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The Suizhou meteorite is an L6chondrite,which fell on April15,1986in Dayanpo,12.5km in the southeast of Suizhou City,Hubei Province,China[1].This meteorite is shock-metamorphosed to shock stage3—4[2].A few thin shock melt veins of0.02—0.09mm in width were observed in this chondrite[1,2].Similar to many other L6chondrites[3—5],the Suizhou shock veins contain two assemblages of high-pressure minerals[2,6—8]:(i)the“coarse-grained”assemblage of ringwoodite+majorite+NaAlSi3O8-hollandite…  相似文献   

Deviatoric stress in a diamond anvil cell with gold as a pressure and stress indicator is measured by two complementary techiques using synchrotron radiation. The first method employs a white X-ray beam using energy disperisive X-ray diffraction. The incident X-ray beam is parallel to the load axis and the diffraction pattern is recorded at a low two-theta angle. Using powder diffraction patterns of polycrystallin gold, we measured the elastic strain of two crystal planes oriented normal to the diffraction vector. Stresses nearly parallel and perpendicular to the load axis can be calculated by stress-strain tensor relatonship. The other method uses a monochromatic wiggler X-ray beam. In this case, the diamond cell is oriented so that the incident beam is perpendicular to the load axis. The diffraction pattern is recorded on an image plate area detector. Elastic strains responding to stresses perpendicular and parallel to the load axis can be measured and stresses of the same orientations can be calculated from the strain data. These measurements provide a lower bound of the actual differential stress in a diamond cell. With these techniques, we can measure stress distribution in a less deviatoric gasketted sample and determine yield strength of mantle materials at high pressures and temperatures.  相似文献   

人工浮床运用于入湖河流原位净化模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年11月至次年7月,在太滆运河滆湖入运河段开展黑麦草与美人蕉、水芹菜分别搭配混种的人工浮床对河流水体原位净化动态模拟研究.结果表明该人工浮床能够持续净化流动水体.人工浮床对TN去除率为5% - 35%,TP去除率为5% -40%,CODMn去除率为5%-20%.在温度相对较高、浮床植物迅速生长的情况下浮床去除率...  相似文献   

沉降运动是悬浮物主要运动形式之一,是影响营养盐内源释放的主要运动过程,研究悬浮物沉降速度对湖泊富营养化的研究具有重要意义.为了解浅水湖泊悬浮物的沉降特征,以太湖梅梁湾为例,采用声学多普勒流速仪,光学后向散射浊度仪以及风速风向仪在梅梁湾进行了连续9 d的野外观测.采用扩散沉降平衡的方法计算小风速情况下悬浮物的沉降速度,并对沉降速度与垂向流速、风速、悬浮物浓度的关系进行分析.结果表明悬浮物平均沉降速度为0.0785 mm/s,表层垂向流速和悬浮物浓度对悬浮物沉降速度变化起主要作用;而在底层,风速、垂向流速、悬浮物浓度都对悬浮物运动有重要影响,具体表现为风速1.5 m/s时,垂向流速紊动增大,悬浮物因起悬而浓度较大,并且沉降速度波动较大;风速1.5 m/s时,垂向流速基本向下且流速较小,沉降速度也较小.本文揭示了大型浅水湖泊悬浮物的动态沉降特征,为今后太湖污染物的输移、水环境数学模型和湖泊富营养化的深入研究奠定了必要的基础.  相似文献   

三峡水库澎溪河典型优势藻原位生长速率的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本文提出了两种原位培养装置(培养笼、培养桶)并采用这两种装置在澎溪河高阳平湖断面进行原位培养实验,旨在研究澎溪河典型优势藻的原位生长速率.研究期间主要生境特征为营养物丰足、光热条件优越、生境条件相对稳定,适宜于藻类生长,为水华形成的敏感期;在此期间代表CR型生长策略的湖北小环藻和兼具C、R、S生长策略的卵形隐藻的原位生长速率总体呈逐渐下降趋势,代表CS型生长策略的水华鱼腥藻和空球藻的原位生长速率则先增加后又有所下降,代表S型生长策略的铜绿微囊藻的原位生长速率虽然前期都为负,但总体呈现逐渐增加的趋势;并测得培养笼和培养桶中各藻种的最大比生长速率分别为湖北小环藻0.31、0.21 d-1;铜绿微囊藻0.09、0.03 d-1;空球藻0.16、0.42 d-1;水华鱼腥藻0.30、0.26 d-1;卵形隐藻0.49、0.95 d-1.本研究中,不同生长策略藻种生长速率的变化在一定程度上体现了不同生长策略藻种的生长趋势.另外,就装置性能实验及原位培养实验结果综合分析,认为两种原位培养装置均能够满足对天然水域藻类原位生长速率的测试要求,但装置的构造对藻类实际生长过程仍存在一定影响.  相似文献   

淀山湖、小兴凯湖和洱海分别处在不同的营养阶段,夏季都存在蓝藻水华现象,有效控制蓝藻水华应控氮还是控磷一直存在争议.本研究采用营养物加富生物测试的试验方法,研究和比较三个湖泊限制性营养元素(N和P)夏季对浮游藻类生长的刺激作用,并采用多因素方差分析和两两比较方法(LSD)检验试验结果的显著性.结果表明:淀山湖(TN/TP=10左右)、洱海(TN/TP=29左右)、小兴凯湖(TN/TP=9左右)在夏季分别表现出显著的氮响应、氮磷双重响应、氮响应;较低氮磷比的营养程度较高的湖泊(淀山湖和小兴凯湖)夏季应控制氮含量,若添加氮更容易引发蓝藻(微囊藻)水华,而高氮磷比的初期富营养化湖泊(洱海)夏季应同时控制氮磷含量,同时添加氮磷的交互作用容易引发蓝藻(微囊藻)水华.  相似文献   

为明晰不同流速水平对三峡支流回水区库湾藻类原位生长的影响,本文采用可调速的环形实验槽,选择三峡水库不同运行状态(低水位、高水位),对三峡澎溪河高阳平湖库湾藻类生物量(用叶绿素a浓度表示)变化特征进行原位受控实验.通过流速在0(对照)、0.1、0.2和0.3 m/s的实验发现,夏季低水位阶段澎溪河水域光热充足,但流速升高(0.2m/s)对藻类原位比生长速率具有一定影响.大体上,高阳平湖水域藻类原位比生长速率与流速水平呈对数关系.冬季高水位运行期间,流速的升高将可能在一定程度上促进水柱扰动,成为维持藻类在上层水体受光生长、避免下沉的主要因素.该时期,采用调节流速、流量的方法抑制藻类生长的难度相对较大.  相似文献   

In Yuka-Luofengpo area of the north Qaidam Mountains, eclogitic metapelites are recognized. The metapelites enclosed lenses of eclogites, and locally intercalated with eclogites. Their typical mineral assemblages are garnet+kyanite+chloritoid+phengite+quartz+rutile. Strong growth zoning is preserved in garnets of metapelites, and phengite contains up to 3.4 Si per formula units. The petrographic observations and textural relations testify to the following sequence of mineral assemblages connected to three metamorphic stage: (1) Grt+ChlI+CldI +PheI ± StI+Qtz; (2) Grt+Ky+PheII±CldII+Qtz; and (3) Grt+CldIII+ChlII+PheIII+StII ± ky+ Qtz. Applying THERMOCALC Program, Grt-Phe thermometer and Grt-Ky-Phe-Qtz barometry, P-T conditions for three metamorphic stages were obtained: P=1.07±0.31GPa, T=564±22? (prograde stage); P=2.3–3.1GPa, T=615–700°C-(peak stage); and P =1.22 ± 0.26GPa, T=581±20°C (retrograde stage). A hairpin shape P-T path similar to that of adjacent eclogite is inferred. In combination with eclogitic mineral relics in marbles and orthogneisses enclosing eclogites, we thought that the relationship between eclogites and country rocks is “in situ” rather than “tectonic emplacement”.  相似文献   

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