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We study characteristics of long-period ground motions from the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake (Mj 8.0), a large interplate earthquake, based on spatial distribution maps and attenuation relationships for four kinds of peak ground velocity (PGV) value. The first kind (PGV(WB)) is obtained from a maximal value of vector sum of the three-component, wide-band velocity seismograms, and the other three kinds (PGV(BP10), PGV(BP20), and PGV(BP30)) are obtained from a maximal value of vector sum of the three-component, narrow band-pass filtered velocity seismograms (the central periods are 10, 20, and 30 s). The spatial distribution maps for all kinds of PGV value show azimuth dependence; the PGV values in Hokkaido, northern side of the epicenter are larger than those in Tohoku, southwestern side of the epicenter, when compared at a comparable distance. We find that the features result from the radiation pattern of long-period surface waves, that is, the source effect. The attenuation relationships show the following trends: The PGV(WB) values are larger than the sum of the PGV(BP10), PGV(BP20), and PGV(BP30) at distances (D) less than 200 km, while the PGV(WB) values are comparable to the sum of the PGV(BP20) and PGV(BP30) at D > 200 km. This indicates that the PGV(WB) values at D < 200 km are affected by ground motions with periods less than 10 s, while long-period surface waves mainly contribute to the PGV(WB) values at D > 200 km. The basin site effects generate a patchy pattern in the spatial distribution maps and a large scattering in the attenuation relationships for the PGV(WB) and PGV(BP10) values. Finally, we conclude that the PGV(WB) values from the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake are controlled by the radiation pattern of long-period S and surface waves and various basin site effects.  相似文献   

Large earthquakes at shallow depths commonly excite long-period ground motions in distant sedimentary basins, thereby inflicting damage upon large-scale structures. For example, the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake, Japan, damaged oil tanks in the Yufutsu Basin, located 250 km from the epicenter. Similar long-range effects were also observed during the 2004 earthquake off Kii Peninsula, Japan. In this study, we present the results of simulations of these earthquakes undertaken using the finite element method (FEM) with a voxel mesh. In addition, to examine whether the 1906 San Francisco earthquake excited long-period ground motions in the Los Angeles-area basins, we performed long-period ground motion simulations of most of the California region. The FEM simulations confirmed the importance of path effects for the development of long-period ground motions.  相似文献   

We have developed a community velocity model for the Pacific Northwest region from northern California to southern Canada and carried out the first 3D simulation of a Mw 9.0 megathrust earthquake rupturing along the Cascadia subduction zone using a parallel supercomputer. A long-period (<0.5 Hz) source model was designed by mapping the inversion results for the December 26, 2004 Sumatra–Andaman earthquake (Han et al., Science 313(5787):658–662, 2006) onto the Cascadia subduction zone. Representative peak ground velocities for the metropolitan centers of the region include 42 cm/s in the Seattle area and 8–20 cm/s in the Tacoma, Olympia, Vancouver, and Portland areas. Combined with an extended duration of the shaking up to 5 min, these long-period ground motions may inflict significant damage on the built environment, in particular on the highrises in downtown Seattle.  相似文献   

根据我国川滇地区的地质地貌特征、前人地质资料和2021年漾濞MS6.4地震的震源参数初步反演结果,建立三维速度结构模型,采用三维有限差分法对漾濞地震的长周期地震动进行研究.对实际地震烈度和模拟烈度进行对比,同时在区域附近布置了36个观测点,给出其中6个观测点的三分量速度时程,并给出所有观测点阻尼比为5%的速度反应谱,结果表明:(1)模拟的速度峰值已超过25 cm/s,与实际漾濞地区附近的烈度为8度吻合;(2)受断层滑动分布影响,速度水平分量在西北方向分布范围更广,衰减速度明显慢于东南方向,并且在极震区,东北—西南方向的地震动衰减也较慢.方向性效应对峰值大小及其分布范围的影响显著;(3)观测点速度反应谱的特征周期分布在1~3 s范围内,可能会因为共振效应对区域附近的大型建筑物产生较为严重的破坏.需要对漾濞地震进行进一步研究,以期对漾濞地震的长周期地震动有更为细致的认识.  相似文献   

There is a high possibility of reoccurrence of the Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes along the Nankai Trough in Japan. It is very important to predict the long-period ground motions from the next Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes with moment magnitudes of 8.1 and 8.4, respectively, to mitigate their disastrous effects. In this study, long-period (>2.5 s) ground motions were predicted using an earthquake scenario proposed by the Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion in Japan. The calculations were performed using a fourth-order finite difference method with a variable spacing staggered-grid in the frequency range 0.05–0.4 Hz. The attenuation characteristics (Q) in the finite difference simulations were assumed to be proportional to frequency (f) and S-wave velocity (V s) represented by Q = f · V s / 2. Such optimum attenuation characteristic for the sedimentary layers in the Osaka basin was obtained empirically by comparing the observed motions during the actual M5.5 event with the modeling results. We used the velocity structure model of the Osaka basin consisting of three sedimentary layers on bedrock. The characteristics of the predicted long-period ground motions from the next Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes depend significantly on the complex thickness distribution of the sediments inside the basin. The duration of the predicted long-period ground motions in the city of Osaka is more than 4 min, and the largest peak ground velocities (PGVs) exceed 80 cm/s. The predominant period is 5 to 6 s. These preliminary results indicate the possibility of earthquake damage because of future subduction earthquakes in large-scale constructions such as tall buildings, long-span bridges, and oil storage tanks in the Osaka area.  相似文献   

We constructed a prototype of the basin and crustal structure model for the Kinki area, southwest of Japan, for the simulation of strong ground motions of hypothetical crustal and subduction earthquakes. We collected results of the deep seismic velocity profiles obtained by the reflection experiments and seismic imaging results, which were conducted in the Kinki area. The obtained profiles give underground velocity structures of the crust, from the surface to the subducting slab. We also gather the basin velocity structure information of the Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, and Ohmi basins. To examine the applicability of the constructed velocity structure model to the ground motion simulation, we simulated waveforms of an intermediate size event occurred near the source area of the hypothetical subduction earthquakes. Simulated ground motions using the basin and crustal velocity structure model are fairly well reproducing the observations at most of stations, and the constructed basin and crustal velocity structure model is applicable for the long-period ground motion simulations.  相似文献   

利用中国台湾省内222个强震动台站以及Palert地震预警系统520个台站所观测的三分量加速度记录,研究此次花莲M_W6.4地震近场强地震动空间分布和衰减特征,将观测结果与美国NGA-West2地震动经验预测模型进行对比,揭示此次台湾花莲地震近场地震动的长周期特点,基于回归残差分析研究地震动峰值加速度(PGA)、峰值速度(PGV)和不同周期地震动的空间分布差异,定量考察近场地震动的方向性效应.研究结果表明:(1)整体上此次地震的近场PGV观测值和周期1.0s以上的长周期加速度谱值与美国NGA-West2地震动预测模型结果接近,PGA观测值和周期小于1.0s的加速度反应谱略低于预测模型结果.从空间分布来看,周期1.0s以上的长周期地震动在断层的不同方位有系统性差异,在破裂传播前方(震中西南方位),周期大于1.0s时的反应谱明显高于美国NGA-West2地震动经验预测模型,在破裂传播后方(震中东北方位),周期大于1.0s时的反应谱低于经验预测模型,表明此次地震近场地震动具有显著的方向性效应.(2)破裂传播的方向性效应主要影响周期超过1.0s的长周期,而对PGA以及周期小于1.0s的短周期地震动影响较弱.在破裂传播前方,周期1.0~10.0s的加速度反应谱值被增强到整体观测平均水平的1.16~1.52倍;在破裂传播后方,周期1.0~10.0s的加速度反应谱值被减弱到整体观测平均水平的0.36~0.70倍.(3)此次地震破裂方向性效应的影响表现出明显的窄带效应,破裂方向性的影响(包括破裂传播前方的增强作用和破裂传播后方的减弱作用)在周期T=3.0s时达到最大,在该周期破裂传播前方的增强系数为1.52,破裂传播后方的减弱系数为0.36.从周期T=3.0s到10.0s,破裂方向性效应的影响随周期增大总体上呈减弱趋势,这与2016年日本熊本M_W7.0地震破裂方向性效应的影响特点显著不同.  相似文献   

We studied the applicability of two types of existing three-dimensional (3-D) basin velocity structure models of the Osaka basin, western Japan for long-period ground motion simulations. We synthesized long-period (3–20 s) ground motions in the Osaka basin during a M6.5 earthquake that occurred near the hypothetical Tonankai earthquake source area, approximately 200 km from Osaka. The simulations were performed using a 3-D finite-difference method with nonuniform staggered grids using the two basin velocity structure models. To study the ground motion characteristics inside the basin, we evaluated the wave field inside the basin using the transfer functions derived from the synthetics at the basin and a reference rock site outside the basin. The synthetic waveforms at the basin site were obtained by a convolution of the calculated transfer function and the observed waveform at the reference rock site. First, we estimated the appropriate Q values for the sediment layers. Assuming that the Q value depends on the S wave velocity V S and period T, it was set to Q = (1/3V S)(T 0/T) where V S is in m/s and the reference period T 0 is 3.0 s. Second, we compared the synthetics and the observations using waveforms and pseudovelocity response spectra, together with a comparison of the velocity structures of the two basin models. We also introduced a goodness-of-fit factor to the pseudovelocity response spectra as an objective index. The synthetics of both the models reproduced the observations reasonably well at most of the stations in the central part the basin. At some stations, however, especially where the bedrock depth varies sharply, there were noticeable discrepancies in the simulation results of the models, and the synthetics did not accurately reproduce the observation. Our results indicate that the superiority of one model over the other cannot be determined and that an improvement in the basin velocity structure models based on simulation studies is required, especially along the basin edges. We also conclude that our transfer function method can be used to examine the applicability of the basin velocity structure models for long-period ground motion simulations.  相似文献   

估计和比较地震动潜在破坏势的综合评述   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
如何估计和比较地震动对结构的破坏作用,一直是国内外抗震研究中的一个至关重要的问题。本主要篇幅用于介绍这一领域迄今所取得的成果并作了简单的评述,并在此基础上,提出了一种可用来比较地震动潜在破坏势的综合评估法,提出该方法的目的并不在意去确定什么量更能代表地震动在潜在破坏势,而只是在考察现有的各种被认为能代表地震动的潜在破坏势的各种参数基础上,考虑采用什么方法才能更合理地判定和比较地震动的破坏势,为此本将通常作为地震动潜在破坏势的地震动参数分成两类:一类为直接由地震动本身得到的参数,另一类为地震动通过结构反应得到的参数,并分别对此进行了讨论和分析,在此基础上得出了一种在目前可认为是研究地震动潜在破坏势押送为合理的方法-地震动潜在破坏势综合评价法。  相似文献   

A method for generating a suite of synthetic ground motion time‐histories for specified earthquake and site characteristics defining a design scenario is presented. The method employs a parameterized stochastic model that is based on a modulated, filtered white‐noise process. The model parameters characterize the evolving intensity, predominant frequency, and bandwidth of the acceleration time‐history, and can be identified by matching the statistics of the model to the statistics of a target‐recorded accelerogram. Sample ‘observations’ of the parameters are obtained by fitting the model to a subset of the NGA database for far‐field strong ground motion records on firm ground. Using this sample, predictive equations are developed for the model parameters in terms of the faulting mechanism, earthquake magnitude, source‐to‐site distance, and the site shear‐wave velocity. For any specified set of these earthquake and site characteristics, sets of the model parameters are generated, which are in turn used in the stochastic model to generate the ensemble of synthetic ground motions. The resulting synthetic acceleration as well as corresponding velocity and displacement time‐histories capture the main features of real earthquake ground motions, including the intensity, duration, spectral content, and peak values. Furthermore, the statistics of their resulting elastic response spectra closely agree with both the median and the variability of response spectra of recorded ground motions, as reflected in the existing prediction equations based on the NGA database. The proposed method can be used in seismic design and analysis in conjunction with or instead of recorded ground motions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Wenchuan earthquake of 12 May 2008 is the most destructive earthquake in China in the past 30 years in terms of property damage and human losses. In order to understand the earthquake process and the geo-morphological factors affecting the seismic hazard, we simulated the strong ground mo-tion caused by the earthquake, incorporating three-dimensional (3D) earth structure, finite-fault rupture, and realistic surface topography. The simulated ground motions reveal that the fault rupture and basin structure control the overall pattern of the peak ground shaking. Large peak ground velocity (PGV) is distributed in two narrow areas: one with the largest PGV values is above the hanging wall of the fault and attributed to the locations of fault asperities and rupture directivity; the other is along the north-western margin of the Sichuan Basin and caused by both the directivity of fault rupture and the ampli-fication in the thick sediment basin. Rough topography above the rupture fault causes wave scattering, resulting in significantly larger peak ground motion on the apex of topographic relief than in the valley. Topography and scattering also reduce the wave energy in the forward direction of fault rupture but increase the PGV in other parts of the basin. These results suggest the need for a localized hazard as-sessment in places of rough topography that takes the topographic effects into account. Finally, had the earthquake started at the northeast end of the fault zone and ruptured to the southwest, Chengdu would have suffered a much stronger shaking than it experienced on 12 May, 2008.  相似文献   

伽师强震群地震动特点与震源机制关系的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1997年1至4月,新疆维吾尔自治区伽师县境内发生了7次6级以上强震群。在此期间布设了由4个临时台站组成的地面加速度观测台网,共得到6级以上强震记录57条。本文给出这次强震群的烈度分布图和震源机制,研究了这批强震记录的相关谱特性及其与震源机制的关系。此外,还研究了这些地震的地震动与宏观烈度的对应关系以及地震动随震中距的衰减曲线。  相似文献   

刘浪  李小军  彭小波 《地震学报》2011,33(6):809-816
使用70%和90%能量持时定义,计算了汶川Ms8.0大地震中获取的来自109个台站强震动加速度记录的相对持时,并以此在竖向及两个水平向上分别进行了回归统计分析,得到了地震动持时的空间变化关系,给出了适合汶川地震地震动的持时定义.对比分析了上盘和下盘2个区域持时空间变化特征,进一步计算了地震动竖向持时与两个水平向持时的比...  相似文献   

2011年3月11日日本东太平洋海域发生Mw9.0级地震,造成了严重的灾害损失,地震诱发了海啸,海啸灾害最终导致核泄漏事件.本文初步收集整理了日本强震动观测网获得的强震动记录,简要进行强震动记录的特征分析,并完成典型记录的频谱特征计算,为进一步开展全面深入研究地震动特征提供参考.  相似文献   

汶川地震强震动地面倾斜研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据三分量强震动传感器水平摆和竖向摆对倾斜的动力响应差异,利用谱比法计算出汶川MS8.0地震中近断层强震动的断层法线方向和平行方向的同震地面倾斜. 结果表明, 本次地震中强震动观测台处地面倾斜一般小于1deg;,影响频段主要在0.1 Hz以下,发生较大倾斜的台站主要在距地表破裂迹线30 km以内,在100 km之外或水平向加速度幅值均方根在200 cm/s2以下时很少发生0.01deg;以上的同震地面倾斜.总体上看,上盘区域的倾斜值普遍小于下盘区域,法线方向倾斜值一般大于平行线方向倾斜值.位于前山断裂与中央断裂之间区域的绵竹清平台谱比较低但平缓且频带较宽,可能反应了该区域的运动特殊性,而汶川卧龙台则显示了上盘边缘区域地面倾斜较大.逆冲段与走滑段台站倾斜对比显示,地面倾斜可能受局部场地条件影响较大.   相似文献   

2010年4月4日墨西哥Baja地区发生MW7.2地震,2人遇难; 同年4月14日中国青海省南部玉树地区发生MW6.9地震,截至2010年4月25日,已造成2 220人遇难.有报道指出,玉树地震矩震级小于Baja地震,人员伤亡却远大于后者,主要原因在于玉树地区抗震设防标准低、建筑物抗震性能差.地震造成破坏程度的大小并非仅仅取决于矩震级的大小,而同时与其释放的地震波辐射能及发震后造成的强地面运动的大小有关. 玉树地震释放的地震波辐射能约相当于Baja地震的10倍,目前玉树地震尚无实测的强震记录.针对玉树地震和Baja地震建立动态复合震源模型,分别模拟基岩上及浅层速度结构(V30,地下30 m平均剪切波速)下近断层区域的强地面运动.结果表明,基岩上及V30下玉树地震近断层区域强地面运动整体约相当于Baja地震的2倍.因此,玉树地震造成发震区域内建筑物损毁程度及人员伤亡情况均严重于Baja地震,重要原因之一在于其地震波辐射能大,且强地面运动较强.本文中所应用的动态复合震源模型,在地震矩守恒和地震波辐射能守恒的条件约束下,可以作为地震发生后补充强地面运动数据的有效手段之一。  相似文献   

利用日本K-NET和KiK-net强震动台网获取的距离发震断层100 km以内136个强震动台站的三分量加速度记录,研究熊本M_W7.0地震地震动的长周期特性.基于残差分析研究不同周期地震动的空间分布差异,将观测分析结果与美国NGA经验模型、汶川和芦山地震观测结果进行对比,揭示此次熊本地震近场强震动的长周期特点及其形成机理.研究结果表明:(1)虽然总体上此次地震的近场地震动水平与美国NGA-West2经验模型的预测结果接近,但周期2 s以上地震动的分布在断层不同方位有系统性差异,在断层的北东方位,周期2.0~10.0 s的反应谱高于NGA-West2经验模型的预测结果,在西南方位,谱值低于经验预测模型.(2)我们认为此次地震2.0~10.0 s的长周期地震动的空间分布差异主要受破裂方向性的影响,在破裂传播的正前方,周期T=2.0 s,3.0 s,5.0 s,7.5 s和10.0 s的加速度谱被放大到整体观测平均水平的1 4~2.0倍.从周期T=2.0 s到10.0 s,破裂向前方向的放大作用和破裂反方向的减弱作用均有所增强,此次地震观测到的速度大脉冲记录均位于断层的东北方位,这与方向性脉冲的产生机理相吻合,速度大脉冲对加速度反应谱有显著的长周期放大作用,放大倍数值可以超过4.0,放大作用的影响主要位于脉冲的特征周期T_p附近.(3)近断层记录在建筑结构敏感的周期(0.5~2.0 s)的反应谱达到芦山地震的3~6倍,虽然与芦山地震震级接近,此次地震近断层地震动破坏力大大超过了芦山M_W6.8地震,甚至超过了汶川W_W7.9地震,这种长周期特点应该引起工程抗震设计和相关研究人员的重视.  相似文献   

覃锋  徐龙军  谢礼立 《地震学报》2011,33(1):103-113
依据基岩场地上的汶川地震强震记录,分析了地震动地面峰值和核电站抗震标准反应谱的特性,证明了在推导和使用标准反应谱时所考虑的地面峰值加速度与地面峰值速度之比(PGA/PGV)受地面峰值加速度和震中距的影响,将对标准反应谱形状产生明显的影响.另外还发现了基岩场地的竖向峰值加速度可能要远比通常认为水平向峰值加速度的2/3大....  相似文献   

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