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A numerical model of processes determining the water exchange encountered in Baltic coastal archipelagos is calibrated and validated against salinity and temperature field data spanning two decades with approximately bi-weekly resolution assessed in the Himmerfjärden estuary. This area is resolved into 17 basins interconnected by 38 individual straits of varying geometrical properties using GIS-based methods. All formulations of the strait exchange flows are free from parameters that need calibration and permit computations of the flow through a strait contraction with or without a coincident sill under a flow classification scheme, of which the first one (a) consists of two groups of multiple layers including aspirated layers from levels beneath the sill crest. The other regimes are as follows. (b) Pure barotropic flow; (c) rotationally controlled flow and (d) plug-flow, which serves as resort solution for flow situations that cannot be solved with (a) and also for computation of the barotropic part of the total flow. For long canals where friction effects act to reduce the flow, a fifth exchange regime is used. The vertical mixing formulation is based on energy balances between supplied wind energy and its work against buoyancy forces. The values of semi-empirical parameters involved in the mixing scheme have been established by calibration against measured data of the first decade period. A statistical evaluation is performed comparing the model results with the measurements of the second decade.  相似文献   

The Stockholm archipelago spans roughly a semicircular area with a radius of approximately 60 km, traditionally partitioned into three parts: the inner, the middle and the outer archipelago. This subdivision coincides with differing water exchange regimes. The inner and middle archipelagos are characterised by comparatively larger basins which are interconnected by a limited number of straits. This configuration is well suited for a discrete basin (DB-) model approach by partitioning the area into a set of sub-basins that are only resolved vertically. The advantage of this approach over 3D-models is the possibility for enhanced vertical resolution and improved strait exchange formulation, outweighing the disadvantage of neglected horizontal gradients within the basins. In the inner archipelago the dominating exchange process is estuarine circulation, induced by the marked freshwater discharge and the vertical mixing. In the outer and middle archipelagos the density fluctuations due to Ekman pumping along the Baltic boundary interface produce another type of baroclinic process that clearly dominates. Measurements to adequately resolve these density variations do not exist. Missing forcing data are provided by linking the middle archipelago's boundary straits to a 3D-model of the Baltic with a grid resolution of 0.5 nautical miles (n.m.). This fine resolution model (FR-domain) is in turn driven by the atmospheric forcing and the density variation at the rectangular boundary of the FR-domain which acceptably resolves both the interfacial straits and the outer archipelago's complex hypsography. Massive computing resources would be demanded if the FR-domain were extended to comprise the entire Baltic. The FR-domain is thus interfaced with an existing coarse resolution model of the entire Baltic (CR-domain) with a grid size of 5 n.m., the open boundary of which is located in the Kattegat. This 3-fold model set-up has been run for one whole year (1992) with a one-year spin-up time to make up for the lack of initial data. The model concept is at this stage to be regarded as a framework for further development in anticipation of improved formulations, particularly for the strait exchange formulation. Therefore only primary validation experiments and a few sensitivity analyses have been performed.  相似文献   

The concentration profiles of nitrate plus nitrite, ammonium, and redox potential in sediment and water column were determined in late winter and summer at a sampling site off Norrbyn, northern Sweden, in the Gulf of Bothnia. The sediment had an oxidized surface layer during winter and spring, and nitrification occurred. Nitrate but not ammonium was present in the water column at this time. During summer a layer of planktonic detritus was deposited onto the sediment and led to its deoxygenation and reduction. Ammonium was then the predominant form of inorganic nitrogen in the water column.Laboratory experiments confirmed that nitrification in the surface layer of sediment prevented ammonium export during winter. Enhanced temperature or organic detritus deoxygenated the surface sediment and inhibited nitrification, and export of ammonium from the sediment increased. Although nitrification was important in determining the flow of nitrogen in the sediment it accounted for at most only 5% of the total oxygen uptake by the sediment.  相似文献   

Winter thermohaline properties of the northern Adriatic are analysed here with the aim of getting a better insight into dense water formation on the shelf. The hydrographic parameters collected in February in the 1967–2000 interval at two stations, the first located close to the eastern shore (station 1), and the second positioned near the Po river mouth (station 2), are compared. Two types of winter hydrographic conditions are distinguished: type A when bottom salinity and density are higher at station 1 than at station 2 and type B when these parameters are higher at station 2 than at station 1. Type A is more likely to occur in warmer and type B in colder winters. Both A and B distribution types can occur in periods when the Adriatic is under the influence of very saline waters of Mediterranean origin. Interannual changes in density are, at both stations, more dependant on haline than on thermal variations. At both stations temperature was somewhat higher in the early seventies than during the eighties and nineties, while salinity and density were lower in the early seventies and early nineties than in other years of the analysed period. By comparing the 1967–2000 changes in hydrographic conditions in February to monthly values of northern Adriatic surface fluxes and Po river discharge rates, it is shown that winter thermohaline characteristics in the region depend on processes which occur much earlier, i.e. during the previous autumn and late in spring of the preceding year, and even during the previous winter, 12 months before.  相似文献   

The ampeliscid amphipod community in the Chirikov Basin of the northern Bering Sea was a focus of study during the 1980s because they were a major food for the Eastern North Pacific (ENP) population of gray whales Eschrichtius robustus. Information from the 1980s benthic investigations, published accounts of ENP gray whale population trends and the occurrence in 1999–2000 of an unusual number of gray whale mortalities prompted concern that the whale population may have exceeded the carrying capacity of its food base. Therefore, during two cruises per year between June and September, 2002 and 2003, we resampled the 20 stations occupied during the 1980s, to determine if there had been any significant changes in ampeliscid abundance and biomass. During 2002–2003, average ampeliscid dry weight biomass was about 28±10 g m−2 (95% confidence interval), a decline of nearly 50% from maximum values in the 1980s. Amphipod length measurements indicated that the declines were due mainly to the absence of the larger animals (20–30 mm length). Two hypotheses were considered regarding the amphipod declines: gray whale predation and climate. Ampeliscid production (105 kcal m−2 yr−1) and gray whale energy requirements (1.6×108 kcal individual−1 yr−1) indicated that as little as 3–6% of the current estimate of the ENP gray whale population could remove 10–20% of the annual ampeliscid production from the study site in 2002–2003, a finding consistent with the hypothesis that top-down control by foraging whales was the primary cause of the observed declines. A 10-yr time series of temperature near the bottom in the Bering Strait and northward transport did not reveal a consistent trend between 1990 and 2001, suggesting that climate influences were not the major cause of the observed declines. Arctic ampeliscids have slow growth rates and long generation times; therefore the ampeliscid community may require decades to recover to densities observed in the 1980s. Predicted warming trends in the northern Bering Sea could impact ampeliscid recovery by lowering primary production or altering the community composition of the benthos.  相似文献   

After a short introduction to the physical setting and the history of biological research the pelagic ecosystem of the Kara Sea is described. Main emphasis is on regional aspects of the plankton communities and their seasonal dynamics using mostly data collected between 1996 and 2001. In the zooplankton, for which most data were available, four regional aggregations were separated: (1) the rivers and estuaries of the Southern Kara Sea, (2) the south-western and (3) the central Kara Sea, and (4) the northern troughs and slope. The phytoplankton communities had a similar distribution. To provide components for detailed carbon budgets the regional dynamics of bacterial, phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass and production are described and carbon requirements of bacteria and zooplankton are estimated. For completeness a short literature review on higher trophic levels is included. Finally, recent observations of the pelago-benthic coupling are considered. Estimates of the carbon requirements from the plankton and benthos reveal a large underestimation of primary production, which to date, together with seasonal aspects, shows the largest gap in our knowledge.  相似文献   

Zooplankton samples from the eastern Mediterranean were collected in April/May 1999 with a multiple opening and closing net (mesh size 333 μm) to examine the distribution and taxonomic composition of mesozooplankton, mainly Calanoida (Copepoda), some years after the onset of the Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT), a climatically induced shift in hydrography. The samples from seven stations on a transect from the Ionian Sea to the eastern part of the Levantine Basin were collected at closely spaced vertical intervals from the surface to water depths of 4250 m. Data from January 1987, June 1993, January 1998 and October 2001 from the main site of investigation, south of Crete, were used to describe the temporal evolution before (1987), during (1993) and after (1998–2001) the EMT. The eastern Mediterranean mesozooplankton fauna is dominated by three Calanoida species along the west–east transect, with varying abundances in different depth‐zones: Haloptilus longicornis in the epipelagic zone, Eucalanus monachus in the mesopelagic zone, and Lucicutia longiserrata in the bathypelagic zone. A drastic change in mesozooplankton composition and abundance occurred at the main site during the EMT, whereupon increased abundances of Candacia elongata and L. longiserrata were observed in the bathypelagic zone in the following years; L. longiserrata accounted for 43% of the total mesozooplankton in this zone. The hypothesis is posed that the Mediterranean deep‐sea ecosystem is able to respond quickly to changes in the environment and memorizes these changes over time. We claim that the biological effects of climatically induced changes can be easily monitored in the deep eastern Mediterranean Sea using calanoid copepod key species due to the hydrographically extreme, but ‘simply structured’ ecosystem.  相似文献   

A 9-year study of planktonic foraminifer fluxes was conducted in the Bering Sea (Station AB) and in the central subarctic Pacific (Station SA). Results clearly reflected variations of the water mass characteristics in the upper layers. The 9-year means of total foraminifer fluxes were the same (1400 shells m−2 d−1) at both stations. However, total foraminifer flux at Station AB tended to show its primary maximum during fall (October–December) and its secondary maximum in spring (April–June), whereas the primary maximum appeared in spring and the secondary maximum in fall at Station SA. Seasonal variation was more apparent at hemipelagic Station AB than at pelagic Station SA. Planktonic foraminifers found at both stations were of six species: Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, Globigerina umbilicata, Globigerinita glutinata, Globigerina quinqueloba, Globorotalia wilesi, and Orbulina universa. The foraminifer assemblages at the two stations reflected the temperature difference in the surface waters. The variable %G. umbilicata tended to be high in the warm surface waters during the summers. The temporal and geographical variation of %G. quinqueloba indicated that this taxon prefers regions with relatively low diatom fluxes. A notable appearance of O. universa occurred in 1997 at Station SA. During this period, other measured biogenic particle fluxes, such as those of diatoms, were low. This unusual 1997 event may be a reflection of global climatic change that happened to be observed in the central subarctic Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

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