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Analytical and numerical methods are proposed for the calculation of water inflow into construction pits under various geological—engineering and hydrogeological conditions at the construction site. Water inflow into the pit is shown to depend not only on lateral seepage but also on the leakage from underlying aquifers at appropriate parameters of their interaction. Under certain natural conditions, the most efficient method for construction pit draining at low water yield of soils in the construction area are light wellpoint systems, the capacity and layout of which is determined by the potential inflow through the pit contour. The results of analytical and numerical calculations for the assessment of groundwater inflow into a pit are given, and light wellpoint systems are shown to be effective under different combinations of natural and engineering conditions. 相似文献
The lithologic-genetic formation conditions of a reservoir of industrial groundwater on Siberian Platform, associated with the existence of a bank reef in the Cambrian. Within this cryohydrogeological structure, the properties and reserves of the hydromineral stock that can be developed parallel to the diamond-mining on Udachnaya pipe without significant environmental damage. 相似文献
The specific features of formulation and implementation of balance-hydrodynamic simulation during different-scale studies of natural resources of groundwater. Are an example of detailed estimate of the resources and balance of groundwater in the Vologda River basin is given. It is noted that the use of balance-hydrodynamic models, in addition to an increase in the general reliability of estimates, allows the calculation of normal annual characteristics of groundwater resources with different occurrence (exceedance probability), which is impracticable when hydrodynamic methods in other formulations are used. 相似文献
The experience in large scale (1: 50000–1: 10000) neotectonic mapping of platform areas is discussed. The structural characteristics
of the geological environment (the large size of major structural forms, the extremely low gradients, speeds, and the amplitudes
of the most recent and modern tectonic movements, etc.) cause some difficulties for their cartographic representation. A considerable
part of legends of neotectonic maps of platforms mostly reflect the geomorphologic component, which is an indirect indicator
to the most recent structures and, in essence, such maps are geomorphologic-neotectonic. The large-scale neotectonic mapping
requires a comprehensive analysis of the nature and age of all significant elements of earth surface topography and the structure
of Cenozoic deposits, the identification of the regularities in their space and time development that can be caused by and
attributed to geodynamic factors. Such studies must be based on materials of medium- and small-scale generalizations. 相似文献
ABSTRACT The possibility was studied of a gradual extension of the irrigable area of the Tarlac Irrigation System, located in the alluvial plain of Luzon Island (Philippines). The extension would be made by integrating groundwater with surface water supplied from a reservoir already designed. Aquifer exploitation was studied adopting the criterion that groundwater is a very expensive resource to be turned to only in severe drought years. The objectives of the study were twofold: (a) planning the distribution of the wells (to be drilled during the various stages of the irrigation system development) so as to minimize the pumping cost; (b) establishing a policy for the well management in conjunction with the reservoir operation. Different schemes of the combined system management were analysed on the basis of the climatic and hydrological regime over the period 1950–1972. For this period the monthly water requirements for the different crops and the monthly values of aquifer recharge were computed. The economic analyses were performed using present prices of agricultural products and power together with several different hypotheses about future prices. A finite element model of the semiconfined aquifer was postulated and calibrated; the importance of the return flow from irrigation was also tested. Simulations of exploitation schemes provided a detailed forecast of the aquifer response to the irrigation demands. 相似文献
Christopher Juhlin Hans Palm Carl-Fredrik Müllern Bo Wllberg 《Journal of Applied Geophysics》2002,51(2-4)
Two high-resolution reflection seismic profiles were acquired in the Heby area of eastern Sweden over glacial deposits for the purpose of mapping groundwater resources. The majority of shot points were located in clay resulting in good quality data along most of the profiles. On stacked and migrated sections, the uppermost clay is about 20 m thick and is characterized by its subhorizontal reflectivity. Sand/gravel deposits below it contain more dipping interfaces and have a chaotic reflectivity pattern. Depth to bedrock is interpreted to be 90 and 65 m on the respective profiles and occurs in about a 100-m-wide trough on both profiles. Reflections from the tops of sandy gravel zones generally have higher amplitudes. Clear reflections from a thin silt layer (20 cm thick) at about 10-m depth are observed on one of the profiles. Elastic finite difference modeling and the observation of this reflection in shot gathers show that the reflection is not an artifact of the acquisition nor the processing. The modeling also shows that there is no marked low-velocity waveguide in the near surface, but that an effective low Q zone may be present. Comparison with refraction profiling on the other profile shows that there is better agreement between the reflection seismic results and penetration tests than the refraction results with these tests. Both profiles allow the thickness of the overlying clay layers to be determined, as well as the thickness of the underlying sand/gravel deposits. This is important for estimating the amount of groundwater resources in an area. 相似文献
王旺庄水源地是淄博市晴纶工程的后备水源地,设计供水能力20000m^2/d。利用Ritz有限元数值分析方法。结合单纯性线性规划,在完成了对山东省淄博市临淄区王旺庄一朱台地段的淄博市腈纶工程水源地的水文地质模型建造的基础上,成功地对水源地进行地下水开采模拟,同时对该水源地的未来10年开采作了两种大气降水条件下的地下水动态预测。为腈纶工程水源地地下水开采提供了充分的设计依据。 相似文献
从分析观测资料入手,合理地剔除与异常时段观测环境条件不同的部分,科学地判定了王1井水氡正常动态和异常界限,并进行现场试验,排除对该异常真实性的各种疑虑,确认了异常的可靠性。在此基础上进一步开展水文地质调查,探讨异常产生的机理。 相似文献
ABSTRACTMany oases are experiencing severe groundwater depletion due to increased population, expanding agriculture and economic development. For sustainable development, quantifying groundwater recharge resources are fundamentally important. In this study, stable isotope techniques were employed to identify recharge sources of groundwater and quantitatively evaluate their contribution ratios in the Dunhuang Oasis, northwest China. Our findings indicate that heavy isotopes in shallow groundwater are more negative than those in deep groundwater, which is attributed to shallow groundwater that was modern and deep groundwater that was old. Irrigated return water and lateral groundwater flow from the Qilian Mountains are considered as the two main sources of shallow groundwater, accounting for 35% and 65% of the total recharge, respectively. Thus, as the main groundwater source of the Dunhuang Oasis, the Qilian Mountain Front should be protected against over-exploitation. Our results provide not only fundamental knowledge for groundwater management of aquifers of the Oasis, but also valuable water management information for other similar arid oases worldwide. 相似文献
We have combined tensor radio magnetotelluric- (RMT, 15–250 kHz) and controlled source tensor magnetotelluric (CSTMT, 1–12 kHz) data for the mapping of aquifers in gravel formations lying in between crystalline bedrock and clay rich sediments in the Heby area some 40 km west of Uppsala in Sweden. The estimated transfer functions, the impedance tensor and the tipper vector generally satisfy 1D or 2D necessary conditions except for the lowest CSTMT frequencies where near field effects become more dominant.The data measured from 8 profiles were inverted with the Rebocc code of Siripunvaraporn and Egbert (2000) assuming plane wave conditions. This meant that only 12 frequencies in the range of 4–180 kHz could be used. The four lowest frequencies of CSTMT in the range of 1–2.8 kHz were excluded because of source effects. Data from all profiles were inverted with a starting model of 100 Ω-m and a relative error floor of 0.02 on apparent resistivity, corresponding to less than 1° on phase. Tipper vectors are generally small except when source effects become dominant in the lowest frequencies of CSTMT and were therefore not used for inversion. Comparing with models derived from vertical electrical soundings, refraction and reflection seismic data as well as ground truth from exploration wells assessed the reliability of the deep part of the models. Furthermore we carried out a non-linear resolution analysis to better quantify the depth extent of the aquifers.The inverted models from the Heby area show well the thickness variations of glacial deposits overlying crystalline bedrock. Generally, the upper 20 m of the models have resistivities below 40 Ω-m, taken to represent clay rich formations. Below the clay layer resistivities increase to about 40–400 Ω-m, interpreted to represent sand/gravel formations with a maximum thickness of about 40 m and a width of several hundred metres. This is a potential aquifer that extends in approximately N–S direction for some kilometres. 相似文献
R. G. Dzhamalov N. L. Frolova G. N. Krichevets T. I. Safronova M. B. Kireeva M. I. Igonina 《Water Resources》2012,39(6):623-639
Variations in the characteristics of the annual, dry-season, and minimal monthly runoff in rivers of European Russia for the recent 35 years (1975?C2005) have been estimated and analyzed in comparison with a period of approximately the same duration (1935?C1969). The genesis of runoff for different river basins and the major causes of current changes in runoff characteristics have been studied. Regional regularities in the hydrological and geohydrological processes have been identified, and zoning of the territory has been performed with identification of specific features in the formation of river runoff in the European North and the basins of the Volga, Don, Ural, etc. The natural resources of surface and subsurface waters over 1970?C2005 have been re-estimated with the construction of appropriate maps. Water availability and load on water resources have been analyzed. 相似文献
Numerous geophysical investigations in the western part of onshore Denmark constitute the basis for a delineation of buried Quaternary valleys. The geophysical methods comprise primarily Transient ElectroMagnetic (TEM) and reflection seismic surveys, and the geophysical data have been combined with lithological data from boreholes. Buried valleys appear both as single valleys and in dense networks. The internal structure of the valleys is typically complex due to repeated erosional and depositional events. Buried valleys are common geological structures in the region and they influence the distribution of Tertiary and Quaternary sediments greatly. A large number of buried valleys in the region contain important aquifers, whose natural protection varies depending on thickness and character of overlying clay layers. Many of these aquifers are deep-seated and well protected, but because of the prevailing heterogeneity of the valley infill and the erosional incisions created by different valley generations, preferential flow paths for downward transport of contaminated water from shallow aquifers may occur. 相似文献
利用海南地震台网宽频带地震仪连续观测资料,分析不同自然环境下地脉动扰动信号,结果显示:在不同自然环境下,地震仪记录的地脉动扰动信号的形态、振幅、频率、扰动强度不同,其中登陆海岛的热带气旋引起的震颤信号频带窄、能量大、扰动强度较大,对地脉动干扰影响大,其次是天文潮期,远离海岛的热带气旋对地脉动干扰影响较小;不同路径、距离的热带气旋引起的震颤信号频率带一致,但扰动强度区别明显;不同自然环境对不同观测台站记录的地脉动信号均存在影响,只是程度稍有不同。 相似文献
Efficient conceptual model for simulating the effect of aquifer heterogeneity on natural groundwater discharge to rivers 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
David Pulido-Velazquez Carlos Llopis-Albert Salvador Peña-Haro Manuel Pulido-Velazquez 《Advances in water resources》2011,34(11):1377-1389
When linearity can be assumed (linear response of heads to stresses), stream–aquifer flow exchange can be simulated as the drainage of a number of independent linear reservoirs. This conceptual model, which can be mathematically deduced in a univocal way from an eigenvalue solution of the linear groundwater flow problem, facilitates the understanding of the physical phenomenon and the analysis of influencing factors. The number of reservoirs required to simulate stream depletion in some ideal homogeneous cases of stream–aquifer connection was analyzed in detail in a previous investigation using analytical eigenvalue solutions [16]. However, most aquifers are heterogeneous in nature and numerical solutions must be employed to analyze whether they could also be simulated using few reservoirs. This paper presents a stochastic analysis of the influence of heterogeneity on the simulation of natural groundwater discharges in aquifers connected to rivers, as a series of linear reservoirs. A Monte-Carlo approach was employed to perform this study. The results show that, on a monthly time scale, many cases (even heterogeneous aquifers) can be simulated using just a few reservoirs with sufficient accuracy and at minimum computational cost. Therefore, this modeling technique can be useful to efficiently simulate the integrated management of complex water resources systems at the basin scale (with many aquifers, reservoirs, demands, etc.) that need to simultaneously consider surface and groundwater flow and stream–aquifer interaction. 相似文献
Successive classification modeling of multivariate observations was used to objectively identify and quantitatively describe
four major hydrogeochemical directions of changes in mine water chemistry and two hydrogeochemical trends for groundwater
in the Eastern Donets Basin (two types of vertical hydrogeochemical zonality). Processes along the first hydrogeochemical
direction result in the formation of acid sulfate mineralized water, those along the second direction form neutral chloride-sulfate
waters, those along the third direction form sulfate-chloride and chloride, and those along the fourth direction form soda,
hydrocarbonate-sulfate-chloride waters; the processes of sulfur oxidation and water mixing play the main role in the formation
of water chemistry. In the case of groundwater, the first trend (direct zonality) manifests itself in the formation of highly
mineralized chloride sodium water (mineralization of up to 60–80 g/l), while the second trend (inverse zonality) results in
the formation of moderately mineralized soda hydrocarbonate-chloride and chloride sodium water (1–3 g/l). The genesis of water
chemistry is explained with the engagement of infiltration, sedimentation, and evaporation-condensation hypotheses. Giving
preference to the evaporation-condensation genesis of groundwater chemistry according to the second trend, the authors came
to the conclusion that the Eastern Donets Basin is promising in terms of oil and gas accumulations. 相似文献
This paper focuses upon south-eastern Lithuanian Quaternary aquifer system groundwater resources formation modelling. Groundwater model calibration has been performed for a pre-development and transient flow conditions. The results demonstrate that there is an intense interaction between groundwater and surface water bodies which form groundwater resources and runoff. For Quaternary cover the majority of unconfined groundwater outflows to surface water streams, the remaining part discharges through the confined interglacial/interstadial aquifers and lateral outflows across the boundaries. Groundwater prognostic exploitable resources can be obtained without a significant negative impact on the geoenvironment. The main sources of exploitable resources formation are increase in groundwater recharge and lateral inflow (40.7%), decreased outflow via streams and lateral boundaries (41.2%) and drawing up additional flow from the hydraulically connected streams (14.5%). 相似文献
I. V. Tokarev A. A. Zubkov V. G. Rumynin S. P. Pozdnyakov V. A. Polyakov V. Yu. Kuznetsov 《Water Resources》2009,36(2):206-213
Isotopic characteristics (δ2H, δ18O, 234U/238U, Ar, 3H) of natural and technogenically affected waters were determined in the area around the burying grounds of the Siberian Chemical Combine with the aim to assess the circulation conditions of natural waters and the safety of radioactive waste disposal in reservoir beds. 相似文献
WLADIMIR BLEUTEN 《水文科学杂志》2013,58(5):575-588
Abstract In the central part of the Netherlands, a 20 km2 drainage basin contains a morainic ridge of Pleistocene sandy deposits and a backswamp area where the sandy subsoil is covered with river clay deposits. Agricultural and “natural” ecosystems are present in both parts. A continuous groundwater flow exists from the ridge to the clay area. A channel network drains the area. For these channels a two-dimensional model for simulating discharge and water quality has been developed. In computations, discharges and concentrations in groundwater, precipitation, and overland flow are treated separately. With a model option for calculating the effects of land use changes, water quality was calculated for base-line conditions. Mean nitrate concentrations were 1/2 to 1/7 of the actual concentrations, mainly caused by manure inputs. Storm events occasionally give very high concentrations, also under base-line conditions. Therefore base-line conditions for ions cannot be described as a single steady value. 相似文献