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The East European Platform is underlain by Archaean and Proterozoic complexes of the East European Craton. In the southwest these are locally exposed in the Ukrainian Shield and the Voronezh Massif on either side of the ca. 2000 km long ESE-striking late Palaeozoic Pripyat–Dniepr–Donets rift. Evaluation with Landsat imagery of 1 : 1,000,000 scale published maps of the Precambrian complexes [Zaritsky, A.I., Galetsky, L.S. (Eds.), 1992. Geology and Metallogeny of the Southwest of the East-European Platform Map Series, 1 : 1,000,000, Ukrainian State Committee on Geology and Utilization of Mineral Resources, Kiev.] is largely obstructed by a cover of post-Palaeozoic sediments and soils of variable thickness. This obstruction is aggravated by an almost continuous patchwork of farmlands. However, analysis of the current drainage patterns in the Dniepr River basin and surrounding regions reveals a spatial coincidence of numerous stream courses and watersheds with previously inferred steep, transcrustal discontinuities of most probably Precambrian age.Transcrustal dislocations constituted important pathways for heat and fluids as is indicated by the distribution of a large proportion of assumed Early Proterozoic hydrothermal iron and gold deposits along them. This distribution is underpinned by the spatial coincidence of mineralization and elongate areas of highly irregular magnetization attributed to uneven distribution of hydrothermal magnetite in banded iron formation. In view of the extent of these dislocations, both vertically and laterally, the generation of hydrothermal fluid flow, emplacement of mantle-sourced magma and associated mineral potential away from banded iron formation complexes is likely. A second group of gold deposits, of Archaean age, is known to occur in association with still recognizable volcanic edifices in greenstone complexes. It is not known if and to what extent such Archaean gold deposits are related to these major transcrustal discontinuities. The kinematics and dynamics of these dislocations and pathways appear largely unknown and deserve high-priority investigation. The geological longevity of the transcrustal dislocation framework till the present day inferred from the current drainage systems is corroborated, however, by repeated regional topographical levelling surveys.  相似文献   

A ca. 600 m thick siliciclastic succession in northern Russia contains abundant and diverse microfossils that document early to middle Ediacaran deposition along the northeastern margin of the East European Platform. The Vychegda Formation is poorly exposed but is well documented by a core drilled in the Timan trough region (Kel’tminskaya-1 borehole). Vychegda siliciclastics lie unconformably above Tonian to lower Cryogenian strata and below equivalents of the late Ediacaran Redkino succession that is widely distributed across the platform. The basal 10 m of the formation preserve acritarchs and fragments of problematic macrofossils known elsewhere only from pre-Sturtian successions. In contrast, the upper, nearly 400 m of the succession contains abundant and diverse large acanthomorphic acritarchs attributable to the Ediacaran Complex Acanthomorph Palynoflora (ECAP). This distinctive set of taxa is known elsewhere only from lower, but not lowermost, Ediacaran rocks. In between lies an additional assemblage of relatively simple filaments and stratigraphically long ranging sphaeromorphic acritarchs interpreted as early Ediacaran in age. Bearing in mind that knowledge of late Cryogenian (post-Strurtian/pre-Marinoan) microfossils is sparse, the Vychegda record is consistent with data from Australia and China which suggest that diverse ECAP microfossil assemblages appeared well into the Ediacaran Period. Accumulating paleontological observations underscore both the promise and challenges for the biostratigraphic characterization of the early Ediacaran Period.  相似文献   

In Late Devonian and Early-to-Late Triassic times, the southern continental margin of the Eastern European Platform was the site of a basaltic volcanism in the Donbas and Fore-Caucasus areas respectively. Both volcanic piles rest unconformably upon Paleoproterozoic and Late Paleozoic units respectively, and emplaced during continental rifting periods some 600 km away from expected locations of active oceanic subduction zones. This paper reports a comparative geochemical study of the basaltic rocks, and views them as the best tracers of the involved mantle below the Eastern European Platform. The Late Devonian alkaline basic rocks differ from the calc-alkaline Triassic basic rocks by their higher alkali-silica ratio, their higher TiO2, K2O, P2O5 and FeO contents, their higher trace element contents, a higher degree of fractionation between the most and the least incompatible elements and the absence of Ta-Nb negative anomalies. These general features, clearly distinct from those of partial melting and fractional crystallization, are due to mantle source effects. With similar Nd and Sr isotopic signatures indicating mantle-crust mixing, both suites would originate from the melting of a same but heterogeneous continental mantle lithosphere (refertilized depleted mantle). Accordingly the Nd model ages, the youngest major event associated with mantle metasomatism occurred during Early Neoproterozoic times (∼650Ma).  相似文献   

The Puffin Structure is interpreted from high‐quality 3D seismic data as a small multiringed impact structure formed by collision of a meteorite or small asteroid with unconsolidated, water‐saturated shallow‐marine shelf carbonates during the Middle Miocene (mid to late Serravallian). The impact created a dish‐shaped structure about 2.5 km in diameter with annular rings and no central uplift.  相似文献   

饶勇  于水  黄兴文  程超 《世界地质》2016,35(4):1041-1051
古生界是中东地区重要的天然气和轻质原油勘探层系,阿拉伯板块构造--沉积演化为古生界油气聚集成藏提供了有利的石油地质条件。分析认为,前寒武纪—寒武纪早期Huqf群和志留纪Qusaiba段两套优质成熟的烃源岩、多套有利的储盖组合以及一系列大型基底隆起或盐拱成因背斜、断背斜圈闭控制着古生界油气的分布,构成了古生界Huqf和Qusaiba两套主要的含油气系统,每套含油气系统均包括多个油气成藏组合。受早期继承性古隆起和盐构造、有利储盖组合以及断裂通道3个主控因素的影响,古生界油气成藏以下生上储侧向+垂向断裂输导运聚成藏模式为主。  相似文献   

A chart of infrazonal biostratigraphic subdivisions in the Cenomanian-Coniacian succession of the East European paleobiogeographic province is substantiated based on distribution of benthic foraminifers. The suggested chart characterizes successive trend of changes in ecologic assemblages of benthic foraminifers and morphologic evolution of certain agglutinated (Gaudryina, Ataxophragmium, Ataxoorbignyina, Arenobulimina, Novatrix, Voloshinovella, Orbignyina, Bolivinopsis) and secretory (Neoflabellina, Globorotalites, Stensioeina, Osangularia, Eponides, Gavelinella, Pseudovalvulineria, Pseudogavelinella, Brotzenella, Cibicides, Cibicidoides, Angulogavelinella, Falsoplanulina, Anomalinoides, Coryphostoma, Bolivinoides, Praebulimina) foraminiferal genera. The chart includes 23 biostratigraphic units (zones and subzones), most of which are recognizable over the vast territory from the Mangyshlak to southern Baltic areas. It is correlated with the acknowledged belemnite, inoceramid, ammonoid and echinoid zonations. Eight stadia of taxonomic changes in foraminiferal assemblages, which are distinguished in this work, show that principal biotic events took place across the middle-late Santonian and Santonian-Campanian boundaries, in the earliest Campanian, at the early-late Campanian boundary time, during the late and terminal Campanian, and in the mid-early Maastrichtian.  相似文献   

秦岭褶皱带位于华北板块和扬子板块结合部位,其在河南省内的部分多划为东秦岭。东秦岭以商南-镇平缝合带分为东秦岭北部和东秦岭南部。东秦岭古生代生物古地理演变可以划分为6个阶段。在寒武纪至中奥陶世早期,东秦岭北部二郎坪海槽的寒武纪放射虫和早奥陶世牙形石与东秦岭南部淅川陆棚北部的寒武纪三叶虫、早奥陶世牙形石和头足类属华南生物省,而淅川陆棚南部的寒武纪三叶虫和早奥陶世牙形石属于华南生物省,兼有华北生物省分子。在中奥陶世晚期至奥陶纪末,二郎坪海槽的腹足类、头足类和珊瑚与淅川陆棚的牙形石、珊瑚、腕足类、头足类和三叶虫均属华北生物省。在早志留世,二郎坪海槽的珊瑚与淅川陆棚的笔石属华南生物省。在中志留世至早泥盆世,东秦岭未发现古生物化石,很可能为陆地,并与华北陆块联为一体。在中泥盆世至早石炭世,东秦岭北部柿树园海槽与东秦岭南部南湾海槽的孢子及淅川陆棚的晚泥盆世珊瑚、腕足类和古植物及早石炭世蜓属华南生物省。晚石炭世至二叠纪末,柿树园海槽的孢子见于华北生物省,东秦岭南部缺乏海相沉积。总之,在古生代,东秦岭经历了由华南生物省→华北生物省→华南生物省→华北陆→华南生物省→华北生物省6个阶段,组成3个演变旋回。东秦岭北部和南部生物古地理具有明显的演变方向的统一性和演变时间的相似性。  相似文献   

A chart of infrazonal biostratigraphic subdivision of Cenomanian-Coniacian deposits in the East European paleobiogeographic province is based on distribution of benthic foraminifers. The suggested chart characterizes successive trend of changes in ecologic assemblages of benthic foraminifers and morphologic evolution of certain agglutinated (Gaudryina, Bolivinopsis, Heterostomella, Arenobulimina, Ataxophragmium, Ataxoorbignyna, Marssonella) and secretory (Globorotalites, Valvulinera, Gyroidinoides, Stensioeina, Osangularia, Berthelina, Pseudovalvulineria, Gavelinella, Cibicides, Praebulimina, Reussella) foraminiferal genera. The chart includes 7 zones and 13 subzones, most of which are recognizable over the vast territory from the Mangyshalk to southern Baltic areas. It is correlated with the acknowledged ammonoid and inoceramid zonations. Five stadia of taxonomic changes in foraminiferal assemblages, which are substantiated in this work, show that principal biotic events took place in the mid-late Cenomanian, during the Cenomanian-Turonian and early-middle Turonian transitions, in the late Turonian, and at the early-middle Coniacian boundary time.  相似文献   

The eastern margin of the East European Craton (EEC) has a long lasting geological record of Precambrian age. Archaean and Proterozoic strata are exposed in the western fold-and-thrust belt of the Uralides and are known from drill cores and geophysical data below the Palaeozoic cover in the Uralides and its western foredeep. In the southern Uralides, sedimentary, metamorphic and magmatic rocks of Riphean and Vendian age occur in the Bashkirian Mega-anticlinorium (BMA) and the Beloretzk Terrane. In the eastern part of the BMA (Yamantau anticlinorium) and the Beloretzk Terrane, K-Ar ages of the <2-µm-size fraction of phyllites (potassic white mica) and slates (illite) give evidence for a complex pre-Uralian metamorphic and deformational history of the Precambrian basement at the southeastern margin of the EEC. Interpretation of the K-Ar ages considered the variation of secondary foliation and the diagenetic to metamorphic grade. In the Yamantau anticlinorium, the greenschist-facies metamorphism of the Mesoproterozoic siliciclastic rocks is of Early Neoproterozoic origin (about 970 Ma) and the S1 cleavage formation of Late Neoproterozoic (about 550 Ma). The second wide-spaced cleavage is of Uralian origin. In the central and western part of the BMA, the diagenetic to incipient metamorphic grade developed in Late Neoproterozoic time. In post-Uralian time, Proterozoic siliciclastic rocks with a cleavage of Uralian age have not been exhumed to the surface of the BMA. Late Neoproterozoic thrusts and faults within the eastern margin of the EEC are reactivated during the Uralian deformation.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated geophysical study of the southern margin of the East European Craton (EEC) in the Karpinksy Swell-North Caucasus area. It presents new interpretations of deep refraction and wide-angle reflection “deep seismic sounding” (DSS) data as well as conventional seismic and CDP profiling and new analyses of potential field data, including three-dimensional gravity and magnetic modelling. An integrated model of the physical properties and structure of the Earth's crust and, partially, upper mantle displays distinct features that are related to tectonic history of the study area. The Voronezh Massif (VM), the Ukrainian Shield and Rostov Dome (RD) of the EEC as well as the Donbas Foldbelt (DF), Karpinsky Swell (KS), Scythian Plate (SP) and Precaspian Basin (PCB) constitute the geodynamic ensemble that developed on the southern margin of the continent Baltica. There proposed evolutionary model comprises a stage of rifting during the middle to late Devonian, post-rift extension and subsidence during Carboniferous–early Permian times (synchronous with and related to the southward displacement of the Rostov Dome and extension in a palaeo-Scythian back-arc basin), and subsequent Mesozoic and younger evolution. A pre-Ordovician, possibly Riphean (?), mafic magmatic complex is inferred on a near vertical reflection seismic cross-section through the western portion of the Astrakhan Dome in the southwest part of the Precaspian Basin. This complex combined with evidence of a subducting slab in the upper mantle imply the presence of pre-Ordovician (Riphean?) island arc, with synchronous extension in a Precaspian back-arc basin is suggested. A middle Palaeozoic back-arc basin ensemble in what is now the western Karpinsky Swell was more than 100 km to the south from its present location. The Stavropol High migrated northwards, dislocating and moving fragments of this back-arc basin sometime thereafter. Linear positive magnetic anomalies reflect the position of associated faults, which define the location of the eastern segment of the Karpinsky Swell. These faults, which dip northward, are recognised on crustal DSS profiles crossing the Donbas Foldbelt and Scythian Plate. They are interpreted in terms of compressional tectonics younger than the Hercynian stage of evolution (i.e., post-Palaeozoic).  相似文献   

东昆仑西段晚古生代盆地系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
东昆仑西段晚古生代从北向南分别为昆北弧后盆地、昆中岛弧及昆南弧前增生楔.在二叠纪,增生楔又转变成岛弧及弧后盆地.昆北弧后盆地石炭纪发育有陆缘到深海盆地的沉积,二叠纪由碎屑岩过渡为浅海碳酸盐岩.昆中岛弧带沉积盖层为一些碳酸盐岩孤立台地和小的山间盆地,并有火山熔岩、火山碎屑岩的堆积.昆南弧前盆地岩石类型非常复杂,石炭纪包括了陆源碎屑岩、火山熔岩、火岩碎屑岩、钙屑浊积岩、硅质岩等.二叠纪的弧间盆地从深海盆地演化为浅海碳酸盐岩沉积.前锋弧也逐渐露出水面,形成孤立灰岩台地.东昆仑西段晚古生代沉积整体特征具有沉积相分布不对称性及"盆岭"相问展布、沉积类型多样性、物源、古流向的双(多)向性、沉积序列的两层性、沉积物的成熟度低、近源等.盆地演化可划分为盆地扩张阶段、弧陆碰撞阶段两个阶段.总体表现为弧后盆地性质的沉积与演化特点.  相似文献   

东天山红云滩铁矿赋存于下石炭统雅满苏组火山碎屑岩地层中.矿体主要呈层状、似层状、透镜状.矿石矿物以大量磁铁矿为主,含少量的磁赤铁矿、镜铁矿、黄铁矿和极少量的黄铜矿等.脉石矿物主要有石榴石、透辉石、阳起石、绿帘石、绿泥石、黑云母、钠长石、石英等.矿石构造以块状构造和浸染状构造为主,局部为条带状构造、脉状构造;矿石结构包括半自形-他形粒状结构、交代结构.围岩蚀变对称分带明显,从矿(化)体到两侧围岩,蚀变呈现从深色到浅色的变化现象.根据矿物共生组合、矿石组构的观察,本次工作识别出矽卡岩期和热液期两个成矿期,进一步细分为4个成矿阶段:矽卡岩阶段、退化蚀变阶段(主成矿期)、热液早期阶段及石英-硫化物阶段.电子探针分析表明石榴石端员组分以钙铁榴石-钙铝榴石系列为主,辉石端员组分以透辉石-钙铁辉石为主,角闪石端员组分主要为阳起石和透闪石,这些特点表明矿区矽卡岩为热液交代钙矽卡岩.磁铁矿的主、微量元素特征表明其形成与矽卡岩密切相关.结合成矿地质特征,认为矽卡岩是由富铁岩浆热液流体沿断裂构造运移、交代下石炭统雅满苏组富钙火山碎屑岩地层而形成的,磁铁矿的形成与矽卡岩的退化变质作用有关.  相似文献   

东昆仑造山带近年来被厘定为早古生代高压-超高压变质带。带内广泛出露早古生代的中-高级变质基性岩,这些岩石记录了不同的变质温压和多期的变质年龄,是反演和制约东昆仑早古生代变质演化的重要样品。本文选取东昆仑浪木日地区的石榴斜长角闪岩为研究对象,开展了变质岩石学及锆石年代学研究。石榴斜长角闪岩呈团块状出露在黑云二长片麻岩中,主要组成矿物为石榴子石、角闪石、斜长石、透辉石和石英,含少量黑云母、绿泥石、金红石、钛铁矿和榍石。石榴子石变斑晶的核部含有绿帘石、角闪石、斜长石、金红石和石英包裹体,其成分从核部到边部,锰铝榴石逐渐降低、钙铝榴石和Mg/(Mg+Fe;)比值逐渐升高,为进变质作用形成的环带。岩石中的矿物结构关系和成分特征显示其经历了进变质、峰期变质和退变质三个阶段的变质演化,变质温压分别为:T≈610℃和P≈6.5kbar、T≈700℃和P≈10.5kbar以及T≈650℃和P≈4.5kbar。这三阶段的变质作用构成顺时针的变质P-T轨迹,指示岩石经历进变质升温升压至峰期阶段,随后经历近等温降压的退变质阶段。同时该P-T轨迹特征表明岩石形成于俯冲-碰撞的构造背景。对石榴斜长角闪岩中的锆石进行SIMS U-Pb定年,得到492.8±5.1Ma的谐和年龄。锆石的形态特征与典型的变质锆石一致,其内包裹的石榴子石、角闪石和斜长石组合与岩石的峰期矿物组合一致。因此,锆石在峰期变质阶段结晶,所测年龄~493Ma为角闪岩相峰期变质年龄。本文研究的石榴斜长角闪岩与该区高压-超高压榴辉岩在野外产状、P-T轨迹和变质年龄等方面密切相关,暗示ca.490Ma是该区高压-超高压变质作用的一个重要时间节点。石榴斜长角闪岩和榴辉岩之间的变质差异,表明东昆仑早古生代经历了多阶段的变质作用,不同岩石记录了原特提斯洋俯冲-碰撞过程的不同阶段。本文获得的变质P-T轨迹和变质年龄可为进一步探究东昆仑早古生代高压-超高压变质作用提供限定。  相似文献   

According to the new geological, geochronological, and structural data, the Tunka bald mountains (East Sayan) have a nappe structure, which formed in the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian. The deformations have been dated by the 40Ar–39Ar method on the basis of syntectonic micas and amphiboles, whose structural and spatial positions have been determined in oriented thin sections. The geometrical analysis of macro- and microstructures has revealed three development stages of the structures, which followed one another in progressive deformation. The first (thrust-fault) stage (316–310 Ma) comprised a group of N-verging thrust sheets. In the second (fold deformation) stage (305–303 Ma), they were folded. The third (strike-slip fault) stage (286 Ma) comprised high-angle shears, along which V-shaped blocks were squeezed westward from the most compressed areas. All the structures developed under near-N–S-trending compression. The thrusting in the Tunka bald mountains was coeval with the major shear structures in the eastern Central Asian Fold Belt (Main Sayan Fault, Kurai, Northeastern, and Irtysh crumpled zones, etc.). Also, it was simultaneous with the formation of continental-margin calc-alkalic and shoshonite series (305–278 Ma) as well as that of the alkali and alkali-feldspar syenites and granites (281–278 Ma) of the Tarim mantle plume in the Angara–Vitim pluton, located near and east of the studied region. Thus, the simultaneous development of the Late Paleozoic structures, active-margin structures, and plume magmatism in southern Siberia might have resulted from the global geodynamic events caused by the interaction between the tectonic plates which formed the Central Asian Fold Belt.  相似文献   


东天山铜成矿带是中亚成矿域的重要组成部分, 发育土屋、延东大型铜矿, 三岔口、玉海中型铜矿, 赤湖、福兴、灵龙、玉带和四顶黑山等小型铜矿床。其中的斑岩铜矿带主要沿大南湖-头苏泉岛弧带近东西向展布, 其成岩作用集中于志留纪和石炭纪, 而成矿峰期为石炭纪。东天山斑岩铜矿带赋矿围岩包括火山岩、花岗岩和沉积岩, 围岩蚀变主要有黑云母-磁铁矿化、绢英岩化和青磐岩化, 钾化相对较弱。成矿岩体主要为中酸性钙碱性花岗岩, 富集大离子亲石元素, 亏损高场强元素, 具有高Sr/Y比值, 显示典型的岛弧岩浆岩和埃达克质特征。成矿流体早阶段发育大量含子晶的高盐度包裹体, 为H2O-NaCl±CO2体系, 氢氧硫同位素显示明显的岩浆热液特征。锶钕铪同位素表明成矿岩体具有新生地壳和亏损地幔混合来源。东天山斑岩铜矿带形成于古天山洋的多期次俯冲造山, 因而具有多期叠加成矿的特征。石炭纪钙碱性岩浆岩是下一步找矿的主要目标, 后期构造叠加可能导致富矿体的形成。


The large-scale seismic experiment POLONAISE '97 (POlish Lithospheric ONsets—An International Seismic Experiment) was carried out in May 1997 in Poland, Lithuania, and Germany. Its main purpose was to investigate the structure of the crust and the uppermost mantle in the region of the Trans European Suture Zone (TESZ) that lies between the East European Craton (EEC) and the Palaeozoic Platform. This paper covers the interpretation of seismic data along the NW–SE-trending, 180-km-long profile P5 located on the EEC. The recordings were of a high quality with seismic energy clearly visible along the whole profile. We have not found waves refracted below the upper crust in first arrivals. In the NW part of the profile, we have delineated a high-velocity body with the P-wave velocity in the range of 6.5–6.75 km/s in the upper crust. It corresponds to the K trzyn anorthosite massif within the Mazury complex. The Mazowsze massif is rather uniformly characterized by P-wave velocities 5.9–6.05 and 6.2–6.35 km/s in two layers, respectively. Sufficient S-wave data were available to estimate the Vp/Vs ratio (as well as the Poisson ratio), being 1.80 (0.277) in the high-velocity body and 1.67 (0.220) in the upper crust.Apart from the 2-D model along the profile, results of 3-D modelling in the area of the P5 profile are presented. Using off-line recordings, we got P-wave velocity field up to 8 km/s below the P5 profile at the depth of about 40 km as well as horizontal extent of the high-velocity body.  相似文献   

在东南极大陆内部及边缘发育3条晚新元古代—早古生代造山带,即东非造山带(南延部分)、普里兹造山带和罗斯造山带。东非造山带的南延部分主要出露于吕措—霍尔姆湾—毛德王后地—沙克尔顿岭地区,其内发育蛇绿岩、榴辉岩相超镁铁岩及逆冲—推覆构造,因而被解释为东、西冈瓦纳陆块拼合的缝合线。罗斯造山带主要出露于横贯南极山脉地区,其内保存有大陆裂解、洋壳俯冲和地体增生的地质纪录,代表冈瓦纳超大陆的活动大陆边缘。普里兹造山带主要出露于普里兹湾和登曼冰川,因其位于从前假设的统一东冈瓦纳陆块的内部,加之缺少蛇绿混杂岩、岛弧增生杂岩和高压变质岩(如蓝片岩或榴辉岩)等与大洋板块俯冲作用密切相关的岩石,所以当前存在着碰撞造山成因和板内改造成因两种不同的认识。普里兹造山带构造性质的确定不仅决定了冈瓦纳超大陆的汇聚过程和方式,也制约了罗迪尼亚超大陆的形成和演化过程。因此,开展普里兹造山带的研究对于揭示新元古代—早古生代的全球构造演化具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

隋延辉  戚长谋 《世界地质》2003,22(4):373-375,403
对华北地台金伯利岩地球化学找矿信息提取表明:铬是判别岩体含矿与否的重要指示元素。铬的相态分属尖晶石、镁铝榴石和镁钛铁矿三类矿物族。研究得出,各矿物指示含矿的化学成分标型为:铬尖晶石Cr2O3>53%,Al2O3<11%,MgO<12%,Cr#值大于0 7。镁铝榴石Cr2O3>5%,Al2O3<19%,Cr#值大于0 2。镁钛铁矿Cr2O3>1%,MgO>11%。由于铬尖晶石相对稳定,其化学组成为提取金伯利岩找矿信息的首选对象。  相似文献   


Heinrich 1事件是发生于末次冰消期的极端气候突变事件之一,对全球大气环流和陆地生态格局产生了深刻影响。基于对东亚夏季风边缘区最北端呼伦湖HL08孔5.75 m以上沉积岩芯的AMS 14C定年技术和415~275 cm段140个样品的孢粉分析,重建了东亚中高纬地区呼伦湖21500~13000 cal.a B.P.高分辨率植被变化历史,在此基础上揭示了Heinrich 1事件期间呼伦湖区植被响应过程,明确了Heinrich 1事件在东亚中高纬地区的表现特征。结果显示:呼伦湖区Heinrich 1事件发生于16500~15400 cal.a B.P.,以剧烈降温和显著干旱化为表现特征;事件发生期间湖区周围山地发育亚高山草甸,森林植被稀疏;湖盆区域以藜科为主的荒漠草原显著扩张,区域植被盖度降低、生态环境明显恶化;同时,不同植被类型对Heinrich 1事件的响应存在明显差别,亚高山草甸和蒿属为主的典型草原较藜科为主的荒漠草原和桦属为主的落叶阔叶林响应更为快速、敏感。


东秦岭早古生代两条不同构造—岩浆杂岩带的形成构造环境   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
周鼎武  张成立 《岩石学报》1995,11(2):115-126
东秦岭造山带早古生代(500Ma~400Ma)分别在北秦岭和南秦岭发育两条构造-岩浆杂岩带。北秦岭带由洋盆消减的火山杂岩和深成侵入杂岩组成,是活动陆缘挤压构造背景的产物;南秦岭带由辉长、辉绿岩体、岩脉,超浅成隐爆的碱基性-超基性火山岩和粗面岩组成,是被动陆缘拉张裂陷环境的产物。它们平行造山带走向分布,南、北对峙,构成时空有序的构造-岩浆杂岩带。其形成的构造机制整体上受旱古生代古秦岭洋盆沿商丹一线的俯冲和消减作用的控制,造成北部俯冲挤压,南部拉张裂陷,同时南部的拉张裂陷也受陆壳之下地幔热柱上涌的影响。  相似文献   

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