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A suite of peralkaline trachytes from Longonot volcano, Kenya,which erupted during the last 6000 years, has been analysedfor major and trace elements, Pb and Nd isotopes, and U–Th–Radisequilibria. The lavas are divided into three stratigraphicgroups of trachytes (Lt2a, Lt2b and Lt3), and hybrid lavas,designated LMx1 and LMx2, which, respectively, pre-date andpost-date the Lt2 lavas. Major and trace elements are consistent,with up to 37% within-group fractional crystallization of predominantlyalkali feldspar. The parental magma for the different trachytegroups had a more mafic composition—probably hawaiitic.Nd and Pb isotopes show minimal variation, both within and betweenmagma groups, and indicate that up to 10% comendite magma fromthe neighbouring Olkaria volcanic field may have intermixedwith the Longonot magma. (230Th/238U) disequilibria indicatethat limited U/Th fractionation occurred during the past 10kyr, whereas (226Ra/230Th) disequilibria reflect the effectof alkali feldspar fractionation >8 kyr ago in the Lt2a lavas,between 3 and 7 kyr ago in the Lt2b lavas and in the past 3kyr for the Lt3 lavas. (226Ra/230Th) disequilibria in the Lt2blavas are interpreted using a model that combines the equationsof radioactive decay and in-growth with Rayleigh crystallizationto give fractionation rates of about 0·2 x 10–4/yearfor the evolution of hawaiite to trachyte, but more rapid ratesof up to 3 x 10–4/year for fractionation within the trachytesequence. (226Ra/230Th) from two whole-rock–alkali feldsparpairs are interpreted to show the crystals formed at 5800 yearsBP (Lt2b) and 2800 years BP (Lt3), implying that phenocrystformation continued almost up to the time of eruption. The resultsstrongly indicate that fractionated magmas can be stored forperiods on the order of 1000–2500 years prior to eruption,whereas other magmas were erupted as fractionation was proceeding. KEY WORDS: trachyte; magma chambers; u-series; Kenya  相似文献   

230Th-238U disequilibrium systematics reveal several important characteristics of the mantle source regions and petrogenesis of volcanic rocks in the presumed hot spots of Hawaii, Marion Island (Prince Edward hot spot), and Samoa. The (230Th232Th) activity ratios of lavas from these three hot spots (1.06 ± 0.07, 1.04 ± 0.08, and 0.81 ± 0.06, respectively) imply that the source regions are each nearly homogeneous with ThU weight ratios of 2.9, 3.0, and 3.8. For Marion Island and Mauna Kea, Hawaii, negligible secular variation occurs in the (230Th232Th) initial ratios. This supports other evidence for very short transfer time between source and surface. Significant residence time at depth prior to eruption cannot be ruled out for the Samoan lavas we have studied; however, the data for one of these flows deviate from the proposed (230Th232Th)-87Sr86Sr correlation (Condomineset al., 1981a) in the opposite sense from that expected for such residence. If it is assumed that the measured (230Th232Th) ratios of the young lavas reflect ThU in their mantle sources, then the observed variations among these three hot spots, combined with those reported by other workers for Iceland, the Azores and Tristan de Cunha, suggest that these sources are characterized by ThU ratios ranging from values similar to that of MORB source (~2.5) to values similar to those of bulk earth (~3.8). Mixing of different proportions of depleted and enriched mantle may be responsible for the observed range.  相似文献   

Changes in the geomagnetic field intensity, solar variability, and the internal changes of the carbon cycle are believed to be the three controlling factors of past atmospheric radiocarbon (14C) concentrations (denoted as Δ14C). Of these three, it is believed that the field intensity is the dominant factor. We analyze an atmospheric Δ14C record spanning the past 50,000 years based on previously-published 230Th/234U/238U and 14C dates of fossil corals from Kiritimati, Barbados, Araki and Santo Islands, and identify the role of the Laschamp geomagnetic field excursion on the long term trend of the Δ14C record. There is a general consistency between the coral Δ14C record and the Δ14C output from carbon cycle models based on the global 14C production estimates. High-precision, high-accuracy 230Th/234U/238U dates and redundant 231Pa/235U dates anchor the timing of this Δ14C record. We propose that a significant fraction of the long-term Δ14C trend may be due to inaccuracies in the generally accepted 14C decay constant. The uncertainty in estimating the shape of 14C beta spectrum below 20 keV leads to one of the greatest errors in decay constant estimates. Once the 14C half-life is validated via redundant techniques, Δ14C records will provide a better opportunity to examine the roles of carbon cycle and 14C production influences.  相似文献   

The linkage between intracontinental extension and the Early Cretaceous Cu-Mo-W polymetallic metallogenesis in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River Belt (MLYRB) has long been a subject of controversy due to the lack of convincing petrogenetic evidence to identify the nature of magmatic sources and their geological histories during extensional mantle upwelling. Here we present new zircon UPb ages, isotopic and geochemical data for granodiorites, quartz diorites and mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) in the Tongshankou area. Comparing the MMEs with their host porphyries, the different ratios of incompatible elements and the similar formation ages, coupled with quenched margins and the xenocrysts in the MMEs, indicate that the MMEs was most likely formed by mixing between mafic magma and their host felsic magma. The MMEs share similar geochemical and isotopic characteristics with the Cretaceous mafic rocks from MLYRB, indicating that MMEs were mostly derived from an enriched lithospheric mantle source without adakitic characteristics. Mixing of a crustal melt derived by melting of an amphibolite bearing juvenile lower crust with a mantle melt derived from melting of enriched lithospheric mantle can account for the generation of the Tongshankou prophyries. The melting of juvenile mafic lower crust and enriched lithospheric mantle is suggested to be caused by upwelling of asthenospheric mantle and the reactivity of trans-lithospheric faults in the intracontinental extensional environment. Our results therefore highlight that juvenile mafic lower crust beneath the Yangtze plate is one of the likely source for ore-forming magmatic rocks in the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Late Neoproterozoic (ca. 580 Ma), high-K, mafic-intermediate rocks represent voluminous bimodal magmatism in the Borborema Province, northeast Brazil. These rocks show the following chemical signatures that reflect derivation from a subduction-modified lithospheric mantle source: (1) enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (Rb, Ba, K, Th) and light rare-earth elements (REE) (La/YbCN=11–70), (2) pronounced negative Nb anomalies, and (3) radiogenic Sr (0.71202–0.7059) and unradiogenic Nd (Nd from −9.3–−20.1) isotopic compositions. TDM model ages suggest that modification of the lithospheric mantle source (metasomatised garnet lherzolite) may have occurred in the Paleoproterozoic during the Transamazonian/Eburnean tectonics that affected the region. Interaction with asthenospheric fluids is believed to have partially melted this enriched source in the Neoproterozoic, probably as a result of asthenosphere-derived fluid percolation in the Brasiliano/Pan-African shear zones that controlled the emplacement of these mafic-intermediate magmas. The involvement of this asthenospheric component is supported by the nonradiogenic Pb isotopic ratios (206Pb/204Pb=16–17.3, 207Pb/204Pb=15.1–15.6, 208Pb/204Pb=36–37.5), which contrast with the enriched Sr and Nd compositions and thereby suggest the decoupling of Rb–Sr, Sm–Nd, and U–Pb systems at the time of intrusion of the mafic-intermediate magmas in the crust.  相似文献   

Summary ?Many ultramafic complexes, some of which have chromitite bodies, are exposed in the Sangun zone in central Chugoku district, Southwest Japan. Harzburgite is always dominant over dunite, but the dunite/harzburgite ratio varies from complex to complex. Large chromitite bodies are exclusively found in relatively dunite-dominant complexes or portions. The degree of roundness, DR#=[area/(round-length)2] (normalized by a circle’s value: 1/4π), of chromian spinel is variable, depending on lithology of the peridotites. Chromian spinel is mostly anhedral or even vermicular (less than 0.4 in DR#) in harzburgite, and is most frequently euhedral or rounded (within the range of 0.7 to 0.9 in DR#) in dunite. The morphology of spinel is correlated with chemistry: the DR# is positively correlated with Ti content and Fe3+#(=Fe3+/(Cr + Al + Fe3+)), but is not related to Cr#. When chromitite is present in dunite, the spinel is relatively anhedral (vermicular) and low in Ti and Fe3+# in the dunite whereas it is relatively euhedral and high in Ti and Fe3+# in surrounding harzburgite. We define these spinels as “extraordinary” spinels, which are commonly found in Wakamatsu mine area in the Tari-Misaka complex, which exploits the largest chromite body in Japan. The rocks with the “extraordinary” spinels show transitional lithologies (a gradual boundary, one meter to several tens of meters in width) between dunite and harzburgite with “ordinary” spinels. The formation of dunite and chromitite is interpreted as a result of the reaction of harzburgite with a relatively Ti-rich magma (back-arc basin or MORB-like magma) and related magma mixing, as discussed by Arai and Yurimoto (1994). The dike-like occurrence of the dunite and chromitite indicates that the reaction took place along melt conduits (=fractures) less than 200 m in width. Podiform chromitites were formed only when the reaction zone was relatively wide (several tens of meters in width), that is, only when the degree of interaction was relatively high. The magma modified by the reaction percolated, possibly by porous flow from the reaction zone outward, and changed the texture and chemistry of chromian spinel, on the scale of several tens of meters. This type of melt transport, or melt flow through fractures with a melt percolation aureole, may be prevalent in the uppermost mantle. Received February 8, 2000;/revised version accepted December 22, 2000  相似文献   

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