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We statistically analyze the tropical typhoon forming in the South China Sea and use TC (Tropical Cyclone) for short in the following) by typhoon yearbook. The typhoon quantity is very different in different months and years. TC appears in all months except March, and the most TC quantity in a year is 11, the least is 1 and 6.2 on average. The most TC quantity in a month is 5 and the least is 0. TC lands most in August and no TC lands on Chinese continent from December to the following April. The primary landing area is between Shantou and Hainan Island. The sustaining period of TC is usually between 4 days to 7days, and the longest is 19 days. Only 15% of the TC forming in the South China Sea can intensify to typhoon, and they all form in the ocean area deeper than 150m. The South China Sea is the ocean area over which the TC occurs frequently.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The ocean is a very important source of heat and water vapor for the atmosphere. Its changes in state are mainly reflected by SST, which varies in high frequency (or called the ENSO variability) and low frequency (or known as interdecadal variability). Studies[1] have shown that the spatial structure for low frequency is much similar to that for high frequency, which is also known as ENSO-like mode. Called “teleconnection”, the anomalous link between the El Ni?o phen…  相似文献   

The atmospheric and oceanic conditions before the onset of EP El Ni?o and CP El Ni?o in nearly 30 years are compared and analyzed by using 850 hPa wind, 20℃ isotherm depth, sea surface temperature and the Wheeler and Hendon index. The results are as follows: In the western equatorial Pacific, the occurrence of the anomalously strong westerly winds of the EP El Ni?o is earlier than that of the CP El Ni?o. Its intensity is far stronger than that of the CP El Ni?o. Two months before the El Ni?o, the anomaly westerly winds of the EP El Ni?o have extended to the eastern Pacific region, while the westerly wind anomaly of the CP El Ni?o can only extend to the west of the dateline three months before the El Ni?o and later stay there. Unlike the EP El Ni?o, the CP El Ni?o is always associated with easterly wind anomaly in the eastern equatorial Pacific before its onset. The thermocline depth anomaly of the EP El Ni?o can significantly move eastward and deepen. In addition, we also find that the evolution of thermocline is ahead of the development of the sea surface temperature for the EP El Ni?o. The strong MJO activity of the EP El Ni?o in the western and central Pacific is earlier than that of the CP El Ni?o. Measured by the standard deviation of the zonal wind square, the intensity of MJO activity of the EP El Ni?o is significantly greater than that of the CP El Ni?o before the onset of El Ni?o.  相似文献   

The relationship between tropical cyclones developing in the Northwest Pacific and El Nino is analysed and the triggering mechanism of the near-equatorial cyclones on El Nino is proposed. It is pointed out that the near-equatorial tropical cyclones developing equatorward of 10°N can intensify equatorial westerlies and produce Kelvin waves, which propagate to the South American Coasts in about 2-3 months, inducing SST to rise there. The near-equatoral cyclones play an essential role in El Nino. The beginning period of El Nino ranges from January to May. The number of near-equatorial cyclones developing in this period determines whether El Nino can be generated or not. The persistence period is from June to September. El Nino can not continue developing unless there are adequate near-equatorial cyclones. If there are not, the developed El Nino will be broken down. The period from October to December is called the developing period. During this period El Nino may approach its culmination only when adequat  相似文献   

El Nio Modoki,similar to but different from canonical El Nio,has been observed since the late1970s.In this paper,using HadISST and NCEP/NCAR wind data,we analyze the relationship between El Nio Modoki and Sea Surface Temperature(SST)in the offshore area of China and its adjacent waters for different seasons.Our results show a significant negative correlation between El Nio Modoki in summer and SST in autumn in the offshore area of China and its adjacent waters,particularly for regions located in the east of the Kuroshio.It is also found that during El Nio Modoki period,anomalous northerlies prevail over the regions from the northern part of the Philippines to the offshore area of China,indicating that the northerlies are unfavorable for the transport of warm water from the western tropical Pacific to the mid-latitude area.Consequently,El Nio Modoki in summer may play a substantial role in cold SST anomalies in the offshore area of China and its adjacent waters in autumn through the influence of the Kuroshio,with a lagged response of the ocean to the atmospheric wind field.  相似文献   

By using the gauged rainfall in 160 stations within mainland China and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the impacts of anomalous SST in Kuroshio and its extension on precipitation in Northeast China were investigated. The results show that a difference in the meridional circulation such as the East Asia/Pacific teleconnection pattern(EAP)may be responsible for the difference in rainfall between 1998 and 2010. In comparison with 1998, the anomalous meridional circulation pattern in 2010 shifted northeastward, and then the western subtropical high, the mid-latitudinal trough and the northeastern Asia blocking high also shifted northeastward, causing intensified convergence of the cold and warm air masses at the southern region and thus more rainfall in the southwestern region and less in the northwestern region. In 1998, the anomalous cyclone, one component of the meridional pattern, located at the Songhuajiang-Nengjiang River basin, resulted in more rainfall in the majority of the area. The results of observation and the model show that the difference in SSTA in Kuroshio and its extension under the background of different El Ni觡o events is the key point:(1) The anomalous warmth moved westward from the mid-Pacific to the east of the Philippine Sea during the central event, which led the heat resources shifting to the northeast in 2010; subsequently, a shift occurred to the north of the anomalous ascent and decent, followed by a warm SSTA in the region of Kuroshio's extension in 2010 and Kuroshio in 1998.(2) The warm SSTA in the Kuroshio extension causing the Rossby wave activity flux strengthened in 2010, and then the westerly jet shifted northward and extended eastward. A warm SSTA in Kuroshio and cold SSTA in its extension in 1998 caused the westerly jet to shift southward and weaken. As a result,the anomalous anticyclone and cyclone shifted northward in 2010, and the blocking high also shifted northward.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influences of tropical Indian Ocean(TIO) warming on tropical cyclone(TC)genesis in different regions of the western North Pacific(WNP) from July to October(JASO) during the decaying El Nio. The results show significant negative TC frequency anomalies localized in the southeastern WNP. Correlation analysis indicates that a warm sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) in the TIO strongly suppresses TC genesis south of 21°N and east of 140°E in JASO. Reduced TC genesis over the southeastern WNP results from a weak monsoon trough and divergence and subsidence anomalies associated with an equatorial baroclinic Kelvin wave. Moreover,suppressed convection in response to a cold local SSTA, induced by the increased northeasterly connected by the wind-evaporation-SST positive feedback mechanism, is found unfavorable for TC genesis. Positive TC genesis anomalies are observed over higher latitudinal regions(at around 21°N, 140°E) and the western WNP because of enhanced convection along the northern flank of the WNP anomalous anticyclone and low-level convergence,respectively. Although local modulation(e.g., local SST) could have greater dominance over TC activity at higher latitudes in certain anomalous years(e.g., 1988), a warm TIO SSTA can still suppress TC genesis in lower latitudinal regions of the WNP. A better understanding of the contributions of TIO warming could help improve seasonal TC predictions over different regions of the WNP in years of decaying El Nio.  相似文献   


1 INTRODUCTIONWith the methods of correlation and compositeanalyses,Ju et al.[1] discussed the relationship betweenlow-frequency oscillation in the summer monsoonregion in East Asia and droughts/floods in the middleand lower reaches of the Yangtze River and found thatstrong monsoon years usually cause more rain in theregion. Studying the interdecadal variation ofprecipitation in three rain zones over south China,thevalley of Yangtze River and north China,Tan et al.[2]showed that mid- a…  相似文献   

By using the climatological calculating method for each component of slope surface net radiation proposedby the authors,calculations and analyses are done of the distribution features of slope net radiation in Chinawith emphasis on the discussion of variations of slope net radiation in typical stations and sites with slope direc-tion,slope,latitude and season.The distribution features of net radiation on the north and south slopes are,for the first time,mapped and discussed,revealing the great difference on the national basis,and thus acquiringa new interesting result that the negative-value area of winter net radiation on the north slope(20°)can reachYunnan and Guizhou Provinces and middle and upper reaches of the Changjiang River.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the drought periods which occurred in North Africa,Middle East,Middle Asiaand Northwest China were studied based on the analysis of rainfall data from 1870—1990.It is foundthat the drought periods first started in North Africa and expanded eastward to Northwest Chinathrough Middle East and Middle Asia in about 27.5 years.And then a new teleconnection pattern of30—50 day low-frequency oscillation which is associated with the droughts over the Africa-Asia Con-tinent was discovered.Finally,a hypothesis is proposed based on the statistical results that the east-ward expansion of drought periods may be caused by the occurrence of giant earthquakes(Ms>6.0)which have a tendency to shift eastward from North Africa to Northwest China in about 27.75 years.  相似文献   

By using a linear oceanic mixed layer model, the influences of the horizontal gradients of sea surface temperature (SST) and the depth variations of the mixed layer upon tropical oceanic waves are investigated. The equatorial Rossby wave will be modified and a kind of slower thermal wave has been revealed under the influences of inhomogeneities of large-scale sea temperature field. An interesting result is that the propagating direction of the thermal wave is opposite to that of the classical Rossby wave. The result also shows that the thermal wave becomes dominant when the meridional gradient of sea temperature in the mixed layer exceeds a critical value. As a first approximation, it seems that both waves obtained by this study may be used to explain the observational facts that the SST anomalies can usually propagate in both directions, that is, eastward and westward, during the El Nino events.  相似文献   

Methods and approaches are discussed that identify and filter off affecting factors (noise) above primary signals,based on the Adaptive-Nework-Based Fuzzy Inference System. Influences of the zonal winds in equatorial eastern and middle/western Pacific on the SSTA in the equatorial region and their contribution to the latter are diagnosed and verified with observations of a number of significant El Nino and La Nina episodes. New viewpoints are propsed. The methods of wavelet decomposition and reconstruction are used to build a predictive model based on independent domains of frequency,which shows some advantages in composite prediction and prediction validity.The methods presented above are of non-linearity, error-allowing and auto-adaptive/learning, in addition to rapid and easy access,illustrative and quantitative presentation,and analyzed results that agree generally with facts. They are useful in diagnosing and predicting the El Nino and La Nina problems that are just roughly described in dynamics.  相似文献   

On the basis of introducing the basic categories of atmospheric refraction and their existingconditions,the forming processes of three kinds of atmospheric ducts are expounded.Several maincharacteristics of atmospheric duct are summarized and analyzed,and field sounding data from theWEstern North-Pacific cloud-radiation EXperiment(WENPEX)and meteorological data aroundthe Xisha sea area are used to validate these characteristics.Meanwhile the sensitivities of theevaporation duct height to the variations of atmospheric humidity.the air-sea temperaturedifference.and horizontal wind speed are examined.With the analysis of the effect of atmosphericduct on the propagation of electromagnetic wave.the maximum trapped-wavelength and the criticalemitting angle of elevation for electromagnetic wave which can form duct propagation are derived.At the same time the four kinds of necessary conditions for electromagnetic wave to form ductpropagation are brought forward.The effects of atmospheric duct on ultrashort wave propagation,radar observation.short wave communication etc.are also discussed.  相似文献   

Typhoon eye, one of the most outstanding features in the evolution of typhoon, has various complex configurations: circular, elliptic, oval, square, polygonal, or irregular shapes. It is very interesting to note that some typhoons show the concentric double-eyes encircled with two concentric cloud towers.The concentric double-eye structure and intensity of typhoons are investigated and discussed by using reconnaissance aircraft data, radar echo photos and satellite images, 76 double-eye typhoons were observed during 1949-1983. The results indicate that the concentric double-eye structure, generally appearing in intense typhoons over the northwestern Pacific Ocean, is closely related to typhoon’s intensity. This kind of structure has apparent characteristics in geographical and seasonal distributions.Based on the observational data, an idealized structure model for the concentric double-eye typhoons is proposed.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on the 2°× 2° grid data COADS from 1950—1987 the flow field and heatexchange anomalies on the tropical (11°S—11°N, 120°E—80°W) Pacific surface (TPS) are studiedin El Nino and La Nina events. During E1 Nino, the zonal pressure gradient and the trade windsdecrease on the TPS, the tropical convergence strengthens on the TPS, especially on the centralTPS, the sensible and latent heat exchanges increase, the net longwave radiation and incident solarradiation decrease and the net gain (loss) of heat reduces (increases) on the central and easternTPS. During La Nina the results turn out the contrary. Finally, two feedback mechanisms whichinclude the dynamic, thermal and hydrological processes during E1 Nino and La Nina are summa-rized and a conceptive model for El Nino-La Nina cycle is given.  相似文献   

In this paper,some problems of regression analysis in the meteorological application are discussed andmain reasons for statistical inference failures are analysed.We may find the failure problems with diagnos-tic method and solve them by different treatment.It has been proved that the treatment make the accuracyand stability of forecasting improved greatly.  相似文献   

The observational results in Lin'an show the elevated average concentrations of surface ozone and Nitric Oxides(NO_x)in the rural area in the eastern mid-latitudes of China.The mechanism of its variations was explained by the theo-retical analysis.In the case of breeze,the photochemical reactions controlled by solar radiation is the determined factorsaffecting the variations of the surface O_3 and NO_x.A study of the correlation between NO_x and SO_2 demonstrates thatthe biomass burning is an important local emission source of NO_x.  相似文献   

On the basis of analysis of the microclimate characteristics over a reservior in the Hexi Region, a new concept for the effect of the lake cold island is advanced. The physical mechanism and practical significance of the effect have also been analyzed.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONMeteorological factors, especially precipitation,have close links with geological calamities. Accordingto the statistics, more than 70% of the geologicalcalamities in China occur in rainy seasons. Manyresearchers are thus motivated to study …  相似文献   

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