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Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 199–204, March–April, 1991.  相似文献   

A large ring, 50 pc diameter, of H+[Nii] emission in the LMC has been investigated using several instruments. It is suggested that stellar winds from O and B stars could play a vital role in the formation of the structures revealed.  相似文献   

The evolution of the spectrum of SN1987a is traced from 1987 February 26 to March 31. Based on the low-resolution spectroscopic data we identify the lines of H, He I, Na I, Fe II, Sc II, Ca II which are known to be present in Type II Supernovae, and also present evidence for the existence of lines of Mg I, CaI, O I, and N I. We discuss the evolution of the Hα profile, and draw attention to its complex structure around March 30. Close to the rest wavelength of Ha a double-peaked structure appeared in the profile with a peak-to-peak separation of ∼ 1400 km s−1, suggestive of an expanding shell or disc of gas. Using the available broadband photometric information, we also trace the evolution of the photosphere of SN1987a assuming that it radiates like a supergiant.  相似文献   

The central depths of the interstellar 4430 Å band and far UV extinction for a sample of reddened LMC members are presented here.  相似文献   

Photographic spectra of SN1987A in the LMC have been obtained from 1987 February 25 to 1988 June 30. Microdensitometer tracings of these have been reduced to intensity and corrections for instrumental response have been applied to the spectra. This paper presents these data in an atlas format, discusses the reduction procedures in detail, and presents radial velocity measurements of selected lines in the spectra  相似文献   

A structural study of the old globular cluster NGC 1806 in the LMC has been carried out by star counts onB- andV-ESO 3.6 m telescope plates with three different limiting magnitude levels. The star density distribution was obtained directly from the surface strip count function with the Plummer formalism and the generalized Schuster law according to Lohmann. This yields beside the central density the structural parametern and the characteristic length parameterR 0 for each individual colour and magnitude level.The results show that the blue stellar content of NGC 1806 — the horizontal branch stars — is more concentrated towards the cluster center than the red giant and subgiant objects. Also such a dynamical mass segregation is observed for the red giants compared with the subgiants.Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile.  相似文献   

The relationt=t(Q), obtained from theoretical integrated colours (B-V)0 and (U-B)0 for Pop. I clusters, has been employed to date a group of 13 young clusters in the LMC. The comparison with the ages derived by the t.o.p. method shows that the theoretical integrated colour indices of clusters, with evolved stars in the mass range 5–15M , are systematically bluer than the observed ones.The analysis performed indicate that, in order to reconcile observed and computed colours, the maximum effective temperature of evolved stars should be suitably lowered. The hypothesis has been advanced that such changes can be obtained by the inclusion of the mass loss in the computation of evolutionary tracks.  相似文献   

We investigate the evaporation and condensation of corundum and silicon carbide grains around the supernova SN1987A. We predict the time after outburst of the interaction of the condensed dust with pre-existing dust, with a view to undertaking observations with future instrumentation such as the Infra-Red Space Observatory.  相似文献   

Integrated CCD BVR photometric measurements of Magellanic Cloud (MC) star clusters are described and summarized. The integrated colour-magnitude diagrams and colour-age relations for these systems imply that (a) the colour distribution of MC clusters is distinctly bi-modal (although this bi-modality is not simply explained as a distinction between young and old clusters), and (b) the MCs are probably not forming as many (if any) extremely massive clusters at the present as they did early in their lifetimes (i.e., 10 Gyr ago). Structurally, the MC clusters are seen to be intermediate between galactic globular and open clusters and their radial surface brightness profiles can generally be adequately fitted to single-mass King (1966) models (some exceptions do occur, however). Although the distribution of the derived structural parameters of young and old MC clusters are similar, they differ significantly from the distribution of structural parameters observed in intermediate-age clusters, suggesting that these structural properties do not evolve monotonically with time.Visiting astronomer at the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory, National Optical Astronomy Observatories, operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Integrated photoelectric measurements of the equivalent widthW H, the [Oiii]/H ratio and the H emission line flux were obtained for 30Hii regions in the SMC. Physical properties of theHii regions and their ionizing stellar associations were derived. Some aspects of the recent star formation in the SMC and the evolution ofHii regions are discussed.  相似文献   

In this contribution the observational characteristicsof F to G type post-AGB stars, showing both O-rich andC-rich circumstellar chemistry, are reviewed. It turnsout that binarity and the presence of a stablecircumbinary dusty disc are fundamental properties of these objects. The possible common origin of the mixed chemistry observed in these systems and in IR-bright [WC] stars is discussed.  相似文献   

Narrow-band [OIII] 500.7 nm images and ultraviolet spectrophotometry are obtained for 20 planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Magellanic Clouds using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Four objects show P Cygni-like features in the ultraviolet HST data, and/or broad emission complexes near the HeII 468.6 nm and CIV 580.6 nm lines in ground-based spectra. All objects are of excitation class four or lower, and all are compact and dense compared to other objects in the sample. The likelihood of detecting ultraviolet P Cygni-like profiles in future HST spectroscopy of other objects is discussed.  相似文献   

Results of the Vassiliadis and Wood (1993) model for the evolution on the AGB are used to study how DENIS can complement an optical and IRAS based study of Long Period Variable AGB stars in a field towards the galactic bulge.  相似文献   

We aim to compare properties of early‐type post‐asymptotic giant‐branch (post‐AGB) stars, including normal first‐time B‐type post‐AGB stars, and extreme helium stars (EHes). Hipparcos photometry for 12 post‐AGB stars and 7 EHe stars has been analyzed; 5 post‐AGB stars are clearly variable. The Hipparcos data are not sufficiently sensitive to detect variability in any of the EHes. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The stars that will be detectable in the Magellanic Clouds by the DENIS and 2MASS near infrared surveys are enumerated. All thermally-pulsing AGB stars will be observable in I, J, H and K, along with the top two magnitudes of both the early-AGB and the first giant branch. All carbon stars will be visible, and normal (N type) C stars will be easily distinguished by their large J-K colours. However, it will not be possible to separate faint, warm C stars from K and M stars using the photometry alone. Photometry of AGB stars in clusters will allow an accurate evaluation of the AGB tip luminosities as a function of initial mass. Random phase K magnitudes of LPVs and Cepheids should provide a better measure of the LMC tilt and distortions in the SMC. The K survey should turn up 100 to 150 objects undergoing superwind mass loss, these objects being OH/IR stars and the dust-enshrouded C star equivalents of OH/IR stars. It is shown that crowding should not be a problem even in the LMC bar.  相似文献   

IntegratedUBV colours have been computed for synthetic clusters older than one billion years and for two chemical composition: (a)Y=0.30;Z=10–4 and (b)Y=0.30;Z=10–2, taking into account the contribution to the integrated light of Main Sequence, subgiant, red giant and horizontal branch stars. It has been found that integrated colours depend onZ and allow an estimate of the metal content, however not generally. Horizontal branch stars contribute to the integrated colours of clusters not significantly and the contribution of stars in more advanced phases (e.g., asymptotic branch stars) is almost negligible.Old clusters in LMC and SMC have been studied in terms of colour calibrations and this analysis has been supplemented, when possible, by photometric and spectroscopic data of individual stars. It was found that in the LMC clusters withZ=10–2 andt>5×109 yr are lacking, clusters with relatively blue colours are similar, both in age and chemical composition, to the halo galactic globular clusters. Moreover, there is a group of clusters with 1×109t5×109. In the SMC clusters withZ=10–2 andt>5×109 yr are lacking and clusters with 1×109t5×109 are rare. Clusters with relatively blue colours are interpreted with the following parameters:t=5×109 yr, 10–4Z10–3 andY=0.20.The implication of these results on the chemical history of the two galaxies is discussed.  相似文献   

B, V andI light curves of the eclipsing binaries HV12634 in the LMV, and HV2208 in the SMC (cf. Westet al., 1992), have been analysed with the aid of optimal curve-fitting techniques. Parameter derivation involves a successive approximations procedure. The results of this are combined with a standard mass:luminosity relation to explore tentative absolute parameters. The combined evidence shows some disparity with standard MS-like models. It also demonstrates some relative insensitivity of photometric analysis, in isolation, to elucidate clear facts on such possibly atypical, remote, hot stars. Auxilliary spectroscopic data are required to resolve remaining ambiguities.  相似文献   

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