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Iron-formation was deposited as a distal facies of ferruginous carbonate turbidites in an open shelf environment in front of a shallow-water carbonate platform at the time of deposition of the Campbellrand carbonate sequence. A subsequent transgression resulted in the deposition of open shelf iron-formation on top of the Campbellrand carbonate platform. Progradational sedimentation coupled with shoaling followed, and an iron-formation sequence represented by the Kuruman and Griquatown Iron-formations was deposited. This sequence consists from the base upwards of stacked open-shelf cycles of altered volcanic ash stilpnomelane lutite beds and autochthonous banded ferhythmite units; toe-of-slope greenalite—siderite rhythmites; platform slope greenalite—siderite rhythmites with grainflow bands; platform edge sideritic orthochemical and allochemical iron-formations; epeiric sea orthochemical and allochemical sideritic, hematitic and greenalitic iron-formations; supratidal disclutites and lacustrine banded greenalite lutite. Landwards, the lacustrine felutites were followed by deltaic chloritic claystone, siltstone and quartz wacke of the Koegas Subgroup.Autochthonous ferhythmites of the Kuruman Iron-formation reach a maximum development in a basin near Prieska, whereas orthochemical and allochemical units are more abundant on the Kaapvaal craton. Iron mineral and chert microbanding in the ferhythmites is attributed to seasonal changes in Eh and pH in the depository and may be related to biological activity. Chert mesobanding in the iron-formations is essentially of an early diagenetic origin.  相似文献   

A sample of chert from North Pole in the Archaean Pilbara block of Western Australia contains carbonaceous filaments that resemble microfossils. These occur in alternating light and dark laminae that look stromatolitic. However, the filaments are too simple in form for their origin to be determined, so they should be regarded as dubiofossils, perhaps biogenic, perhaps inorganic. Their host laminae were inorganically precipitated in a concordant fissure and thus cannot be stromatolitic. This fissure is younger than the surrounding silicified sediments of the ca. 3500 Ma old Warrawoona Group and possibly formed towards the end of the uplift and associated fracturing of the North Pole Dome, perhaps ca. 2750 Ma ago. The filaments are therefore contaminants in secondary chert.The filament-bearing rock was collected less than a metre from one of the localities (B) from which Awramik et al. reported early Archaean microfossils and possible microfossils. Their filaments from this locality were almost identical to those described here and were found in similar laminae. This suggests that their locality B filaments may also be contaminants in secondary chert. Other filaments found by Awramik et al. at North Pole come from an imprecisely located sample site (locality A) where the rock relationships are unknown. Since the host laminae of these filaments are not demonstrably primary and as cryptic concordant fissures filled with secondary minerals are common in locality A rocks, the filaments from this sample site could be contaminants too. Those that were assigned to Archaeotrichion should be treated as dubiofossils. Thus, the filaments described by Awramik et al. may not be fossil bacteria in ca. 3500 Ma old stromatolites, as they proposed, and are not necessarily the oldest known fossil organisms, as has been claimed.  相似文献   

Mesoproterozoic (∼ 1600 Ma old) Salkhan Limestone (Semri Group) of the Vindhyan Supergroup, exposed in Rohtas district of Bihar, India, preserves an abundant and varied ancient microbial assemblage. These microfossils are recorded in three distinctly occurring cherts viz., bedded chert, stromatolitic chert and cherty stromatolites. 27 morphoforms belonging to 14 genera and 21 species have been recognized. Six unnamed forms are also described. The microbial assemblage, almost exclusively composed of the remnants of cyanobacteria, is dominated by entophysalidacean members and short trichomes and can be termed as ‘typical Mesoproterozoic microbiotas’. The assemblage includes characteristic mat-forming scytonematacean and entophysalidacean cyanobacteria.Eoentophysalis is the dominant organism in the assemblage. Ellipsoidal akinetes of nostocalean cyanobacteria(Archaeollipsoides) and spherical unicells also occur; both are distinct from mat forming assemblage, allochthonous and possibly planktic. Co-occurrence of the microbiotas and precipitates is related to the depositional environment of the Mesoproterozoic tidal flats with high carbonate saturation.  相似文献   

Seven pockets of variable dimensions of strata-bound sparry magnesite within the Middle Proterozoic Gangolihat Formation around Bauri in the Almora district, Kumaun, Lesser Himalaya, have been investigated petrographically and geochemically. The lenses and pockets of megacrystalline, bladed, occasionally stellate, magnesite aggregates invariably enclosed by stromatolitic or massive dolostones, often exhibit a concordant relationship with the latter. Besides the sharp contrast in crystal-linity of magnesite and dolostones and the patches of the latter in the former, relict features such as layers of chert, cryptocrystalline silica veins and stromatolitic structures are discernible in the magnesite. There is a gradual increase in MgO and FeO with a corresponding decrease in CaO, and a striking depletion in Sr from dolostone to magnesite but no noteworthy variation in other major or minor elements nor in insoluble contents. Both the dolostones and magnesites are characterised by the same range of oxygen isotope ratios. However, a marked enrichment of lighter carbon isotopes in magnesites is noted. Based on these observations, it is inferred that the magnesite around Bauri is a product of diagenetic magnesitisation of penecontemporaneous dolomite in a restricted biohermal tidal flat environment.  相似文献   

A relict mound of Holocene barite (BaSO4) tufa underlies the Flybye Springs, a small, barium‐rich, cold sulphur spring system in the Northwest Territories of Canada. The tufa is composed of relatively pure barite with ≤0·34 wt% Ca2+ and ≤0·77 wt% Sr2+. The mound is made up of coated bubble, raft, undulatory sheet, stromatolitic, coated grain and detrital conglomerate barite tufa. Although previously unreported in barite, these lithotypes are akin to facies found in many carbonate spring deposits. Raft and ooid‐coated grain tufa was formed via ‘inorganic’ barite precipitation in spring water ponds and tributaries where rapid oxidation of sulphide to sulphate established barite supersaturation. Undulatory sheet tufa may have formed by the reaction of dissolved barium with sulphate derived from the oxidation of extracellular polysaccharide‐rich colloidal sulphur films floating in oxygenated, barite‐saturated spring water ponds. Coated bubble, oncoid‐coated grain and stromatolitic tufa with filamentous microfossils was formed in close association with sulphur‐tolerant microbes inhabiting dysoxic and oxygenated spring water tributaries and ponds. Adsorption of dissolved barium to microbial extracellular polysaccharide probably facilitated the development of these ‘biogenic’ lithotypes. Detrital conglomerate tufa was formed by barite cementation of microdetrital tufa, allochthonous lithoclasts and organic detritus, including caribou hair. Biogenic textures, organic artefacts and microfossils in the Flybye barite tufa have survived diagenetic aggradational recrystallization and precipitation of secondary cements, indicating the potential for palaeoecological information to be preserved in barite in the geological record. Similarities between the Flybye barite tufa and carbonate spring deposits demonstrate that analogous textures can develop in chemical sedimentary systems with distinct mineralogy, biology and physiochemistry.  相似文献   

The Vempalle Formation of the Proterozoic Cuddapah basin has a well developed sequence of carbonate rocks, which are interbedded with shales, siltstones and chert. The stromatolitic carbonates are conspicuous at many places but the oolitic carbonates are less prominent and are present only in some areas. All the carbonates are pervasively dolomitized. Petrographic examination of these carbonates revealed that they are predominantly made up of fine grained micrite with patchy development of sparite and chert/quartz. The stromatolitic carbonates show distinct banding of alternate carbonate and cherty layers. The latter are rich in organic matter indicating prevalence of profuse biogenic activity. The oolitic carbonates comprise of ooids showing both concentric and radial patterns and made up of carbonate/chert and cemented by micro/mega quartz or carbonate itself. Diagenetic and post depositional features are reflected in cementation, recrystallization, compaction, stylolite formation and silicification processes. Various stages of cementing material are observed. Secondary vein fillings of carbonate or quartz traverse the carbonate/cherty groundmass. Intraclasts present suggest occasional erosional destruction of associated sediments, short lived transport and local redeposition. Accessory silicate minerals represent terrigenous influx during deposition. Dolomitization of the carbonates was fabric retentive and early diagenetic. The environmental conditions were characterised by low energy, within a shallow water zone, in occasional higher energy events and turbulence. The carbonates appear to have been deposited on a shallow water ramp within a tidal regime.  相似文献   

A well-developed regolith is preserved beneath early Proterozoic (Aphebian) rocks of the Otish and Mistassini Groups in Central Quebec, Canada. The regolith is covered by fluviatile clastic rocks (Otish Group) in the north, and by a thick sequence of stromatolitic and sandy dolomite (Mistassini Group) in the south.Where preserved beneath clastic rocks, the regolith exhibits the structures and textures of its crystalline parent rocks (tonalite, gneiss and amphibolite), despite the alteration of feldspars to clay minerals and the partial oxidation of biotite. A later event recrystallized the clay minerals to muscovite, while conserving the original outline of the feldspars. Beneath the dolomite, the regolith was largely replaced by dolomite, but retains many original textures. Dolomite replaced first the clay minerals, then quartz and unaltered feldspars and finally biotite. Repeated crustifications of dolomite with intervals of chert and minor anthraxolite surround unaltered blocks of crystalline rock within the regolith profile and similar complex veins fill many master joints. These veins are identical in composition to vug fillings throughout the overlying carbonate formations. Clasts of partly dolomitized regolith included in non-dolomitic sands filling channels and scours dug deep into the profile, suggest that dolomitization commenced very early, possibly related to a sabkha environment developed during the transgression.  相似文献   

The transition zone comprises Campbellrand microbialaminated (replacing "cryptalgalaminate") limestone and shale, with minor dolomite, conformably overlain by the Kuruman Iron Formation of which the basal part is characterized by siderite-rich microbanded iron-formation with minor magnetite and some hematite-containing units. The iron-formation contains subordinate intraclastic and microbialaminated siderite mesobands and was deposited in deeper water than the limestones. The sequence is virtually unaltered with diagenetic mineral assemblages reflecting a temperature interval of about 110 degrees to 170 degrees C and pressures of 2 kbars. Carbonate minerals in the different rock types are represented by primary micritic precipitates (now recrystallized to microsparite), early precompactional sparry cements and concretions, deep burial limpid euhedral sparites, and spar cements precipitated from metamorphic fluids in close contact with diabase sills. Paragenetic pathways of the carbonate minerals are broadly similar in all lithofacies with kerogen intimately associated with them. Kerogen occurs as pigmentation in carbonate crystals, as reworked organic detritus in clastic-textured carbonate units, and as segregations of kerogen pigment around late diagenetic carbonate crystals. Locally kerogen may also be replaced by carbonate spar. Carbon isotope compositions of the carbonate minerals and kerogen are dependent on their mode of occurrence and on the composition of the dominant carbonate species in a specific lithofacies. Integration of sedimentary, petrographic, geochemical, and isotopic results makes it possible to distinguish between depositional, early diagenetic, deep burial, and metamorphic effects on the isotopic compositions of the carbonate minerals and the kerogen in the sequence. Major conclusions are that deep burial thermal decarboxylation led to 13C depletion in euhedral ferroan sparites and 13C enrichment in kerogen (organic carbon). Metamorphic sparites are most depleted in 13C. Carbonates in oxide-rich iron-formations are more depleted in 13C than those in siderite-rich iron-formation whereas the kerogens in oxide banded iron-formations (BIF) are more enriched. This implies that the siderite-rich iron-formations were not derived from oxide-rich iron-formation through reduction of ferric iron by organic matter. Organic matter oxidation by ferric iron did, however, decrease the abundance of kerogen in oxide-rich iron-formation and led to the formation of isotopically very light sparry carbonates. Siderite and calcmicrosparite both represent recrystallized primary micritic precipitates but differ in their 13C composition, with the siderites depleted in 13C by 4.6 per mil on average relative to calcmicrosparite. This means that the siderites were precipitated from water with dissolved inorganic carbon depleted in 13C by about 9 per mil relative to that from which the limestones precipitated. This implies an ocean system stratified with regard to total carbonate, with the deeper water, from which siderite-rich iron-formation formed, depleted in 13C. Iron-formations were deposited in areas of very low organic matter supply. Depletion of 13C may, therefore, derive not from degradation of organic matter but from hydrothermal activity, a conclusion which is supported by 18O composition of the carbonate minerals and trace element and rare earth element (REE) compositions of the iron-formations.  相似文献   

Calculation of sedimentation rates of Neoarchaean and Palaeoproterozoic siliciclastic and chemical sediments covering the Kaapvaal craton imply sedimentation rates comparable to their modern facies equivalents. Zircons from tuff beds in carbonate facies of the Campbellrand Subgroup in the Ghaap Plateau region of the Griqualand West basin, Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa were dated using the Perth Consortium Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe II (SHRIMP II). Dates of Ma and Ma for the middle and the upper part of the Nauga Formation indicate that the decompacted sedimentation rate for the peritidal flat to subtidal below-wave-base Stratifera and clastic carbonate facies, southwest of the Ghaap Plateau at Prieska, was of up to 10 m/Ma, when not corrected for times of erosion and non-deposition. Dates of Ma for the upper Gamohaan Formation and for the upper Monteville Formation, indicate that some 2000 m of carbonate and subordinate shale sedimentation occurred during 16 Ma to 62 Ma on the Ghaap Plateau. For these predominantly peritidal stromatolitic carbonates, decompacted sedimentation rates were of 40 m/Ma to over 150 m/Ma (Bubnoff units). The mixed siliciclastic and carbonate shelf facies of the Schmidtsdrif Subgroup and Monteville Formation accumulated with decompacted sedimentation rates of around 20 B. For the Kuruman Banded Iron Formation a decompacted sedimentation rate of up to 60 B can be calculated. Thus, for the entire examined deep shelf to tidal facies range, Archaean and Phanerozoic chemical and clastic sedimentation rates are comparable. Four major transgressive phases over the Kaapvaal craton, followed by shallowing-upward sedimentation, can be recognized in the Prieska and Ghaap Plateau sub-basins, in Griqualand West, and partly also in the Transvaal basin, and are attributed to second-order cycles of crustal evolution. First-order cycles of duration longer than 50 Ma can also be identified. The calculated sedimentation rates reflect the rate of subsidence of a rift-related basin and can be ascribed to tectonic and thermal subsidence. Comparison of the calculated sedimentation rates to published data from other Archaean and Proterozoic basins allows discussion of general Precambrian basin development. Siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentation rates of Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic basins equivalent to those of younger systems suggest that similar mechanical, chemical and biological processes were active in the Precambrian as found for the Phanerozoic. Particularly for stromatolitic carbonates, matching modern and Neoarchaean sedimentation rates are interpreted as a strong hint of a similar evolutionary stage of stromatolite-building microbiota. The new data also allow for improved regional correlations across the Griqualand West basin and with the Malmani Subgroup carbonates in the Transvaal basin. The Nauga Formation carbonates in the southwest of the Griqualand West basin are significantly older than the Gamohaan Formation in the Ghaap Plateau region of this basin, but are in part, correlatives of the Oaktree Formation in the Transvaal and of parts of the Monteville Formation on the Ghaap Plateau.  相似文献   

刘新宇  颜佳新 《沉积学报》2007,25(5):730-736
燧石结核是华南地区二叠纪栖霞组的重要识别特征之一,其成因具重要的古地理、古海洋意义。通过对湖北黄石、江苏南京和广西来宾三地栖霞组燧石结核的岩石矿物学研究,确定了栖霞组燧石结核的矿物组成和成岩作用序列。研究区燧石结核主要由微石英、负延性玉髓、粗晶石英组成,并含少量白云石、方解石及生物碎屑。其中,微石英、负延性玉髓、正延性玉髓、白云石形成于早期成岩作用,方解石晶粒形成于晚期成岩作用,粗晶石英的形成则具有多期性。结合栖霞组菊花状天青石和海泡石成因研究结果,本文认为组成栖霞组燧石结核的硅质来源与当时全球硅质生物的繁盛有关。燧石结核内玉髓和白云石形成环境条件及形成时间的确定,为建立更加合理的燧石结核成因模式和白云岩化模式提供了重要资料,同时也对深入探讨本区二叠纪层状硅质岩的成因具启发意义。  相似文献   

The mode of formation and environmental setting of stromatolites from the lower Missoula Group (ca. 1.1·109 years old) in Glacier National Park, Montana, have been determined. The stromatolite-bearing interval in the lower Missoula Group was deposited in a shallow, intermittently exposed setting of very low relief, the stromatolites forming during periods of submergence. In situ carbonate precipitation was the dominant process involved in the formation of encrusting stromatolitic laminae. This precipitate was deposited within, and probably beneath, algal mats, most likely as a result of the photosynthetic removal of carbon dioxide by the mat-building microscopic algae. Calcite also was precipitated in several types of open-space structures occurring within these stromatolites. Other laminae were produced by the organic stabilization of detrital particles; by the solely physical accumulation of terrigenous material; and probably, by bacterially induced precipitation of iron sulfide which was later oxidized to form hematite layers.Three forms of filamentous microfossils, two of which appear to be oscillatoriacean cyanophytes and the third of which is probably either a cyanophyte or filamentous bacterium, have been detected in these structures. In addition, hematitic pillar-shaped microstructures, interpreted to have been produced by filamentous bacteria, are abundant locally.In gross morphology, the lower Missoula Group stromatolites are simple, unbranched, domal structures ranging from several millimeters to several decimeters in both height and diameter. Physical conditions played a major role in determining the macrostructure of these stromatolites. Of particular importance were the shape of the positive sediment-surface irregularities upon which the stromatolites initially formed, the rate of sedimentation between stromatolite colonies, and the deposition of layers of terrigenous material on stromatolite growth surfaces. The effect of biological factors on stromatolite structure is clearly seen in those portions of stromatolites relatively free of terrigenous material; biological activity was apparently greatest on positive irregularities of the growth surface, resulting in preferential enhancement of such irregularities and development of second- and higher-order hemispheroidal structures.  相似文献   

The Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene, dominantly micritic, Amuri Limestone Group (ALG) was deposited in an approximately NW trending trough, in eastern Marlborough, New Zealand. The ALG comprises: the Mead Hill Formation; the Teredo, Lower and Middle Limestone formations; and the Upper and Lower Marl formations. Chert and dolomite are concentrated in the Mead Hill Formation, which contains five of six recognized diagenetic zones: Zone I at the base of the ALG consists almost entirely of chert; Zone II consists solely of chert and dolomite; Zone III comprises chert and limestone; Zone IV is composed of chert plus dolomite; Zone V is a chertified mudstone; and the minor amounts of chert found in the Middle Limestone Formation comprise Zone VI. With the exception of Zones IV and V, chert decreases stratigraphically upwards and away from the basin centre. All the dolomites are composed of <1 mm diameter rhombohedra in discontinuous beds and lenses. Generally Ca-rich, and non- to slightly ferroan, the dolomite contains approximately 500–900 ppm Mn and 200–400 ppm Sr. δ13C values average 1–2%PDB with δ18O ratios of about -4%PDB. Mass balance calculations indicate that the Mg2+ for dolomitization was derived from sea water. Sr, Fe and Mn concentrations are interpreted as indicating dolomite formation in the marine environment, with no influence from meteoric waters. The intimate association with pyrite implies dolomite formation in association with sulphate reduction, in the upper sediment column. δ18O data show that the bulk of the dolomite formed at temperatures below 50°C. All chert samples contain in excess of 90 wt% SiO2, about 1 wt% Al2O3 and 1 wt% from losses on ignition. Generally all other major elements total less than 2 wt% oxide. δ18O values range from 26·8 to 29·0%SMOW. Chert chemistry is consistent with the replacement of host carbonate and expulsion of carbonate-bound components from the site of chertification, and the effective dilution by SiO2 of non-carbonate-bound insoluble residues. δ18O data indicate that chert formed in fluids of similar composition and temperature as the dolomite. The abundance of disseminated pyrite in cherts implies an association with sulphate reduction. Silica for chertification is thought to have initially come from dissolution of siliceous organisms. However, there is insufficient biogenic silica available to form the volumes of chert observed. It is suggested that the bulk of the silica came from SiO2-rich pore waters generated by clay mineral reactions in the thick underlying mudstones. The ALG compacted down through these pore waters. Chert and dolomite nucleation are considered to have been penecontemporaneous. Dolomitization was initially probably the faster process, continuing as long as sulphate reduction prevailed and there was an adequate supply of Mg2+. The nucleation of chert, although initially slower (probably due to a relatively lower initial SiO2 supply), continued after cessation of dolomitization to the extent of completely chertifying the dolomite intercrystalline matrix. The amount of chertification decreased progressively as SiO2 supplies diminished, both stratigraphically upwards and away from the basin centre.  相似文献   

The occurrence, types, morphology, and mineralogical characteristics of tube microfossils were studied in gossanites from twelve VHMS deposits of the Urals. Several types of tube microfossils were recognized, including siboglinids, polychaetes and calcerous serpulids, replaced by a variety of minerals (e.g. hematite–quartz, hematite–chlorite, carbonate–hematite) depending on the nature of the substrate prior to the formation of the gossanites. Colonial hematite tube microfossils (~ 150 μm across,1–2 mm long) are composed of hematitic outer and inner walls, and may exhibit a cellular structure within their cavities. Spherical forms are saturated with Fe-oxidizing bacteria inside the tubes – probably analogues of trophosomes. Colloform stromatolitic outer wall surfaces are characterized by the presence of numerous interlaced filaments of hematite (2–3 μm diameter, up to 1–2 mm long). Between tube microfossils, the hematitized cement contains bundles of hematitized filaments with structures similar to the hyphae of fungi. Hematite–chlorite tube microfossils are scattered in gossanites, mostly as biological debris. They are typically 30 to 300 μm in diameter and 1 to 5 mm long. The layered structure of their tube walls is characterized by hematite–quartz and chlorite layers. Abundant filamentous bacteria coated by glycocalix and chlorite stromatolite are associated with hematite–chlorite tubes. The carbonate–hematite tube microfossils (up to 300 μm across, 2–3 mm long) occur in carbonate-rich gossanites. The tubes are characterized by fine (~ 10 μm thick) walls of hematite and cavities dominated by relatively dark carbonate or hematite. Carbonates may be present both in walls and cavities. Stromatolite-like leucoxene or hematite–carbonate aggregates were also found in association with tubes. Randomly oriented filaments are composed of ankerite. Single filaments are composed of individual cells, typically smaller than 100 nm across, similar to that of magnetotactic bacteria.Three dimensional tomographic images of all types of tube microfossils demonstrate a clear wavy microlayering from outer and inner walls, which may reflect segmentation of the tube worms. The traces of burrowing or fragments of glycocalix with relict spheres are typical of tube microfossils from gossanites.The carbon isotopic composition of carbonates associated with tube microfossils from hematite–quartz, hematite–carbonate, and hematite–chlorite gossanites average  7.2, − 6.8, –22.8‰, PDB, respectively. These values are indicative of a biogenic origin for the carbonates. The oxygen isotopic composition of these carbonates is similar in all three gossanite types averaging + 13.5, + 14.2, + 13.0‰ (relative to SMOW), and indicative of active sulfate reduction during the diagenetic (and anadiagenetic) stages of the sediments evolution. The trace element characteristics of hematite from tube microfossils are characterized by high contents of following trace elements (average, ppm): Mn (1529), As (714), V (540), W (537), Mo (35), and U (5). Such high contents are most likely the result of metal and metalloid sorption by fine particles of precursor iron hydroxides during the oxidation of sulfides and decomposition of hyaloclasts via microbially-mediated reactions.  相似文献   

本文讨论了羌塘盆地羌资2井中侏罗统布曲组碳酸盐岩岩石学及储集物性特征。碳酸盐岩主要有亮晶鲕粒灰岩、白云岩、泥晶灰岩, 以及他们之间的过渡类型; 储集空间主要有孔隙与裂缝两种类型, 表现为孔隙—裂缝组合。孔隙可分为粒间溶孔、粒内溶孔、晶间孔、晶间溶孔、沿缝合线等分布的溶孔; 裂缝可 分为构造缝、构造—溶解缝、压溶缝和溶蚀缝。亮晶鲕粒灰岩孔隙度平均值1.084%, 渗透率平均值0.0319× 10-3 mm2; 白云岩孔隙度平均值1.77%, 渗透率平均值0.1591×10-3 mm2; 储集物性特征均为低孔低渗、高排替压力、微-细喉道、分选中等-不好的负偏态细歪度特征。泥晶灰岩和过渡类型灰岩的储集物性特征与亮晶鲕粒灰岩和白云岩相似。最后, 讨论了成岩作用对碳酸盐岩储集物性的影响, 并认为成岩作用对储集物性的不利影响明显大于有利影响。  相似文献   

The Malmani Subgroup northwest of Johannesburg consists of dolomite and chert with only minor clastic sediments.A precise upper intertidal to marginal supratidal analogy and the associated relationship of varied structures suggest that much of the succession represents a tidal flat to intertidal complex formed within differing semiprotected to protected conditions. The dolomites from these environments are recrystallized, reflecting a meteoric influence, and the cherts which are commonly developed within them are also related to prevailing lower pH's. This dolomitization is considered to have been enhanced by the influx of meteoric waters which however resulted in the dolomites having undersaturated iron-manganese ratios. Rare colour-banded dolomites containing columnar stromatolites are thought to represent more steeply shelving intertidal conditions than are normally encountered in the epeiric sea. These dolomites contain quartz crystals rather than chert, suggestive of a lower concentration of silica in the original alkaline solutions. The exposure is part of a very widespread carbonate unit, dated at ca. 2.250 m.y.Subtidal conditions in which large elongate stromatolitic domes developed can be related to a marine transgression across a basal clastic beach sand; and secondly to a progradational tidal flat seawards of which a talus breccia developed on a steepened slope leading down to the subtidal regime. These dolomites formed by interaction with marine waters saturated with respect to iron and manganese, while the absence of chert reflects persisting alkaline conditions.A dark chert-free dolomitic facies with high iron and manganese contents of saturated ratios is considered to have developed in an alkaline lagoonal environment behind a subaqueous bar that is now represented by an overlying thick oolitic unit.The succession contains numerous chert breccias with which shales are associated. The breccias represent subaerial exposure phenomena related to regressions which were followed by periods of short-lived terrigenous influx.  相似文献   

The Aravalli rocks (> 2060 Ma old) which crop out around Udaipur, Western India, comprise a thick sequence of metasediments with stromatolites and basal volcanics resting unconformably over a peneplained basement, known as the Banded Gneissic Complex (ca. 2585 Ma old). The rocks have undergone a very low grade of metamorphism, and display a complex structure resulting from two major and several minor episodes of folding.There are two distinctly different ‘facies sequences’ in the Aravalli rocks, indicating deep-sea and nearshore shelf environments. The stratigraphic sequence of the rocks deposited under the shelf environment starts with basic volcanics and tuffs (altered to greenschists) and quartizites with arkosic conglomerate. In the next sequence carbonates predominate in association with orthoquartzites, carbonaceous phyllites, phyllites, and stromatolitic rock-phosphate. The carbonate sequence passes upward into greywacke-phyllite-lithic arenite in the distal parts and conglomerate-arkose-orthoquartzite in proximal areas. The youngest sequence comprises orthoquartzite with silty arenite.The distribution of different facies, particularly that of dolomite with stromatolitic rock-phosphate, is controlled by sea-floor topography suggesting the presence of an epicontinental sea bounded by a landmass to the west and a series of islands and shoals.Sedimentation in the shelf and epicontinental sea was presumably triggered by development of fault-controlled troughs along craton margins. Terrigenous debris was deposited in newly-developed troughs with contemporaneous volcanicity along trough margins. With the erasing of the ephemeral relief in the provenance, carbonate deposition was initiated. The environment encouraged algal growth and formation of stromatolitic rock phosphate. Carbonaceous phyllites developed in areas of restricted circulation. Rapid influx of terrigenous detritus with renewed tectonism in the next phase resulted in the deposition of a turbidite sequence of greywacke-phyllite and lithic arenite in the deeper parts of the epicontinental sea, and conglomerate-arkose-orthoquartizite in the marginal areas. The final phase of sedimentation was presumably under fluvial conditions which marked the completion of epicontinental trough filling. The nature of the terrigenous clasts indicates a predominantly granitic source of sediments. Supply of sediment was mainly from the continent to the east and partly from a landmass to the west. The cycle of sedimentation noted in the epicontinental Aravalli sea is broadly similar to the model of tectonic stages suggested by Krynine (1942).  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2003,120(3-4):327-364
The Nash Fork Formation in the upper part of the early Paleoproterozoic Snowy Pass Supergroup, Medicine Bow Mountains of Wyoming, was deposited on a mature passive margin along the southern flank of the Wyoming Craton and straddles the end of the ca. 2.2–2.1 Ga carbon isotope excursion. Two drowning events marked by black shales subdivide the carbonate platform into three parts. The lower Nash Fork Formation consists of outer shelf to supratidal deposits represented by massive and stromatolitic dolomites, heterolithic siliciclastics-carbonates, large silicified domal digitate stromatolites, nodular dolomites and stromatolitic dolomites. Molds after evaporite crystals are pervasive in the heterolithic siliciclastics-carbonates. Large silicified domal digitate stromatolites formed biostromes and bioherms following flooding events. The middle Nash Fork Formation comprises two intervals of black shale separated by inner shelf heterolithic siliciclastics-nodular carbonates. Black shales are organic- and pyrite-rich, contain turbidites and developed in response to drowning of the platform. Overlying massive dolomite of the upper Nash Fork Formation was deposited in an unprotected intertidal setting and displays an upward-shallowing trend terminated by a prominent karstic surface in the middle of the unit. The Nash Fork Formation is open-marine with no evidence for restricted circulation on the carbonate platform. The two drowning events on the carbonate platform are likely related to dissection of the mature passive margin associated with the breakup of Kenorland. The younger drowning event is associated with the end of the carbon isotope excursion. The main building elements of the lower and middle Nash Fork carbonate platform are dolomitic mudstones and stromatolites. Macroscopic seafloor precipitates are volumetrically negligible with the exception of tufa deposits and domes in the massive and stromatolitic dolomites and, possibly, digitate stromatolites within domal digitate stromatolites. The upper Nash Fork Formation comprises dolomitic mudstones, relatively rare stromatolites and inorganic precipitates that are more common than in the underlying carbonates. Styles of carbonate deposition on this early Paleoproterozoic platform differ from those documented on late Archean carbonate platforms; there are fewer macroscopic seafloor precipitates and more dolomitic mudstones. This pattern is considered to be related to a rise of the atmospheric oxygen level that led to a decrease in bicarbonate saturation in the ocean.  相似文献   

Nodular chert from the middle and upper Arbuckle Group (Early Ordovician) in the Slick Hills, SW Oklahoma, was formed by selective replacement of grainstones, burrow fillings, algal structures, and evaporite nodules. Chert nodules are dominantly microquartz with minor fibrous quartz (both quartzine and chalcedony), megaquartz, and microflamboyant quartz. Lepisphere textures of an opal-CT precursor are preserved in many (especially in finely-crystalline) chert nodules. The δ18O values of microquartz chert range from +23.4 to + 28.80/00 (SMOW), significantly lower than those of Cenozoic and Mesozoic microquartz chert formed both in the deep sea and from near-surface sea water. The δ18O values of chert decrease with increasing quartz crystal size. Silicification in the Arbuckle Group occurred during early diagenesis, with the timing constrained by the relative temporal relationships among silicification, burial compaction, and early dolomite stabilization. Silica for initial chert nucleation may have been derived from both dissolution of sponge spicules and silica-enriched sea water. Chert nucleation appears to have been controlled by the porosity, permeability, and organic matter content of precursor sediments. This conclusion is based on the fact that chert selectively replaced both porous grainstones and burrows and algal structures enriched in organic matter. Growth of chert probably occurred by a maturation process from opal-A(?), to opal-CT, to quartz, as indicated by the presence of opal-CT precursor textures in many chert nodules. Although field and petrographic evidence argues for an early marine origin for chert in the Arbuckle Group, the light δ18O values are inconsistent with this origin. Meteoric resetting of the δ18O values of the chert during exposure of the carbonate platform best explains the light δ18O values because: (i) the δ18O values of chert nodules decrease with decreasing δ18O values of host limestones, and (ii) chert nodules from early dolomite, which underwent more extensive meteoric modification than associated limestones, have lighter δ18O values than chert nodules from limestones. Increasing recrystallization of chert nodules by meteoric water resulted in progressive 18O depletion and (quartz) crystal enlargement.  相似文献   

Spectacularly developed lower Eocene chert in the Corones platform carbonates of the Spanish Pyrenees is concentrated within a restricted, brackish-water, laminated ostracod-rich facies, which also contains abundant sponge spicules. The chert occurs as nodular, bedded and mottled varieties, and four petrographic types of quartz are developed: microquartz; length-fast (LF) chalcedony; megaquartz; and microspheres. δ18O values of chert range from 29·6‰ to 30·9‰ (SMOW), which correspond to a broad isotope rank common for biogenic and diagenetic replacement cherts. Calcian dolomite crystals with high Fe and Na are disseminated within the microquartz and LF-chalcedony, but are absent from the megaquartz and host carbonate. The chert is closely associated with desiccation cracks and with interstratal dewatering structures. Load casts are silicified, and laminae rich in sponge spicules are convoluted. Early cracks related to dewatering are filled by microquartz and quartz cements. Ostracod shells within chert are locally fractured; those in the host carbonate are commonly flattened. Late fractures are filled by LF-chalcedony and megaquartz. There is much evidence for the dissolution of sponge spicules and their calcitization in the carbonate host rock. Silica for the Corones cherts was derived from sponges during early diagenesis and shallow burial. Early mechanical compaction and sediment dewatering played a major role in sponge spicule dissolution, migration of silica-rich fluids and the consequent precipitation of chert. Quartz cements continued to be precipitated into the burial environment.  相似文献   

A unique outcrop of partly silicified dolomite in the White Umfolozi section of the Pongola Supergroup, South Africa indicates that stromatolites were diverse and adapted to a range of shallow, tidal depositional settings 3000 Myr ago. Composite columnar stromatolitic bioherms 0.7-1.6m high and 0.4-1.0m in diameter formed along the margins of a tidal channel. They were flanked, away from the channel, by flat stratiform and small domical stromatolites growing in low energy tidal flat environments. Conical stromatolites, 0.05-0.30m high and 0.03-0.10m in diameter, accreted in high-energy coarse-grained carbonate sand along the bottom of the tidal channel. The stromatolites probably formed through the activities of filamentous, oxygen-producing, photoautotrophic cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

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