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与远场地震动相比,近断层(也称为近场或近源)地震动呈现了更复杂的破坏特性,但迄今,对该区域却没有明确划分,只是依主观选择.为解决这一问题,本文详细比较了近断层与远场地震动特征参数的差别,结果表明,近断层地震动的峰值加速度、峰值速度、峰值位移、能量密度以及竖向与水平向峰值加速度的比值同远场差别较明显,而水平向峰值速度与峰值加速度比和竖向峰值速度与峰值加速度比的差别不大.依据近断层与远场存在差别的这些地震动特征参数,划分了近断层地震动区域. 相似文献
选取日本熊本MW7.0地震断层距小于200 km的82个近场KiK-net台站记录到的三分量记录数据进行基线校正后,获得近场地面运动水平向的峰值加速度PGA、峰值速度PGV及周期为0.2,1,2,3,5和10 s的加速度反应谱数据,并与美国NGA-West2的地震动预测模型相比较,研究熊本地震地表和井下地震动峰值及反应谱的衰减特征,通过比较KiK-net台站地表与井下记录结果,探讨浅层场地放大效应的影响。研究结果表明:① 对于井下观测结果,NGA-West2的地震动模型对PGA和短周期0.2 s的反应谱的预测值与井下观测值相比整体偏高,而PGV和较长周期地震动(如1,2和3 s的反应谱)的预测值与井下观测值较为吻合;② 地表观测记录的PGA,PGV和周期为0.2—3 s的反应谱残差整体上随vS30对数值的增大呈线性减小的趋势,而周期为5 s和10 s的长周期部分,其场地效应的影响很小;③ 相对于井下记录,地表记录的地震动PGA,PGV和周期为0.2,1和2 s的反应谱有明显的放大,这种放大作用随浅层场地剪切波速的增大而减小;周期为3,5和10 s时长周期地震动的放大效应很小。 相似文献
从Chi-Chi地震动数据中选取20条近场长周期地震记录和20条远场长周期地震记录,再从汶川地震渭河地震动数据中选取20条远场长周期地震记录作为输入,研究各个地震动记录相对应的地震动强度参数及其之间的相关性,筛选出了适合于长周期地震动的地震动强度指标,采用Pearson相关系数对筛选出的地震动强度指标与隔震体系的隔震层位移响应之间的相关性进行分析。结果表明:①在近、远场长周期地震动作用下,中长周期隔震结构的隔震层位移响应与频谱特征参数的相关性比较好,在进行中长周期隔震结构的抗震性能研究时,PGD、Sdavg及DSI与隔震结构的相关性较好,地震动强度指标在集集近场建议选取PGD和Sdavg,集集远场建议选取DSI和D/V,渭河远场建议选取Sdavg和DSI;②在强相关范围内考虑相关性的高低,近场和远场的长周期地震动强度指标建议分别选取PGD和DSI。 相似文献
上盘效应是近断层地震动的主要特性之一,而目前就上盘效应的定量研究较少。本文利用日本K-NET和KiK-net强震动台网获取的近场强震动加速度记录,定量研究了北海道MW6.6地震的上盘效应对地震动PGA、PGV和不同周期的加速度反应谱值空间分布和衰减特征的影响,探讨地震动上盘效应的特征及其影响范围,并将上、下盘观测结果与地震动预测经验模型进行对比。研究结果表明:(1)在断层距小于45 km时,此次北海道地震具有显著的上盘效应特征,断层上盘记录的PGA、PGV和加速度反应谱值明显大于下盘和中间区域的地震动观测值,且高于本次地震的平均值。上盘效应影响范围与震源破裂过程反演得到的断层尺度相吻合。(2)断层上盘的PGA观测值高于此次地震平均水平的对数偏差为0.61±0.16,这与1994年北岭地震和1999年集集地震等逆冲型地震的影响水平接近。上盘记录的PGV高于平均水平的对数偏差为0.39±0.12,即高于平均水平约35%。上盘观测地震动在周期T为0.2 、0.5 、1.0、2.0、3.0、5.0 s时的加速度反应谱值高于平均水平的对数偏差分别为0.33±0.19、0.54±0.23、0.53±0.20、0.26±0.21、0.24±0.19、0.16±0.16,随着周期的逐渐增大,上盘效应引起的偏差不断减小。此次地震上盘效应对地震动的影响主要以PGA和短周期(T≤1.0 s)地震动为主。(3)从实际观测结果与地震动预测经验模型的对比来看,对于PGA和小于1.0 s的短周期地震动,BSSA2014和CB2014的2个模型对此次地震上盘效应的预测效果更好,但对1.0 s以上的长周期,ASK2014、CB2014、CY2014模型的预测效果更好,BSSA2014模型则可能会高估地震动。 相似文献
近断层强地震动预测的一些基本问题讨论 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
近断层地震动的预测是当前地震工程中的一个关键科学问题。对预测中涉及的震源和三维地下结构建模、格林函数的计算和预测方法等基本问题做了探讨。分析了震源模型中全局和局部震源参数,给出一套震源建模方案;通过各种格林函数的对比分析,指出宽频带格林函数法是当前近断层地震动预测中最合适的方法。对近断层场地非线性分析的一些问题也进行了讨论。 相似文献
近断层地震动速度、位移峰值衰减规律的研究 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
在全球范围内选取6.0≤Mw≤7.6、震源深度H≤20km且断层距df≤40km的地震动速度和位移峰值数据.进行分组统计分析,确定了PGV和PGD的近断层研究区域分别为20km和15km。认为两水平分量为2条独立数据,在各自研究区域分别得到由366条PGV和265条PGD数据组成的数据库;其中水平方向分为硬土和软土2类场地,竖向只考虑土层场地.利用作者前文已提出的近断层地震动衰减模型和最小二乘法进行数据拟合分析.得到PGV和PGD随断层距和震源深度变化的衰减曲面,分析了水平、竖向以及竖向与水平比值的衰减规律。 相似文献
Introduction The characteristics of ground motions recorded near the fault of an earthquake are quite dif- ferent from the usual far-field ground motions. After the original recognition of their differences in the Port Hueneme earthquake in 1957, a great lot of inhabited structures and lifeline systems were damaged in the major earthquakes happened in the following years. The damages were beyond minds of seismologists and engineers. A quite rational reason is the lack of enough knowledge of t… 相似文献
Praveen K. Malhotra 《地震工程与结构动力学》1999,28(11):1309-1326
Ground motions affected by directivity focusing at near-field stations contain distinct pulses in acceleration, velocity, and displacement histories. For the same Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) and duration of shaking, ground motions with directivity pulses can generate much higher base shears, inter-storey drifts, and roof displacements in high-rise buildings as compared to the 1940 El Centro ground motion which does not contain these pulses. Also, the ductility demand can be much higher and the effectiveness of supplemental damping lower for pulse-like ground motions. This paper presents a simple interpretation of the response characteristics of three recorded and one synthetic near-field ground motions. It is seen that for pulse-like ground motions—similar to any other ground motion—the Peak values of Ground Acceleration, Velocity, and Displacement (PGA, PGV and PGD) are the key response parameters. Near-field ground motions with directivity effects tend to have high PGV/PGA ratio, which dramatically influences their response characteristics. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
NICOS MAKRIS 《地震工程与结构动力学》1997,26(5):571-591
The concept of seismic protection by lengthening the fundamental period of the structure has been implemented through a number of isolation systems. While flexible isolation systems can effectively protect structures from earthquakes containing high frequencies and sharp accelerations, they might amplify the response of the structure when subjected to rapid, long-period motions. In this case of long period excitations the stiff superstructure should be ‘locked’ to the ground, rather than be supported on flexible bearings. This paper shows through a comprehensive analytical study that a practical solution to this problem is to provide additional rigidity to the structure using a friction-type mechanism (rigid-plastic behaviour). The presence of friction-type forces reduce substantially the relative displacements of a single-degree-of-freedom structure by keeping accelerations at low levels; however, they are responsible for the presence of permanent displacements. Accordingly, the use of controllable fluid dampers is proposed and it is shown that they can be a practical solution to the problem. The response of a single-degree-of-freedom base-isolated structures is investigated, and the feasibility of a proposed electrorheological damper to deliver the required forces is discussed. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
近断层脉冲型地震动作用下隔震结构地震反应分析 总被引:17,自引:5,他引:17
隔震结构在远震场地减震效果良好,但是近断层地震动的明显的长周期速度和位移脉冲运动可能对隔震建筑等长周期结构的抗震性能和设计带来不利影响,需要深入探讨。本文首先讨论近断层地震动的长周期脉冲运动特征,然后以台湾集集地震8条典型近震记录和其它4条常用近震记录以及4条远震记录作为地震动输入,对两幢安装铅芯橡胶隔震支座的钢筋混凝土框架隔震结构进行非线性地震反应时程分析,通过比较探讨了算例计算结果,定量说明隔震结构的近震脉冲效应显著,是隔震设计不容忽视的问题。 相似文献
Mai Tong Vladimir Rzhevskyt Dai Junwu George C Lee Qi Jincheng Qi Xiaozhai 《地震工程与工程振动(英文版)》2007,6(3):215-223
Major earthquakes of last 15 years (e.g., Northridge 1994, Kobe 1995 and Chi-Chi 1999) have shown that many near-fault ground motions possess prominent acceleration pulses. Some of the prominent ground acceleration pulses are related to large ground velocity pulses, others are caused by mechanisms that are totally different from those causing the velocity pulses or fling steps. Various efforts to model acceleration pulses have been reported in the literature. In this paper, research results from a recent study of acceleration pulse prominent ground motions and an analysis of structural damage induced by acceleration pulses are summarized. The main results of the study include: (1) temporal characteristics of acceleration pulses; (2) ductility demand spectrum of simple acceleration pulses with respect to equivalent classes of dynamic systems and pulse characteristic parameters; and (3) estimation of fundamental period change under the excitation of strong acceleration pulses. By using the acceleration pulse induced linear acceleration spectrum and the ductility demand spectrum, a simple procedure has been developed to estimate the ductility demand and the fundamental period change of a reinforced concrete (RC) structure under the impact of a strong acceleration pulse. 相似文献
Near-fault ground motions containing high energy and large amplitude velocity pulses may cause severe damage to structures. The most widely used intensity measure (IM) is the elastic spectral acceleration at the fundamental period of the structure (Sa(T1)); however, Sa(T1) is not a sufficient IM with respect to the effects of the pulse-like ground motions on structural response. For near-fault ground motions, including pulse-like and non–pulse-like time histories, we propose a vector-valued IM consisting of a new IM called instantaneous power (IP(T1)) and the Sa(T1). The IP(T1) is defined as the maximum power of the bandpass-filtered velocity time series over a time interval of 0.5T1. The IP(T1) is period-dependent because the velocity time series is filtered over a period range (0.2T1-3T1). This allows the IP(T1) to represent the power of the near-fault ground motions relevant to the response of the structure. Using two-dimensional models of the 2- and 9-story steel-frame buildings, we show that the proposed [Sa(T1), IP(T1)] vector IM gives more accurate estimates of the maximum inter-story drift and collapse capacity responses from near-fault ground motions than using the vector IM consisting of the Sa(T1), the presence of the velocity pulse, and the period of the velocity pulse. Moreover, for the structures considered, for a given Sa(T1), the IP(T1) is more strongly correlated with structural damage from near-fault ground motions than the combination of the velocity pulse and pulse period. 相似文献
We have implemented and tested a simple inversionscheme to retrieve source parameters of small andmoderate earthquakes recorded at close distances. Theinversion assumes that such events may be approximatedby a point-source shear dislocation, and the mediummay be considered an infinite space. Theoreticalseismograms used in the inversion include near- andintermediate-field contributions. The effect of freesurface is approximately taken into account bymultiplying the infinite-space synthetics by two. Thelocation of the event is assumed to be known. Based onan examination of the data, the user chooses thelength of the record and the weight of each trace tobe used in the inversion. The shape of the source-timefunction is estimated from the observed seismograms.A grid search is performed to determine the focalmechanism and the seismic moment which minimizes theerror between the observed and the syntheticseismograms. For two or more recordings, the inversiongives a solution which is consistent with thefirst-motion data and/or the moment tensor inversionof regional seismic waves. If only a singlethree-component recording is available then theinversion yields more than one equally acceptablefocal mechanisms. In such cases, the first-motionpolarities or a prior knowledge of the tectonics ofthe region is essential to constrain the solution. Thetest of the method on near-source broadband recordingsof small and moderate earthquakes in Mexico and theaftershock sequence of 1997 Umbria-Marche, Italy showsthat it gives fast, and surprisingly robust andreliable estimation of source parameters. 相似文献
对一缩尺1∶7的3层钢框架基础隔震结构模型进行了振动台试验,研究近断层地震作用下隔震结构的地震响应.在相同地震动强度水准下,含有速度脉冲的比不含速度脉冲的近断层地震波对隔震结构的影响大;随着速度脉冲周期与结构基本周期的比值TP/T1减小接近于1基础隔震结构地震响应增大;在有、无速度脉冲两种情况下,隔震结构地震响应均随PGV/PGA的增大而增大,且PGV/PGA大于0.2时含有速度脉冲的近断层地震波对隔震结构的破坏势更为显著;断层距可用于表征近断层地震波对隔震结构的破坏势;地震持时与隔震结构地震响应的相关度不明显;上盘效应会增大基础隔震结构地震响应. 相似文献