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According to palinspastic reconstructions, the Neo-Tethys opening took place during the Permian between the Cimmerian fragments in the north and the Indo-Arabian margin in the south. Igneous remnants of this opening are exposed in Oman within either the Hawasina nappes or the para-autochtonous Arabian platform exposed in the Saih Hatat tectonic window. They consist predominantly of pillowed basaltic flows among which three groups have been distinguished. Group 1 is tholeiitic and characterized by low TiO2 and incompatible trace element contents, and a large range of Ndi values. Group 1 basalts are associated with distal sediments and plot near the boundary of or within the MORB field in the Pb–Pb correlation diagrams and between the MORB and Bulk Silica Earth (BSE) fields in Ndi–(206Pb/204Pb)i diagram. Group 2 basalts are alkaline and differ from Group 1 ones by their higher TiO2, La and Nb contents, and lower and more homogeneous Ndi values (+3 to +5). Group 2 volcanics are similar to alkali basalts from oceanic islands and share with Group 1 similar initial Pb ratios. Group 3 consists of tholeiitic and alkali basalts which are interbedded either with carbonate-platform sediments from the Saih Hatat window or with distal sediments from the Hawasina Nappes. This group differs from Groups 1 and 2 by its low to negative Ndi (+1.6 to −2). Group 1 likely derived from the mixing of depleted and enriched sources while Group 2 derived exclusively from an enriched source. There is no indication that continental crust was involved in the genesis of both Groups 1 and 2. In contrast, the low to negative Ndi values of Group 3 suggest that the magmas of this group were contaminated by the Arabian continental crust during their ascent. The geochemical features of the Middle Permian plume-related basalts suggest thus that the basement of the Hawasina basin was not genuine oceanic crust but either the thinned Arabian rifted continental margin or the continent–ocean transition zone of the Neo-Tethys.  相似文献   

The Sarah Formation is a glaciogenic sedimentary unit deposited along the Gondwana margin during the latest Ordovician ice age and represents a major hydrocarbon reservoir in northern Saudi Arabia. Large‐scale glacial palaeo‐valleys cut into the Qasim Formation and were infilled by the Sarah Formation. Post‐glacial transgression in the earliest Silurian resulted in the deposition of the Qusaiba Shale Member and associated organic‐rich basal source rocks, which cap the Sarah Formation infilled palaeo‐valleys. This unique setting makes the Sarah Formation an important emerging exploration target in Saudi Arabia. This study focuses on the facies and depositional architecture in seismic‐scale outcrops of the Sarah Formation in north‐western Saudi Arabia. The Rahal Dhab palaeo‐valley provides a 100 km long dip‐oriented cross‐section which has been covered by 24 vertical sections, sedimentary architectural analyses at metre to kilometre scale and by three cored shallow boreholes. In the Rahal Dhab palaeo‐valley, the Sarah Formation was deposited in a proglacial setting that ranged from marginal marine to offshore prodelta and is made up of three units: (i) the Sarah Sandstone; (ii) the Sarah Shale; and (iii) the Uqlah Member. This study shows the relationships between these three units and architectural controls on reservoir quality in this system. This paper contributes to the regional understanding of the Sarah Formation, and the new depositional model of the Rahal Dhab palaeo‐valley provides an outcrop‐reservoir analogue for hydrocarbon exploration in adjacent areas.  相似文献   

A detailed ore microscopic study strengthened by fire assay data of Al Wajh stream sediments (Wadi Al Miyah, Wadi Haramil and Wadi Thalbah) in northwestern Saudi Arabia shows economic concentrations of gold in the silt fraction (40–63 μm). However, particles of extremely fine “dusty” gold (≤40 μm in size) were also identified in most stations as independent grains. The maximum gold content in the samples of Wadi Al Miyah is 13.61 wt%, which is reported for the heavy fraction (<40 μm). Maximum gold content in the heavy fractions of Wadi Haramil stream sediments amounts 6.90 g/t Au in a relatively coarse fraction (63–125 μm). It appears that the most fertile heavy fraction in gold among the analysed samples are those from Wadi Thalbah that have the highest index figure, which makes the placer gold in them more profitable from the economic point of view. The gold content in the heavy fractions of samples from Wadi Thalbah is economically high lying in the range 6.27–28.83 g/t Au, except for a sample collected at the upstream with 0.77 g/t Au. Al Wajh stream sediments (including the beach light and black sands) are also rich in Fe–Ti oxides, rutile and zircon, whereas monazite and thorite are much lesser. Mineral chemistry of magnetite indicates a distinct titanomagnetite variety (with 3.85 wt% TiO2) which is consistent with the ore microscopic investigation. The titanomagnetite is V- and Cr-free, which indicates derivation from a more felsic source than a mafic one. No traces of U were found in zircon that sometimes bears up to 2.74 wt% Hf2O3. Chemical analyses of monazite show typical common contents of rare earth elements such as La, Ce, Nd and Sm. Thorite is either U-free or uranothorite varieties where the latter contains up to 31.79 wt% UO2. One of the U-free thorite grains is Y-bearing and contains 7.13 wt% Y2O3.
كيميائية المعادن من التحليل التقديري الناري لرسوبيات الوديان في منطقة الوجه- شمال غرب المملكة العربية السعودية
توضح الدراسة المجهرية للخامات المعدنية والتي تعضدها بيانات التحليل التقديري الناري لرسوبيات الوديان بمنطقة الوجه (وادي المياه، وادي حرامل، وادي ثلبة) في شمال المملكة العربية السعودية، أن هناك تركيزات اقتصادية للذهب في كسرة الغرين التي يتراوح حجمها من 40 إلى 63 ميكرومتر. في معظم الحالات المدروسة تم رصد حبيبات من الذهب الطليق متناهية الصغر (أقل أو تساوي 40 ميكروميتر). كما اتضح أيضا أن أعلى محتوى لفلز الذهب وجد في القطفات المعدنية الثقيلة دقيقة الحجم المأخوذة من وادي المياه والتي تقدر 13.61 جرام/الطن. أما المحتوى الأعلى في القطفات المعدنية الثقيلة الأكبر نسبيا في الحجم (تتراوح من 63 إلى 125 ميكروميتر) المأخوذة من الرواسب الوديانية بوادي حرامل يصل إلى 6.90 جرام/طن. ويبدو أن القطفات الثقيلة لرسوبيات وادي ثلبة الوديانية هي الأخصب من حيث محتوى الذهب وتلك العينات لها شكل مميز مما يجعل ذهب المراقد بذلك الوادي ذو ربحية مشجعة وذلك من الناحية الاقتصادية. وتتراوح التركيزات الاقتصادية للذهب في عينات وادي ثلبة بين 6.27 - 28.83 جرام/طن باستثناء عينة وحيدة تم تسجيل كمية ذهب بها لا تتعدى 0.77 جرام/طن. عينات الرواسب الوديانية بمنطقة الوجه (بما في ذلك الرمال الشاطئية السوداء والفاتحة اللون) غنية بمعادن خامات أكاسيد الحديد والتيتانيوم والروتيل والزيركون، بالإضافة إلى كميات أقل بكثير من معدني المونازيت والثوريت. وتوضح كيمياء المعادن أن معدن الماجنيتيت غني بالتيتانوماجنيتيت (ماجنيتيت تيتاني به 3.85% من ثاني أوكسيد التيتانيوم) وهو ما أثبتته أيضا الدراسة المجهرية. وهذا الماجنيتيت التيتاني لا يحتوي على عنصري الكروم والفاتيديوم مما يعطي دلالة على أن هذه الصخور فلسية أكثر منها مافية، وأن الزيركون الموجود لا يحتوي على عنصر اليورانيوم بينما يحتوي على أكسيد هافتيوم حتى 2.74%. أما التحاليل الكيميائية للمونازيت فإنها تظهر وجود كميات من العناصر الأرضية النادرة مثل اللانثاتوم والسيريوم والنيوديوم والسماريوم. أما معدن الثوريت فقد تم تسجيل نوعان منه أحدهما لا يحتوي على اليورانيوم أما الآخر فيحتوي على 31.79% من ثاني أوكسيد اليورانيوم. ولقد اكتشف في إحدى حبيبات الثوريت أنها لا تحتوي على اليورانيوم ولكنها تحتوي على عنصر أكسيد الأيتريوم تصل نسبته إلى 7.13%.

The Jabal Al-Hassir ring complex is located between latitudes 19°21′ and 19°42′ N,  and longitudes 42°55′ and 4312′ E, Southern Arabian Shield. It is an alkaline to highly fractionated calc-alkaline granite complex consisting of an inner core of biotite granite followed outward by porphyritic sodic-calcic amphibole (ferrobarroisite) granite. U–Pb zircon geochronology indicates that the Jabal Al-Hassir ring complex was emplaced at ca. 620 Ma. The granites display highly fractionated geochemical features (i.e., Eu/Eu* = 0.05–0.35; enrichment of K, Rb, Th, U, Zr, Hf, Y and REE; depletion of Ta, Nb, Ba, Sr, P, Eu, and Ti). Jabal Al-Hassir granites are post-collisional plutonic rocks and contain abundant microcline perthite and sodic-calcic amphibole, sharing the petrological and chemical features of A2-type granites. Sri values range from 0.70241 to 0.70424, are similar to those expected for magmas extracted from a Neoproterozoic depleted source and much lower than what would be expected, if there was minor involvement of pre-Neoproterozoic continental crust. The geochemical characteristics indicate that their magma was most plausibly represented by partial melting of juvenile lower crust following the collision between East and West Gondwana at the final stage of the Arabian Shield evolution. The data presented in this study are therefore consistent with an intraplate, post-collisional magmatism formed at the beginning of a transition from convergent to extensional tectonics.  相似文献   

The palynological record from the Permian part of the Çakraz Formation from the Çamdağ area of NW Turkey has been investigated in order to obtain a more precise age assessment than achieved in previous studies. The ‘Late Permian’ age and a possible age range beginning in the Roadian (mid Permian) were discussed before for sections of palynomorph‐bearing strata occurring within the formation. These deposits are now assigned to the late Cisuralian/Guadalupian and considered to be not older than early Kungurian, and not younger than Capitanian. The new age assessment was conducted via a long‐distance, intercontinental palynostratigraphic correlation from NW Turkey to South America, where results of radiometric datings were linked to some siliciclastic sections by absolute ages to the chronostratigraphy. Common conspicuous taxa in pollen‐dominated assemblages from both regions are Lueckisporites and Vittatina such as Lueckisporites virkkiae, L. latisaccus, L. stenotaeniatus, Vittatina corrugata, V. subsaccata and V. wodehousei. These species co‐occur in strata of the northern as well as southern palaeohemisphere settings (NW Turkey and S America). Thus, Lueckisporites latisaccus, L. stenotaeniatus and Vittatina corrugata are, as well as L. virkkiae or V. subsaccata, considered as being cosmopolitan. Due to the more precise palynological dating of part of the Çakraz Formation and surrounding deposits they are here broadly correlated with Permian continental successions from the Southern Alps, Italy, including the Val Daone Conglomerate and the Verrucano Lombardo/Val Gardena Sandstone (Gröden) red beds, and the Rotliegend deposits of Germany. These results support some earlier views regarding the age and stratigraphic equivalences with European deposits. The new age for the Çakraz Formation also supports recent considerations as middle Permian (part Guadalupian), and as Cisuralian for the lower parts of the formation, such as the fossil‐bearing section with plants and tetrapod traces further east in NW Turkey, where the unit also crops out. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

洋板块地层学是对具洋壳的盆地(大洋盆地、弧后和弧间盆地)在各种构造环境中形成的火成-沉积原生建造序列重建的地层学分支学科。洋板块地层(简称OPS)是指洋壳从洋中脊一直到海沟俯冲带之间形成的火成岩基底序列,以及沉淀在洋底基底序列之上的沉积岩和火山岩的盖层序列。OPS生成后在洋盆关闭历程中被传送进入海沟。在海沟中,部分被俯冲消减进入地幔,部分通过刮削拼贴、底劈拼贴和构造折返等方式堆积在海沟与弧前之间,形成俯冲增生杂岩(楔)带(简称SAC)。因此,如何从SAC中重建OPS序列是当前国际地学研究热点。OPS序列重建的关键是从SAC中划分出属于不同构造环境的亚类,在精细划分亚类的基础上,按不同的亚类分别进行OPS序列重建。本文以青藏特提斯二叠纪OPS为例,提出并论述了从SAC中划分OPS亚类的方案和各亚类的OPS序列模型。  相似文献   

This article examines recent higher education projects in two resource-rich, developmental states: Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia. These projects are indicative of broader trend across Asia to move beyond previous national universities, toward a state-initiated model of the globally competitive university, which is designed to become an regional hub for elite education. Drawing on a range of qualitative methods, I consider the geopolitical context in which these projects have been conditioned and materialized, with a focus on how they are legitimated by policy-makers in the two case countries. By reframing discussions about the globalization of higher education in terms of a geopolitics of higher education, I argue that the cases of Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia are not exceptions set outside of the hegemonic liberal system, but that they are ‘mirrors’ of recent internationalization agendas undertaken by elite Western universities. Through considering localized discourses of promoting knowledge-based economies, I consider how elites simultaneously work with and reconfigure globally-hegemonic discourses, and specifically how these elite university projects are part of broader authoritarian political configurations in Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

This study highlights three‐dimensional variability of stratigraphic geometries in the ramp crest to basin of mixed carbonate–siliciclastic clinoforms in the Permian San Andres Formation. Standard field techniques and mapping using ground‐based lidar reveal a high degree of architectural complexity in channellized, scoured and mounded outer ramp stratigraphy. Development of these features was a function of location along the ramp profile and fluctuations in relative sea‐level. Deposition of coarse‐grained and fine‐grained turbidites in the distal outer ramp occurred through dilute and high‐density turbidity flows and was the result of highstand carbonate shedding within individual cycles. In this setting, high‐frequency cycles of relative sea‐level are interpreted on the basis of turbidite frequency, lateral extent and composition. Submarine siliciclastic sediment bypass during lowstand cycles resulted in variable degrees of siliciclastic preservation. Abundant siliciclastic material is preserved in the basin and distal outer ramp as point‐sourced lowstand wedges and line‐sourced early transgressive blankets. In mounded topography of the outer ramp, siliciclastic preservation is minimal to absent, and rare incised channels offer the best opportunity for recognition of a sequence boundary. Growth of mounded topography in the outer ramp began with scouring, followed by a combination of bioherm construction, fusulinid mound construction and isopachous draping. Intermound areas were then filled with sediment and continued mound growth was prevented by an accommodation limit. Mound growth was independent of high‐frequency cycles in relative sea‐level but was dependent on available accommodation dictated by low‐frequency cyclicity. Low‐angle ramp clinoforms with mounded topography in the outer ramp developed during the transgressive part of a composite sequence. Mound growth terminated as the ramp transformed into a shelf with oblique clinoform geometries during the highstand of the composite sequence. This example represents a ramp‐to‐shelf transition that is the result of forcing by relative sea‐level fluctuations rather than ecologic or tectonic controls.  相似文献   

The Middle Permian to Lower Triassic Buday’ah section, exposed in the Oman Mountains, is the first deep-sea section to be described in the Neotethys. The oceanic sediments were deposited along the southern Tethys margin in the newly formed Hawasina Basin. It is one of the few places where true Tethyan Permian radiolarites are exposed that allow the documentation of CCD evolution through time. The succession begins as oceanic crust pillow basalt with red ammonoid-rich pelagic limestone occurring both above and within inter-pillow cavities; the new occurrence of Clarkina postbitteri hongshuiensis indicates a late Capitanian age for the carbonate. The sharp change to overlying late Capitanian to Changhsingian radiolarite reflects rapid subsidence about 10 Myrs after initial continental breakup that resulted in the formation of the Neotethys Ocean. New conodonts indicate that the Permian-Triassic boundary succession occurs in the first platy lime mudstone beds above a Changhsingian siliceous to calcareous shale unit. The platy lime mudstone beds include an Upper Griesbachian bloom of calcite filled spheres (radiolarians?) that marks a potential world-wide event. New conodonts indicate an early Olenekian age for overlying grey papery limestone that are devoid of both macrofossils and trace fossils indicating that recovery from the Late Permian extinction has not yet progressed within this deep-water environment.δ13Corg, isotope values have not been disturbed and they show a negative shift just below the Permian-Triassic transition and a second one at the parvus zone level above. The Buday’ah succession may represent the most distal and probably deepest Permian and Lower Triassic depositional sequence within the basin.  相似文献   

Seven eclogite facies samples from lithologically different units which structurally underlie the Semail ophiolite were dated by the 40Ar/39Ar and Rb–Sr methods. Despite extensive efforts, phengite dated by the 40Ar/39Ar method yielded saddle, hump or irregularly shaped spectra with uninterpretable isochrons. The total gas ages for the phengite ranged from 136 to 85 Ma. Clinopyroxene–phengite, epidote–phengite and whole‐rock–phengite Rb–Sr isochrons for the same samples yielded ages of 78 ± 2 Ma. We therefore conclude that the eclogite facies rocks cooled through 500 °C at c. 78 ± 2 Ma, and that the 40Ar/39Ar dates can only constrain maximum ages due to the occurrence of excess Ar inhomogeneously distributed in different sites. Our new results lead us to conclude that high‐pressure metamorphism of the Oman margin took place in the Late Cretaceous, contemporaneous with ophiolite emplacement. Previously published structural and petrological data lead us to suggest that this metamorphism resulted from intracontinental subduction and crustal thickening along a NE‐dipping zone. Choking of this subduction zone followed by ductile thinning of a crustal mass wedged between deeply subducted continental material and overthrust shelf and slope units facilitated the exhumation of the eclogite facies rocks from depths of c. 50 km to 10–15 km within c. 10 Ma, and led to their juxtaposition against overlying lower grade rocks. Final exhumation of all high‐pressure rocks was driven primarily by erosion and assisted by normal faulting in the upper plate.  相似文献   

New fieldwork, mineralogical and geochemical data and interpretations are presented for the rare-metal bearing A-type granites of the Aja intrusive complex(AIC) in the northern segment of the Arabian Shield. This complex is characterized by discontinuous ring-shaped outcrops cut by later faulting. The A-type rocks of the AIC are late Neoproterozoic post-collisional granites, including alkali feldspar granite, alkaline granite and peralkaline granite. They represent the outer zones of the AIC, su...  相似文献   

田云涛  冯庆来  李琴 《沉积学报》2007,25(5):671-677
对桂西南上二叠统大隆组层状硅质岩地球化学的研究发现:陆源主量元素Al、Ti等含量较高,并呈很好的相关性(R>0.90);热液来源的主量元素Mn和Fe等含量偏低,并具有较小的负相关关系(R=-0.30);陆源元素(Al、Ti、Hf、Zr、Th等)与总稀土元素含量具有较高正相关性(R为0.70~0.83);Al Fe Mn三角图解指示研究区的硅质岩为非热液成因。这些说明陆源物质是硅质岩形成的重要物源,结合硅质岩中含有大量的硅质生物(放射虫和海绵骨针等)的事实,我们认为研究区硅质岩是在生物作用为主,并有大量物源物质和少量热液物质(可能与大断裂导致的玄武岩喷发有关)和火山物质混入的条件下形成的。Ce/Ce*、(La/Yb)Shale、(La/Ce)Shale和∑REE与细粒沉积物沉积环境的关系以及(La/Ce)Shale—Al2O3/(Al2O3 +Fe2O3)图解等说明研究区硅质岩沉积环境为大陆边缘的中下部。Th/U和Ceanom指示了硅质岩形成于氧化环境。   相似文献   

多数研究者认为西拉木伦河—长春—延吉断裂带为华北与西伯利亚两大板块的最后缝合带,但最后拼合时间仍存在分歧,原因之一是对晚二叠世—早三叠世地层研究不足,尤其是对上二叠统与下三叠统接触关系研究更为欠缺。幸福之路组分布于大兴安岭南部,为一套以红层为主要特征的杂色碎屑岩组合,含有叶肢介、介形虫、双壳、植物及孢粉化石。笔者对采自巴林右旗幸福之路苏木幸福之路组上段的岩屑晶屑凝灰岩样品进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年分析,结果为(254.3±2.6)Ma。结合已有的火山岩测年及化石资料认为,幸福之路组上段下部时代为晚二叠世,上部为早三叠世早期,大兴安岭地区上二叠统与下三叠统为连续沉积,晚二叠世晚期两大板块发生碰撞拼合,古亚洲洋消失,发生南北生物群的混生,早三叠世西伯利亚板块和华北板块碰撞结束。  相似文献   

2009年8月,在内蒙古大兴安岭地区扎鲁特旗陶海营子重新测制了上二叠统陶海营子组剖面。自下而上共发现3层叶肢介(包括2层李氏叶肢介类Leaid化石),经鉴定为单脊型与双脊型的新种类。在中国,二叠纪的李氏叶肢介类(Leaid)化石前人仅在甘肃肃南县上二叠统肃南组发现过,计2属3种[1],其后一直未见报道。这类化石在大兴安岭地区的发现,填补了该时期中国东部李氏叶肢介类(Leaid)分布的空白,为该时期地层的区域对比和时代确定提供了重要的化石证据,具有重要的地层意义。同时,为进一步探讨它们的分布、迁徙、古生态、生物地理区系等增加了实际材料,具有古地理和古构造学上的理论意义。  相似文献   

西南天山哈拉奇地区康克林组第三段发现大量单体无鳞板四射珊瑚,经鉴定共有11属23种。根据该动物群的组成特征和与邻区的对比,建立了Amplexocaniaia-Tachylasma-Bradyphyllum组合,并确定其时代为早二叠世紫松期或阿舍尔(Asselian)期。通过对沉积相及该无鳞板四射珊瑚动物群古生态的对比分析,确定本区当时水深大于100m,属碳酸盐台地与盆地之间的过渡环境。  相似文献   

西南天山哈拉奇地区康克林组第三段发现大量单体无鳞板四射珊瑚,经鉴定共有11属23种。根据该动物群的组成特征和与邻区的对比,建立了Amplexocaniaia-Tachylasma-Bradyphyllum组合,并确定其时代为早二叠世紫松期或阿舍尔(Asselian)期。通过对沉积相及该无鳞板四射珊瑚动物群古生态的对比分析,确定本区当时水深大于100m,属碳酸盐台地与盆地之间的过渡环境。  相似文献   

兴蒙地区晚二叠世林西组沉积环境争议较大,多数学者认为其为陆相沉积,少数学者则认为早中期为封闭海盆,晚期转化为陆相湖盆。在对林西官地林西组剖面实测时,于其上部发现大量灰岩透镜体,内含钙藻和苔藓虫等海相化石。对系统采集的灰岩透镜体进行微量元素及碳、氧同位素组成分析,结果显示灰岩中轻稀土略亏损,Eu正异常明显,La、Ce具有轻微的正异常,Gd、Y/Ho基本无异常;Si O2含量较高、且Zr与REE具有良好正相关性,表明其沉积环境为海相近岸带,水体可能有正常海水、河水或大气降水和热液三个来源。剖面沉积特征、化石组合及灰岩中碳、氧同位素组成也为近岸带环境提供了进一步支持。这说明晚二叠世兴蒙—吉林一带仍存在狭长海盆,海盆内部仍存在热液活动,在近岸地区,海水循环可能受阻,使得短期内以蒸发作用或河水注入占主要地位,造成碳同位素大幅漂移,而氧同位素漂移主要由成岩作用引起。  相似文献   

西南天山哈拉奇地区康克林组第三段发现大量单体无鳞板四射珊瑚,经鉴定共有11属23种。根据该动物群的组成特征和与邻区的对比,建立了Amplexocaniaia-Tachylasma—Bradyphyllum组合,并确定其时代为早二叠世紫松期或阿舍尔(Asselian)期。通过对沉积相及该无鳞板四射珊瑚动物群古生态的对比分析,确定本区当时水深大于100m,属碳酸盐台地与盆地之间的过渡环境。  相似文献   

This paper presents the first SHRIMP zircon age data from bentonitic ash fall layers intercalated with the Irati sedimentary rocks, as well as palynofossils retrieved from the PETROBRAS-Six mine, Paraná State, southern Brazil. The Permian Irati Formation is one the most important oil source horizons within the Paraná Basin, and consists mainly of siltstones, gray claystones, as well as organic-rich claystones intercalated with limestones. Zircon morphology based on cathodoluminescence images includes two different populations: a dominant population of euhedral, prismatic, elongate to acicular grains which are most likely related to an ash fall volcanism; and a population of rounded to large prismatic grains, that were interpreted as detrital grains. SHRIMP analysis performed on the euhedral and prismatic grains revealed an age of ca. 278.4 ± 2.2 Ma (7 points with 95% confidence) interpreted as the crystallization age of the volcanic eruption. Based on this new dating, the Irati Formation should be placed on the Lower Permian (Cisuralian), Artinskian in age, modifying substantially the traditional ages previously attributed to this unit. The palynofossils from this level include key species of the Lueckisporites virkkiae Zone (such as L. virkkiae, L. densicorpus, L. stenotaeniatus, Weylandites lucifer, Alisporites splendens). Typical species of this zone also occur in African and other South American (Argentina) Permian strata, allowing stratigraphical correlations. The origin of the ash falls is not clearly defined. It may be related either to calc-alkaline arc magmatism associated to the Sanrafaelica Orogeny (275 and 250 Ma) or to bimodal volcanic events associated to an early intracontinental rift developed within southwestern Gondwana at ca. 278 My. The dating of this unit is significative to calibrate biostratigraphic schemes along the Paraná Basin, as well as equivalent zones in Gondwana areas, mainly in its Occidental portion.  相似文献   

The Liangshan and Qixia formations in the Sichuan Basin of central China were formed in the earlier middle Permian. Based on outcrop observation of the Changjianggou section at Shangsi, Guangyuan region and 3rd-order sequence division in typical drillings, one-dimensional spectrum analysis has been used to choose the better curve between the natural gamma ray spectrometry log(ln(Th/K)) in Well-Long17 and the gamma ray log(GR) in Well-Wujia1, respectively, for identifying Milankovitch cycles in Sequence PSQ1 which comprises the Liangshan and Qixia formations, and then to identify the variation in the Milankovitch cycle sequences. On this basis, the system tract and 4th-order sequence interfaces in Sequence PSQ1 were found via two-dimensional spectral analysis and digital filtering. Finally, a high-frequency sequence division program was established. Among these cycles, long eccentricity (413.0 ka) and short eccentricity (123.0 ka) are the most unambiguous, and they are separately the major control factors in forming 4th-order (parasequence sets) and 5th-order (parasequences) sequences, with the average thicknesses corresponding to the main cycles being 11.47 m and 3.32 m in Well-Long17, and 14.21 m and 3.79 m in Well-Wujia1, respectively. In other words, the deposition rate in the beach subfacies is faster than that of the inner ramp facies. The ln(Th/K) curve is more sensitive than the GR as the index of relatively ancient water depth in carbonate deposition. One-dimensional spectrum analysis of ln(Th/K) curve could distinguish the Milankovitch cycle sequences that arose from the Precession cycle (20.90 ka), with a much higher credibility. Sequence PSQ1 in Well-Long17 contains 10 4th-order sequences, and the growth span of Sequence PSQ1 consisting of the Liangshan and Qixia formations is about 4.13 Ma. The single deposition thickness of the long eccentricity cycle sequence has the characteristics of thinning and then thickening in the two-dimensional spectrum, which could be used to identify the system tract interface of the 3rd-order sequence. The precession sequence thickness remains stationary. As a result, the early deposition rate in the mid-Permian of the Sichuan basin was very slow, remaining nearly stationary, and this reflects a sustained depositional environment. Whole-rock carbon and oxygen isotope curves could also prove this point. Milankovitch cycle sequence studies provide a basis for paleoenvironmental analysis and, as such, can be used to analyze ancient climate change, calculate deposition rate and deposition time, and carry out fine isochronous stratigraphic correlation.  相似文献   

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