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For 22 infrared sources showing the 10-m silicate absorption band, the optical depths, dust temperatures and equivalent widths have been calculated for two assumed simple models.  相似文献   

Recently, an unidentified 3.3-3.4 μm feature found in the solar occultation spectra of the atmosphere of Titan observed by Cassini/VIMS was tentatively attributed to the C-H stretching mode of aliphatic hydrocarbon chains attached to large organic molecules, but without properly extracting the feature from adjacent influences of strong CH4 and weak C2H6 absorptions (Bellucci et al., 2009). In this work, we retrieve the detailed spectral feature using a radiative transfer program including absorption and fluorescent emission of both molecules, as well as absorption and scattering by haze particles. The spectral features of the haze retrieved from the VIMS data at various altitudes are similar to each other, indicating relatively uniform spectral properties of the haze with altitude. However, slight deviations observed near 127 km and above 300 km suggest inhomogeneity at these altitudes. We find that the positions of the major spectral peaks occur at 3.33-3.37 μm, which are somewhat different from the typical 3.3 μm aromatic or 3.4 μm aliphatic C-H stretches usually seen in the spectra of dust particles of the interstellar medium and comets. The peaks, however, coincide with those of the solid state spectra of C2H6, CH4, and CH3CN; and a broad shoulder from 3.37 to 3.50 μm coincides with those of C5H12 and C6H12 as well as those of typical aliphatic C-H stretches. This result combined with high-altitude (∼1000 km) haze formation process recently reported by Waite et al. (2007) opens a new question on the chemical composition of the haze particles. We discuss the possibility that the 3 μm feature may be due to the solid state absorption bands of these molecules (or some other molecules) and we advocate additional laboratory measurements for the ices of hydrocarbon and nitrogen-bearing molecules present in Titan's atmosphere for the identification of this 3 μm feature.  相似文献   

We evaluate the relationship between the hard X-ray photon spectrum and the flux of iron K emission in a thick-target electron bombardment model. Results are presented for various power-law hard X-ray spectra. We then apply these results to two events observed with the Hard X-Ray Burst Spectrometer and the K channel of the X-Ray Polychromator Bent Crystal Spectrometer on the Solar Maximum Mission satellite. For one of the events, on 29 March, 1980, at 09:18 UT, the K flux predicted for a thick-target non-thermal process is significant compared to the background fluorescent component, and the data are indeed consistent with an enhancement of the predicted amount. For the other event, on 14 October, 1980 at 06:09 UT, the hard X-ray spectrum is so steep that no significant Ka flux is predicted for this process, and no enhancement is seen. We conclude that the agreement between the predicted K flux and the observed magnitude of the K enhancement above the fluorescent background at the time of the large hard X-ray bursts lends support to a thick-target non-thermal interpretation of impulsive hard X-ray emission in solar flares.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(6-7):781-785
Amorphous silicate dust grains have been produced in the laboratory by means of laser ablation of solid targets in different ambient atmospheres. In this work we show that, if the condensation occurs in the presence of hydrogen, the spectra of silicate grains, together with the characteristic 10 and 20 μm features, exhibit an absorption band around 4.6 μm. Such features, absent in the spectra of the same silicate grains produced in an oxygen atmosphere, may be attributed to a fundamental stretching vibration of –SiH functional groups bound into the grains or on their surface.Based on the cosmic abundance of the elements, silicates are expected to condense in the atmospheres of oxygen-rich stars where hydrogen is also abundant. This means that –SiH functional groups may be present also in the circumstellar and interstellar silicate dust grains. An absorption feature at 4.6 μm has already been observed in the absorbing dust of several protostellar embedded sources. The observation of a similar feature in comets can give important information on the origin and evolution of cometary material. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The spectra of galactic infrared sources over the waveband 2.5–4 m provide clear evidence for an organic composition of interstellar grains.  相似文献   

Active galactic nuclei(AGNs) can be divided into two major classes, namely radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs. A small subset of the radio-loud AGNs is called blazars, which are believed to be unified with Fanaroff-Riley type Ⅰ/Ⅱ(FRI/Ⅱ) radio galaxies. Following our previous work(Fan et al.), we present a sample of 2400 sources with measured radio flux densities of the core and extended components. The sample contains 250 BL Lacs, 520 quasars, 175 Seyferts, 1178 galaxies, 153 FRI or FRⅡ galaxies and 104 unidentified sources. We then calculate the radio core-dominance parameters and spectral indices, and study their relationship. Our analysis shows that the core-dominance parameters and spectral indices are quite different for different types of sources. We also confirm that the correlation between core-dominance parameter and spectral index exists for a large sample presented in this work.  相似文献   

Active galactic nuclei(AGNs) can be divided into two major classes,namely radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs.A small subset of the radio-loud AGNs is called blazars,which are believed to be unified with Fanaroff-Riley type Ⅰ and type Ⅱ(FRIⅡ) radio galaxies.Following our previous work,we present a latest sample of 966 sources with measured radio flux densities of the core and extended components.The sample includes 83 BL Lacs,473 flat spectrum radio quasars,101 Seyferts,245 galaxies,52 FRIsⅡs and12 unidentified sources.We then calculate the radio core-dominance parameters and spectral indices and study their relationship.Our analysis shows that the core-dominance parameters and spectral indices are quite different for different types of sources.We also confirm that the correlation between core-dominance parameter and radio spectral index extends over all the sources in a large sample presented.  相似文献   

It is shown that Mie theory predictions of extinction for pure water-ice with the optical constant measured at 100 K do not fit in detail the observed ice absorption feature in infrared objects, although we attempt to explain the observations by considering size distribution and shape of the grains.In addition, based on a similarity between the ice band and the absorption band found in carbon stars, we feel it is questionable whether or not the ice band can really be attributed to the interstellar water-ice.  相似文献   

The observational progress in the γ-ray astronomy in the last few years has led to the discovery of more than a thousand sources at GeV energies and more than a hundred sources at TeV energies. A few different classes of compact objects in the Galaxy have been established. They show many unexpected features at high energies the physics of which remains mainly unknown. At present it is clear that detailed investigation of these new phenomena can be performed only with the technical equipment which offer an order of magnitude better sensitivity, and a few times better energy, angular and time resolution in the broad energy range staring from a few tens of GeV up to a few hundreds TeV. Such facilities can be realized by the next generation of instruments such as the planned Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA).The aim of this report is to summarize up to date observational results on the compact galactic sources in the GeV–TeV γ-ray energy range, discuss their theoretical implications, and indicate which hypothesis considered at present might be verified with the next generation of telescopes. We point out which of the observational features of the γ-ray sources are important to investigate with special care with the planned CTA in order to throw new light on physical processes involved. Their knowledge should finally allow us to answer the question on the origin of energetic particles in our Galaxy.  相似文献   

We have computed and studied the mosaic correlation maps of the ILC WMAP microwave background data with the positions of infrared and submillimeter sources. Using the histograms of the signal values in pixels and angular power spectra, we studied the statistical properties of these maps. We discovered similar behavior of a number of harmonics in the maps of correlations with the FSC IRAS, 2MASX and Planck catalog objects. The most prominent multipoles among them, which may reflect the actual distribution of radiation sources are the = 6 for the FSC and Planck data, and = 3 for the Planck source data.  相似文献   

To correctly determine the relative contribution of aerosol to the scattering properties of a gas–aerosol medium in the continuum, we propose a method that allows more reliable values of the imaginary part of the refractive index n i to be obtained for Jupiter’s atmosphere in the short-wavelength spectral range. We considered the measurement data on the spectral values of the geometric albedo of Jupiter acquired in 1993 and used the model of homogeneous spherical aerosol particles. The obtained values of n i are 0.00378, 0.00309, 0.00254, 0.00175, 0.00123, 0.00084, 0.00064, 0.00045, 0.00031, 0.00033, 0.00013, and 0.00008 at wavelengths λ = 320, 350, 375, 400, 420, 450, 470, 500, 520, 550, 606, and 631 nm, respectively.  相似文献   

We use a sample of type 2 active galactic nuclei(AGNs) from SDSS DR7 in which the [O III] λ5007 emission line can be modeled by two Gaussian components,a broad wing plus a narrow core,to investigate the origin of the broad wing and the connection between the velocity shift of the broad wing and the physical parameters of AGNs,as well as their host galaxies. We find that the flux of the wing components is statistically roughly equal to that of the core components. However,the velocity shift of the wing component has only weak,if any,correlations with the physical properties of AGNs and the host galaxies,such as bolometric luminosity,the Eddington ratio,the mass of supermassive black holes,D4000,HδAor stellar mass. Comparing the velocity shift from our type 2 AGN sample to that from the type 1 sample in Zhang et al.,we suggest that the [O III] broad wing originates from outflow.  相似文献   

Simulations of the origin, expansion, and interaction of the first galactic civilizations to arise suggest a chronology of events which have possible implications for the resolution of Fermi's Paradox. These are considered and an “Interdict Hypothesis” is proposed to explain the absence of any obvious signs of extraterrestrial presence in the Solar System.  相似文献   

The technique of probability imaging is applied to the bright, well resolved, infrared binary star Aqr. It is shown how the second probability density function (pdf) contains all pertinent information to reconstruct the binary system with no ambiguity. Relations between the second pdf and other techniques (speckle masking technique and fork algorithm) are briefly indicated. An analysis of the behaviour of the second pdf under additive signal-independent nose is undertaken. As expected from the general theory of signal processing, the second pdf of the noise is found to blur the second pdf of the signal by means of a convolution relation.Based on observations obtained at ESO, La Silla, Chile.  相似文献   

ISOGAL is a survey at 7 and 15 μm with ISOCAM of the inner galactic disk and bulge of our Galaxy. The survey covers ∼ 22 deg2 in selected areas of the centrall = ±30 degree of the inner Galaxy. In this paper, we report the study of a small ISOGAL field in the inner galactic bulge (l = 0°,b = −1°, area = 0.033deg2). Using the multicolor nearinfrared data (IJKs) of DENIS (DEep Near Infrared Southern Sky Survey) and mid-infrared ISOGAL data, we discuss the nature of the ISOGAL sources. The various color-color and color-magnitude diagrams are discussed in the paper. While most of the detected sources are red giants (RGB tip stars), a few of them show an excess in J-Ks and Ks-[15] colors with respect to the red giant sequence. Most of them are probably AGB stars with large mass-loss rates.  相似文献   

The spectral variations of three Mira variable carbon stars, V CrB, T Dra and V Cyg in the infrared are investigated based on ISO SWS data. It is found that either continua or molecular/dust features were variable with time in the infrared for these carbon stars during one and a half year observations. When stars were brighter the infrared continuum spectra became blue while stars were fainter the infrared continuum spectra became red. In addition, during spectral variations there were the correlation between the 3.05 μm HCN+C2H2 and the 5.2 μm C3 molecular band strengths and the anti-correlation between the 3.05 μm HCN+C2H2 molecular band strengths and 13.7 μm C2H2 band strengths while during variations the 11.3 μm SiC dust emission strengths were not clearly changed.  相似文献   

We build a sample of 298 spectroscopically-confirmed galaxies at redshift z - 2, selected in the z850-band from the GOODS-MUSIC catalog. By utilizing the rest frame 8 p.m luminosity as a proxy of the star formation rate (SFR), we check the accuracy of the standard SED-fitting technique, finding it is not accurate enough to provide reliable estimates of the physical parameters of galaxies. We then develop a new SED-fitting method that includes the IR luminosity as a prior and a generalized Calzetti law with a variable Rv. Then we exploit the new method to re-analyze our galaxy sample, and to robustly determine SFRs, stellar masses and ages. We find that there is a general trend of increasing attenuation with the SFR. Moreover, we find that the SFRs range between a few to 103 M~ yr-1, the masses from 109 to 4 ~ 1011 Mo, and the ages from a few tens of Myr to more than 1 Gyr. We discuss how individual age measurements of highly attenuated objects indicate that dust must have formed within a few tens of Myr and already been copious at 〈 100 Myr. In addition, we find that low luminosity galaxies harbor, on average, significantly older stellar populations and are also less massive than brighter ones; we discuss how these findings and the well known 'downsizing' scenario are consistent in a framework where less massive galaxies form first, but their star formation lasts longer. Finally, we find that the near-IR attenuation is not scarce for luminous objects, contrary to what is customarily assumed; we discuss how this affects the interpretation of the observed M,/L ratios.  相似文献   

From the data on bright stars of different spectral and luminosity classes from the 13-color photometry catalog, the selective extinction of light by the interstellar dust has been studied. The stars from the 1000-pc vicinity of the Sun were investigated. In the optical spectral range, the interstellar extinction curves show systematic deviations from the “λ?1” law, which allows one to sort them into three types. The observed curves of the interstellar dust extinction were compared with the theoretical curves calculated from the reflectance spectra of the asteroids under the approximation of the Rayleigh particles. The calculated extinction curves for the surface material of D-type asteroids and the Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite agree rather well with the observed curves of the interstellar extinction of the first type.  相似文献   

A P Cygni profile with absorption at 1.05 μm was observed in three pre-maximum J -band spectra of the Type Ia supernova (SN) 1994D. The feature was not present in two post-maximum spectra. The line was attributed to He I 10830 ... or Mg II 10926 ..., based on a local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) treatment. The detection of He in the ejecta of a SN Ia would be useful for determining the pre-SN evolution and the explosion mechanism of SNe Ia.
In this paper, synthetic spectra are presented for both the He and Mg models. The population of the He levels has been computed in non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE), including non-thermal excitation and ionization effects resulting from the deposition of γ-rays from the decay of 56Ni and 56Co.
The J -band feature in the pre-maximum spectra can be reproduced either assuming the presence of a narrow shell, between 10000 and 12500 km s−1, containing about 0.01 M⊙ of He, or increasing the abundance of Mg by about a factor of 5 with respect to the W7 value, implying a Mg mass of about 0.08 M⊙ above 10000 km s−1. Both models are in good agreement with the optical spectrum. In particular, a strong He I 10830-... line does not imply a strong 5876-... line, because the departure coefficients of the 2p and 2s levels of He I differ by about an order of magnitude.
Unfortunately, neither model is able to reproduce the sudden disappearance of the J -band feature in the post-maximum spectra. Possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

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