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Loess in China     
Zhang Zunghu 《GeoJournal》1980,4(6):525-540

Loess improvement methods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

将前人对黄土高原黄土地层划分的研究成果进行全面总结、分析,结合洛川、宝鸡、西峰3个经典剖面,利用土壤 地层学、沉积学、磁性地层学、古生物学、年代学、地球化学等研究方法对黄土高原的黄土地层进行详细对比以及进一步 细分。将早、中更新世界线调整为B/M极性倒转开始的对应层位——L9顶部。根据岩性和气候旋回周期的差异性等,将离 石黄土三分,S8/L9作为离石黄土内部划分的一条新界线,S1~L5划分为上离石黄土,S5~S8划分为中离石黄土,L9~L15划分为 下离石黄土。在分析过程中发现关键层位(S0,L1,S1,S5,L9,L15,L33) 的年龄具有差异性。  相似文献   

黄土是一种具有水敏性的特殊土,天然状态下可以长期保持直立高陡的状态,遇水后呈现出崩解、湿陷、滑动、流变等变形行为。开展黄土的水敏性特性及其时空分布规律研究,对指导黄土高原工程建设和防灾减灾具有重要的现实意义。笔者在非饱和土力学的框架下,引入吸应力的概念,对黄土的水敏性及其力学机制进行解释,即水敏性的本质是,随着含水率的增大,土体内部吸应力逐渐减小,对应不同的外界边界条件时,产生崩解、湿陷、滑动、流变等不同的宏观变形行为。在黄土高原从西到东、从北向南不同空间位置的黄土剖面的不同的层位,系统采集黄土样品,基于TRIM试验测试技术,开展样品的土-水特征曲线与吸应力特征曲线测试。试验结果表明,脱湿与吸湿条件下的各曲线呈现相同的变化规律,均存在3个明显的特征段。黄土对水的敏感程度随其沉积年代和在黄土高原分布位置的不同,呈现出规律性的变化。空间上,从西向东、由北向南,水敏性增强;时间上,沉积年代由老到新,水敏性增强。  相似文献   

Loess of Central Asia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A. E. Dodonov 《GeoJournal》1991,24(2):185-194
Loess deposits are widespread within the piedmont and intramontane depressions of Central Asia. They cover piedmont plains, river terraces, ridge slopes and watersheds. Loess is a significant component in the piedmonts of Tien Shan, eastern Fergana depression, the Afgan-Tajik depression, piedmonts of Kopetdag, Badchyz and Karabil Hills north of Parapamiz, in the Kashmir valley, on the Potwar Plateau and in the Peshawar Basin.  相似文献   

黄土高原区地形与植被分布规律对滑坡发生概率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
殷昊  刘飞  杜立新  隋松宇 《现代地质》2010,24(5):1016-1021
黄土高原区自然斜坡的地形与植被条件对滑坡的发生有一定的促进和抑制作用。通过将研究区划分为31 418个自然斜坡单元,利用ArcGIS区域统计功能提取斜坡单元的地形和植被参数,分析研究区斜坡的坡体形态和植被空间分布规律。依据区内292处滑坡调查点的资料,统计分析不同坡体形态下的滑坡发生概率。分析结果表明,研究区正向类的凸型和直线型斜坡发生滑坡的概率明显高于负向类的凹型和阶梯型边坡;随着斜坡坡度和坡高增大,发生滑坡的概率增大;阳坡发生滑坡的概率明显高于其他坡向的边坡;随着NDVI增大,滑坡发生概率显著降低。  相似文献   

中国黄土中的风化壳研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
据野外调查和室内鉴定,在布容期 0.78~ 0MaBP形成的黄土剖面中确定了三个时期的风化壳,它们主要发育在黄土高原东南部。黄土中的风化壳是红褐色古土壤在特定的气候条件下转变而成的,厚度在 3~ 6m之间,风化壳剖面常由 3个层次构成,发育时间为 5~ 10万年不等。风化壳上部是发育好的红色古土壤,中部是褐黄色强风化破碎黄土,下部是棕黄色弱风化黄土。粘土矿物分析表明,黄土中的风化壳为伊利石-蒙脱石型。黄土中风化壳发育时的年均降水量在 90 0~ 10 0 0mm之间,是黄土高原降水丰富的气候事件的显示。黄土高原东南部和中部风化壳的发育证明黄土中有些古土壤确属淋溶型森林土壤,当时亚热带气候至少迁移到了黄土高原中部.  相似文献   

Loess: The Yellow Earth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A wind-deposited silt forming large deposits in China and middle America, loess is the basis of much grade-one agricultural land.  相似文献   

The loess landslide along the contact between loess and Neogene red mudstone (NRM) is one of those that have occurred extensively and frequently in loess areas of China. To better understand the mechanism of this type of landslides, a distressed loess slope being subjected to deformation along the loess-NRM contact was comprehensively investigated through approaches of field monitoring and laboratory physical modeling. Field observation and physical modeling shows that the slope deformation will experience two distinct processes: 1) laterally retrogressive and vertically progressive propagation, which was initiated by falling of the slope head; and 2) retrogressively separate mass sliding along the weak basal zone of the loess-NRM contact with minor sliding along the paleosols within the loess. Shear failure of the loess-NRM contact may initiate in the middle section, followed by a progressive propagation towards the slope toe and inner slope. Analysis reveals that the deformation characteristics of the distressed slope are largely constrained by slope topography, the unique structure, physical and mechanical properties of loess and paleosols, and occurrence and nature of the loess-NRM contact. Rainfall has significantly influence on the deformation characteristics of the slope through its interaction with the loess and soil of the loess-NRM contact. Additionally, improper style and intensity of cutting on the slope greatly enhance and accelerate the deformation course of the slope.  相似文献   

Loess stratigraphy in central China   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The loess deposits in central China record world-wide climate changes of the last 2.5 Ma. Numerous climatic oscillations are marked by alternating loess and soil units with continuous coverage of the Matuyama and Brunhes Epochs. Magnetic susceptibility of the deposits correlates closely with the oxygen isotope record of the deep-sea sediments and provides an independent measure of climate and time.The key marker bed of the chinese loess sequence is the paleosol S5, the time equivalent of the mid-Brunhes oxygen isotope stages 13, 14 and 15. It marks a prolonged interval of warm humid climate lasting from approximately 615 to 470 thousand years ago. Several episodes of river downcutting coincide with deposition of the exceptionally thick loess units L1 (oceanic oxygen isotope stages 2 to 4) L2 (stage 6), L5 (stage 12) L6, (stage 16) L9 (stage 22) L15 (stage 38 about 1.15 Ma) and WS4 (about 2.3 Ma). These erosional events are interpreted as a result of episodic uplift of the Loess Plateau.The deposition of the earliest loess layers between 2.5 and 2.3 Ma ago marks a first order shift from warm and humid environments toward harsh continental steppes comparable to those of the Middle and Late Pleistocene. Little, if any lithologic or paleontologic changes were noted within or above the Olduvai magnetozone, so that the proposed Plio/Pleistocene boundary at approximately 1.65 Ma has no lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic representation in the chinese loess series.Comparison with the Deep Sea Drilling Program core 552A in the North Atlantic and with the Santerno River section near Bologna shows that the occurrence of the earliest loess in China coincides with the timing of the first significant ice rafting in the North Atlantic and with the appearance of cold water foraminifers in the marine deposits of northern Italy. An extension of the stage system of the oxygen isotope signal extended back to the Gauss-Matuyama boundary is proposed.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe Sanmenxia area is located at the SE marginof the Loess Plateau,where a thick-layered loess de-posit developed(Fig.1).Previous research has al-ready been carried out on some loess stratigraphy inthe area(Teng,1988;Xie and Jiang,1987;Yue,1985,1984),which concentrated on petrostratigra-phy and magnetostratigraphy.Further environmentalinvestigation has not yet been pursued.After the ge-ological survey(Zheng et al.,1992;An et al.,1989;Ding and Liu,1989),more integrated str…  相似文献   

鹿化煜  安芷生 《沉积学报》1999,17(2):226-232
对黄土高原具有代表意义四个剖面的晚第三纪红粘土样品进行了粒度分析,并将结果与典型风成黄土古土壤样品的粒度特征进行详细对比,得到红粘土是风成成因的沉积学证据。结果表明,黄土高原红粘土与其上覆第四纪古土壤形成环境相似,红粘土是在相对于黄土堆积搬运风动力变幅小的条件下沉积的,在沉积之后受到较强的风化成壤改造作用。  相似文献   

冻结黄土抗拉强度的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
沈忠言  彭万巍 《冰川冻土》1995,17(4):315-321
冻结饱水黄土的拉伸试验表明,拉伸破坏均属脆性破坏类型,拉断面上矿物颗粒剪移错粒,裂隙发育。拉伸的应力-应变过程,视荷载作用的快慢大致可分为粘弹-塑性、粘-弹性有脆性破坏三类,它们可用统一的方程形式加以描述,此外,对饱水冻结黄土的峰值应力、破坏应变和破坏时间等特性进行了分析,对抗拉、抗压强度作分析比较后指出,它们的比值为0.44-0.63,与负温和加载速率的关系不大。  相似文献   

黄土由于其特殊的物质组成和结构而具有独特的沉陷性.由于西北地区耕地长期存在不合理的灌溉方式,由此而导致的地面变形逐渐成为黄土区最为普遍的地质灾害之一,给当地居民的生命财产带来巨大威胁.通过对影响黑方台黄土塬区地面变形的各种控制因素,包括地质因素、土体结构因素、灌溉因素以及地下水因素的概括总结,分析水土相互作用的过程及灌水与地面变形之间的关系.揭示了黑方台黄土塬区各种来源的潜蚀水潜蚀黄土后导致的以地面陷缝为主的地面变形的形成条件以及形成机制,时黄土地区地面变形的治理控制具有重要意义.  相似文献   

对黄土基本动力特性的认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕立强  邵生俊  龙吉勇 《地下水》2007,29(6):109-111
黄土高原是多地震地区,黄土体的地震灾害是工程建设中迫切需要解决的工程问题.依据人们对我国黄土动力特性的研究成果,阐述了黄土的动强度特性、黄土的循环动应力应变特性、震陷变形特性及黄土场地震害小区划研究,从而为正确地认识黄土工程的地震灾害提供基础.  相似文献   

洛川黄土地层定年的一个模式及其初步应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
鹿化煜  安芷生 《沉积学报》1997,15(3):150-152
选择黄土中2~16μm的颗粒作为沉积速率相对稳定的大气粉尘沉降组分,根据黄土粒度变化与沉积速率变化的相关性,设计了以下的年代学模型:Tm=T1+(T2-T1)(∑mi=1CiHi)/(∑ni=1CiHi)以黄土地层中根据热释光和古地磁极性倒转点获得的绝对年代作为时间控制点,利用上面的模式对洛川第四纪黄土地层的年代进行了计算,结果表明该模式可以用于黄土高原中部黄土地层的精细定年。  相似文献   

黄土高原黄土、红色粘土与古湖盆沉积物关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
岳乐平 《沉积学报》1996,14(4):148-153
本文通过磁性地层学、古生物地层学、沉积学的对比研究,讨论了中国黄土高原地区黄土,红色粘土与该区重要古湖盆之一,古三门湖堆积物之间关系,并分析气候环境对它们的影响。主要结论如下:1)红色粘土与上覆黄土可以是连续沉积,并呈相渐变关系。2)中国黄土与三门组记录了布容正极性带与松山负极性带。B/M界限位于L8,J亚带位于标志层L9与L15之间,大约S10-S13之间,O亚带位于S22-S33,或三门组之中。M/Ga界限对应于黄土与红土界限。并基本对应于三门组与游河组界限。3)红色粘土(三趾马红粘土)并非仅仅是中新世保德期沉积物。它包括上新统与中新统,上新世静乐组记录了高斯正极性带,吉尔伯特负极性带,中新世蓝田组记录了Epoch5。4)古三门湖堆积包括早更新世早期三门组(1.20—2.50Ma,松山负极性带),上新世晚期游河组(2.50—3.50Ma,高斯正极性带),更早期的三门湖沉积未出露。三门组与午域黄土为同期异相沉积,记录了松山负极性带,游河组则与该区上部红色粘土(静乐组上段)为同期异相沉积,记录了高斯正极性带  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(9-10):1301-1312
The paper focuses on the concept, mapping and discussion of loess distribution in Western, Central and Eastern Europe at a scale of 1:2,500,000. The research work is based on studies and data compilation primarily carried out in the 1970s and 1980s [Fink, J., Haase, G., Ruske, R., 1977. Bemerkungen zur Lößkarte von Europe 1:2,5 Mio. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 2(77), 81–94; Fink, J., 1969 Les progres de l’ etude de loess en Europe. Bulletin de l’ Association française pour l’ etude du Quarternaire 3–12. Haase, G., Ruske, R., Fink, J., 1983. Conception, preparation and some results of the Loess Map of Europe on a scale 1:2,5 Million. INQUA Newsletter 1983(1), 7–10] and completed recently by additional material and literature references. Reference is also made to recent GIS-based data processing and visualisation techniques that were utilised for the final version of the European Loess Map.The paper provides an overview of the history of the conceptualisation of the map as well as on the loess study in Europe, and than considers the cartographic data on loess sediment formation and distribution in Europe. The classification of loess and loess-like sediments and their distribution throughout Europe as reproduced in the map are discussed [Haase, G., Lieberoth, I., Ruske, R., 1970. Sedimente und Paläoböden im Lössgürtel. In: Richter, H., Haase, G., Lieberoth, I., Ruske, R. (Eds.), Periglazial-Löß-Paläolithikum om JUngpleistozän der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik; Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 274, 99–212]. The paper illustrates the final state of the loess distribution map of Europe at a scale of 1:2,500,000 and the digital data references on which it is based. Some applications of the map are suggested.  相似文献   

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