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The fact that a fermion system in an external magnetic field breaks the spherical symmetry suggests that its intrinsic geometry is axisymmetric rather than spherical. In this work we analyze the impact of anisotropic pressures, due to the presence of a magnetic field, in the structure equations of a magnetized quark star.We assume a cylindrical metric and an anisotropic energy momentum tensor for the source. We found that there is a maximum magnetic field that a strange star can sustain, closely related to the violation of the virial relations.  相似文献   

Kantowski-Sachs cosmological model in the presence of magnetized anisotropic dark energy is investigated. The energy-momentum tensor consists of anisotropic fluid with anisotropic EoS p=ωρ and a uniform magnetic field of energy density ρ B . We obtain exact solutions to the field equations using the condition that expansion is proportional to the shear scalar. The physical behavior of the model is discussed with and without magnetic field. We conclude that universe model as well as anisotropic fluid does not approach isotropy through the evolution of the universe.  相似文献   

We study Bianchi type I cosmological model in the presence of magnetized anisotropic dark energy. The energy-momentum tensor consists of anisotropic fluid with anisotropic EoS p=ω ρ and a uniform magnetic field of energy density ρ B . We obtain exact solutions to the field equations using the condition that expansion is proportional to the shear scalar. The physical behavior of the model is discussed with and without magnetic field. We conclude that universe model as well as anisotropic fluid do not approach isotropy through the evolution of the universe.  相似文献   

We analytically determine the structure of highly magnetized astrophysical jets at the origin in a region where the flow has been already collimated by an external medium, in both relativistic and non-relativistic regimes. We show that this can be achieved by solving a system of first-order ordinary differential equations that describe the transversal jet structure for a variety of external confining pressure profiles that collimate the jet to a near-cylindrical configuration. We obtain solutions for a central jet surrounded either by a self-similar wind or by an external pressure profile and derive the dependence of the velocity and the magnetic field strength along and across our jets. In particular, we find that the central core in a jet – the part of a flow with a nearly homogeneous magnetic field – must contain a poloidal field which is not much smaller than the critical value B min. This allows us to determine the magnetic flux in a core which is much smaller than the total magnetic flux. We show that for such a small core flux the solutions with a magnetic field in a core much smaller than B min are non-physical. For astrophysical objects the value of the critical magnetic field is quite large: 1 G for active galactic nuclei, 1010 G for gamma-ray bursts and 10−1 G for young stellar objects. In a relativistic case for the core field greater than or of the order of B min we show analytically that the plasma Lorentz factor must grow linearly with the cylindrical radius. For non-relativistic highly magnetized jets we propose that an oblique shock exists near the base of the jet so that the finite gas pressure plays an important role in force balance.  相似文献   

We have compared solutions obtained from the general 13-moment system of transport equations with those obtained from the standard collision-dominated transport equations for conditions corresponding to low speed thermal proton flow in the topside ionosphere in the vicinity of the plasmapause. In general, the solutions obtained from the 13-moment system of equations, which allows for different species temperatures parallel and perpendicular to the geomagnetic field and non-classical heat flows, are different from those obtained from the standard transport equations, which account for isotropic temperatures and classical collision-dominated heat flows. Within the plasmasphere, where the electron density is high, the differences between the 13-moment and standard solutions are typically small. However, outside the plasmasphere where the electron density is lower and in the ionosphere above SAR-arcs, where substantial electron and proton heat flows occur, there can be significant differences between the 13-moment and standard solutions. Generally, the differences are much larger for the protons than for the electrons. Our 13-moment solutions indicate that the proton and electron distributions are anisotropic with the difference between parallel and perpendicular temperatures approaching 4000 K for the protons and 2500 K for the electrons in the ionosphere above SAR-arcs. Also, above SAR-arcs the 13-moment heat flow equations yield proton heat flows as much as a factor of 10 lower and electron heat flows as much as a factor of 2 lower than those predicted by the classical collision-dominated heat flow expressions for the same boundary conditions.  相似文献   

Prominences and filaments are thought to arise as a consequence of a magnetized plasma undergoing thermal instability. Therefore, the thermal stability of a magnetized plasma is investigated under coronal conditions. The equilibrium structure of the plasma is approximated by a 1-D slab configuration. This is investigated in thermal instability taking into account optically thin plasma radiation and anisotropic thermal conduction. The thermal conduction perpendicular to the magnetic field is taken to be small but non-zero.The classic rigid wall boundary conditions which are often applied in the literature, either directly on the plasma or indirectly through some other medium, are replaced by a more physical situation in which the plasma column is placed in a low-density background stretching towards infinity. Results for a uniform equilibrium structure indicate the major effect of this change is on the eigenfunctions rather than on the growth rate. Essentially, perpendicular thermal conduction introduces field-aligned fine structure. It is also shown that in the presence of perpendicular thermal conduction, thermal instability in a slab model is only possible if the inner plasma has the shortest thermal instability time scale.Research Assistant of the National Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium).  相似文献   

The analysis of the stability and the dispersion properties of a counterstreaming plasma system with kappa distributions are extended here with the investigation of perpendicular instabilities. Purely growing filamentation (Weibel-like) modes propagating perpendicular to the background magnetic field can be excited in streaming plasmas with or without an excess of parallel temperature. In this case, however, the effect of suprathermal tails of kappa populations is opposite to that obtained for parallel waves: the growth rates can be higher and the instability faster than for Maxwellian plasmas. The unstable wavenumbers also extend to a markedly larger broadband making this instability more likely to occur in space plasmas with anisotropic distributions of kappa-type. The filamentation instability of counterstreaming magnetized plasmas could provide a plausible mechanism for the origin of two-dimensional transverse magnetic fluctuations detected at different altitudes in the solar wind.  相似文献   

Magnetohydrodynamics waves and instabilities in rotating, self-gravitating, anisotropic and collision-less plasma were investigated. The general dispersion relation was obtained using standard mode analysis by constructing the linearized set of equations. The wave mode solutions and stability properties of the dispersion relations are discussed in the propagations transverse and parallel to the magnetic field. These special cases are discussed considering the axis of rotation to be in transverse and along the magnetic field. In the case of propagation transverse to the magnetic field with axis of rotation parallel to the magnetic field, we derived the dispersion relation modified by rotation and self-gravitation. In the case of propagation parallel to the magnetic field with axis of rotation perpendicular to the magnetic field, we obtained two separate modes affected by rotation and self-gravitation. This indicates that the Slow mode and fire hose instability are not affected by rotation. Numerical analysis was performed for oblique propagation to show the effect of rotation and self-gravitation. It is found that rotation has an effect of reducing the value of the phase speeds on the fast and Alfven wave modes, but self-gravitation affect only on the Slow modes, thereby reducing the phase speed compare to the ideal magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) case.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors have investigated the Kaluza Klein universe with magnetized anisotropic dark energy in the context of Lyra manifold. Exponential and power law volumetric expansion is assumed to obtain the solution of the field equations. It is observed that magnetic field plays significant role in isotropization of the dark energy. The physical parameters of the models have been discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The effect of rotation on the self-gravitational instability of an infinite homogeneous magnetized Hall plasma is considered with the inclusion of finite Larmor radius corrections and the effect of suspended particles. A general dispersion relation is obtained from the linearized set of equations. The particular cases of the effect of rotation along and perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field are considered. The effects of Hall current, finite Larmor radius, and suspended particles on the waves propagated parallel and perpendicular to the uniform magnetic field are investigated along with the uniform rotation of the medium. It is found that in the presence of suspended particles, magnetic field, Hall current, rotation and finite Larmor radius, the Jeans criterion determines the condition of gravitational instability of a gas-particle medium.  相似文献   

In this paper the Rayleigh-Taylor instability (RTI) of a two-fluid layer system under the simultaneous action of a general rotation field and a horizontal magnetic field is presented. An approximate and an exact solution of the eigenvalue equation are calculated. These solutions are important not only to understand more deeply the physical problem but also to determine the correct numerical solutions. Numerical calculations are done for an unstable density stratification in the cases of horizontal magnetic field parallel and perpendicular to the horizontal component of the angular velocity. For an adverse density stratification, it is shown that in comparison to previous works, the horizontal magnetic field creates new angular areas (of the angle of propagation of the perturbation) at which the perturbation is stable and propagates as traveling waves. It is also shown that the vertical component of the angular velocity has a destabilizing effect because it works to eliminate the stable angular areas.  相似文献   

We have compared solutions obtained from the bi-Maxwellian based 16-moment transport equations with those obtained from the Maxwellian based 13-moment transport equations for conditions leading to the steady state, subsonic flow of a fully-ionized electron-proton plasma along geomagnetic field lines in the vicinity of the plasmapause. The bi-Maxwellian based equations can account for large temperature anisotropies and the flow of both parallel and perpendicular thermal energy, while the Maxwellian based equations account for small temperature anisotropies and only the total heat flow. Our comparison indicates that for Stable Auroral Red arc (SAR-arc) conditions leading to strong field-aligned heat flows (temperatures of 8000 K and temperature gradients of4K. km−1 at 1500 km), the bi-Maxwellian based equations predict a different thermal structure in the topside ionosphere than the less rigorous Maxwellian based equations. In particular, the bi-Maxwellian based equations predict proton and electron temperature anisotropies with T > T, while the Maxwellian based equations predict the opposite behavior for the same boundary conditions. This difference is related to the way in which the temperature anisotropies and heat flows are treated in the two formulations. For the bi-Maxwellian based equations, the inclusion of separate heat flows for parallel and perpendicular thermal energy allows for the development of a pronounced tail in both the electron and proton distribution functions, which leads to temperature anisotropies with T > T. For the Maxwellian based equations, on the other hand, the tail development is restricted because only the total heat flow is considered. Consequently, as the heat flows down, the presence of an increasing magnetic field acts to produce an anisotropy with T > T, and this process dominates tail formation for the Maxwellian based equations.  相似文献   

We perform a detailed physical analysis for a class of exact solutions for the Einstein–Maxwell equations. The linear equation of state consistent with quark stars has been incorporated in the model. The physical analysis of the exact solutions is performed by considering the charged anisotropic stars for the particular nonsingular exact model obtained by Maharaj, Sunzu and Ray. In performing such an analysis we regain masses obtained by previous researchers for isotropic and anisotropic matter. It is also indicated that other masses and radii may be generated which are in acceptable ranges consistent with observed values of stellar objects. A study of the mass-radius relation indicates the effect of the electromagnetic field and anisotropy on the mass of the relativistic star.  相似文献   

One can assume that energetic particles follow magnetic field lines while they propagate through a magnetized plasma. The latter scenario is usually described by the so-called field line random walk limit. This limit, however, is only valid if parallel diffusion is suppressed. As soon as the latter effect is taken into account, perpendicular transport becomes subdiffusive. This physical scenario is usually called compound diffusion or compound subdiffusion and can be described by a Chapman-Kolmogorov equation. In the latter equation the parallel distribution function is an essential ingredient. In the present paper we replace the standard Gaussian model by a Kappa distribution to compute distribution functions and mean square displacements across the field.  相似文献   

The magneto-gravitational instability of an infinite, homogenous, and infinitely conducting plasma flowing through a porous medium is studied. The finite ion Larmor radius (FLR) effects and viscosity are also incorporated in the analysis. The prevalent magnetic field is assumed to be uniform and acting in the vertical direction. A general dispersion relation has been obtained from the relevant linearized perturbation equations of the problem. The wave propagation parallel and perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field have been discussed. It is found that the condition of the instability is determined by the Jeans criterion for a self-gravitating, infinitely conducting, magnetized fluid through a porous medium. Furthermore, for transverse perturbation FLR is found to have stabilizing influence when the medium is considered inviscid.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study anisotropic compact stars with static cylindrically symmetric anisotropic matter distribution satisfying polytropic equation of state. We formulate the field equations as well as the corresponding mass function for the particular form of gravitational potential \(z(x)=(1+bx)^{\eta }~(\eta =1,~2,~3)\) and explore exact solutions of the field equations for different values of the polytropic index. The values of arbitrary constants are determined by taking mass and radius of compact star (Her X-1). We find that resulting solutions show viable behavior of physical parameters (density, radial as well as tangential pressure, anisotropy) and satisfy the stability condition. It is concluded that physically acceptable solutions exist only for \(\eta =1,~2\).  相似文献   

The self-gravitational instability of an ionized, thermally-conducting, magnetized, rotating plasma flow through a porous medium has been studied in the presence of suspended particles. The ionized gas-particle medium has been considered rotating along and perpendicular to the vertical magnetic field. Propagation of the plasma waves has been studied for the longitudinal and the transverse modes for both the cases of rotation. A general dispersion relation has been derived with the help of relevant perturbation equations, using the method of normal mode analysis. The Jeans criterion determines the condition of gravitational instability in all the cases with some modifications introduced by the various parameters considered. Thermal conductivity replaces the adiabatic sonic speed by the isothermal one. Considering the longitudinal mode of propagation with perpendicular rotational axis, for an inviscid plasma with adiabatic behaviour the effect of both, the rotation and the suspended particles has been removed by the magnetic field. For the transverse mode of propagation with the axis of rotation parallel to the magnetic field, the viscosity removes the effect of both, the rotation and the suspended particles. Porosity reduces the effect of both, the rotation and the magnetic field, whereas the concentration of the suspended particles reduces the rotational effect.  相似文献   

In this paper we show that the anisotropic Kepler problem is dynamically equivalent to a system of two point masses which move in perpendicular lines (or planes) and interact according to Newton’s law of universal gravitation. Moreover, we prove that generalised version of anisotropic Kepler problem as well as anisotropic two centres problem are non-integrable. This was achieved thanks to investigation of differential Galois groups of variational equations along certain particular solutions. Properties of these groups yield very strong necessary integrability conditions.  相似文献   

A spatially-homogeneous and anisotropic magnetized cosmological model in Lyra's manifold is obtained when the source of the gravitational field is a perfect fluid distribution. The magnetic field is due to an electric current produced along thex-axis. The physical behaviour of the model is discussed.  相似文献   

Khater  A. H.  Callebaut  D. K.  Kamel  E. S. 《Solar physics》1998,178(2):285-315
The equations of magnetohydrodynamic equilibria for a plasma in a gravitational field are investigated analytically. For equilibria with one ignorable spatial coordinate, the equations reduce to a single nonlinear elliptic equation for the magnetic potential , known as the Grad–Shafranov equation. Specifying the arbitrary functions in the latter equation, one gets a nonlinear elliptic equation. Analytical solutions of the elliptic equation are obtained for the case of a nonlinear isothermal atmosphere in a uniform gravitational field. The solutions are obtained by using the Painlevé analysis, and are adequate for describing parallel filaments of diffuse, magnetized plasma suspended horizontally in equilibrium in a uniform gravitational field.  相似文献   

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