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Effective publicly developed adaptation strategies are crucial in managing the impacts of Climate Change. Adaptation strategy development is particularly complex in estuarine and coastal marine ecosystems because of their diverse environmental values, extensive human utilisation and the complex socio-ecological systems they support. Although many generic adaptation frameworks are available they cannot provide specific guidance for locally relevant strategy development. In contrast, situation-specific tools work well for their intended purpose but are usually unsuitable for a different situation. The gap between generic frameworks and situation-specific tools is addressed in this study by developing a set of general principles to provide guidance for the efficient and robust development of adaptation strategies. The nine principles comprise a conceptualisation of the various factors that are likely to have an effect on the success or otherwise of an adaptation strategy and they apply in any situation. An example ‘adaptation checklist’ that serves as a guide to practitioners in the field, will help ensure that all critical components are covered during the development of an adaptation strategy.  相似文献   

Fish-habitat associations were investigated for twenty-five non-commercial demersal species in the Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean) using Generalized Additive Modeling techniques. Fishery related abundance indices, derived from experimental bottom trawl surveys, were linked to various habitat variables: substrate characteristics, area, season, depth, temperature and salinity. Depth was the most important factor for all species. Eleven species showed decreasing abundance with depth, while the remaining species were more abundant in specific depth zones either on the continental shelf or in the upper continental slope. Most species were associated with specific substratum characteristics such as the dry weight percentage of sand-gravel and the carbonate content. The dry weight percentage of sand-gravel in the sediments was selected as a predictor of the relative abundance of most (twenty three) species. Seasonal patterns in the relative abundance of species were observed, related in most cases to the seasonal differentiation of temperature. The effect of temperature was more pronounced in summer and autumn, when a marked thermocline is observed, while it was much less intense in winter. For most of the species, the preferable habitat was identified, that contributes valuable information for the successful implementation of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management.  相似文献   

长江口水体表层悬浮泥沙时空分布对环境演变的响应   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
陈勇  韩震  杨丽君  徐俊杰  刘曦 《海洋学报》2012,34(1):145-152
基于1974-2009年15个时相的陆地卫星影像,采用Gordon模型在长江口地区开展了悬浮泥沙浓度反演研究。对反演结果的时空分布规律分析表明:近40 a来长江口悬浮泥沙浓度最大下降幅度达40%;悬浮泥沙浓度演化规律与长江口来沙量变化规律具有较好的相关性;曲线拐点与2003年的长江截流、2006年三峡水库蓄水等重大工程事件吻合良好。在忽略波浪、地形等影响因素的情况下,在长时间跨度范围内,遥感技术反演的长江口悬浮泥沙浓度对长江流域环境变迁与人类水利工程活动响应敏感,较好的揭示了环境的变迁。  相似文献   

The rapidly expanding industry of marine cage fish farming of sea bream (Sparus aurata) and sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in the Mediterranean Sea over the last decade has often had damaging effects on the benthic aquatic environment near the fish farm installations. It has been observed that the food-remains, together with the pellets and metabolic products from fish, frequently form a “nepheloid” sediment layer covering large areas of the seabed. Under these conditions anoxia and/or hypoxia develop and affect benthic communities while the quality of the marine environment deteriorates for long periods, extending even beyond the life span of the fish farm itself. In most cases the affected areas act initially as sediment traps and in a second phase as secondary sources of organic carbon, nutrients and other substances.The aim of this paper is to explore the behaviour of such an affected area under different redox regimes by measuring the fluxes of ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, TDN, phosphate, TDP and silicate between the surface sediment and the overlying waters. To achieve this goal we constructed a prototype benthic chamber capable of sampling considerable quantities of affected undisturbed sediment along with its overlying water. The chamber was transported to the laboratory where simulation experiments reproducing the conditions occurring in nature, including the extreme ones, were carried out and studied carefully. The chamber allows the full and fine control of the dissolved oxygen concentration – and thus of the redox potential – as well as water temperature while subsamples of both water and sediment could be obtained and analysed for a series of chemical substances. The controlled laboratory chamber experiments reproduced four successional phases: 1) deoxygenation, 2) hypoxia, 3) reoxygenation and 4) anoxia.The results showed that even minor changes in the redox conditions at a relatively narrow zone near the water sediment interface have significant impacts on the concentrations of dissolved nitrogen, phosphorus and silicate compounds.With decreasing oxygen supply (phases 1, 2 and 4), the concentrations of ammonium, nitrite, TDN, phosphate, TDP and silicate rapidly increase, those of nitrate decrease. DON and DOP exhibit remarkable fluctuations.During reoxygenation (phase 3) the concentrations of ammonium stabilise, the nitrate concentration decreases while nitrite shows an increasing trend. Decreases in phosphate and silicate concentrations were also observed paralleled by TDP stabilization and DOP increasing trend. TDN shows a relatively small increase while the DON concentration fluctuates significantly.  相似文献   

Scleractinian corals create three-dimensional reefs that provide sheltered refuges, facilitate sediment accumulation, and enhance colonization of encrusting fauna. While heterogeneous coral habitats can harbor high levels of biodiversity, their effect on the community composition within nearby sediments remains unclear, particularly in the deep sea. Sediment macrofauna from deep-sea coral habitats (Lophelia pertusa) and non-coral, background sediments were examined at three sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico (VK826, VK906, MC751, 350–500 m depth) to determine whether macrofaunal abundance, diversity, and community composition near corals differed from background soft-sediments. Macrofaunal densities ranged from 26 to 125 individuals 32 cm−2 and were significantly greater near coral versus background sediments only at VK826. Of the 86 benthic invertebrate taxa identified, 16 were exclusive to near-coral habitats, while 14 were found only in background sediments. Diversity (Fisher’s α) and evenness were significantly higher within near-coral sediments only at MC751 while taxon richness was similar among all habitats. Community composition was significantly different both between near-coral and background sediments and among the three primary sites. Polychaetes numerically dominated all samples, accounting for up to 70% of the total individuals near coral, whereas peracarid crustaceans were proportionally more abundant in background sediments (18%) than in those near coral (10%). The reef effect differed among sites, with community patterns potentially influenced by the size of reef habitat. Taxon turnover occurred with distance from the reef, suggesting that reef extent may represent an important factor in structuring sediment communities near L. pertusa. Polychaete communities in both habitats differed from other Gulf of Mexico (GOM) soft sediments based on data from previous studies, and we hypothesize that local environmental conditions found near L. pertusa may influence the macrofaunal community structure beyond the edges of the reef. This study represents the first assessment of L. pertusa-associated sediment communities in the GOM and provides baseline data that can help define the role of transition zones, from deep reefs to soft sediments, in shaping macrofaunal community structure and maintaining biodiversity; this information can help guide future conservation and management activities.  相似文献   

The modern landscape patterns of islands usually show obvious spatial heterogeneity and complex ecological effects due to the vulnerability of ecosystems with n...  相似文献   

The Meriadzek Terrace (a 2100m deep plateau on the North-East Atlantic continental slope) was chosen as the experimental site for a multidisciplinary programme to observe the parameters needed for a better understanding of biological processes in the benthic environment.Two approaches were used to study the input of particulate matter to the bathyal seabed: sediment traps and indirect particle concentration measurements with nephelometry. These two technologies do not measure particles of the same size range, but as we are interested in the fluctuations of the particle supply, their results are complementary.Vertical profiles of nephelometry show that over the Meriadzek Terrace there is 125m thick nepheloid layer immediately above the bottom.The dynamics in the deep layer has been determined by measurements made with a Module Autonome Pluridisciplinaire (MAP), an in situ monitoring device developed at IFREMER which measures currents, nephelometry, temperature vertical profile near the bottom.Throughout six months of measurements in 1984, the currents at 0.5m and 120m above the bottom were subject to semi-diurnal tidal oscillations. The intensity of light scattering recorded with the nephelometer on the MAP was highly correlated with current velocities especially with semidiurnal tidal oscillations which seem to induce local resuspension. There are also longer term fluctuations, notably a very strong event which lasted several days during August. This event lagged behind a period of high intensity of internal waves correlated with a reversal in current direction. The sediment trap (Pièges à Particules “PAP”) observations showed that the particle fluxes on the Meriadzek Terrace have a cycle of variation similar to primary production which is characterized by a maximum in May during the phytoplankton bloom and a minimum during January. There was also interannual fluctuation.These two kinds of results point out the different time scales (from some hours to several months) of the large temporal fluctuations which affect the near-bottom particle behaviour.  相似文献   

Sponges are inhabited by a wide variety of organisms and have been regarded as one of the richest biotopes in tropical seas. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of the host morphology and selected environmental conditions on macrofaunal assemblages associated with the sponge Halichondria melanadocia in an estuarine system of the southern Gulf of Mexico. This sponge exhibits different growth forms when it inhabits mangrove prop roots of Rhizophora mangle (thickly encrusting form) and adjacent seagrass beds (massive, amorphous or ramose form). From a total of 50 sponge specimens collected in each habitat, a total of eight taxa (of epi‐ and endobionts) was found associated with this sponge, with polychaetes, echinoderms and crustaceans the most abundant groups. In both morphotypes (thickly‐encrusting and massive‐ramose forms), taxon richness was positively related to sponge volume and oscular diameter. The overall mean abundance of associated fauna was also positively related to sponge volume in both morphotypes and with the oscular diameter (in the seagrass morphotype only). These findings suggest that H. melanadocia constitutes an important microhabitat for a wide variety of fauna, independent of its morphology and habitat type. However, when comparing the two morphotypes, the mangrove individuals, despite having smaller sizes, smaller oscular diameter and less structural complexity, displayed an overall mean abundance of fauna 17 times higher [0.36 ± 0.18 individuals (ind.)·ml·sponge?1] than that recorded in the seagrass individuals (0.021 ± 0.01 ind.·ml·sponge?1). There were also marked differences in the proportions of the major taxonomic groups; in fact, some of them were found exclusively in one morphotype. The variability recorded in the composition and abundance of associated fauna between the morphotypes seems to be influenced by differences in sponge morphology, environmental conditions (e.g. sedimentation rate and light intensity), substrate orientation and the fauna inhabiting the surrounding area.  相似文献   

An extensive Posidonia oceanica meadow was partially destroyed by excavation, resulting in areas of seagrass habitat of equal complexity (shoot density) but different heterogeneity (degree of fragmentation). The fish assemblages associated with differently fragmented beds were compared from a landscape perspective. Differences in the fish assemblages were detected, with several species showing different patterns: (1) species that increased their abundance along with the degree of bed fragmentation, (2) species that were more abundant in fragmented beds, but did not show differences between more or less fragmented beds, and (3) species that were mostly abundant in large seagrass patches or in the continuous meadow. The fish assemblages were also affected by depth, but further research is needed to determine properly this effect. Some ecological mechanisms are suggested to operate in the interaction between P. oceanica and the held fish assemblage.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲潮坪上构筑的道路使得道路两侧水动力条件出现差异。在道路两侧各选典型区域,取样进行X-ray衍射物相分析,概略分析潮坪沉积物的矿物成分及含量对水动力条件响应的变化,发现了强水动力环境使沉积物中碎屑矿物含量增大,黏土矿物含量减小,非均匀性增大的规律,此规律在表层沉积物中更为明显。  相似文献   

Widespread discharge of produced waters (PW) into brackish and marine waters of the northwest Gulf of Mexico, which serve as spawning grounds for many commercially important species of fish, has raised concern over the potential impact that these complex mixtures may have on aquatic life. In the present study, the results of investigations which assess the clastogenic effects of production water discharged as the result of oil and gas production activity at two coastal sites are reported. In order to assess the impact of the PW discharges on spawning populations of aquatic organisms, chromosome aberration analysis was performed on Cyprinodon variegatus embryos 4–7 days old, which were exposed directly to varying dilutions of PW collected at Pass Fourchon and Timbalier Island for a period of 5 days. Metaphase chromosomes were scored (percentage aberration per 100 metaphases) for aberrations at a magnification of 1000 ×. When compared to the control treatment, higher levels of chromosomal aberrations were observed for treatments (2 and 4% PW) in which embryos were exposed to PW from Pass Fourchon or Timbalier Island. A maximum frequency of 13% was found to occur at the highest test concentration (4% PW), with most of these expressed as breaks (chromatid and chromosome). In contrast, exposure to water from the enclosed canal at Fourchon resulted in the formation of chromosome breaks and changes in ploidy.  相似文献   

We present a method for measuring 15N–NH4+ in marine, estuarine and fresh waters. The advantage of this method is that it is broadly applicable to all types of water and it allows measurements in samples with lower ammonium concentrations than has previously been possible. The procedure is a modification of the ammonia diffusion method and uses large sample volumes (often 4 l) to obtain sufficient N for isotope ratio mass spectrometric analysis. Large volume samples have not previously been used with the diffusion procedure because isotopic fractionation occurs due to incomplete recovery of ammonium. However, the method we present accounts for this fractionation and allows precise correction of measured δ15N values.  相似文献   

Diethylene glycol (DEG) is commonly used to dehydrate natural gas in off-shore extraction plants and to prevent formation of gas hydrates. It may be released into the sea accidentally or in discharged produced waters (PWs). PWs samples from off-shore gas platforms in the Adriatic Sea (Italy) have been used in this study. The objectives of the study were: a) to evaluate the toxicity of DEG for marine organisms; b) to evaluate if a high DEG content in PWs may alter their toxicity; c) to verify whether the DEG threshold concentration established by the Italian legislation (3.5 g/l) for PWs discharged at sea is safe for marine environment. Ten different species (Vibrio fischeri, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Dunaliella tertiolecta, Brachionus plicatilis, Artemia franciscana, Tigropus fulvus, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Crassostrea gigas, Tapes philippinarum and Dicentrarchus labrax) have been exposed to DEG; four of these species were also exposed to PWs in combination with DEG. The results showed that: a) DEG is not toxic at levels normally detected in Adriatic PWs; b) DEG in combination with PW showed mainly additive or synergistic effects; c) short-term bioassays showed that the DEG limit of 3.5 g/l could be acceptable.  相似文献   

The invasive red alga Grateloupia turuturu Yamada could turn Vibrio parahaemolyticus into nonculturable state in live algal culture. In order to elucidate the mechanism of such an effect, a series of culture experiments were performed in this investigation based on three hypothesized causes, namely bacterial attachment, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the discharge of water soluble secondary metabolic compounds. The results reveal that attachment to the thallus surface of G. turuturu was the major reason for the decrease of V. parahaemolyticus in seawater. Further investigations show that V. parahaemolyticus attachment to the surface of algal thallus in live cultures of seaweeds was a common phenomenon. However, the disappearance of the culturability of V. parahaemolyticus occurred only on the thallus of G. turuturu over 72 h among all six algal species tested. Electron microscopic scanning shows that most of V. parahaemolyticus attached to G. turuturu changed from the initial normal bacilli to coccoid-shape after 72 h. The enclosure experiments by enclosing the algal thallus in tubes demonstrate that the nonculturability of V. parahaemolyticus in the water of live culture of G. turuturu occurred after the physical contact of the V. parahaemolyticus to the alga. The capacity of G. turuturu in affecting the culturability of V. parahaemolyticus was not influenced after inhibition of photosynthesis by treatment of 3''-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1'',1''-dimethyl urea (DCMU) at non-lethal levels. Production of reactive oxygen species after addition of live culture of bacteria was excluded by on-line analyzing the oxidation of dichlorohydrofluorescein (DCFH) to dichlorofluorescein (DCF) in the presence of peroxidase on a VersaFluor fluorometer.  相似文献   

As part of a study of the reasons for declining commercial banana prawn catches in the Weipa area of the Gulf of Carpentaria, and in order to assess whether changes in predator numbers may be a factor influencing prawn numbers, the species composition, numbers and biomasses of fishes in the Embley estuary were re-examined in February 2005 for comparison with the results of a study between 1986 and 1990. The new study duplicated previous methods and used the same sampling sites and the same gear employed during February sampling periods from 1986 to 1990. Overall, the species diversity and catch rates, as well as the numbers of penaeid prawn predators had changed little over 20 years. The overall catch rate for 2005 was 37.4 g m−1 h−1, not significantly different from the overall catch rate of 32.8 g m−1 h−1 (SE 6.6) for the period from 1987 to 1989. The results are discussed in relation to environmental factors and climate change, as well as the substantial declines in prawn catches, which had fallen from over 800 tonnes per annum prior to 1998, to about 70 tonnes per annum.  相似文献   

The intertidal zone of a sandy beach located on the French coast of the Eastern Channel, was sampled during spring and summer 2000 to analyse the community structure of fish and epibenthic crustaceans. The presence of many juvenile fish (mainly O-group) and crustaceans indicated the important role played by the intertidal zone as a nursery ground. The brown shrimp, Crangon crangon and O-group plaice, Pleuronectes platessa are the two most abundant species of the intertidal ecosystem.Plaice settlement period extended from mid-March to early June. Over the survey period, densities increased to maximum numbers of about 27 ind. 10 m−2 in mid-April. In the following week, density rapidly decreased due to mortality and migration into deeper waters. The mortality was attributed mainly to predation by brown shrimp (C. crangon) and to a lesser extent by the shore crab (Carcinus maenas). The mean size of 0-group plaice increased from 19 mm in mid-April to 58 mm in July. Growth of juvenile 0-group plaice is described by an exponential equation: total length (TL, mm) = 12.602 e0.022 (post-settlement age). Post-settlement growth rates, estimated by otolith microstructure analysis, were 0.38 mm d−1 for plaice ≤30 mm and 0.61 mm d−1 for plaice >30 mm. Settlement of juvenile brown shrimp started in mid-April, peaked in early June (93 ind. 10 m−2) and continued with fluctuating intensity throughout the summer. Growth rate of juvenile C. crangon, estimated after the settlement peak, was 0.163 mm d−1. Growth conditions of juvenile plaice and C. crangon were analysed by comparing estimated growth in the field with predicted maximum growth according to temperature-growth rate models from experimental studies of growth with unlimited food supply. For plaice, the estimated growth rate was lower (plaice ≤30 mm) but similar (plaice >30 mm) to the predicted maximum growth suggesting a food limitation only for newly settled individual. The observed increase in mean length of juvenile C. crangon was lower than the maximum possible growth. The function of the intertidal zone in the early juvenile stages of marine species is discussed.  相似文献   

The biodiversity of East to Southeast (E–SE) Asian waters is rapidly declining because of anthropogenic effects ranging from local environmental pressures to global warming. To improve marine biodiversity, the Aichi Biodiversity Targets were adopted in 2010. The recommendation of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA), encourages application of the ecologically or biologically significant area (EBSA) process to identify areas for conservation. However, there are few examples of the use of EBSA criteria to evaluate entire oceans. In this article, seven criteria are numerically evaluated to identify important marine areas (EBSA candidates) in the E–SE Asia region. The discussion includes 1) the possibility of EBSA criteria quantification throughout the E–SE Asia oceans and the suitability of the indices selected; 2) optimal integration methods for criteria, and the relationships between the criteria and data robustness and completeness; and; 3) a comparison of the EBSA candidates identified and existing registered areas for the purpose of conservation, such as marine protected areas (MPAs). Most of the EBSA criteria could be quantitatively evaluated throughout the Asia-Pacific region. However, three criteria in particular showed a substantial lack of data. Our methodological comparison showed that complementarity analysis performed better than summation because it considered criteria that were evaluated only in limited areas. Most of the difference between present-day registered areas and our results for EBSAs resulted from a lack of data and differences in philosophy for the selection of indices.  相似文献   

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