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In order to examine the formation, distribution and transport of North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW), repeated hydrographic observations along several lines in the western North Pacific were carried out in the period from 1996 to 2001. NPIW formation can be described as follows: (1) Oyashio water extends south of the Subarctic Boundary and meets Kuroshio water in intermediate layers; (2) active mixing between Oyashio and Kuroshio waters occurs in intermediate layers; (3) the mixing of Oyashio and Kuroshio waters and salinity minimum formation around the potential density of 26.8σθ proceed to the east. It is found that Kuroshio water flows eastward even in the region north of 40°N across the 165°E line, showing that Kuroshio water extends north of the Subarctic Boundary. Volume transports of Oyashio and Kuroshio components (relative to 2000 dbar) integrated in the potential density range of 26.6–27.4σθ along the Kuroshio Extension across 152°E–165°E are estimated to be 7–8 Sv (106 m3s−1) and 9–10 Sv, respectively, which is consistent with recent work. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Six newly developed floats, which were set to drift on the 26.7 σθ isopycnal surface and to profile temperature, salinity and pressure above 1000 dbar once a week, were deployed in the Oyashio and Kuroshio Extension (KE) in order to examine the circulation, formation site and time scale of newly formed North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW). The floats were deployed in February or May 2001, and the data from their deployments to December 2002 are analyzed here. Four of the six floats were deployed near the KE axis at around the first meander crest, and they moved eastward to 157°E–176°W at latitudes of 30°N–45°N. The other two floats deployed in the Oyashio water with low-potential vorticity near the south coast of Hokkaido moved southward to reach the KE front and then moved eastward to the same region as the first four floats. The temperature and salinity at 26.7 σθ measured by the profiling floats indicate that the source waters of NPIW, Oyashio and Kuroshio waters are drastically mixed and modified in the mixed water region west of 160°E. The floats were separated into the three paths east of 160°E between the Kuroshio Extension front and the north of Water-Mass front (nearly subarctic front). New NPIW is judged to be formed along these three paths since the vertical profiles of temperature and salinity are quite smooth, having a salinity minimum at about 26.7σθ along each path. Kuroshio-Oyashio isopycnal mixing ratios of the new NPIW are 7:3, 6:4 and 5:5 at 26.7σθ along the southern, middle and northern paths, respectively. Potential vorticity converges to about 14–15 × 10−11 m−1s−1 along these paths. The time scale of new NPIW formation is estimated to be 1–1.5 years from the merger of Oyashio and Kuroshio waters to the formation of the new NPIW. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In order to understand the actual formation process of the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW), structure of subsurface intrusions of the Oyashio water and the mixing of the Oyashio and the Kuroshio waters in and around the Kuroshio Extension (KE) were examined on the basis of a synoptic CTD observation carried out in May-June 1992. The fresh Oyashio water in the south of Hokkaido was transported into KE region through the Mixed Water Region (MWR) in the form of subsurface intrusions along two main paths. The one was along the east coast of northern Japan through the First Branch of the Oyashio (FBO) and the other along the eastern face of a warm streamer which connected KE with a warm core ring through the Second Branch of the Oyashio (SBO). The fresh Oyashio water extended southward through FBO strongly mixed with the saline NPIW transported by the Kuroshio in the south of Japan (old NPIW) in and around the warm streamer. On the other hand, the one through SBO well preserved its original properties and extended eastward beyond 150°E along KE with a form of rather narrow band. The intrusion ejected Oyashio water lens with a diameter of 50–60 km southward across KE axis and split northward into the MWR involved in the interaction of KE and a warm core ring, which were supposed to be primary processes of new NPIW formation.  相似文献   

The influence of the Kuroshio flow on the horizontal distribution of North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) in the Shikoku Basin is examined based upon observational data collected by the training vessel “Seisui-maru” of Mie University together with oceanographic data compiled by the Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC). Although it has been stated that the NPIW with salinity less than 34.2 psu had been confined to the south of the Kuroshio main axis along the PT (KJ) Line on the eastern side of the Izu Ridge, a similar tendency can be detected on the western side of the Izu Ridge. Namely, the NPIW on the southern side of the Kuroshio main axis in the Shihoku Basin does not indicate a tendency to go northward across the Kuroshio main axis without an increase in salinity of more than 34.2 psu. However, the JODC data show that less saline water (<34.2 psu) was present on the northern side of the Kuroshio main axis south of the Kii Peninsula in May 1992. Satellite observed sea surface temperature (SST) data suggested that the Kuroshio approaches the Kii Peninsula after forming a small meander off Kyushu and some intrusions of the NPIW into the northern coastal side of the Kuroshio main axis occurred in this period. It is concluded that intrusion of the NPIW with salinity less than 34.2 psu to the northern coastal side through the Kuroshio main axis occurred during the decay period of the small meander path in May 1992. Based on these observational results, the source of the salinity minimum water on the northern coastal side of the Kuroshio main axis is discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The destiny of the North Pacific Intermediate Water in the South China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The previous studies show that the spreading path of the subtropical salinity minimum of the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) is southwestward pointing to the Luzon Strait. Based on the P -vector method and generalized digital environmental model (GDEM) data, the volume transport of NPIW through Luzon Strait and the upward transport on the NPIW lower and upper boundaries are calculated to examine the destiny of NPIW in the South China Sea (SCS). On the annual mean, the estimation of NPIW transport into the SCS through the Luzon Strait is 1.72 Sv (1Sv=10 6 m 3 /s). The upward transport over the SCS is 0.31 Sv on the NPIW upper boundary and 1.31 Sv on the NPIW lower boundary. There is no strait or passage deeper than the surface for the NPIW to extend, except for the Luzon Strait. For the volume balance in the SCS NPIW, the volume transport of 2.72 Sv has to flow out of the SCS NPIW layer through the Luzon Strait.  相似文献   

Most marginal seas in the North Pacific are fed by nutrients supported mainly by upwelling and many are undersaturated with respect to atmospheric CO2 in the surface water mainly as a result of the biological pump and winter cooling. These seas absorb CO2 at an average rate of 1.1 ± 0.3 mol C m−2yr−1 but release N2/N2O at an average rate of 0.07 ± 0.03 mol N m−2yr−1. Most of primary production, however, is regenerated on the shelves, and only less than 15% is transported to the open oceans as dissolved and particulate organic carbon (POC) with a small amount of POC deposited in the sediments. It is estimated that seawater in the marginal seas in the North Pacific alone may have taken up 1.6 ± 0.3 Gt (1015 g) of excess carbon, including 0.21 ± 0.05 Gt for the Bering Sea, 0.18 ± 0.08 Gt for the Okhotsk Sea; 0.31 ± 0.05 Gt for the Japan/East Sea; 0.07 ± 0.02 Gt for the East China and Yellow Seas; 0.80 ± 0.15 Gt for the South China Sea; and 0.015 ± 0.005 Gt for the Gulf of California. More importantly, high latitude marginal seas such as the Bering and Okhotsk Seas may act as conveyer belts in exporting 0.1 ± 0.08 Gt C anthropogenic, excess CO2 into the North Pacific Intermediate Water per year. The upward migration of calcite and aragonite saturation horizons due to the penetration of excess CO2 may also make the shelf deposits on the Bering and Okhotsk Seas more susceptible to dissolution, which would then neutralize excess CO2 in the near future. Further, because most nutrients come from upwelling, increased water consumption on land and damming of major rivers may reduce freshwater output and the buoyancy effect on the shelves. As a result, upwelling, nutrient input and biological productivity may all be reduced in the future. As a final note, the Japan/East Sea has started to show responses to global warming. Warmer surface layer has reduced upwelling of nutrient-rich subsurface water, resulting in a decline of spring phytoplankton biomass. Less bottom water formation because of less winter cooling may lead to the disappearance of the bottom water as early as 2040. Or else, an anoxic condition may form as early as 2200 AD. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Distributions and characteristics of water mass and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the North Pacific are investigated by using a General Circulation Model (GCM). The anthropogenic CO2 uptake by the ocean is estimated with velocity fields derived from the GCM experiments. The sensitivity of the uptake to different diffusion parameterizations and different surface forcing used in the GCM is investigated by conducting the three GCM experiments; the diffusive processes are parameterized by horizontal and vertical eddy diffusion which is used in many previous models (RUN1), parameterized by isopycnal diffusion (RUN2), and isopycnal diffusion and perpetual winter forcing for surface temperature and salinity (RUN3). Realistic features for water masses and CFCs can be simulated by the isopycnal diffusion models. The horizontal and vertical diffusion model fails to simulate the salinity minimum and realistic penetration of CFCs into the ocean. The depth of the salinity minimum layer is better simulated under the winter forcing. The results suggest that both isopycnal parameterization and winter forcing are crucial for the model water masses and CFCs simulations. The oceanic uptake of anthropogenic CO2 in RUN3 is about 19.8 GtC in 1990, which is larger by about 10% than that in RUN1 with horizontal and vertical diffusive parameterization. RUN3 well simulates the realistic water mass structure of the intermediate layer considered as a candidate of oceanic sink for anthropogenic CO2. The results suggest that the previous models with horizontal and vertical diffusive parameterization may give the oceanic uptake of anthropogenic CO2 underestimated. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In the southwestern Okhotsk Sea off Hokkaido we observed chemical components related to the carbonate system for 1 year from August 1997 to June 1998. Using the conservative components salinity and water temperature, we confirmed the existence of two water masses flowing into the intermediate layer of the Okhotsk Sea, the East Sakhalin Current Water (ESCW) which becomes denser by mixing of brine water, and the Forerunner of Soya Warm Current Water (FSWW) which becomes denser due to cooling of the saline Kuroshio water. The ΔNTCx values were calculated by comparing the ESCW and the FSWW with the Pacific Deep Water (PDW). The ΔNTCx values obtained are 100–110 μmol/kg and 70–100 μmol/kg for the ESCW and the FSWW off Hokkaido, respectively, which are considerably larger than that of the Kuroshio water. These large ΔNTCx values may be due to both low DIC concentration in the surface water and intense gas exchange under the cold and stormy winter conditions for the ESCW and the cooling of the FSWW as it flows northward. Since the flow rates of dense waters concerned with the ESCW and the FSWW have previously been estimated as 0.9 Sv and 0.2 Sv, respectively, the amount of atmospheric CO2 absorbed and transported to the intermediate layer turns out to be 3.9−4.1 × 1013 gC/yr. This flux is small on a global scale, but the flux divided by the surface layer of the Okhotsk Sea is 30 gC/m2/yr, which is 5 times greater than the mean absorption flux of anthropogenic CO2 in the world's oceans. It is thus considered that atmospheric CO2 is efficiently absorbed in the Okhotsk Sea. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Excess CO2 and pHexcess showing an increase in dissolved inorganic carbon and a decrease in pH from the beginning of the industrial epoch (middle of the 19th century) until the present time have been calculated in the intermediate water layer of the northwestern Pacific and the Okhotsk Sea. It is concluded that: (1) The Kuril Basin (Okhotsk Sea) and the Bussol' Strait areas are characterized by the greatest concentrations of excess CO2 at isopycnal surfaces due to the processes of formation and transformation of intermediate water mass. (2) The largest difference in excess CO2 concentration between the Okhotsk Sea and the western subarctic Pacific (about 8 µmol/kg) is found at the = 27.0. (3) The difference in excess CO2 between the western subarctic Pacific and subtropical regions is significant only in the upper part of the intermediate water layer ( = 26.7–27.0). (4) About 10% of the excess CO2 accumulation in the subtropical north Pacific is determined by water exchange with the subarctic Pacific and the Okhotsk Sea.  相似文献   

The mixing processes in the Mixed Water Region (MWR) that lead to changes in the properties of North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) have been studied using observational data sets obtained in May–June 1998. Neutral surfaces, the equation of water mass conversion rate on neutral surfaces and the equation of vertical velocity across neutral surfaces have been used to distinguish dominant processes by assuming the horizontal scale to be the streamer scale (under 100 km). The possibility of double diffusive convection is also discussed in relation to the density ratio. These results may be summarized as follows: (1) the difference between the potential density surface and the neutral surface may rise to −0.04 kg/m3 around the source water of NPIW; (2) horizontal diffusion causes strong modifications of the source water of NPIW; (3) the density range within which strong modification of the source water of NPIW occurs becomes dense from the northern part of MWR near the Oyashio Front to the southern part near the Kuroshio Front, and to the eastern part. Our modeling of these processes shows that cabbeling has effects on the density increment of the source water of NPIW in the northern and southern part of MWR. Double diffusive convection has effects on the density increment of the source water of NPIW, mainly in the northern part of MWR. The possible density increment due to cabbeling in these areas is estimated to be 0.01≈0.03 kg/m3. The possible density increment due to double diffusive convection is 0.01≈0.03 kg/m3. The total density increment due to cabbeling and double diffusive convection amounts to 0.06 kg/m3. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The recent changes in the North Pacific uptake rate of carbon have been estimated using a number of different techniques over the past decade. Recently, there has been a marked increase in the number of estimates being submitted for publication. Most of these estimates can be grouped into one of five basic techniques: carbon time-series, non-carbon tracers, carbon tracers, empirical relationships, and inverse calculations. Examples of each of these techniques as they have been applied in the North Pacific are given and the estimates summarized. The results are divided into three categories: integrated water column uptake rate estimates, mixed layer increases, and surface pCO2 increases. Most of the published values fall under the water column integrated uptake rate category. All of the estimates varied by region and depth range of integration, but generally showed consistent patterns of increased uptake from the tropics to the subtropics. The most disagreement between the methods was in the sub-arctic Pacific. Column integrated uptake rates ranged from 0.25 to 1.3 mol m−2yr−1. The mixed layer uptake estimates were much more consistent, with values of 1.0–1.3 μmol kg−1yr−1 based on direct observations and multiple linear regression approaches. Surface pCO2 changes showed the most obvious regional variability (0.5–2.5 μatm yr−1) reflecting the sensitivity of these measurements to differences in the physical and biological forcing. The different techniques used to evaluate the changes in North Pacific carbon distributions do not completely agree on the exact magnitude or spatial and temporal patterns of carbon uptake rate. Additional research is necessary to resolve these issues and better constrain the role of the North Pacific in the global carbon cycle. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Hydrographic structure and transport of intermediate water were observed in the Kuroshio region south of Japan, focusing on the 26.6–27.5σθ density in six cruises from May 1998 through September 2001. In the section off the Boso Peninsula where the Kuroshio exfoliates eastward, the intermediate water was clearly clustered into three groups meridionally composed of the coastal water, the Kuroshio water and the offshore water. Compared with the Kuroshio water characterized by warm, salty water transported by the Kuroshio, the coastal and offshore waters significantly degenerated due to mixing with cold, fresh waters originated from the subarctic region: the former was affected by alongshore spread of the coastal Oyashio and the latter by direct intrusion of the new North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) into the southern side of the Kuroshio current axis. Particularly the offshore water showed higher apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) in layers deeper than 26.9σθ while it showed lower AOU in layers shallower than 26.9σθ, which indicated that colder, fresher and higher AOU water was distributed on the southeastern side of the Kuroshio in deeper layers. In May 1998, the Oyashio-Kuroshio mixing ratio was estimated to be typically 2:8 for the offshore water on the assumption of isopycnal mixing. Moreover, northeastward volume transport of the Kuroshio water was obtained from geostrophic velocity fields adjusted to lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler (LADCP) data to yield 6.1 Sv at 26.6–26.9σθ and 11.8 Sv at 26.9–27.5 σθ. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this study we test Talley's hypothesis that Oyashio winter mixed-layer water (26.5–26.6σ θ) increases its density to produce the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) salinity minimum (26.7– 26.8σθ) in the Mixed Water Region, assuming a combination of cabbeling and double diffusion. The possible density change of Oyashio winter mixed-layer water is discussed using an instantaneous ratio of the change of temperature and salinity along any particular intrusion (R l ). We estimate the range of R l DD required to convert Oyashio winter mixed-layer water to the NPIW salinity minimum due to double diffusion, and then assume double-diffusive intrusions as this conversion mechanism. A double-diffusive intrusion model is used to estimate R l DD in a situation where salt fingering dominates vertical mixing, as well as to determine whether Oyashio winter mixed-layer water can become the NPIW salinity minimum. Possible density changes are estimated from the model R l DD by assuming the amount of density change due to cabbeling. From these results, we conclude that Oyashio winter mixed-layer water contributes to a freshening of the lighter layer of the NPIW salinity minimum (around 26.70σθ) in the MWR.  相似文献   

The topographic effect of the Izu Ridge on the horizontal distribution of the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) south of Japan has been studied using observational data obtained by the Seisui-Maru of Mie University (Mie Univ. data) and those compiled by Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC data). Both data sets show that water of salinity less than 34.1 psu on potential density () surface of 26.8 is confined to the eastern side of the Izu Ridge, while water of salinity less than 34.2 psu is confined to the southern area over the Izu Ridge at a depth greater than 2000 m and to the southeastern area in the Shikoku Basin. It is also shown by T-S analysis of Mie Univ. data over the Izu Ridge that water of salinity less than 34.2 psu dominates south of 30°N, where the depth of the Izu Ridge is deeper than 2000 m and NPIW can intrude westward over the Izu Ridge. JODC data reveal that relatively large standard deviations of the salinity on surface of 26.7, 26.8 and 26.9 are detected along the mean current path of the Kuroshio and the Kuroshio Extension. Almost all of the standard deviations are less than 0.05 psu in other area with the NPIW, which shows that the time variation in the salinity can be neglected. This observational evidence shows that the topographic effect of the Izu Ridge on the horizontal distribution of the NPIW, which is formed east of 145°E by the mixing of the Kuroshio water and the Oyashio water, is prominent north of 30°N with a depth shallower than 2000 m.  相似文献   

The Meteorological Research Institute's ocean general circulation model (MRI-OGCM) has been used to investigate the temperature variability of the North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water (NPSTMW) over a time series longer than 5 years via the spin-up of the subtropical gyre. Besides an interannual variation, the wintertime sea surface temperature in the area where the NPSTMW is formed, and the temperature of the NPSTMW itself, both change remarkably in a >5-year time scale. An analysis of heat budgets showed that the long-term changes in NPSTMW temperature are due mainly to a leading advection of heat by the Kuroshio Extension and compensating surface heat flux. As a result of a dynamical adjustment to the wind stress fields, the transports of the Kuroshio and the Kuroshio Extension increased in the mid 1970s with a lag of 3 years after the wind stress curl in the central North Pacific. The increased heat advection by the Kuroshio Extension induces a warming in the mixed layer in the NPSTMW formation area, followed by a warming of the NPSTMW itself. Both these warming actions increase the heat release to the atmosphere. These results imply that the surface heat flux over the Kuroshio Extension area varies in response to the change in the ocean circulation through the spin-up of the subtropical gyre. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We conducted full-depth hydrographic observations in the southwestern region of the Northwest Pacific Basin in September 2004 and November 2005. Deep-circulation currents crossed the observation line between the East Mariana Ridge and the Shatsky Rise, carrying Lower Circumpolar Deep Water westward in the lower deep layer (θ<1.2 °C) and Upper Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW) and North Pacific Deep Water (NPDW) eastward in the upper deep layer (1.3–2.2 °C). In the lower deep layer at depths greater than approximately 3500 m, the eastern branch current of the deep circulation was located south of the Shatsky Rise at 30°24′–30°59′N with volume transport of 3.9 Sv (1 Sv=106 m3 s−1) in 2004 and at 30°06′–31°15′N with 1.6 Sv in 2005. The western branch current of the deep circulation was located north of the Ogasawara Plateau at 26°27′–27°03′N with almost 2.1 Sv in 2004 and at 26°27′–26°45′N with 2.7 Sv in 2005. Integrating past and present results, volume transport southwest of the Shatsky Rise is concluded to be a little less than 4 Sv for the eastern branch current and a little more than 2 Sv for the western branch current. In the upper deep layer at depths of approximately 2000–3500 m, UCDW and NPDW, characterized by high and low dissolved oxygen, respectively, were carried eastward at the observation line by the return flow of the deep circulation composing meridional overturning circulation. UCDW was confined between the East Mariana Ridge and the Ogasawara Plateau (22°03′–25°33′N) in 2004, whereas it extended to 26°45′N north of the Ogasawara Plateau in 2005. NPDW existed over the foot and slope of the Shatsky Rise from 29°48′N in 2004 and 30°06′N in 2005 to at least 32°30′N at the top of the Shatsky Rise. Volume transport of UCDW was estimated to be 4.6 Sv in 2004, whereas that of NPDW was 1.4 Sv in 2004 and 2.6 Sv in 2005, although the values for NPDW may be slightly underestimated, because they do not include the component north of the top of the Shatsky Rise. Volume transport of UCDW and NPDW southwest of the Shatsky Rise is concluded to be approximately 5 and 3 Sv, respectively. The pathways of UCDW and NPDW are new findings and suggest a correction for the past view of the deep circulation in the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

海浪对北太平洋海-气二氧化碳通量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用4种海-气界面气体传输速率公式对比研究了北太平洋气体传输速率及其CO2通量的季节变化特征。与单纯依赖风速的算法相比, 考虑波浪影响的气体传输速率和CO2通量在空间分布和季节变化上具有明显差异。在低纬度地区(0°~30°N), 波浪参数使气体传输速率下降, 海洋对大气CO2的吸收减少, 而在30°N以北范围内则出现新的气体传输速率高值区, 海洋对大气的吸收增加。进一步研究了黑潮延伸体区域的气候态月平均气体传输速率和CO2通量。结果表明, 该区域气体传输速率和CO2通量最大值分别出现于冬季和春季, 引入波浪参数后, 虽然该区域气体传输速率和CO2通量平均值没有明显差异, 但季节变化强度显著增强。  相似文献   

A numerical study using a 3-D nonhydrostatic model has been applied to baroclinic processes generated by the K 1 tidal flow in and around the Kuril Straits. The result shows that large-amplitude unsteady lee waves are generated and cause intense diapycnal mixing all along the Kuril Island Chain to levels of a maximum diapycnal diffusivity exceeding 103 cm2s−1. Significant water transformation by the vigorous mixing in shallow regions produces the distinct density and potential vorticity (PV) fronts along the Island Chain. The pinched-off eddies that arise and move away from the fronts have the ability to transport a large amount of mixed water (∼14 Sv) to the offshore regions, roughly half being directed to the North Pacific. These features are consistent with recent satellite imagery and in-situ observations, suggesting that diapycnal mixing within the vicinity of the Kuril Islands has a greater impact than was previously supposed on the Okhotsk Sea and the North Pacific. To examine this influence of tidal processes at the Kurils on circulations in the neighboring two basins, another numerical experiment was conducted using an ocean general circulation model with inclusion of tidal mixing along the islands, which gives a better representation of the Okhotsk Sea Mode Water than in the case without the tidal mixing. This is mainly attributed to the added effect of a significant upward salt flux into the surface layer due to tidal mixing in the Kuril Straits, which is subsequently transported to the interior region of the Okhotsk Sea. With a saline flux into the surface layer, cooling in winter in the northern part of the Okhotsk Sea can produce heavier water and thus enhance subduction, which is capable of reproducing a realistic Okhotsk Sea Mode Water. The associated low PV flux from the Kuril Straits to the open North Pacific excites the 2nd baroclinic-mode Kelvin and Rossby waves in addition to the 1st mode. Interestingly, the meridional overturning in the North Pacific is strengthened as a result of the dynamical adjustment caused by these waves, leading to a more realistic reproduction of the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) than in the case without tidal mixing. Accordingly, the joint effect of tidally-induced transport and transformation dominating in the Kuril Straits and subsequent eddy-transport is considered to play an important role in the ventilation of both the Okhotsk Sea and the North Pacific Ocean. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

More than 14,000 measurements of surface water xCO2 were obtained during two cruises, 3 weeks apart in June 2000, along 155°E between 34 and 44°N in the western North Pacific Ocean. Based on the distributions of salinity and sea surface temperature (SST), the region has been divided into 6 subregions; Oyashio, Oyashio front, Transition, Kuroshio front, and Kuroshio extension I and II zones, from north to south. The surface waters were always undersaturated with respect to atmospheric CO2. The Oyashio water was the least undersaturated: its xCO2 decreased slightly by 7 ppm, while SST increased by 2°C. The xCO2 normalized to a constant temperature decreased considerably. In the two frontal zones, a large drawdown of 30–40 ppm was observed after 18–19 days. In the Kuroshio extension zones, the xCO2 increased, but the normalized xCO2 decreased considerably. The Transition zone water may be somewhat affected by mixing with the subsurface water, as indicated by the smallest SST rise, an undecreased PO4 concentration, and a colder and less stable surface layer than the Oyashio front water. As the uncertainty derived from the air-sea CO2 flux was not large, the xCO2 data allowed us to calculate the net biological productivity. The productivities around 60 mmol C m−2d−1 outside the Transition zone indicate that the northwestern North Pacific, especially the two frontal zones, can be regarded as one of the most productive oceans in the world.  相似文献   

The Formation and Circulation of the Intermediate Water in the Japan Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to clarify the formation and circulation of the Japan/East Sea Intermediate Water (JESIW) and the Upper portion of the Japan Sea Proper Water (UJSPW), numerical experiments have been carried out using a 3-D ocean circulation model. The UJSPW is formed in the region southeast off Vladivostok between 41°N and 42°N west of 136°E. Taking the coastal orography near Vladivostok into account, the formation of the UJSPW results from the deep water convection in winter which is generated by the orchestration of fresh water supplied from the Amur River and saline water from the Tsushima Warm Current under very cold conditions. The UJSPW formed is advected by the current at depth near the bottom of the convection and penetrates into the layer below the JESIW. The origin of the JESIW is the low salinity coastal water along the Russian coast originated by the fresh water from the Amur River. The coastal low salinity water is advected by the current system in the northwestern Japan Sea and penetrates into the subsurface below the Tsushima Warm Current region forming a subsurface salinity minimum layer. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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