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In this investigation, we attempt to analyze the quasi-linear cyclotron instability (under the weak turbulence regime) for whistler-mode waves due to pitch angle anisotropy of nonthermal electrons. The motivation of this study is to explain the triggered discrete VLF emissions occurring in the terrestrial magnetosphere. The time evolution of the growth rate and the induced waves spectrum for a loss cone type of nonthermal electrons is analyzed numerically. The diffusion of particles in pitch angles due to quasilinear cyclotron instability is illustrated. It is shown that several major features of triggered VLF emissions can be explained by the stated instability. Some predictions of the theory is given and suggestions for further research are presented.On special leave during the summer of 1971 from the Physics Department, Faculty of Science, University of Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Langmuir waves (LWs), which are believed to play a crucial role in the plasma emission of solar radio bursts, can be excited by streaming instability of energetic electron beams. However, solar hard X-ray observations imply that the energetic flare electrons usually have a power-law energy distribution with a lower energy cutoff. In this paper, we investigate LWs driven by the power-law electrons. The results show that power-law electrons with the steepness cutoff behavior can excite LWs effectively because of the population inversion distribution below the cutoff energy (E c ). The growth rate of LWs increases with the steepness index (δ) and decreases with the power-law index (α). The wave number of the fastest growing LWs ( D ), decreases with the characteristic velocity of the power-law electrons ( \(v_{c}=\sqrt{2E_{c}/m_{e}}\) ) and increases with the thermal velocity of ambient electrons (v T ). This can be helpful for us to understand better the physics of LWs and the dynamics of energetic electron beams in space and astrophysical plasmas.  相似文献   

A first theoretical work is presented to study the propagation of two-solitons in an electron acoustic waves (EAWs) within the theoretical framework of the Tsallis statistical mechanics. For this purpose, cylindrical and spherical Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equations are derived for electron acoustic solitary waves (EASWs) in an unmagnetized three species plasma system comprised of cold electrons, immobile ions and hot electrons featuring Tsallis statistics by employing the standard reductive perturbation method. The effects of electron nonextensivity and the fractional number density of the hot electrons relative to that of the cold ones number density (α) on the profiles of two-soliton structures are investigated numerically. Results would be helpful for understanding the localized structures that may occur in space plasmas.  相似文献   

The motion and radiation of electrons in the neighbourhood of a neutral sheet are discussed. Formulae for the synchroton and cyclotron radiations in an inhomogeneous field are given. These results are compared with the radiations in a homogeneous field. It is predicted that the momentum of charged particles flying from the neutral sheet may take discrete eigenvalues.  相似文献   

Nonlinear dynamics of electron-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized plasma whose constituents are cold magnetized electron fluid, hot electrons featuring Tsallis distribution, and stationary ions are examined. The nonlinear evolution equation (i.e., Zakharov–Kuznetsov (ZK) equation), governing the propagation of EAS waves in such plasma is derived and investigated analytically and numerically, for parameter regimes relevant to the dayside auroral zone. It is revealed that the amplitude, strength and nature of the nonlinear EAS waves are extremely sensitive to the degree of the hot electron nonextensivity. Furthermore, the obtained results are in good agreement with the observations made by the Viking satellite.  相似文献   

The investigation of instabilities adopting the point of view of inhomogeneous mass flow, physically corresponds to consideration of stability of the perturbations whose wavelengths in the direction of plasma inhomogeneities are much larger than the characteristic plasma scale length. The dissipation of hydromagnetic-waves and instabilities takes place due to the inhomogeneous plasma flow. Both the velocity and plasma density vary in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. It is found that the Alfvén wave branch and magnetosonic branch may be driven unstable by the velocity shear. Instability, oscillatory modes, marginal instability and overstability are worked out.  相似文献   

Analytic and numerical results are presented for the growth rate of Langmuir waves due to a loss-cone distribution of energetic electrons. The effect of the magnetic field on the wave-particle interaction is ignored, and the resonance condition is described in terms of a resonance hyperboloid in momentum space. The collisional evolution of a distribution of magnetically trapped electrons is followed numerically to show how a gap distribution develops. The growth is most favorable for an intermediate sized loss cone ( 45 °) and a gap distribution in which the mean energy of the suprathermal electrons is much larger than the thermal energy of the background electrons. It is plausible that loss-cone gap distributions do develop in the solar corona, and that they should lead to second harmonic plasma emission weakly polarized in the x-mode.  相似文献   

Progress in understanding the Langmuir waves which accompany collisionless shocks everywhere in the solar system is briefly reviewed, with some emphasis on the discovery papers, and with discussion and illustrative examples of the most recent progress.  相似文献   

We study the propagation and dissipation of slow magnetoacoustic waves in an inhomogeneous viscous coronal loop plasma permeated by uniform magnetic field. Only viscosity and thermal conductivity are taken into account as dissipative processes in the coronal loop. The damping length of slow-mode waves exhibit varying behaviour depending upon the physical parameters of the loop in an active region AR8270 observed by TRACE. The wave energy flux associated with slow magnetoacoustic waves turns out to be of the order of 106 erg cm?2 s?1 which is high enough to replace the energy lost through optically thin coronal emission and the thermal conduction below to the transition region. It is also found that only those slow-mode waves which have periods more than 240s provide the required heating rate to balance the energy losses in the solar corona. Our calculated wave periods for slow-mode waves nearly match with the oscillation periods of loop observed by TRACE.  相似文献   

The work deals with the resonant particle excitation of two electrostatic waves with closely spaced wave numbers, when there is an inhomogeneity present in the form of a spatially dependent wave number. Resonant particle behaviour in such a field is investigated and the resonant particle current is computed for a variety of cases. If the inhomogeneity is such that resonant particles see the wave numbers of the waves increasing, then it turns out that the wave of greatest wave number is preferentially amplified. If the gradient is reversed it is the opposite wave which grows. Thus when a narrow band electrostatic wave is subject to beam excitation, only one of the sideband waves is unstable.The theory is applied to the closely analogous problem of sideband formation in the case of triggering of VLF emissions by magnetospheric whistler pulses, and seems to account for much of the observed behaviour.  相似文献   

Ion acoustic solitary waves and periodic waves in an unmagnetized plasma with superthermal (kappa distributed) cool and hot electrons have been investigated using non-perturbative approach. We have transformed basic model equations to an ordinary differential equation involving electrostatic potential. Then we have applied the bifurcation theory of planar dynamical systems to the obtained equation and we have proved the existence of solitary wave solutions and periodic wave solutions. We have derived two exact solutions of solitary and periodic waves depending on the parameters. From the solitary wave solution and periodic wave solution, we have shown the effects of density ratio p of cool electrons and ions, spectral index κ, and temperature ratio σ of cool electrons and hot electrons on characteristics of ion acoustic solitary and periodic waves.  相似文献   

In the present work, we have considered the nonlinear effects due to trapped electrons in an inhomogeneous degenerate quantum plasma. The formation of drift solitary structures has been investigated for both fully and partially degenerate plasmas. The Sagdeev potential approach has been employed to obtain arbitrary amplitude solitary structures. Interestingly, for a fixed value of density, not only compressive but rarefactive solitary structures have been obtained for a certain temperature range. Furthermore, it has been observed that the drift solitary structures exist only for the case when the drift velocity is smaller than the velocity of the nonlinear structure. The theoretical results obtained have been analyzed numerically for the parameters typically found in white dwarfs and the relevance of the results with regard to white dwarf asteroseismology is also pointed out.  相似文献   

We show that the explicit assumption of a chemically inhomogeneous interstellar medium allows a better reproduction of the metallicity distribution of G-dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood. The inhomogeneity is considered by assuming that at any time stars are born with a spread in their metallicities, the spread being a Gaussian in the logarithm of the metallicity around the mean metallicity of that epoch. We show that for various simple models of chemical evolution, the fit to the G-dwarf metallicity curve improves considerably once the above assumption is applied. We show that the parameters obtained from the fitting also give acceptable predictions for the age-metallicity relation. We also find that if we use a G-dwarf metallicity function corrected for the scale height inflation of stars, the conventional models of chemical evolution cannot match the shape of the curve, at least under the instantaneous recycling approximation applied to a chemically homogeneous ISM. Under the inhomogeneous ISM approximation, the predicted shapes are found to be better, though not totally satisfactory.  相似文献   

Linear and nonlinear dust drift waves are investigated in the presence of kappa distributed electrons and ions. The dispersion characteristics of linear waves show that the phase velocity decreases with the inclusion of highly energetic particles in the tail of the distribution. In the nonlinear regime, a nonlinear partial differential equation is obtained in the long wave length limit. A stationary solution of this equation in the form of solitary waves is discussed and noticed that the amplitude of the solitary pulse decreases with the increase of superthermal particle’s effect, and its width expands. Further, it is found that speed limit of the nonlinear structures is also modified in the non-Maxwellian plasma. Theoretically obtained results are applied to Saturn’s’ dusty plasma environment. It is also pointed out that the present results can be helpful for further understanding of space plasmas.  相似文献   

Bifurcations of nonlinear electron acoustic solitary waves and periodic waves in an unmagnetized quantum plasma with cold and hot electrons and ions has been investigated. The one dimensional quantum hydrodynamic model is used to study electron acoustic waves (EAWs) in quantum plasma. Applying the well known reductive perturbation technique (RPT), we have derived a Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation for EAWs in an unmagnetized quantum plasma. By using the bifurcation theory and methods of planar dynamical systems to this KdV equation, we have presented the existence of two types of traveling wave solutions which are solitary wave solutions and periodic traveling wave solutions. Under different parametric conditions, some exact explicit solutions of the above waves are obtained.  相似文献   

Numerical solutions of the hydrodynamic equations are used to examine the wave-fields for gravity waves propagating upwards in a horizontally stratified inhomogeneous atmosphere. Calculations using a multilayer approach and also using a new direct integration method have been performed. These have shown that a pronounced reflection of the waves in the lower mesosphere is possible.  相似文献   

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