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This paper presents evidence concerning changes in regional economic disparities in the EEC. This is related to regional economic theory. Finally the role of technological change and innovation is discussed in the light of empirical evidence and theoretical arguments.  相似文献   

David P. Leech 《GeoJournal》1993,31(2):193-206
With dramatic changes in the international environment, and the resulting substantial defense budget reductions, defense planners are being forced to grabble with old problems in new ways. The intractability of efforts to foster industrial conversion, and the cumulative record of acquisition reform, are leading toward a consensus about relying more heavily on the commercial sectors of the economy to meet defense requirements. Carrying through with a policy of civil-military integration (CMI) will require a concept of economic security that is more internationally oriented than is traditional for the Department of Defense (DOD) and, at the same time, accommodates very real concerns about foreign dependency. New analatical approaches will be required to help focus attention on high-risk foreign dependencies. One such approach —the Foreign Vulnerability Index (FVI) — is developed here. Its strengths and weaknesses are discussed.  相似文献   

全球GPS矢量场的分区描述及规律性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马宗晋  张进  任金卫  李智 《地质学报》2006,80(8):1089-1100
以平均选择的GPS站点运动年速率编制了全球板块运动矢量场,从而揭示了以下几点规律:1从北大西洋洋脊东侧起,直至西北太平洋岛弧带,欧亚大板块总体呈现顺时针宽弧形运动;2从北大西洋洋脊西侧直至美洲大陆西边缘,北美大板块呈现反时针宽弧形运动;3从南大西洋洋脊东侧起,直至克马德克—新西兰一线,非洲板块和印—澳板块一并呈现从北东指向渐变为北北东指向的运动;4东南太平洋洋脊西侧太平洋板块总体向北西西方向运动;5东南太平洋脊东侧海底大小板块总体向北东东运动;6南美洲整体向北运动;7北极区总体向太平洋北缘运动;南极洲总体向大西洋区运动,并有分裂—对旋迹象。分析上述运动的分区展布,可推论以下几点运动动力学的认识:1拖动全球板块一级运动势态的地幔流可分解为由南极区向北的径向流与由大西洋洋脊和东南太平洋洋脊的东西两侧纬向流的二元动力联合作用,从而造成全球性指向北东和北西的斜向运动;2以重力大地水准面所展现的低阶双重非对称的地球,是引导表壳发育张裂洋脊带和汇聚俯冲带的力学条件;3沿赤道两侧不协调运动带呈现压扭、张扭的复杂变动除了南半球与北半球地幔流在运动指向和速度的差异而造成之外,还可能与地球质心的偏心和南、北半球自转速度的差异变化有关;4南极洲相对环南极洋脊的偏极分流运动还有待进一步研究。在以上认识的基础上,本文讨论了造成三大洋脊在全球表壳的分布、全球深俯冲带仅仅在环太平洋边缘带内发育、北半球和南半球的板块径向、纬向运动有整体性差异等问题的原因。造成上述现象是与地球整体的双重不对称性有关,即北、南半球和0°/180°半球的缩、胀和快、慢的双重非对称,而这种双重不对称性是地球内部物质的热状态、运动状态以及质量分布等原因造成的,我们认为以重力大地水准面所展现的低阶双重非对称的地球表壳,既是约束地幔流的上边界条件,又是引导表壳发育张裂带的力学条件,目前地球表面的这些一级构造因素并不是随意造成的,它们有着深刻的地球物理背景。本文还着重讨论了双重非对称畸形壳体的构造力学背景,根据GPS资料建立了地球热流驱动的地幔经、纬向一级对流格局。  相似文献   

Pierre Filion 《GeoJournal》2010,75(6):517-538
The Canadian urban system was first shaped by exogenous demand for staples and, subsequently, by the dichotomy between an industrial heartland and a resource based hinterland. Presently, transformations affecting the economy, policy-making and demography herald profound changes in the future configuration of the Canadian urban system. One possible scenario is a revival of the staples economy as economic globalization raises demand for commodities. Another scenario would entail a concentration of growth in large urban centres, by virtue of their attractiveness to specialized and high-order service occupations, two rapidly expanding economic sectors, and their strong pull on immigrants. In the case of either scenario, we can expect further polarization between growing and shrinking portions of the urban system (parts of the heartland in the first case and small urban areas in the second) in a neo-liberal policy context that is unfavourable to regional economic development interventions. The evolution of the Canadian urban system between 1971 and 2006 and present distributions of factors of growth and decline point to the second scenario, a growing large city-small city dichotomy. The article closes by discussing likely consequences of the resulting urban system configuration on labour market adjustments and public sector expenditure.  相似文献   

Copenhagen in Denmark and Malmö in Sweden were connected in 2000 by the 18- km fixed Öresund link. This meant that the time distance-barrier was reduced dramatically and that the land-sea bottleneck was eliminated. High-profile pre-bridge expectations of a new regional development regime towards a functionally integrated, bi-national region are assessed in this paper. The paper relates to the continuing discussion on development of border-regions and bi-national cities. Data on cross-Öresund flows of people and vehicles, together with data on migration and commuting, indicates a modest post-bridge shift in the development of functional integration. The Öresund Area development towards a bi-national, integrated, functional urban region is in progress, but the progress is much slower than expected.  相似文献   

Copenhagen in Denmark and Malmö in Sweden were connected in 2000 by the 18- km fixed Öresund link. This meant that the time distance-barrier was reduced dramatically and that the land-sea bottleneck was eliminated. High-profile pre-bridge expectations of a new regional development regime towards a functionally integrated, bi-national region are assessed in this paper. The paper relates to the continuing discussion on development of border-regions and bi-national cities. Data on cross-Öresund flows of people and vehicles, together with data on migration and commuting, indicates a modest post-bridge shift in the development of functional integration. The Öresund Area development towards a bi-national, integrated, functional urban region is in progress, but the progress is much slower than expected.  相似文献   

The recently created exclusive economic zones constitute windfall gains for some coastal states. However, windfall gains, such as the New World's gold for Spain and oil for OPEC, are notoriously difficult to transform into permanent wealth and income streams. These difficulties are discussed in this paper. In addition, a case study of the asset values of fisheries in areas of the NW and W Central Pacific Ocean is presented in detail. For nine countries, the changes in catch, both quantity and value, which resulted from establishment of the EEZ are used as estimators of the windfall gains.  相似文献   



The future economic role of European Marginal seas: The pontus  相似文献   

在分析勘察企业的实际应用需求的基础上,该系统介绍了基于C/S和B/S模式的工程勘察协作信息系统的系统组成、总体设计以及实现方法。集成了勘察企业生产经营的各个部分,全面实现了信息资源共享,分工协作,同时能够为领导决策提供辅助支持。  相似文献   

Indian economy is vitally linked with the monsoon because of its water resources. A large part of the country gets more than 75% of the annual rainfall during the four months, June to September.The production of foodgrains depends fairly closely on the amount and distribution of monsoon rainfall over the country. Further the generation of hydro-electric power from monsoon rain water has been traced over the last 20 years. While hydro-electric power constitutes about 40% of power from all sources, with proper surveys and planning additional hydro-electric power projects this percentage could, perhaps, be further substantially increased. The distinct advantage of hydro-electric power over all other types of power is that its source, i.e. monsoon water, is perennial, although it shows some fluctuations from year to year. The power of the monsoon winds at four and two stations on the West coast and in the interior resp. has been assessed on the basis of five years hourly wind data. The wind at New Kandla on the West coast has a good potentiality for power. The wind power could be used for electricity, grinding corn and drawing water. On the debit side, Indian economy suffers heavy losses due to floods and droughts almost every year.The population of India is increasing at a much faster rate than the total foodgrains production and soon the country may be facing a serious economic crisis. A large part of the monsoon water which is currently unutilized should be held at suitable locations for irrigation and possible power generation.  相似文献   

This article sets out to look at the different economic views about the issues surrounding the debt crisis. Section 2 defines the debt crisis and outlines the growth, nature and size of less developed country debt. Section 3 explains the international financial context within which the debt crisis developed. Section 4 looks at the crisis of the 1980s, compares it with that of the 1930s, and examines the likelihood and consequences of widespread default on debt. Sections 5 and 6 look at the differing views on where the blame for the crisis lies and what are the appropiate solutions or outcomes.  相似文献   

In this paper, a different interpretation of sustainable transportation, is introduced, in which sustainability with respect to transportation sector for the selected countries is evaluated. This interpretation characterizes “sustainable development” through “harmonic development”. It means sustainable development with special focus on transportation can be measured by the degree of conformity between environment, economy, and social aspects on one hand, and transportation on the other hand. The best indicator to perform such a measurement is elasticity. The database used for the study encompasses a series of national indicators for each country Seventy nine countries were initially selected for detailed analysis for the period of 1980–1995. The data have been extracted from centralized information sources of international agencies. The key dimensions of sustainable development i.e. social, environmental, and economic characteristics are used. Firstly, a set of sustainable transportation indicators is introduced. These indicators, which in fact are elasticities, show the relative change of non-transportation variables with respect to transportation ones. Second composite indices of three non-transportation groups with respect to four transportation modes are calculated. The composite indices are then aggregated by the Concordance Analysis Technique to achieve comprehensive transportation sustainability indices of countries, and according to these values, the countries are compared, ranked, and classified. Mathematical and statistical analyses of the database support the study quantitatively. The results for the selected indicators and countries show that from sustainable transportation point of view and based on the above-mentioned interpretation of sustainable development, United States is in the ranked first, and Sierra Leon is last among the subset of 79 countries with non-missing data. The results of the study depict an overall scheme for comparative assessment of transportation sustainability of the countries.  相似文献   

The idea of territorial integration can be seen as a basic concept in the recent, loosely defined ‘neoregionalist’ approach to spatial policy and planning. Lying between a social Utopia and various methods or doctrines of regional science, this idea has no coherent theoretical basis at all. This problem will be approached here from the geographical viewpoint, i.e. from the point of view of the concept of territoriality. This aim is to avoid abstract conceptualization and instead to arrive at a concrete reality, primarily the reality of the Scandinavian countries (as one of the intellectual contexts of neoregionalism). Instead of physical unit, i.e. territory, a more interesting starting point is to consider territoriality as a socio-spatial concept. Thus, instead of the abstraction of region, the focal point would be the locality as a basic element of the multi-level settlement and community structure, i.e. as the arena for everyday life (way of life) of a community. Problems of local interest may then be discussed in relation to national and/or class interests. Thus the basic dialectic opposition can be seen to exist between the structural realities of the global economy and local action. The essential intermediate level between them is the nation-state, while the region as a kind of subnational level is conceptually and strategically a problematic unit.  相似文献   



Interstate cooperation and environmental protection  相似文献   

This paper discusses two economic functions of the University of Wales Cardiff (Cardiff University) in relation to local and regional economic development. The first concerns its direct and indirect impact as an economic force in its own rights in the locality and the wider city-region of South East Wales. Through the application of impact analysis it shown that the University is responsible for generating a gross local output of approximately £100 million a year and sustaining over 3,000 jobs. The second aspect of the paper concerns the knowledge impact of the University and its contribution to the development of regional industrial clusters in the automotive and electronics industries, and enhancing the learning capacity of the locality.  相似文献   

In recent literature, projects are mostly seen as an efficient form of organization which is particularly suited for mastering tasks of high complexity and creativity and adapting to changing economic and institutional conditions. This paper challenges the assumption that inter-firm projects are persistent organizational arrangements of production in the advertising industry and presents a novel argument about the potential threats to forms of project organization in crisis situations. By exploring the cases of Frankfurt/Main and Leipzig (East Germany), we show that the organization of production is substantially affected by periods of economic crisis or political transformation. We demonstrate that inter-firm projects might be replaced by more durable organizational configurations or might not be viewed as viable options in situations of severe rupture. This applies particularly to the cooperative arrangements in the creative process and leads to an organizational paradox. Although creativity is often a pivotal force to gain competitive advantage, the advertising agencies respond to the challenges of crises by reducing cooperation with external partners to a minimum and sometimes fully rely on in-house personnel. This threatens the potential of the respective firms to develop innovative and creative ideas which would enable the firms to acquire new customers and market segments. Instead of trying to overcome crises by focusing on their creative capabilities, many advertising agencies develop a cost-cutting strategy and rely on more durable network-forms of organization instead of inter-firm projects.  相似文献   

Avrum J. Shriar 《Geoforum》2006,37(1):104-112
Many studies have examined the impacts of new roads in tropical forest frontiers. In general, these have led to substantial deforestation because they provide access to peasant farmers in need of land for food production and income generation. But few studies have investigated the impacts of improvements made to existing roads in frontier regions, and more specifically, their effects on the rural economy, land use, and land cover. This paper discusses the results of a 2001 study of these impacts, following the recent paving of the main road between Petén, a lowland frontier region in northern Guatemala, and the more densely populated highland regions of the country. This improvement, completed in late 1999, has yielded a major reduction in travel time between Flores, Petén and Guatemala City, the capital, from 12 to 14 h, or more, previously, to 7-8 h currently. The effects of this substantial change were examined through interviews and discussions with farmers, market vendors, and representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations in the region, and through analyzing the limited available data on imports to Petén from other parts of the country. The results indicate that to date, the farmers in the study area have not altered their land use patterns because the prices they receive from intermediaries have not changed, and no market for new crops has emerged. However, more agricultural products raised in other regions of Guatemala are now being sold in Petén. Therefore, producers in Petén seemingly face greater competition from those elsewhere in the country. This trend has important implications regarding the impacts of regional integration, and for the difficult challenge of improving agricultural and environmental conditions in Petén.  相似文献   

双重贝寒尔函数积分的数值计算   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
双重贝塞尔函数积分则由于贝塞尔函数互乘项的强振荡与慢衰减特性而以以应用通常的数值积分算法。本文将被积区间[0,∞]划分为[0,λ0]、[λ0,∞]两部分,应用贝塞尔函数的克尔函数表述式及后者的大宗量渐近特性,区间[λ0,∞]的双重贝寒尔函数积分可被转化为Fourier正(余)弦变换,并可利用各种快速算法对其进行数值计算;区间[0,λ0]上的双重贝塞尔函数积分的计算可直接应用一般的数值积分算法并能获得较高的计算精度;当需大量计算有共同参量的双重贝塞 尔函数积分时,其计算效率仍显不足。此时,可应用贝塞尔函数的导数关系式对[0,λ0]内的双重贝塞尔函数积分进行恒等变换,再用差商近似导数,将其转化为对贝塞尔函数本身的积分,而该积分又仅需计算一次。故本算法对双重贝塞尔函数积分的计算效率有明显提高。  相似文献   

Keith Hartley 《GeoJournal》1995,37(2):277-282
Abtract The environmental impacts of defence is a neglected and under-researched area for economists. This article presents a conceptual approach outlining some of the economic issues involved in the environmental impacts of defence spending and the activities of the armed forces. It reviews the economics and politics of externalities and then considers beneficial and harmful externalities and concludes by identifying some of the environmental costs of disarmanent.  相似文献   

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