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Soil conservation measures undertaken to address land degradation can alter the hydrologic cycle by changing partitioning of water fluxes at the land surface. While effects on runoff are well documented, impacts of soil conservation activities on fluxes to groundwater are poorly understood. The goal of this study was to examine fluxes to groundwater in a semi-arid area of China’s Loess Plateau that has been subject to extensive soil conservation activities. Unsaturated zone pore-water pressures and concentrations of chloride show that impacts on deep drainage differ between ecological and structural soil conservation approaches. High matric potentials and low chloride beneath cultivated terrace and gulley sites are consistent with deep drainage occurring at these sites. Estimated recharge rates for dryland cultivated upland sites were approximately 55??0?mm/year (11??8% of mean annual rainfall) based upon chloride mass balance. In contrast, results suggest that mature tree and shrub plantations prevent deep drainage. Stable isotope signatures of unsaturated-zone moisture and groundwater indicate that focused infiltration through gullies and other topographic lows is likely to be the primary recharge mechanism. The results of this study highlight the potential for inadvertent effects of some soil conservation approaches on regional water resources.  相似文献   

北京地区隐伏断裂发育,NW及NE向断裂相互交汇,成为未来可能发生地震的构造。为了研究活动断裂与土壤氡浓度的响应关系,本次对北京平原区NW和NE向2条剖面进行了氡浓度测量。通过测试分析,基本查明了隐伏构造与土壤氡浓度的对应关系以及影响土壤氡浓度的相关地质因素。研究表明,活动断裂存在的区域氡浓度明显高于周边区域,且在构造复杂与活动性强的断裂区域氡浓度值变化更为明显;新生界厚度对氡的散逸强度存在一定的制约,北京地区新生界厚度与氡浓度水平成正相关;不同成土母质核素比活度不同,对区域氡浓度背景值亦存在影响。本次研究成果确定了隐伏断裂与土壤氡浓度的对应关系,以及新生界厚度和不同成土母质土壤对土壤氡浓度的影响,为今后在平原区开展隐伏断裂调查及氡浓度研究工作有重要借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

Relationship between radon concentrations in indoor air and in soil gas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the Ljubljana region, 53 schools were selected for measurements of radon concentrations in soil gas close to a school building, and indoor radon concentrations in one of the ground-floor classrooms of each building. The aim was to establish a relationship between radon concentrations in indoor air and in soil gas from the ground on which the building is situated. Soil gas radon concentrations between 2 and 14 kBqm-3 were found. Indoor radon concentrations ranged from 20 to 1,440 Bqm-3, with seven values exceeding 200 Bqm-3. It is concluded that good quality of the construction elements ensure low indoor radon concentration, regardless of high soil gas radon level.  相似文献   

The Nyamandhlovu aquifer is the main water resource in the semi-arid Umguza district in Matebeleland North Province in Zimbabwe. The rapid increase in water demand in the city of Bulawayo has prompted the need to quantify the available groundwater resources for sustainable utilization. Groundwater recharge estimation methods and results were compared: chloride mass balance method (19–62 mm/year); water-table fluctuation method (2–50 mm/year); Darcian flownet computations (16–28 mm/year); 14C age dating (22–25 mm/year); and groundwater modeling (11–26 mm/year). The flownet computational and modeling methods provided better estimates for aerial recharge than the other methods. Based on groundwater modeling, a final estimate for recharge (from precipitation) on the order of 15–20 mm/year is believed to be realistic, assuming that part of the recharge water transpires from the water table by deep-rooted vegetation. This recharge estimate (2.7–3.6% of the annual precipitation of 555 mm/year) compares well with the results of other researchers. The advantages/disadvantages of each recharge method in terms of ease of application, accuracy, and costs are discussed. The groundwater model was also used to quantify the total recharge of the Nyamandhlovu aquifer system (20?×?106–25?×?106 m3/year). Groundwater abstractions exceeding 17?×?106 m3/year could cause ecological damage, affecting, for instance, the deep-rooted vegetation in the area.  相似文献   

扩散系数和渗透系数是设计与评价垃圾填埋场衬垫等环境工程研究时需要确定的重要参数。通过分析粘土衬垫材料中渗透系数和扩散系数的物理意义和确定方法,在土多孔介质微观结构分析的基础上得到渗透系数和扩散系数的关系表达式,并基于蒙脱石层间Poiseuille定律得到膨润土有效扩散系数的计算公式。验证表明,在一定精度范围内文中表达式是有效的。得出的渗透系数和扩散系数的关系表达式,对于根据已有渗透系数的研究成果来预测和分析扩散系数是有意义的。  相似文献   

For semi-arid regions, methods of assessing aquifer recharge usually consider the potential evapotranspiration. Actual evapotranspiration rates can be below potential rates for long periods of time, even in irrigated systems. Accurate estimations of aquifer recharge in semi-arid areas under irrigated agriculture are essential for sustainable water-resources management. A method to estimate aquifer recharge from irrigated farmland has been tested. The water-balance-modelling approach was based on VisualBALAN v. 2.0, a computer code that simulates water balance in the soil, vadose zone and aquifer. The study was carried out in the Campo de Cartagena (SE Spain) in the period 1999–2008 for three different groups of crops: annual row crops (lettuce and melon), perennial vegetables (artichoke) and fruit trees (citrus). Computed mean-annual-recharge values (from irrigation+precipitation) during the study period were 397 mm for annual row crops, 201 mm for perennial vegetables and 194 mm for fruit trees: 31.4, 20.7 and 20.5% of the total applied water, respectively. The effects of rainfall events on the final recharge were clearly observed, due to the continuously high water content in soil which facilitated the infiltration process. A sensitivity analysis to assess the reliability and uncertainty of recharge estimations was carried out.  相似文献   

干旱半干旱区土壤含水量反演与验证   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
基于MODIS遥感影像和表观热惯量法,以新疆为研究区,建立了适用于干旱半干旱区1 m土体的土壤含水量反演模型。模型根据高表观热惯量,高土壤含水量,低表观热惯量,低土壤含水量这一理论,通过日地表温差和宽波段反照率确定土壤含水量的时空变化。假设通过1 m土体的土壤水通量正比于上下底层土壤含水量的差值,利用水平衡方程建立土壤表面和底层土壤含水量关系方程,并利用中国土壤类型特点确定优化模型。通过验证结果表明,壤土和壤质粘土这两类土壤含水量接近真实值,砂土在区域验证中,模拟与实测差值为2.16%,整个模型模拟精度较好,能够准确地从时空上反演干旱半干旱地区1 m土体的土壤水分情况。  相似文献   

Remote sensing of soil moisture: implications for groundwater recharge   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Remote sensing provides information on the land surface. Therefore, linkages must be established if these data are to be used in groundwater and recharge analyses. Keys to this process are the use of remote sensing techniques that provide information on soil moisture and water-balance models that tie these observations to the recharge. Microwave remote sensing techniques are used to map the spatial domain of surface soil moisture and to monitor its temporal dynamics, information that cannot be measured using other techniques. The physical basis of this approach is presented with examples of how microwave remote sensing is utilized in groundwater recharge and related studies. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The gaseous state and chemical inert behavior of radon make it important tracer for the radon transport study through the building materials. The radon resistant property of building construction materials is important parameter to control the indoor radon levels in living and workplaces. The materials with higher radium content can be made less severe by the use of some building materials of low diffusion coefficient and diffusion length. This makes the study of radon diffusion through building material more important along with the study of exhalation and radioactivity content. Keeping this in mind the radon diffusion study was carried out through different building construction materials used for wall and floor by active and passive techniques. The diffusion coefficient from these building materials measured by passive methods varied from (0.9 ± 0.5) × 10?7 to (22.95 ± 13.19) × 10?6 m2s?1 and radon diffusion length varied from 0.21 to 3.31 m for cement, soil, sand, wall putty and plaster of Paris (POP) etc. The radon diffusion coefficient measured by active technique varied from 1.93 × 10?10 to 1.36 × 10?7 m2s?1 for samples with definite geometry like paper, polyethylene, marble, granite etc. The radon diffusion coefficient and diffusion length depend upon the porosity and density of materials for powder samples.  相似文献   

Arid to semi-arid regions are characterized by low levels of surface water and low annual precipitation (generally <350 mm/year). In such areas, groundwater must be used to meet all the needs of the population for water. As a consequence, careful management is required to ensure the sustainability of this scarce resource in response to the demands of urban centers, industry, agriculture, and tourism. The concept of the aquifer recharge rate is particularly useful in the quantification of these groundwater resources and can be used to form the basis of a decision support system. This study determined the potential recharge rate in the Haouz aquifer using a multi-criteria analysis that included both the major and minor factors influencing the rate of infiltration of water into the aquifer. The analysis was based on the use of a geographical information system supported by remote sensing techniques to develop thematic data layers. These layers were then used to describe the spatial variation of the factors influencing the recharge rate of the aquifer and were subsequently integrated and analyzed to derive the spatial distribution of the potential recharge. This approach was used to classify the Haouz Plain (Morocco) into three different zones with respect to the recharge rate, with recharge rates ranging from 3.5 to 18.2 %.  相似文献   

基于包气带剖面研究黄土地下水补给   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王雨山  潘建永 《地质论评》2019,65(Z1):15-16
正地下水补给是含水层从外界获得水量的过程,是地下水系统形成演化的基础和水文地质学科研究的核心问题(庞忠和等,2018)。在黄土高原地区,地下水是生产生活的重要水源,查明黄土高原地下水补给来源和补给量对合理开发利用地下水资源意义重大。前人对此开展了较多研究并取得丰富成果,但由于黄土高原包气带厚度较大,地下水补给受多因素影响,其时空变化较为复杂(赵文智等,2017)。本次选择小型黄土残塬,通过两组包气带剖  相似文献   

Quantifying the spatial and temporal distribution of natural groundwater recharge is usually a prerequisite for effective groundwater modeling and management. As flow models become increasingly utilized for management decisions, there is an increased need for simple, practical methods to delineate recharge zones and quantify recharge rates. Existing models for estimating recharge distributions are data intensive, require extensive parameterization, and take a significant investment of time in order to establish. The Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey (WGNHS) has developed a simple daily soil–water balance (SWB) model that uses readily available soil, land cover, topographic, and climatic data in conjunction with a geographic information system (GIS) to estimate the temporal and spatial distribution of groundwater recharge at the watershed scale for temperate humid areas. To demonstrate the methodology and the applicability and performance of the model, two case studies are presented: one for the forested Trout Lake watershed of north central Wisconsin, USA and the other for the urban-agricultural Pheasant Branch Creek watershed of south central Wisconsin, USA. Overall, the SWB model performs well and presents modelers and planners with a practical tool for providing recharge estimates for modeling and water resource planning purposes in humid areas.
Resumen La cuantificación de la distribución espacial y temporal de la recarga natural de agua subterránea es un requisito previo para una modelación y una gestión efectivas de las aguas subterráneas. Dado que se está incrementando el uso de los modelos de flujo para la toma de decisiones de gestión, existe una necesidad creciente de métodos simples y prácticos para delimitar las zonas de recarga y cuantificar los rangos de la misma. Los modelos existentes para la estimación de la distribución de la recarga requieren datos intensivos, una parametrización extensiva y una inversión de tiempo significativa para ser establecidos. El Servicio Geológico y de Historioa Natural de Wisconsin (WGNHS) ha desarrollado un modelo simple de balance diario de agua en el suelo (SWB) que usa de forma sencilla datos disponibles de suelo, de cobertera, topográficos y climáticos conjuntamente con un Sistema de Información Geográfica (GIS) para estimar la distribución espacial y temporal de la recarga de aguas subterráneas a escala de cuenca para zonas templadas húmedas. Para demostrar la metodología, aplicabilidad y el comportamiento del modelo, se presentan dos casos: uno en la cuenca boscosa de Trout Lake, en la zona Norte-Central de Wisconsin, USA y el otro en la Cuenca urbano-agrícola de Pheasant Branch Creek, Sur-Centro de Winconsin, USA. En conjunto, el modelo SWB funciona bien y presenta a los modeladores y planificadores una herramienta práctica para llevar a cabo una estimación de la recarga para propósitos de modelación y planificación de los recursos de agua en zonas húmedas.

Résumé Quantifier les distributions temporelle et spatiale de la réalimentation naturelle des eaux souterraines est en règle générale un préalable à une modélisation et une gestion efficaces des eaux souterraines. Etant donné que les modèles numériques sont utilisés de manière croissante dans les prises de décisions en matière de gestion, il existe un besoin accru pour des méthodes simples et pratiques, afin de délimiter les zones d’alimentation et de quantifier les recharges associées. Les modèles existants, destinés à l’estimation de la répartition des réalimentations, demandent énormément de données, un paramétrage long, et un investissement conséquent en temps de mise en œuvre. Le Wisconsin Geologic and Natural History Survey (WGNHS) a développé un modèle simple basé sur un bilan en eau quotidien dans les sols (SWB); il utilise les données directement disponibles sur les sols, l’occupation des sols, la topographie et le climat, en conjonction avec un Système d’Information Géographique, afin d’estimer les distributions temporelle et spatiale de la réalimentation des eaux souterraines à l’échelle du bassin versant, pour les zones humides tempérées. Afin de démontrer la méthodologie, l’applicabilité et les performances du modèle, deux applications sont présentées: la première sur le bassin versant boisé de Trout Lake au centre-nord du Wisconsin (Etats-Unis), et le second sur le bassin versant agricole et urbanisé de Pheasant Branch Creek au centre-sud du Wisconsin. Le modèle SWB se comporte globalement bien, et offre aux modélisateurs un outil fonctionnel pour estimer les réalimentations, dans le cadre de modélisations et de plans de gestion des ressources en eau souterraine dans les zones humides.

A detailed characterization of the site is crucial to designing an efficient method of managing the risks associated with tailings from abandoned mines. Therefore, samples collected from various depths within tailings in Guryong mine, Korea, were analyzed for their chemical, physical and mineralogical characteristics. All samples of the Guryong tailings had acid-generating potential. However, in the oxidation zone, the net acid generation (NAG) was low (30 kg H2SO4 t−1) although the acid neutralization potential (ANP) was less than zero. The ANP values in the unoxidation zone were higher (> −56.0 kg CaCO3 t−1) than in the other zones. As a result, the amount of alkali ions that are needed to neutralize the acid needs to be considered. In this experiment G3, G4 and G6 drill cores containing fine tailings particles near the unoxidation zone were observed to contain calcite (CaCO3) with acid-neutralizing capacity. A low pH (2−4) in the oxidation zone of the tailings changed to a neutral pH in the unoxidation zone of the tailings. These results suggest that the acid-neutralizing capacity of the tailings was controlled by particle and mineral composition of tailings.  相似文献   

Mujib watershed is an important groundwater basin which is considered a major source for drinking and irrigation water in Jordan. Increased dependence on groundwater needs improved aquifer management with respect to understanding deeply recharge and discharge issues, planning rates withdrawal, and facing water quality problems arising from industrial and agricultural contamination. The efficient management of this source depends on reliable estimates of the recharge to groundwater and is needed in order to protect Mujib basin from depletion. Artificial groundwater recharge was investigated in this study as one of the important options to face water scarcity and to improve groundwater storage in the aquifer. A groundwater model based on the MODFLOW program, calibrated under both steady- and unsteady-state conditions, was used to investigate different groundwater management scenarios that aim at protecting the Mujib basin. The scenarios include variations of abstraction levels combined with different artificial groundwater recharge quantities. The possibilities of artificial groundwater recharge from existing and proposed dams as well as reclaimed municipal wastewater were investigated. Artificial recharge options considered in this study are mainly through injecting water directly to the aquifer and through infiltration from reservoir. Three scenarios were performed to predict the aquifer system response under different artificial recharge options (low, moderate, and high) which then compared with no action (recharge) scenario. The best scenario that provides a good recovery for the groundwater table and that can be feasible is founded to be by reducing current abstraction rates by 20% and implementing the moderate artificial recharge rates of 26 million(M)m3/year. The model constructed in this study helps decision makers and planners in selecting optimum management schemes suitable for such arid and semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

Boom Clay is studied as a potential host formation for the disposal of high-and intermediate level long-lived radioactive waste in Belgium. In such a geological repository, generation of gases (mainly H2 from anaerobic corrosion) will be unavoidable. In order to make a good evaluation of the balance between gas generation vs. gas dissipation for a particular waste form and/or disposal concept, good estimates for gas diffusion coefficients of dissolved gases are essential. In order to obtain an accurate diffusion coefficient for dissolved hydrogen in saturated Boom Clay, diffusion experiments were performed with a recently developed through-diffusion set-up for dissolved gases. Due to microbial activity in the test set-up, conversion of hydrogen into methane was observed within several experiments. A complex sterilisation procedure was therefore developed in order to eliminate microbiological disturbances. Only by a combination of heat sterilisation, gamma irradiation and the use of a microbial inhibitor, reliable, reproducible and accurate H2(g) diffusion coefficients (measured at 21 °C) for samples oriented parallel (Deff = 7.25 × 10−10 m2/s and Deff = 5.51 × 10−10 m2/s) and perpendicular (Deff = 2.64 × 10−10 m2/s) to the bedding plane were obtained.  相似文献   

地表-地下水系统水、热迁移转化与裸土蒸发机理研究对于水量平衡以及地表能量转化具有重要意义。以鄂尔多斯盆地风沙滩地区为研究区,基于原位蒸渗仪长期观测,结合数值模拟,选择2种地下水位初始埋深分别为80 cm(浅埋深)和290 cm(深埋深)的情景,研究了变饱和带水热迁移转化的动力学过程以及对裸土蒸发的影响。结果表明:变饱和带土壤水的运动规律受水头梯度和温度梯度的共同驱动,且在不同水位埋深条件下呈现不同的运动方式;浅埋深条件下,受水头梯度的作用,土壤的毛细上升高度能够到达地表,蒸发条件下土壤水在毛细力驱动下向上运移,土壤内部不存在零通量面,温度对水分运动的影响较小,发现当地下水位埋深小于毛细上升高度时,地下水在毛细力作用下直接贡献土壤蒸发;深埋深条件下,水头和温度是土壤水运动过程的关键因素,位于地表以下18 cm以浅土壤内部出现孤立的零通量面,阻止了土壤水的向上运移,导致蒸发量减小。当地下水位埋深大于毛细上升高度的1.6倍时,地下水不再直接参与土壤蒸发,但会间接地影响包气带的水分转化;因此模拟期间浅埋深的裸土累积蒸发量约为深埋深累积蒸发量的4倍。  相似文献   

地下水可持续开采量与地下水功能评价的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对中国北方地下水评价中偏重资源而对地下水的生态功能和地质环境功能重视不足的问题,立足于流域尺度的地下水循环系统和地下水的自然属性,突出协调综合发挥地下水的资源功能、生态功能和地质环境功能的目标,从地下水可持续开采量与地下水功能的理念基础、评价原则和评价机理3个方面探讨二者的内在关联性,认为它们同源于人与自然和谐的理念,都以流域尺度的地下水循环系统为研究主体,以保护生态与地质环境为目标,彼此相互促进和相互支撑。地下水功能评价是合理确定地下水可持续开采量的充分条件,地下水可持续开采量的合理确定是实现地下水功能评价目标的必要条件;如果二者缺一,则地下水的生态功能或地质环境功能难以得到有针对性的保护。  相似文献   


There is a scarcity of long-term groundwater hydrographs from sub-Saharan Africa to investigate groundwater sustainability, processes and controls. This paper presents an analysis of 21 hydrographs from semi-arid South Africa. Hydrographs from 1980 to 2000 were converted to standardised groundwater level indices and rationalised into four types (C1–C4) using hierarchical cluster analysis. Mean hydrographs for each type were cross-correlated with standardised precipitation and streamflow indices. Relationships with the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) were also investigated. The four hydrograph types show a transition of autocorrelation over increasing timescales and increasingly subdued responses to rainfall. Type C1 strongly relates to rainfall, responding in most years, whereas C4 notably responds to only a single extreme event in 2000 and has limited relationship with rainfall. Types C2, C3 and C4 have stronger statistical relationships with standardised streamflow than standardised rainfall. C3 and C4 changes are significantly (p <?0.05) correlated to the mean wet season ENSO anomaly, indicating a tendency for substantial or minimal recharge to occur during extreme negative and positive ENSO years, respectively. The range of different hydrograph types, sometimes within only a few kilometres of each other, appears to be a result of abstraction interference and cannot be confidently attributed to variations in climate or hydrogeological setting. It is possible that high groundwater abstraction near C3/C4 sites masks frequent small-scale recharge events observed at C1/C2 sites, resulting in extreme events associated with negative ENSO years being more visible in the time series.


The distribution of 18O and 2H in various water sources indicates that groundwater recharge is due to local rainfall occurring within the basins. Groundwater recharge takes place under a bypass flow mechanism and matrix diffuse flow and is 3% and 2% of the long-term mean annual rainfall of 550 mm for the Makutapora and Hombolo basins, respectively. Chloride mass balance indicates that 60% and 40% of the total groundwater recharge takes place through macropores and matrix flow, respectively. Sporadic variations in 18O, 2H and chloride among adjacent boreholes suggest existence of a discrete fractured aquifer and/or dominance of local recharge. The relationship between δ2H and chloride indicates that groundwater salinization is due to the leaching of surficial and soil salts during high intensity rainfall, which causes high surface runoff and flash floods. It has been concluded that the isotopic and chemical character of groundwater in fractured semi-arid areas may provide the most effective complementary means of groundwater recharge assessment and therefore is very useful in the management of the water resources.  相似文献   

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