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Data for 8 major and 45 trace elements in 6 central North Island andesites and 8 Japanese andesites ofKuno’s hypersthenic series are presented. The andesite compositions are compared with that of average continental crustal material, and differences and similarities are noted. The rare earth abundance patterns are similar to those of well mixed crustal material. Present data for the absolute abundances of Rb, K, Ba, U and Th in particular appear to be too low for derivation of andesitic magma by mixing of average basaltic and granitic material. Implications of the data for the origin of andesite magma and for continental growth are discussed.  相似文献   

Trace metal retention in mangrove ecosystems in Guanabara Bay,SE Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Along contrasting environmental conditions (e.g., degree of trace metal contamination and mangrove forest structural development), sediments of Laguncularia racemosa-dominated mangrove stands in Guanabara Bay (SE Brazil) presented a trend of trace metal accumulation in forms with low potential of remobilization and biotic uptake. Concurrently, a relatively low transfer of sediment-bound metals to L. racemosa leaves was observed, which may moderate the metal export from the forests via leaf litter transport and the metal availability to enter in food chains based on leaf consumption.  相似文献   

The late syntectonic mylonite zone (45–100 m thick) within the dynamothermal aureole of the St. Anthony Complex in northwestern Newfoundland was derived from surrounding quartz and epidote amphibolites by deformation and the nearly isovolumetric metasomatism. Amphibolites have a composition typical of light REE-depleted ocean-floor tholeiites. Mylonites (biotite amphibolites) resemble transitional alkali basalts in major and trace element composition and in the interrelation among relatively immobile elements such as Ti, Zr, Nb, Y and P. Their REE patterns are enriched in light REE and show gradual depletion of heavy REE with La/Yb ratios ranging from 8.4 to 18.4. The results emphasize the need for caution in interpreting the concentration and ratios of any elements in mafic rocks which have been affected by metasomatism in an amphibolite facies shear zone.  相似文献   

Estuarine environments are particularly vulnerable to human impacts. In this study, trace elements in Ruppia megacarpa, Halophila ovalis, sediment and porewater were analysed to assess the potential contamination of the Leschenault Estuary, Western Australia, from a primarily agricultural drain. Sediment concentrations of Cd, Cu, Mn, and Ni and were highest nearest the drain while Al, As, Cr, Fe and Zn and were highest further from the drain. H. ovalis showed greater accumulation of Fe, Al, and As than R. megacarpa. Concentrations of Fe, Al, As, and Ni were generally higher in below-ground plant parts than above, suggesting uptake of these trace elements via the sediment-route pathway. This study suggested that the drain was a source of Cu and Mn, with these elements entering the estuary through water inflows. As and Fe, were highest furthest from the drain suggesting input of trace elements from sources other than the drain under study.  相似文献   

This study provides baseline information on the extent of contamination in sediments of the Jobos Bay estuary and surrounding areas in Puerto Rico. Sediments from Jobos Bay area (n = 14) had higher overall average concentrations than those from La Parguera area (n = 5, used as reference site), in μg/g dw, for As (17 vs 9), Cu (29 vs 14), Pb (11 vs 4), and Zn (64 vs 28); and in %, for Fe (2.6 vs 0.6). Sediments (n = 8) screened for PAHs and PCBs exhibited total concentrations (ng/g dw) that ranged from 40.4 to 1912, and from not detected to 11.21, respectively. The quality of sediments of Jobos Bay could be classified as low to moderate pollution. The proximity to anthropogenic sources of contamination warrants a monitoring program for inorganic and organic pollutants in Jobos Bay area for an effective coastal management program of this tropical ecosystem.  相似文献   

Red snow was found near the ‘Steingletscher’ glacier. It consisted mainly ofChlamydomonas sanguinea Lagerh. The alga material and the melt water were subjected to proton-induced X-ray chemical analyses, and the results were compared with those of similar analyses of red snow from Greenland.  相似文献   

Trace element geochemistry of some continental tholeiites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Continental tholeiites from four regions (Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene Deccan Trap lavas of central India, Early Mesozoic tholeiites from the Atlantic margins of Northwest Africa-Morocco, and northeastern North America-Nova Scotia, Canada and Precambrian Coppermine River basalts from Northwest Territories, Canada) differ from MORB by higher concentrations of K, Rb, Ba and Th and to a lesser degree light REE. Their chondrite-normalized trace element patterns show negative Nb anomalies. The distribution and variation of trace elements indicate that the rocks from all the areas studied were affected by interaction with the continental crust. It is suggested that continental tholeiites have been generated from a similar source as oceanic tholeiites and many of their geochemical differences are related to crustal contamination.  相似文献   

Eight L- and one LL-group chondrites were selected for a major and trace element content study of their metals by instrumental neutron activation techniques. The elements Ni, Co, Fe, Cu, As, Ga, W, Au and Ir were determined. For each meteorite three metallic fractions were analyzed: (1) coarse, >100 mesh; (2) intermediate, 100–200 mesh; (3) fine, <200 mesh. The composition of the metals varies considerably with grain size, as a result of a preferential concentration of kamacite in the coarse and of taenite in the intermediate and fine fractions.A third metallic component, consisting of very fine plessitic inclusions, was observed in chondrules of equilibrated chondrite types 5 and 6. This component is probably responsible for the decrease of Ni, Cu, Ga and Au observed in the fine metallic fractions of the equilibrated chondrite types.W, as well as Ga, increases in the bulk metals with the petrologic type, suggesting that a substantial amount of this element, as already observed for Ga by previous authors, is not in the metal, but in some silicate phases in the lower metamorphic petrologic types 3 and 4.Ir is always concentrated in the fine metallic fractions of all meteorites, independent of petrologic type, suggesting the presence of a fine-grained metallic component enriched in this element.  相似文献   

Natural variation in concentrations of Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in sediments of Cleveland Bay can be modelled by linear regression by using the concentration of Al recovered by strong acid digestion as an independent variable. Samples that exceed the upper 95% prediction interval of regression models are classified as enhanced. Enhancement of trace metals occurs in the intertidal zone and near-shore sediments of western Cleveland Bay, in sites that are characterized by high accumulation rates of fine grained terrigenous sediment. There is a strong positive relationship between increasing enhancement of Cu and Pb and the recovery of these metals by weak HCl digestion, which suggests that for these metals the modelled enhancement is environmentally meaningful. In contrast, at least 60%, and generally greater than 80% of Cd is recovered by weak HCl digestion irrespective of modelled enhancement, and suggests that the statistically modelled enhancement of Cd may be more meaningful than weak HCl soluble concentrations.  相似文献   

Trace element study in Tisa River and Danube alluvial sediment in Serbia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The contaminated sediment serves as a long-term source of toxic elements,since that mobility and transport in the environment of these elements are strongly influenced to associated solid phase.In this study,the modified Tessier sequential extraction procedure was applied for the fractionation of Cd,As,Hg,Cu,Zn,Cr,Pb,Ni and V in the sediments(Tisa River and canal sediments - Danube alluvial formation),to obtain an overall classification of trace element pollution in these areas through its spatial distribution.Investigations of this region are important due to the widespread occurrence of metal mining activities throughout the Tisa and Danube drainage basins and possibilities of contamination with toxic elements at studies localities.Five steps of the sequential extraction procedure partitioned elements into CH3COONH4 extractable(F1),NH2OH·HC carbonate extractable and easily reducible(F2), H2C2O4/(NH42C2O4 moderately reducible(F3),H2O2-HNO3 organic extractable(F4),and HCl acid soluble residue (F5).Analyses of the extracts were performed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry.To indicate the degree of risk of toxic elements,risk assessment code and contamination factor have been used.The results of partitioning study indicate that more easily mobilized forms(metals in adsorbed/exchangeable/carbonate forms or bound to amorphous Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides and Fe and Mn oxides) were predominant for copper,zinc,cadmium and lead,which can be used as indicators for input from anthropogenic source.In contrast,the largest amount of chromium and nickel were associated with the inert fraction,which reduced their solubility and rendered them immobile under natural conditions and indicative of natural origins.Most of remaining portion of metals was bound to ferromanganese oxides fraction.It is concluded that sequential extraction results proved useful to distinguish between anthropogenic and geochemical sources of elements in the sediments.  相似文献   

Fish otoliths could serve as storage sites of certain elements of biological and/or radioecological importance.The elements caesium, cobalt, iron, selenium and silver have been determined in otoliths of the pelagic fish Scomber japonicus colias collected from three sampling areas of the Aegean Sea, by neutron activation analysis and γ-spectroscopy.The distribution pattern of the elemental composition of the otoliths has been correlated with biometrical variables. It has been found that in general the content of the studied elements decreases with increasing age.  相似文献   

During the GEOSECS-II test cruise a profile of 25 large volume water samples were collected, filtered and stored in the acidified condition. Two laboratories have together determined Fe, Cu, Zn, Co, Sb, Cs and U in these samples. Both laboratories determined Zn and the correlation is good; Zn, Fe and Cu show a maximum in the North Atlantic Deep Water, Cs and U are essentially conservative and Sb show variability within the uncertainty of the technique. Sc is more abundant in deep water than surface water in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.  相似文献   

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