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The Narmada zone in central India is a zone of weakness that separates the region of Vindhyan (Meso-Neoproterozoic) deposition to the north from Gondwana (Permo-Carboniferous–lower Cretaceous) deposits to the south. The reinterpretation of analogue seismic refraction data, acquired during the early 1980s, using 2-D ray-tracing techniques reveals a basement (velocity 5.8–6.0 km s−1 ) topography suggesting that the Narmada zone, bounded by the Narmada North and Narmada South faults is a region of basement uplift. A layer of anomalously high velocity (6.5–6.7 km s−1 ) at depths between 1.5 and 9.0 km appears to be present in the entire region. Within the Narmada zone this layer occurs at shallower depths than outside the Narmada zone. At two places within the Narmada zone this layer is at a depth of about 1.5 km. This layer cannot be considered as the top of the lower crust because in this case it should have produced large positive gravity anomalies at the shallowest parts. Instead, these parts correspond to Bouguer gravity lows. Furthermore, lower crust at such shallow depths has not been reported from any other part of the Indian shield. Therefore, this layer is likely to represent the top of a high-velocity mafic body that has different thicknesses in different places.  相似文献   

The deep resistivity structure was estimated along a 400-km profile in central Poland crossing the Malopolska Massif (MM), the Lysogory Unit (LU), the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) and ending at the East European Craton (EEC). Magnetotelluric transfer functions, corresponding to 20 sites, were supplemented by magnetovariational responses obtained at the geomagnetic observatories situated at the same tectonic units. Such a combination made it possible to extend the initial period range, which is from fractions of a second to several hours, up to months in order to reliably cover crustal and upper-mantle depths. The geoelectrical structures, revealed using 2-D inversions, do not contradict the known features of the lithosphere structure determined using seismic and gravity data along the profile.
The subsurface conductance, varying from approximately 10 Siemens at the inner part of the EEC to about 600 Siemens in the TESZ, is produced by sediments, the deep part of which contains conductive, highly mineralized water. The existence of two crustal conductive faults at the southwest and northeast of the TESZ were established mainly by the use of induction arrows. It was also revealed that rather high mantle conductivity beneath the MM, LU and TESZ at depths of about 150–200 km contrasts with the resistive upper mantle of the EEC. This can be interpreted as the decrease of asthenosphere conductance and/or as its submersion beneath the EEC. Generally, the results confirm the idea that the TESZ forms not only specific seismic boundaries but also causes peculiar conductivity anomalies in the crust and upper mantle.  相似文献   

A deep magnetotelluric sounding (MTS) investigation in the western part of the Gulf of Corinth has revealed a complex electrical image of the crustal structure. The geotectonic structure of the Parnassos unit and the Transition zone in the central Hellenides, overthrusting the Pindos zone both towards the west and towards the south, has been clearly identified by its higher resistivity and its intrinsic anisotropy related to the N–S strike of the Hellenides range. Subsequent N–S extension of the Gulf introduced another heterogeneous anisotropy characteristic that corresponds to E–W-trending normal faults on both sides of the Gulf. The 2-D modelling of the MTS results reveals the existence of a relatively conductive layer about 4 km thick at a depth greater than 10 km in the middle crust. It corresponds to a ductile detachment zone suggested by microseismic and seismic studies ( King et al . 1985 ; Rigo et al . 1996 ; Bernard et al . 1997a ). It may be attributed to the phyllite series lying between the allochthonous Hellenic nappes and the autochthonous Plattenkalk basement. Towards the east, under the Pangalos peninsula, approaching the internal Hellenides, the detachment zone could root deeply into the lower crust.
Some strong local electrical anomalies are observed, reaching the conductive layer in the middle crust, such as that under the Mamousia fault and under the front of the overthrust of the Transition zone on the Pindos zone. Other anomalies affect only the shallower zones such as that beneath the Helike fault and in the Psaromita peninsula. These shallower anomalies provide complementary information to the study of spatial and temporal variations of the seismic anisotropy in relation to the short- and long-term tectonic activity of the Gulf ( Bouin et al . 1996 ; Gamar et al . 1999 ).  相似文献   

A palaeomagnetic study of 115 samples (328 specimens) from 22 sites of the Mid- to Upper Cretaceous Bagh Group underlying the Deccan Traps in the Man valley (22°  20'N, 75°  5'E) of the Narmada Basin is reported. A characteristic magnetization of dominantly reverse polarity has been isolated from the entire rock succession, whose depositional age is constrained within the Cretaceous Normal Superchron. Only a few samples in the uppermost strata have yielded either normal or mixed polarity directions. The overall mean of reverse magnetization is D m=144°, I m=47° ( α 95=2.8°, k =152, N =18 sites) with the corresponding S-pole position 28.7°S, 111.2°E ( A 95=3.1°) and a palaeolatitude of 28°S±3°. The characteristic remanence is carried dominantly by magnetite. Similar magnetizations of reverse polarity are also exhibited by Deccan basalt samples and a mafic dyke in the study area. This pole position falls near the Late Cretaceous segment of the Indian APWP and is concordant with poles reported from the Deccan basalt flows and dated DSDP cores (75–65  Ma) of the Indian Ocean. It is therefore concluded that the Bagh Group in the eastern part of the Narmada Basin has been pervasively remagnetized by the igneous activity of Deccan basalt effusion. This overprinted palaeomagnetic signature in the Bagh Group indicates a counter-clockwise rotation by 13°±3° and a latitudinal drift northwards by 3°±3° of the Indian subcontinent during Deccan volcanism.  相似文献   

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