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An attempt is made to reproduce by numerical simulation the last 50,000 years of the Phlegraean Fields volcanic history in terms of a magma chamber with volume progressively reduced by magma extraction to the surface and without refillings from depth. Since the aim is just to verify the plausibility of such an assumption, attention is focused on the major volcanic events, and a rather crude model is adopted. It turns out that the main features of the Phlegraean Fields thermal history, namely the Campanian Ignimbrite, the yellow tuffs emission and the high temperatures measured in the geothermal wells drilled inside the caldera, can reasonably be reproduced under the not-refilled-system assumption. The magmatic body is predicted to have an average temperature of 1000°C at present.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1982 a continuous uplift began at Phlegraean Fields, an active volcanic area in southern Italy (Fig. 1), that persisted up to September 1984. The uplift, which reached a maximum value of about 160 cm in the central part of the Phlegraean caldera, was characterized by variable velocity and occurred within an area that extended about 7 km outward from the town of Pozzuoli (Fig. 1); the surface deformation performs a bell-shape pattern.The uplift was accompanied by horizontal displacements and gravity changes that closely correlate with the described elevation changes.The horizontal displacements displayed an anomalous pattern within a narrow belt about 1 km from the center of the uplift and approximately coincident with the area of maximum seismic activity. The change in gravity is attributed primarily to a free-air effect to which a small Bouguer effect must be added.Several models have been invoked in order to explain the observed phenomenon. The one which gives the best fit to the observed data is an increasing pressure source of radial simmetry, at a constant depth of about 3 km beneath the town of Pozzuoli, and having a diameter of several hundred meters. Migration of magma at depth is believed to be responsible for the observed activity in the Phlegraean Fields caldera.  相似文献   

Volcanological and petrological data suggest that the Phlegraean Fields volcanic activity has been fed, at least in the last 10,500 years, by a not-refilled magma chamber where trachytic residual liquids were produced by fractionation of a trachybasaltic magma. Using estimated volumes of the erupted products andP–T data obtained through petrological studies, a conductive thermal model of the chamber was built up in order to estimate its past and present size. Results suggest a volume decrease from approximately 14 to 1.4 km3 of the trachybasaltic magma in 10,500 years. Trachytic liquid would also be present in the chamber in a minimum amount of 0.4 km3. The model allowed some insights on the petrogenesis of the Phlegraean trachytes, suggesting that they were erupted as liquids because thermally buffered within the magma chamber.  相似文献   

Two uplift episodes have recently been recorded at Phlegraean Fields, a volcanic region near Naples (south-central Italy). The first episode occurred in 1970 and lasted up to 1972; the second has begun at the end of 1982 and is still in progress.An attempt to model the ground deformations which occurred during the 1970–1972 event is made in this paper. The source has been assumed to be a two-dimensional fluid-filled fracture, similar to a sill. A good fit with experimental data has been obtained for a short (1–2 km long) shallow (3 km deep) source and a driving pressure ranging from 60 to 210 bars. Rigidity values have been fixed at 3.5–4.0 × 1010 c.g.s., with Poisson ratio equal to 0.3.This solution which differs from previous approaches byMogi (1958) andWalsh andDecker (1971) is non-unique, but the present results are in good agreement with observed horizontal and vertical displacements. Notwithstanding the oversimplification made in assuming a homogeneous elastic semi-infinite medium, the predicted stress field seems to be in agreement with the fault-plane solutions and the pattern of epicenters determined for the uplift-seismic swarm episode that is still in progress.  相似文献   

We present here a consistent model, which explains the mechanisms of unrest phenomena at Campi Flegrei (Italy), both at short-term (years) and at secular scales. The model consists basically of two effects: the first one is related to the elastic response of the shallow crust to increasing pressure within a shallow magma chamber; the second involves the fluid-dynamics of shallow aquifers in response to increasing pressure and/or temperature at depth. The most important roles in the proposed model are played by the effect of lateral stress–strain discontinuities marking the inner caldera borders and by the response of the geothermal system to the increase of pressure and/or temperature coming from the magma chamber. The model takes into account most results of recent research, and it is able to explain in a unitary way most of geophysical observations recently collected at Campi Flegrei. Some new results, presented in this paper, explain the mechanism of generation of seismicity in terms of Coulomb stress changes, and the difference between secular and short-term deformations, in terms of the non linear effect of the bordering discontinuities. The coupled effects of magma chamber stresses with the dynamics of shallow fluids provide results for a semi-quantitative interpretation of observed ground deformation, seismicity and of their time evolution. The model has very important implications for the hazard assessment during unrest phenomena. It represents, for the part involving the fluid-dynamical response, the ideal continuation of the basic, fundamental models and intuitions of Oliveri del Castillo and coworkers (Oliveri del Castillo, A., Quagliariello, M.T., 1969. Sulla genesi del bradisimo flegro. Atti Associazione Geofisica Italiana, 18th Congress, Napoli, pp. 557–594; Casterano, L., Oliveri del Castillo, A., Quagliariello, M.T., 1976. Hydromdynamics and geodynamics in the Phlegraean Fields area of Italy. Nature, 264, 161–154).  相似文献   

The H2O, CO2 and H2S outputs at the Solfatara of Pozzuoli have been measured and a map of the exhaling areas has also been made. The energy released at the surface by the fluids has been estimated to be 1019 ergs/day.The presence of aquifers at Phlegraean Fields increases the phreatic and phreatomagmatic explosion risk.Our results suggest that even if an uprising magma may interact with water at depth, an explosion could occur only at the shallow levels of a few hundred meters. Since the transfer of energy toward the surface is favoured by the presence of fractures, a detailed analysis of the deep fracture network would help to evaluate the risk levels of the various areas of Phlegraean Fields.  相似文献   

Digital recordings of microearthquake codas from shallow seismic events in the Phlegraean Fields region (south-central Italy) were used to calculate the attenuation factor Qc.A quite unusual frequency dependence was found for the coda attenuation comparable to Hawaii pattern of Qc. This is interpreted as due to the presence of magma that increases the amount of anelasticity. Amount of scattering at Phlegraean Fields was estimated through the « turbidity » coefficient (Dainty model), that shows a high degree of scattering due to inhomogeneities as compared to Hawaii. Probably this is due to the greater crustal thickness of Phlegraean Fields with respect to Hawaii that produces more scattering.  相似文献   

An analytical solution is derived for the size reduction of a spherical magma chamber cooling by conduction. The use of moving boundary conditions and the constraint of a spherical symmetry allow one to ignore the details of the heat redistribution processes which take place within the magma chamber. The dependence of the solution on the initial conditions is investigated. A simple solution is found for short time, which is shown to be valid for times long enough to make it useful in the volcanological context. Moreover, the general solution confirms that the hydrothermal contribution to heat transfer in Phlegraean Fields cannot be extremely important.  相似文献   

On Oct. 4th, 1983 the area of Phlegraean Fields, near Naples (Southern Italy) was shaked by an earthquake of magnitude (M L) 4.0 that caused some damage in the town of Pozzuoli and its surroundings. This seismic event was the largest one recorded during the recent (1982–84) inflation episode occurred in the Phlegraean volcanic area, and a detailed macroseismic reconstruction of the event was carried out.Failing macroseismic data on other earthquakes occurred in Phlegraean Fields, the attenuation law of the intensity as a function of the distance as obtained for the Oct. 4th earthquake was compared with those obtained for other volcanic areas in central Italy —i.e., Tolfa, Monte Amiata — in order to check the reliability of the results obtained for Phlegraean Fields.The Blake's model of the earthquake of Oct. 4th, 1983 does not agree with the experimental data because isoseismals contain areas larger than those shown by the model. This result has been interpreted as an effect of energy focusing due to a reflecting layer 6–8 km deep.  相似文献   

Geochemical surveillance of the Phlegraean Fields area has been intensified since 1983, in response to the increased uplift rate (brady-seismic activity).Fumarolic gases from Solfatara (Pozzuoli) were sampled and analyzed monthly. A Reducing Capacity (RC) monitoring unit was installed at Soffione, the most active fumarole in the Solfatara system.The preliminary analysis of the RC temporal variations suggest they are consistent with the rate of the seismic energy release.The composition of fumarolic gases indicates that the equilibrium temperature and pressure are higher than those of sampling.The observed variations in CH4 content are explained as an increase of pressure (from 1982 to the end of 1983) of about 70% at an extimated depth of 3–3.5 km.Finally, during 1983, there were no geochemical indications of both rising magma and significant accumulation of energy at shallow depth.  相似文献   

The location reliability of the earthquakes occurred at Phlegraean Fields has been analyzed, and the theoretical errors, inferred from the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix, have been estimated. Using only first P-phase arrivals to the local network (22 stations) and assuming a reading error of 0.05 sec., the average error on the spatial coordinates is estimated to be of the order of 0.2 km.Shallow events (depth<1 km) are very poorly constrained in depth at the borders of the network. The use of both P and S arrival times, recorded by a smaller three component network (10 stations), improves the depth determination.Further analysis has been performed on a set of about 350 selected earthquakes, using two different velocity models.Differences in depth considerably greater than the theoretical errors, and showing highly different patterns have been found.Tests with artificial events, randomly distributed in space, indicate that the observed depth distribution is essentially due to the used velocity model.  相似文献   

A simple geochemical model of Solfatara, Phlegraean Fields (Italy), is proposed on the basis of gas composition and temperature at the surface.Data on the Solfatara fumaroles have been collected since 1979 within the framework of a geochemical monitoring for the surveillance of the Phlegraean volcanic system.Surface manifestations of Solfatara are likely to be fed through isoenthalpic expansion of dry steam, which separates from a geothermal liquid in an intensively fractured zone at about 236°C. This value is consistent both with gas composition and surface temperature.The gas/steam ratio appears to be the most effective parameter to detect changes of heat flow at depth.Actually a remarkable decrease in the gas/steam ratio has been observed since 1981, while the gas composition and the temperature did not change significantly. These facts suggest increased heat flow at depth.  相似文献   

The Phlegraean Fields are a densely inhabited volcanic area which includes part of the city of Napoli. During the past 2,000 years it has been subject to slow vertical movements (bradyseisms). A rapid uplift was observed in early 1970, which caused alarm in the population. Ground deformation started to be monitored by means of tide gauge observations and topographic levelling, making it possible to define the area interested in the phenomenon and to outline the pattern of deformation. Vertical deformation data are well fitted by radially symmetric sources, such as the Mogi’s model, while horizontal deformation data are best fitted by a linear source model. Contemporaneously, a tight seismic network was installed in the area. The frequency of seismic events and the released energies have shown that the seismicity of the volcanic area is very low. Seismic activity evolved both with regard to the relative occurrence rate of various kinds of shock and to the distribution of epicentres. The values of the Ishimoto-Iida coefficient, calculated for three kinds of shock, show that the focal medium is very heterogeneous down to a depth of a few kilometres. Observations suggest that the origin of the ground uplift can be attributed to the intrusion of magmatic masses. This hypothesis is coherent with data and is supported by structural information. Available data allow a rough estimation of the maximum magnitude possible for an earthquake with epicenter in the Phlegraean Fields.  相似文献   

A fairly detailed structural model of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system (thickness, S- and P-wave velocities of the crust and of the uppermost mantle layers) has been defined in the Calabrian Arc region (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Calabria and the northwestern part of the Ionian Sea) in Southern Italy using seismic data from literature as a priori constraints of the nonlinear inversion of surface-wave data. The main features identified by this study are: (1) A very shallow (less then 10 km deep) crust-mantle transition in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea and a very low vs just below a very thin lid, in correspondence of the submarine volcanic bodies Magnaghi, Marsili and Vavilov, while the vs in the lid is quite high in the area that separates Marsili from Magnaghi-Vavilov; (2) a shallow and very low vs layer in the uppermost mantle in the areas of the Aeolian Islands, Vesuvius, Phlegraean Fields and Ischia, which represents their shallow-mantle magma source; (3) a thickened continental crust and lithospheric doubling in Calabria; (4) a crust about 25-km thick and a mantle velocity profile versus depth consistent with the presence of a continental rifted lithosphere, now thermally relaxed, in the investigated part of the Ionian Sea; (5) the subduction towards northwest of the Ionian lithosphere below the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea; (6) the subduction of the Adriatic/Ionian lithosphere underneath the Vesuvius and Phlegraean Fields.  相似文献   

Available gravity and magnetic data of the Phlegraean Fields geothermal area, Naples, Italy, have been interpreted and the obtained structural models discussed in the light of the other available geological, volcanological and geophysical data.On the basis of the results of a previous seismic reflection survey in the Gulf of Naples and in the Pozzuoli Bay, which delineated a basement characterized by a seismic velocity of 4–6 km/s, it has been possible to evaluate the gravity anomaly connected with the morphology of this horizon ( = 2.7 g/cm3).The residual anomaly map, obtained after subtraction of the regional long-wavelength components relative to mantle and deep crustal structures and the computed components relative to the above-mentioned seismic basement, shows up as a circular low with an amplitude of 10 mgal centred in the Pozzuoli Bay. This gravity low has been interpreted as due to the occurrence, in the centre of Pozzuoli Bay, of light (Δ = −0.2 g/cm3) material with a maximum thickness of about 2 km. However, a contribution to the anomaly due to a narrow magmatic body intruded in the basement, as suggested by volcanological and ground deformation data, cannot be excluded.The aeromagnetic map of the Phlegraean Fields is characterized by three main anomalies which have been fitted by superficial tridimensional parallelepipedic bodies, schematically representing lava flows and domes. Their anomalies have been subsequently subtracted from the observed field, obtaining as a residual a large anomaly centred in the southwestern area of the Pozzuoli Bay. It has been interpreted as being due to a lowmagnetized body which, taking into account the thermal state of the area, should represent that part of the pyroclastic sequence which has lost part of its magnetization by thermo-chemical alteration.  相似文献   

A new method of tide gauge data analysis is described for detecting ground deformation in active volcanic areas. This method was tested in the Phlegraean Fields, an active volcanic area near Naples where, in 1970 after a large ground uplift, a dense tide-gauge network was installed. The results of the tide-gauge analysis were checked with levelling data, and a good agreement between the data sets has been found. The observational continuity of the tide-gauge network gave the time evolution of the ground deformation and showed short time oscillations. The good results obtained at the Phlegraean Fields using the tide-gauge network and the data analysis procedure are encouraging.  相似文献   

The Phlegraean Fields caldera is an active volcanic system where episodes of ground deformation are accompanied by significant changes in geochemical and geophysical parameters monitored at the surface. These changes derive from a complex interaction between magmatic system and hydrothermal fluid circulation. We calculate the gravity changes associated with the variable density of hydrothermal fluids. We simulate the multi-phase and multi-component fluid circulation triggered by a pulsating magma degassing, periodically increasing the discharge of CO2-enriched fluids into the shallow hydrothermal system. The simulated evolution of the hydrothermal system successfully reproduces the observed composition of gas discharged at the surface. At the same time, results indicate that changes in average fluid density generate a detectable gravity signal that is of the same order of magnitude of the observed changes. This contribution to gravity changes can explain the peculiar behavior of gravity data collected at Solfatara, where surface hydrothermal phenomena are present. Simultaneous fitting of two independent sets of monitoring data (gas composition and gravity changes) confirms the conceptual model proposed for the hydrothermal system at Solfatara, and it provides new insights for the interpretation of gravity data.  相似文献   

During the present tectonic activity in the volcanic rift zone in NE-Iceland it has become apparent that the attenuation of seismic waves is highly variable in the central region of the Krafla volcano. Earthquakes associated with the inflation of the volcano have been used to delineate two regions of high attenuation of S-waves within the caldera. These areas are located near the center of inflation have horizontal dimensions of 1–2 km and are interpreted as the expression of a magma chamber. The top of the chamber is constrained by hypocentral locations and ray paths to be at about 3 km depth. Small pockets of magma may exist at shallower levels. The bottom of the chamber is not well constrained, but appears to be above 7 km depth. Generally S-waves propagate without any anomalous aftenuation through laver 3 (vp=0.5 km sec?1) across the volcanic rift zone in NE-Iceland. The rift zone therefore does not appear to be underlain by an estensive magma chamber at crustal levels. The Krafla magma chamber is a localized feature of the Krafla central volcano.  相似文献   

A method is presented to analyze the effect of stress-strain discontinuities on the ground deformations generated by a pressure source. This is meant to simulate the effects due to caldera structures, likely to present fractured zones at the borders of the collapsed area. A method originally developed by Crouch (1976) to solve plane-strain problems has been used to simulate deformation curves for several source and discontinuity geometries. The main result is that the location of the discontinuities controls the extension of the deformed zone, and always reduces it with respect to a continuous medium. With respect to a homogeneous medium the presence of lateral discontinuities also acts towards lowering the overpressure required to produce a given amount of deformation. These results indicate that, when analyzing ground deformations in calderas, the use of classical methods involving continuous media should be avoided, or at least taken with caution. These methods, in fact, assume that the extension of the deformed zone is only linked to the source depth.Some examples of ground deformations in active calderas have been analyzed in the framework of the results obtained from theoretical modeling. Four calderas recently affected by ground deformations have been considered: Rabaul (New Guinea), Campi Flegrei (Italy), Long Valley and Yellowstone (U.S.A.). The effects of collapsed structures on the deformation field are possibly evidenced for all the four calderas. At Rabaul and Campi Flegrei, the fracture systems mainly affecting the ground deformations probably represent younger, innermost collapses and are well evidenced by seismicity studies. Ground deformations are here concentrated in an area much smaller than the one enclosed by geologically visible caldera rims. In particular, at Rabaul, the effect of the innermost collapse can explain the high concentration of the uplift in the period 1971–1985, previously modeled by a very shallow source (1–3 km) in terms of overpressure in the main magma chamber, probably located at 4–5 km of depth.  相似文献   

A geological, chemical and petrographical study of the Campanian ignimbrite, a pyroclastic flow deposit erupted about 30,000 years ago on the Neapolitan area (Italy), is reported. The ignimbrite covered an area of at least 7,000 km2; it consists of a single flow unit, and the lateral variations in both pumice and lithic fragments indicate that the source was located in the Phlegraean Fields area. Textural features, areal distribution and its morphological constraints suggests that the eruption was of the type of highly expanded low-temperature pyroclastic cloud. The original composition was strongly modified by post-depositional chemical changes involving most of the major and trace elements. No primary differences in the composition of the magma have been recognized. The Campanian ignimbrite is a nearly saturated potassic trachyte, similar to many other trachytes of the Quaternary volcanic province of Campania. Its chemistry indicates an affinity with the so-called «low-K association» of the Roman volcanic province.  相似文献   

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