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四川芦山2013年Ms7.0地震发震构造初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2013年4月20日8时2分,四川龙门山断裂带的雅安芦山发生Ms7.0级地震,震中位于芦山县太平镇和双石镇之间,震源深度13~14km,震中最大烈度达IX级。震中区野外调查发现,尽管房屋建筑损坏较严重,但这次地震没有产生明显的地表破裂构造,仅见少量的地裂缝和喷砂冒水现象。高分辨率遥感图像解译、主余震分布、震源机制解等综合分析认为,该地震是龙门山断裂带西南段一次独立的破裂事件,属于逆冲型地震,沿双石-大川断裂中南段发生破裂,主破裂面西倾,倾角33°~43°,推断芦山地震与龙门山构造带底部滑脱带(13~19km)断坡构造活动有关。历史上,沿双石-大川断裂发生至少2次Ms6~6.5级地震,由此认为芦山地震是龙门山断裂带西南段特征型地震,与汶川地震不同。原地地应力测量和监测数据表明这是汶川地震后龙门山断裂带西南段应力释放的结果。  相似文献   

赵静  刘杰  任金卫  江在森  闫伟  岳冲 《地球学报》2019,40(1):186-198
为研究2008年汶川地震和2013年芦山地震前地壳形变特征,本文利用1999—2015年四期GPS速度场和1990—2017年跨断层短水准资料,对跨断层GPS速度剖面、GPS应变率场、断层闭锁程度和滑动亏损、跨断层年均垂直变化速率等进行了分析讨论,总结了汶川和芦山地震前后龙门山断裂带三维地壳变形演化特征。结果表明,汶川地震前龙门山断裂带中、北段处于强闭锁状态、断层面应力应变积累水平很高,而龙门山断裂带西南段闭锁较弱、变形速率明显高于中北段、依然可以积累应力应变,汶川地震震源位于闭锁相对弱的部位,这可能是导致汶川地震自初始破裂点沿龙门山断裂带向北东方向单侧破裂,而震中西南方向断层并没有发生破裂的原因之一。汶川地震的发生引起龙门山断裂带西南段应力应变积累速率加快、断层闭锁程度增强、闭锁面积增大,这在一定程度上促进了芦山地震的发生,而芦山地震震源位于汶川地震前强闭锁和弱闭锁的高梯度过渡部位。因为芦山地震只释放了龙门山断裂带西南段有限的应变能,并没有显著缓解该段的地震危险性,所以汶川和芦山地震之间的地震空段以及芦山地震西南方向的地震空段,依然需要持续关注。此外,本文还收集和对比分析了多次6~9级地震前地壳变形特征,同样显示地震成核于闭锁高梯度带区域而非完全闭锁区域内部,并且随着震级升高闭锁断层面的长度也在增大,这一现象还需在高分辨率形变数据的帮助下进行深入研究和分析。  相似文献   

巴颜喀拉块体及周缘是近年来中国大陆大震主要发震区域之一,2013年4月20日四川省芦山7.0级强烈地震就发生在巴颜喀拉块体东缘的龙门山断裂带的西南段上。以巴颜喀拉块体中东段为研究区,通过对该区域地震前后的多期区域水准观测数据和GNSS连续站观测数据进行计算处理,得出研究区垂直形变速率图像和水平形变速率图像;结合区域地质构造,建立地震诱发模型,解释芦山地震主震发震和余震活动源于龙门山断裂带中大型块体的突然断裂和小型块体集合的流动机制;通过对垂直形变速率图像和水平形变速率图像的分析,认为芦山地震是龙门山断裂带逆冲活动的结果,东昆仑断裂带中东段未来大震发生的可能性增大;提出未来5年基于区域水准测量和GNSS测量为技术手段的监测建议。  相似文献   

At 08:02 on April 20, 2013, a Ms7.0 earthquake occurred in Lushan, Ya'an, in the Longmenshan fault zone, Sichuan. The epicenter was located between Taiping Town and Shuangshi Town, Lushan County and the maximum earthquake intensity at the epicenter reached class IX. Field investigations in the epicenter area found that, although buildings were seriously damaged, no obvious surface rupture structure was produced, only some ground fissures and sand blows and water ejection phenomena being seen. An integrated analysis of high-resolution remote sensing image interpretation, mainshock and aftershock distribution, and focal mechanism solutions indicated that this earthquake was an independent rupturing event in the southwestern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone, belonging to the thrust-type earthquake. Ruptures occurred along the south-central segment of the Shuangshi-Dachuan fault and the principal rupture plane dipped SW at 33-43°. It is inferred that the Lushan earthquake might be related to the ramp activity of the basal detachment zone (13-19 km) of the Longmenshan fault zone. Historically, there occurred at least two Ms6-6.5 earthquakes along the Shuangshi-Dachuan fault zone; thus it is thought that the Lushan earthquake, different from the Wenchuan earthquake, was a characteristic one in the southwestern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone. In-situ stress measurements indicated the Lushan earthquake was the result of stress release of the southwestern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone after the Wenchuan earthquake. This paper analyzes the tectonic setting of the seismogenic structure of this earthquake.  相似文献   

Crustal tectonic activities are essentially the consequences of the accumulation and release of in situ stress. Therefore, studying the stress state near active faults is important for understanding crustal dynamics and earthquake occurrences. In this paper, using in situ stress measurement results obtained by hydraulic fracturing in the vicinity of the Longmenshan fault zone before and after the Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake and finite element modeling, the variation of stress state before and after the Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake is investigated. The results show that the shear stress, which is proportional to the difference between principal stresses, increases with depth and distance from the active fault in the calm period or after the earthquakes, and tends to approach to the regional stress level outside the zone influenced by the fault. This distribution appears to gradually reverse with time and the change of fault properties such as frictional strength. With an increase in friction coefficient, low stress areas are reduced and areas with increased stress accumulation are more obvious near the fault. In sections of the fault with high frictional strengths, in situ stress clearly increases in the fault. Stress accumulates more rapidly in the fault zone relative to the surrounding areas, eventually leading to a stress field that peaks at the fault zone. Such a reversal in the stress field between the fault zone and surrounding areas in the magnitude of the stress field is a potential indicator for the occurrence of strong earthquakes.  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘1933年叠溪Ms7.5级地震发震构造再研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
青藏高原东缘1933年叠溪75级地震的发震构造至今仍然难以琢磨,前人或将其归因于NW向松坪沟断裂的左旋走滑活动、或南北向岷江断裂左旋走滑活动,但地表同震破裂、地震地质、地震等烈度图等调查和研究结果都不支持这种走滑型断层的地震成因。本文基于叠溪地震区构造地貌和湖相地层断层调查,结合古地震和历史地震的研究结果,提出了与2013年四川芦山Ms 70级地震类似的发震构造模型,即隐伏断坡型逆冲断层发震构造模型,认为在叠溪震区10~15km深部隐伏一条西倾的逆冲断坡,其向东逆冲作用导致了叠溪地区频繁的地震活动。这个发震模型有待深部地球物理测深资料和地表大地测量资料的验证。  相似文献   

芦山地震前后龙门山断裂带西南段地应力状态对比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2013年4月20日芦山Ms7.0级地震后,为研究龙门山断裂带西南段震后的地应力状态,应用水压致裂法和压磁应力解除法在该区开展了2个钻孔的原地应力测量工作。测量结果显示硗碛测点在128~188m深度范围内最小水平主应力的量值为10.47~18.47 MPa,最大水平主应力的量值为19.60~25.83 MPa,方向为N63°~85°W;天全测点在114~142m深度范围内最小水平主应力的量值为5.20~7.73 MPa,最大水平主应力的量值为8.21~9.31 MPa,方向为N59°W。两个测点水平主应力与垂直应力的关系均为σ_Hσ_hσ_v,其中硗碛测点最大、最小水平主应力与垂直应力比值的平均值分别为5.27和3.01,天全测点最大、最小水平主应力与垂直应力比值的平均值分别为2.60和1.76,表明有利于逆断层活动。通过比较该地区芦山地震前后实测地应力状态,发现芦山地震后,龙门山断裂带西南段的北段(即邛崃大邑西-宝兴北-汶川南一带)和南段(即天全-荥经-泸定-康定一带)应力积累量增加。相同深度范围内,北段硗碛测点震后的应力大小要比地震前有明显的提高,这也与硗碛测点地应力监测结果一致。实测应力方向与震前基本一致,都为NW-NWW。基于实测地应力资料,根据库伦破裂准则和Byerlee定律分析,位于北段的硗碛测点震前部分压裂段的最大水平主应力处于使断层滑动临界值的上下限之间,而地震后最大水平主应力则均已超过断层滑动临界值的上限。位于南段的飞仙关测点震前最大水平主应力均未达到断层滑动临界值的下限,而地震后天全测点的最大水平主应力则均处于使断层滑动临界值的上下限之间。采用最大剪应力(σ_1-σ_3)/2与平均应力(σ_1+σ_3)/2的比值μ_m(断层摩擦)参数评估研究区地应力的积累水平和地震危险性。震前硗碛测点μ_m的量值为0.16~0.72,平均为0.50,震后为0.71~0.81,平均为0.77。震前飞仙关测点μ_m的量值为0.31~0.35,平均值为0.32,震后天全测点μ_m的量值为0.53~0.57,平均值为0.55,两个研究区的μ_m的量值均变大。分析认为芦山地震后龙门山断裂带西南段的北段和南段的应力积累量增加,都有发生断层滑动的可能性,尤其是北段。  相似文献   

张培丰 《地质与勘探》2012,48(2):379-386
[摘 要]龙门山地震断裂带是我国最为强烈的地震带之一,地层破碎、地应力异常,钻孔缩径造成孔内事故频发,井壁稳定问题十分突出。本文介绍了汶川地震断裂带科学钻探施工中所发生的孔内事故情况,并通过对地层应力数据的统计分析,得出龙门山地震断裂带最大水平应力和最小水平应力随深度变化的回归曲线,最大水平应力梯度为4. 52MPa/100 m,最小水平应力梯度为2. 51 MPa/100 m。以WFSD-2 井为例,分析了龙门山地震断裂带地层应力、尤其是断层泥应力对井壁稳定的影响;针对膨胀性地层,介绍了一种通过泥浆密度微调现场测定地层坍塌压力和破裂压力的简易方法。  相似文献   

通过对青藏高原东缘大地电磁测深实测资料的分析,结合区域地质、重、磁、大地电磁和地震资料,文章对青藏高 原东缘的深部构造、壳内高导层、电性结构与矿产的关系进行了研究。结果表明,重力计算中的莫霍面是由诸多高低变化 电阻组成的一个界面,莫霍面之上容易形成壳内高导体;在20 km深度左右存在电阻率变化界面,为上下地壳界面的反映。 电性和Vs研究表明,在地幔柱发育地区,地壳厚度减薄了15 km左右。区内诸如金沙江-红河断裂、鲜水河断裂等深大断裂 带已经深达莫霍面,成为各块体或成矿带的边界,控制了岩体和壳内高导体的分布。进而探讨了贡嘎山壳幔高导体的成因 以及区内地幔柱与矿产的关系。  相似文献   

利用2010年和2013年两期精密水准测量数据分析了芦山Ms7.0地震前龙门山断裂带西南段的区域形变特征。结果显示,芦山地震前龙门山断裂带西南段的天全-泸定区域垂直形变速率为6~8mm/a,远大于汶川地震前的形变速率,汶川地震对芦山地震前该区域库伦应力值的积累起加速作用;临近四川盆地的雅安至名山区域的垂直形变速率为-3~-6mm/a。从芦山地震和汶川地震的地震破裂带及余震分布区域来看,两次地震中间出现一段"地震空区",应力可能会在空区加速积累,应加强该区域地震监测和预报。  相似文献   

赵祎喆  吴忠良  蒋长胜  朱传镇 《地质学报》2008,82(12):1778-1787
2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震前龙门山断裂被“忽视”的原因之一是地质学证据和GPS测量证据均显示龙门山断裂长期以来形变速率很低。问题是,构造地质的结果是对一个较长的时间尺度的,而GPS结果反映的是较短时间尺度上的、地表上的、水平方向的形变,因此有理由怀疑由此得到的结论能否反映现今龙门山断裂的深部形变的全貌。我们采用类似于Kostrov方法的思路,利用最近30 a的地震资料,试图研究龙门山断裂的深部形变,并与其相邻的断裂进行比较。利用ML2.5以上的微震资料,给出了沿龙门山断裂带的累积Benioff应变,并根据震级频度关系计算了a值的空间分布。作为对照,同时计算了龙门山断裂邻区沿鲜水河、安宁河、则木河断裂各区域内的累积Benioff应变和a值。结果表明,在与地质学证据不同的时间尺度上,在与GPS证据不同的时间尺度、不同的深度上,并且不仅考虑到水平形变,与周边的断裂带相比,龙门山断裂带其实并不是一个“安静的”断裂带。在更短的时间尺度上,可以回溯性地观察到微震活动的一些异常变化,但这些变化似乎很难用于该地震的预测。我们讨论了相关的观测资料分析对于汶川地震的成因的意义。  相似文献   

Four months after the Wenchuan Ms 8 earthquake in western Sichuan, China, in situ stress measurements were carried out along the Longmenshan fault zone with the purpose of obtaining stress parameters for earthquake hazard assessment. In-situ stresses were measured in three new boreholes by using overcoring with the piezomagnetic stress gauges for shallow depths and hydraulic fracturing for lower depths. The maximum horizontal stress in shallow depths (~20 m) is about 4.3 MPa, oriented NI9°E, in the epicenter area at Yingxiu Town, about 9.7 MPa, oriented N51°W, at Baoxing County in the southwestern Longmenshan range, and about 2.6 MPa, oriented N39°E, near Kangding in the southernmost zone of the Longmenshan range. Hydraulic fracturing at borehole depths from 100 to 400 m shows a tendency towards increasing stress with depth. A comparison with the results measured before the Wenchuan earthquake along the Longmenshan zone and in the Tibetan Plateau demonstrates that the stress level remains relatively high in the southwestern segment of the Longmenshan range, and is still moderate in the epicenter zone. These results provide a key appraisal for future assessment of earthquake hazards of the Longmenshan fault zone and the aftershock occurrences of the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

On April 20 th, 2013, an earthquake of magnitude MW 6.6 occurred at Lushan of Sichuan on the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone, with no typical coseismic surface rupture. This work plotted an isoseismal map of the earthquake after repositioning over 400 post–earthquake macro–damage survey points from peak ground acceleration(PGA) data recorded by the Sichuan Digital Strong Earthquake Network. This map indicates that the Lushan earthquake has a damage intensity of IX on the Liedu scale, and that the meizoseismal area displays an oblate ellipsoid shape, with its longitudinal axis in the NE direction. No obvious directivity was detected. Furthermore, the repositioning results of 3323 early aftershocks, seismic reflection profiles and focal mechanism solutions suggests that the major seismogenic structure of the earthquake was the Dayi Fault, which partly defines the eastern Mengshan Mountain. This earthquake resulted from the thrusting of the Dayi Fault, and caused shortening of the southern segment of the Longmenshan in the NW–SE direction. Coseismal rupture was also produced in the deep of the Xinkaidian Fault. Based on the above seismogenic model and the presentation of coseismic surface deformation, it is speculated that there is a risk of more major earthquakes occurring in this region.  相似文献   

Abstract: Dextral-slip thrust movement of the Songpan-Garzê terrain over the Sichuan block caused the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008 and offset the Central Longmenshan Fault (CLF) along a distance of ~250 km. Displacement along the CLF changes from Yingxiu to Qingchuan. The total oblique slip of up to 7.6 m in Yingxiu near the epicenter of the earthquake, decreases northeastward to 5.3 m, 6.6 m, 4.4 m, 2.5 m and 1.1 m in Hongkou, Beichuan, Pingtong, Nanba and Qingchuan, respectively. This offset apparently occurred during a sequence of four reported seismic events, EQ1–EQ4, which were identified by seismic inversion of the source mechanism. These events occurred in rapid succession as the fault break propagated northeastward during the earthquake. Variations in the plunge of slickensides along the CLF appear to match these events. The Mw 7.5 EQ1 event occurred during the first 0–10 s along the Yingxiu-Hongkou section of the CLF and is characterized by 1.7 m vertical slip and vertical slickensides. The Mw 8.0 EQ2 event, which occurred during the next 10–42 s along the Yingxiu-Yanziyan section of the CLF, is marked by major dextral-slip with minor thrust and slickensides plunging 25°–35° southwestward. The Mw 7.5 EQ3 event occurred during the following 42–60 s and resulted in dextral-slip and slickensides plunging 10° southwestward in Beichuan and plunging 73° southwestward in Hongkou. The Mw 7.7 EQ4 event, which occurred during the final 60–95 s along the Beichuan-Qingchuan section of the CLF, is characterized by nearly equal values of dextral and vertical slips with slickensides plunging 45°–50° southwestward. These seismic events match and evidently controlled the concentrations of landslide dams caused by the Wenchuan earthquake in Longmenshan Mountains.  相似文献   

Abstract: Four months after the Wenchuan Ms 8 earthquake in western Sichuan, China, in situ stress measurements were carried out along the Longmenshan fault zone with the purpose of obtaining stress parameters for earthquake hazard assessment. In-situ stresses were measured in three new boreholes by using overcoring with the piezomagnetic stress gauges for shallow depths and hydraulic fracturing for lower depths. The maximum horizontal stress in shallow depths (~20 m) is about 4.3 MPa, oriented N19°E, in the epicenter area at Yingxiu Town, about 9.7 MPa, oriented N51°W, at Baoxing County in the southwestern Longmenshan range, and about 2.6 MPa, oriented N39°E, near Kangding in the southernmost zone of the Longmenshan range. Hydraulic fracturing at borehole depths from 100 to 400 m shows a tendency towards increasing stress with depth. A comparison with the results measured before the Wenchuan earthquake along the Longmenshan zone and in the Tibetan Plateau demonstrates that the stress level remains relatively high in the southwestern segment of the Longmenshan range, and is still moderate in the epicenter zone. These results provide a key appraisal for future assessment of earthquake hazards of the Longmenshan fault zone and the aftershock occurrences of the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

Dextral-slip thrust movement of the Songpan-Garze terrain over the Sichuan block caused the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008 and offset the Central Longmenshan Fault (CLF) along a distance of-250 km. Displacement along the CLF changes from Yingxiu to Qingchuan. The total oblique slip of up to 7.6 m in Yingxiu near the epicenter of the earthquake, decreases northeastward to 5.3 m, 6.6 m, 4.4 m, 2.5 m and 1.1 m in Hongkou, Beichuan, Pingtong, Nanba and Qingchuan, respectively. This offset apparently occurred during a sequence of four reported seismic events, EQ1-EQ4, which were identified by seismic inversion of the source mechanism. These events occurred in rapid succession as the fault break propagated northeastward during the earthquake. Variations in the plunge of slickensides along the CLF appear to match these events. The Mw 7.5 EQ1 event occurred during the first 0-10 s along the Yingxiu-Hongkou section of the CLF and is characterized by 1.7 m vertical slip and vertical slickensides. The Mw 8.0 EQ2 event, which occurred during the next 10-42 s along the Yingxiu-Yanziyan section of the CLF, is marked by major dextral-slip with minor thrust and slickensides plunging 25°-35° southwestward. The Mw 7.5 EQ3 event occurred during the following 42-60 s and resulted in dextral-slip and slickensides plunging 10° southwestward in Beichuan and plunging 73° southwestward in Hongkou. The Mw 7.7 EQ4 event, which occurred during the final 60-95 s along the Beichuan-Qingchuan section of the CLF, is characterized by nearly equal values of dextral and vertical slips with slickensides plunging 45°-50° southwestward. These seismic events match and evidently controlled the concentrations of landslide dams caused by the Wenchuan earthquake in Longmenshan Mountains.  相似文献   

Following the 2008 Wenchuan M8 earthquake,the seismic risk of the northeastern section of the Longmenshan fault zone and the adjacent Hanzhong basin has become an issue that receives much concern.It is facing,however,the problem of a lack of sufficient data because of little previous work in these regions.The northeastern section of the Longmenshan fault zone includes three major faults:the Qingchuan fault,Chaba-Lin'ansi fault,and Liangshan south margin fault,with the Hanzhong basin at the northern end.This paper presents investigations of the geometry,motion nature,and activity ages of these three faults,and reveals that they are strike slip with normal faulting,with latest activity in the Late Pleistocene.It implies that this section of the Longmenshan fault zone has been in an extensional setting,probably associated with the influence of the Hanzhong basin.Through analysis of the tectonic relationship between the Longmenshan fault zone and the Hanzhong basin,this work verifies that the Qingchuan fault played an important role in the evolution of the Hanzhong basin,and further studies the evolution model of this basin.Finally,with consideration of the tectonic setting of the Longmenshan fault zone and the Hanzhong basin as well as seismicity of surrounding areas,this work suggests that this region has no tectonic conditions for great earthquakes and only potential strong events in the future.  相似文献   

On May 12th,2008,the M_w7.9 Wenchuan earthquake ruptured the Beichuan,Pengguan and Xiaoyudong faults simultaneously along the middle segment of the Longmenshan thrust belt at the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau.Field investigations constrain the surface rupture pattern, length and offsets related to the Wenchuan earthquake.The Beichuan fault has a NE-trending rightlateral reverse rupture with a total length of 240 km.Reassessment yields a maximum vertical offset of 6.5±0.5 m and a maximum right-lat...  相似文献   

The geology and tectonics in the eastern margin of Tibetan Plateau are complex. The main tectonic framework is composed of blocks and faults. Using discontinuous global positioning system survey data for 2008–2014, the velocity field for the Eurasia reference framework was obtained. Based on the velocity field, the present-day velocities of the blocks and boundary faults were estimated. The results reveal that the movement rates of the Chuan-Qing, South China, Chuan-Dian and Indo-China blocks are(17.02±0.60) mm/a,(8.77±1.51) mm/a,(13.85±1.31) mm/a and(6.84 ± 0.74) mm/a, respectively, and their movement directions are 99.5°, 120.3°, 142.9° and 153.3°, respectively. All blocks exhibit clockwise rotation. The displacement rates of the Xianshuihe, Longmenshan, Anninghe, Zemuhe, Xiaojiang and Red River faults are(7.30±1.25–8.30±1.26) mm/a,(10.07±0.97–11.79±0.89) mm/a,(0.96±0.74–2.98±1.73) mm/a,(2.03±0.49–3.20±0.73) mm/a,(3.45±0.40–6.02±0.50) mm/a and(6.23±0.56) mm/a, respectively. The Xianshuihe, Anninghe, Zemuhe and Xiaojiang faults show leftlateral strike-slip movement, while the Longmenshan and Red River faults show right-lateral strikeslip. These characteristics of the blocks and faults are related to the particular tectonic location and dynamic mechanism.  相似文献   

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