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The surface area of Venus (∼460×106 km2) is ∼90% of that of the Earth. Using Magellan radar image and altimetry data, supplemented by Venera-15/16 radar images, we compiled a global geologic map of Venus at a scale of 1:10 M. We outline the history of geological mapping of the Earth and planets to illustrate the importance of utilizing the dual stratigraphic classification approach to geological mapping. Using this established approach, we identify 13 distinctive units on the surface of Venus and a series of structures and related features. We present the history and evolution of the definition and characterization of these units, explore and assess alternate methods and approaches that have been suggested, and trace the sequence of mapping from small areas to regional and global scales. We outline the specific defining nature and characteristics of these units, map their distribution, and assess their stratigraphic relationships. On the basis of these data, we then compare local and regional stratigraphic columns and compile a global stratigraphic column, defining rock-stratigraphic units, time-stratigraphic units, and geological time units. We use superposed craters, stratigraphic relationships and impact crater parabola degradation to assess the geologic time represented by the global stratigraphic column. Using the characteristics of these units, we interpret the geological processes that were responsible for their formation. On the basis of unit superposition and stratigraphic relationships, we interpret the sequence of events and processes recorded in the global stratigraphic column. The earliest part of the history of Venus (Pre-Fortunian) predates the observed surface geological features and units, although remnants may exist in the form of deformed rocks and minerals. We find that the observable geological history of Venus can be subdivided into three distinctive phases. The earlier phase (Fortunian Period, its lower stratigraphic boundary cannot be determined with the available data sets) involved intense deformation and building of regions of thicker crust (tessera). This was followed by the Guineverian Period. Distributed deformed plains, mountain belts, and regional interconnected groove belts characterize the first part and the vast majority of coronae began to form during this time. The second part of the Guineverian Period involved global emplacement of vast and mildly deformed plains of volcanic origin. A period of global wrinkle ridge formation largely followed the emplacement of these plains. The third phase (Atlian Period) involved the formation of prominent rift zones and fields of lava flows unmodified by wrinkle ridges that are often associated with large shield volcanoes and, in places, with earlier-formed coronae. Atlian volcanism may continue to the present. About 70% of the exposed surface of Venus was resurfaced during the Guineverian Period and only about 16% during the Atlian Period. Estimates of model absolute ages suggest that the Atlian Period was about twice as long as the Guineverian and, thus, characterized by significantly reduced rates of volcanism and tectonism. The three major phases of activity documented in the global stratigraphy and geological map, and their interpreted temporal relations, provide a basis for assessing the geodynamical processes operating earlier in Venus history that led to the preserved record.  相似文献   

We present a map of the global mean lower cloud coverage of Venus. This map is the average of 35 nights of 2.26 μm night side observations taken at NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility on Mauna Kea, over the years spanning 2001-2007. The atmosphere of Venus is a very dynamic system, and the lower clouds are constantly changing [Crisp, D., Allen, D.A., Grinspoon, D.H., Pollack, J.B., 1991a. The dark side of Venus: near-infrared images and spectra from the Anglo-Australian Observatory. Science, 253, 1263-1266]. By studying average cloud coverage, the daily variations are suppressed in order to see the underlying persistent cloud pattern. We find a relatively thick but highly variable equatorial band of clouds (±20° in latitude) and more quiescent mid-latitude clouds that are less opaque on average, with persistent cloudiness near the poles. We show that there is enough variation between our daily observations or between observations taken in different months that they cannot be considered individually representative of the global mean. We also compare the cloud coverage map to the topography of Venus and find no definitive correlations with high altitude features.  相似文献   

The Visible and Infra-Red Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) instrument on board the Venus Express spacecraft has measured the O2(a1Δ) nightglow distribution at 1.27 μm in the Venus mesosphere for more than two years. Nadir observations have been used to create a statistical map of the emission on Venus nightside. It appears that the statistical 1.6 MR maximum of the emission is located around the antisolar point. Limb observations provide information on the altitude and on the shape of the emission layer. We combine nadir observations essentially covering the southern hemisphere, corrected for the thermal emission of the lower atmosphere, with limb profiles of the northern hemisphere to generate a global map of the Venus nightside emission at 1.27 μm. Given all the O2(a1Δ) intensity profiles, O2(a1Δ) and O density profiles have been calculated and three-dimensional maps of metastable molecular and atomic oxygen densities have been generated. This global O density nightside distribution improves that available from the VTS3 model, which was based on measurements made above 145 km. The O2(a1Δ) hemispheric average density is 2.1 × 109 cm?3, with a maximum value of 6.5 × 109 cm?3 at 99.2 km. The O density profiles have been derived from the nightglow data using CO2 profiles from the empirical VTS3 model or from SPICAV stellar occultations. The O hemispheric average density is 1.9 × 1011 cm?3 in both cases, with a mean altitude of the peak located at 106.1 km and 103.4 km, respectively. These results tend to confirm the modeled values of 2.8 × 1011 cm?3 at 104 km and 2.0 × 1011 cm?3 at 110 km obtained by Brecht et al. [Brecht, A., Bougher, S.W., Gérard, J.-C., Parkinson, C.D., Rafkin, S., Foster, B., 2011a. J. Geophys. Res., in press] and Krasnopolsky [Krasnopolsky, V.A., 2010. Icarus 207, 17–27], respectively. Comparing the oxygen density map derived from the O2(a1Δ) nightglow observations, it appears that the morphology is very different and that the densities obtained in this study are about three times higher than those predicted by the VTS3 model.  相似文献   

We have an unique opportunity to compare the magnetospheres of two non-magnetic planets as Mars and Venus with identical instrument sets Aspera-3 and Aspera-4 on board of the Mars Express and Venus Express missions. We have performed both statistical and case studies of properties of the magnetosheath ion flows and the flows of planetary ions behind both planets. We have shown that the general morphology of both magnetotails is generally identical. In both cases the energy of the light (H+) and the heavy (O+, etc.) ions decreases from the tail periphery (several keV) down to few eV in the tail center. At the same time the wake center of both planets is occupied by plasma sheet coincident with the current sheet of the tail. Both plasma sheets are filled by accelerated (500-1000 eV) heavy planetary ions. We report also the discovery of a new feature never observed before in the tails of non-magnetic planets: the plasma sheet is enveloped by consecutive layers of He+ and H+ with decreasing energies.  相似文献   

The gravity field of Venus has been modeled by a spherical harmonic expansion of the potential to degree and order seven. The estimates of these coefficients were obtained by combining information from 43 short arcs (4 hr) of line-of-sight Doppler data centered at periapsis. The data arcs were distributed in longitude and time over more than two circulations of Venus by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter subperiapsis point which was confined to the band of latitudes from 14°N to 17°N. Convergence of the solution has been assured by iterating upon the initial estimate. All estimates were performed with zero a priori information on the gravity coefficients. Since the altitude of periapsis for most of the orbits was within the sensible Venusian atmosphere, drag effects on the estimated harmonics have been removed using an exponential atmosphere density model. Estimates of the mass parameter (GM) of Venus using this dataset are also evaluated.  相似文献   

Recent Pioneer Venus observations have prompted a return to comprehensive hydrodynamical modeling of the thermosphere of Venus. Our approach has been to reexamine the circulation and structure of the thermosphere using the framework of the R. E. Dickinson an E. C. Ridley (1977, Icarus 30, 163–178), symmetric two-dimensional model. Sensitivity tests were conducted to see how large-scale winds, eddy diffusion and conduction, and strong 15-μm cooling affect day-night contrasts of densities and temperatures. The calculated densities and temperatures are compared to symmetric empirical model fields constructed from the Pioneer Venus data base. We find that the observed day-to-night variation of composition and temperatures can be derived largely by a wave-drag parameterization that gives a circulation system weaker than predicted prior to Pioneer Venus. The calculated mesospheric winds are consistent with Earth-based observations near 115 km. Our studies also suggest that eddy diffusion is only a minor contributor to the maintenance of observed day and nightside densities, and that eddy coefficients are smaller than values used by previous one-dimensional composition models. The mixing that occurs in the Venus thermosphere results from small-scale and large-scale motions. Strong CO2 15-μm cooling buffers solar perturbation such that the response by the general circulation to solar cycle variation is relatively weak.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(13-14):1415-1424
The forthcoming observations by Venus Express provide an ideal opportunity to comprehensively study the atmosphere of Venus for the first time since Pioneer Venus (1978–1992), and for the first time ever in detail at polar latitudes. This article reviews some of our current knowledge from space and ground-based observations about the upper atmosphere of Venus, such as its thermal structure, the global distribution of gases and dynamics. We discuss the processes most likely responsible for phenomena such as the cold nightside cryosphere, the cloud top superrotation and waves, and highlight outstanding scientific challenges for Venus Express measurements. In particular, we describe an experiment to measure atmospheric drag using the on-board accelerometers.  相似文献   

Characteristics of rock populations on the surfaces of Mars and Venus can be derived from analyses of rock morphology and morphometry data. We present measurements of rock sizes and sphericities made from Viking lander images using an interactive digital image display system. The rocks considered are in the gravel size range (16–256 mm in diameter). Mean sphericities, form ratios, and roundness factors are found to be very similar for both Viking lander sites. Size distributions, however, demonstrate differences between the sites; there are significantly more cobble size fragments at VL-2 than at VL-1. A model calling for aphanitic basalts emplaced as ejecta or lava flows at the Viking sites is supported by the rock shape, size, and roundness data.Morphologic features pertaining to the modification history of a rock are considered for Mars and Venus. A multi-parameter clustering algorithm is utilized to objectively categorize martian and venusian rocks in terms of various criteria. Erosional markings such as flutes are demonstrated to be most important in separating VL-1 rock morphologic groups, while rock form (i.e., shape) represents the primary separator of subpopulations at VL-2 and the Venera landing sites. Fillets are common around VL-1 and Venera 10 fragments. Obstacle scours occur frequently only at VL-1. Cavities in rocks are ubiquitous at all lander sites except Venera 9. Eolian processes, possibly assisted by local solution weathering, are a strong candidate for the origin of cavities and flutes in martian rocks.  相似文献   

European Venus Explorer (EVE): an in-situ mission to Venus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The European Venus Explorer (EVE) mission was proposed to the European Space Agency in 2007, as an M-class mission under the Cosmic Vision Programme. Although it has not been chosen in the 2007 selection round for programmatic reasons, the EVE mission may serve as a useful reference point for future missions, so it is described here. It consists of one balloon platform floating at an altitude of 50–60 km, one descent probe provided by Russia, and an orbiter with a polar orbit which will relay data from the balloon and descent probe, and perform science observations. The balloon type preferred for scientific goals is one which oscillates in altitude through the cloud deck. To achieve this flight profile, the balloon envelope contains a phase change fluid, which results in a flight profile which oscillates in height. The nominal balloon lifetime is 7 days—enough for one full circumnavigation of the planet. The descent probe’s fall through the atmosphere takes 60 min, followed by 30 min of operation on the surface. The key measurement objectives of EVE are: (1) in situ measurement from the balloon of noble gas abundances and stable isotope ratios, to study the record of the evolution of Venus; (2) in situ balloon-borne measurement of cloud particle and gas composition, and their spatial variation, to understand the complex cloud-level chemistry; (3) in situ measurements of environmental parameters and winds (from tracking of the balloon) for one rotation around the planet, to understand atmospheric dynamics and radiative balance in this crucial region. The portfolio of key measurements is complemented by the Russian descent probe, which enables the investigation of the deep atmosphere and surface.  相似文献   

The article presents a new tectonic scheme of Venus and gives the following interpretation of the planet's main structural units: (1) plains — areas of flood volcanism over stretched crust; (2) dome-like uplifts — areas of uplifting and volcanic activity above the mantle hot-spots; (3) coronae —former dome-like uplifts, partially subsided and diffused by gravity; (4) ridge belts — fold zones; (5) tesserae — fragments of ductile compression and shortening of crust; (6) supercoronae — coronae formed in the course of further evolution and relaxation of Beta-type uplifts. Ishtar Terra is considered to be a fragment of an ancient tessera paleocontinent, on the edge of which the Lakshmi supercorona is superimposed. Aphrodite Terra is considered as a belt of mantle hot-spot structures (dome-like uplifts, coronae, supercoronae, volcanoes, rifts).Three types of planetary belts have been distinguished on Venus: uplifted 'weakened' belts with an abundance of mantle hot-spot structures; a northern fan of ridge belts; and belts of low basalt plains. The center of the planetary system of uplifted weakened belts is situated in Atla Regio.The present tectonic structure of Venus is inferred to have formed during two stages of evolution characterized by different tectonic regimes. Stage I is a regime of soft ductile plates (formation of tessera uplifts and volcanic plains). Stage II is a formation of 'weakened' uplifted planetary belts, various tectonic regimes of mantle hot-spots, and plains-forming volcanism.'Geology and Tectonics of Venus', special issue edited by Alexander T. Basilevsky (USSR Acad. of Sci. Moscow), James W. Head (Brown University, Providence), Gordon H. Pettengill (MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts) and R. S. Saunders (J.P.L., Pasadena).  相似文献   

Venus and Earth display different hypsography. We use topographic profiles to search for well-understood terrestrial analogs to venusian features. Specifically, by using cross-correlation, we correlate average profiles for terrestrial rifts (slow and fast, “ultra-slow,” incipient and inactive) and also hotspots (oceanic and continental) with those for venusian chasmata and regiones, to draw inferences as to the processes responsible for shaping Venus’ surface. Correlations tend to improve with faster spreading rates; Venus’ correlations rank considerably lower than terrestrial ones, suggesting that if chasmata are analogous to terrestrial spreading centers, then spreading on Venus barely attains ultra-slow rates. Individual features’ normalized average profiles are correlated with profiles of other such features to establish the degree of similarity, which in turn allows for the construction of a covariance matrix. Principal component analysis of this covariance matrix shows that Yellowstone more strongly resembles Atla, Beta and W. Eistla regiones than it does the terrestrial oceanic hotspots, and that venusian chasmata, especially Ganis, most closely resemble the ultra-slow spreading Arctic ridge.  相似文献   

We present simulated images of energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) produced in charge exchange collisions between solar wind protons and neutral atoms in the exosphere of Venus, and make a comparison with earlier results for Mars. The images are found to be dominated by two local maxima. One produced by charge exchange collisions in the solar wind, upstream of the bow shock, and the other close to the dayside ionopause. The simulated ENA fluxes at Venus are lower than those obtained in similar simulations of ENA images at Mars at solar minimum conditions, and close to the fluxes at Mars at solar maximum. Our numerical study shows that the ENA flux decreases with an increasing ionopause altitude. The influence of the Venus nighttime hydrogen bulge on the ENA emission is small.  相似文献   

Magellan radar image data of Sapas Mons, a 600 km diameter volcano located on the flanks of the Arla Rise, permit the distinction of widespread volcanic units on the basis of radar properties, morphology, and spatial and inferred temporal relations, each representing a stage or phase in the evolution of the volcano. Six flow units were identified and are arranged asymmetrically about the volcano. Although there is some evidence for overlapping of units, the stratigraphy clearly indicates a younging upwards sequence. The estimated volume of this 2.4 km high volcano is 3.1 × 104 km3, which is comparable to the largest Hawaiian shield (Mauna Loa, 4.25 × 104 km3), but it is significantly less than an estimated volume for the entire Hawaiian-Emperor chain (1.08 × 106 km3) and less than the lower diameter (100 × 150 km) island of Hawaii (11.3 × 104 km3). Although it is difficult to clearly identify a single lava flow, estimates of apparent single flow volumes range from 4 km3 (for an average unit 5 flow of 3.4 km width, 10 m thickness, and 121 km length) to almost 59 km3 (for a 17.8 km wide, l0 m thick, 330 km long unit 1 flow). Estimates of total volumes for the units show that four of the six flow units have volumes that are within a factor of 1.2 of each other, one unit is approximately three times more voluminous, and the latest unit has a very small volume. Flows within a given unit are very distinct relative to flows in other units with respect to average lengths, aspect ratio, radar brightness, and planimetric outline. There is a weak distinction in rms slope between units and emissivity is correlated with altitude, not unit boundaries. A pair of 25 km diameter scalloped-margin domes occur at the summit and are the source of the last stage of eruptions on Sapas; steep fronts and high aspect ratios suggest that associated flows may have had a high viscosity. Graben form a circumferential structure 75–100 km in diameter surrounding the summit domes and are interpreted to be indicative of subsidence over a central magma reservoir. Radial fractures with associated small edifices cut the lower flanks of the edifice but are not observed within the summit ring of graben; these are interpreted to be the expression of near-surface dykes and may have been emplaced during a period of enhanced activity that correlates with the most voluminous flow unit. Unlike at Hawaii, however, these dykes and small edifices do not seem to be the source of significant flank eruptions. Although some effusive activity may have accompanied their emplacement, the majority of lava flows at Sapas appear to be radial to a single, near-summit point located between the two summit domes.Calculated effusion rates range from 1.5 × 103 m3/s to 3.1 × 105 m3/s; these values suggest that rates were high compared with the Earth and decreased with time. These rates, and the volumes calculated, give eruption durations for the various units that range from 18 days to over 20 years. If eruption is caused by the influx of magma from depth and rupture of an overpressurized chamber, this suggests a variable flux over the history of the volcano. The late-stage eruptions which formed the summit domes are interpreted to be the result of fractional crystallization and/or volatile build-up in the chamber, following a period of decreased supply from depth.Local topography and gravity, as well as regional geology support the presence of a mantle plume at Sapas. The similar properties of large volumes of magma over the total history of the volcano, as well as the prolonged period of magma supply and gradual waning, are consistent with a plume origin. These inferences and the observations allow us to characterise the history of the volcano as follows: arrival of the mantle plume caused uplift of topography and surrounding plains formation: continued supply of smaller volumes of material permitted construction of the edifice; development of a magma reservoir (predicted by theory to form at shallow depths) modified eruption characteristics by permitting storage and homogenization of magma; unbuffered conditions prevailed for the majority of eruptions, producing flows of similar volumes but decreasing flow lengths; a period early on of enhanced supply led to buffered chamber conditions, resulting in the eruption of the voluminous flow unit and the emplacement of many lateral dykes; evacuations from the chamber and cooling towards the last stages caused distributed summit collapse and formation of the ring graben; and finally the gradual waning of supply allowed evolution of the magma which produced the late-stage, possibly viscous flows and dome construction. Preliminary observation of Sapas and two other volcanoes at different elevations suggests that altitude-dependent chamber development and growth may influence the complexity of lava flows and determine the existence of collapse calderas. Many features at Sapas are representative of large volcanoes on Venus and thus Sapas Mons is a good example of a typical plume-associated edifice. Sapas differs in many ways from Kilauea, a terrestrial type shield volcano, but these differences can be understood in the context of the Venus environment.  相似文献   

A model of the predawn bulge ionosphere composition and structure is constructed and compared with the ion mass spectrometer measurements from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter during orbits 117 and 120. Particular emphasis is given to the identification of the mass-2 ion which we find unequivocally due to D+ (and not H2+). The atmospheric D/H ratio of 1.4% and 2.5% is obtained at the homopause (~ 130 km) for the two orbits. The H2+ contribution to the mass-2 ion density is less than 10%, and the H2 mixing ratio must be <0.1 ppm at 130 km altitude. The He+ data require a downward He+ flux of ~2 × 107 cm?2 sec?1 in the predawn region which suggest that the light ions also flow across the terminator from day to night along with the observed O+ ion flow.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(13-14):1336-1343
The Venus Express mission is scheduled for launch in 2005. Among many other instruments, it carries a magnetometer to investigate the Venus plasma environment. Although Venus has no intrinsic magnetic moment, magnetic field measurements are essential in studying the solar wind interaction with Venus. Our current understanding of the solar wind interaction with Venus is mainly from the long lasting Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) observations. In this paper, we briefly describe the magnetic field experiment of the Venus Express mission. We compare Venus Express mission with PVO mission with respect to the solar wind interaction with Venus. Then we discuss what we will achieve with the upcoming Venus Express mission.  相似文献   

Radio tracking data acquired over Beta Regio were analyzed to obtain a surface mass distribution from which a detailed vertical gravity field was derived. In addition, a corresponding vertical gravity field was evaluated solely from the topography of the Beta region. A comparison of these two maps confirms the strong correlation between gravity and topography which was previously seen in line-of-sight gravity maps. It also demonstrates that the observed gravity is a significant fraction of that predicted from the topography alone. The effective depth of complete isostatic compensation for the Beta region is estimated to be 330 km, which is somewhat deeper than that found for other areas of Venus.  相似文献   

The ESA/Venus Express mission spent more than 8 years in orbit around Venus to extensively study its atmosphere, ionosphere and plasma environment and unveil new aspects of its surface. Extensive reviews of the work of Venus Express are underway, to cover in-depth studies of the new face of Venus revealed by Venus Express and ground-based concurrent observations. This paper intends to give a summarized and wide overview of some of the outstanding results in all the science areas studied by the mission. This paper will first review the main aspects of the mission and its instrumental payload. Then, a selection of results will be reviewed from the outermost layers interacting with the Solar wind, down to the surface of Venus. As Venus Express is already considered by space agencies as a pathfinder for the future of Venus exploration, perspectives for future missions will be given, which will have to study Venus not only from orbital view, but also down to the surface to solve the many remaining mysteries of the sister planet of the Earth.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(13-14):1457-1471
Observations of oxygen pickup ions by the plasma analyzer on the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) Mission arguably launched broad interest in solar wind erosion of unmagnetized planet atmospheres, and its potential evolutionary effects. Oxygen pickup ions may play key roles in the removal of the oxygen excess left behind from the photodissociation of water vapor by enabling direct escape, additional sputtering of oxygen when they impact the exobase, and escape as energetic neutrals produced in charge exchange reactions with the ambient exospheric oxygen and hydrogen. Although the PVO observations were compromised by an ∼8 keV energy limit for O+ detection, a lack of ion composition capability, and the limited sampling and data rate of the plasma analyzer which was designed for solar wind monitoring, these measurements provide our best information about the extended O+ exosphere and wake at Venus. Here we show the full picture of the spatial distribution and energies of the O+ ion observations collected by the plasma analyzer during PVO's ∼5000 orbit tour. A model of O+ test particles launched in the circum-Venus fields described by an MHD simulation of the solar wind interaction is used to help interpret the PVO observations and to anticipate the expanded view of Venus O+ escape that will be provided by the ASPERA-4 experiment on Venus Express.  相似文献   

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