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陈之毅  赵耀 《工程地质学报》2019,27(s1):104-109
地震发生时,活动断层错动常常会导致上覆土层的变形破裂,进而对土层中的隧道结构造成严重破坏。本文运用有限元方法模拟60°活动逆断层错动下的覆土-隧道体系的破坏过程,探究隧道结构响应规律。结果表明,对于下盘隧道,靠近断裂带时承受巨大的弯矩和剪力,当隧道与断层保持一定安全距离后,所受弯矩、剪力迅速减小。为了保证使用安全,下盘隧道需要与断层保持30 m以上的安全距离。对于上盘隧道,在断层错动下受到很小的弯矩、剪力,但是会产生很大的位移。进一步研究揭示了土层参数(弹性模量、剪胀角)对隧道响应的影响。对于弹性模量取值较大的土层,土层发生贯通破裂时的断层错动量较小,隧道承受较小的峰值荷载。对于剪胀角取值较大的土层,破裂带倾角较小,隧道承受较大的峰值荷载。  相似文献   

黄辉 《工程地质学报》2016,24(6):1255-1261
基岩逆断层错动引起上覆土体变形会导致地表及地下建筑的破坏,相应的变形预测模型仍较为缺乏,相关因素的影响规律尚未掌握。本文通过补余误差方程来表征逆断层错动引起的上覆土体变形,建立可预测不排水条件下上覆土体的变形理论计算模型,并通过离心机实验数据、数值模拟数据加以验证。对比分析结果表明,补余误差方程能表征基岩逆断层错动所引起的地表及地表以下土体变形。参数分析结果表明:基岩错动量的幅值对地表不均匀隆起区域范围的影响并不显著;形状参数的增加会使得地表不均匀隆起区域趋向集中;断层倾角的增加会使得地表不均匀隆起区域向断层上盘一侧偏移。  相似文献   

活动断层与地球物理方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
活动断层是诱发地震的主要原因,也是破坏城市建筑设施的主要因素。对活动断层进行探测并评价其危害性具有重要意义。在论述活动断层的特征及探测阶段的基础上,结合实例探讨了利用地球物理方法探测第四纪覆盖下的活动断层。实践表明,重磁方法和直流联合剖面法能直观地确定断层的地表位置;高密度电法、电磁法、浅层地震、地质雷达、井间层析成像、放射性方法等能提供断层的形态特征、近地表的活动规律,还能为活动断层的分段性研究提供依据。这对我国即将开展的大城市活动断层探测和评价工作具有指导作用。  相似文献   

活动断层研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
地震发生在活动断层上,而断层活动并非都一定发震,为进行地震危险性分析,确定未来可能发生地震的地段和强度,因此把活动断层分成地震破裂段进行研究,分析断层活动在时间上、空间上的不均匀性是十分重要的。  相似文献   

在地质调查的基础上,初步厘定了清江下游主要活动断层的现今几何轨迹结构,并从几何形态、结构特性和现今活动性三方面对其进行自然段划分;进而利用分形分维分析,估算活动断层不同区段轨迹结构的分维值。计算结果表明:每一个断层段具有一个特征性的分维值,轨迹结构越复杂,分维值越高,现今活动性越强;其中,仙女山断层带中段分维值最高, D= 1257,而松园坪断层北段最低, D= 1018。结合地震活动分析发现:仙女山断层带是清江下游现今活动最强的活动断裂;仙女山断层带的中小地震活动,具有间歇式 分段振荡迁移的特性;时间上地震活动期为1~5a,相对平静期为10a 左右;空间上地震活动从南段开始,振荡迁移到北段,然后又向中段迁移,目前地震活动似乎正在向中南段边界迁移;并且,中南段断裂轨迹结构比北段复杂,分维值也高,地震活动强度相对较大,因此,未来仙女山断层带可能发生的中强地震( Ms= 50 级左右)将主要集中于中南段,而不是北段。  相似文献   

东昆仑断裂是青藏高原北部现今仍在强烈活动的左旋走滑地震断裂之一,该断裂的未来地震活动及其突发性粘滑错动是青藏铁路面临的重大工程地质问题.本文基于断裂几何学和运动学特征,通过加入8m的水平左旋位移,模拟了东昆仑断裂未来地震活动震中位于铁路线附近时铁路变形效应.结果表明,震中位于铁路线附近时,基岩整体移动,而第四纪松散层和道床则发生了变形,靠近断裂带附近的第四系自下而上水平位移明显减小,而铁轨和道床没有明显的断错,表现为长度约为25m的连续左旋弯曲变形;在铁路东、西两侧形成NE向的张裂陷和NW向的地震鼓包.在断裂带附近,铁轨发生了严重扭曲,铁轨应力自断裂带向两侧逐渐降低,而且铁轨的最大剪应力平面与铁轨的延伸方向垂直,因而在地震影响下,铁轨最有可能发生的破坏是剪切性的,并提出加宽路基、置换土层等工程防治措施.  相似文献   

黄土高原的泥流灾害与人类活动   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对黄土高原泥流特征的研究,查明区内泥流主要分布在黄河谷地两岸及其主要支流流域,泥流对居民点、工厂、矿山、公路、铁路以及农业生产不仅带来不少麻烦,而且造成很大危害。人们筑路修渠、采矿建厂及不合理的堆放废渣、毁林毁草等加剧了泥流的发展,近年来,黄土高原泥流发生的频次日渐同,应从保护植被、稳固坡体、植树种草、挡排导及严禁乱弃废渣土石待方面加强对人为泥流的预防和治理。  相似文献   

墨宏山 《工程地质学报》2002,10(S1):108-112,116
考虑了导致断层泥测年结果不确定性中涉及断层泥样品自身的各种因素,分析了这些因素所产生的不确定性的可能结果,并探讨了断层泥测年结果的年代意义及其在活动断层研究中的应用.断层泥测年结果可以视作断层最新活动年龄的高限,即断层最新活动的年龄要新于测年结果.断层泥测年结果可以用来判定断层是活动断层,但不能用来判断断层是非活动断层,更不能用来判断以蠕滑活动为主的断层或断层段为非活动断层.不同断层或断层段断层泥测年结果的差异相对于其反映断层最新活动的先后,可能更反映了断层活动强度的高低.  相似文献   

根据1:10000条带状地质填图所获资料,分析了育王山山前断层的几何结构和新活动时代.断层北起岙张水库大坝东北,向南经河头蕉-竺家-陈家-钱家-俞家-王家一线以西,止于詹家西南,由2条次级段呈羽列式展布,北段为岙张水库-红岩水库段,南段为红岩水库东南-詹家段.剖面上断层地貌显示清楚,西侧为侏罗系构成的育王山低山,东侧为大楔盆地.各条断层皆由多个断面构成宽几米~几十米的断层带.根据探槽、天然剖面特征和OSL、ESR样品年龄测试结果综合分析,断层至少有两期活动,早期活动性质为逆断层,时间为早更新世,晚期活动性质为右旋走滑兼正断或逆断层,时间为中更新世,最新活动时代为中更新世晚期.通过探槽揭露,确定育王山山前洪积扇陡坎是人类活动造成,而非断层陡坎.  相似文献   

Analysis of vertical crustal deformation data in the southwestern part of Shikoku, southwest Japan, suggests that the Nankaido earthquake of 1946 (Mw = 8.1), which is a principal interplate thrust earthquake, was accompanied by subsidiary faulting on a splay fault adjacent to the coast of Shikoku. Discarding crustal movement resulting from the main thrusting of the Nankaido earthquake, local leveling data are explained by slip on a simple rectangular thrust fault located just offshore of Shikoku. Although it is difficult to constrain the fault location, a possible result is a high-angle thrust dipping landward at an angle of about 70°, with a dislocation of about 1.5 m, and source dimensions of 30 × 13 km along strike and dip. respectively. This result indicates that the fault may be one of the steeply dipping subsidiary faults branching from the main low-angle thrust, as was the case in the Alaska earthquake of 1964. Although several lines of evidence suggest that this faulting occurred as slow aseismic slip, its discrimination from the main seismic event is extremely difficult. This kind of high-angle thrusting just offshore of the coast would play an important role for the formation of the marine terraces during the late Quaternary period.  相似文献   

Since November 14, 1981 earthquake (ML 5.6), about 60 km southwest of Aswan High Dam, the seismic hazard raised and the Aswan Local Seismic Network (ALSN) has recorded and precisely monitored the seismic activity in the vicinity of the High Dam. The major source of seismic activity in this region is the active Kalabsha Fault Zone (KFZ). The focal mechanism solutions indicate that two nodal planes strike E to ENE, with subordinate right-lateral strike-slip component and N to NNW, with left-lateral movement. The directions of tectonic extension (T) and compression (P) are NNE-SSW and NNW-SSE, respectively. Structural investigations and application of the Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) technique reveal ongoing activity on the KFZ. Kinematic evolution of the KFZ implies faulting events with a strong movement intervened with periods of severe crushing, grinding, and even pulverization. Such tectonic processes have resulted in fault-breccia and fault-gouge. Results obtained from the present study indicate that the KFZ is not a single transcurrent wrench fault with dextral sense of movement but, instead, it represents a major dextral transtensional shear or fault zone deforming southern Egypt and plays a significant role in the structural shaping of the area to the west of Nasser Lake. Furthermore, the activity on the KFZ is most probably controlling the seismic cycle in the area. Topographic expression of KFZ is evidently realized at Sinn El-Kaddab scarp, as well as at Gebel Marawa. Frequent surface rupturing and newly recorded strong seismic activity advocate faulting reactivation supported by the EMR data, which suggest an active fault system oriented ENE-WSW and NNW-SSE affecting the KFZ, with a maximum horizontal stress (σ1) perturbing between ENE and NNW directions.  相似文献   

Overburden soil beds situated above a fault are often deformed by propagation of bedrock thrusting from the fault during large earthquake. The deformed beds formed a triangular shear zone. This coseismic faulting often causes damage to underground tunnels located in the shear zone. The present research studies the deformation behavior of the overburden soil beds and the tunnel, the associated mechanism and the impact on the safety of tunnel linings induced by a large blind thrust slip. Based on sandbox experimental and numerical studies, it is found that results from numerical analysis are in agreement with the sandbox model tests with regard to growths of the shear zones within the soil beds, location of the tunnel in this shear zone and deformations of the tunnel. The potential major shear zone may be bent or bifurcated into two sub-shear zones owing to existence of a tunnel inside the shear zone. Furthermore, the occurrence of back-thrust faulting will threaten the safety of nearby structures. It was also identified that stiffness of the soil and the fault dip angles are among the major factors controlling the configuration of shear zones, the stresses within the soil, and the loads on tunnel linings. Based on the identified mechanisms, the strategies for hazard prevention are accordingly suggested and discussed.  相似文献   

In order to understand the fault zone architecture and mechanisms that caused the Chi-Chi earthquake, the Chelungpu drilling project was conducted during April 2000 through a collaborative project between Japan and Taiwan. In this study, chemical and mineralogical variations within the overall Chelungpu fault zone, including variations between less damaged host rocks, damaged zones, and fault cores caused by the Chi-Chi earthquake were examined. Slopes of TiO2 immobile isocons were consistently > 1 for analyses comparing host rocks with rocks from damaged zones or with gouges from fault cores, indicating that volume loss occurred in damaged zones and the fault cores. These results strongly imply that pervasive fluid infiltration occurred within the fault zone. Volume loss within the damaged zone and fault core is interpreted to result from a two-stage process involving: (i) coseismic mechanical wearing and/or dissolution in the fault core, and (ii) fluid infiltration within the fault zone during postseismic and interseismic periods along cracks caused by seismic failure. Semi-quantitative XRD analysis indicates that the kaolinite content consistently increases from the less damaged host rocks to the damaged zone and gouges in each fault core. Mineralogic changes indicate that pervasive acidic fluid infiltration occurred within the fault zones and reacted with the feldspars or muscovite to form kaolinite. Enrichment of kaolinite and illite found in the fault zones of southern drilling site could play some role on the slipping behavior of the southern part of the Chelungpu fault. Greater volume loss in the fault core may have resulted from moderate permeability, combined with the very fine grain nature of pulverized material in the fault core, which enhanced chemical reactions including transformation of feldspars and muscovite to clay minerals. The study results indicate that pervasive fluid infiltration occurred and changed the mineralogical and chemical architecture of fault zones caused by the cyclic earthquakes.  相似文献   

This paper describes a soil‐structure coupling method to simulate blast loading in soil and structure response. For the last decade, simulation of soil behavior under blast loading and its interaction with semi buried structure in soil becomes the focus of computational engineering in civil and mechanical engineering communities. In current design practice, soil‐structure interaction analysis often assumes linear elastic properties of the soil and uses small displacement theory. However, there are numerous problems, which require a more advanced approach that account for soil‐structure interaction and appropriate constitutive models for soil. In simplified approaches, the effect of soil on structure is considered using spring‐dashpot‐mass system, and the blast loading is modeled using linearly decaying pressure–time history based on equivalent trinitrotoluene and standoff distance, using ConWep, a computer program based on semi‐empirical equations. This strategy is very efficient from a CPU time computing point of view but may not provide accurate results for the dynamic response of the structure, because of its significant limitations, mainly when soil behavior is strongly nonlinear and when the buried charge is close to the structure. In this paper, both soil and explosive are modeled using solid elements with a constitutive material law for soil, and a Jones–Wilkins–Lee equation of state for explosive. One of the problems we have encountered when solving fluid structure interaction problems is the high mesh distortion at the contact interface because of high fluid nodal displacements and velocities. Similar problems have been encountered in soil structure interaction problems. To prevent high mesh distortion for soil, a new coupling algorithm is performed at the soil structure interface for structure loading. The coupling method is commonly used for fluid structure interaction problems in automotive and aerospace industry for fuel sloshing tank, and bird impact problems, but rarely used for soil structure interaction problems, where Lagrangian contact type algorithms are still dominant. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The principal structures of the Lower Palaeozoic rocks of Angelsey are described. Tight folding, with variably developed slaty cleavage and a first phase of reverse faulting, took place probably in late Silurian times, along axes which are parallel to pre-Cambrian foliation trends. A second phase of reverse faulting followed basic dyke intrusion and was succeeded by normal faulting and mineralization. Joint production was a comparatively late feature. A technique for analysing fault data, in terms of stress axes, is outlined and applied to faulting within the Lower Palaeozoic rocks.  相似文献   

Activation of major faults in Bulgaria and northern Greece presents significant seismic hazard because of their proximity to populated centers. The long recurrence intervals, of the order of several hundred years as suggested by previous investigations, imply that the twentieth century activation along the southern boundary of the sub-Balkan graben system, is probably associated with stress transfer among neighbouring faults or fault segments. Fault interaction is investigated through elastic stress transfer among strong main shocks (M ≥ 6.0), and in three cases their foreshocks, which ruptured distinct or adjacent normal fault segments. We compute stress perturbations caused by earthquake dislocations in a homogeneous half-space. The stress change calculations were performed for faults of strike, dip, and rake appropriate to the strong events. We explore the interaction between normal faults in the study area by resolving changes of Coulomb failure function (ΔCFF) since 1904 and hence the evolution of the stress field in the area during the last 100 years. Coulomb stress changes were calculated assuming that earthquakes can be modeled as static dislocations in an elastic half-space, and taking into account both the coseismic slip in strong earthquakes and the slow tectonic stress buildup associated with major fault segments. We evaluate if these stress changes brought a given strong earthquake closer to, or sent it farther from, failure. Our modeling results show that the generation of each strong event enhanced the Coulomb stress on along-strike neighbors and reduced the stress on parallel normal faults. We extend the stress calculations up to present and provide an assessment for future seismic hazard by identifying possible sites of impending strong earthquakes.  相似文献   

A coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical computational modeling of actual field tests, which had been conducted on an end bearing heat exchanger pile, has been carried out. Results of a conventional triaxial test program, which was performed during the site investigation, indicated that two soil layers were anisotropic. A simplified form of a transverse isotropy was used to model the response of these layers. Additional analyses were carried out for completely isotropic soil layers. Comparisons between the measurements obtained during the field testing and predictions of the computational models showed a very good to excellent agreement. Overall the anisotropic model performed better than the isotropic model.  相似文献   

通过建立框架结构-十字交叉条形基础-地基共同作用的三维力学模型,用大型有限元程序ANSYS模拟分析了土层结构和基础断面型式等因素的变化对共同作用的影响。  相似文献   

运用快速拉格朗日元(FLAC3D)数值法,考虑土钉的加固作用及土钉与土体的相互作用,模拟土钉支护施工过程.选择能够反映开挖特点的土的本构关系、开挖支护模拟过程及双弹簧土钉单元,建立数值分析模型.分析了基底、基坑壁土体的变形响应及土钉在开挖、使用阶段的力学响应.结果表明:①开挖引起基坑壁变形,并导致拉伸与剪切破坏;对于拉伸破坏,应使土钉长度超过滑移面;对于剪切破坏,可增大土钉在剪出口位置的密度;②开挖完毕后,各层土钉轴力沿长度方向的分布不均匀,土钉轴力最大值位置可表征潜在滑动面的位置.FLAC3D能够对基坑分步开挖及支护进行模拟,建立的数值模型能够反映土钉支护基坑的真实情况,为基坑土钉支护技术的设计与施工提供指导.  相似文献   

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