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Summary The dominant amphibolite-facies Variscan event in the Austroalpine Ötztal basement can best be studied in the northwestern part of the Ötztal block. Further to the southeast it is overprinted by Alpine metamorphism. Metapelites with the assemblage garnet-staurolite-kyanite-sillimanite±andalusite-biotite-muscovite-plagioclase were used to reconstruct pressure and temperature conditions with exchange thermometry, net transfer equilibria and multi-equilibrium methods. Assuming kyanite as equilibrium Al2SiO5 polymorph, conditions of 570–640°C and 5.8–7.5kbar are derived using garnet rim compositions. Typical nonequilibrium textures are (1) continuous chemical zoning of garnets, (2) inclusions of kyanite and fibrolite in andalusite porphyroblasts and (3) the spectacular replacement of garnet by fibrolite and biotite. The latter two textures were used to decipher the retrograde part of the P-T path. Application of the differential thermodynamics approach (Gibbs method) indicates prograde garnet growth during pressure release. Addition of CaO to the KFASH-system allows the garnet breakdown within the staurolite stability field and its quantification, using the quartz-garnet-aluminosilicate-muscovite geothermobarometer, revealed temperatures of 530–630°C and 3.5–5.7kbar. Andalusite formation is thought to constrain the final stage of the P-T path. Textural and chemical data clearly indicate a continuous pre-Alpine metamorphic evolution.
Geothermobarometrie in Al2SiO5 führenden Metapeliten des westlichen Ötztal Kristallins
Zusammenfassung Die dominierende variszische Metamorphose im ostalpinen Ötztal Kristallin kann aufgrund der Zunahme der alpidischen Überprägung nach Südosten am besten im nordwestlichen Teil des Ötztal Kristallins untersucht werden. Die Metamorphosebedingungen wurden in den Metapeliten anhand der Paragenese Granat-Staurolith-Kyanit-Sillimanit±Andalusit-Biotit-Muskovit-Plagioklas mit Hilfe von Kationenaustauschthermometrie, kontinuierlichen Mineralreaktionen und der Berechnung aller formulierbaren Mineral-Gleichgewichte durchgeführt. Mit der Annahme von Kyanit als Teil der Gleichgewichtsparagenese wurden Temperaturen von 570–640°C und Drucke von 5.8–7.5kbar für die Granatränder ermittelt. Folgende Ungleichgewichtsphänomene wurden zur Belegung des Metamorphosepfades herangezogen: (1) Kontinuierlicher Granatzonarbau (2) Andalusitporphyroblasten mit Kyanit-und Fibrolitheinschlüssen und (3) die Reaktion von Granat zu Biotit und Fibrolith Pseudomorphosen. Die Anwendung der Gibbs-Methode lässt Rückschlüsse auf ein progrades Granatwachstum bei fallenden Drücken und steigenden Temperaturen zu. Die Erweiterung des KFASH-Systems mit CaO ermöglicht den Granatzerfall noch im Stabilitätsfeld von Staurolith und die Anwendung des Granat-Muskovit-Aluminiumsilikat-Quarz Geothermobarometers belegt den Granatzerfall bei 530–630°C und 3.5–5.7kbar. Die Andalusitkristallisation wird als letztes Stadium des Druck-Temperatur Pfades angenommen. Texturelle und chemische Untersuchungen lassen den Schluss auf eine einphasige variszische Metamorphose zu.

With 9 Figures  相似文献   

Abstract Fluid evolution paths in the COHN system can be calculated for metamorphic rocks if there are relevant data regarding the mineral assemblages present, and regarding the oxidation and nitrodation states throughout the entire P-T loop. The compositions of fluid inclusions observed in granulitic rocks from Rogaland (south-west Norway) are compared with theoretical fluid compositions and molar volumes. The fluid parameters are calculated using a P-T path based on mineral assemblages, which are represented by rocks within the pigeonite-in isograd and by rocks near the orthopyroxene-in isograd surrounding an intrusive anorthosite massif. The oxygen and nitrogen fugacities are assumed to be buffered by the coexisting Fe-Ti oxides and Cr-carlsbergite, respectively. Many features of the natural fluid inclusions, including (1) the occurrence of CO2-N2-rich graphite-absent fluid inclusions near peak M2 metamorphic conditions (927° C and 400 MPa), (2) the non-existence of intermediate ternary CO2-CH4-N2 compositions and (3) the low-molar-volume CO2-rich fluid inclusions (36–42 cm3 mol?1), are reproduced in the calculated fluid system. The observed CO2-CH4-rich inclusions with minor N2 (5 mol%) should also include a large proportion of H2O according to the calculations. The absence of H2O from these natural high-molar-volume CO2-CH4-rich inclusions and the occurrence of natural CH4-N2-rich inclusions are both assumed to result from preferential leakage of H2O. This has been previously experimentally demonstrated for H2O-CO2-rich fluid inclusions, and has also been theoretically predicted. Fluid-deficient conditions may explain the relatively high molar volumes, but cannot be used to explain the occurrence of CH4-N2-rich inclusions and the absence of H2O.  相似文献   

Iron- and vanadium-bearing kyanites have been synthesized at 900 and 1100° C/20 kb in a piston-cylinder apparatus using Mn2O3/Mn3O4- and MnO/Mn-mixtures, respectively, as oxygen buffers. Solid solubility on the pseudobinary section Al2SiO5-Fe2SiO5(-V2SiO5) of the system Al2O3-Fe2O3(V2O3)-SiO2 extends up to 6.5 mole% (14mole %) of the theoretical end member FeSiO5(V2SiO5) at 900°C/20 kb. For bulk compositions with higher Fe2SiO5 (V2SiO5) contents the corundum type phases M2O3(M = Fe3+, V3+) are found to coexist with the Fe3+(V3+)-saturated kyanite solid solution plus quartz. The extent of solid solubility on the join Al2SiO5-Fe2SiO5 at 1 100°C was not found to be significantly higher than at 900° C. Microprobe analyses of iron bearing kyanites gave no significant indication of ternary solid solubility in these mixed crystals. Lattice constants a 0, b 0, c 0, and V0 of the kyanite solid solutions increase with increasing Fe2SiO5- and V2SiO5-contents proportionally to the ionic radii of Fe3+ and V3+, respectively, the triclinic angles ,, remain constant. Iron kyanites are light yellowish-green, vanadium kyanites are light green. Iron kyanites, (Al1.87 Fe 0.13 3+ )SiO5, were obtained as crystals up to 700 m in length.  相似文献   

流体是地球各圈层之间相互作用的纽带,在成岩、成矿过程中起着十分重要的作用。目前,流体的研究主要集中在流体对先存矿物岩石进行的交代作用方面,而对流体直接结晶形成的矿物领域研究较少。文中根据作者近几年的研究成果对从流体直接结晶而成的矿物——流体晶以及流体晶矿物组合、流体岩等的定义、特征进行了归纳总结。最新的研究结果显示:岩浆中可以含有大量的流体,这些流体来源既可以是岩浆演化富集、岩浆与围岩相互作用产生,亦可以是外部来源。因此,流体晶矿物、流体岩在自然界应该是普遍存在的。流体晶矿物的提出将深化人们对地质过程的理解,发展岩石学及矿床学的研究新领域,有利于矿床勘探和成矿预测。  相似文献   

The distribution and textural features of staurolite–Al2SiO5 mineral assemblages do not agree with predictions of current equilibrium phase diagrams. In contrast to abundant examples of Barrovian staurolite–kyanite–sillimanite sequences and Buchan‐type staurolite–andalusite–sillimanite sequences, there are few examples of staurolite–sillimanite sequences with neither kyanite nor andalusite anywhere in the sequence, despite the wide (~2.5 kbar) pressure interval in which they are predicted. Textural features of staurolite–kyanite or staurolite–andalusite mineral assemblages commonly imply no reaction relationship between the two minerals, at odds with the predicted first development (in a prograde sense) of kyanite or andalusite at the expense of staurolite in current phase diagrams. In a number of prograde sequences, the incoming of staurolite and either kyanite, in Barrovian sequences, or andalusite, in Buchan‐type sequences, is coincident or nearly so, rather than kyanite or andalusite developing upgrade of a significant staurolite zone as predicted. The width of zones of coexisting staurolite and either kyanite, in Barrovian sequences, or andalusite, in Buchan‐type sequences, is much wider than predicted in equilibrium phase diagrams, and staurolite commonly persists upgrade until its demise in the sillimanite zone. We argue that disequilibrium processes provide the best explanation for these mismatches. We suggest that kyanite (or andalusite) may develop independently and approximately contemporaneously with staurolite by metastable chlorite‐consuming reactions that occur at lower P–T conditions than the thermodynamically predicted staurolite‐to‐kyanite/andalusite reaction, a process that involves only modest overstepping (<15°C) of the stable chlorite‐to‐staurolite reaction and which is favoured, in the case of kyanite, by advantageous nucleation kinetics. If so, the pressure difference between Barrovian kyanite‐bearing sequences and Buchan andalusite‐bearing sequences could be ~1 kbar or less, in better agreement with the natural record. The unusual width of coexistence of staurolite and Al2SiO5 minerals, in particular kyanite and andalusite, can be accounted for by a combination of lack of thermodynamic driving force for conversion of staurolite to kyanite or andalusite, sluggish dissolution of staurolite, and possibly the absence of a fluid phase to catalyse reaction. This study represents an example of how kinetic controls on metamorphic mineral assemblage development have to be considered in regional as well as contact metamorphism.  相似文献   

The unit-cell dimensions and crystal structure of sillimanite at various pressures up to 5.29 GPa have been refined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. As pressure increases, a and b decrease linearly, whereas c decreases nonlinearly with a slightly positive curvature. The axial compression ratios at room pressure are βabc=1.22:1.63:1.00. Sillimanite exhibits the least compressibility along c, but the least thermal expansivity along a (Skinner et al. 1961; Winter and Ghose 1979). The bulk modulus of sillimanite is 171(1) GPa with K′=4 (3), larger than that of andalusite (151 GPa), but smaller than that of kyanite (193 GPa). The bulk moduli of the [Al1O6], [Al2O4], and [SiO4] polyhedra are 162(8), 269(33), and 367(89) GPa, respectively. Comparison of high-pressure data for Al2SiO5 polymorphs reveals that the [SiO4] tetrahedra are the most rigid units in all these polymorphic structures, whereas the [AlO6] octahedra are most compressible. Furthermore, [AlO6] octahedral compressibilities decrease from kyanite to sillimanite, to andalusite, the same order as their bulk moduli, suggesting that [AlO6] octahedra control the compression of the Al2SiO5 polymorphs. The compression of the [Al1O6] octahedron in sillimanite is anisotropic with the longest Al1-OD bond shortening by ~1.9% between room pressure and 5.29 GPa and the shortest Al1-OB bond by only 0.3%. The compression anisotropy of sillimanite is primarily a consequence of its topological anisotropy, coupled with the compression anisotropy of the Al-O bonds within the [Al1O6] octahedron.  相似文献   

The Sullivan Pb-Zn-Ag massive sulphide deposit in southeastern British Columbia occurs within middle Proterozoic argillite, siltstone and quartz wacke of the Purcell Group. Rock samples were collected from the hangingwall and footwall of the eastern section of the mine and from outcrop up to 50 km from the Sullivan deposit. The samples were analyzed for Cu, Pb, Zn, S, Mn, Ba, Fe, K, Ca, Na and specific conductance. A stepwise discriminant analysis applied to the analytical data determined the group of variables that differentiate between hangingwall, footwall and outcrop or “Background” samples. Hangingwall and footwall rock samples were most effectively discriminated from “background” rock samples on the basis of specific conductance with Cu, Pb, S, Na, and Ba selected as less efficient discriminators. The variables that discriminate hangingwall from footwall rock samples are Cu, Zn and S. The selection of the discriminating variables in each case can be explained in terms of the chemical changes that occur as a result of host rock alteration and sulphide deposition during the mineralizing event at the Sullivan deposit.Stepwise discriminant analysis was used to reduce a number of potential pathfinder variables to an optimum group of pathfinder variables. These optimum pathfinders represent the variables that most effectively differentiate the host rocks of the Sullivan deposit from rocks outside of the mineralized zone that apparently do not contain massive sulphide mineralization.  相似文献   

The enthalpy of drop-solution in molten 2PbO·B2O3 of synthetic and natural lawsonite, CaAl2(Si2O7)(OH)2·H2O, was measured by high-temperature oxide melt calorimetry. The enthalpy of formation determined for the synthetic material is (fHOxides=-168.7Dž.4 kJ mol-1, or (fH0298=-4,872.5dž.0 kJ mol-1. These values are in reasonable agreement with previously published data, although previous calorimetric work yielded slightly more exothermic data and optimisation methods resulted in slightly less exothermic values. The equilibrium conditions for the dehydration of lawsonite to zoisite, kyanite and quartz/coesite at pressures and temperatures up to 5 GPa and 850 °C were determined by piston cylinder experiments. These results, other recent phase equilibrium data, and new calorimetric and thermophysical data for lawsonite and zoisite, Ca2Al3(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH), were used to constrain a mathematical programming analysis of the thermodynamic data for these two minerals in the chemical system CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (CASH). The following data for lawsonite and zoisite were obtained: (fH0298 (lawsonite)=-4,865.68 kJ mol-1 , S0298 (lawsonite)=229.27 J K-1 mol-1 , (fH0298 (zoisite)=-6,888.99 kJ mol-1 , S0298 (zoisite)=297.71 J K-1 mol-1 . Additionally, a recalculation of the bulk modulus of lawsonite yielded K=120.7 GPa, which is in good agreement with recent experimental work.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in granite quartz and three generations of veins indicate that three fluids have affected the Caledonian Galway Granite. These fluids were examined by petrography, microthermometry, chlorite thermometry, fluid chemistry and stable isotope studies. The earliest fluid was a H2O-CO2-NaCl fluid of moderate salinity (4–10 wt% NaCl eq.) that deposited late-magmatic molybdenite mineralised quartz veins (V1) and formed the earliest secondary inclusions in granite quartz. This fluid is more abundant in the west of the batholith, corresponding to a decrease in emplacement depth. Within veins, and to the east, this fluid was trapped homogeneously, but in granite quartz in the west it unmixed at 305–390 °C and 0.7–1.8 kbar. Homogeneous quartz δ18O across the batholith (9.5 ± 0.4‰n = 12) suggests V1 precipitation at high temperatures (perhaps 600 °C) and pressures (1–3 kbar) from magmatic fluids. Microthermometric data for V1 indicate lower temperatures, suggesting inclusion volumes re-equilibrated during cooling. The second fluid was a H2O-NaCl-KCl, low-moderate salinity (0–10 wt% NaCl eq.), moderate temperature (270–340 °C), high δD (−18 ± 2‰), low δ18O (0.5–2.0‰) fluid of meteoric origin. This fluid penetrated the batholith via quartz veins (V2) which infill faults active during post-consolidation uplift of the batholith. It forms the most common inclusion type in granite quartz throughout the batholith and is responsible for widespread retrograde alteration involving chloritization of biotite and hornblende, sericitization and saussuritization of plagioclase, and reddening of K-feldspar. The salinity was generated by fluid-rock interactions within the granite. Within granite quartz this fluid was trapped at 0.5–2.3 kbar, having become overpressured. This fluid probably infiltrated the Granite in a meteoric-convection system during cooling after intrusion, but a later age cannot be ruled out. The final fluid to enter the Granite and its host rocks was a H2O-NaCl-CaCl2-KCl fluid with variable salinity (8–28 wt% NaCl eq.), temperature (125–205 °C), δD (−17 to −45‰), δ18O (−3 to + 1.2‰), δ13CCO2 (−19 to 0‰) and δ34Ssulphate (13–23‰) that deposited veins containing quartz, fluorite, calcite, barite, galena, chalcopyrite sphalerite and pyrite (V3). Correlations of salinity, temperature, δD and δ18O are interpreted as the result of mixing of two fluid end-members, one a high-δD (−17 to −8‰), moderate-δ18O (1.2–2.5‰), high-δ13CCO2 (> −4‰), low-δ34Ssulphate (13‰), high-temperature (205–230 °C), moderate-salinity (8–12 wt% NaCl eq.) fluid, the other a low-δD (−61 to −45‰), low-δ18O (−5.4 to −3‰), low-δ13C (<−10‰), high-δ34Ssulphate (20–23‰) low-temperature (80–125 °C), high-salinity (21–28 wt% NaCl eq.) fluid. Geochronological evidence suggests V3 veins are late Triassic; the high-δD end-member is interpreted as a contemporaneous surface fluid, probably mixed meteoric water and evaporated seawater and/or dissolved evaporites, whereas the low-δD end-member is interpreted as a basinal brine derived from the adjacent Carboniferous sequence. This study demonstrates that the Galway Granite was a locus for repeated fluid events for a variety of reasons; from expulsion of magmatic fluids during the final stages of crystallisation, through a meteoric convection system, probably driven by waning magmatic heat, to much later mineralisation, concentrated in its vicinity due to thermal, tectonic and compositional properties of granite batholiths which encourage mineralisation long after magmatic heat has abated. Received: 3 April 1996 / Accepted: 5 May 1997  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the main petrogenetic models for granitic pegmatites and how these models have evolved over time. We suggest that the present state of knowledge requires that some aspects of these models to be modified, or absorbed into newer ones. Pegmatite formation and internal evolution have long supposed the need for highly water- and flux-enriched magmas to explain the differences between pegmatites and other intrusives of similar major element composition. Compositions and textural characteristics of fluid and melt inclusions in pegmatite minerals provide strong evidence for such magmas. Furthermore, we show that melt inclusion research has increased the number of potential flux components, which may include H2O, OH?, CO2, HCO 3 ? , CO 3 2? , SO 4 2? , PO 4 3? , H3BO3, F , and Cl, as well as the elements Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, and Be, herein described as melt structure modifiers. In this paper we emphasize that the combined effect which these components have on the properties of pegmatite melts is difficult to deduce from experimental studies using only a limited number of these components. The combination and the amount of the different magmatic species, together with differences in the source region, and variations in pressure and temperature cause the great diversity of the pegmatites observed. Some volatile species, such as CO 3 2? and alkalis, have the capacity to increase the solubility of H2O in silicate melt to an extraordinary degree, to the extent that melt-melt-fluid immiscibility becomes inevitable. It is our view that the formation of pegmatites is connected with the complex interplay of many factors.  相似文献   

丁清峰  王冠  孙丰月  张本龙  金圣凯 《岩石学报》2010,26(12):3709-3719
通过详尽的野外调研和室内研究,本文简要总结了大场金矿床的矿床地质特征。结合流体包裹体显微测温和毒砂地温计,认为大场金矿成矿阶段由早到晚可划分为贫矿化石英阶段、石英硫化物阶段、石英辉锑矿阶段、含明金石英阶段和石英方解石阶段共五个阶段,其中前四个阶段分别形成贫矿化石英脉(成矿温度350℃左右,均一温度为280~360℃)、金-石英-硫化物碎裂岩型矿石(成矿温度301℃左右,均一温度为220~280℃)、金-石英-辉锑矿型矿石(均一温度为160~220℃)和明金-石英脉型矿石(均一温度为160~220℃),最晚的石英方解石阶段则使先前形成的四类岩/矿石发生轻微硅化和方解石化蚀变(均一温度小于160℃)。结合流体包裹体激光拉曼光谱分析,认为大场金矿成矿流体经历了早阶段静岩压力系统(成矿压力为215MPa,成矿深度8.1km)下的低盐度H2O-CO2-NaCl体系,中阶段静岩向静水压力过度系统(成矿压力为49~108MPa,成矿深度5.5~8.6km)下的低盐度H2O-NaCl体系,以及晚阶段静水压力系统(估计成矿压力小于40MPa)下的低盐度H2O-NaCl体系。最后认为,大场金矿床的成因类型属于中浅成造山型金矿床。  相似文献   

Experiments on the join Al2SiO5-“Mn2SiO5” of the system Al2O3-SiO2-MnO-MnO2 in the pressure/temperature range 10–20 kb/900–1050° C with gem quality andalusite, Mn2O3, and high purity SiO2 as starting materials and using /O2-buffer techniques to preserve the Mn3+ oxidation state had following results: At 20 kb/1000°C orange-yellow kyanite mixed crystals are formed. The kyanite solid solubility is limited at about (Al1.88Mn 0.12 3+ )SiO5 and, thus, equals approximately that on the join Al2SiO5-“Fe2SiO5” (Langer and Frentrup, 1973) indicating that there is no Jahn-Teller stabilisation of Mn3+ in the kyanite matrix. 5 mole % substitution causes the kyanite lattice constants a o, b o, c o, and V o to increase by 0.015, 0.009, 0.014 Å, and 1.6 Å3, resp., while α, β, γ, remain unchanged. Between 10 and 18 kb/900°C, Mn3+-substituted, strongly pleochroitic (emeraldgreen-yellow) andalusitess (viridine) was obtained. At 15 kb/900°C, the viridine compositional range is about (Al1.86Mn 0.14 3+ )SiO5-(Al1.56Mn 0,44 3+ )SiO5. Thus, Al→Mn3+ substitutional degrees are appreciably higher in andalusite than in kyanite, proving a strong Jahn-Teller effect of Mn3+ in the andalusite structure, which stabilises this structure type at the expense of kyanite and sillimanite and, thus, enlarges its PT-stability range extremely. 17 mole % substitution cause the andalusite constants a o, b o, c o, and V o to increase by 0.118, 0.029, 0.047 Å and 9.4 Å3, resp. At “Mn2SiO5”-contents smaller than about 7 mole %, viridine coexists with Mn-poor kyanite. At “Mn2SiO5”-concentrations higher than the maximum kyanite or viridine miscibility, braunite (tetragonal, ideal formula Mn2+Mn3+[O8/Si04]), pyrolusite and SiO2 were found to coexist with the Mn3+-saturated ky ss or and ss, respectively. In both cases, braunites were Al-substituted (about 1 Al for 1 Mn3+). Pure synthetic braunites had the lattice constants a o 9.425, c o, 18.700 Å, V o 1661.1 Å3 (ideal compn.) and a o 9.374, c o 18.593 Å3, V o 1633.6 Å3 (1 Al for 1 Mn3+). Stable coexistence of the Mn2+-bearing phase braunite with the Mn4+-bearing phase pyrolusite was proved by runs in the limiting system MnO-MnO2-SiO2.  相似文献   

The pilot hole of the Continental Deep Borehole (KTB) drilling project is located in the Bavarian Oberpfalz at the western margin of the Bohemian Massif. The 4-km deep borehole penetrated various paragneisses and minor orthogneisses with intercalations of amphibolites and metagabbros. The different lithologies have systematically different whole-rock oxygen isotope values and give little evidence for large scale water-rock interaction. Minor fluid interaction is well documented during retrograde metamorphism by non-equilibrium fractionations between refractory minerals (quartz, garnet and hornblende) and altered minerals (chlorite/biolite and feldspar). Ubiquitous vein mineralisation indicates fluid-induced retrogression at temperatures between 150°C and 400°C. The D values of hydroxylbearing minerals are very uniform in all lithologic units. The calculated hydrogen isotope composition of the fluid in equilibrium with matrix and vein minerals increases from -45 for metabasic rocks, to -20 for gneisses, to about -5 for vein minerals. The oxygen isotope composition of the fluid has been buffered by the rock and decreases with decreasing temperature because of increasing fractionations at low temperatures and low water-rock ratios. Modern fluids sampled from open cavities within the borehole have isotopic compositions that suggest a continuous fluid evolution during retrogression in a closed system. The 13C values of calcite and graphite also indicate closed system mixing processes.  相似文献   

河南刘山岩铜锌矿床石英中流体包裹体类型及FIP新资料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在刘山岩矿床矿石和围岩石英所含的流体包裹体中,发现2种新类型流体包裹体,即后期变形阶段的淡化水流体包裹体和成岩早期的NaCl子矿物多相包裹体,并重点研究了流体包裹体面(FIP)中包裹体发育情况.块状铜锌矿石、条带状矿石和糜棱岩化石英角斑岩中FIP特别发育,通常FIP以高角度与石英的拉长方向相交(或垂直于岩石的叶理面).FIP中大多数流体包裹体具有中温(均一温度120~220 ℃)、中盐度(3.4%~14.5%).更重要的是:FIP中普遍含有低盐度(3.4%~6.4%),部分甚至含有更低盐度(0.2%~1.7%)的淡化水流体包裹体,这表明淡化水流体(或大气降水)在造山变形后期曾经参与过FIP古流体的活动.  相似文献   

Successful exploration for mineral deposits requires tools that the explorationist can use to distinguish between targets with high potential for mineralization and those with lower economic potential. In this study, we describe a technique based on gangue mineral textures and fluid inclusion characteristics that has been applied to identify an area of high potential for gold-silver mineralization in the epithermal Ag-Au deposits at Guanajuato, Mexico. The Guanajuato mining district in Mexico is one of the largest silver producing districts in the world with continuous mining activity for nearly 500 years. Previous work conducted on the Veta Madre vein system that is located in the central part of this district identified favorable areas for further exploration in the deepest levels that have been developed and explored. The resulting exploration program discovered one of the richest gold-silver veins ever found in the district. This newly discovered vein that runs parallel to the Veta Madre was named the Santa Margarita vein. Selected mineralized samples from this vein contain up to 249 g/t of Au and up to 2,280 g/t Ag. Fluid inclusions in these samples show homogenization temperatures that range from 184 to 300°C and salinities ranging from 0 to 5 wt.% NaCl. Barren samples show the same range in homogenization temperature, but salinities range only up to 3 wt.% NaCl. Evidence of boiling was observed in most of the samples based on fluid inclusions and/or quartz and calcite textures. Liquid-rich inclusions with trapped illite are closely associated with high silver grades. The presence of assemblages of vapor-rich-only fluid inclusions, indicative of intense boiling or ??flashing??, shows the best correlation with high gold grades.  相似文献   

中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD)岩心中存在大量石英脉和长英质脉体,关于其成因目前存在板块折返过程中的减压和流体释放以及后期流体穿插等不同成因观点。本文利用高真空气相质谱系统分析了CCSD石英脉和东海水晶流体包裹体中惰性气体同位素组成,其He-Ar、Xe和Ne同位素体系均清楚显示它们主要由地壳变质流体和大气饱和水组成,而基本不含深源地幔流体。在CCSD900~1500m深度的石英脉流体包裹体出现^40Ar/^36Ar和δ^18O同步下降,且与前人对CCSD中HP-UHP岩石的矿物原位δ^18O测定结果变化趋势相似,说明该段原岩在板块俯冲前曾与大气降水发生较为充分的水/岩反应,石英脉继承了围岩的同位素组成特征。流体包裹体惰性气体同位素组成显示CCSD中石英脉和东海水晶可能具有相似的成因,它们均主要形成于HP-UHP岩石在板块折返到地壳中的压力降低和流体释放过程。CCSD HP-UHP岩石及其石英脉中基本不合地幔流体的原因在于本区印支期快速的俯冲和折返过程,被俯冲地壳物质无法与地幔进行充分的同位素交换。此外,退变质作用及其伴生的地壳流体也进一步减弱了HP-UHP岩石中的地幔流体信息。  相似文献   

Mineral equilibria modeling involving solid solution calculations has been combined with mineral assemblage information from the alteration zones associated with gold mineralization to determine the T and X CO2 conditions for the formation of the Magdala gold deposit at Stawell, Victoria, Australia. Economic gold mineralization is primarily hosted within the stilpnomelane alteration zone of the Stawell Facies that is adjacent to the Magdala Basalt. Evolution of the Magdala gold deposit involved at least three fluid infiltration events: (1) a CO2-bearing fluid during the D2 deformation event produced carbonate spots throughout the chlorite zone; (2) a CO2–S–K-bearing fluid, accompanied the D3–4ab deformation and produced a muscovite zone and siderite rims on ankerite; and (3) a CO2–K–S–Au-bearing fluid during the D4c deformation event produced the stilpnomelane zone of the Stawell Facies, the proximal and distal alteration zones within the Magdala Basalt, and the main economic gold mineralization. Mineral equilibria modeling constrains the temperature of formation of the Magdala deposit to T = 345–390°C at 3kbar, substantially lower than indicated by other previous classical thermobarometry methods. Furthermore, this method has allowed the characterization of the mineralizing fluid and constrained its composition to X CO2 < 0.08 at 3kbar. The timing and composition of the mineralizing fluids are similar to that of metamorphic fluid generated from devolatilization of a greenstone pile with peak of metamorphism occurring earlier and at deeper levels in the crust.  相似文献   

土壤矿物和粒级组成及其与土壤元素关系的研究对土壤生态环境和肥力评价具有重要意义。对安徽铜陵地区土壤的研究发现,不同粒级段土壤中元素富集程度不同,不同元素的富集粒级也不尽相同,-200目细粒级中各种元素含量最低。研究表明,土壤不同粒级段的矿物组成不同,伊利石和针铁矿对Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb、As等元素具有较强的吸附作用。  相似文献   

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