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With the urbanisation drive comes steady growth in urban water demand. Although in the past this new demand could often be met by tapping unclaimed water sources, this option is increasingly untenable in many regions where little if any unclaimed water remains. The result is that urban water capture, and the appropriation of associated physical and institutional infrastructure, now often implies conflict with other existing uses and users. While the urbanisation process has been studied in great depth, the processes and, critically, impacts of urban water capture and appropriation are not well researched or understood. This paper undertakes a critical examination of the specific case of Hyderabad, one of India's fastest growing cities, to shed light more generally on the process of water capture by cities and the resultant impacts on pre-existing claims, particularly agriculture. It does this by examining the history and institutional response to Hyderabad's urban–rural water contest; how the results of that contest are reflected in surface and groundwater hydrology; and the eventual impacts on agriculture. The findings show that the magnitude, and sometimes even direction, of impact from urban water transfer vary in space and time and depend on location-specific rainfall patterns, the nature of existing water infrastructure and institutions, and farmers' adaptive capacities and options, notably recourse to groundwater. Broader consideration of the specific findings provides insights into policy mechanisms to reduce the possible negative impacts from the global, and seemingly inexorable, flow of water to the world's growing cities.  相似文献   

干旱半干旱地区水资源缺乏,准确地计算区域生态环境用水和生态环境需水,可以对稀缺水资源进行合理调配,同时起到生态保护的作用。研究过程主要分为两个步骤:(1)采用RS技术,对新疆哈密地区1990年、2000年、2005年中巴资源一号卫星(China Brazil Earth Resources Sat-ellite)数据进行解译,形成1990年、2000年、2005年哈密地区土地覆被图形数据和相应的属性数据,确定相应年份各景观类型的面积;(2)参考有关研究并结合哈密地区实际情况,确定各景观类型的单位生态用水定额和需水定额,进而计算出1990年、2000年、2005年哈密地区的生态用水量,并以2005年哈密地区生态用水量为主要依据计算出保持哈密地区生态环境现状的生态需水量。研究结果表明,为了实现哈密地区生态环境整体保持在现状水平不致恶化、局部区域生态环境(巴里坤湖区)有所改善的生态治理目标,区域内生态环境需水总量为7.526×109m3,这一庞大的需水量将对该地区水资源配置造成巨大的压力;而当结合各类景观的地物空间位置特征进行分析时,发现该区域生态用(需)水量最大的景观(低覆盖草地)可以利用山地积雪融水进行自给,区域内实际需要规划配置的生态环境需水量为2.66×108m3,仅占区域生态环境需水总量的3.53%。在区域生态用(需)水计算过程中应考虑各种景观类型的生态用(需)水量的时空差异性,以保证水资源调配的科学与合理。  相似文献   

西藏地区天然水的水化学性质和元素特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了调查西藏的水质和水资源特色,2013 年在西藏拉萨、那曲地区、阿里地区、日喀则地区36 个县乡镇采集了60 个水样(地下水35 个,地表水22 个,温泉水3 个),对其水化学性质与元素含量进行分析测定,并与周边的青海西南部、新疆南部、四川西部与西藏东部等地水的水化学类型进行了对比,讨论了不同地区内水化学类型的差异。总体上看西藏大部地区水质较好,能够满足国家生活饮用水卫生标准。水样pH 处于6.75~8.21 范围内;总溶解性固体(TDS) 均值为225.54 mg/L;阿里地区水中砷元素含量超标(超过10 μg/L),双湖地区水中氟含量超标(超过1 mg/L);水化学类型主要为Ca-HCO3型;由南向北水中阳离子由以Ca2+ 为主逐渐过渡到以Na+ 为主,阴离子HCO3- 逐渐减少,Cl- 与SO42- 逐渐增多;河流水与冰川融水的成因类型主要为岩石风化型,地下水成因受多种因素控制;构造分区控制水中主要元素进而影响水化学类型。  相似文献   

该文阐述河北省水资源由于自产地表水、入境水量减少 ,工农业用水量增加 ,缺水状况日益严重 ,生态环境恶化等问题。并提出加强水资源管理 ,利用经济杠杆 ,促进节水 ,南水北调 ,污水资源化 ,海水淡化等解决河北省水危机的对策措施  相似文献   

As population and water demand have grown, U.S. cities have responded by expanding their water supplies. This article traces this process over a century for ten U.S. cities. Most of the cities began by providing inexpensive local ground water. As the renewable supply capacity of local sources was exceeded, cities were forced to look further afield to obtain (or purchase) water (e.g., Marion, IL; Greensboro, NC), to access water from Federal projects (Tucson, AZ) or through international or interstate agreements (Waukesha, WI and Virginia Beach, VA), to combine with other localities in large joint projects (Greensboro, NC), or to use eminent domain to annex land for a new reservoir. This last approach has become increasingly limited by environmental statutes. The purchasing of water from other systems (Greensboro, NC) or water rights ( Tucson, AZ), aquifer storage and recovery systems (Tucson, AZ, Wichita, KS), and reclaiming wastewater for use in non-potable landscaping (Alamogordo, NM; Lubbock, TX; Tucson, AZ) are the more expensive options that cities are increasingly utilizing. Desalination represents the end of this process – expensive, but with a potential for enormous supply expansion that exceeds all likely demands. Demand management measures come into play only when the cost of securing additional water begins to exceed the cost of conservation or is induced by law. Reservoirs, well-fields, desalination plants, aquifer storage and recovery systems, and inter-basin water purchases have been abandoned because of the restrictions imposed by environmental laws or because less expensive demand-side options have been identified. The relationship between city size and its progression through these increasingly expensive water supply options is determined by local water resource endowments as determined by legal considerations and its physical geographic setting.  相似文献   


Accurately mapping a region’s ground water quality depends upon the spatial sampling strategies employed, including where and how often field data are collected. This study compares the relative values of three field sampling strategies for mapping a known migrating plume of volcanic ground water in Sierra Valley, California. The first strategy sampled wells once each year during 1957, 1972, and 1980 (n=63, 45, and 57, respectively) and portrayed spatial–temporal changes in ground water quality more clearly on maps than did two alternative sampling strategies. One of these alternatives, Strategy 2, sampled one well per township per year during 1957, 1972, and 1980 (n=11) and did not detect the migrating plume, despite being a recommended strategy. The other alternative, Strategy 3, frequently sampled in time a small, fixed group of indicator wells (n=13) every four years for the same period, again producing maps with little correlation to the original pattern detected by Strategy 1.  相似文献   

The daily water balance for the drainage basin of Koryto Glacier, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia, was calculated during the period from August to September 2000. The result shows that 14×106 m3 of meltwater and 2×106 m3 of rainwater entered the basin, while 26×106 m3 of water drained from the basin through proglacial streams. Thus, about ?9×106 m3 of water storage reduction occurred in the basin. Vertical displacements of the glacier surface showed that the volume change due to contraction of subglacial cavities was nearly 20% of the total storage change. The remaining fraction of water storage during the period is thought to be stored in englacial and supraglacial locations. The estimate of water balance components in the early ablation season in 2000 indicates that meltwater was already stored within the glacier before the spring, even during the previous year, and that the stored water drained through the ablation season.  相似文献   

本文对海河流域水平衡和水资源短缺风险进行评价。文章采用研究时段为1994-2007年,作者首先研究了海河流域的水量平衡问题,并提出了流域非用水消耗量的概念和计算方法,经过分析,计算得出海河流域多年平均非用水消耗量为5.91×109m3。通过建立水资源短缺风险的评价方法,得出海河流域1994-2007年处于缺水量较多、缺水风险较高的时期,计算出缺水风险率、恢复性指标、稳定性指标和脆弱性指标分别为0.786、0、0.154和0.173。在考虑社会系统应对措施的条件下,水资源短缺风险将会显著下降。考虑南水北调工程对于该地区的影响,分别考虑在50%和75%两种来水水平年下,如果南水北调工程一期(2014年)的来水量为5×109m3,未来该地区的水资源短缺风险会从0.229-0.297下降到0.152-0.234。  相似文献   

The sustainability of ecosystem restoration of refuse dumps in open-pit coal mines depends on plant species selection, their configuration, and the optimal usage of water resources. This study is based on field experiments in the northern refuse dump of the Heidaigou open-pit coal mine in Inner Mongolia of China established in 1995. Eight plant configurations, including trees, shrubs, grasses, and their combinations, as well as the adjacent community of natural vegetation, were selected. The succession of the revegetated plants, soil water storage, the spatiotemporal distribution of plant water deficits degree and its compensation degree were also studied. Results indicated that the vegetation cover (shrubs and herbaceous cover), richness, abundance, soil nutrients (soil organic matter, N and P), and biological soil crust coverage on the soil surface are significantly influenced by the vegetation configurations. The average soil water storage values in the shrub+grass and grass communities throughout the growing season are 208.69 mm and 206.55 mm, which are the closest to that of in the natural vegetation community (215.87 mm). Plant water deficits degree in the grass and shrub+grass communities were the lowest, but the degrees of water deficit compensation in these configuration were larger than those of the other vegetation configurations. Differences in plant water deficit degree and water compensation among the different configurations were significant (P<0.05). Plant water deficit degrees were predominantly minimal on the surface, increased with increasing soil depth, and remained stable at 80 cm soil depth. The soil moisture compensation in the natural vegetation, shrub+grass, and grass communities changed at 10%, while that in other vegetation communities changed between 20% and 40%. Overall, we conclude that the shrub+grass and grass configuration modes are the optimal vegetation restoration models in terms of ecohydrology for future ecological engineering projects.  相似文献   

Accurately mapping a region’s ground water quality depends upon the spatial sampling strategies employed, including where and how often field data are collected. This study compares the relative values of three field sampling strategies for mapping a known migrating plume of volcanic ground water in Sierra Valley, California. The first strategy sampled wells once each year during 1957, 1972, and 1980 (n=63, 45, and 57, respectively) and portrayed spatial–temporal changes in ground water quality more clearly on maps than did two alternative sampling strategies. One of these alternatives, Strategy 2, sampled one well per township per year during 1957, 1972, and 1980 (n=11) and did not detect the migrating plume, despite being a recommended strategy. The other alternative, Strategy 3, frequently sampled in time a small, fixed group of indicator wells (n=13) every four years for the same period, again producing maps with little correlation to the original pattern detected by Strategy 1.  相似文献   

大气水汽氢氧稳定同位素是认识大气环流和水循环的重要信息指标,本文从影响水汽稳定同位素含量的物理过程入手,即源区蒸发、传输及凝结等方面,系统介绍了影响水汽氢氧稳定同位素的平衡分馏和动力分馏的理论基础;回顾了传统观测方法、近期发展的激光光谱仪及卫星遥感红外光谱仪等大气水汽同位素观测新手段,重点分析了光谱仪及遥感观测方法的优势及应用,表明实时观测和遥感监测成为目前水汽同位素研究的主要手段;总结了目前大气水汽同位素观测研究在同位素基础理论、地表过程等方面的主要进展,汇总分析了大气水汽同位素环流模型的发展和应用,表明同位素环流模型在全球及区域气候过程、古气候恢复以及环境信息重建方面具有独特的优势,将会成为今后气候系统研究的新方法;最后提出水汽同位素研究的新焦点即高时空分辨率的实时观测、氢氧同位素的新指标如过量17O以及同位素气候模型的发展完善及应用。  相似文献   

The intense urbanization of the Mediterranean coast as a result of the development of residential-tourist activities since the 1960s, especially from the mid-1990s to 2008, has generated new urban environments associated with extensive urban typologies. These include gardens linked to houses with outdoor spaces that are shared between all of the residents of the residential developments. The aim of this study is to determine the main characteristics of these new urban green spaces and their effect on domestic water consumption in Alicante (Spain). To do this, we analysed the characteristics that define these types of gardens (surface area, density, plant species and irrigation system) and determined their water needs using the Water Use Classifications of Landscape Species method. The main conclusions are that the increase in paved areas is one of the strategies to reduce water consumption in spaces where turf grass is the most common plant species. This is due to increased water prices and lack of water resources.  相似文献   

新疆三工河流域农业需水量预测与分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
依据新疆三工河流域的农业生产发展情况以及农业用水现状,综合考虑该流域土地资源状况和农业发展方向,结合国家西部大开发战略和相关的宏观经济调整政策,预测2005年、2010年和2020年流域三个水平年的农业需水量,分析了未来20年的农业需水态势.同时,结合该地区工业、生活、生态环境需水量的未来变化趋势,平衡分析了在满足未来农业需水条件下的社会-经济-生态复合系统水资源配置的合理性,并提出从农业灌溉中节水,尽量追求内涵式发展的农业模式,这才是谋求三工河流域社会-经济-生态复合系统可持续发展的有效之路.同时,这也为国家对该地区的国土开发、经济建设布局以及长远水资源利用问题进行宏观决策提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

张掖市社会经济系统水循环过程研究与水量估算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
 采用投入产出分析方法,估算了张掖市各部门产品中的虚拟水含量; 基于对各产品转化和流动的跟踪,系统研究了本地实体水资源与外地流入虚拟水资源在张掖市社会经济系统各环节中的流动与转化过程。结果表明,种植业部门的实体水转化与虚拟水流动构成了张掖市社会经济系统水循环的主体,外地流入的虚拟水量较少,且主要集中于水资源稀疏型产品; 经济生产对种植业产品较低的消耗水平导致了大量虚拟水的流出。认为增强种植业产品在社会经济系统中的循环强度是张掖市降低水资源流失以及提高水资源利用效率的有效手段。  相似文献   

在罗北凹地液体钾盐矿区深部承压含水层水文地质参数缺乏的情况下,充分利用现有矿区地下水监测数据及矿区水文地质资料的基础上,根据正在运行的采卤生产井做抽水试验得到深部承压含水层单位涌水量、影响半径、渗透系数等水文数据,与前人在罗北凹地钾盐矿区不同水文地质区域做过的抽水试验取得的水文数据进行对比并加以验证,以此确定罗北凹地液体钾盐矿区相对难开采的深部承压含水层卤水的开采方式及采卤工程的布置工作。  相似文献   

传统的地下水资源管理往往只关注地下水位的变化,而很少考虑变化的水位会对区域生态系统产生什么样的影响。本文在生态水文模拟的基础上提出了一种基于生态水文学的地下水资源管理新方法。该方法耦合土壤水分与地下水位,考虑植物在水分胁迫下的蒸腾抑制机理,通过土壤水分亏缺与植物水分胁迫耦合水文过程与植物响应,进行基于过程的分布式生态水...  相似文献   

塔里木盆地水汽含量的计算与特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨青  刘晓阳  崔彩霞  李军  刘蕊 《地理学报》2010,65(7):853-862
利用1976-2009 年塔里木盆地的和田、库车、若羌、喀什和民丰5 个探空站的实测资料计算了逐月平均水汽含量,并建立了与地面水汽压的关系式;利用这种关系式计算了盆地及周边地区28 个站水汽含量,进行了EOF分解,得出了水汽分布形式;分析了地表水汽压随高度的变化;对在盆地腹地及周边地区进行的GPS观测资料进行了水汽含量的反演,并与探空计算值进行了对比。结果表明:盆地内水汽含量有两个高值区,主要分布在盆地西部和北部的边缘地带,中心水汽含量在13~14 mm,均位于塔里木河干流、叶尔羌河流域、阿克苏河支流周围的绿洲地区。塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地是水汽的低值区中心,水汽含量仅为7~8 mm,塔中是所有站中水汽量最少的,由中心向外逐渐增加,在环塔里木盆地的西部、北部绿洲区达到最高,然后由于海拔高度的影响又逐渐减小。塔里木盆地地基GPS反演水汽数据与探空计算值存在良好的线性关系。  相似文献   

Drinking water supplies in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, are completely dependent on groundwater sourced from pumping wells located in an alluvial plain of the Tuul River which flows through Ulaanbaatar. The interaction between groundwater in the alluvial plain and river surface water was investigated using a hydrological and multi-tracers approach. The observed groundwater contour map clearly shows that the Tuul River recharges the floodplain groundwater and groundwater flows from east to west. The similarity of chemical and stable isotopic compositions suggests that groundwater is mainly recharged by Tuul River water in the vicinity of the river. In addition, considering groundwater contours and chemical composition, groundwater in the northern and southern mountain sides contribute to floodplain groundwater. Stable isotopic information suggests that winter season precipitation also contributes to the groundwater, because groundwater in a specific region has a considerably lower isotopic ratio. Using the End Member Mixing Analysis applying oxygen-18, SiO2 and HCO3 - as tracers, the contribution ratios of the Tuul River, groundwater in the northern and southern mountain regions, and winter season precipitation to floodplain groundwater are estimated to be 58% to 85%, 1% to 54%, 0% to 16%, and 0% to 12%, respectively.  相似文献   

江西泰和县森林生态系统水源涵养功能评估   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
森林生态系统综合水源涵养能力是林冠层、枯落物层和土壤层蓄水能力的总和。本文根据江西泰和县 2003 年森林资源二类调查,结合文献收集,从3 个作用层评估了泰和县森林生态系统的水源涵养量及其空间分布格局,比较了不同森林类型、林龄、海拔、坡度下的林冠降雨截留能力,枯落物最大持水量和土壤蓄水能力。结果表明,林冠层平均截留率为16.31%,枯落物层持水率为2.14%,土壤层蓄水率为81.55%,3 个层次总截留和蓄水量为1.41 亿m3。各种森林类型水源涵养量由大到小依次为:杉木林>马尾松林>湿地松林>阔叶林>毛竹林>灌木林> 混交林>经济林。幼林龄、中林龄、近熟林、成熟林和过熟林水源涵养贡献率分别为17.58%、65.39%、14.18%、 2.48%和0.37%,涵养水源能力随林龄的增加而增加。空间上,泰和县森林生态系统的综合水源涵养力表现出从东西两侧向中部递减的分布。不同立地条件下林分的合理经营与管理对于整个森林生态系统水源涵养功能的发挥具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

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