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We analyze the evolution of the flare/postflare-loop system in the two-ribbon flare of November 3, 2003, utilizing multi-wavelength observations that cover the temperature range from several tens of MK down to 104 K. A non-uniform growth of the loop system enables us to identify analogous patterns in the height–time, h(t), curves measured at different temperatures. The “knees,” “plateaus,” and “bends” in a higher-temperature curve appear after a certain time delay at lower heights in a lower-temperature curve. We interpret such a shifted replication as a track of a given set of loops (reconnected field lines) while shrinking and cooling after being released from the reconnection site. Measurements of the height/time shifts between h(t) curves of different temperatures provide a simultaneous estimate of the shrinkage speed and cooling rate in a given temperature domain, for a period of almost ten hours after the flare impulsive phase. From the analysis we find the following: (a) Loop shrinkage is faster at higher temperatures – in the first hour of the loop-system growth, the shrinkage velocity at 5 MK is 20 – 30 km s−1, whereas at 1 MK it amounts to 5 km s−1; (b) Shrinking becomes slower as the flare decays – ten hours after the impulsive phase, the shrinkage velocity at 5 MK becomes 5 km s−1; (c) The cooling rate decreases as the flare decays – in the 5 MK range it is 1 MK min−1 in the first hour of the loop-system growth, whereas ten hours later it decreases to 0.2 MK min−1; (d) During the initial phase of the loop-system growth, the cooling rate is larger at higher temperatures, whereas in the late phases the cooling rate apparently does not depend on the temperature; (e) A more detailed analysis of shrinking/cooling around one hour after the impulsive phase reveals a deceleration of the loop shrinkage, amounting to ā ≈ 10 m s−2 in the T < 5 MK range; (f) In the same interval, conductive cooling dominates down to T ≈ 3 MK, whereas radiation becomes dominant below T ≈ 2 MK; (g) A few hours after the impulsive phase, radiation becomes dominant across the whole T < 5 MK range. These findings are compared with results of previous studies and discussed in the framework of relevant models.  相似文献   

W. Xie  H. Zhang  H. Wang 《Solar physics》2009,254(2):271-283
In this paper, we present a study of the correlation between the speed of flare ribbon separation and the magnetic flux density during the 10 April 2001 solar flare. The study includes the section of the neutral line containing the flare core and its peripheral area. This event shows clear two-ribbon structure and inhomogeneous magnetic fields along the ribbons, so the spatial correlation and distribution of the flare and magnetic parameters can be studied. A weak negative correlation is found between the ribbon separation speed (V r) and the longitudinal magnetic flux density (B z ). This correlation is the weakest around the peak of the flare. Spatially, the correlation is also weakest at the positions of the hard X-ray (HXR) sources. In addition, we estimate the magnetic reconnection rate (electric field strength in the reconnection region E rec) by combining the speed of flare ribbons and the longitudinal magnetic flux density. During flare evolution, the time profiles of the magnetic reconnection rate are similar to that of the ribbon separation speed, and the speeds of ribbon separation are relatively slow in the strong magnetic fields (i.e., V r is negatively correlated with B z ). However, along the flare ribbons, E rec fluctuates in a small range except near the HXR source. A localized enhancement of the reconnection rate corresponds to the position of the HXR source.  相似文献   

The ability of the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) to image solar plasma over a wide range of temperatures (Te approximately 104-107 K) at high spatial resolution (0&farcs;5 pixels) makes it a unique instrument for observing solar flares. We present TRACE and Yohkoh observations of an M2.4 two-ribbon flare that began on 1999 July 25 at about 13:08 UT. We observe impulsive footpoint brightenings that are followed by the formation of high-temperature plasma (Te greater, similar10 MK) in the corona. After an interval of about 1300 s, cooler loops (Te<2 MK) form below the hot plasma. Thus, the evolution of the event supports the qualitative aspects of the standard reconnection model of solar flares. The TRACE and Yohkoh data show that the bulk of the flare emission is at or below 10 MK. The TRACE data are also consistent with the Yohkoh observations of hotter plasma (Te approximately 15-20 MK) existing at the top of the arcade. The cooling time inferred from these observations is consistent with a hybrid cooling time based on thermal conduction and radiative cooling.  相似文献   

We analyze multiple-wavelength observations of a two-ribbon flare exhibiting apparent expansion motion of the flare ribbons in the lower atmosphere and rising motion of X-ray emission at the top of newly-formed flare loops. We evaluate magnetic reconnection rate in terms of V r B r by measuring the ribbon-expansion velocity (V r) and the chromospheric magnetic field (B r) swept by the ribbons. We also measure the velocity (V t) of the apparent rising motion of the loop-top X-ray source, and estimate the mean magnetic field (B t) at the top of newly-formed flare loops using the relation 〈V t B t〉≈〈V r B r〉, namely, conservation of reconnection flux along flare loops. For this flare, B t is found to be 120 and 60 G, respectively, during two emission peaks five minutes apart in the impulsive phase. An estimate of the magnetic field in flare loops is also achieved by analyzing the microwave and hard X-ray spectral observations, yielding B=250 and 120 G at the two emission peaks, respectively. The measured B from the microwave spectrum is an appropriately-weighted value of magnetic field from the loop top to the loop leg. Therefore, the two methods to evaluate coronal magnetic field in flaring loops produce fully-consistent results in this event.  相似文献   

We present a multi-wavelength analysis of an eruption event that occurred in active region NOAA 11093 on 7 August 2010, using data obtained from SDO, STEREO, RHESSI, and the GONG Hα network telescope. From these observations, we inferred that an upward slow rising motion of an inverse S-shaped filament lying along the polarity inversion line resulted in a CME subsequent to a two-ribbon flare. Interaction of overlying field lines across the filament with the side-lobe field lines, associated EUV brightening, and flux emergence/cancelation around the filament were the observational signatures of the processes leading to its destabilization and the onset of eruption. Moreover, the time profile of the rising motion of the filament/flux rope corresponded well with flare characteristics, viz., the reconnection rate and hard X-ray emission profiles. The flux rope was accelerated to the maximum velocity as a CME at the peak phase of the flare, followed by deceleration to an average velocity of 590 km s−1. We suggest that the observed emergence/cancelation of magnetic fluxes near the filament caused it to rise, resulting in the tethers to cut and reconnection to take place beneath the filament; in agreement with the tether-cutting model. The corresponding increase/decrease in positive/negative photospheric fluxes found in the post-peak phase of the eruption provides unambiguous evidence of reconnection as a consequence of tether cutting.  相似文献   

From a large number of SOHO/MDI longitudinal magnetograms, three physical measures including the maximum horizontal gradient, the length of the neutral line, and the number of singular points are computed. These measures are used to describe photospheric magnetic field properties including nonpotentiality and complexity, which is believed to be closely related to solar flares. Our statistical results demonstrate that solar flare productivity increases with nonpotentiality and complexity. Furthermore, the relationship between the flare productivity and these measures can be well fitted with a sigmoid function. These results can be beneficial to future operational flare forecast models.  相似文献   

Using magnetograms, EUV and Hα images, Owens Valley Solar Array microwave observations, and 212-GHz flux density derived from the Solar Submillimeter Telescope data, we determine the spatial characteristics of the 1B/M6.9 flare that occurred on November 28, 2001, starting at 16:26 UT in active region (AR) NOAA 9715. This flare is associated with a chromospheric mass ejection or surge observed at 16:42 UT in the Hα images. We compute the coronal magnetic field under the linear force-free field assumption, constrained by the photospheric data of the Michelson Doppler Imager and loops observed by the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope. The analysis of the magnetic field connectivity allows us to conclude that magnetic field reconnection between two different coronal/chromospheric sets of arches was at the origin of the flare and surge, respectively. The optically thick microwave spectrum at peak time shows a shape compatible with the emission from two different sites. Fitting gyrosynchrotron emission to the observed spectrum, we derive parameters for each source. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We studied the M7.9 flare on April 9, 2001 that occurred within a δ-sunspot of active region NOAA 9415. We used a multi-wavelength data set, which includes Yohkoh, TRACE, SOHO, and ACE spacecraft observations, Potsdam and Ondřejov radio data and Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) images in order to study the large-scale structure of this two-ribbon flare that was accompanied by a very fast coronal mass ejection (CME). We analyzed light curves of the flare emission as well as the structure of the radio emission and report the following: the timing of the event, i.e., the fact that the initial brightenings, associated with the core magnetic field, occurred earlier than the remote brightening (RB), argue against the break-out model in the early phase of this event. We thus conclude that the M7.9 flare and the CME were triggered by a tether-cutting reconnection deep in the core field connecting the δ-spot and this reconnection formed an unstable flux rope. Further evolution of the erupted flux rope could be described either by the “standard“ flare model or a break-out type of the reconnection. The complex structure of flare emission in visible, X-ray, and radio spectral ranges point toward a scenario which involves multiple reconnection processes between extended closed magnetic structures.  相似文献   

With 1353 vector magnetograms observed at Huairou Solar Observing Station (HSOS), a statistical analysis is made on the relationship among solar flares, magnetic gradient, and magnetic shear. The results suggest that flare productivity has positive correlations with the gradient and the shear, which can be well fitted by the Boltzmann sigmoidal function. In the vicinity of neutral lines, high gradient and strong shear are roughly coincident in time but barely in position. In addition, flare productivity is more sensitive to the length of neutral lines with strong gradient and shear (L gs) than independently with strong gradient (L g) or strong shear (L s), which means that L gs can be a better parameter for solar flare forecasting models. Finally, an algorithm to evaluate projection effects on the statistical results is proposed.  相似文献   

TheRelationshipAmongMagneticfields,DopplerVelocityFieldsandFlaresAietal.( 1 989)andLietal.( 1 996 )haveanalyzedtherelationshipbetweenphoto -sphericmagneticfieldsandHβchromosphericvelocityfieldswithinsitesofflaresinsomeactiveregions,especiallyevolvingfeaturesof…  相似文献   

We present calculations, made for the first time, of the gyrosynchrotron emission by mildly relativistic electrons with anisotropic pitch-angle distribution using a realistic magnetic loop model in three dimensions. We investigated the intensity, spectral index of the optically thin region of the spectrum, the spatial morphology and the dependency on the source position on the solar disk. The method to describe a three-dimensional source and the procedure to perform the calculations are presented. We have modified the Ramaty’s gyrosynchrotron code to allow the evaluation of anisotropic pitch-angle electron distributions, as described in the complete formalism. We found that anisotropic electron distributions affect the intensity of the radiation, spatial morphology and spectrum of spatially resolved sources. However, the spatially integrated spectrum of the emission seems to be insensitive to the electron pitch-angle distribution, as the magnetic field inhomogeneity smooths out the effects of the anisotropic distribution in the produced radiation, in contrast to homogeneous sources.  相似文献   

We investigated the quasi-periodic oscillations of the hard X-ray (HXR) emission of the large flare of 2 November 1991 using HXR light curves and soft X-ray and HXR images recorded with the Yohkoh X-ray telescopes. We analysed these observations and report five main results: i) The observations confirm that electrons are accelerated in oscillating magnetic traps that are contained within the cusp magnetic structure. ii) The chromospheric upflow increases the density within the magnetic traps, which in turn together with the higher amplitude of the trap oscillations increases the amplitude of the HXR pulses. iii) This increase stops when the density inside the traps increases progressively and inhibits the acceleration of electrons. iv) The model of oscillating magnetic traps is able to explain the time variation of the electron precipitation, the strong asymmetry in the precipitation of the accelerated electrons, and the systematic differences in the precipitation of 15 and 25 keV electrons. v) We have obtained direct observational evidence that strong HXR pulses are the result of the inflow into the accelerated volume of dense plasma from chromospheric evaporation.  相似文献   

This study aims to provide a reference for different magnetic field models and reconstruction methods for interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs). To understand the differences in the outputs of these models and codes, we analyzed 59 events from the Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop (CDAW) list, using four different magnetic field models and reconstruction techniques; force-free fitting, magnetostatic reconstruction using a numerical solution to the Grad–Shafranov equation, fitting to a self-similarly expanding cylindrical configuration and elliptical, non-force-free fitting. The resulting parameters of the reconstructions for the 59 events are compared statistically and in selected case studies. The ability of a method to fit or reconstruct an event is found to vary greatly; this depends on whether the event is a magnetic cloud or not. We find that the magnitude of the axial field is relatively consistent across models, but that the axis orientation of the ejecta is not. We also find that there are a few cases with different signs of the magnetic helicity for the same event when we leave the boundaries free to vary, which illustrates that this simplest of parameters is not necessarily always clearly constrained by fitting and reconstruction models. Finally, we examine three unique cases in depth to provide a comprehensive idea of the different aspects of how the fitting and reconstruction codes work.  相似文献   

We have applied numerical simulations and modeling to the particle acceleration, magnetic field generation, and emission from relativistic shocks. We investigate the nonlinear stage of theWeibel instability and compare our simulations with the observed gamma-ray burst emission. In collisionless shocks, plasma waves and their associated instabilities (e.g., the Weibel, Buneman and other two-stream instabilities) are responsible for particle (electron, positron, and ion) acceleration and magnetic field generation. 3-D relativistic electromagnetic particle (REMP) simulations with three different electron-positron jet velocity distributions and also with an electron-ion plasma have been performed and show shock processes including spatial and temporal evolution of shocks in unmagnetized ambient plasmas. The growth time and nonlinear saturation levels depend on the initial jet parallel velocity distributions. Simulations show that the Weibel instability created in the collisionless shocks accelerates jet and ambient particles both perpendicular and parallel to the jet propagation direction. The nonlinear fluctuation amplitude of densities, currents, electric, and magnetic fields in the electron-positron shocks are larger for smaller jet Lorentz factor. This comes from the fact that the growth time of the Weibel instability is proportional to the square of the jet Lorentz factor. We have performed simulations with broad Lorentz factor distribution of jet electrons and positrons, which is assumed to be created by photon annihilation. Simulation results with this broad distribution show that the Weibel instability is excited continuously by the wide-range of jet Lorentz factor from lower to higher values. In all simulations the Weibel instability is responsible for generating and amplifying magnetic fields perpendicular to the jet propagation direction, and contributes to the electron’s (positron’s) transverse deflection behind the jet head. This small scale magnetic field structure contributes to the generation of “jitter” radiation from deflected electrons (positrons), which is different from synchrotron radiation in uniform magnetic fields. The jitter radiation resulting from small scale magnetic field structures may be important for understanding the complex time structure and spectral evolution observed in gamma-ray bursts or other astrophysical sources containing relativistic jets and relativistic collisionless shocks. The detailed studies of shock microscopic process evolution may provide some insights into early and later GRB afterglows.  相似文献   

Solar flares occur due to the sudden release of energy stored in active-region magnetic fields. To date, the precursors to flaring are still not fully understood, although there is evidence that flaring is related to changes in the topology or complexity of an active-region’s magnetic field. Here, the evolution of the magnetic field in active region NOAA 10953 was examined using Hinode/SOT-SP data over a period of 12 hours leading up to and after a GOES B1.0 flare. A number of magnetic-field properties and low-order aspects of magnetic-field topology were extracted from two flux regions that exhibited increased Ca ii H emission during the flare. Pre-flare increases in vertical field strength, vertical current density, and inclination angle of ≈ 8° toward the vertical were observed in flux elements surrounding the primary sunspot. The vertical field strength and current density subsequently decreased in the post-flare state, with the inclination becoming more horizontal by ≈ 7°. This behavior of the field vector may provide a physical basis for future flare-forecasting efforts.  相似文献   

This work demonstrates the possibility of magnetic-field topology investigations using microwave polarimetric observations. We study a solar flare of GOES M1.7 class that occurred on 11 February, 2014. This flare revealed a clear signature of spatial inversion of the radio-emission polarization sign. We show that the observed polarization pattern can be explained by nonthermal gyrosynchrotron emission from the twisted magnetic structure. Using observations of the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager, Nobeyama Radio Observatory, Radio Solar Telescope Network, and Solar Dynamics Observatory, we have determined the parameters of nonthermal electrons and thermal plasma and identified the magnetic structure where the flare energy release occurred. To reconstruct the coronal magnetic field, we use nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) and potential magnetic-field approaches. Radio emission of nonthermal electrons is simulated by the GX Simulator code using the extrapolated magnetic field and the parameters of nonthermal electrons and thermal plasma inferred from the observations; the model radio maps and spectra are compared with observations. We have found that the potential-magnetic-field approach fails to explain the observed circular polarization pattern; on the other hand, the Stokes-\(V\) map is successfully explained by assuming nonthermal electrons to be distributed along the twisted magnetic structure determined by the NLFFF extrapolation approach. Thus, we show that the radio-polarization maps can be used for diagnosing the topology of the flare magnetic structures where nonthermal electrons are injected.  相似文献   

Jun Lin 《Solar physics》2004,222(1):115-136
Kopp–Pneuman-type magnetic configurations, which include a vertical current sheet, with various background fields are investigated. Dissipation of the current sheet as a result of magnetic reconnection produces bright flare ribbons on the solar disk and a growing flare loop system in the corona. In principle, the growth of flare loop system is governed by a reconnection process only, and the behavior of flare ribbons is also controlled by the background field. The flare ribbons may appear either separate or attached to one another at the onset of the flare depending on the background field distribution on the boundary surface. We calculate the decrease in height that magnetic field lines undergo after they have reconnected to form closed loops. Following previous practice, we refer to this decrease as field line shrinkage. Unlike the motions of flare ribbons, the shrinkage of flare loops depends weakly on the background field. Individual loops always shrink fastest at the moment it is produced by reconnection and just starts to leave the current sheet. The earlier the loop forms, the more and faster it shrinks. The relevant observations are explained on the basis of our calculations, and the aspects of the explanation that need improvement are also discussed.  相似文献   

Taeil Bai 《Solar physics》2006,234(2):409-419
In the declining phase of the current solar cycle (23), a large number of major flares were produced. In this cycle, the monthly sunspot number continuously remained below 100 since October 2002. However, during four epochs since then, flare activity became very high. Compared to this, each of cycles 21 and 22 produced only one epoch of high activity in the declining phase. In the declining phase of cycle 20, similarly to this cycle, there were four epochs of high flare activity. During 2003 and 2004, the distribution of flare sizes measured in GOES classes was much harder (i.e., proportionately more energetic flares) than during the maximum years. Such pronounced hardening of the size distribution was not observed in the previous cycles. It is of theoretical interest to understand why some cycles are very active in the declining phase, and the high level of activity in the declining phase has practical implications for planning solar observations and forecasting space weather.  相似文献   

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