源区拉裂缝扩展的深度判断, 源区BH02坡体具有潜在加速滑移风险, 且BH03坡体亦不稳定。   相似文献   

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