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随着我国许多油田进入高含水开发阶段,剩余油挖潜难度增大,复合分流河道带和单河道的划分已不能满足生产要求,迫切需要进行分流河道内部有利砂体的识别。现代沉积研究是认识分流河道内砂体发育特征的有效手段。通过对鄱阳湖赣江三角洲的现场考察,发现汊口滩是三角洲分流河道中发育的重要砂体类型,以发育在分流河道的分汊口处为典型特征。根据水动力条件、沉积物组合、沉积构造等特征,将汊口滩划分为滩头、滩中、滩尾3个沉积单元。从滩头到滩尾具有水动力条件减弱、沉积物层理规模减小、单砂层厚度减小、粒度变细、泥质夹层增多的特点。汊口滩主要是由于在分汊口处,水流受到汊口的顶托作用流速降低,沉积物按粒度分异堆积形成;堆积方式主要以向上游方向的逆流加积为主。与水道砂体相比,汊口滩发育的层理类型多,而且内部夹层发育,非均质性更强;由于夹层的遮挡作用,砂体不易发生水淹,有利于形成剩余油的富集区。  相似文献   

现代缓坡三角洲沉积模式--以鄱阳湖赣江三角洲为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,缓坡三角洲形成了不少大油田。关于缓坡三角洲的沉积模式,前人做了大量研究,但大都针对古代地层。由于古代地层精细对比和沉积环境解释常常因人而异,因此总结出来的沉积模式五花八门,可靠性较低。鉴于此,本文从现代实例入手,选择了鄱阳湖赣江三角洲,采用野外实地测量、探槽、浅钻孔、探地雷达、粒度分析等方法,对其沉积特征进行系统研究,建立了缓坡三角洲沉积模式。本次研究主要取得了如下重要认识:①在三角洲平原上发现了两种新的砂体类型,即汊口滩和并口滩,分别位于分流河道分汊处和合并处,这意味着分流河道的分汊、合并部位也是有利的油气聚集部位;②在分流河道砂体中存在连片披覆型、孤立充填型、孤立残留型三种类型的落淤层,并提出了其形成机制;③统计了分流河道的定量参数,提出了分流河道宽度的变化规律,即从上三角洲平原到下三角洲平原,分流河道逐渐变窄,分一次分汊其宽度平均降低1/2,而且分汊频率增高,数量变多,弯度降低,沉积物变细变薄,砂体间连通性变差;④三角洲前缘不发育水下分流河道,而是发育河口坝和席状滩;⑤由于坡度平缓,湖平面小幅度变化会引起湖岸线大规模进退,可导致水下与水上沉积频繁交互,因此缓坡三角洲沉积在地震上不会有叠瓦状或反S形前积反射,而是呈平行或亚平行反射。  相似文献   

分析河口动力特征,进而揭示其控制下的三角洲前缘挟沙河流床沙载荷(推移质)搬运和沉积机制,是合理构建河控三角洲生长沉积模式的前提.运用流体力学的湍流理论从微观动力过程角度分析失去河床约束条件下依靠惯性作用流动的河水入湖过程中河、湖两类水体的相互作用机制及流动规律,结合水槽物理模拟及前人开展的数值模拟,并借鉴河流泥沙动力学...  相似文献   

以鄱阳湖区2个时相的M SS、TM遥感影像和1:5万地形图作为数据源,在具有最大信息量背景下,依据地物光谱、形态等影像特征对赣江河道变迁及三角洲成因进行了解译,发现河道的变迁主要表现为河流的改道和袭夺;采用人机交互式手段,利用多时相影像数据对赣江三角洲1976~1991年来演变进行了遥感动态监测,统计出15年间三角洲前缘新淤面积为37.6km2,整体淤积速度约2.5km2/a,且各部位淤积程度不一,并以中支淤积速度最快。  相似文献   

浅水三角洲沉积模式   总被引:26,自引:5,他引:26  
浅水湖盆三角洲与一般三角洲具有明显的差异,为弄清浅水三角洲的沉积特征和砂体分布规律,以现代沉积、地震属性反演和密井网区解剖,确定了两种特征截然不同的浅水湖盆三角洲,即枝状的分流河道型三角洲和连片的分流砂坝型三角洲(现代洞庭湖和鄱阳湖、尕斯N1—N21油田、BZ28和BZ26区块三维地震属性)。枝状三角洲骨架砂体发育的主体为天然堤,三角洲呈现出明显的树枝状,各朵体分散、朵体间不连接或通过决口水道连接。三角洲整体上不具备广阔的平原相带,呈现出窄条状的特征。分流砂坝型三角洲发育的主体是分流砂坝,砂呈现朵状、坨状,朵体发育集中,基本上呈现片状分布,在各朵体之间部位会发育分流间湾沉积,但常常因朵体增长而被填充,最终常表现为浅水沼泽。  相似文献   

三角洲沉积模式存在的问题与讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
三角洲是一类非常重要的沉积相,是油气聚集的有利场所。准确可靠的三角洲沉积模式,对指导油气的勘探和开发有重要意义。关于教科书中经典的三角洲沉积模式和一些相关概念,很少有人质疑过。但研究发现,该模式及一些相关概念存在许多问题,诸如对于三角洲平原、三角洲前缘和前三角洲等亚相的定义含糊不清,各亚相之间缺乏明确的、具可操作性的界限。由于海(湖)平面是波动的,模式中未明确三角洲平原与三角洲前缘究竟以哪种海(湖)平面为界。三角洲平原与正常河流冲积平原的边界、三角洲前缘与前三角洲的边界、前三角洲与正常海(湖)的边界均未明确,也没有系统总结它们各自的识别、区分标志,致使不同的研究者根据自己的理解对古代同一地层可能得出不同的结论。三角洲有多种类型,且不同类型的三角洲沉积特征不同,应有各自的沉积模式,但许多研究者将曲流河三角洲沉积模式用于所有三角洲亚相、微相划分。经典沉积模式中,三角洲前缘发育水下分支河道和水下天然堤,但笔者等研究表明这2个微相不存在。而三角洲平原上普遍发育的砂体——汊口滩与并口滩,在经典三角洲沉积模式中未提及。作者针对三角洲沉积模式存在的各种问题,进行了深入讨论,并结合现代沉积,系统总结了能用于古代沉积不同亚相和微相的识别、区分标志。  相似文献   

西北地区侏罗系的三角洲沉积   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
西北地区侏罗广泛发育扇三角洲,辫状河三角洲和曲流河三角洲相沉积,其中扇三角洲与陡倾的盆地边缘有关,盆地的沉降速率大于沉积率,沉积层序为加积型,并以沉积物重力流和无河道片流区同搬运的沉积短斩泄荷为特征,辫状河三角洲与不很陡的盆地边缘梯度有关,其沉积速率大于盆地的沉降速率,沉积层序为进积型,并以河道径流广泛发育为特征,曲流河三角洲与缓坡陷型构造边界有关,并具有以河流作用为主,湖泊作用的辅的特征,3种三  相似文献   

广西南流江三角洲全新世沉积层序及沉积过程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文依据二十多个钻孔资料,对南流江三角洲地区全新世不同类型的沉积层序进行分类,研究了各层序结构、特征及其空间分布,并与现代南流江三角洲沉积相进行对比。并探讨了全新世南海江三角洲的发育与演化,提出了该三角洲的沉积模式和后期河流改造模式。讨论了南流江及华南地区三角洲与华北地区三角洲的差异及其形成原因,提出了三角洲类型转变的第三种可能原因。  相似文献   

浅水三角洲是湖盆内大面积砂体分布的重要成因,但大面积砂体的非均质性较强,预测并寻找有利砂体(甜点)是现今油气勘探的重要需求。通过开展现代赣江三角洲上平原-下平原及河口区多个沉积部位探坑挖掘工作,对探坑中沉积物岩性与沉积相序进行了描述、取样以及沉积特征对比,并且对顺直河道中心的沉积物样品进行了采集与分析化验后,认为浅水三角洲上平原河道内沙洲的洲头与洲尾、堤岸近河端,下平原上游、下游的堤岸近河端,入湖河口区的水下分流河道、纵向坝、横向坝是有利砂体的发育区及有利砂体类型。由于赣江浅水三角洲的河道主要为顺直型,正韵律的分流河道砂体不发育,赣江浅水三角洲垂向上具有早期湖泊相泥-反韵律河口沙坝-下平原与上平原堤岸相沙泥质互层的沉积演化特征。结合鄱阳湖枯水期与洪水期的水文地质特征,建立了赣江浅水三角洲的动态生长过程模型,其动态成因演化过程可分为先期枯水期湖泊沉积,湖平面上升至最大洪泛期和再次枯水期三角洲进积等3阶段。该模型既为浅水三角洲沉积由静态描述向动态过程演化研究奠定了基础,又为湖盆内大面积砂体中甜点预测提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

Post-Aswan dam sedimentation rate of lagoons of the Nile Delta,Egypt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study uses radiometric analysis (210Pb and 137Cs) of short sediment cores with high-resolution sampling (1-cm interval) to trace sedimentation rates in the Nile Delta lagoons, particularly since completion of the Aswan High Dam in 1964. A declining trend in 210Pbex as calculated by the CIC model is clearly identified in about 10 cm of the upper-core sediments from the lagoons of Manzala and Edku, accompanied by two spikes of 137Cs in cores from the lagoons of Burullus and Edku. These findings illustrate average post-dam sedimentation rates ranging from 0.22 to 0.27 cm a−1 in the lagoons, in contrast with those found previously based on low-resolution sampling. The lower sedimentation rates in the lagoons are a consequence of a dramatic reduction in riverine sediment load to the coastal area as a result of the damming. Although widespread erosion occurs along the open estuarine coast, the lagoon setting remains calmer than before due to coastal diking and freshwater regulation in the delta plain in the past decades. This provides the possibility of continuously preserved radiometric records in the less-bioturbated lagoon sediments. Dating individual layers using the CRS model has revealed increasing sedimentation rates in Manzala and Burullus since the 1980s, which can largely be explained as a consequence of the reduction in lagoon area due to intensifying reclamation. The post-dam sedimentation in the shrinking lagoons may have some adverse ecological consequences due to finer sediment’s affinity with pollutants. These findings would shed light on the environmental conservation and socioeconomic development in the Nile Delta region.  相似文献   

Based on the new 2D and 3D seismic data from the Tuapse Trough (Black Sea), the principle peculiarities of sedimentation have been studied in detail. A sedimentation model of the focused Maikop and Karagan-Chokrak intervals of the geological section has been suggested. A system of fan complexes referred to Maikop age has been found.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is presented which describes the origin of the earth's geological record in terms of a stochastic process involving random events of sedimentation and erosion. The model yields quantitative predictions of the percentages of the earth's land area in which sediments of one geological period directly overlie those of any given earlier period. It also predicts the total amount of sediment dating from each geological period, and the percentage of the earth's surface marked by outcrops of this sediment. These computed quantities are shown to correlate well with corresponding quantities derived from empirical investigation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the sedimentation history of the central floodplain area of the Bengal Delta Plain in West Bengal, India. Sediments from two boreholes were analyzed regarding lithology, geochemistry and the stable isotopic composition of embedded organic matter. Different lithofacies were distinguished that reflect frequent changes in the prevailing sedimentary depositional environment of the study area. The lowest facies comprises poorly sorted fluvial sediments composed of fine gravel to clay pointing at high transport energy and intense relocation processes. This facies is considered to belong to an early Holocene lowstand systems tract that followed the last glacial maximum. Fine to medium sands above it mark a gradual change towards a transgressive systems tract. Upwards increasing proportions of silt and the stable isotopic composition of embedded organic matter both indicate a gradual change from fluvial channel infill sediments towards more estuarine and marine influenced deposits. Youngest sediments are composed of clayey and silty overbank deposits of the Hooghly River that have formed a vast low-relief delta-floodplain. Close to the surface, small concretions of secondary Mn-oxides and Fe-(oxyhydr)oxides occur and mark the fluctuation range of the unsaturated zone. These concretions are accompanied by relatively high contents of trace elements such as Zn, Ni, Cu, and As. To sum up, the outcomes of this study provide new insights into the complex sedimentation history of the barely investigated central floodplain area of West Bengal.  相似文献   

Land subsidence in China occurs predominantly in 17 provinces (cities) situated in the eastern and middle regions of the country, including Shanghai, Tianjin and Jiangsu, and Hebei provinces. It is primarily caused by groundwater overpumping. One of the areas most severely affected by land subsidence is the Yangtze Delta, most of which consists of Shanghai City, the Su-Xi-Chang area (Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou cities) of Jiangsu Province, and the Hang-Jia-Hu area (Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou cities) of Zhejiang Province. The excessive exploitation of groundwater forms in a large regional cone of depression and, consequently, land subsidence is also regional, currently centered in the Shanghai and Su-Xi-Chang areas. In 2002, the maximum cumulative subsidence of Shanghai, Su-Xi-Chang and Hang-Jia-Hu were 2.63 m, 2.00 and 1.06 m, respectively. The land subsidence area is continuing to expand throughout the Yangtze Delta. To study the characteristics and the pattern of this land subsidence, the government has implemented a monitoring system involving the placement of 37 groups of extensometers (layers marks) and drilling of more than 1000 observation wells. These provide an invaluable historical record of deformation and pore water pressure and facilitate studies on the special features of soil deformation when the groundwater level changes due to pumping. Several measures have been taken in recent years to control the development of the land subsidence in the different areas; these include groundwater injection, prohibition of pumping deep confined groundwater, and an adjustment of the pumping depth and magnitude of the groundwater withdrawn. At present, although the subsidence area is still increasing slowly, the subsidence rate is controlled.  相似文献   

Diamictons which have characteristics of both basal tills and lacustrine sedimenis have been called by various authors waterlaid tills, lacuatrotills, subaqueous tills, aqualills, underwater tills, and other terms with the word till replaced by moraine. It is proposed that a more restrictive definition of these terms be applied based on criteria indicative of the environment of deposition.
The term lacustrotill is proposed for the till-like sediments deposited in the lacustrine environment by flow mechanisms. Their clasts are often striated and may exhibit preferred orientation unrelated to glacier movement. Deformation structures suggestive of slumping or flowage during deposition are usually present.
The term waterlaid till is proposed for sediments deposited beneath a floating glacier, where the water depth does not allow appreciable size separation during settling: glacial drift dumped in standing water at the snout of a glacier grounded on a lake bottom: or till deposited during re advances (perhaps annually) into a lake basin and subsequently slightly reworked by lacustrine processes.
These sediments contain glacially abraded clasts which may even show a weak preferred orientation related to glacial movement; deformation and flow structures will not normally be present: and they may he massive, or exhibit crude stratification.  相似文献   

在综合分析区域构造、地层岩性与岩溶发育关系的基础上,结合钻探资料,系统总结出珠三角地区的岩溶分布特征和发育规律。结果表明:珠三角地区的岩溶分布可分为3个条带,形成发育分为3个阶段,分别受地质构造、古水文网和地下水控制。岩溶横向发育规律受地质构造和岩石化学性质综合控制,岩石化学性质为内在因素,起决定性作用,地质构造为地下水提供通道,起主导作用;区内强岩溶发育带集中分布在石炭系的壶天组和石磴子组中,国土空间规划布局和工程建设选址应重点评价。岩溶纵向发育分为4层,最深可达标高400 m以下,其中标高-35~-80 m为岩溶极强发育带,地下空间开发利用应尽量避让,而标高-35 m以上和-100 m以下岩溶发育较弱,在适当采取工程措施后,较适宜开发利用。   相似文献   

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