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The Moravian karst belongs to one of the famous karst regions in Central Europe. It is situated in Moravia in the eastern part of the Czech Republic. According to the geology it is of Devonian age and the main rocks are of different types of limestones. The process of karstification is still active. They are many caves with rich stalagmites and stalactites and the Macocha abyss, the depth of which is 138.5 m. The underground Punkva River flows through the main part of the karst, forming beautiful underground lakes. Typical karst phenomena, such as sinkholes and deep canyons, may be observed on the surface of the terrain. Because of the karstification, water erosion and frost weathering, many steep unstable slopes and walls originated. To solve the stability from a geotechnical point of view is not easy. This requests a special engineering-geological knowledge and experience.  相似文献   

Pronounced climatic warming associated with the Late Weichselian Pleniglacial‐to‐Lateglacial transition caused considerable environmental changes throughout the former periglacial zones (in Europe ~53°–46°N). During permafrost degradation and subsequent ground subsidence (i.e. thermokarst processes), the landscape changed rapidly. In this study we investigated a flat mid‐altitude area in south Bohemia, Czech Republic, lying close to the southern limit of the Weichselian permafrost. We discovered palaeo‐lake basins with sedimentary infillings up to 11 m in depth. According to radiocarbon and palynostratigraphical dating, these basins were formed at the onset of the Late Pleniglacial‐to‐Lateglacial transition, whereas the smaller depressions were formed later. We suggest that the basins resulted from thermal and fluvio‐thermal erosion of the former permafrost and represent remnants of discontinuous gullies and possibly collapsed frost mounds (pingo/lithalsa scars). The formation of this a fossil thermokarst landscape was climatically driven and multiple phased, with the major phase during the climatic warming and wetting at the onset of GI‐1e (Bølling) and the minor phase during GI‐1c (Allerød). This study enhances knowledge of the palaeogeography of the former European periglacial zone by showing that Late Pleistocene thermokarst activity could have had a significant impact on the evolution of the landscape of at least some regions of central Europe along the southern limit of the continuous permafrost zone. The research also points to a similar history for the physical transformation of the landscape of the former European periglacial zone and current thermokarst landscapes and could be a valuable source of information with respect to the future transformation of the Arctic under conditions of ongoing global warming.  相似文献   

Groundwater was occasionally found during the construction of a deep gas-storage cavern at approximately 1 km below land surface near Pribram, Czech Republic. The individual groundwater seeps, with a discharge not exceeding 0.01 l/s and T?=?23°C, were usually a strongly alkali natural solution with maximum pH values of 9.9 and TDS concentrations from 0.2 to 0.86 g/l; Na+, \({\text{HCO}}^{ - }_{3}\), and Cl? ions were the major dissolved chemical constituents. Two main groundwater quality groups were defined: Na–Cl and Na–HCO3. Based on the stable isotope (18O/16O, D/H), tritium and radiocarbon analyses, some groundwater originated from rainwater infiltrating during the Upper Pleistocene Epoch. Strontium in the groundwater of the crystalline aquifer was isotopically homogenous and equilibrates with strontium in the granite and granodiorite of the gas-storage cavern. Based on the information, the deep groundwater seeps were associated with slow or ‘stagnant’ groundwater circulation, without direct relation to the recent groundwater of faster circulation near the surface, which is periodically recharged by precipitation. The results of the water-quality monitoring of the deep groundwater seeps have been used in estimating the insulating properties of the neighboring rocks near the gas-storage cavern. This information will be important in the safe operation of the gas-storage cavern.  相似文献   

The territory of the Czech Republic has been investigated by geographers for many decades. The Moravian Gate situated in the eastern part of the Czech Republic, became a place of high human concentration due to its geographical location. Geomorphological research in the Czech republic has reached an impressive level in the field of both the morphostructure of the whole territory and the extent of glaciation. The article treats the relationship between the morphostructure and the extent of glaciation in a geographically complicated region. Both of these have been investigated separately. The synthesis of all results brings new knowledge and suggestions for future research in the region close to the main European watershed. The paper is completed on the basis of the author's research including the complex geomorphological analysis, especially morphostructural and morfosculptural analysis, the investigation of the features and genesis of georelief, the digital elevation model of studied area, the detailed geomorphological mapping in 1:10.000 scale and the compilation of denudation chronology.  相似文献   

Summary In the southern part of the Hruby Jeseník Mts. (Silesicum, Bohemian Massif) granitic orthogneisses and quartz-feldspars mylonites occur that were variously deformed, metamorphosed and imbricated with the overlaying Devonian volcano-sedimentary complex during the Variscan orogeny. Based on combined mapping, petrologic and geochemical studies, three main rock groups are distinguished. The fairly primitive nature of the tonalite suite is shown by low 87Sr/86Sr550 ratios (0.7034–0.7038) and positive ε Nd 550 values (+3.8 and +3.1). Isotopic composition of the metagranite suite is similar (ε Nd 550 = +1.9 to +2.9). Both suites probably belong to a single Cadomian calc-alkaline tonalite–granite association, which can be correlated with acid-intermediate plutonic rocks of the eastern Brunovistulicum (Slavkov Terrane). All these units are interpreted as representing dismembered fragments of the same continental margin magmatic arc system. The leucogranite suite is most likely early Variscan in age. The initial Nd isotopic composition (ε Nd 330 = +0.8 and +2.3) is consistent with its formation by a Variscan remelting of the metaigneous Cadomian crust represented by the rocks of the tonalite–granite association. The within-plate granite affinity of the leucogranite suite is most likely related to the break-up of the Brunovistulicum during the Variscan orogeny.  相似文献   

Zircon ages are reported for three Moldanubian amphibolite grade orthogneisses from the southern Bohemian Massif obtained by conventional U/Pb analyses. For two of these orthogneisses, conventional U/Pb data are supported by ion microprobe single zircon ages or single grain evaporation data. The amphibolite grade orthogneisses, occurring in three small tectonic lenses within the Varied Group close to the South Bohemian Main Thrust, are of tonalitic, granodioritic or quartz dioritic composition.Conventional bulk size fraction and ion microprobe analyses of nearly euhedral zircons from a metatonalite, erroneously interpreted as a metagreywacke in a previous study, yielded an upper Concordia intercept age of 2048 ± 12 Ma. The well preserved euhedral grain shapes of the zircons suggest crystallization from a magmatic phase, and the upper Concordia intercept age is now interpreted as reflecting a magmatic event at that time. The age of this rock is compatible with the conventional zircon data and the (207Pb/206Pb)* single grain evaporation result from two further orthogneisses providing intrusion ages of 2 060 ± 12, 2 104 ± 1 and 2 061 ± 6 Ma, respectively. For one sample a concordant U/Pb age for sphene of 355 ± 2 Ma defines the age of amphibolite facies metamorphism. The upper Concordia intercept ages of three orthogneisses constitute the first direct evidence for the presence of early Proterozoic crust under the supracrustal cover in the southern part of the Bohemian Massif. Correspondence to: J. I. Wendt  相似文献   

P. Daněk 《GeoJournal》1993,30(3):249-254
In the 1991 population census, 1.4 million inhabitants of the Czech Republic applied for Moravian or Silesian nationality, which did not exist before.They expressed their consciousness of territorial appurtenance to the historical provinces of Moravia and Silesia and by this declaration they set it above the appurtenance to the Czech nation. New social cleavage thus developed in ethnically almost homogeneous environment of the Czech Republic, which constitutes a potential threat of the further splitting of the State. Trying to find the causes of such a phenomenon, the author deals with the territorial differentiation of these inhabitants and factors which influenced it. The close interconnection with political demands is stressed. The insensive centralizing measures of the communist regime are considered as the direct impulses of the present development. The phenomenon is understood as a specific manifestation of the posttotalitarian social crisis in Central and Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

Foraminiferal and conodont faunas at the Devonian–Carboniferous (D–C) boundary in the southern part of the Moravian Karst (Czech Republic) were studied in different facies of the basin slope. The joint presence of foraminifers and conodonts in calciturbidites along with a positive δ13C excursion of the Hangenberg anoxic event enabled the high‐resolution calibration of the late Famennian–early Tournaisian interval (Upper expansa–crenulata conodont zones). The conodont stratigraphic and biofacies succession reveals a strong correlation with other European areas. The Siphonodella sulcata morphotype (close to Group 1 sensu Kaiser and Corradini and “nov. gen. nov. sp. 1” sensu Tragelehn) enters prior to the Hangenberg Event, which resembles Upper and Uppermost Famennian conodont successions from Franconia, Bavaria and Morocco. The diversification of the early siphonodellids takes place after the Hangenberg Event and after the protognathodid radiation. In terms of foraminiferal biostratigraphy, the D–C boundary interval is characterized by the first appearance datum (FAD) of Tournayellina pseudobeata close below the D–C boundary followed by a sequence of Tournaisian bioevents, where apart from the last appearance datums (LADs) of quasiendothyrs, the FADs of the Neoseptaglomospiranella species and chernyshinellids play an important role in a similar manner as in Eastern Europe. The correlation of these bioevents elsewhere is often hindered by glacioeustatically‐driven unconformities and widespread occurrences of unfavourable facies for plurilocular foraminifers (Malevka beds and Bisphaera beds). Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Mokrsko-West deposit is unique among European Variscan gold deposits from the points of view of both the structure (an approx. 200 m thick complex of sheeted, several mm-thick, densely spaced quartz veins) and the economic viability (gold reserves of about 100 t). The deposit is hosted mainly by tonalite of the calc-alkaline Sázava tonalite suite (ca. 354 Ma) of the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex. Mineralization is characterized by quartz-dominated gangue, no visible hydrothermal alteration, low sulfide content, high fineness native gold accompanied by maldonite, aurostibite, native bismuth and numerous Bi–Te–(S) phases. Five mineralogical stages are described in great detail. Arsenopyrite and chlorite thermometers, mineral phase stabilities and published isotope and fluid inclusion data are used to reconstruct the temperature and compositional evolution of the system. The role of liquid bismuth in the sequestration of gold is also discussed.The deposit shares the features of both orogenic gold (ORG) and intrusion-related gold (IRG) deposits. The IRG model is advocated by close spatial association between the ore zone and the tonalite host-intrusion, by the absence/scarcity of hydrothermal alteration, by the Au–Bi–Te–As elemental association and by marked thermal gradients from the early to late mineralization stages. The ORG model is advocated by an approx. 15–10 Ma gap between the intrusion of the tonalite-host and the ore formation, by isotope and geochemical evidence for a key role of metamorphic fluids in the mobilization and transfer of many elements/species (inclusive S and Au). The apparently ambiguous classification of the deposit can most probably be attributed to deposit formation at a depth of ≥ 9 km and to setting of the deposit at/inside a large-scale plutonic complex with multiple and prolonged tectonic and intrusive activity.  相似文献   

A flood risk model was developed for the Czech Republic to calculate the probability of insured losses from flood events. The model was GIS based, making use of a 100 m horizontal resolution DTM and a network of the major rivers in the country. A review of historical flooding was undertaken to define the worst and most widespread flood events. Synthetic flood events were generated based on a study of the spatial variation in magnitude of river flows from selected historical flood events going back to 1935. A total of 30 synthetic events were generated each providing peak flows at 25 gauging stations throughout the country. The flows were converted into flood levels using rating equations based on information provided by the Czech Hydrological and Meteorological Institute. The extent of and depth of flooding was mapped on a cell by cell basis by applying an automated procedure developed using the grid option within the Arc/Info GIS. The flood depths were combined with maps of the postal codes to define an average flood depth per post code. The model was calibrated using maps of the observed flood extents from 1997 and 2002.  相似文献   

Geographic and demographic characteristics of Gypsies were elaborated on the basis of population census' results in 1970 and 1980. In 1980, there were about 300 000 of Gypsies in Czechoslovakia (2% of the total population). The fast numerical growth of Gypsies becomes a subject of increasing interest of both specialists and large public. According to the prognosis till 2005, in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic will be about 495 000 of Gypsies (3% of the total population). The spatial structure of Gypsies is very uneven, they are concentrated mainly in the East Slovakian districts. The differences between Gypsies and other inhabitants in the demographic behaviour are evident from the age structure. Gypsies are demographically young population with the progressive type of the age structure (high proportion of children and low proportion of the aged). Gypsy women have a high level of fertility during the whole childbearing period. The number of live born children per one Gypsy woman was 6,0 in the age group 45–49 (total population 2,3) in 1980. The effort has been made to estimate the expectation of life of Gypsies on the basis of results from population census 1970 and 1980. The probability of death was derived from the probability of survival between 1970 and 1980. In the period 1971–1980 the expectation of life at birth of Gypsy men was 55,3 years and 59,5 years for Gypsy women. The level of life expectancy like this we can find in developing countries of the Third World. Changes in the demographic behaviour occur as permanent changes only on the basis of the overall social and economic development. The consequences of this development appear usually after a certain delay, measured by the length of generation, not by calendar years.  相似文献   

&#;ilh&#;n  Karel 《Landslides》2022,19(3):621-635
Landslides - The steep scarps of river terraces surrounding the floodplains of meandering rivers are locations with concentrations of active geomorphic slope processes. Thus, knowledge of their...  相似文献   

The Bohemian Cretaceous Basin combines features of a shallow‐water (mostly < 100 m) epicontinental seaway formed during a global transgression with those of a tectonically active, transtensional setting. The basin formed under a greenhouse climate and was affected by strong axial currents. Dense well‐log coverage, combined with locally high‐quality exposures and biostratigraphic control, make it possible to examine in three dimensions the geometries of genetic sequences and interpret their controlling variables. Sand‐dominated deltas formed sequences at several spatial scales that reflect nested transgressive–regressive cycles with durations ranging from tens of thousands of years to millions of years. Progradation directions and distances, thicknesses and internal geometry of the individual sequences were controlled primarily by intrabasinal faulting, basin‐scale changes in subsidence rate, eustatic fluctuations and localized bathymetric changes due to successive filling of the basin. Along‐strike change in sediment input from different parts of the source area and a short‐lived uplift of a secondary clastic source provided additional controls on the sequence geometry. Efficient hypopycnal transport combined with redeposition of fine clastics in shallow water promoted development of steep slopes of sand‐dominated deltas while preventing downlap of muddy clinoforms; most of the suspended load became deposited downcurrent in subhorizontal or gently dipping bottomsets. Long‐term accommodation rates were low during the Early to Middle Turonian, with minor intrabasinal faulting, but became accelerated in the Late Turonian and Early Coniacian. This acceleration was caused at least partly by increased subsidence rate accompanied by structural partitioning of the depocentre and partly compensated by increased sediment input indicating increased uplift rates in the Western Sudetic Island source area. This event probably reflected an increase in the regional strain rate in Central Europe. The succession of two major flooding events in the Early Turonian and late Early Coniacian, separated by a low‐accommodation interval in the Middle Turonian, shows a close similarity to published estimates of long‐term eustatic curves. However, the eustatic component of accommodation rate in the Bohemian Late Turonian and Coniacian is difficult to separate from accelerated subsidence. In several cases, evidence for short‐term (100 kyr scale) forced regressions, independent of basinal structural activity, suggests small‐scale eustatic falls at rates which, as presently understood, cannot be explained other than by a glacio‐eustatic mechanism.  相似文献   

The Podlesí granite stock (Czech Republic) is a fractionated, peraluminous, F-, Li- and P-rich, and Sn, W, Nb, Ta-bearing rare-metal granite system. Its magmatic evolution involved processes typical of intrusions related to porphyry type deposits (explosive breccia, comb layers), rare-metal granites (stockscheider), and rare metal pegmatites (extreme F–P–Li enrichment, Nb–Ta–Sn minerals, layering). Geological, textural and mineralogical data suggest that the Podlesí granites evolved from fractionated granitic melt progressively enriched in H2O, F, P, Li, etc. Quartz, K-feldspar, Fe–Li mica and topaz bear evidence of multistage crystallization that alternated with episodes of resorption. Changes in chemical composition between individual crystal zones and/or populations provide evidence of chemical evolution of the melt. Variations in rock textures mirror changes in the pressure and temperature conditions of crystallization. Equilibrium crystallization was interrupted several times by opening of the system and the consequent adiabatic decrease of pressure and temperature resulted in episodes of nonequilibrium crystallization. The Podlesí granites demonstrate that adiabatic fluctuation of pressure (“swinging eutectic”) and boundary-layer crystallization of undercooled melt can explain magmatic layering and unidirectional solidification textures (USTs) in highly fractionated granites.  相似文献   

An investigation of the thermal waters in the Ústí nad Labem area in the northeastern part of the Eger Rift has been carried out, with the principal objective of determining their origin. Waters from geothermal reservoirs in the aquifers of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (BCB) from depths of 240 to 616 m are exploited here. For comparison, thermal waters of the adjacent Teplice Spa area were also incorporated into the study. Results based on water chemistry and isotopes indicate mixing of groundwater from aquifers of the BCB with groundwater derived from underlying crystalline rocks of the Erzgebirge Mts. Unlike thermal waters in Dě?ín, which are of Ca–HCO3 type, there are two types of thermal waters in Ústí nad Labem, Na–HCO3–Cl–SO4 type with high TDS values and Na–Ca–HCO3–SO4 type with low TDS values. Carbon isotope data, speciation calculations, and inverse geochemical modeling suggest a significant input of endogenous CO2 at Ústí nad Labem in the case of high TDS groundwaters. Besides CO2 input, both silicate dissolution and cation exchange coupled with dissolution of carbonates may explain the origin of high TDS thermal waters equally well. This is a consequence of similar δ13C and 14C values in endogenous CO2 and carbonates (both sources have 14C of 0 pmc, endogenous CO2 δ13C around −3‰, carbonates in the range from −5‰ to +3‰ V-PDB). The source of Cl seems to be relict brine formed in Tertiary lakes, which infiltrated into the deep rift zone and is being flushed out. The difference between high and low TDS groundwaters in Ústí nad Labem is caused by location of the high mineralization groundwater wells in CO2 emanation centers linked to channel-like conduits. This results in high dissolution rates of minerals and in different δ13C(DIC) and 14C(DIC) fingerprints. A combined δ34S and δ18O study of dissolved SO4 indicates multiple SO4 sources, involving SO4 from relict brines and oxidation of H2S. The study clearly demonstrates potential problems encountered at sites with multiple sources of C, where several evolutionary groundwater scenarios are possible.  相似文献   

The Lower Carboniferous Moravian–Silesian Culm Basin (MSCB) represents the easternmost part of the Rhenohercynian system of collision-related, deep-water foreland basins (Culm facies). The Upper Viséan Moravice Formation (MF) of the MSCB shows a distinct cyclic stratigraphic arrangement. Two major asymmetric megacycles bounded by basal sequence boundary, each about 500 to 900 m thick, have been revealed. The megacycles start with 50- to 250-m-thick, basal segments of erosive channels: overbank successions and slope apron deposits interpreted as lowstand turbidite systems. Up-section they pass into hundred metre-thick, fine-grained, low-efficiency turbidite systems. Palaeocurrent data show two prominent directions, basin axis-parallel, SSW–NNE directions, which are abundant in the whole MF, and basin axis-perpendicular to oblique, W–E to NW–SE directions, which tend to be confined to the basal parts of the megacycles or channel-lobe transition systems in their upper parts. Based on the facies characteristics, palaeocurrent data, sandstone composition data and trace-fossil distribution data, we suggest a combined tectonics–sediment supply-driven model for the MF basin fill. Periods of increased tectonic activity resulted in slope oversteepening probably combined with increased rate of lateral W–E sediment supply into the basin, producing the basal sequence boundary and the subsequent lowstand turbidite systems. During subsequent periods of tectonic quiescence, the system was filled mainly from a distant southern point source, producing the thick, low efficiency turbidite systems. Consistently with the previous models, our own sediment composition data indicate a progressively increasing sediment input from high-grade metamorphic and magmatic sources up-section, most probably related to an uplift in the source area and progressive unroofing of its structurally deeper crustal parts. The first occurrence of the Cruziana–Nereites ichnofacies in sand-rich turbidite systems in the youngest parts of the MF (Goel to Gospi Zone), supported by rapidly increasing quartz concentrations in sandstones, is thought to indicate a transition from generally underfilled to generally overfilled phase in evolution of the MSCB basin. This transition may be linked to the onset of Upper Viséan phase of northward basin-fill progradation assumed by previous authors.  相似文献   

The sedimentary record from dams can provide important information about stratigraphy and pollution history of densely populated river basins. The Brno Dam is a small reservoir within the Morava River catchment (Czech Republic) accumulating lacustrine sediments since 1940 (dam filling). The stratigraphy of the dam sediments was studied using multiproxy stratigraphic analysis (X-ray densitometry, bulk magnetic susceptibility, diffuse spectral reflectance and cation-exchange capacity) of five sediment cores supported by ground-penetration radar sections. Concentrations of heavy metals were studied by X-ray fluorescence analysis. The thickness of the dam sediments decreases from 220 cm in the proximal part, near the feeder, to only 10 cm in the distal part, near the dyke. Sediments consist predominantly of finely-laminated silty sands, silts and clays. The sedimentation rate for the last ~22 years, inferred from 137Cs dating, decreases from 4.2 cm per year in the proximal part of the dam to 0.29 cm per year in its distal part. Distinct long-term trends were found in the depth profiles of heavy metal concentrations. The heavy metal contents increase significantly after 1940 in all cores, with peak concentrations confined to layers deposited in the 1960s and 1980s. A decreasing trend occurred after 1989 (the decline in Czech heavy industry). The results also show that heavy metal contamination is dependent on lithology (hyperpycnal flow layers related to floods). Increased concentrations of phosphorus in the sediments indicate long-term eutrophication of the dam. Despite the recent decreasing trends in heavy metal concentrations the phosphorus contents remain high in recent years and have caused persisting problems with algal growth in the dam mentioned by previous authors.  相似文献   

The Hercynian mountain ranges were islands of mountain glaciation and alpine tundra in a Central European ice‐free corridor during the Late Pleistocene. Today they are notable areas of glacial landforms, alpine‐forest free areas, peatlands and woodlands. However, our knowledge of the Lateglacial and early Holocene environmental changes in this region is limited. We present a new multi‐proxy reconstruction of a mid‐altitude environment in the Bohemian Forest spanning this period. A core (5.2 m length) in the ?erné Lake cirque (1028 m a.s.l.) was subjected to lithological, geochemical, pollen and macrofossil analysis supplemented by two optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and 10 AMS radiocarbon dates. We determined the impact of regional and supraregional climate changes on the environment. The two most significant changes in sedimentation during the Lateglacial (17.6 and 15.8–15.5 cal. ka BP) were synchronous with regional glacial chronostratigraphy. Unlike Central European mountain ranges, in the Bohemian Forest the Younger Dryas was not coincident with glacier re‐advance, but was a dry, cold episode with low lake levels, which prevailed until the early Preboreal. Plant macrofossils indicate local establishment of Betula nana and Betula pendula/pubescens at 15.4–13.4 cal. ka BP. Comparison with Holocene records from Central Europe shows a similar immigration history of vegetation at mid and higher altitudes. The tree line exceeded an altitude of ~1000 m a.s.l. around 10.5 cal. ka BP and coincided with rapid geochemical changes in the sediment. The 8.2 ka BP event did not have any response in the sedimentary record, but corresponded to stabilization of the Picea abies population and expansion of Fagus. Fagus colonized the Bohemian Forest earlier than other Hercynian mid‐mountains, but never predominated in the composition of the forest at higher elevations. Abies alba was the last tree species that immigrated to the study area.  相似文献   

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