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The work is focused on studying the possibility to ecologically standardize the characteristics that are not concentrations of chemical substances, i.e., water abundance; water temperature; and pH, which does not belong to standardized characteristics. The initial data include the data of biological (water quality classes by characteristics of plankton, periphyton, and zoobenthos) and physicochemical monitoring in 1975–1991 in water bodies of the Lower Don, as well as data on fish catches and yield in the Lower Don. The values of ecologically tolerable levels are obtained for three factors, such that going above these levels causes the environmental ill-being of the appropriate biological indicator. Nonchemical impacts, represented by water abundance and temperature have almost no effect on the deterioration of ichthyological estimates of the state (the only exception is the correlation between water abundance and sabrefish catches). At the same time, planktonic and benthic estimates appear to be more sensitive indicators of water quality decline in all three factors under consideration. The pH exponent affects all ecological groupings of Don ecosystems. The strictest upper boundaries of ecologically tolerable levels of water abundance were recorded for the sabrefish catches. On the other hand, insufficient water abundance during spring and summer deteriorates the state of planktonic and benthic organisms.  相似文献   

Distribution of metals, PAH's and PCB's in lobsters, mussels, and sediments were used to assess marine environmental quality of the Bay of Fundy. This study demonstrates that the lobster (Homarus americanus) is a better bioindicator for monitoring contaminants in the marine environment and has a greater capacity for the uptake and accumulation of contaminants than the mussel (Mytilus edulis) and sediments. A definite pattern in the spatial distribution of lobster Cu, Cd, and Ag was evident. The distribution of organic contaminants for both mussels and lobsters in the Bay of Fundy lacked a spatial trend, and organic contaminants were undetectable in sediments from all sites. The Gulf Watch Programme, which monitors chemicals in mussels in the Bay of Fundy, did not indicate a problem with high levels of Cu, Cd, and Zn in the ecosystem. Analytes below the detection limit, such as in mussels and sediments, increase the difficulties of chemical analysis and detection for environmental monitoring. Deficiencies of mussels in monitoring the Bay of Fundy were discussed.  相似文献   

The Guayas river basin is one of the major watersheds in Ecuador, where increasing human activities are affecting water quality and related ecosystem services. The aims of this study were (1) to assess the ecological water quality based on macroinvertebrate indices and (2) to determine the major environmental variables affecting these macroinvertebrate indices. To do so, we performed an integrated water quality assessment at 120 locations within the river basin. Biological and physical–chemical data were collected to analyze the water quality. Two biotic indices were calculated to assess the water quality with an ecological approach: the Biological Monitoring Working Party Colombia (BMWP-Col) and the Neotropical Low-land Stream Multimetric Index (NLSMI). Both the BMWP-Col and NLSMI indicated good water quality at the (upstream) forested locations, lower water quality for sites situated at arable land and bad water quality at residential areas. Both indices gave relevant assessment outcomes and can be considered valuable for supporting the local water management. A correspondence analysis (CA) applied on both indices suggested that flow velocity, chlorophyll concentration, conductivity, land use, sludge layer and sediment type were the major environmental variables determining the ecological water quality. We also suggested that nutrient and pesticide measurements are important to study water quality in the area where intensive agriculture activities take place. The nutrient levels detected in agricultural areas were relatively low and illustrated that the types of crops and the current cultivation methods were not leading to eutrophication. The applied methods and results of this study can be used to support the future water management of the Guayas river basin and similar basins situated in the tropics.  相似文献   

Two biotic indices, ATZI Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) and Benthic Quality Index (BQI) have been recently introduced within the EC Water Framework Directive to assess the quality of marine habitats: both are based on sensitivity/tolerance classification and quantitative information on the composition of soft-bottom macrofauna. Their performance, especially with regard to sampling effort was assessed based on two data sets collected in Southern Baltic and one from the Gulf of Lions Mediterranean. AMBI was not affected by sampling effort but BQI was. Two modifications were proposed for BQI (i.e., BQI) (1) the removal of the scaling term (i.e., BQI(W)), and (2) the replacement of the scaling term by different scaling term (i.e., BQI(ES)). Both modified BQIs were largely independent of sampling effort. Variability was slightly lower for BQI(W) than for BQI(ES). BQI was highly correlated with BQI(W) and with BQI(ES) both in the Southern Baltic and in the Gulf of Lions. However, the proportions of stations, which were not attributed the same ecological quality status (EcoQ) when using BQI and its two modified forms were always high. Differences in ecological classification were mostly due to the scales used to infer EcoQ. Based on this study we recommend to use BQI(ES) in future studies because it apparently constitutes the best compromise in (1) being independent of sampling effort, (2) limiting the variability in computation in relation with sampling effort, (3) being correlated with BQI and corresponding EcoQ.  相似文献   

The effect of the modifications of the threshold values generally adopted for the five EcoQ (Ecological Quality) classes recognized by the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) for the most used benthic indicators and diversity indicators (AMBI, BENTIX, BOPA, BQI, H', ITI and M-AMBI) were studied to test whether it is possible to obtain the same or similar ecological classifications for transitional waters using these different indicators, and determine whether the current classifications can be improved. The analysis included: (i) the use of indicator equations, (ii) the use of reference indicators, and (iii) the use of indicator distribution laws. These investigations demonstrated that it was impossible to obtain an exact intercalibration of the ecological classifications with the selected indicators. However, some propositions to improve the actual classification were suggested.  相似文献   

Sulfate reduction is an important oxidation process involving transformation of organic matter and its components and taking place in the aquatic environment and bottom sediments of water bodies (both fresh and marine) under anaerobic conditions. The intensification of sulfate reduction in water bodies is a sign of a stronger anthropogenic impact on the environment and natural water bodies. The development of sulfate reduction under natural conditions reflects the influence of many environmental factors. The effect of the most important factors (the concentration of organic matter and its components and sulfates, the temperature of aquatic environment, and the abundance and activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria) on the process of sulfate reduction in the aquatic environment and bottom sediments in water bodies is considered.  相似文献   

This review and commentary sets out the need for authoritative and concise information on the expected error distributions and magnitudes in observational data. We discuss the necessary components of a benchmark of dominant data uncertainties and the recent developments in hydrology which increase the need for such guidance. We initiate the creation of a catalogue of accessible information on characteristics of data uncertainty for the key hydrological variables of rainfall, river discharge and water quality (suspended solids, phosphorus and nitrogen). This includes demonstration of how uncertainties can be quantified, summarizing current knowledge and the standard quantitative results available. In particular, synthesis of results from multiple studies allows conclusions to be drawn on factors which control the magnitude of data uncertainty and hence improves provision of prior guidance on those uncertainties. Rainfall uncertainties were found to be driven by spatial scale, whereas river discharge uncertainty was dominated by flow condition and gauging method. Water quality variables presented a more complex picture with many component errors. For all variables, it was easy to find examples where relative error magnitudes exceeded 40%. We consider how data uncertainties impact on the interpretation of catchment dynamics, model regionalization and model evaluation. In closing the review, we make recommendations for future research priorities in quantifying data uncertainty and highlight the need for an improved ‘culture of engagement’ with observational uncertainties. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The results of comparative studies of fluorescent characteristic of humic substance and electroconductivity in the surface water layer in the Rybinsk Reservoir are presented. The hydrological structures obtained with the use of these characteristics generally coincide. This opens the way to the use of humic substance fluorescence, which allows remote measurement, as an indicator of the hydrological structure.  相似文献   

Water quality in several tributaries of the Dnepr in the southeastern part of its basin in the territory of the Republic of Belarus was estimated by six biotic indices and by the comparison with reference sites as accepted in the European Water Framework Directive. Water quality estimates obtained by different indices for the same sites are significantly different. The most adequate estimates were obtained from the British and Belgian indices for the assessment of the state of flowing waters. The comparative analysis of the two approaches showed that the method based on reference sites yields a more stringent estimate of river water quality than biotic indices.  相似文献   

A summary is provided of the second in a series of Integrated Science Initiative workshops supported by the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme. The workshop brought together hydrologists, ecologists, biogeochemists, hydrogeologists and natural resource managers to discuss the processes that occur in hyporheic and riparian ecotones. The principal objectives were to share new ideas on the importance of biogeochemical processes that affect nutrients at the groundwater–surface water interface, to understand the impact of nutrient flux on stream (principally hyporheic) ecology, and to identify the management strategies for river corridors to mitigate the effects of nutrients applied to land and discharged via groundwater into rivers. The workshop concluded that: (1) more interdisciplinary research and environmental management practices are needed to better understand, predict and manage processes at the interface of environmental compartments; (2) the goal of environmental regulations to improve ecological health requires a holistic approach integrating our understanding of the ecological, hydrological, biogeochemical and physical processes; (3) upscaling spatially and temporally variable processes remains difficult and may hinder translation of research at micro‐scales (molecular to grain size) into macro‐scale (reach to catchment) decision‐making; (4) scientists need to better communicate existing research to river managers, while smanagers must better communicate policy and regulatory‐driven science requirements to researchers. Existing models, such as those that simulate stream–hyporheic exchange, are not widely known and rarely used by environmental managers. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The article gives the analysis of the impact of artesian mineralized water flowing from old prospecting wells on water catchment landscapes of river valleys and small watercourses. The processes related to the variation in ion composition of water and chemical composition of bottom sediments of small watercourses under the impact of the technogenic halogenesis are discussed.  相似文献   

轮虫是水体中重要的浮游生物类群,对环境变化敏感,是水生态系统中食物链及微型食物网的关键环节.于2015年夏季(7月)和冬季(12月)对养殖池塘、水库、广州城市湖泊、珠江河口及珠江河段水域的轮虫和理化环境指标进行了调查分析,共发现轮虫26属、76种,其中裂痕龟纹轮虫(Anuraeopsis fissa)在7月河流水体占绝对优势,但12月数量明显减少.冬季珠江河段和河口水体群落多样性指数与均匀度指数较夏季高,群落结构较夏季稳定.调查水体轮虫丰度范围为33~2625 ind./L,城市湖泊夏季丰度较高,冬季有所下降,而养殖池塘轮虫丰度在冬季有所上升.群落结构相似性分析(ANOSIM)分析表明,不同类型水体之间差异显著,尤以湖泊与河流差异性最大,广布多肢轮虫(Polyarthra vulgaris)在湖泊贡献率最高,暗小异尾轮虫(Trichocerca pusilla)其次;裂痕龟纹轮虫在河流贡献率最高,优势种丰度差异是造成湖泊与河流群落结构差异的主要原因.统计分析表明,轮虫丰度与叶绿素a浓度呈正相关.冗余分析与ANOSIM分析发现广布多肢轮虫在流花湖等叶绿素a浓度较高的静态水体中易形成优势;裂痕龟纹轮虫和角突臂尾轮虫(Brachionus angularis)在珠江河段等总氮和总磷浓度高的富营养化流动水体中易形成优势.综合轮虫群落结构和水质特征,广州市水体富营养化严重,耐污性轮虫种类多,应加强城市水生态系统保护和管理.  相似文献   

Uncertainty analyses allow the identification and quantification of the factors that contribute to the potential misclassification of the ecological status of water bodies, helping to improve the sampling design used in monitoring. Here we used a Posidonia oceanica multivariate index (POMI) bio-monitoring dataset covering a total of 81 sites distributed throughout 28 water bodies from the coast of Catalonia, Balearic Islands and Croatia to determine the levels of uncertainty associated with each region and how they change according to the quality status of water bodies. Overall, variability among sites (meadows) within water bodies was the factor that generated the greatest risk of misclassification among the three regions, within which the Balearic Islands had the lowest uncertainty, followed by Croatia and Catalonia. When water bodies classified in good/high quality were separated from those in moderate/poor status classes, we found that the latter displayed higher levels of uncertainty than the former.  相似文献   

适宜的生态水位能够反映湖区生态系统的多种需求,是湖泊长期稳定健康运转的基本保障.目前湖泊适宜生态水位的推求大多侧重恢复天然水位情势.然而过水型湖泊承担着防洪、供水、航运等多种功能,频繁的人类活动导致湖泊水位情势异常复杂.同时随着社会经济的快速发展,水质恶化对过水型湖泊生态系统造成了较大的负面影响,仅恢复天然水位情势难以反映过水型湖泊的生态需求.因此,在IHA-RVA法的基础上,本文针对过水型湖泊吞吐性强的特点,利用水质-水位二元响应关系系统地提出了一套逐月修正过水型湖泊适宜生态水位阈值,并确定适宜水位变动率的方法.以洪泽湖为应用实例,结果表明:1)根据湖泊水文情势和入湖污染物变化情况,湖泊调度周期可以划分为平水期(1-4月)、泄水期(5-6月)、蓄水前期(7-9月)和蓄水后期(10-12月);2)各时期内,洪泽湖水位和水质呈现较强的相关性,其中平水期、泄水期和蓄水后期水质均随着水位上升而下降,平均Pearson系数达-0.77,仅在蓄水前期水质随水位上升而改善;3)现阶段洪泽湖的自净能力和污染物滞留比例竞争关系激烈,逐月适宜生态水位阈值为:12.92~12.99、12.79~12.99...  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope composition of bone and tooth phosphate of 50 fox specimens and 30 reindeer specimens from various locations with different climatic and environmental conditions was measured. The existing relationship between these values and the mean oxygen isotope composition of local meteoric water has been calculated. In the case of foxes, specimens belonging to two genera (Vulpes and Alopex) and three different species were measured. The samples fit a straight line whose equation can be used for paleoclimatological studies either in Arctic or in temperate regions. For reindeer (Rangifer), a relatively large range of isotopic values was obtained from each location, suggesting imperfect equilibrium conditions with environmental water. The calculated equation can be used for semi-quantitative information on local paleowaters at high latitudes only.  相似文献   

Regularities in the response of the mouths of major rivers, flowing into the Caspian Sea, to large-scale variations in its level and river water runoff and sediment yield are considered. Changes in the morphological structure and hydrological regime of the Volga, Terek, Sulak, Ural, and Kura mouths have been analyzed in both geological past and separately for three modern periods: a considerable drop in Caspian Sea level before 1978, its abrupt rise in 1978–1995, and a relative stabilization in the subsequent years. Specific features were identified in the hydrological-morphological processes in different mouths, caused by the differences in river sediment yields, and the slopes of delta surface and mouth nearshore beds. Some theoretical and methodological approaches were verified in the analysis and evaluation of the processes under consideration. The obtained results of studies of the mouths of rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea can be regarded as examples and analogues in the assessment of processes, which take place at the mouths of other Russian and world rivers at present and can take place in the future under anticipated natural and anthropogenic variations in sea level and river runoff.  相似文献   


Multidisciplinary models are useful for integrating different disciplines when addressing water planning and management problems. We combine water resources management, water quality and habitat analysis tools that were developed with the decision support system AQUATOOL at the basin scale. The water management model solves the allocation problem through network flow optimization and considers the environmental flows in some river stretches. Once volumes and flows are estimated, the water quality model is applied. Furthermore, the flows are evaluated from an ecological perspective using time series of aquatic species habitat indicators. This approach was applied in the Tormes River Water System, where agricultural demands jeopardize the environmental needs of the river ecosystem. Additionally, water quality problems in the lower part of the river result from wastewater loading and agricultural pollution. Our methodological framework can be used to define water management rules that maintain water supply, aquatic ecosystem and legal standards of water quality. The integration of ecological and water management criteria in a software platform with objective criteria and heuristic optimization procedures allows realistic assessment and application of environmental flows to be made. Here, we improve the general methodological framework by assessing the hydrological alteration of selected environmental flow regime scenarios.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Paredes-Arquiola, J., Solera, A., Martinez-Capel, F., Momblanch, A., and Andreu, J., 2014. Integrating water management, habitat modelling and water quality at the basin scale and environmental flow assessment: case study of the Tormes River, Spain. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 878–889.  相似文献   

Thirty kettle hole ponds located in agricultural landscape of western Poland were studied with respect to physico-chemical (temperature and pH) and chemical (SC, dissolved oxygen, concentration of nutrients) variables of surface water quality during two subsequent years. Most of the ponds selected for the study host populations of endangered large branchiopod crustaceans, thus the aim of the study was to find out the rules governing these ecosystems and infer the best ways to protect them. Precipitation during the first year of the study was close to the average for the region, whereas severe drought was recorded during the second year. The influence of water regime, morphological parameters, catchment characteristics and vegetation on the parameters of water (pH, conductivity, contents of O2, N-NH4, N-NO2, N-NO3, SRP and TP) separately for both years was tested using redundancy analyses (RDA). The results showed that the factors significantly explaining the variance in water chemistry differed between years of the study. In the year of average precipitation, the most important factors were related to the morphology of the pond and its catchment. In contrast, under drought conditions the factors connected with pond vegetation and water depth were significant. However, in general, hydroperiod length of the pond was the most important factor, significant in all the models created.  相似文献   

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