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<正>钻工们住的农家小院里,有棵硕果累累的樱桃树,它是钻工们的最爱。五月,骄阳似火,炙烤着大地,唯有那繁茂的樱桃树给小院带来了丝丝凉意,它叶绿,像清泉,清澈碧透;它果红,像宝石,妖娆明滟。那细细的枝条缀着密密匝匝的果实,一颗颗,一簇簇,  相似文献   

10月2日,带儿子到滩区拾花生,想让他体验一下这种拾荒经历。谁知,还不到一个小时,儿子的新鲜劲儿就没了,挖了一条蚯蚓后便躲到树下玩去了。我自己也没了兴致,到地里看农户刨花生。  相似文献   

在丈夫眼里,她算不上贤妻,因为工作忙碌犬妻间总是聚少离多;在儿子心中,她称不上良母,因为工作繁重儿子得到的母爱微乎其微;在同事中间,马波却是不折不扣的榜样——爱岗敬业、勤奋热忱,她像一块坚韧的基石,默默地为自己钟爱的国土资源事业奉献着汗水与青春……  相似文献   

20世纪80年代初,黄某以“一户三人”(黄某与妻子张某、大儿子)名义申请了宅基地建房。同年12月,小儿子出生。2005年大儿子结婚,黄某因车祸去世。2008年,小儿子因结婚另行申请了宅基地建房;大儿子也将房屋拆除,在原宅基地上建了新房,  相似文献   

案件原因 今年74岁的杨老汉是漯河市郾城区城关镇居民,1976年杨老汉一家在其老宅基上建草房三间,两个儿子和他一起在该房居住。1984年,村里重新为其两个儿子分别规划了新宅基地,两个儿子先后搬出。1996年5月。杨老汉的孙子杨旭向原郾城县政府提出申请,县政府为其颁发了土地使用证,1999年9月土地证审验时,原郾城县政府又为杨旭换发了“郾国用(1999)1300号”土地使用证。  相似文献   

6月25日,宁波市隆重举行了“阳光国土·美丽宁波”大型宣传活动,宣传和纪念第23个全国“土地日”。共同庆祝大地母亲这个具有特殊意义的节日。下午回家后,见到儿子和他表弟正在玩游戏(比谁更厉害),我就顺便考考他们:“你们兄弟俩有谁知道我们国家的基本国策啊?”我儿子摸着头皮答“保护环境”;我外甥斩钉截铁地回答“保护大熊猫”;看到我脸色凝重,我儿子又疑惑地答“保护基本农田”。我期待的答案“十分珍惜和合理利用每一寸土地,切实保护耕地”很多小孩子甚至大人都不知道或答不出来。  相似文献   

正陈汉江是我土地督察系统的战友、同事,也是一位感情丰富、情思致远的诗人。今年初,我收到了他寄给我的一本诗歌集——《沉思韶山冲》。这本散发着油墨香、装帧精美的诗歌集,共收录了他27首诗歌。从1986年年底创作、于翌年元旦在中央电视台播出的《钻杆之歌》,到2013年6月创作的《我的理想我的梦》,可谓是作者20余年笔耕不辍的经典之作。翻看着这一篇篇作品,欣赏着其别具特色的语言风格所表现出的意境演绎、深层  相似文献   

Particulate matter(PM), one of the most important pollutants of traffic emission, threatens the health of urban ecosystems and citizens. Roadside trees play an important role in trapping PM, and the foliar PM load is a useful indicator for air PM pollution in road systems. To detect the relationships of foliar PM load with road structures, urbanization, and meteorology in road systems, we studied a widely-planted tree Sophora japonica L. in 100 roads and 10 yards of Beijing, China, and found that the foliar PM loads increased with the distances from the urban centre(DUC) linearly, while decreased with the road density. All-subsets regression analysis indicated that DUC, average monthly relative humidity, average monthly wind speed, and mean annual wind speed were the most important factors in predicting foliar PM load, rather than general situation of buildings and road cleanliness. The monthly relative humidity and monthly wind speed had a negative correlation to foliar PM, while the annual relative humidity and annual wind speed had a positive correlation to foliar PM. Suburban areas and these effective factors should be highlighted in PM control in Beijing.  相似文献   

Permafrost is one of the key components of terrestrial ecosystem in cold regions. In the context of climate change, few studies have investigated resilience of social ecological system(SER) from the perspective of permafrost that restricts the hydrothermal condition of alpine grassland ecosystem. In this paper, based on the structural dynamics, we developed the numerical model for the SER in the permafrost regions of the source of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, analyzed the spatial-temporal characteristics and sensitivity of the SER, and estimated the effect of permafrost change on the SER. The results indicate that: 1) the SER has an increasing trend, especially after 1997, which is the joint effect of precipitation, temperature, NPP and ecological conservation projects; 2) the SER shows the spatial feature of high in southeast and low in northwest,which is consistent with the variation trends of high southeast and low northwest for the precipitation, temperature and NPP, and low southeast and high northwest for the altitude; 3) the high sensitive regions of SER to the permafrost change have gradually transited from the island distribution to zonal and planar distribution since 1980, moreover, the sensitive degree has gradually reduced; relatively, the sensitivity has high value in the north and south, and low value in the south and east; 4) the thickness of permafrost active layer shows a highly negative correlation with the SER. The contribution rate of permafrost change to the SER is-4.3%, that is, once the thickness of permafrost active layer increases 1 unit, the SER would decrease 0.04 units.  相似文献   

记者5月22日获悉:河南省濮阳县违规建设办公楼和领导干部住宅楼一事,受到河南省委省政府严肃查处.濮阳县原县委书记何广博、县委书记张建国、县长董跃进等18名责任人分别受到党纪政纪处理.  相似文献   

能源工业的主要固体废弃物是粉煤灰和煤矸石.粉煤灰和煤矸石等工业废弃物在煤矿和电厂是废物,但是在建材、筑路、冶金、化工等传统工业中利用却相当广泛.充分利用粉煤灰、煤矸石等工业废弃物,变废为宝、兴利除弊、改善生态环境是维持可持续发展、功在当代、利在千秋的大事,是对科学发展观的具体落实.  相似文献   

Atmospheric Rivers(ARs) are narrow and elongated water vapor belts in troposphere with meridional transport across the mid-latitudes towards high-latitudes. Compared with ARs occurred over the northeastern Pacific, the western coast of North America and Europe, the ARs over the East Asia have received less attention. In this paper, the characteristics of ARs which affected China in the area 20?–60?N, 95?–165?E in the middle summer season from 2001 to 2016 were investigated by using European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF) ERA-Interim reanalysis data and Multi-functional Transport Satellites-1 R(MTSAT-1 R) infrared data. Totally, 134 ARs occurred during that period, and averagely 8.4 ARs occurred per year. Statistically, 101 ARs were in east-west orientation, and 33 ARs were in north-south orientation, which accounts for about 75% and 25%, respectively. Herein we report the occurrence number, duration time, intensity, length, width, ratio of length to width, and extension orientation of these ARs, which provide the basic information for those who have interest in ARs over the East Asia.  相似文献   

Land use suitability analysis plays an important role in sustainable land use and solving environmental problems caused by rapid urban development.A land use suitability mapping approach for town development planning in hilly areas was constructed based on two multi-criteria evaluation methods:Weighted Linear Combination(WLC)and Ordered Weighted Averaging(OWA),to comparatively evaluate and map land use suitability of Tangshan new town in Nanjing,China.Fourteen evaluation factors related to topographic,environmental,socio-economics and historical sites data were used as suitability criteria.The analytic hierarchy process(AHP)method and GIS techniques were integrated into the evaluation models to create the land use suitability map for town development planning.The results of WLC approach showed that 11.4%of the total area is highly suitable while the 48.6%is unsuitable.The results of WLC and OWA approach showed the distribution of degree of land use suitability is almost the same.The areas located at the southern and eastern flat regions are highly suitable for land use,whereas the areas close to the mountain forests,steep slopes,waters,and hot springs,have lower suitability for land use.Sensitivity analysis indicated that the suitability results of the two proposed methods are robust.Indirect validation was achieved by mutual comparison of suitability maps derived from the WLC and OWA methods.It demonstrated that the overall agreement is 90.81%and kappa coefficient is 0.81,indicating that both methods provide very similar spatial suitability distributions.By overlaying the resultant map with the previous master plan map of Tangshan new town,the overlay map once again indicated a satisfactory ecological fit between the two maps.At last,several recommendations are proposed aiming at improving the long-term town development plan for Tangshan new town.  相似文献   

位于冀鲁豫三省四县交界处的清丰县大流国土资源中心所负责两个乡镇、79个行政村的国土资源管理工作,地理位置特殊,辖区面积大、管理任务重.该所却在建所不到一年的时间里,受到了群众的赞誉和领导的肯定.前不久,该所被县局评为先进国土所,所长李劲刚成为该县唯一受省国土资源厅表彰的优秀所长.  相似文献   

Owing to the remoteness of the Longriba area and the lack of dating records,it is extremely challenging to reconstruct the chronology and extent of the paleoglaciers in this area.In this paper,we combined limited observational data with automated modelling for paleoglacial reconstructions.We first identified a broadly distributed paleoglacier from satellite imagery and field investigation based on the sediment-landform assemblage principle and dated it to 23.1±1.4~19.5±1.2 ka by 10Be exposure dating,corresponding to the global Last Glacial Maximum(gLGM).Then,we reconstructed the extent and ice surface of 171 paleoglaciers formed during the similar period based on geomorphological evidence and‘ice surface profile’modelling.The results showed that the paleoglacial coverage was 426.5 km2,with an ice volume of 38.1 km3,in the Longriba area.The reconstructed equilibrium line altitudes(ELAs)based on modelled ice surfaces yielded an average of 4245±66 m above sea level(asl),~725±73 m lower than the present ELA(4970±29 m asl).The temperature was~5.51-6.68℃lower,and the precipitation was~30-34%less in Longriba,during the gLGM compared to the present day.This glacial advance was mainly driven by colder climate that was synchronous with Northern Hemisphere cooling events.  相似文献   

It is necessary to understand vegetation dynamics and their climatic controls for sustainable ecosystem management.This study examines the vegetation dynamics and the effect of climate change on vegetation growth in the pristine conditions of 58 woodland National Nature Reserves(NNRs)located in the upper Yangtze River basin(UYRB)in China which are little influenced by human activities.Changes in the normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI),precipitation,and temperature in the selected NNRs were observed and analyzed for the period between 1999 and 2015.The relationship between time-lag effect of climate and changes in the NDVI were assessed using Pearson correlations.The results showed three major trends.1)The NDVI increased during the study period;this indicates an increase in the amount of green vegetation,especially due to the warmer climate during the growing season.The NDVIs in March and September were significantly affected by the temperature of the previous months.Spring temperatures increased significantly(P<0.05)and there was a delay between climatic factors and their effect on vegetation,which depended on the previous season.In particular,the spring temperature had a delayed effect on the NDVI in summer.2)The way in which vegetation responds to climatic factors varied significantly across the seasons.Temperature had a greater effect on the NDVI in spring and summer and the effect was greater at higher altitudes.A similar trend was observed for precipitation,except for altitudes of 1000–2000 m.3)Temperature had a greater effect on the NDVI in spring and autumn at higher altitudes.The same trend was observed for precipitation in summer.These findings suggest that the vegetation found in NNRs in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River was in good condition between 1999 and 2015 and that the growth and development of vegetation in the region has not been adversely affected by climate change.This demonstrates the effectiveness of nature reserves in protecting regional ecology and minimizing anthropogenic effects.  相似文献   

Marine in situ testing is a necessary step for stereotyping newly developed marine sensors. The use of test sites in the Yangtze Estuary area, which has high turbidity and abundant nutrients, can effectively reduce the needed testing time owing to its harsh conditions. Five test stations were established, and a floating buoy and fixed test equipment were designed. A control system, including a sensor connection, data processor, video remote transmission, and corresponding control algorithm, was developed. The control system enabled the nondestructive monitoring of biological attachments and bidirectional, real-time communication between an upper server on land and the control system at the test sites. The dissolved oxygen(DO), temperature, and pH data of DOS600 and DPS600 sensors were compared with those of AP2000 sensors. Temperature recording using the DOS600 sensor was performed nearly as well as that of the AP2000 sensor. The mean DO values(standard deviations) were 8.414 mg L-1(2.068) and 6.896 mg L-1(1.235) for the DOS600 and AP2000 sensors, respectively, indicating that the DOS600 performance was unsatisfactory. The pH recording of the DPS600 was slightly worse than that of the AP2000 sensor. Experimental results showed that the DO value was more easily affected by the buoy movement of waves compared to the pH and temperature. Moreover, data fluctuations showed that the DO and pH parameters were more vulnerable to biofouling than temperature. Waves and biofouling create a harsh test environment, and the performance difference between the developed sensors and a standard sensor can be obtained in a short time period.  相似文献   

As a reflection of the relationship between human and mountainous environment, urban planning has an impact on the mountainous environment by changing the topography, landform and spatial layout. A good urban planning can mitigate and adapt to the mountainous environmental impact. Urban master planning involves the interrelationships and interactions of various components of urban complex systems. Planning Support System(PSS), as a technical means to assist planning decision-making, is mostly based on the construction mode of "user(stakeholder)-system". Its strong professional characteristics are not conducive to the consensus of diverse stakeholders on urban planning. The aim of this paper is therefore to build an augmented planning support system framework that is based on complex adaptive system theory, this framework is ontology-driven, and thus will enable the generation of a planning support prototype system for mountainous urban master planning founded on this framework. The framework fuses the urban planning ontology and the planning support system together, which helps different urban agents to reach a consensus based on a common understanding of urban planning. The defect is that the construction of the urban planning ontology is still manually constructed. The approach advocated here will enable a common understanding of mountainous urban master planning, support efficient and flexible decision in this area, and provide reference framework for future mountainous urban master PSS developments and application. The PSS prototype developed based on augmented planning support system framework has been applied to the urban master planning of Changting County in Fujian Province, China. Through the application of multiscenario analysis, urban agents can deepen their understanding of the current situation and future development of the city, and ultimately helps to promote urban planning decisions and implementation.  相似文献   

The headland-bay beach is one of the most common coastal types in the world.Its morphology reflects the changes that occurred during long-term evolution of the sandy coast.Several headland-bay beach models have been proposed to simulate the coastline’s configuration in equilibrium.In this paper,a new elliptical model is proposed,described,and applied.On the east coast of Laizhou Bay in Shandong Province from Longkou Port to Diaolongzui,four typical headland-bay beaches have developed,and four headland-bay beach models are used in this paper to simulate the morphology of these beaches to assess the applicability of each model.The simulation results of the elliptical model verify that it is applicable to the study area.In addition,the elliptical model is easy to use.Through simulation and field investigations,we concluded that most of the coastal segments in this area will remain in an erosion state,and the human activity has a significant impact on the shoreline’s evolution.  相似文献   

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