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We present the results of the photometric observations, in theUBVRJHKLMNQ system, of CH Cyg, made in the period 1978–1987. They have shown that from 1985 to 1987 dust condensed in its circumstellar envelope have taken place the condensation of the dust matter. In 1987 its mass and temperature were about 3×10–8 M and 800 K, respectively.  相似文献   

The boundary and internal structure of the north polar deposits and polar hood vernal remnant on Mars have been mapped at L s 61–66 on the hemisphere centered on longitude = 0, using images obtained in Feb–Mar 1995 with the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope on La Palma. On red light images, several internal rifts, including the historically well documented Rima Tenuis and Rima Hyperborea, as well as an internal, long absent, annular rift were mapped. The ground cap was asymmetric with a mean boundary at 72 N for = 270, increasing to 77 N at = 90. Images in green light showed the locations of high opacity hood clouds, including an extensive outflow to 67 N at 100. The state of the cap and hood is compared with the findings of previous studies and the historical significance of the annular rift structure is discussed. It is concluded, based on the structure of the deposited laminae, that the north polar climate was nearly, or possibly slightly milder than, normal at the northern hemisphere spring season studied.  相似文献   

We present the observations of Cygnus X-3 carried out with the GT-48 gamma-ray telescope at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory in 1994–1995. The mean gamma-ray flux at energy E>1012 eV is shown to be approximately equal to 1.3×10?11 cm?2 s?1. The flux in 1994 was much lower than that in 1995, being (6.2±2.6)×10?12 cm?2 s?1; i.e., it was statistically insignificant. The flux in 1995 was (2.7±0.7)×10?11 cm?2 s?1. Thus, the very high energy gamma-ray emission from Cyg X-3 is variable. These measurement results can be used to obtain upper limits on the flux from Cyg X-3 in 1994–1995.  相似文献   

Savanov  I. S. 《Astronomy Letters》2021,47(3):175-179
Astronomy Letters - Based on highly accurate data from the archive of the TESS space mission, we have studied the photometric variability of the K1-type dwarf AB Pic (HD 44627), which is a member...  相似文献   

The nearest in time close approach of potentially hazardous asteroid (99942) Apophis with the Earth will take place on April 13, 2029, when the minimum distance of the asteroid from the Earth’s center will be as small as 38 000 km. Such a close approach will result in substantial transformation of the asteroid’s orbit. The value of the perturbations depends on the minimum distance between the bodies during the approach. Among possible transformations of the orbit are those which result in new dangerous approaches and even in probable Apophis collisions with the Earth starting from 2036. At present, at least four solutions are known for the Apophis orbit which were obtained using all radar and most of available optical observations. The procedures of assigning weights to conditional equations and the models of the asteroid’s motion have differed to some extent when finding these solutions. Of considerable interest is the comparison of the found orbital parameters with the estimates of their accuracy, since small distinctions in their values result in considerable distinctions in the forecast of Apophis’ motion after 2029 and beyond. It is shown in the paper that the estimates of the probability of an Apophis collision with the Earth in 2036 differ by some orders of magnitude, according to various solutions. The influence of factors which were disregarded in the models of motion even more increases the uncertainty in forecasting the motion after 2029. More accurate forecasting can be achieved as a result of additional optical and, to a greater extent, a series of radar observations in 2013 and then in 2020–2021, and/or as a result of processing radio signals of the transmitter delivered to the Apophis surface or to the orbit of its artificial satellite, as it was proposed in a number of papers.  相似文献   

Orbital parameters of several artificial satellites of the Earth were analyzed for 1964–2007 and secular variations of the atmospheric density were estimated for the last 30–40 years. The analysis was based on the information about orbital parameters of 17 satellites and high-precision numerical integrations of the equations of motion with allowance for basic perturbing factors and spatiotemporal density variations, calculated from measured solar activity indices using the NRLMSISE-00 atmosphere model. The results demonstrate the presence of long-term variations in the atmospheric density not presented in modern atmosphere models. During solar-activity cycle 21, the atmospheric density became 0.4 to 19% higher (depending on height) than in cycle 20. It decreased by 1.0 to 11% (depending on height) in cycle 22 as compared to cycle 21. Both decreases and increases were observed in the atmospheric density during cycle 23, but with much smaller gradients. The results cannot be explained only by the growing concentration of greenhouse gases. Possible causes of the density variations and possible ways to take them into account in modern empirical and semiempirical atmospheric models are discussed.  相似文献   

Sub-millimeter 12CO (346 GHz) and 13CO (330 GHz) line absorptions, formed within the mesospheric to lower thermospheric altitude (70–120 km) region of the Venus atmosphere, have been mapped across the nightside disk of Venus during 2001–2009 inferior conjunctions, employing the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). Radiative transfer analysis of these thermal line absorptions supports temperature and CO mixing profile retrievals, as described in a companion paper (Clancy et al., 2012). Here, we consider the analysis of the sharp line absorption cores of these CO spectra in terms of accurate Doppler wind profile measurements at 95–115 km altitudes versus local time (~8 pm–4 am) and latitude (~60N–60S). These Doppler wind measurements support determinations of the nightside zonal and subsolar-to-antisolar (SSAS) circulation components over a variety of timescales. The average behavior fitted from 21 retrieved maps of 12CO Doppler winds (obtained over hourly, daily, weekly, and interannual intervals) indicates stronger average zonal (85 m/s retrograde) versus SSAS (65 m/s) circulation at the 1 μbar pressure (108–110 km altitude) level. However, the absolute and relative magnitudes of these circulation components exhibit extreme variability over daily to weekly timescales. Furthermore, the individual Doppler wind measurements within each nightside mapping observation generally show significant deviations (20–50 m/s, averaged over 5000 km horizontal scales) from the simple zonal/SSAS solution, with distinct local time and latitudinal characters that are also time variable. These large scale residual circulations contribute 30–70% of the observed nightside Doppler winds at any given time, and may be most responsible for global variations in nightside lower thermospheric trace composition and temperatures, as coincidentally retrieved CO abundance and temperature distributions do not correlate with solution retrograde zonal and SSAS winds (see companion paper, Clancy et al., 2012). Limited comparisons of these nightside submillimeter results with dayside infrared Doppler wind measurements suggest distinct dayside versus nightside circulations, in terms of zonal winds in particular. Combined 12CO and 13CO Doppler wind mapping observations obtained since 2004 indicate that the average zonal and SSAS wind components increase by 50–100% between altitudes of 100 and 115 km. If gravity waves originating from the cloud levels are responsible for the extension of zonal winds into the thermosphere (Alexander, M.J. [1992]. Geophys. Res. Lett. 19, 2207–2210), such waves deposit substantial momentum (i.e., break) in the lower nightside thermosphere.  相似文献   

The present study examines the ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) variations in the lower mid-latitude Turkish region from the Turkish permanent GNSS network (TPGN) and International GNSS Services (IGS) observations during the years 2009 to 2017. The corresponding vertical TEC (VTEC) predicted by Kriging and NeQuick-2 models are evaluated to realize their efficacy over the country. We studied the diurnal, seasonal and spatial pattern of VTEC variation and tried to estimate by a new mathematical model using the long term of 9 years VTEC data. The diurnal variation of VTEC demonstrates a normal trend with its gradual enhancement from dawn to attain a peak around 09:00–14.00 UT and reaching the minimum level after 22.00 UT. The seasonal behavior of VTEC indicates a strong semi-annual variation of VTEC with maxima in September equinox followed by March equinox and minima in June solstice followed by December solstice. Also, the spatial variation in VTEC depicts a meaningful longitudinal/latitudinal pattern altering with seasons. It decreases longitudinally from the west to the east during March equinox and June solstice increases with latitude. The comparative analysis among the GNSS-VTEC, Kriging, NeQuick and the proposed mathematical model are evaluated with the help one way ANOVA test. The analysis shows that the null hypothesis of the models during storm and quiet days are accepted and suggesting that all models are statistically significantly equivalent from each other. We believe the outcomes from this study would complement towards a relatively better understanding of the lower mid-latitude VTEC variation over the Turkish region and analogous latitudes over the globe.  相似文献   

The observational progress in the γ-ray astronomy in the last few years has led to the discovery of more than a thousand sources at GeV energies and more than a hundred sources at TeV energies. A few different classes of compact objects in the Galaxy have been established. They show many unexpected features at high energies the physics of which remains mainly unknown. At present it is clear that detailed investigation of these new phenomena can be performed only with the technical equipment which offer an order of magnitude better sensitivity, and a few times better energy, angular and time resolution in the broad energy range staring from a few tens of GeV up to a few hundreds TeV. Such facilities can be realized by the next generation of instruments such as the planned Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA).The aim of this report is to summarize up to date observational results on the compact galactic sources in the GeV–TeV γ-ray energy range, discuss their theoretical implications, and indicate which hypothesis considered at present might be verified with the next generation of telescopes. We point out which of the observational features of the γ-ray sources are important to investigate with special care with the planned CTA in order to throw new light on physical processes involved. Their knowledge should finally allow us to answer the question on the origin of energetic particles in our Galaxy.  相似文献   

The new analysis of radar observations of inner planets for the time span 1964–1989 is described. The residuals show that Mercury topography is an important source of systematic errors which have not been taken into account up to now. The longitudinal and latitudinal variations of heights of Mercury surface were found and an approximate map of equatorial zone |?|≤120° was constructed. Including three values characterizing global nonsphericity of Mercury surface into the set of parameters under determination allowed to improve essentially all estimates. In particular, the variability of the gravitational constantG was evaluated: $$\dot G/G = (0.47 \pm 0.47) \times 10^{ - 11} yr^{ - 1} $$ . The correction to Mercury perihelion motion: $$\Delta \dot \pi = - 0''.017 \pm 0''.052 cy^{ - 1} $$ and linear combination of the parameters of PPN formalism: $$\upsilon = (2 + 2\gamma - \beta )/3 = 0.9995 \pm 0.0013$$ were determined; they are in a good agreement with General Relativity predictions. The obtained values Δ.π and ν correspond to the negligible solar oblateness, the estimate of solar quadrupole moment being: $$J_2 = ( - 0.13 \pm 0.41) \times 10^{ - 6} $$ .  相似文献   

We present the results of photometric observations of a bright cataclysmic variable TT Ari with an orbital period of 0.13755 days. CCD observations were carried out with the Russian-Turkish RTT 150 telescope in 2001 and 2004 (13 nights). Multi-color photoelectric observations of the system were obtained with the Zeiss 600 telescope of SAO RAS in 1994–1995 (6 nights). In 1994–1995, the photometric period of the system was smaller than the orbital one (0 . d 132 and 0 . d 134), whereas it exceeded the latter (0 . d 150 and 0 . d 148) in 2001, 2004. An additional period exceeding the orbital one (0 . d 144) is detected in 1995 modulations. We interpret it as indicating the elliptic disc precession in the direction of the orbital motion. In 1994, the variability in colors shows periods close to the orbital one (0 . d 136, b-v), as well as to the period indicating the elliptic disk precession (0 . d 146, w-b). We confirm that during the epochs characterized by photometric periods shorter than the orbital one, the quasi-periodic variability of TT Ari at time scales about 20 min is stronger than during epochs with long photometric periods. In general, the variability of the system can be described as a “red” noise with increased amplitudes of modulations at characteristic time scales of 10–40 min.  相似文献   

The advent of new and better instruments in space has resulted in a considerable increase in the number of solar gamma-ray events (GRE) detected. In this paper, we analyze available SMM/GRS and GRANAT/PHEBUS data on the hard X-ray and gamma-ray events, and their associations with solar proton events (SPE) at the Earth's orbit, for the observation period of 1980–1995. About 58% of the GREs under study were found to be SPE-related ones. Size (frequency) distributions have been obtained, for the first time, for the events with different types of emissions (bremsstrahlung, narrow GR lines, positron annihilation line, neutron capture line, SPEs, etc.). We discuss the possible relationships between size distributions implied by the parameter correlation. The distribution for GR events turns out to be generally harder than that for X-ray bursts. The GREs involving energetic particles in space are shown to have a harder frequency distribution in comparison with that for GREs without detectable SPEs. There is also a tendency for the GREs with highest fluences to be related with SPEs. Finally, no correlation seems to exist between the GRL fluence and maximum flux of >10 MeV protons near the Earth.  相似文献   

We present relative astrometric and photometric measurements of visual double stars made in 2013–2015, with PISCO2 installed at the 76-cm refractor of Côte d'Azur Observatory in Nice (France). Our observing list contains orbital couples as well as double stars whose motion is still uncertain. Most of the observations were done in 2015, but some other observations of wide couples were done in 2013–2014 (0.3% of the total of the observations). Three different techniques were used for obtaining measurements: lucky imaging, speckle interferometry and the direct vector autocorrelation method. From our observations of 2837 multiple stars, we obtained 5182 new measurements with angular separations in the range of 0 $$ {}^{{\prime\prime} } $$ .1–32 $$ {}^{{\prime\prime} } $$ and an average accuracy of 0 . 018 $$ {0}^{{\prime\prime} }.018 $$ . The mean error on the position angles is 0°.8. Most of the position angles were determined without the usual 180° ambiguity with the application of the direct vector autocorrelation technique and/or by inspection of the Lucky images or the long integration files. We managed to routinely monitor faint systems ( m V 9 11 $$ {m}_V\approx 9-11 $$ ) with large magnitude difference (up to Δ m V 4 . 5 $$ \Delta {m}_V\approx 4.5 $$ ). We have thus been able to measure 21 systems containing red dwarf stars that had been poorly monitored since their discovery, from which we estimated the stellar masses thanks to Gaia measurements. We also measured the magnitude difference of the two components of 1079 double stars with an estimated error of 0.2 mag. Except for a few objects that are discussed, our measurements are in good agreement with the ephemerides computed with published orbital elements, even for the double stars whose separation is smaller than the diffraction limit. Thanks to good seeing images and with the use of high-contrast numerical filters, we have also been able to obtain 196 measurements with an angular separation smaller than the diffraction limit of our instrumentation, and consistent with those obtained with larger telescopes. We also report measurements of the 164 new double stars that we found in the files obtained during the observations. Finally, from a study of the DR3 Gaia release, it is shown that all the objects of the Tycho Double Star Catalog that we did not resolve in 2015 are probably false detections by Tycho.  相似文献   

Sensitive spectral observations made in two frequency bands near 6.0 and 17.6 GHz are described for Orion and W51. Using frequency switching we were able to achieve a dynamic range in excess of 10,000 without fitting sinusoidal or polynomial baselines. This enabled us to detect lines as weak as T A ∼1 mK in these strong continuum sources. Hydrogen recombination lines with Δn as high as 25 have been detected in Orion. In the Orion data, where the lines are stronger, we have also detected a systematic shift in the line center frequencies proportional to linewidth that cannot be explained by normal optical depth effects.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2003,8(6):529-536
Peculiarities in the characteristics of the solar differential rotation are investigated using hydrogen filaments as tracers. The existence of North–South (N–S) asymmetry in hydrogen filaments rotation is confirmed statistically. The connection of asymmetry with the solar activity cycles is established. It is found that the northern hemisphere rotates faster during the even cycles (Cycles 20 and 22) while the rotation of southern hemisphere dominates in odd one (Cycle 21). The mechanism of the solar activity should be responsible for the N–S asymmetry of the solar differential rotation.  相似文献   

The skewness of the monthly distribution of GSE latitudinal angles of Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) observed near the Earth (Sk) is found to show anti-correlation with sunspot activity during the solar cycles 20–24. Sk can be considered as a measure of the predominant polarity of north-south component of IMF (Bz component) in the GSE system near 1 AU. Sk variations follow the magnitude of solar polar magnetic fields in general and polarity of south polar fields in particular during the years 1967–2020. Predominant polarity of Sk is found to be independent of the heliographic latitude of Earth. Sk basically reflects the variations of the solar dipolar magnetic field during a sunspot cycle. It is also found that IMF sector polarity variation is not a good indicator of the magnitude changes in solar polar magnetic fields during a sunspot cycle. This is possibly due to the influence of non-dipolar components of the solar magnetic field and the associated north-south asymmetries in the heliospheric current sheet.  相似文献   

We report some of the results of the search for narrow-band spatial and spectral fluctuations of cosmic microwave background at the wavelength of 6.2 cmperformed with the RATAN-600 radio telescope in 2001–2006 in two 35′ × 7′ strips on the sky in the vicinity of the North Celestial Pole. We find the spectra of spatial fluctuations in the 12 MHz radio-frequency band and in the interval of spatial periods from 4′ to 16′ to exhibit power-law rises with exponents reaching ?2.0±0.5, with a periodicity of 2–3 MHz. We also find two narrow-band (in terms of angular frequency) features at 4870.4 and 4871.5 MHz with the corresponding fluctuation amplitudes of 5±0.5 mK in terms of antenna temperature in the vicinity of angular periods of about 5′ with the frequency bandwidths of about 600 kHz. Standard tests performed using the spectra of the half-sum and half-difference of two groups of observations randomly drawn from a total sample of 23 records of the March 2002 observing set confirm the reality of the features of the angular spectrumof fluctuations mentioned above and so does the comparison with the spectra of cold matched load connected to the receiver input instead of the antenna. However, the nature of the features found remains unclear. Our attempt to link this radiation to rotational transitions 2Π1/2, J = 5/2 of the CH molecule, which has one of the components of its multiplet located inside the frequency interval of interest considered failed.  相似文献   

The carbon-isotope and palynological record through 580 m thick almost continuous brown coal in southeast Australia's Gippsland Basin is a relatively comprehensive southern hemisphere Middle Eocene to Middle Miocene record for terrestrial change. The carbon isotope δ13Ccoal values of these coals range from ? 27.7‰ to ? 23.2. This isotopic variability follows gymnosperm/angiosperm fluctuations, where higher ratios coincide with heavier δ13C values. There is also long-term variability in carbon isotopes through time. From the Eocene greenhouse world of high gymnosperm-heavier δ13Ccoal values, there is a progressive shift to lighter δ13Ccoal values that follows the earliest (Oi1?) glacial events around 33 Ma (Early Oligocene). The overlying Oligocene–Early Miocene brown coals have lower gymnosperm abundance, associated with increased %Nothofagus (angiosperm), and lightening of isotopes during Oligocene cooler conditions.The Miocene palynological and carbon-isotope record supports a continuation to the Oligocene trends until around the late Early Miocene (circa 19 Ma) when a warming commenced, followed by an even stronger isotope shift around 16 Ma that peaked in the Middle Miocene when higher gymnosperm abundance and heavier isotopes prevailed. The cycle between the two major warm peaks of Middle Eocene and Middle Miocene was circa 30 Ma long. This change corresponds to a fall in inferred pCO2 levels for the same period. The Gippsland data suggest a link between gymnosperm abundance, long-term plant δ13C composition, climatic change, and atmospheric pCO2. Climatic deterioration in the Late Miocene terminated peat accumulation in the Gippsland Basin and no further significant coals formed in southeast Australia.The poor correspondence between this terrestrial isotope data and the marine isotope record is explained by the dominant control on δ13C by the gymnosperm/angiosperm abundance, although in turn this poor correspondence may reflect palaeoclimate control. From the brown coal seam dating, the coal appears to have accumulated during a considerable part of the allocated 30 Ma Cenozoic time period. These brown coal carbon isotope and palynological data appear to record a more gradual atmospheric carbon isotope change compared to the marine record.  相似文献   

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