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加快发展福建海洋与渔业经济的对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
福建是海洋大省,海岸线长3324千米,居全国第二位;海域面积达13.6万平方千米,超过陆域面积;海洋生物、矿产、能源、旅游等资源丰富,发展海洋与渔业经济条件得天独厚。充分利用海的优势力,加快发展海洋与渔业经济,对于缓解福建人多地少矛盾,拓展新的生存与发展空间;对于加快本省沿海地区发展,促进内地山区迅速崛起,建设海峡西岸繁荣带;对于加强闽台交流与合作,促进两岸“三通”和祖国和平统一,都具有十分重要的意义。 现状与实绩 改革开放以来,福建省委、省政府高度重视发展海洋与渔业经济,先后作出“大念山海经”、…  相似文献   

海洋休闲渔业对于发展海洋经济与传统渔业转型具有重要意义,但是近年来我国海洋休闲渔业产业发展遭遇瓶颈,传统业态急需转型,海洋休闲渔业新型业态作为海洋休闲渔业产业的存在形式,为海洋休闲渔业产业的研究开启了新的研究领域。文章通过文献梳理对海洋休闲渔业新型业态进行概念界定;在微笑曲线理论的支撑下,提出海洋休闲渔业新型业态发展路径应趋向于高附加值的品牌与服务;并基于互联网平台的集聚传播功能以及即时、互动、便捷等特性,提出"互联网+休闲渔业新型业态"可以实现品牌经济与完善服务体系。  相似文献   

“十一五”时期,浙江省坚持以科学发展观为指导,围绕“促进海洋经济又好又快发展”和“加快现代渔业建设”两大重点,在服务海洋经济发展、加强海洋综合管理、推进渔业发展方式转变、加快基础设施建设等方面做了一些工作,推动了海洋与渔业事业的发展,促进了海洋经济的增长。据预测,20lO年全省海洋生产总值3500亿元,比“十五”末的2005年增加2倍多;全省渔业经济总产出1336.3亿元,比“十五”末增长了38%。  相似文献   

十一五时期,浙江省坚持以科学发展观为指导,围绕促进海洋经济又好又快发展和加快现代渔业建设两大重点,在服务海洋经济发展、加强海洋综合管理、推进渔业发展方式转变、加快基础设施建设等方面做了一些工作,推动了海洋与渔业事业的发  相似文献   

为优化厦门市海洋休闲渔业的发展路线,文章通过对多年的渔业经济统计数据和本区域资源状况、发展现状和需求的综合分析,提出在厦门市建立多层次和多类型现代化海洋休闲渔业基地的发展设想。研究结果表明:近年来我国休闲渔业呈现占比上升和增速加快的发展优势,但也表现出发展不稳定和体量小等不足;福建省休闲渔业发展增速缓慢且体量较小,明显落后于全国平均水平;厦门市海洋休闲渔业已具雏形,但开发层次较低和规模较小,亟须充分挖掘资源、地理和文化优势,以重点项目设计为抓手,发展具有典型示范效应的产品,培育多样化、复合化和本土化的新型海洋休闲渔业产业。  相似文献   

苗种生产是一项科技含量高、附加值高的海洋高科技产业。大力发展水产苗种产业是适应水产养殖迅速发展的需要,也是青岛发挥驻青海洋科技优势,加快向海洋高技术领域进军的有效途径,对于调整优化渔业产业结构,提高渔业的整体素质和效益,促进海洋经济发展,增加沿海农民收入具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

加强和创新社会管理,是党中央正确把握国内外复杂多变的新形势作出的重大决策。在实施海洋战略、发展蓝色经济的大背景下,海洋与渔业面临着重大的发展机遇,但也存在很多矛盾和问题,要实现海洋与渔业资源的科学开发、海洋生态环境的有效保护、海洋与渔业经济的可持续发展,就必须加强和创新社会管理,协调处理好海洋与渔业发展过程中的各种矛盾和关系,推进和谐海洋、和谐渔业建设。  相似文献   

过去的一年,山东省海洋与渔业系统紧紧把握山东半岛蓝色经济区和黄河三角洲高效生态经济区建设重大机遇,坚持推动当前工作和谋划长远发展两手抓,积极作为、科学务实,全省海洋与渔业工作实现“十二五”良好开局,全省海洋与渔业经济保持平稳较快发展势头。预计全省海洋生产总值达到8300亿元,比2010年增长16%。  相似文献   

过去的一年,山东省海洋与渔业系统紧紧把握山东半岛蓝色经济区和黄河三角洲高效生态经济区建设重大机遇,坚持推动当前工作和谋划长远发展两手抓,积极作为、科学务实,全省海洋与渔业工作实现“十二五”良好开局,全省海洋与渔业经济保持平稳较快发展势头。预计全省海洋生产总值达到8300亿元,比2010年增长16%。  相似文献   

加快浙江渔港经济发展的战略思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
浙江省海岸线长达6000km余,其中大陆岸线1840km,岛屿岸线4300km余,500m^2以上岛屿有3061个,常住人岛屿有190个左右。沿海岛屿星罗棋布,岸线曲折绵长,港湾众多。人们利用自然地形、岬角、港湾建立起众多的渔业港口,全省现有一级群众渔港17处,二级群众渔港25处,三级群众渔港37处,成为渔业生产补给、停泊、避风的后方基地和渔民集聚地。随着海洋经济的不断发展,沿海渔港的功能正在逐步拓展,逐渐发展成为海洋与渔业经济的综合性载体,成为海洋产业聚集、带动与辐射渔区经济发展的强大动力,以及渔区物流、资金流、信息流及人流的平台。  相似文献   

本研究记述了采集自海南陵水海域的梭螺科(Ovulidae)一新记录属:舟梭螺属(Naviculavolva)及一新记录种:折唇舟梭螺(N.deflexa),对标本进行了形态描述并附标本照,且通过比对样品的COⅠ基因序列证实了形态鉴定的准确性。本研究为梭螺科分类与研究提供参考资料,丰富了我国海域梭螺科物种的多样性,并使得折唇舟梭螺的分布范围延伸至海南省海域。  相似文献   

A new direction in coastal management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
So-Min Cheong   《Marine Policy》2008,32(6):1090-1093
This paper argues for a stronger integration of marine sciences and coastal management studies that generates better formulated marine policies and viable policy implementation strategies. Integration of natural and social sciences in environmental management has surfaced as a key issue recently in the fields of sustainability science, ecosystem-based management, and social–ecological resilience. This paper promotes such trend in marine studies, and examines the rationale, progress, and examples of the integration.  相似文献   

A new genus and a new species have been established on the basis of three specimens collected from Fujian's coastal zone in China. This new genus is named Laevispinereis. Its brief characters are as follows: oral ring of proboscis has papillae, maxillary ring has conical paragnaths; the peristomium greatly expands into a collar; notosetaes are homogomph spinigers, neurosetaes are homogomph spinigers and homogomph falcigers; tip of spinigers setae with minute serratures and smooth on side. The type of genus is Laevispinereis fujianensis sp. nov., it has conical paragnaths on maxillary ring of proboscis: I has Ⅰ; Ⅱ has 6-7: Ⅲ has 12;Ⅳ has 6-7.  相似文献   

The need for accurate and undisturbed core samples has led to the development of this new coring method with controlled penetration speed (Angel Descent), to minimize the sediment shortening and deformation. The results of the last campaign are herein discussed, analyzing recovery/penetration ratio, acceleration data of the corer during penetration, and logs of magnetic susceptibility on the samples obtained using two different methodologies in the same location. The purpose of this paper is to compare the performance of the two sampling methods, to identify which system allows for less axial deformation of soils and less distortion of the structures, to obtain a geometrically unaltered sedimentary sequence.  相似文献   

W. Koeve   《Marine Chemistry》2001,74(4):96
Observations of wintertime nutrient concentrations in surface waters are scarce in the temperate and subarctic North Atlantic Ocean. Three new methods of their estimation from spring or early summer observations are described and evaluated. The methods make use of a priori knowledge of the vertical distribution of oxygen saturation and empirical relationships between nutrient concentrations and oxygen saturation. A south–north increase in surface water winter nutrient concentration is observed. Winter nitrate concentrations range from very low levels of about 0.5 μmol dm−3 at 33°N to about 13.5 μmol dm−3 at 60°N. Previous estimates of winter nitrate concentrations have been overestimates by up to 50%. At the Biotrans Site (47°N, 20°W), a typical station in the temperate Northeast Atlantic, a mean winter nitrate concentration of 8 μmol dm−3 is estimated, compared to recently published values between 11 and 12.5 μmol dm−3. It is shown that most of the difference is due to a contribution of remineralised nitrate that had not been recognized in previous winter nutrient estimates. Mesoscale variation of wintertime nitrate concentrations at Biotrans are moderate (less than ±15% of the regional mean value of about 8 μmol dm−3). Interannual variation of the regional mean is small, too. In the available dataset, there was only 1 year with a significantly lower regional mean winter nitrate concentration (7 μmol dm−3), presumably due to restricted deep mixing during an atypically warm winter. The significance of winter nitrate estimates for the assessment of spring-bloom new production and the interpretation of bloom dynamics is evaluated. Applying estimates of wintertime nitrate concentrations of this study, it is found that pre-bloom new production (0.275 mol N m−2) at Biotrans almost equals spring-bloom new production (0.3 mol N m−2). Using previous estimates of wintertime nitrate yields unrealistically high estimates of pre-bloom new production (1.21–1.79 mol N m−2) which are inconsistent with observed levels of primary production and the seasonal development of biomass.  相似文献   

破囊壶菌(Thraustochytrids)是一类具有分解作用的海洋异养原生生物。研究表明破囊壶菌可对软体动物、海洋扁虫类造成消耗性疾病。本研究从发病的牡蛎鳃组织中分离出一种未在牡蛎中记录过的破囊壶菌寄生虫,经形态学及分子生物学分析后,鉴定为一种破囊壶菌寄生虫Thraustochytriu caudivorum。利用倒置显微镜和激光共聚焦超高分辨系统观察到T.caudivorum的生活史可分为游动孢子、营养细胞、孢子囊和变形虫四个阶段。游动孢子沉降成营养细胞,营养细胞再通过二分裂或形成孢子囊的方式释放不动的和可游动的孢子。破囊壶菌的形态大小变化迥异,本研究利用流式细胞仪和共聚焦系统探究了不同盐度对细胞大小的影响。结果表明,随盐度增大,体积小的细胞占比增多;在盐度为15 ppt时,细胞增殖缓慢,体积变大;而在盐度为20和25 ppt时,细胞体积变小,增殖速率加快。25 ppt盐度条件下,游动孢子数目最多。本研究首次从香港牡蛎鳃组织中分离出T. caudivorum寄生虫,并确立了其与破囊壶菌其他属之间的系统发育关系。  相似文献   

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