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The electromagnetic and particle cascade resulting from the absorption of galactic cosmic rays in the atmosphere of Titan is shown to be an important mechanism for driving the photochemistry at pressures of 1 to 50 mbar in the atmosphere. In particular, the cosmic ray cascade dissociates N2, a process necessary for the synthesis of nitrogen organics such as HCN. The important interactions of the cosmic ray cascade with the atmosphere are discussed. The N2 excitation and dissociation rates and the ionization rates of the principal atmospheric constituents are computed for a Titan model atmosphere that is consistent with Voyager 1 observations. It is suggested that HCN may be formed efficiently in the lower atmosphere through the photodissociation of methylamine. It is also argued that models of nitrogen and hydrocarbon photochemistry in the lower atmosphere of Titan should include the absorption of galactic cosmic rays as an important energy source.  相似文献   

Donald M. Hunten 《Icarus》1974,22(1):111-116
A summary is given of our current knowledge of Titan's atmosphere, based on the report of the 1973 Titan Atmosphere Workshop.  相似文献   

The intensive acceleration of energetic charged particles in perpendicular shock waves which has been known to take place in the interplanetary medium has been utilized in this work in order to account for the energization of cosmic rays. It is proposed that cosmic rays can be accelerated up to 1014–1015 eV in successive perpendicular shock waves which appear inside supernova shells in our Galaxy.  相似文献   

The case is made for most cosmic rays having come from galactic sources. ‘Structure’, i.e. a lack of smoothness in the energy spectrum, is apparent, strengthening the view that most cosmic rays come from discrete sources, supernova remnants being most likely.  相似文献   

During three balloon flights of a 1 m2 sr ionizationchamber erenkov counter detector system, we have measured the atmospheric attenuation, flux, and charge composition of cosmic-ray nuclei with 16Z30 and rigidity greater than 4.5 GV.The attenuation mean-free-path in air of VH (20Z30) nuclei is found to be 19.7±1.6 g cm–2, a value somewhat greater than the best previous measurement. The attenuation mean-free-path of iron is found to be 15.6±2.2 g cm–2, consistent with predictions of geometric cross-section formulae.We measure an absolute flux of VH nuclei 10 to 20% higher than earlier experiments at similar geomagnetic cutoff and level of solar activity. The relative abundances of evencharged nuclei are found to be in good agreement with results of other recent high-resolution counter experiments.We calculate that our observed cosmic ray chemical composition implies relative abundances at the cosmic-ray source of Ca/Fe=0.12±0.04 and S/Fe=0.14±0.05. The results are consistent with all other elements of charge between 16 and 26 being absent at the source and being produced by cosmic-ray fragmentation in interstellar hydrogen. The results show the ratios A/Fe and S/Fe to be significantly lower in the cosmic-ray source than in the solar system.  相似文献   

The simple argument is presented to show that the average energy density of cosmic rays in the Metagalaxy must be much smaller than in the Galaxy. This conclusion could, in principle, be not valid in the Lemaître cosmological model. The gamma-ray astronomical data now available testify, however, against the possibility of the cosmic-ray storage during the stop phase of the Lemaître model. The measurements of the diffuse background gamma-ray intensity with energy exceeding 10 MeV could definitely solve this problem.  相似文献   

The anisotropy of high-energy (∼10 GeV and above) cosmic rays is investigated. A simplified model of the heliosphere constructed as a basis for the theory of their long-period variations is investigated for applicability to describing the cosmic-ray anisotropy. This model has been found to need a modification. The necessary changes of the model do not affect the conclusions on the 22-year variations reached on its basis but make it possible to construct a theory of cosmic-ray anisotropy. The theoretical results on the anisotropy are compared with its long-term observations in a wide energy range performed in Yakutsk.  相似文献   

Long-termobservations of the muon intensity of galactic cosmic rays at the Nagoya (35°10′ N, 136°58′ E) and Yakutsk (62°01′ N, 129°43′ E) stations have revealed amplitude-phase annual and semiannual oscillations of the semidiurnal variation. These oscillations are attributable to the properties of the cosmic-ray anisotropy tensor that result from shielding by the interplanetary magnetic field and solar-wind shear flow. The mentioned tensor is also shown to have a north-south asymmetry.  相似文献   

It is proposed that a large temperature inversion exists in the atmosphere of Titan due to absorption of solar radiation by small “dust” particles. A very simplified preliminary analysis indicates that this inversion model can expain the high infrared brightness temperatures in the absence of a greenhouse effect.  相似文献   

The capabilities and limitations of pulsars as sources of cosmic rays are reviewed in the light of experimental observations. Pulsars can supply the cosmic ray power if they have rotational velocities in excess of 700 rad s?1 at birth. Though this is theoretically possible, there is no experimental proof for the same. Pulsars can accelerate particles to the highest energies of 1020 eV, but in general, the spectra on simple considerations, turn out to be flatter than the observed cosmic ray spectrum. At the highest energies, absorption processes due to fragmentation and photodisintegration dominate for heavy nuclei. The existence of a steady flux of cosmic rays of energy greater than 1017 eV demands acceleration of particles to last over fifty years, the time interval between supernovae outbursts, whereas the expected period of activity is less than a few years. Finally, the problem of anisotropy with relevance to pulsars as sources and the possibility of observing pulsar accelerated particles from galactic clusters is considered.  相似文献   

Kenneth Fox 《Icarus》1975,24(4):454-459
The basis for “quasipolar” absorption (QPA) by CH4 is the existence of a small electric dipole moment in its ground state. The integrated intensity αQPA at a temperature of 90K is calculated to be between 4.8 × 10?5 and 1.9 × 10?2 cm?2 atm?1. With an assumed mean pressure of 0.1 atm and a relative abundance of [CH4][H2] = 1, it is estimated that the ratio of quasipolar to pressure-induced absorption (PIA) is 0.05 ? αQPA/αPIA ? 18 for the spectral range from 0 to 300 cm?1. This result suggests that quasipolar absorption may contribute to a weak, CH4-induced greenhouse in the atmosphere of Titan.  相似文献   

Recent observations show that the cooling flows in the central regions of galaxy clusters are highly suppressed. Observed active galactic nuclei (AGN)-induced cavities/bubbles are a leading candidate for suppressing cooling, usually via some form of mechanical heating. At the same time, observed X-ray cavities and synchrotron emission point towards a significant non-thermal particle population. Previous studies have focused on the dynamical effects of cosmic ray pressure support, but none has built successful models in which cosmic ray heating is significant. Here, we investigate a new model of AGN heating, in which the intracluster medium is efficiently heated by cosmic rays, which are injected into the intra-cluster medium (ICM) through diffusion or the shredding of the bubbles by Rayleigh–Taylor or Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities. We include thermal conduction as well. Using numerical simulations, we show that the cooling catastrophe is efficiently suppressed. The cluster quickly relaxes to a quasi-equilibrium state with a highly reduced accretion rate and temperature and density profiles which match observations. Unlike the conduction-only case, no fine-tuning of the Spitzer conduction suppression factor f is needed. The cosmic ray pressure, P c/ P g ≲ 0.1 and ∇ P c≲ 0.1ρ g , is well within observational bounds. Cosmic ray heating is a very attractive alternative to mechanical heating, and may become particularly compelling if Gamma-ray Large Array Space Telescope ( GLAST ) detects the γ-ray signature of cosmic rays in clusters.  相似文献   

Abstract— Gamma rays from radioactive byproducts of cosmic nucleosynthesis are direct messengers from nuclear processes taking place in various cosmic sites, and can be measured with telescopes operated in space. Due to low detector sensitivity, up until now, only a handful of sources have been detected in that electromagnetic window. Cobalt lines from SN1987A and 44Ti lines from the Cassiopeia A (Cas A) supernova remnant offer unique constraints on the properties of the innermost regions of core collapse supernovae. Diffuse gamma‐ray lines from the decay of radioactive 26Al and the annihilation of positrons are bright enough for mapping the Milky Way in the MeV regime, and are both measured by recent spaceborne spectrometers with unprecedented precision. This constrains the sources of Al production and the state of interstellar gas in the vicinity of these sites: the total mass of 26Al produced by stellar sources throughout the Galaxy is estimated to be ~3 M per Myr, and the interstellar medium near those sources appears to be characterized by velocities of ~100 km s?1. Positron annihilation must occur in a modestly ionized, warm phase of the interstellar medium, but at present the major positron production site(s) remain unknown. The spatial distribution of the annihilation gamma‐ray emission constrains positron production sites and positron propagation in the Galaxy. 60Fe radioactivity has been clearly detected recently; the flux ratio relative to 26Al of about 15% is on the lower side of predictions from massive star and supernova nucleosynthesis models. Those views at nuclear and astrophysical processes in and around cosmic sources by space‐based gamma‐ray telescopes offer invaluable information on cosmic nucleosynthesis.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the highest-energy cosmic rays might be protons resulting from collapsing cosmic strings in the Universe. We point out that this mechanism, although attractive, has important shortcomings, notably the fact that gamma rays produced along with the protons and those produced by the protons in their interactions with the cosmic background radiation generate cascades in the Universe and result in unacceptably high fluxes of cosmic gamma rays in the region of hundreds of MeV.  相似文献   

The expression for the cutoff momentum of CR, accelerated by the supernova blast wave is derived. Geometrical factors (finite increase with time shock size, slowing shock speed and CR adiabatic effect in the downstream region) are shown to determine the value of the cutoff momentum. These factors are stronger than the time restriction and have a significant dynamical effect: the supernova blast wave cannot be completely smoothed by the CR backreaction even at very high Mach numbers. The shock transition always includes a pure gas subshock which strongly influences CR acceleration and shock evolution. It is shown that maximum particle energy achievable during CR acceleration by supernova shock can be as large as max ≈ Z × 1015 eV, if the diffusion coefficient is as small as the Bohm limit. Due to nonlinear effect and adiabatic heating in the downstream region in the free expansion phase the actual value of max is an order of magnitude higher than that from previous estimates based on the plane-wave consideration and is high enough to consider CR diffusive acceleration in SNRs as a main source of galactic CR at least up to the knee energy 3 × 1015 eV.  相似文献   

Starting with the hypothesis that cosmic rays are evenly distributed in the metagalaxy, it is shown that the flux of the electron-positron component, which is produced through --e decays, following the nuclear collisions of the cosmic ray beam with the intergalactic medium, takes <-4×1016 sec to reach steady state. The corresponding value of the flux of thepositron component and its implications regarding the homogeneous model of the metagalactic origin of cosmic rays are discussed.On leave from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India.  相似文献   

The solar cosmic ray (SCR) acceleration by the shocks driven by coronal mass ejections is studied by taking into account the generation of Alfvén waves by accelerated particles. Detailed numerical calculations of the SCR spectra produced during the shock propagation through the solar corona have been performed within a quasi-linear approach with a realistic set of coronal parameters. The resultant SCR energy spectrum is shown to include a power-law part N ∝ ? with an index γ = 1.7–3.5 that ends with an exponential tail. The maximum SCR energy lies within the range ? max = 0.01–10 GeV, depending on the shock velocity V S = 750–2500 km s?1. The decrease of the shock Alfvénic Mach number due to the increase Alfvén velocity with heliocentric distance r leads to the end of the efficient SCR acceleration when the shock size reaches R S ≈ 4R . In this case, the diffusive SCR propagation begins to exceed the shock velocity; as a result, SCRs escape intensively from the shock vicinity. The self-consistent generation of Alfvén waves by accelerated particles is accompanied by a steepening of the particle spectrum and an increase of their maximum energy. Comparison of the calculated SCR fluxes expected near the Earth’s orbit with the available experimental data shows that the theory explains the main observed features.  相似文献   

Anisotropic diffusion of solar cosmic rays   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simple model is described for solar cosmic ray events which appears to be in reasonable accord with observations. The model is based partly on some earlier models, together with the assumption that the diffusion of particles is strongly anisotropic due to the presence of the interplanetary magnetic field. Some remarks concerning the limitations of the diffusion equation are included, and it is pointed out that the propagation of solar cosmic rays might be best described in terms of an analogy to electrical transmission lines rather than to the conduction of heat as is usually done.  相似文献   

We investigated the acceleration of solar cosmic rays (SCRs) by the shock waves produced by coronal mass ejections. We performed detailed numerical calculations of the SCR spectra produced during the shock propagation in the solar corona in terms of a model based on the diffusive transport equation using a realistic set of physical parameters for the corona. The resulting SCR energy spectrum N(ε) ∝ ε exp [? (ε/εmax)α] is shown to include a power-law portion with an index γ?2 that ends with an exponential tail with α ? 2.5 ? β, where β is the spectral index of the background Alfvén turbulence. The maximum SCR energy lies within the range εmax = 1–300 MeV, depending on the shock velocity. Because of the steep spectrum of the SCRs, their backreaction on the shock structure is negligible. The decrease in the Alfvén Mach number of the shock due to the increase in the Alfvén velocity with heliocentric distance r causes the efficient SCR acceleration to terminate when the shock reaches a distance of r = 2–3R. Since the diffusive SCR propagation in this case is faster than the shock expansion, SCR particles intensively escape from the shock vicinity. A comparison of the calculated SCR fluxes expected near the Earth’s orbit with available experimental data indicates that the theory satisfactorily explains all of the main observed features.  相似文献   

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