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S.V. Ryzhkova L.M. Burshtein S.V. Ershov V.A. Kazanenkov A.E. Kontorovich V.A. Kontorovich A.Yu. Nekhaev B.L. Nikitenko M.A. Fomin B.N. Shurygin A.L. Beizel E.V. Borisov O.V. Zolotova L.M. Kalinina E.V. Ponomareva 《Russian Geology and Geophysics》2018,59(7):846-863
The type sections of the Bazhenov Horizon and formations recognized within this horizon have been identified based on a comprehensive analysis of paleontological, lithological, geophysical (well-log and CDP seismic data), and geochemical data on the West Siberian Basin. The Bazhenov Horizon was traced throughout the entire West Siberian sedimentary basin. The criteria for the recognition of the top and base of this horizon within the stratigraphic equivalents of the Bazhenov Formation were suggested. The proposed facies-stratigraphic zonation of the Bazhenov Horizon reflects the spatial location of all formations identified within this horizon. As seen on the newly proposed thickness map, the Bazhenov Horizon reaches a thickness of 15-25 m within the Bazhenov and Tutleim Formations, 30-35 m within the Mulym’ya Formation, 30-45 m within the Danilov Formation, 40-65 m within the Mar’yanovka Formation, up to 100 m within the Golchikha Formation, > 350 m within the Yanovstan Formation, up to 35 m within the Bagan Formation, and 35-40 m within the Maksimkin Yar Formation. A marginal filter (according to A.P. Lisitzin) has been identified along the East Siberian land. 相似文献
V.F. Grishkevich 《Russian Geology and Geophysics》2018,59(2):157-167
Abnormal zones of the Bazhenov Formation originated in the Neocomian as a result of protobazhenite reworking by submarine slide and slump waste wedgings, which eroded and deformed slope toe protobazhenite. But gas hydrate (GH) cementation might restrict the rock ability for plastic deformation. The conditions for GH thermodynamic stability in protobazhenites are inferred from reconstructions of paleogeographic and paleo-oceanic evironments. Joint analysis of Neocomian marine paleodepths and deep water paleotemperatures provides an explanation of the Bazhenov abnormal-zone extension. 相似文献
It was shown that the contents of Ni, Mo, and Co in the siliceous clay black shale rocks of the normal sections of the Bazhenov Formation are several times higher than the global mean contents of these elements in black shales. These rocks have the highest contents of pyrite and organic carbon and show evidence for strongly reducing formation conditions at the slowest background rate of sedimentation of their material. A transition from the siliceous clay rocks to the mudstones of normal section, which are considered as turbidites, and further to the mudstones and clayey silt rocks of the so-called anomalous sections (deposits of submarine deltas and canyons) is accompanied by sequential depletion in pyrite and organic carbon, a decrease in indicators of the reduction level of the sedimentation environment, and an increase in sedimentation rate and clay material content. Simultaneously, the contents of the elements of interest decreases in the sequence Mo > Ni > Co. In the rocks of anomalous sections, the contents of these elements decrease to the level of their mean abundances in clays. 相似文献
为了揭示湘中与湘东南坳陷海陆过渡相页岩含气潜力及勘探方向,对该区下石炭统岩关阶组和上二叠统龙潭组泥页岩进行总有机碳含量TOC、镜质体反射率Rran、干酪根碳同位素、有机质显微组成、X衍射、扫描电镜、孔渗特征和等温吸附等测试。结果表明岩关阶组和龙潭组处于成熟-高成熟期、类型以Ⅲ型为主;龙潭组泥页岩TOC含量普遍较高、而岩关阶组泥页岩TOC含量较低。龙潭组和岩关阶关组泥页岩矿物主要为黏土矿物和石英,部分含有较高的方解石。这两套页岩的孔隙发育较差,主要孔隙类型为有机孔、溶蚀孔和层间裂缝。孔隙度为0.41%~2.76%、渗透率为(0.08~0.98)×10-3 μm2。孔隙度主要受TOC控制,不稳定矿物如长石和碳酸盐岩虽然能提供一定孔隙,但对页岩物性的影响有限。泥页岩的甲烷吸附量普遍在1.67~2.5 cm3/g,2015H-D3井龙潭组泥页岩现场解吸气量普遍大于0.5 cm3/g,最高为2.35 cm3/g,表明湘中和湘东南地区龙潭组具有一定的页岩气潜力,但岩关阶组勘探前景相对较差。 相似文献
Yuri N. Zanin Vika G. Eder Al’bina G. Zamirailova Vladimir O. Krasavchikov 《Chemie der Erde / Geochemistry》2010,70(4):363-376
Rare-earth elements abundance in black shales of the Upper Jurassic (Tithonian Stage)–Lower Cretaceous (Berriassian Stage) Bazhenov Formation is discussed. This formation is the principal oil source rocks of West Siberia. The deposits within the formation can be subdivided into two main marine groups: (a) moderately hemipelagic deposits (clayey-siliceous, including phosphatic and carbonate rocks) and low-density distal clayey turbidites (argillites), both are considered as normal and (b) silty argillites and clayey-silt rocks, which are channel deposits and considered as anomalous. The hemipelagic rocks of normal sections, which are enriched in the rare-earth elements (REE), accumulated under both slow rates of sedimentation (clayey-siliceous rocks) and faster rates of sedimentation (argillites). The channel deposits of anomalous sections, which are impoverished in the REE, accumulated exclusively under fast rates of sedimentation.Within the hemipelagic group the rate of sedimentation of the argillites was faster than of the clayey-siliceous rocks, but the REE concentration in the former rocks (140.4 ppm) is higher than in the latter group (97.4 ppm). The argillites are more than twice enriched in clayey material than clayey-siliceous rocks. It is likely that the clay fraction was the main carrier of REE in these rocks. In the channel group of rocks, the REE abundance in clayey-silt rocks (21.2 ppm) is lower than in the silty argillite (84.6 ppm), in which the clay content is elevated.With respect to redox potential the Bazhenov Formation rocks can be subdivided further into three groups, based on the degree of pyritization index (DOP): (1) the highly reducing clayey-siliceous rocks of normal sections, with high DOP; (2) the substantially reducing argillites and carbonate rocks of normal sections, with intermediate DOP; (3) the moderately reducing rocks of anomalous sections with low DOP. The rocks with the high DOP (group 1) are characterized by ΣLREE/Σ(M+H)REE ratios between 7.37 and 7.5, whereas the rocks with the lower DOP (group 2 and 3) are characterized by ΣLREE/Σ(M+H)REE ratios between 12.8 and 13.5. Negative Ce anomalies are either small or absent in all deposits, which is typical for reducing conditions.Thus, the Bazhenov Formation exemplifies the complex depositional conditions that influence the REE concentration in black shale. However, it is this very complexity that has contributed to the development of six separate depositional models (REE contents in ppm are given in brackets). (1) Phosphatic clayey-siliceous rocks of normal sections (367.95); (2) argillites of normal sections (130.73); (3) clayey-siliceous rocks of normal sections (85.97); (4) carbonate rocks, largely dolomites of normal sections (23.23); (5) silty argillites of anomalous sections (78.7) and (6) clayey-silt rocks of anomalous sections (19.66). 相似文献
A technique akin to Galton’s composite portraiture is suggested for creating a generalized image of a stratigraphic unit based on well log data from a group of well sections. The procedure begins with superimposing stratigraphically equivalent section points according to pairwise correlation models followed by weighted summation of similar logs. The superimposition highlights persistent common features of the sections, while their minor individual details become suppressed. A generalized model of the Bazhenov Formation in the Salym area has been constructed from gamma-ray, apparent resistivity, and self-potential logs. Radioactivity and resistivity anomalies, which are often used as constraints on the Bazhenov Formation boundaries, show a significant spatial discrepancy. According to the correlation, the formation volume in each well depends on the depth interval corresponding to the hypostratotype. The results were used to map the Bazhenov Formation thickness and its standard deviation, as well as average values of different logs. 相似文献
蓟县系雾迷山组是天津主力开发的热储层位,对这套地层的研究主要集中在热储层温度场、动力场、水化学场和地表水回灌等方面,在热储岩溶裂隙方面的研究较少。通过对天津市138眼雾迷山组地热井的完井和测井资料进行对比分析,统计了不同构造单元雾迷山组一、二类裂缝发育,热储顶板埋深,地热井单位涌水量和上覆不同地层的情况,总结了其岩溶裂隙发育规律。结果表明: 雾迷山组岩溶裂隙较发育,漏失部位距热储顶板埋深距离集中在100 m以浅; 热储顶部岩溶发育,裂隙发育受上覆不同地层的影响不大,裂隙发育与该层顶板埋深的相关性不明显,但整体上有裂隙发育随顶板埋深加大而略有减小的趋势; 地热井的单位涌水量随裂隙发育程度的增大而变大; 热储裂隙比集中在0.1~0.4,受构造影响,在张性断裂构造带、断裂交汇和背斜轴部热储构造裂隙较发育。研究结果可为天津市雾迷山组地热的有效开发利用与地热钻探提供参考。 相似文献
页岩气是一种分布广泛且储量丰富的非常规能源,但由于其储层具有孔隙度小及渗透率低等特性,一直以来页岩气未得到大规模开采。直到近20年,页岩气开采技术才得到飞速发展,这主要得益于水力压裂技术的进步。压裂液是水力压裂的重要组成部分,其性能的优劣直接影响水力压裂施工的成败。通过调研国内外文献,结合国内外压裂液技术的发展历程,分析了页岩气开采中几种常用压裂液的优点、适应性及存在的问题,综述了两类新型的无水压裂技术。结合我国页岩气储层的特殊性及压裂技术发展的现状,提出了适于我国页岩气开采的压裂液技术发展的建议,并特别强调了在页岩气开发初期重视环保的重要性。 相似文献
Simonov V. A. Kontorovich V. A. Stupakov S. I. Filippov Yu. F. Saraev S. V. Kotlyarov A. V. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2019,486(2):613-616
40Ar/39Ar analysis showed a simultaneous (at about 490 Ma) formation of the Paleozoic picrite and basalt complexes of the West Siberian Plate basement. The petrochemistry, trace and REE geochemistry, and composition of clinopyroxene indicate the formation of the picrite of well no. 11 (Chkalov area) as a result of intraplate magmatism of the OIB type. Calculations based on the compositions of clinopyroxene allowed crystallization of minerals of porphyric picrite at 1215–1275°C and 4.5–8 kbar. In general, it has been found that the picrite basalt complexes considered were formed from enriched igneous plume systems under intraplate conditions near the active margin of the ancient ocean.
贵州页岩气地质资源量巨大,达到1.048×10~(13)m~3。其中寒武系牛蹄塘组与石炭系打屋坝组是重要储集层位。本文在研究牛蹄塘组页岩与打屋坝组页岩的地层结构、岩性和地球化学特征,以及储层特征的基础上,分析水力压裂方法对地下水含水层的破坏作用,建立了页岩气压裂开采导致地下水含水层、隔水层被破坏引起地下水污染模式,预测了压裂液返排地面可能造成地表环境污染的风险。同时,采取牛蹄塘组和打屋坝组页岩进行浸泡试验,试验结果表明,页岩在浸泡过程中,元素的浓度随着时间、温度的变化而变化,并呈现出一定的规律性,特别是As、Cd、Pb、Se、Co、Ba等元素呈显著浸出,据此分析了水力压裂法在开采页岩气的过程中可能会产生的环境污染问题。 相似文献
四川盆地东南部及其盆缘转换带(以下简称渝东南盆缘转换带)是中国常压页岩气勘探的热点地区。为了厘清渝东南地区页岩气富集规律、优选水平井穿层层段及指导多层系立体开发建设,本文基于扫描电镜的图像定量表征技术,结合三轴力学、液氮吸附等实验分析结果,研究了页岩压力体系与有机孔的发育关系。结果表明:渝东南盆缘转换带五峰组—龙马溪组页岩下部①—②小层有机孔孔径小(1~30 nm),孔隙发育的密集程度高(55.55~808.03个/μm2);其上部③—⑤小层有机孔孔径变大(30~50 nm),孔隙发育的密集程度低(47.31~466.42个/μm2);压力系数与有机孔圆度有明显的正相关性。基于液氮吸附实验的孔隙体积分形维数结果表明,研究区龙马溪组页岩孔隙内流体压力的增加,能够对孔隙进行更好的支撑作用,保证孔隙不会因为上覆地层压力而造成变形,使得孔隙能够得到更好的保存。因此,有机孔发育差异是上覆地层压力和孔隙内流体压力共同造成的结果。对于常压区,上覆地层的压力对孔隙发育有着更为重要的影响;对于超压区,孔隙内流体压力的增加会减缓孔隙的变形和消失。三轴力学实验表明,①小层上部观音桥段的存在使得岩石的抗压强度变大,由此在纵向上形成一种压力隔断,引起了上下压力系数的差异,形成了不同的亚压力体系,从而导致了孔隙发育特征的差异。 相似文献
研究火山岩储层天然裂缝发育特征及形成机理,对进一步开展裂缝空间分布预测及指导火山岩气藏开发具有重要意义。本文以松辽盆地南部营城组火山岩储层为例,综合利用岩心、薄片、测井、地震及分析测试等资料,对储层天然裂缝的发育特征及主控因素进行研究,并在裂缝分期配套的基础上,对裂缝形成机理进行分析。研究表明,松南营城组储层发育原生裂缝和次生裂缝两大类型,原生裂缝主要包括冷凝收缩缝和炸裂缝,次生裂缝为火山岩及其原生裂缝系统受后期构造运动、溶蚀、风化等作用改造而形成的各类裂缝。构造裂缝的走向有多组,且以高角度缝和直立缝为主,其发育特征和发育程度主要受断层和火山岩相控制。构造裂缝的形成具体包括5期,其中主要为3期,分别为晚侏罗世—早白垩世中期、晚白垩世明水期及古近纪和新近纪以来。结论认为,构造裂缝普遍规模大、发育程度高、有效性好,构成了营城组储层中最主要的渗流通道,对气藏渗流和开发特征影响最大。 相似文献
为了评价陆相页岩气储层的储集空间和储气能力,以鄂尔多斯盆地延长探区上三叠统延长组长7段、长9段页岩为研究对象,运用电子扫描显微镜、高压压汞、低温CO2和N2气体吸附等实验方法,对陆相页岩气储层孔隙类型特征、孔隙结构及其影响因素进行研究。结果表明:(1)延长探区上三叠统延长组陆相页岩发育多种类型微观孔隙,以粒间孔和粒内孔为主,少量晶间孔和溶蚀孔,有机质孔发育较少,为陆相页岩气赋存提供了储集空间;(2)延长组页岩中介孔(2~50 nm)贡献了其主要的孔容和比表面积,占总孔容的7437%,占总比表面积的6440%,且长9段页岩的总孔容和总比表面积均大于长7段页岩;(3)延长组页岩孔隙结构以狭缝型孔和板状孔为主,孔径主要分布在04~09 nm、3~25 nm和5~200 μm区间段内,延长组页岩平均孔径为853 nm,且长7段页岩平均孔径大于长9段页岩;(4)页岩有机碳含量、有机质成熟度及矿物成分含量共同影响着延长组页岩孔隙的发育,其中矿物成分含量是以介孔孔隙为主的延长组页岩孔隙发育的主控因素,有机碳含量及成熟度的增加主要对页岩中微孔孔隙的发育起到积极作用。 相似文献
为研究海相含煤地层页岩的微观孔隙特征,选取黔西北地区石炭系祥摆组页岩作为研究对象,利用扫描电镜(SEM)和液氮吸附实验研究孔隙特征,同时研究其分形特征,并探讨孔隙结构的影响因素。研究结果表明:研究区石炭系祥摆组页岩在扫描电镜下可观察到4类微观孔隙(粒内孔、粒间孔、有机质孔、微裂缝),其中微裂缝、有机质孔发育较丰富,具有较强的生成烃类气体能力和良好的储集性能;液氮吸附等温线在形态上呈反“S”形,表明中孔在微观孔隙中最为发育,滞后回线类型主要为H2型的细颈广体的墨水瓶孔;BJH总孔体积和BET比表面积值均较大,平均值分别为0.0155 cm3/g和13.20 m2/g,平均孔径为6.22 nm,纳米级微观孔隙大量发育,为烃类气体提供丰富的储集空间;页岩样品微观孔隙结构分形维数D较大,主体大于2.723 2,反映出孔隙结构复杂、非均质性较强;BET比表面积与TOC、石英含量呈一定的负相关性,与分形维数呈一定的正相关性;平均孔径值与石英含量正相关性较好,与分形维数负相关性较好,与黏土矿物含量呈一定的负相关性。石炭系祥摆组页岩微观孔隙的BET比表面积较大、平均孔径较小,微观孔隙结构较为复杂。 相似文献
NING Chuanxiang MA Zhongliang JIANG Zhenxue SU Siyuan LI Tingwei ZHENG Lunju WANG Guozhen LI Fengxun 《《地质学报》英文版》2020,94(2):352-363
To reveal the effect of shale reservoir characteristics on the movability of shale oil and its action mechanism in the lower third member of the Shahejie Formation(Es3l), samples with different features were selected and analyzed using N2 adsorption, high-pressure mercury injection capillary pressure(MICP), nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR), high-speed centrifugation, and displacement image techniques. The results show that shale pore structure characteristics control shale oil movability directly. Movable oil saturation has a positive relationship with pore volume for radius > 2 μm, as larger pores often have higher movable oil saturation, indicating that movable oil is present in relatively larger pores. The main reasons for this are as follows. The relatively smaller pores often have oil-wetting properties because of organic matter, which has an unfavorable effect on the flow of oil, while the relatively larger pores are often wetted by water, which is helpful to shale oil movability. The rich surface provided by the relatively smaller pores is beneficial to the adsorption of immovable oil. Meanwhile, the relatively larger pores create significant pore volume for movable oil. Moreover, the larger pores often have good pore connectivity. Pores and fractures are interconnected to form a complex fracture network, which provides a good permeability channel for shale oil flow. The smaller pores are mostly distributed separately;thus, they are not conducive to the flow of shale oil. The mineral composition and fabric macroscopically affect the movability of shale oil. Calcite plays an active role in shale oil movability by increasing the brittleness of shale and is more likely to form micro-cracks under the same stress background. Clay does not utilize shale oil flow because of its large specific surface area and its block effect. The bedding structure increases the large-scale storage space and improves the connectivity of pores at different scales, which is conducive to the movability of shale oil. 相似文献
《Russian Geology and Geophysics》2016,57(7):1078-1089
We discuss the results of measurements of the thermal conductivity of the Bazhenovo Formation rocks from wells drilled in the Salym petroliferous area of the West Siberian Plate. The thermal conductivity was measured by “Thermal-conductivity comparator” and “Scanning thermal-conductivity meter” in different years. A total of 225 measurements were made in two directions with respect to the rock layering: parallel (λ1) and orthogonal (λ2). The results show that the Bazhenovo Formation rocks are mostly of abnormally low thermal conductivity: λ1 = 1.0–2.3 W/(m⋅K) (average is 1.6 W/(m⋅K)) and λ2 = 0.8–1.9 W/(m⋅K) (average is 1.3 W/(m⋅K)). This leads to an abnormal increase in geothermal gradient within the Bazhenovo Formation. Such geothermal-gradient anomalies can be easily revealed by high-precision thermal logging. It is also shown that the thermal conductivity of the studied rocks is in inverse relationship with their organic-matter content. 相似文献