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The main idea of this paper is to identify functional relations between seakeeping characteristics and hull form parameters of Mediterranean fishing vessels. Multiple regression analysis is used for quantitative assessment through a computer software that is based on the SQL Server Database. The seakeeping attributes under investigation are the transfer functions of heave and pitch motions and of absolute vertical acceleration at stern, while the ship parameters influencing motion dynamics have been classified into two groups: displacement (Δ) and main dimensions (LBT), coefficients that define the details of the hull form (CWP, CVP, LCB, LCF, etc.).Four multiple regression models having different parameter combinations are here investigated and discussed, giving way to the so-called ‘Simple Model’, ‘Intermediate Model’, ‘Enhanced 1 Model’ and ‘Enhanced 2 Model’. The obtained results are more than satisfactory for seakeeping predictions during the conceptual design stage.  相似文献   

A fishing boat hull is used as an example of how hull form optimization can be accomplished using a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA). The particular MOGA developed during this study allows automatic selection of a few Pareto Optimal results for examination by the designers while searching the complete Pareto Front. The optimization uses three performance indices for resistance, seakeeping and stability to modify the hull shape to obtain optimal hull offsets as well as optimal values for the principal parameters of length, beam and draft. The modification of the 148/1-B fishing boat hull, the parent hull form of the ?stanbul Technical University (?TÜ) series of fishing boats, is presented by first fixing the principal parameters and allowing the hull offsets to change, and secondly by simultaneously allowing variation of both the principal parameters and the hull offsets. Improvements in all three objectives were found. For further research the methodology can be modified to allow for the addition of other performance objectives, such as cost or specific mission objectives, as well as the use of enhanced performance prediction solvers. In addition, one or more hulls could be evaluated by experiment to validate the results of using this particular optimization approach.  相似文献   

The marine ecological environment and fishery resources can be severely polluted or destroyed by waste oil from fishing vessels if they are emitted directly into the ocean without any proper pre-treatment process. International conventions such as MARPOL 73/78 regulate waste-oil emissions and require the installation of a waste oil–water separator only for ocean-going ships of over 400 gross tons. Hence, these international conventions are not applicable to most fishing ships due to their low gross tonnages. In addition, space on most fishing vessels is too limited to allow waste-oil storage tanks or a waste oil-water separator to comply with international maritime regulations. Because a significant amount of waste oil is produced by fishing vessels around the world every day, effective strategies or measures are needed to prevent this waste oil from polluting the marine environment. This study thus investigates strategies and measures for improving the effectiveness of waste-oil collection from fishing vessels. This study found that existing procedures for the collection and treatment of waste lubricating oil on land could be applied to the management of waste oil and bilge water from fishing vessels. Sufficient oil–water separators and storage facilities for the collection of waste oil should be placed at each fishing port and shipyard. Fishermen should then be required to deliver their waste oil to these storage facilities, from where it can be transported to legal recycling companies for further treatment. In addition, fishing harbor authorities should bear definitive responsibility for monitoring the illegal dumping of waste oil and for checking the waste-oil record books of fishing vessels. Each maritime country should enforce relevant laws and regulations to reduce the emission of waste oil from fishing vessels into the ocean.  相似文献   

The roll damping characteristics of three models of a 3-ton class fishing vessel representing the bare hull, hull with bilge keels, and hull with bilge keels and a central wing are investigated by the free roll decay tests in calm water and also in uniform head waves in a towing tank. Speed and roll initial angle and OG (distance between the centers of gravity and roll) are varied to check their dependence on roll damping. The experimental results are compared with the numerical results of mathematical modeling by the energy method and the energy dissipation patterns are also compared for these three models. The bilge keel contributes significantly to the increment of the roll damping for zero speed but as speed increases, the lift generated by the central wing contributes significantly to the roll damping increase. In addition, it is shown that the roll damping is more or less influenced by the regular head waves.  相似文献   

Fishing communities are subject to economic risk as the commercial fisheries they rely on are intrinsically volatile. The degree to which a community is exposed to economic risk depends on a community׳s ability to confront and/or alter its exposure to volatile fishery conditions through risk-reduction mechanisms. In this article, economic risk – as measured by community-level fishing gross revenues variability – is characterized across Alaskan fishing communities over the past two decades, and exploratory analyses are conducted to identify associations between community attributes and revenues variability. Results show that communities’ fishing portfolio size and diversification are strongly related to fishing revenues variability. Communities with larger and/or more diverse fishing portfolios experience lower fishing revenues variability. Portfolio size and diversification appear to be related to the number of local fisheries, indicating that communities’ portfolios may be constrained to the set of local fisheries. Hotspots of relatively higher fishing revenues variability for communities in north and west Alaska were identified, mirroring the spatial distribution of fishery-specific ex-vessel revenues variability. This overall pattern suggests that a community׳s fishing portfolio – and hence its exposure to risk – may be “predetermined” by its location, thereby limiting the policy options available to promote economic stability through larger and/or more diverse fishing portfolios. For such communities, diversifying income across non-fishing sectors may be an important risk reduction strategy, provided any potential negative cross-sector externalities are addressed.  相似文献   

Over the last 30 years, a range of different livelihoods have been provided and implemented in fishing and coastal communities in the Philippine with mixed success and sustainability by the fisher and household. This paper reports on an analysis of livelihood projects for fishing communities and households implemented in the Philippines and the identification of lessons learned and factors which can lead to an improved success and sustainability rate for livelihood projects and programs. The analysis identified primary factors that are critical to improving the success and sustainability rate of livelihood interventions.  相似文献   

Mauritania, one of the most dependent fish trade nations in the world, has an important octopus fishery within its EEZ. Fishing treaties between the EU and this Sub-Saharan nation have permitted 24 Spanish cephalopod trawling vessels to target this species for its export as a frozen product, mainly to Spain, Italy and Japan. This article presents Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology in order to assess and compare the environmental impacts related to the capture, processing and exportation of packed frozen octopus from this fishery to the main importing nations. Environmental results show that frozen common octopus presented a remarkable dominance of the fishing vessel activities, due to the high energy intensity of the fishery and to the fact that these activities include harvesting, processing and preliminary packaging. Post-harvesting activities presented low relative contributions in all impact categories, minimizing the food mile effect of exporting to Japan, thanks to the slow transportation through marine freight of frozen octopus. The results for fishery-specific indicators showed regular trends for trawling fleets, with high discard and seafloor impact rates. Therefore, improvement actions focused on the minimization of energy use and fishery-specific impacts and the shift to less ozone layer damaging cooling agents are the main targets in order to improve the sustainability of this product, as long as the slow freighting characteristics of the imported product are maintained.  相似文献   

A theoretical investigation is carried out of the mesh size measurement of an idealized fishing netting mesh. It is assumed that the bending moment of the netting twine is proportional to curvature and that there is no twine extension and no cross-sectional deformation of the twine. The corresponding momentum and force balance equations are analyzed. The measurement method our analysis most approximates is that of the ICES gauge. The effect on mesh measurement of twine bending stiffness, frictional resistance, boundary slope, gauge force and gauge thickness are all examined.  相似文献   

In the period 1983-2007, The European Union controlled the evolution of the capacity of its fishing fleet through the so-called Multi-Annual Guidance Programmes (MAGPs). As a result, The European Union reduced the number of fishermen, fishing vessels, gross tonnage and power. However, the end of this period saw an increase in the average size of the fishing vessel and a reduction in crew size. The new “average fishing-vessel” was a more technologically advanced vessel with a greater fishing capacity and a higher degree of autonomy. The aim of the study presented here is to determine the degree of inequality to be found between the fishing capacities of the fleets of the European Union, and to verify whether the evolution of the “average fishing-vessel” responds to a homogenous trend shared by all of the fishing fleets of the European Union or whether it is in fact more unequal. The study formalises a methodology, using Theil indices, which enables the inequalities found between the capacities of the fishing fleets during the period of application of the MAGP adjustment polices to be analysed. The study uses data on fishermen, boats and tonnages from 13 countries of the European Union and results are obtained for the inequality indices of the average size of the fishing vessels, their degree of technological advance and their average crews.  相似文献   

This article presents a framework for fisheries sector analysis based on the literatures on global value chains (GVCs) and global production networks (GPNs). A value chain approach offers an alternative to focusing primarily on policy as an explanatory variable, by bringing into focus relations among buyers, sellers and other stakeholders as well as their institutional context. After outlining the utility of this approach, the article identifies three questions at the forefront of contemporary debates on the dynamics of GVCs and GPNs. Namely: (1) How institutional context affects distributional and regulatory outcomes; (2) The conditions under which particular institutions that limit or regulate market forces are either productive or perverse; and (3) Why and how particular markets are constituted in the ways that they are. The article then showcases some of the central findings from the case studies brought together in this thematic issue, demonstrating how they contribute to current analytic debates surrounding value chains and core substantive problems facing both fisheries and those engaged in the fishing industry.  相似文献   

The East Sea, with an average depth of 1700 m, has long been subject to heavy fishing pressure, resulting in derelict fishing gear. Most derelict fishing gears, such as fishing nets, fishing ropes, and crab pots, sink to the seabed and do not degrade. This gear results in “ghost fishing,” which has adverse impacts on deep benthic habitats. Recently, the Korean government has started to remove derelict fishing gears from the deep seabed of the East Sea by bottom trawling with heavy hooks (50–80 kg) and ropes. A total of 207.8 and 252.2 tons of marine debris in 2009 and 2010, respectively, were removed from the seabed, most of which were derelict fishing gears. Contrary to monitoring surveys and clean-up in shallow waters, removal of marine debris from remote deep habitats is much more difficult and dangerous for removal crews.  相似文献   

Seakeeping qualities are one of the most important aspects for passenger ships, since a collateral effect of seakeeping, the seasickness, can avoid the use of ships and ferries among passengers who can choose a different way of transport. Therefore, it is important for ship designers and ship owners to predict and evaluate the seasickness effects at the design stage.In this paper, a review of the seasickness causes and effects is made, and a mathematical model that includes several human factors is proposed. This model is applicable especially in big passenger ships where different kind of spaces or activities for the passengers can be found inside the ship.The way to present the large amount of information obtained in seakeeping calculations is important, and it is useful to detect the most conflictive parts of the ship's general arrangement. Calculations for an example ferry are presented.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the impact of local and national policies in the Philippines on the participation of indigenous peoples in relation to fisheries management. Specifically, this research focuses on the Tagbanua, an indigenous group in Coron Island, Palawan, on the western side of the Philippines. The struggle of the Tagbanua in reclaiming their ancestral title to the land and sea reflects broader moves toward self-determination, which is critical not only to their ancestral lands and waters, but also to their survival. Indigenous rights are essential in addressing social justice and in giving a greater voice that encourages indigenous peoples towards self-governing institutions and common management of resources. Significantly, the fundamental development of indigenous peoples lies in the recognition of their rights in their ancestral domain and the preservation of their culture, tradition, system, practices and their natural resources. This paper examines the Tagbanua experience, through a critical exploration of institutions and property rights, with attention to corresponding effects in reducing conflict with other stakeholders in the area, and in affecting the sustainability of fishery resources.  相似文献   

End-to-end models that represent ecosystem components from primary producers to top predators, linked through trophic interactions and affected by the abiotic environment, are expected to provide valuable tools for assessing the effects of climate change and fishing on ecosystem dynamics. Here, we review the main process-based approaches used for marine ecosystem modelling, focusing on the extent of the food web modelled, the forcing factors considered, the trophic processes represented, as well as the potential use and further development of the models. We consider models of a subset of the food web, models which represent the first attempts to couple low and high trophic levels, integrated models of the whole ecosystem, and size spectrum models. Comparisons within and among these groups of models highlight the preferential use of functional groups at low trophic levels and species at higher trophic levels and the different ways in which the models account for abiotic processes. The model comparisons also highlight the importance of choosing an appropriate spatial dimension for representing organism dynamics. Many of the reviewed models could be extended by adding components and by ensuring that the full life cycles of species components are represented, but end-to-end models should provide full coverage of ecosystem components, the integration of physical and biological processes at different scales and two-way interactions between ecosystem components. We suggest that this is best achieved by coupling models, but there are very few existing cases where the coupling supports true two-way interaction. The advantages of coupling models are that the extent of discretization and representation can be targeted to the part of the food web being considered, making their development time- and cost-effective. Processes such as predation can be coupled to allow the propagation of forcing factors effects up and down the food web. However, there needs to be a stronger focus on enabling two-way interaction, carefully selecting the key functional groups and species, reconciling different time and space scales and the methods of converting between energy, nutrients and mass.  相似文献   

根据3艘舟山灯光围网渔船的生产统计数据,通过层次 分析法(AHP),分析了影响渔船捕捞能力的因子(总吨位、主机功率、作业天数和水下灯功率),并根据各影响因子的重要性确定其权重,建立影响灯光围网渔船捕捞能力的多因子评价模式。结果表明:总吨位对灯光围网捕捞能力的影响最甚,其次是主机功率、作业天数和水下灯功率,其所占权重分别为0. 461 2,0.342 4,0.137 1和0.059 4。  相似文献   

Global assessment of the European Union fishing fleet: An update   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides a global analysis of recent trends in the EU fishing fleet. Analysis of the capital productivity, labour rates, and economic benefits of the fleet revealed that considerable replacement of fishermen by better technology and well-equipped vessels occurred between 1990 and 2006. The analysis confirms that the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) has been ineffective in reducing fishing capacity. In addition, the changes in capacity that occurred in this time interval differed among the different sectors of the fleet. Some members of the high sea fishing fleet increased their capacity (range 11–57%), and the deep-sea sector, which has greater tonnage and fishing power, increased its fishing capacity by 34–44%. These results confirm the ineffectiveness of the CFP in reducing overcapacity and illustrate the continuing threat of overcapacity to the long-term sustainability of fishery resources.  相似文献   

Recent scholarship has focused attention on the dynamics and management of marine social ecological systems and on the need for developing a deeper understanding of the fishing strategies of fish harvesters. This includes an understanding of how a broad range of factors influence the strategies of those at the ‘center’ of marine social-ecological interactions. This paper reports on the findings of a survey of snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fishers in Southeastern Labrador conducted at a time (2005) of significant stress in the fishery. Results highlight that snow crab fishers are embedded in a social-ecological system and that shifts in fishing strategies in times of stress are a product of adapting to a dynamic, interactive set of factors that have social, economic, ecological and management aspects. Important differences between fleet sectors (larger and smaller vessels) as well as processes of learning are also described. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications for management and the utility of a holistic social-ecological perspective.  相似文献   

Southern California's marine areas are heavily contaminated with dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) and polychlorinated-biphenyls (PCBs), and fish consumption advisories (FCAs) have been issued throughout the region. Between 2002 and 2003, the Montrose Angler Survey, a large-scale survey of subsistence anglers, was developed and implemented on site in Orange and Los Angeles counties. This survey was intended to assist natural resource trustees in the development of restoration programs that will address injuries to natural resources and restore lost economic services for anglers, but the data were never fully analyzed. The trustees have shown a clear preference for ecological restoration programs that may take years to improve fishing services. In contrast, this analysis, which includes a random-parameter fishing site choice model, demonstrates that simple, inexpensive programs such as better signage to warn of FCAs and transportation to clean sites have the potential to yield substantial benefits quickly. This paper also focuses on how different ethnic minority groups are affected by FCAs, and determines how best to communicate risk information and change fishing behavior through outreach programs.  相似文献   

Most fisheries management studies have concentrated on understanding resource dynamics and have paid less attention to understanding the dynamics of those who use the resources. This situation limits the knowledge about the fisheries system as a whole and specifically about the viability of management schemes. It is vital to understand how the actors within the fishing sector (fishing firm owners/managers, fishers, fisheries managers, and traders) may respond to changes in fishing resources trends, market dynamics, and fisheries policies before they are implemented. These issues are explored in this paper by applying a longitudinal analysis of the Yucatan Mexico's fishing industry. The analysis is presented within the framework of the theory of change and coping strategies. The study primarily involved interviews during 2008 with the main owners of companies in the fishing industry and with fisheries managers and other stakeholders. Time-series catch data on the main fishing resources are also reviewed to evaluate changes across three historical periods and describe how the actors have perceived and responded to those changes. Given conditions of uncertainty in resource availability, changes in market demand and changes in institutional arrangements, the viability of traditional business and resource management practices are discussed. The analysis presents different kind of triggers that have modified the conditions of the fishing sector and had had impacts on the socio-economic–ecological system in which fisheries are embedded. The need for adaptive strategies in the whole chain of the fisheries business and resource management is stressed, given the current changes and conditions of fisheries. The discussion states a series of actions that could improve the relationships between business practices and fisheries management.  相似文献   

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