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一九八○年,四川省地矿局中心实验室在研究四川甘孜白玉麻邛呷村多金属矿床的物质成分及银的赋存状态时,发现了一个新矿物,后命名为甘孜矿。经过较长时间反复研究,直到最近才决定报国际矿物协会(IMA)。但我国新矿物及矿物命名委员会告知,加拿大J.D.Scott等在一九八三年就以曼纳德石  相似文献   

一九八○年,四川省地矿局中心实验室在研究四川甘孜白玉麻邓呷村多金属矿床的物质成分及银的赋存状态时,发现了一个新矿物,后命名为甘孜矿。经过较长时间反复研究,直到最近才决定报国际矿物协会(IMA)。但我国新矿物及矿物命名委员会告知,加拿大J.D.Scott等在一九八三年就以曼纳德石(Mannardite)(BaTi_6V_2~(3+)O_(16))上报IMA的CNMN了,故不再另取名。但在我国四川产出的曼纳德石与位拿大产出的不尽相同。现将对该矿物的研究成果作如下简介。  相似文献   

<正>除了二氧化碳及甲烷外,许多类型的热液流体中还含有一定量的硫化氢、氮气、氢气等挥发分,此外石油天然气中也存在上述无机气体组分及芳香烃,因此准确计算H2O-N2(H2S、H2、C6H6)体系在广阔的温度-压力范围内的气-液相平衡无论是在地质流体研究领域还是在石油天然气工业中都有着重要的应用价值。热力学模型,尤其是状态方程,是计算流体相平衡的有力工具。半经验的立方型状态方程形式简单,普适  相似文献   

刁飞一ISON WITH THOSE OF NEIGHBORINGAREAS(AMCS,ISSN 1000一0674,CN32一1 1 89,12(4),1995,p.349一373,2 graPhs,4tables,35 ref,wirh English abstraet)962146 Shang Ping(Fuxin Institute of Mi-n ing and‘I’eehnology,Fuxin,Liaoning)THE NATURE AND CHARACTERS OFTHE EARLY CRETACEOUS FLORAFROM THE PINGZHUANG BASIN,IN-NER MONGOLIA(GR,ISSN 0371一5736,CN 11一1 952/P,41(6),1995,P.533一536,1table,6 ref,with English abstraer)962144 Tong Guobang(Institute o…  相似文献   

980326 Chen Jianqiang(China University ofGeoseienees,Beijing)The MicroskeletalStruCtUreS ofM公k耐t勿LavruseviCh(Rugosa)(Aeta Palaeontologieal Siniea,ISSN 0001一6616,CN 32一1188,36(4),1 997,p.446一452,2 tables,2 Plates,18ref) Maikottia Lavrusevieh 1 967 15 a group ofPeeuliar fossil eystiPhyllids,usually in eerioideompound forms with eystiPhylloid septa eom-posed of eomposite rhabdaeanthines,rangingfrom Lower Silurian(Llandovery series)toUPPer Silurian(Ludlow series)in theYangtze …  相似文献   

正上期刊登了第二节矿产资源宏观评价的成矿地质条件评价,本期刊登第二节的最后一部分地质经济评价,至此,"矿产资源评价篇"的第一节和第二节已全部刊登。原来设计的"矿产资源评价篇"共有6节,考虑到预查矿区评价、普查矿区评价、详查矿区评价和勘探矿区评价都属于矿区勘查阶段及其评价的内容,将它们合并到第三节,因此,"矿产资源评价篇"只有3节。本期刊登了第三节矿区勘查阶段及其评价的引言部分。从明年开始,将陆续刊登第三节中的预查矿区评价、普查矿区评价、详查矿区评价和勘探矿区评价,请读  相似文献   

971349 Che;19 Jie(China Universityseienees,Beijing)The MammaljanShowjng ClimatieF盆uetuat应on—ExamPle of the Early Pleistoceneof Ge。FaunaS AS anMam-malian Faunas from Zhoukoudian,Beijing,China(ESI矛,ISSN 1 005一2321,CN 11一3370/P,4(2),1997,p·275一279,1 graph,1 table,10 ref) By analyses of the four local marnmalianfaunas from Zhoukoudian,Beijing,the EarlyPleistoeene elimatie and eeologieal environ-CN 11一1 905/Q1 53,1 graph,1735(2).1997,P.145一mental ehangespaper.One of1 .90M…  相似文献   

吴良士 《矿床地质》2015,34(6):1350-1353
<正>样品采集篇共有6节,第一节矿产地质样品采集工作的任务与意义(上、下)、第二节矿产预查阶段的采样工作(上、下)和第三节矿产普查阶段的采样工作(上),已在本刊前5期刊登,本期刊登第三节矿产普查阶段的采样工作(下)。第三节矿产普查阶段的采样工作(下)4浅井中采样及其主要方法在覆盖较厚的地区,当探槽无法达到揭露、追索矿化体之目的时,这时则要实施浅井工程。浅井有方形、  相似文献   

peldense,X.yixianenese,X.fuxinense sP.nov.and X.h:‘011,Zhe,,se sP.nov.In addi~,一on,rwo other sPeezes rePorred by prev一ousaurhors were also ldenrifled as X.‘o),ch夕l;a,,u,):and X.l;ao,,z,之ge,zse .Thepalaeoeeologieal envlronmenr model and phy-logeno51s of the genus Xeno了夕10,,aro analyzedand dlseussed irlt}115 paper.20001600 Ding Qiuhong(Shenyang Institureof Geology and Mineral Resourees,Shenyang,Liaoning);Zheng Shaolin Meso-zoic Fossil Woods of Genus Xenoxylon fromNortheast Chi…  相似文献   

980318 Jiao Jianwei(YuanPing IndustrialSchool,YuanPing,Shanxi)The Discovery ofthe Oldest MegasPore“Qiuguo”of PermianStratum of Don梦han,Taiyuan and its Ev企lut五on Slgnifieanee(Journal of Geology andM inera!Resourees of North China,ISSN1005一2682,CN14一1192/P,12(4),1997,P.315一318,1 Plate,11 ref) The Cyeas megasPore leaf was firstlyfound in Lower Permian stratum of Dong-shan,Taiyuan of Shanxi Provinee.It showsthatt蚤le eone一shaped strueture was possiblyMediterranean eurre[1…  相似文献   

 An in situ high-pressure (HP) X-ray diffraction investigation of synthetic diopside and of the Ca0.8Mg1.2Si2O6 clinopyroxene (Di80En20) was performed up to respectively P=40.8 and 15.1 GPa, using high brilliance synchrotron radiation. The compression of the cell parameters is markedly anisotropic, with βb ⋙ βc > βa > βasinβ for any pressure range and for both diopside and Di80En20. The compressibility along the crystallographic axes decreases significantly with pressure and is higher in Di80En20 than in diopside. The β cell parameter decreases as well with pressure, at a higher rate in Di80En20. The cell volume decreases at almost the same rate for the two compositions, since in diopside a higher compression along a* occurs. A change in the mechanism of deformation at P higher than about 5–10 GPa is suggested for both compositions from the analysis of the strain induced by compression. In diopside at lower pressures, the deformation mainly occurs, at a similar rate, along the b axis and at a direction 145° from the c axis on the (0 1 0) plane. At higher pressures, instead, the deformation occurs mostly along the b axis. In Di80En20 the orientation of the strain axes is the same as in diopside. The substitution of Ca with Mg in the M2 site induces at a given pressure a higher deformation on (0 1 0) with respect to diopside, but a similar change in the compressional behaviour is found. Changes in the M2 polyhedron with pressure can explain the above compressional behaviour. A third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state was fit to the retrieved volumes, with K=105.1(9) GPa, K′=6.8(1) for diopside and K=107.3(1.4) GPa, K′=5.7(3) for Di80En20; the same equation can be applied for any pressure range. The elasticity of diopside is therefore not significantly affected by Mg substitution into the M2 site, in contrast to the significant stiffening occurring for Ca substitution into Mg-rich orthopyroxenes. Received: 3 January 2000 / Accepted: 21 May 2000  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(10):1305-1312
The effect of different drying conditions on the stability of NaNd(CO3)·6H2O and NaEu(CO3)·6H2O and the identity of the decomposition product have been investigated. The rate of decomposition and the nature of the altered phases are dependant on the drying conditions used. When the phases are oven dried at 120 °C, the decomposition is immediate and the phase completely alters to Nd2(CO3)3 or Eu2(CO3)3 respectively. Under less severe drying conditions, the Na rare earth carbonate phases alter to Nd2(CO3)3·8H2O and Eu2(CO3)3·8H2O over a period of 24–48 h, but they can be kept indefinitely in a water saturated environment. The implications for using Nd and Eu as actinide analogues are discussed.  相似文献   

吴良士 《矿床地质》2014,33(6):1400-1403
正地质填图篇共有12节,前十节已在本刊前5期陆续发表,本期刊登此篇的最后2节:第十一节接触变质带的地质环境及找矿和第十二节地质填图资料的整理工作。第十一节接触变质带的地质环境及找矿在矿区地质填图中接触变质带是比较常见的,它主要出现在侵入体与沉积岩的接触部位及其附近,并且与黑色、有色金属矿床的关系较为密切。因此,中国在上世纪对于接触带上的找矿工作给予了充分的重视,各地布置了大量勘查工作,取得了丰厚的资源储量,同时也积累了较为丰富的经验,为地质找矿工作创造了  相似文献   

石榴石宝石是石榴石(garnet)族矿物的总称,岛状硅酸盐、等轴晶系矿物。根据其化学成分可划分成2个系列。铝质系列镁铝榴石:橙红色、红色铁铝榴石:橙红—红色、紫红—红紫色锰铝榴石:橙色—橙红色钙质系列钙铝榴石:  相似文献   

sedimentary environment.Based on the de-formation feature of the syngenetie elast,theauthor believes that the ShuangqiaoshanGroup in this area has undergone two phasesof deformation:the regional fold deformat一ondominated by flattening and duetile shear de-formation dominated by shearing.980139 Dong Yunpeng(Department of Geol-ogy,Northwest University,Xi,an,Shaanxi);Zhou nngwu Sm一Nd IsotoPieAges of the Songshugou OPhiolite from theEast Qinling and its Geologieal Significance(Regional …  相似文献   

961933 Liu Shuwen(Peking University,Beijing,100871)STUDY ON FLUID IN-CLUSIONS FROM HIGH GRADE META-MORPHIC ROCKS IN EASTERN HEBEIPROVINCE(MGQG,ISSN0256一1492, 一29一CN37一1117/P,11(4),1995,P.375一385,4 graphs,5 tables,1 plate,14 ref,withEnglish abstraet)961934 Zhu Ailin(Survey of RegionalGeology,Guiz卜ou Bureau of Geology andMineral Resourees);Wang Changwei FEA-TURES OF MICROSTRUCTURES AND Fl-NITE STRAIN MEASUREMENTS WITHINTHE TR…  相似文献   

962057 Yang Xingke(Xi’an College of Geo-logy,710054);Ji Jinsheng ANALYSIs OFORE一FORMING CONDITIONS ANDFEATURES OF KANGGUERTAGE WOL-LASTONITE ORE DEPOSIT(JXCG,ISSN1000一548X,CN61一1074/P,17(4),1995,p .24一30,4 graphs,1 table,3 ref) The authors have first found wollas-tonite in Kangguertage of eastern Tianshan.On the basis of speeial researeh them and byanalysing regi6nal strata,teetonies,magmaaetivities,and wollastonite ore features,theauthors find that r…  相似文献   

20071213 Guo Xianpu(Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Science,Bei- jing 100037);Wang Naiwen Palaeontolog- ical Proof of the Naij Tal Group-Complex as Melange Aggregation in the Eastern Kun- lun Orogenic Belt and Its Geologic Signifi- cance(Geological Review,ISSN0371-5736, CN11-1952/P,52(3),2006,p.289-294, 2 illus.,2 plates,19 refs.)  相似文献   

P,27(2),1997,p.162一177,1 graPh,3tables,5 ref) In this PaPer advanee exPerimental for-mula that show the relationshiP of shear zonesthiekness of roeky slope ro largesr datesquirming deforrnarion to apply Grey theory.It again advanees systematie merhods that inview largest date of squirming deformation toealeulates sliding moment of rocky slope and itinfluenees effeet to interrelate take Preeautionsagainst calamities.It was inspeeted by ob-serve material of reservoir Vaeant of Italy andit m…  相似文献   

20062082 Chen Baoquan (Fujian VocationalInstitute of Information and Technology,Fuzhou, 350003) Geochemistry Characteris-tics of Trace Elements of Precambrian Meta-morphic Rock in Northern Fujian Province(Geology of Fujian, ISSN1001-3970, CN35-1080/P, 24(2), 2005, p.221-228, 3illus., 5 tables, 2 refs.)Key words: metamorphic rocks, minor ele-ments, Fujian ProvinceBased on the characteristics of rock asso-ciation and multielement quantitative analysisresults of Precambrian metamorphic…  相似文献   

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